#anyways gonna go think about arthur following after merlin in the dark of night just because he can’t bear to see him leave for good
POV you’re a medieval townsperson in a poor village that’s being frequently raided and the only plan anyone has is for this one mom to go fetch her son from another town, but when she comes back, not only is it with her son- who you remember as this weird awkward kid- and two other women, but with the fucking PRINCE of an enemy kingdom. and after you recover from the shock of that, you realize that the prince and the weird kid are like……… really close. they’re always having private conversations and staring into each other’s eyes and you heard tell that the prince is sleeping on the floor of the kid’s hut? you remember hearing that this kid was the servant to the prince, but clearly you missed something along the way, because this literal actual prince who is here in your town won’t stop smiling fondly and making the world’s most obvious heart eyes at this random lanky teenager from your small village.
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daydream-believin · 3 years
warnings: swearing
a/n: if rott gave me anything it gave me this idea
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no sorry i haven’t seen bbc merlin don’t come for me i’m ignorant
we know douxie kept an eye on the human trollhunter and co
but douxie’s really having a hard time convincing himself he’s just doing his job
he’s actually enjoying this a little too much despite how boring staying in the shadows is
and he’s kinda worried?
so he’s got this bright idea: you know what would better help him keeps tabs? if he befriends this person
and so he does
fuck merlin’s shadows
sod the rules
ofc he’s very up front about knowing they’re the trollhunter and that he’s merlin’s apprentice
we wouldn’t want that to become a huge festering secret that eats douxie from the inside out until the inevitable reveal when merlin calls them both to help with the arcane order and they realize they’ve both been lying to each other’s faces for months/years and neither of them know if they could ever trust the other again, right? — phew *catches breath*
but before you know it, mr. casperan and mx. trollhunter are best friends
he’s basically the toby to your jim
and you’re very happy to have a best friend like douxie
he understands that monster hunting hustle
he’s the only person you can vent to and actually talk about what’s going on without sounding like a loon
and douxie likes being able to tell someone all his frustrations with merlin, since you’re also in that boat with him
you spar sometimes. it’s fun, but you’re very careful not to accidentally hurt your friend (he’s extremely careful not to hurt you or wound your ego by effortlessly wiping you out)
ofc, there’s the occasional, brushing of hands, faces a little too close together, accidentally winding up on top of one another, purposefully winding up on top of one another 👀 you know how sparring be
you and douxie are a duo. a duo who have become trollmarket’s resident troublemakers, to vendel’s exasperation
you guys tease each other a lot
you do a lot of stupid shit, cause hey, now you have magic armor and a magic sword and a magic best friend, did you think you wouldn’t get up to some shenanigans?
douxie is your impulse control and he’s not a very good one, as he’s just as bad
truthfully archie has the brain cell
and pranks? gods the pranks. you two are always either pranking each other or you’re teaming up to prank some other troll who said smth mean to you in the pub. vendel had to personally put a stop to it (read: chew you out)
doux thinks the world of you tho, you’re such a noble knight, and likes to tell people about how you’re a cinnamon roll, so innocent, so pure
and then they meet you and you directly contradict those statements
trollhunter: i’ve never done anything wrong in my life, ever
douxie: i know this and i love you
(spoiler: you’ve done lots and lots of wrong)
doux spends an awful lot of time slinking around trollmarket now, and he’s in the know for everything that’s happening
(no more being kept in the dark for this wizard apprentice)
and doux knows merlin won’t completely approve of this, but hey, it’s not like he’s helping and thus directly disobeying
really, he’s not helping you at all, it’s really fucking annoying
okay so mayyybe the occasional healing spell. you’ve got those puppy dog eyes he can’t say no to
but you understand his sense of duty, or whatever it is that drives a follower, technically being a follower of merlin yourself
you respect the old geezer (as you have not been turned into a half-troll yet) as a wise mythical figure, and as your best friend’s father
and what a perfect match you are for each other, champion and apprentice, mutually being screwed over by a guy you both think has all the answers
you and douxie help each other grow in your self-worths, that you two are more than the chances merlin has given to you
unfortunately, mortifyingly, you have caught feelings.
douxie has also caught feelings, and is saying nothing yep you have enough on your plate without him putting this on you so he’ll just quietly pine and suffer don’t mind him choking to death in the corner when you take off your helmet and throw back your hair
y’all’s problem really starts manifesting itself as protectiveness. you are really protective of your wizard and he is really protective of his knight
lots of things said that are Not What Friends Say but neither of you really want to be the one to point that out
lots and lots of i love yous that slowly get more and more serious until it’s not exactly platonic anymore
and it’s just really nice to have someone to get coffee (or your favored hot drink) with at four in the morning after a tussle with a troll
and that’s basically how you and douxie spend the bulk of trollhunters, just vibing
as much as you can vibe, with all the changelings and shit trying to murder you all the time
then merlin wakes up and shakes up your world
you are aware of your impending doom
you’re aware of it
merlin keeps looking you up and down like he’s mentally making up the measurements of your coffin
and tbh the idea of fighting gunmar freaks you tf out
and you’re supposed to win that fight?
you’re preparing for your nightmares coming true soon
truthfully you knew your fucking job had a 100% mortality rate
you don’t want to die with regrets
you spill
you spill all the things you’d wanted to tell him and how much he means to you and that you couldn’t bear it if you were a goner before he knew
miraculously, douxie feels the same and tells you all the things he’d been holding back and and what you mean to him and how much he wants to protect you, that you’re gonna make it, if he had anything to say about it
and everything is perfect for one night
now you have a real reason to win
not that saving humanity isn’t a big responsibility on your shoulders and definitely A Reason
but knowing douxie’s waiting for you, for the life you’ll build together after this, the peace you’ll both have, it’s absolutely a big motivation to give your all and come out victorious and survive
hahaha loser you don’t know about the arcane order
and then merlin uses your microwave to cook a weird potion
you and merlin are alone in the house, but there’s no real mind games necessary. you may have grown past thinking he was a god, but in the end, you’re still a follower of merlin, and if merlin thinks this could give you an edge, well, who are you to question his methods
doesn’t mean you aren’t nervous as your master hands you the bottle
yet you don’t even hesitate to drown yourself in the black abyss of the tub
whatever it takes amirite?
and now you’re a half-troll
a sexy half-troll, if you do say so yourself
yeah, no ‘i’m a monster’ angst here, you’re loving the power-up
you’ve got to treat it like a cool new power-up or you will cry actually tbh i lied about the no-angst thing a new body is disorienting
your only real concern is douxie
not concerned for long tho, he sees you and the first thing out of his mouth is “nuclear!”
and he senses your concern, so he does go out of his way to assure you that boy, girl, enby, or half-troll, he loves you for your soul, darling
also again half-troll! you is hot as hell so he’s not really losing anything here 👀
he makes sure you know that too, not to let any insecurities fester
him raking his eyes up and down you gives the opposite effect of the dread merlin sent down your spine doing it
doux helps out a lot more in the eternal night
like helps merlin re-defeat and re-seal morgana
he’ll do it again in few weeks but with a bigger role you know, this is practice
but now you’ve got to go to new jersey
douxie’s been instructed to stay in arcadia tho 🥺
it’s okay, you’ll see each other again soon
sooner than you realize
and until then you talk each other to sleep every night over the phone <3
merlins glad, actually. he’s glad hisirdoux found some solace. even if it is with the lamb he was raising for the slaughter. maybe things will go okay for them. the time map suggests it might be so
hisirdoux may have done things in a way he didn’t quite approve of, but that’s because he’s becoming his own wizard, and merlin is proud
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writings-of-dumpy · 3 years
George Weasley and the Girl in Ravenclaw: Part 6
A/N: Possibly my favorite part to write?
The Order was meeting for the final time before operation: move Harry Potter, and all of the members were in attendance aside from the boy himself, which George found odd.
“All accounted for?” Mad-Eye began in a gruff and stern voice.
“Aye,” the room said and everyone sat down. George and Fred sat on either side of Raven, and opposite Snape, Kingsley, and Tonks.
“The polyjuice potion is almost done, it’ll be done just in time for tomorrow when we move Potter to the burrow. Is everyone clear on their roles?” Mad-Eye commanded the room. Without giving anyone any time to respond, he rattled off, “Granger, Weasleys four through six, Delacour and Fletcher will all be decoy Potters and ride with a regular member on two thestrals and brooms.”
“Minus the mop, of course,” Raven spat in Snape’s direction. Snape sneered at her.
“You’re not making my opinions of muggle-borns much better, Barrie,” he said.
“Oh, boo-hoo,” Raven feigned sadness in a sarcastic tone. George and Fred couldn’t help but snigger, and George noted that Tonks had to bite her lip from laughing. Ever since Raven found out that Severus Snape was a part of the Order, she wouldn’t let up on him. Which was only fair given how hard he was on her while he was a teacher, and now that the three of them were adults, Snapes intimidation over them held little ground. George had noticed that ever since Raven’s night with Umbridge, her tolerance for Death Eaters and those who aligned with them waned thinner and thinner as the war progressed. If George wasn’t wholly in love with her before, he certainly was now.
“Yes, minus Snape. Hagrid will be taking the real Potter, so our goal is to distract and defend them. He doesn’t know much aside from Expelliarmus, fake Potters, so use that as best you can. None of this fancy wandwork, Granger—they’ll catch on,” Mad-Eye continued. Hermione looked slightly guilty but nodded her head. “Granger will be with Shacklebolt, Ron with Tonks, George and Lupin, Fred and Arthur, Fleur and Bill, and Fletcher, you’re with me. Barrie will tag along to the Muggle house as backup in case the potion doesn’t take too kindly to one of you.”
“The rest of you will be at the burrow making sure nobody without the codes gets in or out. Make up a question and tell nobody it. Clear?” Mad-Eye said. When everyone nodded, he adjourned the meeting. George was nervous about the following night and he could barely sleep.
In the dead of night, he heard small footsteps walking slowly towards his bed at the burrow. He whipped around and shone the light from his wand in the direction of the footsteps to reveal Raven standing before him with a worried expression. He lowered his wand and let out a breath before opening up the blankets and allowing her into his arms. She curled against him and rested her head on his chest and he wrapped the blankets and his arms around her.
“Can’t sleep?” he whispered in her ear. She shook her head.
“Worried,” she whispered back.
“I know…” he agreed.
“Promise me you’ll be careful, George. I don’t know what I’d do if anything were to happen to you,” Raven said after lifting her head to look at him through the darkness. George’s heart leapt to his throat and his eyes sought hers through the blackness.
“I promise I’ll come back to you,” George vowed with a hand resting on her face. “Always.”
Raven let out a breath and nodded. “Always.”
“Absolutely not,” Harry protested.
“I told you he’d take it well,” Hermione said as the order stood in Harry’s muggle aunt and uncle’s house.
“You think I’m going to let everyone risk their lives for me?” Harry continued.
“Never done that before, have we?” Ron teased.
“No, this is different. Taking that—becoming ME, no!” Harry said turning to his friend. George let out a breath and looked at Fred, and the pair shared a look.
“None of us really fancy it, mate,” Fred began.
“Yeah, imagine if something went wrong and we ended up a scrawny, specky, git FOREVER,” George teased. Raven shook her head to the side of them.
“Everyone here is of age, Potter. They’ve all agreed to take the risk,” Moody explained.
“Technically, I’ve been coerced,” Mundungus spoke up.
“Well, I’d be happy to take your—” Raven began, but Fred and George interrupted.
“No,” they said in unison.
“You’re too valuable, Ravenclaw,” Bill said with a wink, and Moody nodded.
“That’s not my name, you know. And while I have the floor, may I suggest… A car. A regular muggle car. He’d never see it coming,” Raven said. “Much less look for it.”
“We can’t be sure of that,” Arthur said.
“Can’t we, though..? Main transport for them is flight, but if we’re on the ground, cleverly disguised as ordinary Muggles, we may stand a better chance,” Raven suggested. Moody thought for a moment.
“And why didn’t you bring up this brilliant idea before now, Barrie?” he nearly barked at her.
“I think you know why,” Raven hinted.
George’s heart was racing. Did she honestly expect a Muggle car would protect her from a killing curse? He wasn’t sure about the trace’s specifics, but wouldn’t it pick up on a muggle car? George looked back in shock and concern at Raven, and he noticed Fred doing the same.
“Fine. I’ll have to have a talk at the ministry about including Muggle transport in the trace when this is all over but for now, change of plan. Potter, you and Barrie will go in a Muggle car to the Burrow. Hagrid, you’ll be extra distraction. Any magic you use tonight will be off record. Now Granger, as discussed,” Moody motioned for Hermione to pluck Harry’s hair.
“I canNOT let you do this,” George muttered to Raven.
“Too late now, you’re up,” Raven said as the fake Harrys fell in line.
George panicked. He couldn’t think straight. Up until now, he was under the impression that she’d be safe while he was out there. That he’d come home to her, and she’d be okay. But now, everything is uncertain.
“Hey. Always, okay?” Raven said to him with a smile in reference to their conversation last night. George nodded.
“Always, love,” he said in a low voice.
“For those of you who haven’t taken Polyjuice potion before, fair warning—it tastes like goblin piss,” Moody said as he handed the flask to Fred.
“Have lots of experiences with that, do you, Mad-Eye?” Fred joked. Moody simply stared at Fred with the same look he kept while speaking. “Just trying to diffuse the tension…”
George was handed the flask and took a large swallow, then handed it off. His face contorted in disgust and he suddenly was seeing the world in a much shorter height. His face felt tingly and it began to bubble and suddenly it stopped and before him stood a very stern and angry-looking Harry. He looked to his right to Fred.
“Wow, we’re identical!” they said in unison.
“I swear to fucking Merlin,” Raven said in an exasperated tone that she often used when the pair of them told a terrible joke or pitched a truly disgusting prank to her. George smiled and winked at her as she stood next to the real Harry.
“Not yet, you’re not,” Moody said and dumped a sack of clothes on the floor.
George was the first to pick up a red shirt. “Haven’t got anything a bit more sporting, have you?”
“Yeah, I don’t really fancy this color…” Fred agreed.
“Well fancy this: you’re not you, so shove it and strip,” Moody said.
George would have felt much more self-conscious if it weren’t for the fact that he wasn’t in his own body. Of course he had often dreamed of being naked around Raven, but he’d prefer to be in his own body and show himself to her, so he was slightly disappointed.
“I’m gonna go hotwire a car, I’ll be back in a moment,” Raven said and patted Harry’s shoulder.
“You’re going where?” the twins said in unison and looked after her.
“I’m stealing a car,” she said plainly and walked out of the muggle house. After a few moments, George heard a low hum of an engine coming to life and then the door open once more. Wands were pointed straight away at Raven, who held her hands up.
“Straight away with this? Really? Kingsley was watching the entire time,” Raven said.
“Anyone got a question only she’d know the answer to?” Tonks blurted out.
“What did you say to Umbridge on the night we decided to leave?” George asked.
“I called her a cunt and told her to get fucked,” Raven said plainly.
Tonks lowered her wand and laughed. “Did you really?”
“Oh, yeah. She told Malfoy to basically beat me to a bloody pulp, so I called it like I saw it. Car’s ready,” Raven said as she entered the house.
“Alright Mundungus, you stay close to me. I want to keep my eye on you. And Harry?” Moody said.
“Yes?” all seven Harrys responded.
“The real Harry. Where the devil are you anyway?” Moody spat with his eye flicking in different directions.
“Here,” Harry said with his hand raised as he pulled a pair of trousers on,
“You’re riding with Raven. Keep your head down, and be careful. Hagrid will follow above you,” Moody said. “Let’s go!”
George made his way over to Remus Lupin awkwardly. “It’s George here.”
“Alright, off we go,” Lupin said in a serious tone. George wanted one last look at Raven, but couldn’t find her anywhere and swallowed a hard lump in his throat. As he sped off with Lupin, his thoughts were clouded with anxieties and fears for Raven.
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swanqueeneverafter · 6 years
45. The Dark Swan, Pt.5
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Merlin's Tower. (Regina slams a book closed in frustration. Robin is there, along with a mute Zelena.) Robin Hood: “It's all right. You'll get it. Perhaps it's time for a spot of tea. Calm nerves lead to clear thoughts.” (Regina nods and Robin leaves. Regina turns to see Zelena rolling her eyes.) Regina: “You're here so I can keep an eye on you, mute handmaiden. I don't need you rolling your eyes at me. We need to clear the air in fact.” (Regina restores Zelena’s voice.) Zelena: “Ah! (Laughs:) Oh, there you are, my lovely voice. It's so... light and feminine.” Regina: “Enough. Now... let's have a little chat about you trying to escape back to Oz. Zelena... you know you can't take that child away from Robin.” Zelena: “Well can you blame me? You're going to take it from me. This child could be my only chance for someone to truly love me, and... you got a second chance. Why can't I?” Regina: “Why do you think we brought you along? Robin seems to think you’re worthy of yet another second chance, even after you threatened his life. You can't keep painting yourself as a victim. It's absurd.” Zelena: “A second chance, with Robin? You do realise I only shacked up with him to mess with your happy ending?” Regina: “Yes, and how was that supposed to work exactly?” Zelena: "Well, when I followed your girlfriend back in time, I managed to find the Author. We had quite the little chat, Isaac and I. Even back then he was already writing fiction. But, try as I might, I couldn't convince him to do my bidding and change your fate. Something else must've done that. Anyway, I did manage to get something from him." Regina: (Thinks:) "Like what?" Zelena: "Remember the page depicting you and forest-boy kissing? (At Regina’s look:) Oh yes. I knew exactly what to do with that. So, after I returned to the present as Marian, I merely had to wait for the right moment." Regina: "You put that page in Robin's bag?" Zelena: "Oh, absolutely. I thought that if you believed you were destined to be with Robin, it’d tear you up inside, make you question everything. And by the time you decided you loved Robin, I’d already be in place to ruin your chance at happiness.” Regina: “Yeah, well nice try, sis. But you clearly didn't account for my feelings for Emma.” Zelena: "Obviously not. Still, (Rubbing her stomach:) at least I got something out of all my hard work. You can tell me that life is fair all you want. All I can tell you is that I'm still seeing one sister with all the...” Regina: (Taking Zelena’s voice once more:) “Be quiet and listen for once in your life. (Zelena stomps her foot:) You forget who I am. The Evil Queen. I can be a far greater nightmare than you can possibly imagine. Robin believes you can change, so for now... my gift to you is a promise. I will make sure your baby is fine and loved and safe. But if you betray us again, the same will certainly not hold for you.”
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The Round Table. (Now clad in armor, Arthur shows David his selection of weaponry.) David: “Wow.” King Arthur: “I like to be prepared.” (They each take a sword. David turns and spots something.) David: “Is that... Percival’s chair?” King Arthur: “Yes. But no need for more apologies. A leader does what needs to be done. I'll find a man worthy to fill that seat. (Arthur gestures to the tallest chair at the table:) This is the one that will stand empty forever.” David: “I assume that was your chair. Suitable for a King.” King Arthur: “No. Mine is no different than the others in the same way that the table is round. Many of our order are kings and princes in their own realms. Nonetheless happy to sit shoulder to shoulder with the rest of their knights. No one of us above the other. Except for this one. This is the Siege Perilous. Reserved for the knight with the purest heart, the one destined to carry out the most sacred quests. It once belonged to a man I trusted more than a brother. But he betrayed me. It's been vacant since.” David: “Lancelot.” King Arthur: “You've heard of him.” David: “Well, all of you are kind of legends.” King Arthur: “Really? I shudder to think what our tale must be.” David: “Oh, only one of the greatest romances of all time. Your love for Guinevere was ripped away by your best friend, Lancelot. It's a tragic story that clearly had a happy ending. The two of you seem like all that's in the past now.” King Arthur: “Yes. Lancelot was a good man. The situation was difficult.” David: “I understand. Actually, Snow... Mary Margaret and I, we met him.” King Arthur: “You did? How is he?” David: “I'm... very sorry to tell you this, but we... learned that he died. I'm sorry.” King Arthur: “Lancelot failed to resist temptation, but he was a good knight. He tortured himself for his sins far more than I would've done. I wished him happy. Just not with my wife. (The door opens and a page enters, carrying a large trunk. As it’s placed on the table, Arthur opens it:) This... is our reliquary, containing sacred magical items our knights have recovered.” David: (As Arthur pulls out a burning torch:) “I've never seen magic like that.” King Arthur: “It's the Unquenchable Flame. Said to be part of the burning bush itself. This will light our path, and where we're going, we're gonna need it.” Brocéliande. The Forest of Eternal Night. (David and Arthur trek through the forest.) David: “What is it, noon? You weren't kidding about eternal night. I'm glad we have a torch.” King Arthur: “I'm glad we sent Grif home with the horses. These woods would make him restless.” David: “Your squire works hard, Your Majesty.” King Arthur: “‘And you don't thank him enough.’ I can hear you saying it even when you don't. You're right, though. I don't even have the excuse of ignorance. I was born a common man and I've been in service myself.” David: “You weren't born noble?” King Arthur: (Chuckles:) “I'm as peasant as they come.” David: “Shepherd.” King Arthur: “Ah. (Chuckles:) I can feel my backbone relaxing already. Let's stop with the ‘Your Majesties,’ shall we?” David: “Of course.” King Arthur: “As for my squire, I assure you Guin more than makes up the difference. Showering him and the others with gifts. She really is the kindest woman I've ever met.” David: “Sounds like my wife. When she decides you're family, she'd die for you.” King Arthur: “That's not to say Guin doesn't have her fierce side. With a bow and arrow, I've seen her take out the eye of a dove in flight.” David: “Mary Margaret could do that. She wouldn't, but she could.” King Arthur: “We should have a tourney. Get them to compete.” David: (Chuckling:) “Right. 'Cause I'm sure they'd love to be pitted against each other to let us feel good about ourselves.” King Arthur: (Hands David the flame:) “Here. (Opens a flask and offers it to David:) Then perhaps there are better ways for me to show off.” David: “You're a competitive man for someone with a round table. I thought the idea was you didn't want to sit above anyone.” King Arthur: “Someone who isn't competitive doesn't need a two-ton table to remind him to be humble. I know my weaknesses. Lancelot and Guinevere weren't the only ones to blame for what happened to them. I was a difficult man to live with. But I made a conscious decision to fix things.” David: “I understand that.” King Arthur: “This way.” The Lake. (They come to a lake and stand at the end of the bridge.) King Arthur: “Look upon that, brother.” David: “So it is real. (Uses an eyeglass to spot the toadstool:) Crimson Crown. (Puts the eyeglass away and steps on the bridge, which sinks into the water:) It'll never take both of us. I'll go.” King Arthur: “I'll wait here. Let the torch be your beacon back.” David: “Thank you.” (The wooden bridge beneath his feet creaks and cracks as he begins to cross. Halfway along, he falls. Picking himself up, David continues on as we see armor shining in the water.) 
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(Upon reaching the other side, David cuts the mushroom from the island, while the enchanted armor of slain knights rise out of the water. The armor attacks David, one piece of pulls him underwater. Eventually Arthur saves him by pulling David up.) David: (Gasping for breath:) “Thank you.” King Arthur: “Think nothing of it. It would appear you did it. Well done.” (Quickly they both cross the bridge to safety. David suddenly looks panicked.) King Arthur: “David, what is it?” David: “The toadstool. It's gone. Either the phantom knights took it, or it was lost in the bog.” King Arthur: (Looking back at the lake:) “We could search for it.” David: “No. It's gone.” King Arthur: (Sighs:) “The word ‘quest’ means to seek, not to find. It's the seeking that matters.” David: “You believe that?” King Arthur: “Not truly, no. If the finding is what makes a difference in this world, then that's what I want. I'm sorry.” (David ruefully begins to laugh and Arthur joins him.) David: “My father, he drank his life away. My brother accomplished nothing but evil. There was a time I thought I'd be different. Change the world. But I just... I don't want to only be remembered as the man who kissed a sleeping princess awake 30 years ago.” King Arthur: “I understand.” David: “You do? You're King of Camelot.” King Arthur: (Chuckles:) “Yes, some large rock decided I was a hero. Prophecy fulfilled. (Both chuckle:) But since then, I've had victories and I've had losses. And I've learned that it's the losses that require us to be brave. So, if anything will make us heroes...” David: “It's the never giving up. Even after a loss.” King Arthur: “Indeed.” David: “Well, we might as well get out of here. (Stands and offers his hand:) There's work to be done. And it's not here.” King Arthur: (As David pulls him to his feet:) “Good man. David, if you want to be part of something, do something that matters, I have a place for a man like you.”
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The Round Table. Night. (There is applause as David enters the room, followed by Mary Margaret.) King Arthur: (As David kneels before him:) “I dub thee Sir David of the Enchanted Forest. Now of the Round Table. (To David:) I know 'Knight of the Round Table’ is pale fire, indeed, next to the title of prince.” David: “No. I am beyond honored.” King Arthur: “Then rise, Sir Knight. Take your place.” (David moves towards Percival's chair, but King Arthur clears his throat and points to the Siege Perilous chair.) David: (Murmuring:) “Really?” King Arthur: “I never thought I'd find anyone I trust enough to fill that seat. But it's yours. (They cross to the table, Guinevere holding David’s shield:) It will bear your coat of arms. (They shake hands:) Not bad for a shepherd, eh?” David: (Chuckles:) “Thank you.” (As David takes his seat, applause breaks out again. As baby Neal starts crying, Mary Margaret steps outside the room, and sees a shadow move.)
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Mary Margaret: “Someone there? (As the figure steps into the light:) It can't be.” Lancelot: (Approaching:) “It is.” Mary Margaret: “Lancelot. We thought you were dead.” Lancelot: “That is a long story. But trust your eyes... it is me. And right now, my struggles don't matter. What does is that there is a terrible villain in Camelot.” Mary Margaret: “The Dark One. We know. It's our daughter. We're going to fix it.” Lancelot: “No. There's another villain. Arthur.” Mary Margaret: “What?” Lancelot: “Trust me. Camelot is not what it seems.” (Troubled by this, Mary Margaret stares back into the room where Arthur is applauding David along with everyone else.) Later That Night. The Round Table. (Arthur sits alone at the table as Guinevere stands watching him.) King Arthur: “Today was a difficult day.” (Arthur unwraps the previously concealed toadstool.) Queen Guinevere: “You lied to him, to David.” King Arthur: “And it brought me no pleasure. He's a good man. A noble man, but I must think of my kingdom first.” Queen Guinevere: (Placing her hand on his shoulder:) “Of course you must.” King Arthur: “That is always the burden of a king.”
The End.
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