#artemisia annua
Peygamber Süpürgesi
Peygamber Süpürgesi
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#ArtemisiaAnnua, #ArtemisiaAnnuaBitkisiHakkındaBilgi, #ArtemisiaAnnuaÇayıNasılYapılır, #ArtemisiaAnnuaÇayınınFaydaları, #ArtemisiaAnnuaFaydaları, #ArtemisiaAnnuaNeredeYetişir, #ArtemisiaAnnuaÖzellikleri, #ArtemisiaAnnuaTohumu, #ArtemisiaAnnuaVeSağlık, #ArtemisiaBitkisiNeIşeYarar, #ArtemisiaBitkisiNedir, #ArtemisiaBitkisiVeKullanımAlanları, #ArtemisiaBitkisiVeTedavi, #ArtemisininAntimalaryalÖzellikleri, #ArtemisininAntiviralEtkileri, #ArtemisininKanserÜzerindekiEtkileri, #ArtemisininKullanımı, #ArtemisininSağlıkÜzerindekiEtkileri, #ArtemisininTarihçesi, #ArtemisininTıbbiKullanımı, #MalariaIçinArtemisininKullanımı, #MalariaKarşıtıBitkiler, #MalariaTedavisi, #MalariaTedavisindeArtemisiaKullanımı, #PeygamberSüpürgesi, #PeygamberSüpürgesiBitkisi, #PeygamberSüpürgesiBitkisiNerelerdeBulunur, #PeygamberSüpürgesiÇayı, #PeygamberSüpürgesiÇayınınYanEtkileri, #PeygamberSüpürgesiFaydaları, #PeygamberSüpürgesiKullanımı, #PeygamberSüpürgesiNasılYetiştirilir, #PeygamberSüpürgesiNeredeYetişir, #TıbbiBitkiler, #TıbbiVeAromatikBitkilerBölümüHangiÜniversitelerdeVar https://is.gd/PJQPbe https://www.tibbivearomatikbitkiler.com/bitkiler/peygamber-supurgesi/
Peygamber süpürgesi (Artemisia annua), tatlı pelin, tatlı annie, tatlı bilge otu veya yıllık pelin olarak da bilinen, ılıman Asya’ya özgü bir bitkidir. Gümüş grisi yaprakları ve minik sarı çiçekleri olan bu bitki, yüzyıllardır geleneksel tıpta kullanılmaktadır.
Peygamber süpürgesi Faydaları
Sıtma tedavisi: Peygambersüpürgesi, sıtma tedavisinde en çok bilinen ve kullanılan bitkilerden biridir. İçerdiği artemisinin adlı madde, sıtma parazitine karşı oldukça etkilidir.
Antimikrobiyal ve antiviral: Peygambersüpürgesi, bakteri ve virüslere karşı da etkilidir. Soğuk algınlığı, grip, enfeksiyonlar ve iltihaplanmalar gibi durumlarda kullanılabilir.
Sindirim sistemi: Sindirim problemlerini gidermeye yardımcı olur. Mide bulantısı, hazımsızlık, şişkinlik ve kabızlık gibi durumlarda kullanılabilir.
Kansere karşı: Bazı araştırmalar, peygamber süpürgesi bitkisinin bazı kanser türlerine karşı da etkili olabileceğini göstermiştir.
Peygambersüpürgesi Kullanımı
Peygambersüpürgesi bitkisi, çay, tentür, kapsül veya toz halinde kullanılabilir. Çay hazırlamak için bir bardak sıcak suya bir tatlı kaşığı kurutulmuş bitki eklenir ve 10 dakika demlenmeye bırakılır. Günde 2-3 fincan tüketilebilir.
Hamile ve emziren kadınlar, peygambersüpürgesi bitkisini kullanmadan önce doktora danışmalıdır.
Alerjisi olan kişiler kullanmamalıdır.
Uzun süreli kullanımı tavsiye edilmez.
Peygambersüpürgesi, birçok sağlık sorununa karşı faydalı olabilecek şifalı bir bitkidir. Doğru şekilde kullanıldığında birçok fayda sağlayabilir.
Not: Bu makaledeki bilgiler sadece bilgilendirme amaçlıdır. Herhangi bir sağlık sorununuz için doktora danışmanız tavsiye edilir.
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clairehoneybee · 7 months
Sweet Annie - Versatile Aromatic Everlasting
Sweet Annie, Artemisia annua, is an herb I remember from the seventies and eighties. Intensely fragrant smelling green herb wreaths were made up in the fall from the cut branches and I would see them everywhere for sale at craft fairs and outdoor festivals. Wreath of Sweet Annie I kind of forgot about Sweet Annie for a long time until a volunteer plant emerged from my asparagus patch this summer…
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Médecine et remèdes traditionnels, remèdes traditionnels améliorés et tradipraticiens
Médecine traditionnelle, remèdes traditionnels, tradipraticiens, remèdes traditionnels améliorés : voici quelques termes que je souhaitais approfondir. En tant que passionnée d’aromathérapie malgache (entre autres) et côtoyant des personnes telles que Michel Pidoux, Didier Ramiandrasoa et Olivier Behra, je ne pouvais pas faire comme si je ne les entendais pas !  J’avais bien initié un article il…
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delgadomkt · 10 months
Melhore a imunidade e ganhe peso da tilápia com extrato de planta
A dieta contendo a planta Artemisia annua para a tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) modificou a microbiota intestinal da tilápia e melhorou a sua imunidade Estudos inéditos conduzidos por cientistas da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) e da Embrapa Meio Ambiente (SP) concluíram que a dieta contendo a planta Artemisia annua para a…
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tzatziki-boy · 2 months
I’m currently obsessed with Tú Yōuyōu 屠呦呦, the coolest Chinese scientist who discovered a drug against malaria by noticing an ancient Chinese recipe from 1600 years ago.
The ancient recipe instructed to immerse a handful of qinghao (Artemisia annua) in 0.4L of water, wring out the juice, and drink it all.
This was the winning recipe after reading through 2000 recipes and testing over 200 Chines herbs.
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alandiaspirits · 1 year
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ABSINTHE 💚 THROWBACK: Absinthe chinoise 🇨🇳, what’s that? It is actually the name of a different artemisia specie, artemisia annua. The old picture advertises a spirit made with artemisia annua instead of artemisia absinthium. We assume this ad is post Absinthe prohibition, because the spirit is advertised as a healthy alternative to Absinthe. Indeed artemisia annua is used in Chinese medicine for centuries. The ingredient artemisinin is a malaria treat. 🇨🇳 #absinthethrowback #absinthe #malaria #artemisia #artemisiaannua #artemisinin #absinth #absinthechinoise #vintagephotography #bar #belleepoque #alandia #alandiaspirits https://www.instagram.com/p/CkV9aclM--E/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lamilanomagazine · 13 days
Cuneo: nel Parco Fluviale il regno delle orchidee
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Cuneo: nel Parco Fluviale il regno delle orchidee. Presso la località Tetto Dolce, nella zona dell'alveo del torrente Gesso, oltre il viadotto della Pace che dall'altipiano porta alla Strada Provinciale 21, crescono 9 specie di orchidee, alcune delle quali risultano rare, rarissime o uniche rappresentanti della specie in Provincia. Questo spazio appartiene al territorio del Parco Fluviale Gesso e Stura, istituito nel 2007 dalla Regione Piemonte e di cui il Comune di Cuneo è "ente gestore". Ora il Comune chiede alla Regione Piemonte l'attivazione di una concessione demaniale su questa zona, per una durata di diciannove anni. Questo passaggio autorizzativo è necessario perché, una volta acquisita quest'area in concessione, il Parco potrà attivare ulteriori misure a tutela di questo habitat naturale, quali ad esempio l'installazione di sistemi leggeri di dissuasione all'accesso (massi o altri elementi fisici), volti ad impedire l'accesso all'area di mezzi meccanici e il posizionamento ai confini dell'area di bacheche o cartelli informativi con divieti e prescrizioni. La relazione tecnica che accompagna la domanda alla Regione spiega che "l'area è di grande interesse naturalistico ed è una delle zone meglio conservate nell'ambito del Parco". Nelle prime mappature naturalistiche, che alcuni anni or sono erano state redatte in collaborazione con le associazioni ambientaliste, era stata rilevata una sola specie di orchidea selvatica (O. holosericea). Dal marzo 2020 e nei periodi successivi, i prati hanno visto una massiccia fioritura di diverse specie, alcune rappresentate da centinaia di fiori. Oltre alle orchidee, tutta l'area, che si estende per circa 38 ettari (pari a 70 campi da calcio), è naturalisticamente interessante per i numerosi habitat che ospita. A beneficio di esperti e appassionati, si elencano: le macchie cespugliose di Ligustro (Ligustrum vulgare) e Viburno (Viburnum lantana), i boschi perifluviali a Pioppo nero e Salice bianco, e i boschi a Roverella, che qui assumono caratteristiche xerofile, integrandosi con le aree descritte come "xerotermofile a Sedum, muschi, licheni". Il tutto viene delimitato a ovest dal greto, periodicamente in secca. Non mancano altre essenze di pregio quali, per esempio, Biancospino (Crataegus monogyna) e Ginepro (Juniperus communis). I prati aridi sono caratterizzati dalle fioriture gialle di Achillea tomentosa. Si trova qui, inoltre una stazione di Parentucellia latifolia, una rara Orobancacea, e Artemisia annua, pianta medicinale non frequente. È stato osservato anche il Giglio martagone (Lilium martagon), probabilmente giunto qui dalla montagna in seguito alle piene del torrente. Fra gli animali si segnala la presenza, per esempio, di averla piccola, upupa e succiacapre, poco distante nidifica una colonia di Gruccione, e poi passeggiano caprioli, cinghiali, tassi, volpi e lepri. "Quest'azione rientra tra le finalità del Parco a tutela della biodiversità e dei territori dei fiumi e dei corsi d'acqua", spiega l'assessore all'ambiente Gianfranco Demichelis. "Sono contento che, grazie alla collaborazione delle associazioni ambientaliste e con il lavoro dei nostri tecnici, possiamo dare avvio a questo iter che ci consentirà di tutelare e valorizzare al meglio un piccolo tesoro naturalistico del nostro territorio. In attesa della formalizzazione dell'autorizzazione, stiamo già lavorando per allestire una cartellonistica esplicativa. Inoltre invito fin d'ora a partecipare al Trekking delle orchidee in programma per sabato 15 giugno per andare alla scoperta dell'area con il naturalista Dario Olivero alla scoperta dell'area."... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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oaresearchpaper · 3 months
Green Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles from Alternanthera Philoxeroides
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Iron oxide nanoparticles, notably magnetite (Fe3O4), have become widely used and a key topic of research due to their superparamagnetism and distinctive features. As a result, scientists are diligently looking into new uses for these nanoparticles. The choice and use of synthesis techniques are important variables that might affect the size and characteristics of the nanoparticles (NPs). The use of harmful compounds that are absorbed on the surface of the nanoparticles has been linked to a number of negative impacts of chemical production processes. The Green synthesis of nanoparticles has evolved as an eco-friendly method in response to environmental concerns, giving researchers the chance to internationally investigate the potential of various herbs for nanoparticle synthesis. The aqueous extract of Alternanthera Philoxeroides leaves and the precursors ferric chloride anhydrous (FeCl3 anhydrous) and ferrous chloride tetrahydrate (FeCl2.4H2O) are used in this study to demonstrate a green synthesis approach for manufacturing magnetite nanoparticles. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), vibrating-sample magnetometer (VSM), and UV-visible spectroscopy were used to evaluate the produced FeNPs. The presence of functional groups including (-OH), (C-H), and (-NH) was detected in the FTIR findings, showing that organic compounds had been coated on the FeNPs. A maximum absorption peak was detected in the ultraviolet-visible spectra of the aqueous media containing iron nanoparticles at about 330 nm. The magnetic characteristics of the produced FeNPs were verified by VSM testing. Numerous uses for these nanoparticles exist, such as waste water treatment, energy production, and others.
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Nanoparticles have seen an increase in demand in recent years, due to their use in various fields, including health, catalysis, energy, and drug delivery systems (Nam et al., 2009; Li et al., 2011). The physical, chemical, optical, and electrical properties of these nanomaterials are significantly influenced by the size, shape, and surface morphology of the nanoparticles. Various techniques, including physical vapor deposition, chemical vapor deposition, the solgel method, co-precipitation method, ultrasonic method, electrochemical synthesis, and chemical reduction of metallic ions, are used to create metallic nanoparticles (Horwat et al., 2011; Sobhani et al., 2011; Starowicz et al., 2006). These Syntheses frequently involve toxic, expensive, and unsustainable substances. Due to the simplicity of synthesis, environmental friendliness, and increased stability of nanoparticles, green synthesis approaches based on fungus, microbes, plant and peel extracts are currently being investigated (Balaji et al., 2009; Kumar et al., 2011; Sukirtha et al., 2012). 
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Because of their high saturation magnetization, Fe3O4 MNPs are simple to magnetically separate in an external magnetic field (Mohamed et al., 2017). Several studies have been done on the synthesis of MNPs using a variety of reducing agents, including hydrazine (Hou et al., 2005). Dimethyl formamide (Jian et al., 2006). Sodium borohydride (Cain et al., 1996). Carbon monoxide (Mondal et al., 2004) and others. The biocompatibility of MNPs is hampered by these highly reactive reducing agents, which also have negative environmental impacts. As a result, there are only a few bio-medical uses for chemically reduced MNPs. MNPs must be strictly biocompatible in order to be used in biomedical applications. Several research using plant extracts to synthesize Fe3O4-NPs have been successful. For instance, Artemisia annua fruit extract (Basavegowda et al., 2014). Perilla frutescens leaf extract (Basavegowda et al., 2014). Tridax procumbens (Senthil et al., 2012). Caricaya papaya extract (Latha et al., 2014). Plantain peel extract (Venkateswarlu et al., 2013). Grape proanthocyanidin seed extract (Narayanan et al., 2012). In the leaf extract, there are a number of polyphenols and acidic compounds available. These Polyphenols from the extract form complexes with metal ions and show both reducing and capping behavior for NPs Senthil et al., 2012. Also, these polyphenolic compounds are biodegradable, nontoxic, and water-soluble at room temperature, which proves that green leaf extract as an effective reducing agent compared to others (Latha et al., 2014). According to the literature analysis, no specific studies have been conducted on the synthesis of Fe3O4-NPs using the alligator weed Alternanthera Philoxeroides, which encourages and pushes us to work on this. We have developed a modified green synthesis method to prepare Fe3O4-NPs using green Alternanthera Philoxeroides extract as a reducing agent, a novel environmentally friendly technique for producing Fe3O4-NPs is suggested in this study.
Source : Green synthesis and characterization of magnetite (Fe3O4) nanoparticles using leaf extract of Alternanthera Philoxeroides for environmental applications
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sinophare · 5 months
Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine - PMC - NCBI
Artemisinins: their growing importance in medicine - PMC - NCBI https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2758403/
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turniok · 7 months
Artemisia annua - Die WHO hat Angst! (ich packe aus)
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shahananasrin-blog · 8 months
[ad_1] San Antonio'daki Teksas Üniversitesi'nde yürütülen son araştırma, binlerce yıllık bir bitkinin, Artemisia annua veya Tatlı Annie'nin, kanserle mücadele potansiyelini gün yüzüne çıkarıyor. Bu bitki, özellikle sıtma tedavisinde kullanılan artemisin bileşenini üretmek için geleneksel Çin tıbbında uzun süredir kullanılmaktadır. DOĞADAN GELEN KANSER TEDAVİSİ Artemisia annua bitkisi, artemisinin üretimi için doğal bir kaynak olarak hizmet ediyor. Bu bitki, geleneksel Çin tıbbında 2 bin yılı aşkın bir süredir sıtma tedavisinde kullanılıyor. Uzmanlar tarafından yapılan son araştırma, bu bitkinin kanser ve hatta COVID-19 tedavisindeki potansiyelini ortaya çıkardı. BİTKİLERİN TIBBI ARAŞTIRMADAKI ÖNEMİ Interestingengineering'in haberinde yer alan bilgilere göre tıbbi ilaçların yaklaşık yarısının doğal kaynaklardan elde ediliyor. Ayrıca kanserin karmaşıklığı nedeniyle evrensel bir tedavi geliştirmenin zor olduğunu ve bu nedenle farklı bitkilerden elde edilen tıbbi maddelere yönelik araştırmaların önemli olduğunu ekliyor. BEYİN KANSERİNE ETKİLİ Artemisia annua'dan elde edilen Arteannuin B adlı bileşiğin, glioblastoma hücreleri olarak bilinen kötü huylu beyin kanseri hücrelerine karşı etkili olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu bileşik, kanser hücrelerinin aşırı eksprese ettiği sistein proteazlarını inhibe edebilir. Bu da kanser hücrelerine karşı etkinliğini artırır. VİRÜSLERE KARŞI DA ETKİLİ Arteannuin B'nin SARS-CoV-2 ana proteazını engellediğini de gösteriyor. Bu, bitkinin COVID-19 ile mücadelede de potansiyel bir rol oynayabileceği anlamına gelir. [ad_2]
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jwpseditor · 9 months
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artrivit-obat · 9 months
Artrivit - Mengurangi Siksaan Sendi dan Mengembangkan Portabilitas Lebih Lanjut
Artrivit Audit Artrivit adalah perangkat tambahan bergizi yang mengaku membantu Anda mengurangi siksaan sendi dan mengembangkan portabilitas lebih lanjut. Berikut adalah survei Artrivit kami.
Apa itu Artrivit? Artrivit adalah suplemen kejengkelan bersama yang dibuat oleh organisasi yang berbasis di Selandia Baru bernama Promisia. Peningkatan ini bertujuan untuk mengurangi kejengkelan sendi Anda sambil mengembangkan fleksibilitas lebih lanjut
Salah satu bahan penting dalam peningkatan adalah Artemisia annua, sebuah rumah Cina tua tumbuh menghapus yang meminjamkan namanya untuk perbaikan.
Perbaikan ini, cocok dengan bahan normal lainnya di dalam Artrivit, konon meningkatkan tingkat penguatan sel di dalam tubuh Anda untuk bekerja pada kesehatan sendi umum Anda.
Bahan-bahan di Artrivit semuanya 100 persen teratur. Satu bundel Artrivit yang berisi pasokan multi hari (60 kasus) bernilai $ 59,97 USD.
Namun, Anda juga dapat menemukan perangkat tambahan yang dijual di situs web tertentu yang berbasis di Selandia Baru dengan harga serendah $ 28,50 NZD ($ 19,23 USD) untuk persediaan bulanan.
Bagaimana Cara Kerja Artrivit? Berbeda dengan beberapa resep bantuan bersama, Artrivit tidak mengandung daftar lengkap bahan. Semua hal dipertimbangkan, itu hanya menahan 150mg per porsi konsentrat eksklusif yang mengandung dua bahan: Artemisia annua dan minyak biji anggur.
Persamaan ini bekerja memanfaatkan campuran penguatan sel yang berasal dari polifenol dan campuran bioaktif lainnya.
Salah satu mata air penting dari penguatan sel dalam persamaan adalah biji Artemisia annua. Benih diisi di dataran tinggi di Swiss kemudian, kemudian, menuai menggunakan strategi konvensional. Pembuat kasus Artrivit bahwa strategi konvensional ini "membantu mempertahankan manfaat sehatnya tanpa batas."
Setelah benih dituai, mereka dipindahkan ke Selandia Baru, di mana campuran di dalam benih dipisahkan.
Sementara itu, polifenol dalam resep berasal dari minyak biji anggur.
Bersama-sama, bahan-bahan ini memberi Anda antimikroba, antivirus, dan melawan manfaat parasit, yang semuanya bekerja pada portabilitas sendi dan mengurangi siksaan.
Apa itu Konsentrat Artemisia Annua? Artemisia annua terpisah disebut apsintus manis atau sagewort manis. Ini adalah perbaikan kritis di dalam Artrivit.
Berikut adalah beberapa hal yang kita kenal Artemisia annua extricate sesuai pemeriksaan logis yang dilakukan sampai saat ini:
Farmakope Cina mencatat rempah-rempah kering sebagai solusi untuk demam dan penyakit usus
Ketika digunakan dalam obat-obatan Cina kuno, rempah-rempah siap dengan 4,5 hingga 9 gram produk kering
Salah satu campuran sintetis penting dalam Artemisia annua terpisah adalah artemisinin. Substansi artemisinin dalam Artemisia annua menghapus perubahan dari 0,02% menjadi 1,1% dari berat kering.
— Rempah-rempah mungkin memusuhi aktivitas pertumbuhan ganas. Dalam pemeriksaan tertentu, perbaikan ditemukan "secara fundamental menghambat angiogenesis dan juga untuk menggerakkan apoptosis", dan itu berarti dapat membunuh sel-sel penyakit. Fokus yang tumbuh di rumah dapat bekerja dengan mengagumkan pada pengobatan penyakit payudara dan leukemia.
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exilley · 11 months
could u imagine all of this happening to to you within a year
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[ID: Wikipedia screenshot. The text reads: In April 1735, at the suggestion of Sohlberg's father, Linnaeus and Sohlberg set out for the Dutch Republic, where Linnaeus intended to study medicine at the University of Harderwijk while tutoring Sohlberg in exchange for an annual salary. At the time, it was common for Swedes to pursue doctoral degrees in the Netherlands, then a highly revered place to study natural history.
On the way, the pair stopped in Hamburg, where they met the mayor, who proudly showed them a supposed wonder of nature in his possession: the taxidermied remains of a seven-headed hydra. Linnaeus quickly discovered the specimen was a fake, cobbled together from the jaws and paws of weasels and the skins of snakes. The provenance of the hydra suggested to Linnaeus that it had been manufactured by monks to represent the Beast of Revelation. Even at the risk of incurring the mayor's wrath, Linnaeus made his observations public, dashing the mayor's dreams of selling the hydra for an enormous sum. Linnaeus and Sohlberg were forced to flee from Hamburg.
Linnaeus began working towards his degree as soon as he reached Harderwijk, a university known for awarding degrees in as little as a week. He submitted a dissertation, written back in Sweden, entitled Dissertatio medica inauguralis in qua exhibetur hypothesis nova de febrium intermittentium causa, in which he laid out his hypothesis that malaria arose only in areas with clay-rich soils. Although he failed to identify the true source of disease transmission, (i.e., the Anopheles mosquito), he did correctly predict that Artemisia annua (wormwood) would become a source of antimalarial medications.
Within two weeks he had completed his oral and practical examinations and was awarded a doctoral degree.
That summer Linnaeus reunited with Peter Artedi, a friend from Uppsala with whom he had once made a pact that should either of the two predecease the other, the survivor would finish the decedent's work. Ten weeks later, Artedi drowned in the canals of Amsterdam, leaving behind an unfinished manuscript on the classification of fish.]
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botanyone · 1 year
Harnessing Natures Arsenal to Combat Invasive Gutenbergia cordifolia
Harnessing Nature’s Arsenal to Combat Invasive Gutenbergia cordifolia https://ift.tt/XnQh76j A new study by Sarah Mero and her team, published in Acta Oecologica, has uncovered innovative ways to control the invasive Gutenbergia cordifolia plant. By using natural extracts from the Artemisia annua plant, controlling fire regimes, and manipulating shade conditions, researchers have identified potential environmentally-friendly methods to suppress this invasive species, which could help preserve native plants and animals. Gutenbergia cordifolia is a problematic invasive plant in Tanzania, where it is rapidly replacing plants that local herbivores eat. Until now, little was known about its preferred environmental conditions and non-chemical control methods. Mero’s team investigated the effects of Artemisia annua crude extract concentrations, synthetic herbicides, fire regimes, and shade on Gutenbergia cordifolia’s growth. Zebras enjoy a meal and a show in the Ngorongoro crater. Image: Canva The results showed that high concentrations (75%) of Artemisia annua crude extracts significantly reduced the germination of Gutenbergia cordifolia by 25%. The extracts also suppressed the plant’s shoot and root dry biomass, seedling height, and leaf chlorophyll. These findings suggest that Artemisia annua could be a potential bio-herbicide for controlling Gutenbergia cordifolia. The study also revealed that medium temperature (60°C) and long exposure time (5 minutes) significantly increased Gutenbergia cordifolia germination. This is not good, but only brief exposure to extreme temperatures (≥150°C) was needed to suppress its germination completely. This suggests that controlling fire regimes might be another viable method to control the invasive plant. Moreover, high shade conditions also had a significant impact on Gutenbergia cordifolia. Under high shade, germination percentage was reduced to one-third, mean germination took twice as long, and shoot fresh biomass was reduced by half. Shoot and root dry biomass were decreased by more than a third, while seedling height was halved. However, leaf chlorophyll content remained unaffected. Mero and her team recommend using Artemisia annua as a potential bio-herbicide and considering fire and shade as suppressor tools to control Gutenbergia cordifolia. They also emphasize the importance of conducting in-situ trials to assess the impacts of these methods on native plants and animals before implementing them on a larger scale. In locations where the ecosystem is already in need of protection. Mero and colleagues’ methods of the potential of providing a herbicide that’s eco-friendly, except for the part of the ecosystem you want to remove. READ THE ARTICLE Mero, S.A., Ngondya, I.B. and Treydte, A.C. (2023) “Environmental factors and non-chemical methods to suppress growth of the invasive plant Gutenbergia cordifolia,” Acta Oecologica, 119(103913), p. 103913. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actao.2023.103913. The post Harnessing Nature’s Arsenal to Combat Invasive Gutenbergia cordifolia appeared first on Botany One. via Botany One https://botany.one/ April 30, 2023 at 03:00PM
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