#bc i so often see aggressive posts about hating people making villains into good people and i keep thinking i fall into that
ganondoodle · 2 months
i really need to defeat the fear in my head that i am exactly the kind of villain fan that the vast majority seems to despise and that once it becomes clear im gonna get hunted down like i have been before
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meggtheegg · 3 years
bucky my beloved 🥺
favorite thing about them
honestly, just how truly good he is. there's a lot of talk about the incorruptible pure pureness that is steve rogers, but bucky has been dealt the shittiest hand, like honestly he's endured several supervillains worth of origin stories and yet, he doesn't for a moment consider going in that direction. you could say he chooses to be good in spite of it all, but i don't think it's even a choice, because he doesn't consider anything else to be an option. it's just who he is, and it's something that, in order to temporarily change, hydra had to take him and his free will out of the equation, entirely, and even then, he managed to break free and fight back. he always rolls with the punches and then gets up and keeps going, and i feel like that part of his characterization is often overlooked between all the angst/tragedy and the shadows of steve and sam, who just happen to be two of the most overtly good characters in the mcu, if not in modern media. but there's a reason that both of them end up with bucky as their best friend. the guy may have gotten grumpy in his old age, but that core goodness is still there, and it's very telling that all of the villains in tfatws jump directly to appealing to that goodness, rather than the seemingly obvious (to an outsider) decision to use his past against him. (i know karli references it, but when it comes to direct action, her instinct is to "give him someone to rescue")
least favorite thing about them
this is less about him as a character and more about the way he's used, but i feel like the movies, especially since civil war, have used him almost entirely as motivation for steve, rather than a character in his own right. even after tfatws, it feels like there is so much that's gone unexplored, even though his story is, in my opinion, one of the most interesting in the entire mcu. tfatws was, ultimately, sam's story, and i wouldn't want that any other way, but i'm still waiting for something to give us character development and a plotline for bucky that doesn't happen 1: offscreen or 2: in the shadow of another character's arc.
favorite line
it would be very easy to go with either "who the hell is bucky?" or "i'm with you to the end of the line, pal," but those are very predictable, so probably:
Sam: Why didn’t you use the metal arm? Bucky: Well… I don’t always think of it immediately. I’m...right-handed...
i know it's a really simple line that doesn't carry a ton of weight, but it perfectly encapsulates who bucky is. his existence as an enhanced super-soldier isn't really at the front of his mind, because he didn't choose to be that way. when he's allowed to just relax and exist, he does so as a normal guy, and he still jumps to using his dominant hand when it comes to fixing the boat, because of course he does
i would honestly love to see him building a friendship/sibling-relationship with wanda. i could just see them so easily sliding into those roles, him stepping in for the brother she lost and her taking the place of the sisters that lived and died while he was hydra's prisoner. both of them have been through so much trauma, both of them have relied on steve to deal with that trauma, at some point or another, and both are grappling with how much of themselves they still are, in the wake of gaining powers they didn't necessarily ask for similarly, marvel, please let this man become a mentor to peter parker instead of dr. strange. peter needs someone who can relate to him, not just another tony stark, and who better than another naïve kid from new york who got dragged into a fight way bigger than himself and is now dealing with overwhelming, crushing guilt and responsibility that he's too good to neglect but that he never asked for, in a world where most superheroes had the privilege of choosing to become that way??? like honestly it's such an obvious match, and with bucky's history with tony and howard, he could give peter some much-needed insight, while peter could give him equally-needed closure.
never did i expect to want sambucky to be a thing, but i desperately want it to be a thing. it just feels right?? like he fits so naturally into the wilson family, and while i'd be happy to see him with sarah, he and sam have such natural chemistry and pairing two natural caretakers together would mean lots of support for two characters who desperately need it. also, he just...looks at sam with such love in his eyes that my mom thought they were going to become a couple, and she is very much in the "two men should be allowed to just be friends" camp.
bucky/tony. hate it. hate it so much. burn it with fire. these men do not like each other and their one meaningful interaction has been one repeatedly trying to...blast the other's head off. it's a nope from me.
random headcanon
honestly this is borderline canon, but this man is a nerd. he is a geek. a dork, if you will. he spent his childhood with his nose in a book, and would have gone to college (and a good one, too) to study some difficult subject and make a name for himself in some intellectual field, if steve's mom hadn't passed away that year. he was stuck with the opposite of steve's problem; rather than wanting to fight and physically being unable to, bucky was in peak physical condition and therefore expected to be tough and aggressive, when he'd much rather just use his head to get out of tough situations
unpopular opinion
while stucky sort of plays out like a grand romance and some of the fanfics are basically masterpieces, i'm really glad it didn't go canon and am honestly,,,,kind of glad for bucky's sake that steve is out of the picture??? bc as much as i love him, their relationship, especially towards the end, had a pretty serious power imbalance that was never really addressed. bucky would have let himself disappear in order to do whatever steve needed him to, basing his entire self-image and level of self-worth on steve's feelings about him. he and sam (whether their relationship is platonic or romantic) are much more like equals, and honestly more like pre-war bucky and steve, willing to poke fun at each other and have disagreements, because they deeply respect each other as full people, not idealized versions of someone who doesn't exist anymore. meanwhile, post ws bucky and steve often ranged anywhere from a hero/sidekick dynamic to a hero/damsel-in-distress one, and neither are particularly healthy for very long, no matter how much they love each other.
song i associate with them
known and loved - blue light bandits, joel ansett
favorite picture of them
nothing beats Cool Uncle BuckyTM
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saschagemruler · 3 years
Before you delete the message because I know you might think this might be a hate ask- it’s really, genuinly not. I came here to say I’m sorry. (I’m sending this through ask because I feel like maybe dming might be a bit of an overstep- or maybe just weird at this point, if that makes sense)
I don’t think you are a bad person. It’s not like you need my validation or anything- but that’s not my point— I made that post in haste. I saw the desc, and panicked and just wanted to warn other people, and while I’m not apologizing for warning, I am apologizing because I did it in the completely wrong way. There’s no excuse for how aggressive I became, or the tone I made it in. I read your response to it and yeah, you’re right, and I can’t believe I actually became a Notorious Tumblr User in the way I responded. I went to your blog (genuinely, not in a creepy way or like I was trying to get dirt) and I also want to apologize for the added stress I gave you on top of all the other stuff you’re going through. I’m sure you didn’t need that on the day of your test.
I’m going to delete the post I made. You don’t have to respond to this or become chummy with me, but I just want you to know that I’m sorry for the way I acted. And thanks, for pointing that out— I’ll have to fix how this site has made me react to things.
......imma be totally honest here I didn’t even get this ask bc I blocked you the day you made that post. Not out of malice or anything but because I was emotional and didn’t wanna deal with drama.
Before I go into a very long and rambly answer to this full ask:
No hard feelings dude ✌️ we all make mistakes and jump to conclusions, I’m a 16 year old who’s been on the internet since I was like 12-14 and I had this EMBARRASSING argument with someone over something so stupid and honestly that still keeps me up at night. Trust me you ain’t the only one.
Now the rambly part bc I cant help myself:
Again, I never got your ask so when I saw/heard that your post was deleted... I just kinda laughed my ass off. Not at you or anything, but at the situation. You see, one I was very emotional at the time and I was very relieved to not risk getting anon hate. And two, in the last two fandoms I was in, Hazbin (I know it’s controversial, I ain’t forcing anyone to like it) and Vilainous, where the main characters are like... extremely bad people. Which means the type of fanfiction content of severe angst is commonplace, and often sought out! So the whiplash is kinda funny to me because “duh. It’s a kids show and everyone is a good guy/goofy villain! Of course they ain’t gonna be used to me just... casually planning my best course of action to hurt the main characters let alone having me address real and serious issues in my writing”. That’s not an insult to rottmnt fandom btw, different fandoms have different preferences as a whole, rottmnt just happens to be of the kind where most people probably don’t want that type of angst on their dash.
And I can totally understand jumping to conclusions, y’all are probably used to gross stuff being put in the tags and after rereading my summary I got hit with the good ol’ “......shit this gives off the wrong tone”. So I actually thank you for that!
And I unblocked ya not to start up drama but because I was like “eh I don’t really need to block them”
So yeah, that’s all, thanks for the apology! And if you ever do wanna talk about rottmnt or whatever, my askbox and DMs are always open
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loonyoz · 3 years
You know I love punching racists as much as the next guy, but what I don't love is when that makes a “white savior”. I am by far not the most informed person when it comes to activism and social justice, but as someone with a love of storytelling it is something that has caught my attention. I would love to hear other peoples takes on this. Below I’ll list stuff about the Doctor Who episode on Rosa Parks but first I’ll put some links from TV Tropes.org for descriptions of the trope terminology I use. I might post more about this in another post bc this post is getting long.
White Savior: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MightyWhitey
Tokens: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TokenIndex
Award for Decency: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/WantsAPrizeForBasicDecency
Special Episode: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/VerySpecialEpisode
Doctor Who, Rosa (Season 11, episode 3)
Good things:
DW finally makes black history the main topic of an episode
They represent Rosa Parks, an empowering female POC
They acknowledge the difficulties and oppression of POC back then
Doctor Who has an impact on a large audience, this makes the importance of this episode increase because it can introduce to or inform the younger generations of a couple different aspects of Black history.
It is in classic doctor who style simplicity. Clear villain, clear good guys, clear threat, clear solution, clear ending. Its very reasuring to watch something where it can be so simple. Like in s10e03 when someones being a racist asshole to Bill (Pearl Mackie), the 12th doctor (Peter Capaldi) punches him.
Iffy things:
The simplicity is not accurate to the complexity of the real worlds problems. A black and white ideology (by with I mean a polarized alignment chart) in a story has its benefits and its negatives. If someone is ignorant and says something insensitive, its not okay, but it doesn't make them Big Bad Evil. People had a rough life then, people also have a rough life now. Victims can be strong and stand up for themselves, just as much as they need other strong people to help them.
The main character of the show, the Doctor (Jodie Whittaker)  is white, so even though she is not the hero with the main focus for the episode, as the main character, she’s still the designated hero figure. Where as Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Ryan (Tosin Cole) are companions and Rosa Parks (Vinette Robinson) only star in the one episode.
If all of the main characters weren't there (the Doctor, Yaz, Graham, Ryan), then Rosa Parks important moment on the bus wouldn't happen. Its Rosa Parks who makes the stand, and the diverse group of main characters work together it make it possible. Thats great, but ALL of the characters had to be on the bus, meaning the Doctor and Graham (Bradley Walsh) were not only important, but necessary for the black civil rights movement. That is the piece of this sort of unintentional insertion of white people into an episode of black empowerment that bothers me. Of course everyone should work together towards equality no matter race or ethnicity, but activism isn't just about stopping segregation and hate crimes, its also about how we portray different demographics in media and story telling that can have a huge effect on society.
The micro-aggressions of social interactions and social construction. One misstep in a media portrayal may not be a big deal, but it adds up. One story were a white person saves a black person isn't bad, its the ratio and the way in which the saving happens. Obviously creative content cannot abide by a ratio in order to provide equality and respect, but I think it is something often overlooked. It is the unexplained need for the insertion of white people in black narratives and it is incessant. Which is ironic, as I am white, and writing about a black narrative.
It is the only DW episode so far that focuses on Black history and racism, see the link I pasted above on the “Very Special Episode Trope”. Nothing wrong with that, but I don't like the idea that they can make one episode on this topic, get a pat on the back, and move on. Like “getting an award for decency” or “tokenism”. I actually think they did a pretty good job on avoiding tokenism with this episode, as it felt genuine and characteristic to Doctor Who. They do need to keep trying to portray black history, and I hope to see it go well.
I hope to hear responses from anyone! Don't feel like you have to read everything! Id be equal parts shocked and flattered if you did read it all. These are my musings on the episode, not set in stone opinions, id love to hear other people think! My one request is that you stay respectful as possible, and If I or other people say things that are hurtful, let me know bc I like to improve and communicate, and I don't like hurting people!
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sworntoprotect · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
My muse is:   canon / oc / au / canon-divergent (the mere existence of a post-canon verse is diverging from canon) / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. He started off as a tertiary character in the mage origin/Broken Circle quest in DAO, then ended up becoming something of a staple tertiary/secondary character in DA2 and DAI.
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. I’m not entirely sure how people feel about DAO Cullen’s appearance but DA2 and onwards he got himself a glow-up and an unwitting thirst trap reputation. What made ramen boy appealing in DAO for some is that if you played a female mage Warden, he’s “the one who got away”... because he literally booked it down the corridor if you got too flirty.
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. Perhaps? If you take a stroll through his tag, despite being a Templar, he’s not often portrayed as someone who’s fighting (*winkwonk*).
Are they underrated? YES / NO / IDK. Some in the fandom might even call him overrated, depending on who you ask. 
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. In DAO he begs for you to kill all the remaining mages in the Circle Tower, and you can accept or decline to do so. In DA2 he solicits a few quests and eventually sides with you to defeat Meredith. In DAI he’s the Commander of the Inquisition and a vital part of the war council. Overall, he’s there to provide a pro-Templar outlook for the character. 
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. He’s met every game protagonist thus far and had some level of personal/professional relationship with them. 
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. In DAO he was a newly minted Templar. DA2 he was elevated to Knight-Captain very quickly which got his name floating around Kirkwall, and of course by DAI he’s the head of the Inquisition’s forces so he’s even more well-known throughout (at the least) Ferelden and Orlais.
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. Both. The common people and fellow Templars would look up to him, whereas mages and pro-mage sympathisers would absolutely have an issue with the role he’s played over the years.
How strictly do you follow canon? — As closely as I can, without lingering too deeply into the “problematic views” part of his character. I don’t seek to erase them or ignore them, and I don’t have too much issue writing them for the sake of being genuine, but I also don’t want to write him as if he’s some mustache-twirling villain because he is not. 
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  Since he was 18 years old, Cullen has suffered and struggled through adversity after adversity (torture, sexual assault, brainwashing, night terrors, drug abuse, and a healthy spoonful of “all my friends are dead”), and yet maintained a soft heart underneath the steel wall of being a warrior. His goal since childhood has been to serve and to protect, and his self-awareness, loyalty, intelligence, and drive to make himself a better and more caring man is what sets him apart from others of his ilk who in his shoes would’ve broken a long, long time ago.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  — He’s a man who’s allowed atrocities to occur by not standing up to speak against them, has perpetuated the cycle of mage abuse by the hands of others, can be callous, closed-minded, and aggressive, and has a strong prejudice against mages that wasn’t properly resolved in his “redemption” arc – nor was his lyrium addiction/withdrawal.
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  He’s the type of muse I gravitate towards: bookish, devoted, protective, a softy under all the stone, endearingly awkward. More than that, though, his story intrigues me. Cullen has gone through a lot (he’s either the luckiest or unluckiest person) and watching his trajectory throughout the series has been really interesting. I’d like to provide him proper growth and development that he wasn’t entirely given in the games, or that wasn’t explicitly shown.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  My amazing roleplay partners with all the good work they put into their characters and the love they have shown me and my character so far. I love you guys <3  (<-- keeping that answer bc agreed)
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? i have my doubts sometimes, but i think i do ok. Still, I would love to have more feedback to see how i can improve even more. (<-- keeping bc agreed)
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF I write quite a few of them that never see the light of day, and I constantly and randomly sling little thoughts at my rp partners as they come to me. As for this blog itself, I’d prefer to have my headcanons evident in my writing, so I don’t post things about Cullen’s favourite colour or what he likes to eat for supper every night (and that’s absolutely no shade to people who do post headcanons that way; I honestly wish I operated the same way lol)
Do you sometimes write drabbles? YES / NO. There’s a few on the blog already, hidden in plain sight.
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO. Even when I don’t want to think about him, I end up thinking about him. But I like thinking about him, so...
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? I’m still fairly new to the fandom and I’ve been learning a lot about Cullen, what people think about Cullen, what Cullen thinks about himself and others, etc. etc. Plus there are other, more well-established blogs for him out there. I’m honestly surprised I got more than 20 followers tbh.
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / SOMETIMES. I'm my own worst enemy with this one. Like, I know I’m alright but I’m not good enough for myself.
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO / SORTA. Some things do bother me a lot more than others, but any annoyance I feel is pretty quickly done after I vent about it. Then I typically forget after a while.
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  I’m always open to constructive criticism that both highlights what I’m doing well and considerately points out what I could improve upon. 
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  — Of course! I enjoy delving into his character and wondering the “what ifs” of various situations that may or may not occur. And if we can write it together in a thread? Even better!
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  No one owes me an explanation as to why they have an opinion, but yes I would like to know why. Maybe I misinterpreted something, or overlooked something. Maybe I made a mistake. I’m human. It happens.
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  —  same as the above.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — It only bothers me if it’s directed at me. I fully acknowledge that Cullen is controversial and has a very contentious past (or present) that rubs a good amount of people the wrong way. You don’t have to like him, but I do take some issue with people purposely twisting facts to make him out to be worse than what he actually is. I’ve considered writing a post about it truthfully but I don’t want that unbridled hatred to come to my doorstep if/when someone who’s not a fan of him reads it. It’s not worth it. Might do it anyway though. I don’t know.
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  — Please do. Politely. English is my native language but I’m still out here making mistakes. smh @ myself
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  I’d like to think so, yes. I have a very high tolerance level for a lot of things, don’t get easily triggered, and I’m always willing to chat about character stuff or irl stuff or... anything, basically. 
tagged by: @orsino-the-enchanter tagging: did you read this? then it’s you
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