#because every single time they run into each other there’s a jl level threat causing mayhem
chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #50
The Justice League are investigating a series of accidents in a haunted newly-abandoned high rise, and call in Constantine to take care of the problem.
Danny is retrieving one of his wayward subjects from the same building.
Quiet murmurs fill the stuffy room as the leaguers sent to deal with the problem wait for Constantine to sort out their problems for them. One of the newer heroes shrieks as a door flings open and a white haired teenager all but struts through.
“Connie! It’s been a while since we ran into each other like this-!” is all he manages to say before John yanks him by the wrist and chucks him out the open window.
The heroes freak out, (their coworker just threw a child out the window!) and demand to know why he did that.
“Every time i run into him, without fail, something always happens!” The kid knocks on the window next to the one he was tossing out of, floating like he’d never even heard of gravity, and John lets out a string of very creative curses about the trouble magnet ghost king.
Half a second later, he’s just proven right when a hair raising shriek and a rumble like an earthquake shake the building.
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