#being actually horrendous im very proud so i got her that because its been a favorite movie for bith of us for a long time and we love
bugieeeee · 1 year
9, 17, 32, & 49 for the ask game :D
9. Whats sounds or scents calm you down
Putting my headphones on to listen to one of my plalist calms me down so much wich one depends on why I'm upset but that's like my #1 go to am obsessed with rain both the noise and smell and I really enjoy any scent that feels fresh
17. What's the last thing you ordered online
I bought a bottle of Tattoo ink..... and before that I bought some CD's for my sister and mom next I think I'm getting rocks
32. If you could dye your hair any color, regardless of how you think it would look, what color would you choose?
Green bc it's my favorite color it just realistically wouldn't look good I also want to do like a red and black but that's more realistic
49. What's your favorite thing to do when its raining
Go outside to just be in it then come back in and draw with music playing
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hello! i think it said ur matchups were still open, and ur characterization is super good so i wanted to send in a req for a dsmp matchup !!
gweh ok so: im new to adult life and it still hasnt hit me that im an adult even thought its been a good while since i became one. im she/her and im pretty childish, but in a "12 year old who just learned the word fuck" kind of way. i make a ton of poop jokes but im actually pretty funny and my comedy is one of the few things i can say that i have solidified my skills in. unfortunately i have a really hard time understanding social scenarios and other people's feelings. not in like a cute way where its endearing but in an annoying way where a lot of stuff that is very obvious flies right over my head, like when someone is clearly reaching out for help but they cant say it directly so i think theyre just being honest when they say theyre okay. its a double edged sword because while i cant understand someone trying to be subtle when they like me, its the same with people who dont like me and try to make me feel bad. a lady at my work tried to make me feel bad about my unshaved legs by saying she doesnt wear shorts unless she shaves her legs and looked at me VERY obviously trying to get me to give a response as to why i dont, but i thought she was just including me in the conversation so i said "yeah i like tie-dye shirts with red jean shorts"
i used to be a very very VERY mean person before i got a reality check that made me shape up and stop being horrendous, so now im a generally nice person. i can go too far with teasing to the point where it seems like mocking, though, so i need to work on that. something im proud of myself for is that i always make an effort to include people in stuff because i very much understand how it feels to be ostracized and purposefully excluded, as well as just overlooked or unintentionally ignored for no real reason, so i work very hard to include everyone in group activities and make sure everyone is engaging (if they want to, of course). i have 2 best friends and both of them have the same dynamic with me, and the best description would be like those anime duos where theres a short, loud, energetic class-clown and a tall, stoic, cool wallflower who makes all the classmates swoon (and im only 5'4" so you already KNOW which role i fill in that duo)
in minecraft i literally hate mining which is ironic because thats literally 50% of the game's title so all i do in multiplayer worlds is fuck with my friends and pvp for them when they want someone killed lol. like for reference all my friends have human skins of either themselves or their ocs and mine is a skin i made of perry the platypus in a diaper
that was rlly long so sorry if none of that information is pertinent LMAO ilu tho and if u took the time to read this regardless of if u reply thank u so much ❤😭🙏 ur so swag
After thinking for a little bit, I decided to give you ... Hannahxxrose! I believe that your childishness and her kindness would go together pretty well!
A . How would they show their love and affection? How intense would it get? - Hannah would absolutely drown you in plans and affection. She doesn't shy away from showing you that she loves you and adores you in any way possible.
B. What type of future are they planning with their lover? - Hannah wants to live somewhere far away from everyone else, in a forest, in a little cabin where you two could be happy.
C. What is the scariest moment with them? - Hannah has many times killed people she thought would take you away and used their bodies as fertilizer for her plants.
D. How do they usually act with their lover? - Hannah is very kind with you. She is very loving towards you. Hannah also loves to grow plants with you.
E. How would they court their lover before? - Hannah would leave a rose on your front door every single day with a romantic letter, telling you where to meet her everyevery dayday if you ever want to accept her feelings.
F. What's their favorite memory/thing in the relationship? - Hannah can still remember the day that you came to accept her love, looking as cute and shy as ever!
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