#bendy ftb spoilers
angelofthepage · 6 months
Hey Bendy fans, so Joe from ChairThatSpins hosted a really fun AMA with Adrienne Kress this afternoon! Fans of the Bendy novels had a lot of great questions, and Adrienne had a lot of great answers! Joe has very kindly uploaded a vod of the event up on his YouTube channel. Wanna know if one of your burning Bendy questions was answered? Consider giving it a watch! (WARNING: This video does contain spoilers for all the Bendy books, most notably Fade to Black.)
It was so much fun to be there live for this, what a fun way to spend a Saturday. XD I will continue to not be normal about some of the things we discussed.
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reanimationstation · 7 months
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ollietreetime · 7 months
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Hi Tumblr dot com [drops my Sorenson kids designs off on Tumblr and parachutes off a plane into the void again]
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ask-buddy-lewek · 7 months
Spoilers below for the new book: be warned ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Last chance these are pretty big spoilers….. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Is anyone gonna talk about how RIGHT BEFORE FTB came out, the meatly literally said none of the books are directly cannon - then the book goes onto explain the CREATION OF THE LOOP YOU’RE STUCK IN DURING THE FIRST GAME!!!
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theluckoftheclaws · 7 months
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you’ve been sufficiently warned
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I saw Henrylucination and immediately needed to draw gay old men pining.
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mickeys-malarkey · 5 months
Random thoughts as I write out my FTB analysis/theory and finally get around to translating the BATDR Archives into a list of reading comprehension questions to celebrate no longer feeling like I'm on death's doorstep:
I can't believe I didn't notice sooner that most of the Easter eggs in BATDR are from firmly inside the two timeframes I estimated BATIM & BATDR are actually taking place (1978-1991 and 1974-1992). 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I'm ashamed. But at least my parents’ 1960s-1990s nerdoctrination did eventually kick in and has served a useful purpose roflolol (*found a list of BATDR secrets while looking for a screenshot of BATDR Borkis & got distracted reading* “…wait a second— Back to the Future? Mystery Science Theater 3000—? Come here, Google. I need to check some things”).
Rose experienced Joey's window story in reverse on multiple levels and I adore it so much.
Everyone realizes that Archie Boy was never actually a real-world human, right? Cause he fricking spells out that he's a Child of the Darkness/Machine for us out loud with his mouth multiple times and Evan did not react to him the way he should've if the Real World Gent company was actually doing what he claims they were. 😝
Nathan Sr. 100% saw Evan as a threat for multiple reasons and failed at getting him killed, succeeded at getting him fired, and then purposely caused his death in the most traumatic-for-Joey way possible.
I love you, Wilson. I love you so much. You were trying so hard for almost the entire duration of this story but Rose just wasn't paying enough attention.
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angelofthepage · 6 months
If I had a nickel for every time a FNAF video got me thinking critically about Bendy, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. Today it's about how there's a lot we don't actually know in this series, and how maybe I need to stop driving myself crazy trying to figure it out.
So, this is where I reveal that I am anal about what I consider to actually be canon to Bendy, and that framing matters to me a lot. Like, if we're talking about The Illusion of Living for example, I will be very explicit in saying the canon is that Joey claims that Bendy was created by him, Henry, and Abby while sitting on the floor of his apartment. And that is the only thing that's canon, Joey claims this event happened in this way, but whether or not it actually happened in this way is unclear, since Joey perpetually lies to people throughout this series. Now, this is one of those events that I think he's telling the truth about personally, but no, all we have for the canon of that event is that Joey tells us it happened that way. That's not the same thing as "this is decidedly what happened". And this goes for every character, these characters are not guaranteed to be telling a truthful or accurate version of events at any time, some of them have reasons to either purposely abstract the truth, or unreliable memories due to the horrors of this world affecting their minds. I feel this VERY strongly with the books especially, because we know most of them have a lot of mental stuff going on because of the ink, but it's not just them. Look at Sammy and Susie, look at Tom, look at Wally and how charming but suspicious he is in what he knows. This series has VERY FEW reliable narrators, there is so much you have to interpret in order to get anywhere with it. So when people tell me something is "canon," I am immediately skeptical and want to know what their source is. Can't take anything at face value.
And the thing is, when you look at the canon through this lens, it is exhausting, technicalities will become the bane of your existence. This week I went back to some of the books with some friends, and the descriptions for Brant and Archie in TLO and FTB don't entirely line up with them being lost ones specifically as ink monsters (thank you Victor @reanimationstation for pointing that out and for the Sammy take that will follow here, I was so caught up in the moment I missed it on my first read-through). I feel like that's the intent with them, at the very least I feel like that's the intent with Brant because his book is literally titled "The Lost Ones", but the skeletal structure, the glowing eyes, things I would consider to be KEY FEATURES of that kind of monster are missing from their descriptions, and it leaves me with a lot of questions about what they actually are and what creatures they DO line up with. And I'm fascinated by the possibilities, because it creates a lot of fun options for fan interpretations, like making Archie a similar creature to Sammy to further unite their common threads (like why is Sammy the only character built the way he is??), or developing a new creature altogether. It is also frustrating from a theorizing standpoint because I can't say either of them are lost ones definitively, that's not the canon. They are ink monsters with x features, that is all we know, anything else is putting a label on them without knowing all the ingredients that make them up. I think Brant is probably a lost one, but I can't say that's the canon, that's something I've inferred and interpreted from the information available, which isn't a complete picture.
I want to do more with theorizing, but I think, I just wanna let myself have fun for a bit too, and not care about the canon by my usual high standards. I wanna go be a little indulgent with letting the hallucinations from Fade to Black exist as real creatures, even though there isn't enough evidence to say whether they are or not. I wanna play with the glasses more. I want to overthink about how Wilson may have used the glasses to enter and exit the studio as a possible "in" for Dark Revival. (Frankly Fade to Black has me asking a LOT of questions about Wilson that I want to mess around with.) I want to think about how Memory Joey, and how he might believe Henry and Allison are clones wholeheartedly, but he might have been fed bad information that he believes to be true (I don't think he'd intentionally lie to Audrey, but he is liable to be misinformed, he's a Joey after all). I want to contemplate "what ifs" that don't have to be based on completely factual things. I want hypotheticals. Maybe I just want to write fanfiction! X'''D Isn't that all theorizing is, fanfiction you're trying to validate with the canon? Like hell if I know!
There is a time and place for being anal about the canon I think. Establishing a timeline or a baseline of our factual information is useful and can inform a great deal of things, and it also gives you some room to anticipate where changes might occur if something gets revealed as a new twist or retconned in the future. Maybe that's just me, trying to justify things and make them fit within my view of this world (which let's be real, we all do it, I'm just hard on myself for it). But sometimes, you gotta let go. Sometimes you gotta let yourself be a little silly, maybe a bit unhinged. Sometimes you have to say, fuck it, maybe the hallucination of Henry from FTB becomes Borkis and writes golden ink messages for Cyclebreaker Henry to find. It's out there, it's stupid, but damn is it fun to consider based on nothing at all. Sometimes you get to ask if Keepers have souls for shits and giggles.
Maybe I need to stop framing theorizing as "solving the canon". Maybe we all could stand to have more fun playing with the world. And maybe we could stop calling things "canon" and debating the "canon" and just, enjoy the ride regardless of the canon. Because ultimately, it is frustrating to argue about the canon, especially for a series like Bendy where half the fun is from getting interpretative with it. Part of the fun is creating the story, using your imagination with the pieces the story gives us. And we're not always gonna agree on what kind of story this is or what's valuable about it, nor what direction it should go in or what is the best way to tell it. That's a huge part of enjoying stories, you're not supposed to all get the same takeaway from it. Bendy's story means different things to different people. And that's part of the beauty of it. And maybe, I need to be a little nicer to myself about it. Maybe I need to go learn to play again.
Maybe I need to learn not to take things so seriously. ^^''''
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angelofthepage · 4 months
So you know Fade to Black? You know how we get Evan? I have had so much brain rot over Evan (that friends keep enabling), I freaking love Evan. He's like if Sammy Lawrence was a Gent guy instead of the music guy, except younger and a little less mature. Anyway I know Evan dies at the end of Fade to Black ala the ink demon being a hungry hungry hippo, but like...what if I wrote him as a Keeper? As a treat, for me? I say this like I haven't been doing this for months, but I've been doing this. For months. And it is so fun. He is a silly little science gremlin that is going to get into so many unethical experiments that backfire on him, and I love him. I'm currently playing with stuff for a fic where he's got some memory loss and doesn't realize who he was or what he used to do, but he keeps having these dreams about Rose looking for him, no clue who she is. And it's just -chef's kiss- so tasty. I ought to write out a sequence or something.
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angelofthepage · 7 months
Hey folks, getting some reports from Twitter that some people have gotten their hands on the new Bendy book, Fade to Black, early. For context, it doesn't release until October 3rd, today is September 19th, and I've seen at least two people who have it in their hands now.
So if you didn't have tags for it blocked or muted, this is a reminder to do so if you don't want to be spoiled! Please use spoiler tags and read mores when talking about it so those of us that want to be surprised can be surprised! Please give your followers a heads up if you're gonna be posting spoilers without tagging so they can plan appropriately what they want to do.
For myself, I do not want any spoilers whatsoever. I don't want to know about specific events or characters, I don't want anyone's general impressions of the book, don't tag me or DM me anything, don't send stuff to my ask box. I want to go in as blind as possible because that's enjoyable for me. But most of all, do not tell me how the book ends or the major plot twists before or the day of release. That's what happened to me with DCTL, and it's why I'm so rigid about spoilers. If you cross any of my boundaries about this, you are getting blocked, you have been warned. This is something I've looked forward to for a long time, and I will likely become scarce on Twitter and maybe here to avoid it, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't aim to be considerate of everyone else here. I will make a post when I'm okay to talk about spoilers, and it will be abundantly clear when I'm ready to geek out with all of you (which I'm looking forward to, that'll be fun!).
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Hope you all have a great time reading when the book is available to everyone!
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angelofthepage · 6 months
24 Bendy Questions/Opinions!
So user BeninjaLIVE over on Twitter has this Bendy thread happening that asks a bunch of opinion questions, and you know what? I'm feeling a little playful tonight, so we're gonna answer them here. If you didn't have a baseline of where I stand as a Bendy fan before, well here you go!
1. Which is your favorite game? feel free to say any of the unreleased ones too!
See this is already hard. XD I really love the original BATIM for its story and characters, definitely my favorite story, but I've enjoyed the experience of Dark Revival a ton too. I've probably been exposed to it more times as a result of friends casually booting it up to play in calls, and the fan service for the original was great, Chapter 4 still breaks my heart. But I am a lot harder on its storytelling since, I don't think it did as good of a job as Ink Machine, especially in terms of how fleshed out its characters were. So I guess, Dark Revival for overall experience.
2. out of all the games, Which Character is your favorite?
I think my answer is still a tie between Sammy and Malice. XD They are my beloveds.
3. Which character installs the most fear / is the most horrific?
That depends on the context! From a gameplay perspective? Carley scares the crap out of me (I love you ghost girl, I want to give you a cookie, even though you're mean to us). From a writing perspective? The ink demon is pretty horrifying both in that he's this terrifying monster and was horribly mistreated within his backstory. A victim turned predator.
4. If you were in charge of directing the new Bendy game, what would change? (new features, new characters, changed gameplay, etc)
This is a dangerous question to ask me. X'''D I would put more focus on story and have more time spent with characters so that we get to know them and care about them a bit more. If we're specifically talking about The Cage, I want more of Sammy and Joey (and Boris, I would kill for a Boris reunion). I want to get to know them (if we're continuing the "Joey Drew learning to be a better person arc" I want him to try and be kinder to Henry and mess it up in his own Joey way). I want to know Henry's feelings about what he's going through. But most importantly, I would be putting Archie Carter, Evan, Buddy Lewek, Constance Gray, and/or Abby Lambert in this game. It doesn't have to be big, but for the love of all that is good and Bendy, PLEASE give us a book character cameo in this game, I beg of thee Meatly! We literally just had a book release involving a ton of Gent stuff, please give us an audiolog from one of these guys while going through the horrors of it, I would be SO HYPED for that!
5. What is your LEAST Favorite Character
This is the silliest thing, but there's only one Bendy character I actively dislike, and it's that puppet in the mop bucket from the prologue of BATDR. That thing creeps me out. I'm so sorry. ^^''''
6. smash or pass the ink demon
Neither, I'm extremely ace and not here for smashing, but I'm not passing up on interacting with him. I'm instead inviting him over for some cookies and hot cocoa.
7. Opinions on Bendy and the Dark Revival? this goes for gameplay, lore, characters, everything.
Already covered this one earlier, but to reiterate, I like it! I just wish we spent more time with the characters. I do have some issues with the way the story was handled. As much as I loved Chapter 4, I do kind of wish we got the reveal that Audrey was the daughter of Drew sooner, or at the very least, gave her more time/scenes to grapple with it. Because love the ending as I might, Joey's speech about her being born of darkness just, doesn't hit for me when she doesn't seem to feel that way about herself at any point? Like we see her struggle with it once and then never again, it needed some more build up and punch. But overall? I loved it. I loved this cast, I love the atmosphere and locations, I loved the expansion of the ink demon's character, Memory Joey was a hit despite doing some things that kind of lessen the horror of the previous game, and Twisted Alice, as nonsensical as her plan was, was such a treat, I was so glad to have her back and have her be such a menace. XD
8. Do you have high hopes for any new bendy games? (mainly Bendy - The Cage)
I have a reasonable level of optimism and curiosity! I'm sure it'll be an interesting entry. Curious how they'll handle more disturbing horror after how disturbing the last game was. I'm trying not to expect too much, going in with fewer expectations makes for a better experience for me personally.
9. How did you feel about BATIM's ending when it first came out?
Mostly confused, but really excited that Henry didn't die. X'''D No joke, when Chapter 5 first came out, I was so freaking anxious about what was gonna happen. A friend got on call and watched a playthrough with me so I didn't like lose my entire cool. X'''D Still one of my fondest memories in this fandom. The ending wasn't everything I hoped for, but I still appreciate it and the rest of Chapter 5 as a result of the experiences I had with friends during it.
10. looking back on it now, how do you feel about Chapter 3 of BATIM?
When the original came out, it needed some balance and bug testing badly. But in its current state? It's not as bad as people make it out to be, but it is tedious. I get so lost in it as someone who's directionally challenged, but like, -gestures at Malice- my GIRL! How can I not enjoy it at least a little when my queen is right there giving some of the best and most informative dialogue of any character in the game?
11. if you could change / improve ONE THING about Bendy and the ink machine (the singular game) , What would it be?
This is going to sound ridiculous, but I would want it to have some gyroscopic control on the Switch port. I'm sorry gamers, I don't know how you play games where you have to aim with the analog sticks, I can't do it, I'm so bad at it. X'''D I use motion controls for stuff like aiming my view in Splatoon, give me that as Henry and I will be unstoppable.
12. Opinions of MAlice Angel / Corrupted Susie Campbell?
She is everything, she is the moment, she is my beloved, and I want to bake for her and tell her she's beautiful, because she IS! She was such a fun antagonist and I want more of her backstory! Like she has been an enjoyable part of every game she's been in. Boris and the Dark Survival with the Milla Tapes? Underrated Alice moment, she was GREAT there.
13. Do you think Sammy dying, and THEN coming back was good or bad?
I don't think I can classify it as good or bad, but I did enjoy it! Like hey, ink creatures don't necessarily stay permanently dead, and they can have some really interesting mental things happening when reforming, that was cool world building! And then when we got to see under the mask, and he's ready to kill us? Oh MAN, oh that was a thrill. Would not trade that brief Sammy boss fight for anything, that's my GUY right there!
14. On a Scale of One to Ten, how convoluted do you thing Bendy's lore as of Present Day?
Eh, gonna roll with the devil's number and say a 6.6. It's not that bad. BATDR convoluted it more than BATIM did, and there are some book moments that puzzle me, but it overall? It's workable, and I only drive myself a tiny bit nuts over it (I say as I've been going "NOTHING IS TRUE THE CANON IS A LIE" for like two weeks trying to assemble a series timeline and classify ink creatures).
15. Opinions / on a scale of 1-10 on the Bendy Books?
Dreams Come to Life - 7/10, needed more clarity in parts, had some good moments with returning characters, Dot we love you, JACOB WE LOVE YOU
The Lost Ones - 7/10, was a little weird not seeing most of our studio cast and being so far removed from the studio itself, but it's an enjoyable read, really liked our new characters and swapping perspective, living for that Wally intro, and I have a lot of questions about what ink can do to your brain and Tom's mental state in 1946
Fade to Black - 9/10, by far my favorite, great balance of old and new, Joey Drew was DELIGHTFULLY UNHINGED (something something that's the Joey I knew), Rose was fun, Evan was fun, DOT HI I MISSED YOU, Archie Carter was THE BIGGEST SURPRISE and I ADORE HIM, never thought we'd get a YouTuber cameo audiolog character as a MAJOR PART of a book, Wilson was a treat, and the studio sections of this one destroy me, I love it love it love it
The Illusion of Living - 7/10, the greatest Joey Drew character study to ever exist, which is great but difficult to read when he jumps all over the place and rambles about who knows what for pages at a time, offered some really great moments that I can't imagine the series without, and it solidified my love of Abby, please give Abby a spot in the games, this book made it very clear she is important to the Joey and Henry backstory, and I am so frustrated that we have not referenced her ONCE in these games when she's one, the head of the art department, and two, the one with the braincell of this trio, also Detective Sinclair's murder mystery was fun, I didn't know I would enjoy that genre so much, also Sammy and Jack were GREAT in this book
Employee Handbook (the original) 6/10 - It's a game guide mostly, but I go back to this thing often since it's one of the few things in the series that ACTUALLY GIVES US DATES for when things happened.
16. Opinions / on a scale of 1-10 on the Crack up Comics?
Crack Up Comics is a solid 9/10 for me, it was genuinely fun to read. Sucks that so many comics got spoiled for me on Twitter (much like the ending of DCTL, still sore about that), but the art is really cute, there's a small bit of lore, and the characters are written in such a fun way. Bendy you little scamp, I love you. Hindsight being what it is, I'm still a bit sore there was no cameo appearance for Carley in this book, and I feel the same way about all the toons from this book not appearing anywhere in Dark Revival. What is the point of having fun cartoon characters if they're not at least making a small appearance on a wall poster or something? That is such a missed opportunity.
17. Best Toon Character? (Out of Bendy, Boris, and Alice)
Alice, by far. Don't get me wrong, I love Bendy and Boris too, but Alice has such a fun character, especially in the comics, I LOVED her.
17 (2). Best Butcher Gang Member? (toon)
Edgar. I've warmed up to Charley a lot over the years, but Edgar is my baby boy, I want to hold him and squeeze him and love him, he's so SWEET.
18. Not a question; but SHOW US YOUR / AN OC!! FEEL FREE TO LORE DUMP !!
So hiiii, this is my girl Bella Ewe, a young woman who got roped into Joey's shenanigans as an apprentice animator (after he accidentally broke her leg), and accidentally ends up in the cycle. She gets sacrificed by Sammy, ends up as a searcher that steadily evolves, he has regrets about it, and now with Jack, they're working as a trio called The Shepherds to try and help break the narrative that everyone's been forced to play a part in. Her dive ability allows her to plunge into the depths of the ink, where she talks to people to try and help them regain their humanity. She goes from timid and hopeless to fiery and surrounded by found family, and she is my beloved sheepy daughter.
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19. Best Human Character? (Out of Henry, Joey, Audrey, Wilson)
Oooh, that's hard. I'm gonna have to say Joey. I love Henry and Audrey, but the two of them don't get a lot of characterization. Joey however, we get to know him throughout multiple stages of his life AND an inky memory of him, and all of them are such a fun time to explore.
19 (2). Best Human Character? (Out of Wally, Nathan, Sammy, and Bertrum)
Okay that's not fair. X'''D Sammy is my favorite, I love his human iteration just as much as I love his inky one, but Wally is also high up there. He's a fun comedic relief.
20. Best Inked Creature? (Out of the ink demon, Malice, Sammy, and Buddy Boris)
This also isn't fair, how dare you make me pick between my wife and my husband. X'''D But I'm gonna have to say Alice. She's got the more compelling story, but Sammy is also really good as our first introduction to what can happen to a human tainted by ink, he's the one that pulled me into liking Bendy in the first place.
20 (2). Best Inked Creature? (Out of Shipahoy Dudley, Lost Ones/Searchers, Allison, and Tom Boris)
This is hard, but I think I'm gonna say Searchers and Lost Ones. Back when BATIM Chapter 4 dropped, you know that part where that one Lost One goes "when can we go home" and then you open the door to see a room FULL OF THEM? Shivering and miserable? That broke me, I just kept whispering "I'm sorry" as we went through there. (Also Porter and Heidi are great, I hope we see them again someday.)
21. Whats the best ink demon variant?
BATDR, hands down. He is a much more intimidating monster, the voice gives me chills (thank you Sean), I can't get over his silly little hooves, he's great. Still love all the others though, they're good in their own ways.
22. The Better gloves? three lines or two dots?
I prefer the two dots for Bendy, but it doesn't really matter. Alice got infinitely cooler gloves, I'm sorry. X'''D
23. Did you prefer Wally being Boris, or Buddy being Boris?
I'm a Buddy Boris kind of gal. Buddy stole my heart in the books, and I love him a lot. That said, I think they both have merit, and I can appreciate fan content that explores both of these options. When the original game was in development, and Wally and Boris were the characters that were left, all the others we could make pretty reliable guesses about the fates on, so him being Boris was a process of elimination theory that people tried to justify with details like him knowing his way around the vent system. And it would have been so sad as a twist since his whole thing was "I'm outta here," him not getting out would be the unfortunate punchline. I get why it was popular, and like I said, I enjoy a number of fan works that use it. But I won't lie, it didn't ever feel like that was the canon for me, not enough information to back it up. I mean Buddy has a similar problem, but at least we know he's a Boris. Whether or not he's Henry's Boris friend is the inconclusive part. Regardless of canon, that's how I write him at least.
24. Did you like Joey being inky or the newer lore?
I'm not sure what this is asking, but I get the sense this has to do with the old theories about Joey being the Ink Demon vs. what we have now with Memory Joey and the human Joey being dead? I'm okay with it to be honest. Would I have liked Joey to be the big bad that also suffers as a monster for his crimes against his co-workers? Yes, that would be very satisfying. But I think in a lot of ways, his current lore can still be satisfying too. It's no secret that I have some mixed feelings about his slideshow presentation, but let's reiterate for anyone who doesn't know me, because I think it ties into this in an important way.
I struggle with the decision to change the lore for Henry and Allison, and it affects my feelings about Joey. Memory Joey is a great character, he's a Joey Drew that's trying to be a better person, and that's what I like about him. He's imperfect, because he's a Joey and Joey is far from perfect, he's going to make mistakes and botch things up, but he's trying. He cares about Audrey, he's trying to help her through the studio without overstepping the boundaries, because again, he's still figuring out this whole "being a better person" thing. And ultimately, that was what endeared me to him. You don't need to change the lore of the previous games to give Joey Drew a redemption arc. All we needed was Joey choosing to try and be better. It doesn't erase his sins and all the bad stuff he did along the way, it doesn't change how he treated people, it doesn't change the literal murder and chaos he caused, the lives he ruined. And it shouldn't. Redemption arcs aren't about a character being forgiven or given a pass, they're about a character choosing to be better regardless of how the world sees them, and that's what's SO POWERFUL about Memory Joey! Joey Drew in life was so concerned with how the world saw him at several stages, so much time is spent being stuck in the past, despite his insistence that he doesn't want to think about the past. And finally we have an iteration of him that has tried to move past what he was before, and I am SO PROUD OF HIM!
That was all we needed, we did not need Henry and Allison being clones to soften his crimes. That does not help with Joey's redemption arc, in some ways it kind of cheapens it for me. Instead it has caused more confusion on whether or not ink creatures require a soul, lessens the horror of the original BATIM for Henry's characterization, brings about SEVERAL questions about who is and isn't a clone now (looking at you Tom), and just like, it's been really weird when it comes to Joey's murder and victim count. Like, the guy has been responsible for multiple deaths in BATIM and the books, why are we deciding now that these two aren't part of that? Also the one note about the ink children that came before Audrey, that is also a can of worms and I'm very exhausted thinking about it.
Overall, I like Joey as he is now. As stated before, I think Fade to Black has some of the best Joey writing in the entire series (as does TIOL, even if it was a bit of a slog to get through). I like Memory Joey a lot, I mean I wouldn't have made a doll of him if I didn't. X'''D He's alright.
Thank you for these wonderful questions! You guys, if you made it to the end and wanna go engage with the original, here's the link one more time, just so you don't have to scroll to the top. XD Have fun.
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reanimationstation · 7 months
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so i finally get it. i Get It. my brain chemistry has been irreversibly changed about him. please take this old man
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angelofthepage · 4 months
Perish in the Puddles
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So, Bendy: Fade to Black, it utterly destroyed me. So naturally I had to make some art about it! This is a little homage to our Bendy book protagonists, all of whom I love very much. We've got Buddy Boris, our lost one trio (Bill, Constance, and Brant), and of course, Rose. I love all of them, but Rose resonated with me the most. I was really taken with the way Kress used puddles in this book. The overwhelming darkness, the feeling of being trapped and needing help to get pulled out, hit me hard. So here we have Rose, trapped within her own personal puddles, and the souls of those that came before her wishing they could help her out. They're all victims of Joey Drew in the end, whether they die to the ink or are scarred for life. So Joey's quote (rendered in his signature typeface from his letter at the beginning of BATIM) surrounds them all to reflect that. But wait, there's one more character present in the background, metaphorically speaking. To achieve a "screaming well of voices" sort of vibe to add to Rose being overwhelmed, the piece has an overlayed block of text, rendered in the same font as the writing on the studio walls. It's Archie's monologue about how you don't need to fear death, you need to fear waking up in the cycle again. It's purposely illegible so that it feels as ghostly as our deceased characters, and I think it adds a nice bit of texture to the piece.
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ollietreetime · 7 months
Im just, thinking, About these three, A Bunch,
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angelofthepage · 7 months
What did u think of Archie Carter?
I LOVE HIM! Archie is one of the highlights of the book for me, oh my gosh. Like, talk about moments that weren't on my bingo card! I wasn't expecting a character that was a one off audiolog and a YouTuber cameo (love you SuperHorrorBro Mike 💜) to get so fleshed out and be important to our understanding of the cycle, Gent, AND ink creatures, but I DOUBLY wasn't expecting him to be so endearing. This guy is so funky, he has the most cartoon disguise possible and doesn't get caught by anyone that we know of, he waits at the same cafe for Rose for days, he sacrifices himself TWICE for others without a second thought, and he thwacks Evan over the head with a pipe the minute he ties himself to Gent and their experiments. 10/10 best guy ever, wins at life (and death), sir I am kissing you on the cheek, please give me more of the guy in the fedora and trench coat. I love him, I need to do something with him. He's so good. New favorite acquired. XD
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angelofthepage · 7 months
Hi!! I really like Fade to Black, it's great and I adore Rose sm
One of my favourite hcs is that Audrey (appearance wise) slightly resembles Rose
Kind of based on Joey's comment below & closeness Joey and Rose had
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It wouldn't mess with Rose because she's not present in Archgate and I just think that it'd be terrible of Joey to do and i like him getting even worse (somehow) XD
Oh that's a great headcanon! I quite like that. Rose does seem to be a model daughter, being a nurturer that takes care of everyone while also being incredibly smart, driven, and kind. In some ways I'd compare her to Constance pre-ink. Joey modelling Audrey based on her would make a lot of sense, but also, I'd be curious to see if Audrey's fashion resembled anything from 1953. I don't know my history well enough to be able to call anything out for sure. Also you're so right, that would make for an interesting time with Archgate. A shame it feels too early in the timeline for an Audrey prototype to exist, I'd say he creates an ink clone to take her job and give himself some extra funds, but uh, that's probably not likely given the whole "life for a life" thing, one of the few things I think he's telling the truth about.
Thanks for coming over, I like that a lot!
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angelofthepage · 7 months
Do u think Fade to Black will change how you write your stories? I know you have Buddy in Searching the Depths which is cool, any chance we'll see Rose?
Okay one, I am so touched you've read my fic and enjoyed Buddy's part, thank you so much! Two, I don't have any specific plans yet, but oh you KNOW I'm trying to figure out how this book fits into Depths. Granted, it's complicated some things, but I have some ideas about how to write it in. I've been focusing a lot on its sister story, Richard the Keeper, and while I won't say too much right now, I will say I've been heavily rotating how Evan might be a part of that puzzle. We got a lot of new things to consider with technology, Gent, and the ink realm, and I'm excited to play with it.
Thank you so much for your question!
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