#besides Knuckles Amy and Vanilla he doesn’t have anyone to hang out with
bestjeanistmonster · 1 month
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Dc au- the bestest friends ever
Their dynamic means so much to me, this introverted kid from the sea that hasn’t been on land before being partnered with this walking traffic light who’s always pumped for a new adventure and never does what he’s told
Tails thinks he’s the coolest guy ever and wants to be his friend while Kit tries in vain to evade the power of friendship and wants to be professional cuz he’s too awkward to make friends and thinks Tails is annoying (at first)
I imagine during an attack on Gotham, Black manta this time, and Kit was pursuing him, damaging a lot of buildings in the process (caring about property damage is for losers) so Tails and Batman were trying to arrest them both until Tails (on his own) manages to get an answer out of him about the situation with black manta (cuz Kit frankly thought it was none of the land dwellers business)
So Tails insists on helping him despite Kit’s protests and together they mange to solve the mystery and arrest black manta
Kit recognises that Tails def has some cool skills Tails is like:
“Who knows, maybe next time your on land you could stop by Gotham and we can team up again!”
Tails has been upgraded to ‘potential ally’!
(As soon as Kit and Tails become officially friends, Kit lowkey becomes attached to him at the hip, usually standing next to him, going where he goes when their on a mission together like a silent shadow. They’re a package deal!!)
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
do u have any advice for writing amy rose? i am trying to get back into writing fanfiction again and i love yours so much so i thought i'd ask for ur take on her character.
A short analyzation on Amy Rose.
I want to start by saying that I really appreciate the support and I am honored that you asked my intake on Amy’s character. So, I am not a professional writer or anything for that matter however I will give you my intake on Amy Rose as a fan and how I perceive her as a character. So, let’s start!
The positive and negatives of Amy Rose
           To write a good character we need someone who people can relate to. This character needs to be three dimensional, meaning that they act like a person. Someone who struggles, thinks, learns and develops. This character has good and bad. Good written characters are not all good nor all bad so let’s think about that while we talk about Amy Rose.
Canonically speaking Amy Rose has a lot of good traits:
-Loves unconditionally
-Cares for others
And negative as well:
-Has an explosive personality, gets angry easily
-Has no patience
- She takes other’s needs into consideration but hers. (This may be seen as a good quality but on the long run it actually isn’t. This is more of a personal opinion but I think it is important to consider our own happiness as well.)
-Obsessive (Although we can see she has grown out of this recently
You can play around with these but we can talk about that later.
Amy’s uniqueness
Alright so now that we know her good and bad, let’s talk about her character. The unique thing about Amy Rose is that out of the Sonic characters she has been the only one who has shown development. (Besides Shadow in 06, but that didn’t happen so all his character development went to the trash lol)
So, we went from this:
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To this:
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In conclusion, Amy stopped being that obsessive, she developed. Our pink hedgehog is now independent and pretty much do whatever she pleases. She is not as attached to Sonic and although she still loves him, she now thinks for her own and may even question his decisions from time to time. I believe she does her own thing now and wants to give him Sonic his space as well. For me Amy can be described as ‘Cute & Dangerous’
Amy’s interaction with other characters.
Alright, so Amy Rose is a pretty solid character and it’s a cinnamon roll. So, her bad qualities are not going to show up as often. For these negative (and good) qualities to show, it all depends on circumstances and character interaction. Just take a few minutes and think about it …
How will Amy interact with Rouge? Would she be more open and let get girly side show up? Will they even be friends? Does Amy see Rouge as an older sister?
How will Amy interact with Shadow? Would they be friends? Or would their personalities just crash? Does Shadow’s character take out the worst on Amy?
How does Amy interact with Sonic? With Knuckles? Cream? Tails?
           This also depends in what kind of story and circumstances you will place Amy in. Does she live in our world and is struggling to get by the days? Does that make her stop caring about herself and only focus on work? Does she still love Sonic but he doesn’t love her back so that makes her depressed? Will she be stubborn enough to get him to love her? Will she love him regardless and put her happiness aside? Or is she afraid that she won’t be able to find happiness or love? Maybe she has other things in mind besides love? Maybe she wants to do her own adventures? Or she just wants to open up a café and live a peaceful life forever?
As you can see, you can explore a lot of situations with her character. So, here are some (in my opinion) relationships that Amy would have with other characters. (Based on canon and personal opinion)
Amy/Sonic: Love interest of course, but its platonic romance. Care deeply for each other. Friends for life. Sonic is just not that interest in love right now but that doesn’t mean he can’t love others or Amy.
Amy/Knuckles: Older brother and sister. Both are matured when needed and protect each other.
Amy/Silver: Crazy all the time together, plan the stupidest shit and get away with everything. Besties.
Amy/Shadow: (I can honestly write an entire essay as to why this two have such good POTENTIAL platonic or romantic but anyways) They are ok with each other’s presence.  Won’t willingly talk to each other unless they are forced to. Once they do though, I can see them hanging out from time to time. They are friends and nobody expects that from them.
Amy/Rouge: Rouge is the big sister and Amy the little one. Amy goes to her for advice and talk about things she can’t talk about with Vanilla or Cream.
Amy/Cream: Amy is the oldest sister and she takes care of Cream and advises her. Amy would do anything for her.
Amy/Blaze: I think she will be the closest to her. Amy has helped Blaze open up and they are really good friends.
Alright now, some tips:
1.     Feel free to write your character according to your interpretation.
           There is no good or bad way to write a character. At the end of the day everything comes down to character interpretation. I personally see Amy as a young adorable, fashionable girl who is not afraid to express how she feels. She can be sweet and dangerous and she won’t let anyone step on her unless is totally necessary. However, you may see her or interpret her differently and that’s completely fine!
2.     Let your character feel, suffer and develop.
I cannot stress this enough, everyone is a sucker for a character development. Not everything has to be flowers and sunshine. Let your characters have flaws, let her to be annoying or a cry baby, what matters here is that you DEVELOP them throughout the story.
3.     Plan ahead and don’t
First, write down the kind of story you want to write. Romance? Adventure? Mystery? Then start writing your characters. After you are done writing your characters, analyze them. However, I was once told that your characters are kinda like your kids. You made them but you don’t ever truthfully end up knowing them. Just like people, we have our embarrassing, sad, happy moments. We even have our ‘Out of Character’ moments. Just explore your characters, let them be free as they can.
           Amy Rose is a very versatile character. If you think about it, Amy can literally be in any story and she still be such a good character to write about. She is funny, entertaining, stubborn and obsessive. She can be so many things! At the end of the day, it all really depends on how you develop her.
           I hope this helps somehow? Like I said before I am no expert but this are some tips and character analyzation that has helped me when I write stories. I am honestly SUPER excited to see what kind of stories you come up with and if you ever need help with something else let me know! If you do end up writing a fanfiction, please do tag me! Or just tell, I will loooooooooooove to read it.
           Again, thank you so much for the support! I am glad you enjoy my stories. I will keep working hard! I can’t wait to see what kind of stories you come up with!
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