kit-williams · 5 months
Rodolfo Rudy Parra
Demon name: Rafo'ro'ralr Ydudpo
Born: Conquista
Notable features: Another dog faced and stone "skinned" bloodthirster. He is on the smaller end being the shortest of the bunch but that doesn't make him any less vicious. As per when the Keeper of Secrets had attacked Rafo was the first to engage. His horns curl backwards and he looks sculpted out of stone. Hearts and organs are his favorite thing.
Another dog faced Bloodthirster who knows Dagera and will usually, if multiple greater demons are around, be another summoned if Dagera is fielded. -Lord Inquisitor [REDACTED]
"Chiquita you can call me anything but if you need to call me something I am what you could call a Vaquero." -Rafo in a demonhost talking to it's handler Agent [REDACTED]
*Dagera also referred to himself as a Vaquero could be a connection?* - Demonologist [REDACTED]
Demonhost: Can have a host 1.8 meters and above but if they are over 2 meters tall he will complain that the skin feels too big and that it's too loose. Any smaller than 1.8 and depending on how much smaller he will force their bodies to grow a few extra centimeters. Other physical features will shift to a slightly tribal appearance akin to Dagera's with a strong nasal ridge and brow line. He likes to keep his hair, which will turn black no matter what color it was before, short and slightly styled.
-Be advised after the Akilzcgre incident that Rafo and Dagera may also be in the habit of seducing Initiates and Agents- Demonologist [REDACTED]
*No it's been confirmed they, Rafo and Dagera, work together... Initiate [REDACTED] was 'tagteamed' by the two of them* Agent [REDACTED]
kinda figure his head looks a little like this
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bobwess · 8 months
Sneak peek at my upcoming chapter of Only Human! (Chapter 7)
“We’ve stopped at the only motel in town.” Cas settled into the impala, phone to his ear. “We’ll work the case from here.” 
“How is he?” Sam asked. 
“Good.” Cas said, sounding sure. He rolled his eyes. “Sarcastic and impatient, but it isn’t like he wasn’t before he was a demon.” 
“No hankering for mass murder?” 
“Not that I’ve observed.” Cas looked back towards the motel room. “The mark seems to have been the primary cause of his bloodthirst.” The shadow in the curtained window betrayed Dean’s vague silhouette getting dressed after his shower. “He didn’t even protest when I salted the door last night.” 
“Well that’s something at least.” 
Sam picked up on the hesitation. “What?”
“Something that happened yesterday…”
“Nothing bad.” Cas assured him. “We were watching a movie and he just sort of… stopped.” 
“He was just staring right past the screen. It took almost a full minute of me calling his name to snap out of it.”
“What’d he say?”
“That he was ‘spacing out’” Cas quoted. 
“You think something’s up?”
“It was odd, but it didn’t seem to be a problem and it has yet to happen again.”
Sam was quiet for a moment. “Well, keep an eye on him I guess.” 
“I will.” 
“You got the email I sent you? With the address?”
“Yes. We will check it out in the morning.” 
“Good.” Sam said, sighing. 
“How are things in the bunker?”
“Quiet.” Sam admitted. “Charlie left with a promise she’d keep her ear to the ground. Kevin is working at the hotel. He’s saying he might find an apartment somewhere near here.”
“Any luck figuring it out?”
“None… Actually Rudy just called and asked if I was up to covering his back again.” He paused. “I’m sort of spinning my wheels here. I think I’m going to help him out.” 
“Where is it?”
“New Jersey. He thinks it’s a rugaru. I’ll probably fly out there again.” Sam shrugged. “You guys have any plans tonight?”
“Dean is currently showering. He suggested we might check out the bar.” 
“Do you think that’s a good idea?”
“I will be with him the entire time. I do not believe much could go wrong.” 
“Famous last words. You give a call if it all goes off the rails.” Sam said. “He’s contained now, right?”
“Yes.” Cas lied, looking up and watching the door to the motel open and swing shut again. He hadn’t really been worried that Dean would try to make a run for it on foot. “I will call you tomorrow evening.” 
“Good luck with the case.” 
Cas hung up the phone, giving a nod to Dean.
The demon walked up to the car, opening the passenger side door and sliding in. “You know it’s rude to hang up without saying goodbye.” 
“So you have said.”
“And yet.” Dean rolled his eyes. “Whatever. You ready to go?”
“Yes.” After the diner the other day, Cas was feeling a little more at ease about going out, if only just. Dean assured him that a Thursday night wasn’t a busy night for the bars, but it certainly wasn’t going to be empty. 
Dean leaned back in his seat. “Well? Let’s get moving.”
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ecsundance · 4 months
My 2024 Sundance Film Festival Experience
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I can’t believe we are at the end of our time here at the Sundance Film Festival. It has been such a great ride! Here are some things I experienced along the way.
First, it is important to note that there is so much to do at Sundance and as hard as you may try, you just can’t get everything in that you might want to experience. You just have to come to terms with that pretty quickly, making some difficult choices and fast.
We started off with the film, How To Have Sex, which was an interesting take on consent and dealing with assault and the emotions that come along with it. The film included great cinematography and music selections. Afterwards, in the Q&A, the director said it was loosely based on situations that happened to her and her friends when they were younger. Later during the festival, I saw the short film Thirsty Girl which was also based on the experience of its director. Personal experience is evidently a big contributor to many of these films.
Talks are another great experience and there are many opportunities to attend them. The first one I went to was “The Importance of Casting Directors” which was held at the Impact Lounge. There were three casting directors on the panel. This talk was very interesting, and I learned that casting directors are the only female dominated job in film. The panelists stated that to do this job well, you need to be really good at reading people. They then explained the process of looking at actors and how it has pivoted more online. This has made it possible to see more actors from many places they normally would not have access to if they had been only doing in person casting in say LA or NYC. Afterwards, I met an editor whose wife is a casting director for Hit Man which premiered at Sundance and was bought by Netflix for twenty million dollars. She is also one of the casting directors on this three-person panel. He gave me his email so that I could connect with him at a later date which was very exciting because after listening to this panel, I found that I might be interested in becoming a casting director.
Not only did I see Sundance films, but I also saw many Slamdance films, both short and feature films. One such film was Citizen Weiner. This is a feature film and is about the true story of someone running for City Council in New York and the trials and tribulations that come with running a campaign. They filmed the entire process to encourage other young people to get involved in politics. I think they did a great job. This movie had the whole audience laughing from start to finish, sometimes unable to believe that this really happened.
Slamdance is a great way to meet directors, editors, filmmakers, and others in the film industry. Being a smaller venue, Slamdance provides greater access and is more informal. They are very excited to receive feedback, answer questions, and to provide information, contacts, and resources for those interested in getting into the business. They were very open and communicative which made me feel like this must have been what Sundance was like forty years ago before it became more “Hollywood” with larger budgets, star power, etc. in their movies.
Talks were not the only places to network and make connections. Just standing in line or commuting on the buses allowed you to meet other people. Connections can happen anywhere. I met a gentleman named Rudy outside of the Vulture Spot who has done some acting in Out of Exile (2022) as well as Bloodthirst (2023) and is hoping to do some more. We discussed many of the Sundance Films and he was very interested in my takes on the ones that I had seen. It was a great conversation.
While I was speaking with Rudy, I learned that Will Ferrell would be interviewed at IndieWire for his film Will & Harper which also premiered at Sundance. What a coincidence. My college class was invited by Christian Blauvelt, IndieWire Managing Editor, to come at three o’clock for a tour. Now I know why we couldn’t come before then. Needless to say, Rudy and I went over to Indiewire and below is the picture of Will Ferrell coming out of his interview.                                                              
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How cool! This was my first sighting of a celebrity outside of seeing Lionel Ritchie at the Q&A after the premiere of Greatest Night in Pop (see below).
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All in all, this was a fabulous trip! I learned a lot, met a lot of new people, made some connections, and it opened my eyes to the many different opportunities that exist in the film industry.
Hopefully I will get back here again!
Ryan McCormick
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clownsgobeepbeep · 4 years
Look into my eyes for one of Gabs characters
I’ll do it for older Clara
And this will be in...Rudy’s perspective X3
I see:
Absolute Conviction  |  Aggression  |  Ambition  |  Anger  |  Anxiety  |  Apathy  |  Arrogance  |  Bloodthirst  |  Bravery  |  Compassion  |  Confidence  |  Conflict  | Courage  |  Darkness  |  Defeat |  Denial  |  Desire  |  Despair  |  Determination  |  Devotion  |  Disappointment  |  Distrust  |  Dominance  |  Emptiness  |  an Enemy  |  Enlightenment  |  Envy  |  Excitement  |  Exhaustion  |  Elitism  |  Experience  |  Fear  |  a Friend  |  a Future  |  Gentleness  |  Greed  |  Grief  |  Guilt  |  Honesty  |  Honor  |  Hope  |  Hostility  |  Ignorance  |  an Illness  |  Insecurity  |  Integrity  |  Intoxication  |  Kindness  |  Lies  |  Loneliness  |  Longing  |  Loss  |  a Lover  |  Loyalty  |  Malicious Intent  |  Mania  |  Melancholy  |  Misery  |  Negativity  |  Overcompensation  |  Pain  |  Paranoia  |  Passion  |  Perseverance  |  Pettiness  |  Pity  |  Positivity  |  Pressure  |  Pride  |  a Purpose  |  Racism  |  Regret  |  Resentment  |  Resignation  |  Resolve  |  Sadness  |  Self-Hatred  |  Sexism  |  Shattered Remains  |  a Shining Light  |  Something Familiar  |  Spite  |  Stress  |  Stupidity  |  Submission  |  Tranquility  |  Trauma  |  Trust  |  Vengeance  |  Warmth  |  Wisdom  |  Wrath  |  a Cry for Help  |  Something Eating Your Mind  |  the Years have Changed You
Animalistic  |  Approachable  |  Broken  |  Closed-Off  |  Cold  |  Crafty  |  Crazy  |  Defensive  |  Devious  |  Difficult  |  Disheartened  |  Emotionally Detached  |  Frightened  |  Frightening  |  Genuine  |  Guarded  |  Headstrong  |  Heartless  |  Human  |  Immature  |  Impatient  |  Inhuman  |  Insane  |  Intuitive  |  Lost  |  Mature  |  Noble  |  Patient  |  Pitiful  |  Primitive  |  Pure  |  Reliable  |  Remorseless  |  Reserved  |  Resourceful  |  Short-Tempered  |  Simplistic  |  Sly  |  Soft-Hearted  |  Struggling  |  a Threat  |  Trapped  |  a Troublemaker  |  Trusting  |  Understanding  |  Unique |   Unpredictable  |  Unwavering  |  a Victim  |  Wicked  |  Feeling Vindictive  |  Guilty of Something  |  Hiding Something  |  Lost in Thought  |  Planning Something  |  Scared of Me  |  Scaring Me  |  Someone I can Trust  |  Someone I Can’t Recognize Anymore  |  Someone to Fear  |  Someone Worthy of Respect  |  Weak to Manipulation  |  Weighed by Something
Aren’t Being Yourself  |  Belittle Yourself  |  Don’t Want to Hurt Me  |  Don’t Want to Leave Me  |  Drown Yourself in Something  |  Feel Alone  |  Feel Empowered  |  Have a Plan that Involves Me  |  Have No One Else to Turn to  |  Have Nowhere Else to Go  |  Have Seen Some Things  |  Haven’t Been Sleeping  |  Lie to Yourself  |  Lost Faith/Trust in Me  |  Lost Something/Someone Important  |  Need Me/my Help  |  No Longer Believe Me  |  See Me as a Thing  |  See Me as Someone Else  |  Seek to Hurt/Harm  |  Seek to Manipulate  |  Think Highly of Yourself  |  Think I’m Hiding Something  |  Think Little of Yourself  |  Think You Know Best  |  Want to Hurt Me  |  Want to Protect Me  |  Want to Sleep with Me  |  Want to Use Me
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kit-williams · 5 months
You all can thank @bispecsual for this
I tried doing it like how other people can seemingly condense their headcanons I just wasn't liking how it was coming out
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"I have acquired thrones." Horangi states as he enters the shared room with the others. Like a pack of wolves all their heads perk up as the tiger saunters in.
"Is that right Mgio..." Price says lazily as he is reading some after action reports and filling in his share.
"So ye gonna spend it? Or just have it?" Soap said rolling over from his perch.
"It is several thousand thrones so it is probably wise to spend it." He says calmly as now eyes are all on him.
"Well... are you going to tell us?" Konig finally spoke up as molten brass hissed onto the floor below.
"I do not know. I only have a few things I wish to possess. I only wanted to play a few rounds..." He says with a bit of shame in his voice as the lingering taint of the Slanneshi demon prince caused him to become excessive in his pursuit of... relaxation? "So perhaps I can have you all help me spend it."
The inquisitorial section of the ship was it's own small microcosmos of trade and businesses. People with strong enough wills to adjacently handle the horrors of the universe but are combatively unable to serve. The radical hereticus section of the ship the boys were not so very out of place given the fact that there were several "redeemed" agents and persons.
Horangi bought a face mask to cover up the scar on his jaw. But it was hardly a dent in the excessive amount of thrones he had... oh if Lord Khorne knew what was going on... Mgio is certain he would be ripped a new one. Ghost got some of his skull faced baklavas... all 27 that were available in the store as well as 6 pairs of skeleton hand gloves. He was trying to help Mgio to spend all those thrones. Price bought himself a couple more hats.
Rudy and Alejandro know of several places to eat... they could always get something expensive but they know that is an end of the day. They ask if they could use his money to buy their Chiquita a gift, they are disappointed by the lack of brass baubles but they could just make something with the pool of cooled metal in their shared room.
Soap was enamored with the expensive bottle of scotch... one of the five on the whole ship and now there was one in the common room of the bloodthirsters. Ghost got some bourbon and then this trip turned into stocking the room with an actual alcohol cabinet . Price got himself some expensive cigars, several packs in fact and then some cheap ones and 2 fancy lighters.
Gaz bought himself some oils and balms for after battle as his way of thinking is that if they are stuck in these hosts they might as well keep them looking decent.
"Arnetrihts." Horangi said as König looked over as his black tongue licked over his chops as they were just now eating. Unaware of the growing panic that is happening as they've done their best to avoid being found. "What are you wanting."
"Ach. Your money cannot get me a Maus, a Krieger, or a Liebling." He said exacerbated before he rolled his shoulder again and Gaz's eyes glowed with an idea.
"What about a massage?"
"Oh my you've got so many knots." The gentle voice above him said digging their elbow into his back.
"Ja!~" König moaned out. This was a wonderful idea! As his black tongue lolled out and his eyes unfocused. Horangi was able to spend a large chunk of the remaining thrones before Price suggested that he keep the rest for emergencies as he got them all a massage package.
The whispered giggles that ran rampant through the parlor today, 'The tall one is built like a space marine', 'they must be agents' flitted around as the 8 of them found themselves in the sauna as they made it inhumanly hot.
"Mein gott... someone help me pull on my skin it's loosened up enough." König said standing up after a few moments and they just watched his skin move in a way that flesh shouldn't move as the demon inside of the skin suit adjusted. He pulled on his cheeks and adjusted his face and he sighed as if he finally was able to adjust his rolled sleeve in his jacket.
Their tongues lolled out in the hot air of the sauna as they lounged so carefree feeling pampered like homecoming warriors. Their ears soon twitched as they could hear the muffled yelling as soon outside of the sauna they could see several demonologists and throne agents. Rudy and Alejandro's brass fanged grins met the weaker willed soldiers outside. All their eyes flashed and glowed, no longer the browns and blues that the non combatants saw only the molten brass.
The Interrogator no... the Lord Interrogator was the one to open the door. "Ah Lord Inquisitor... you come to join us?" Price drawled out as he let out a loud yawn showing off his fangs and the way his jaw just opened a little too wide.
"No I've just come to see what you demons have been up to." They hissed glaring at them.
"Auch," Soap started putting a hand on his right pectoral over the large covered symbol to Khorne, "Ye wound me. Demons? Hellions fer sure but demons?"
"Imvaassj..." The Lord Inquisitor started and Soap just started to hiss as his binding markings started up causing a cacophony of growls. With König's and Alejandro's being the loudest.
"Now now Inquisitor. Let us not ruin the good mood we are in." König huffed, "What do you want with us."
"It's time to come back home boys. We can discuss... outings if this is going to become a common occurrence." They said tentatively.
"Oh it most certainly will." Horangi said his chest puffing out, "But we have a half an hour left of our paid time." He said watching the Lord Inquisitor not say a single thing nor react only just shrugging and turning around.
"Your handlers will be making sure you all get back to your room safely. Enjoy the rest of your time." They said before leaving as they watched the outside room clear out before the flittering workers would poke their heads around the corner.
"Ach they really have to be a... what is the word? Killbuzz? Spielverderber... Buzzkill! That is the word." König slurred slightly just returning to his lounging position not caring about the flittering creatures outside.
Horangi left the sauna and gave one of the salon women 500 thrones, to be shared, for their problem that they caused.
"Hello boys," Price's handler said as she looked over the relaxed and stretching boys, "you have a fun day?"
"Mhmm sweetheart." Price purred as he leaned against her and was just shamelessly purring.
Horangi would have to do this again... he could probably think of ways to spend thrones if given the time to think about what he wants.
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kit-williams · 5 months
Where do babies come from?
You know I debated on answering this but decided fuck it.
Enjoy your bloodthirsters!
Soap just grinned his usual wolfish grin at his Bonnie. "Well lass when two mortals love each other very much..."
"Doesn't have to be love, Imvaassj." Ghost drawled out and chuckled as he waved him off.
"Right, when two mortals get down to it they fuck and boom a bairn is made."
"Right. Well honestly I'm kind of shocked you even know how babies are made." She laughed as he cocked his head.
"Course I know how they're made. I've made a few." Soap huffed and that got his Bonnie to look at him concerned.
"We've all made little ones, hen." Price says before tilting his head back and letting smoke roll out of his mouth.
"Aye why you think Alejandro and Rudy are so attentive to their hen?" Soap said with the biggest grin on his face as he bit his bottom lip like he was holding back a secret. "It's 'cause they're trying to knock her up bonnie."
He grabbed her before she could jump to her feet to warn the Inquisitor. With the amount of greater demons in one location... audio was spotty at best and it seemed that this moment would be conveniently lost.
"I aint done with ye. Now, if you want someone who is attentive I'd suggest going after a keeper or a changer... if you want a nest and the whole big display of wooing you and then leaving you... well that would be a slanneshi move. Really all depends on the demon's or prince's personality nothing really a blanket statement cept when you get with a bloodthirster or a demon prince of khorne we tend to do it with mortals with the full intent of knocking them up." He explains just sitting her down again as Ghost wanders over.
"My preferred partners are knights." Ghost drawls on.
"Aye but you have a nasty habit of tragic romances there Ghost."
He shrugs, "Not my fault I fall madly in love with my quarry. Though I am enjoying one of my Initiates company... a good little bird." He mutters as his brass eyes unfocused.
"Back on topic..." She says softly looking back at Soap. "So lets say you did knock me up." She leans back as Soap just practically vibrates before Ghost grabs the back of his neck.
"Heel. Try your best not to scare your bird." Is all Ghost says before he walks away after being happy with how much Soap calms down.
He swallows, his eyes glowing a little bit brighter, his chest puffed up a little more, she could practically see the outline of his horns around his head... she was confused was he preening? "But, when I do knock you up. You can expect a few things. Ahh if I was an unaligned demon you'd get something to what you humans would have called changlings or demigods depending on how strong they were. So not quite human but human enough. But given the amount of aether that would be going into you..." He taps his chin thinking.
"Well when König knocks up one of his darlings it's usually always another bloodthirster and also for him usually kills the mother."
Said bloodthirster huffed softly, "I'll make a demon prince one of these days. Just have to find... the right one so to speak." He said looking up from his book; a murder mystery.
"Aye but that's because he's a big boy and he tends to have big boys. But as for me I've made a few bloodthirsters, bloodletters, and a couple of blessed children. Al tends to make bloodthirsters as well but that's because of his rank. The old man's got one of his in yer Grey Knights."
Her head whipped over to Price, who just shrugged and barked, "I'm not that old. I'm at most a few centuries older than you. But yes one of my blessed brood is a grey knight. Not uncommon for what were once considered demigods to you mortals to be picked up by your space marines." He sighs softly, "Just I'm so disappointed that he went and joined them. Utilizes psyker powers too and everything."
"Geeze you sure don't sound too torn up." She states as Price barks out a laugh.
"No didn't really care for the mother with that one. But I'm certain my sweetheart and I can make a couple of happy little ones when she lets me." His chest rumbled.
"R-right... I think I've spent too long here." She gets up to her feet rather quickly but Soap grabs her.
"Och no. Yer goin' to gab to the Inquisitor." Soap growls as all of the bloodthirsters in the room look at her with that molten gaze. "They'll keep me away from you bonnie... keep us away from our hens... if they found out what we were after. Al and Rudy are so close to being a proud pair of papas... ye don't wanna take that from them do ye?"
"Imvaassj Pohn Oynhcat," She manages to hiss out watching his bindings glow but he fails to be contained and Soap just grins.
"Stay still for a wee moment bonnie. I was truthful with ye. Doesn't mean you have to remember it all."
Is all she manages to say before she grows slack jawed and eyes glazed as he pulls a glowing strand from the side of her head. Oh Johnny can't lie... none of the boys in the room could lie. They could be like fae of old and with hold the truth but not outright lie. Perhaps Johnny was a bit more of a fae then he let on as he pulled out bits from her memory to let it snap back like a rubber band.
He laughs, "What don't like the idea that Nurgle demons and demon princes just make the chunkiest babies." He says continuing a conversation that had no start. Watching her face grimace. "Like I was saying fussiest babies are from Slannesh, the curious ones are from Tzeentch..."
"And what about your lord?"
Soap just grinned at her, "We get the calmest little babies after all they should enjoy their innocence before their future is drenched in blood."
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kit-williams · 5 months
Spirit Halloween
@bispecsual your tags give me the best ideas
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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'VE LOST YMEO?!" The Inquisitor hissed over the microbead.
"He broke the obedience bindings my lord..." Ghost's handler whimpers over the microbead. There is another ordo hereticus inquisitor here and Ghost was to be on his best behavior.
"Find him before the other inquisitor does!" The connection ends.
Spirit Halloween huh? Ghost thought as he entered the shop. He returns the greeting of the young human by the door.
"Oh seems you're already halfway done with your costume."
"Oh I'm from off planet. I'm Sir Riley." His boots clip together as his back straightens.
He opened his eyes and saw their eyes were wide. He just took their hand and pressed it to where his lips would be if they weren't covered and relished the look and blush on her face.
"So what is Halloween?" Ghost asked.
He wandered the store with the employees of the store as his arms are full of cheap items for costumes. Tiger ears and tail for Horangi, dog tails for Rudy and Alejandro and dog ears and collars, he got a vampire costume for Gaz including fake teeth, he got Konig a cheap little crown but otherwise he picked up another costume for him as a executioner, for himself he picked up 2 skeleton costumes and a funny knight costume with a cape as well.
He was huddled with the employees as they looked down at the pict as he pointed to Soap and Price. "Nothing is jumping out at me."
"Well maybe a masked slasher for him?" One of the boys suggests pointing at Soap.
"If he wasn't wearing a fishing hat I would say a fisherman costume for this Price fellow." A girl said holding up the costume.
"Wait! Dragon! If you're a knight and there is a king why not have a dragon to slay?"
"Ha! He does smoke as much as a dragon breathes fire." Ghost nodded as they rushed into the back to grab the costume. "Grab the slasher costume. I have a feeling I've avoided my retinue for long enough." He stood up as the young women whined softly clearly enjoying his company. "None of that now. Behave ladies." He warmly chided.
He spent several hundred thrones and wandered back off with the heavy bags.
"Ello Love." He purred into his handler's ear watching her jump and grab his shirt and slamming him into the wall.
"Where the fuck have you been?!" She hissed at him.
Ghost just held up a bag in his arm with a smug look in his eyes, "Shopping."
She just hid her face into her hands and groaned. She had no idea how to explain the bags of stuff in a demonhost's hands. She starts trying to take the bags from Ghost and he just holds the bags over her head and huffs. "Stop trying to take my shit."
"Ymeo please...." She says tugging on his name.
"No. It's my stuff." He huffs as he walks past. "I have to give it to the boys when I get back."
She just sighed as she had to deal with a prickly Bloodthirster who was holding his gotten gains.
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kit-williams · 6 months
Magnus and Horus
I'm pushing them off till tomorrow because I forgot today was thanksgiving and then I took a nap.
@moonslefttiddy gave me the wonderful knowledge that was mentioned in the Angron post.
I have been recently dragged into lusting over COD men because have you seen König and Ghost? I toyed with the idea to throw a bone to the newest fandom I was apart of in this headcanon because why not I can have fun with that idea. However sure Astra Militarum or Tempestus Scions or even Inquisitorial agents could be fine for them. But that's the boring and safe options for them.
I toyed with the idea of them being demons because that's a far better option; and like Oda I don't like killing off people. So it would either have to be Khorne demons or unaligned demons because that's how it feels like it would fit for me.
Moon the wonderful person told me about the Third Host of khorne's bloodthirsters. They are hero hunters and Khorne is a god you can't just walk away from.
So the idea could be Konig with 8 lesser bloodthirsters with him (man's a Colonel) or there will be just 8.
I'm tempted to make the last one Graves (if it's 1 head plus 8 others but if I include Graves he's gotta have shadow company with him. 8 Bloodletters obviously) ((Krueger, Nikito, Horangi , and Keegan are all competitors as well. But I'm very biased being so new to this side of the fandom))
Once I'm done with most of the kids I'll probably come back to this idea to flesh it out more and obviously what happens to them. Because I'm interested in exploring Demon Soap as much as anyone else is.
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kit-williams · 5 months
Bloodthirster 141 + friends
How it started & how it got to be
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