#bo-katan’s helmet is my favourite in all of star wars. it’s so cute she’s an owl!
echojedis · 11 months
I have my issues with bringing animated characters into live action and how the live action version is considered “better” but I love how Bo-Katan’s armour translated across mediums
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blackcatanna · 3 years
I have completed The Mandalorian and now I shall proclaim to the mostly-porn-bots who follow me... MY THOUGHTS:
(I shall assume that this silence is one of awe and anticipation)
FIRSTLY, I would like to give an oscar to that one security officer who gave such delightfully distressed facial expressions before their ship was commandeered by Mandalorians and he was unceremoniously shot by his commanding officer.
In fact, bravo to that whole crew for stunning levels of Imperial Incompetence, one of my favourite Star Wars tropes. BUT SPECIAL SHOUT OUT to that one guy who was so pleased with himself for locking the Mandalorians in with the cargo hold controls... Until he and all his men were flushed out of the ship like shiny Imperial turds.
Next on the agenda is The Evil Dubstep Troopers. They were cool and scary until we saw Luke Skywalker force-juice one like it was a fucking lemon.
Side note: Grogu needs to work on choosing his moments to use his motherfucking force powers. Maybe on Moff Gideon, for example. Although, it was enjoyable watching him choke Cara for no reason, if only because of who she was played by.
Speaking of the force-gremlin, watching him mercilessly devour that frog-lady's offspring was excellent. I kept bouncing between expressions of horror and maniacal cackling.
I have mentioned The Spider Monsters in a previous post. I like spiders but those fuckers were revolting. Congratulations to whoever cane up with that nightmare-fuel.
LOVE Queen Armourer. I was so happy she was not purged. She is a very cool lady. I was afraid that she was resigned to a noble death in battle until she started THONKING Storm Troopers with her forge tools.
When Queen Fennec got shot by that irritating space twink, I was very disappointed... But so very happy when she returned! Nothing more to say here. I just think she's neat.
Evil Elspeth was also great. I enjoyed her constant state of barely contained maniacal glee, her commitment to The Evulz and I loved watching her day being ruined. An excellent villain. We stan.
Bo Katan seems like she's wandered into the wrong genre. All of her grandiose talk about reclaiming Mandalore and the dark saber and blah blah blah yes, I need to watch the animated stuff and I did enjoy many of her badass moments but she often comes across as kind of a dick but not in a fun way. I have spoken.
I was real sad when Kuiil died. I wish that IG-11 had stayed around longer, too. It would've been nice to see the droid continuing Kuiil's legacy.
I'm starting to realise that I like Imperials a bit too much... Obviously, in universe, they're a terrifying and powerful force of evil but, on screen, it's just so fun to watch them adorably flail from one inevitable disaster to the next!They feel like the underdogs because we know they can't win but it's so cute to watch them try :') Also, I'm biased because of the accents.
Although, Moff Gideon pisses me off because he just struts about in the middle of things with no helmet on or even his legendary dark saber out for protection and yet no one ever thinks to shoot, grenade or whistling bird him? Or force choke him? Even though the whole idea at the end of the first season was to cut off the head of the snake to protect Grogu.
Pedro Pascal as Din is EVERYTHING. I don't know what more I can say. It is so refreshing to watch a show with a lead who's so quiet.
Frog Lady. I love her. She will be best frog mumma! She gives me Wind in the Willows vibes in her cute little outfit.
I don't know her name but I have so much love for the Tatooine mechanic lady and her cymbals-looking pop-up droids. When Din was sent back to Tatooine, I was disappointed but then THIS QWEEN WAS BACK. I love her. She was right about Frog Lady!
Is that woozle sentient? I don't know what it's called. The thing that Cara rescued from the forge. It is super cute. What are the ethics around eating other species in Star Wars land? Is there a Harkness test but for eating instead of fucking?
I loved that whole bit with those two dickhead scout troopers waiting for orders while Moff Gideon threw his weight around murdering officers for no reason (a time honoured Imperial tradition, seemingly). And they hit Grogu so it also felt good when they were exploded by IG. A fun ride from beginning to end.
I could watch Grogu mash Stormtroopers about all day, honestly. Again, he might want to consider targeting Moff Gideon because that would be even more funny. I hope that Season 3 begins with Grogu murdering the shit out of Moff Gideon in a hilarious and adorable fashion. And then eating his corpse (he must've been a good villain, since I am so eager for his grisly demise).
Mando and Grogu X murder is my otp.
That crazy blue twi'lek was chewing the scenery hard and I loved every second of it. RIP Davan.
Fucking Jawas...
I can't believe I forgot to mention my top three SLORPS of the series! 3. The Evil Dubstep Troopers getting slorped into space when Din opened the airlock. 2. Grogu slorping up motherfucking everything. 1. Our winner! That Mandalorian woman with the cool hair slorping the everloving SHIT out of that gross looking worm thing in her chowder. YOU DO YOU, QWEEN.
Congratulations to the creators for making a AT-ST scary again, after the Ewok incident.
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vortexofemotions · 3 years
Mandalorian questions game
Here’s my answers for the Mandalorian questions game made by @ spoiler4you on Twitter! I’m doing them over here on Tumblr so I don’t have to worry about the character count. If you’d like to play along here is the original Twitter thread and go make sure to give Ly a follow: https://twitter.com/spoiler4you/status/1401578764660707330
1: How and when did you become a fan of the show? I’ve been a fan of Star Wars since 2015, but despite this I was really sceptical on whether or not I��d actually like the Mandalorian when the first trailer dropped since I wasn’t really liking the direction the sequel trilogy was taking. But then Chapter 1 released and the entire internet exploded overnight over that Baby Yoda reveal. That’s when I knew that I had to check this show out for myself. I didn’t actually get to see season 1 until it was only a month away from season 2′s release date but it was well worth the wait. And now here I am with the show living rent free in my mind constantly.
2:  Who’s your favourite character? Is it a cop out if I say Grogu? But I also love Din, the Armorer and the return of Bo-Katan, Ahsoka and Boba Fett. (I actually didn’t get the appeal of Boba until his reintroduction in season 2 and now I can see why everybody likes him so much)
3: What’s your favourite season (so far)? Season 2! I know some people didn’t like how fan servicey it was, but I’m weak for that kind of shit. Season 1 is still just as good though.
4: What’s your favourite scene from each season? Season 1: I’d have to say the scene where Din earns his Mudhorn signet in chapter 8. Couldn’t tell you why, I just think it was a really neat moment. Season 2: The goodbye scene in chapter 16. Need I say more? (For real though, season 2 had so many great moments that it’ll be difficult for me to choose)
5: What’s your favourite episode (so far)? Chapter 15 The Believer! I was on the edge of my seat (well, my bed lol) the entire time that I’m honestly surprised I didn’t come crashing down onto the floor. I could honestly talk all day about the scene where Din has to remove his helmet in order for the machine to scan his face and just how well Pedro managed to portray the anxiety and sheer discomfort Din must have been feeling in that scene. Also, the little details of Din having to move his entire head to survey his surroundings or to glance at other people? Chiefs kiss 👌 Uggh this episode is so good!
6: FAVOURITE DIN AND GROGU MOMENT: Why must you make me choose? Apart from the obvious goodbye scene in chapter 16, I’m going to say the scene in chapter 12 The Siege where Grogu is trying to swap the two coloured wires and his tiny baby brain can’t comprehend what the hell he’s supposed to do, but Din is so patient with him? Makes me ugly laugh every single time.
7: FAVOURITE DIN MOMENT: I’m just going to say the entirety of chapter 15 The Believer and call it a day lol
8: FAVOURITE GROGU MOMENT: The blue cookie scene in chapter 12. Him begging the kid for the cookies and then taking it anyway, to him waving his hands in the air and throwing them back up. It doesn’t matter. Just Grogu with his blue cookies. A truly iconic moment.
9: The scene that made you cry the most: I think I speak for all of us when I say the goodbye scene. It’s the only time Star Wars has ever made me cry and I’ll never forgive Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni for that.
10: The scene that made you the most hyped: When Din tries to give Bo-Katan the Darksaber back and Moff Gideon’s just sat there with the biggest shit-eating grin on his face, taunting her. I was honestly waiting for her to slap the shit out of him right then and there.
11: Moment you’d like to see most in upcoming seasons: 👏 VILLIAN 👏 BO-KATAN  👏 That bitch is mad she hasn’t got her Darksaber back and the rights to the throne. I’d also like to see King Din of course. BUT, I’d like to see him struggle to fit into the role, none of this ‘he’s so good at his job and he’s only been King for half a day bullshit’ let’s see him not have a clue what he’s doing and watch him grow into a better king, just like with his father role to Grogu. This could also lead into the villain Bo-Katan subplot as this makes her even angrier that she isn’t Queen, and are now stuck with this pathetic King. And then a reunion scene with Din and Grogu, but only at the end of the season. Make it a cliff-hanger to lead into season 4 or something, let’s have their separation be meaningful to the audience as well.
12: Favourite camo role in season 2: Bo-Katan. Now that I’ve watched the Clone Wars and making my way through Rebels, her first appearance to live action has a much bigger impact on me now. Ahsoka’s too.
13: Star Wars movie character you’d like to see in season 3: Honestly? I guess Chewie, only for the fact that the Jawa’s said that Din’s Jawaese sounded like a Wookie and now I want to see Din talk Shyriiwook.
14: Animated character you’d like to see in live action for season 3: Any of the main cast of Rebels characters. I say any as I’ve only seen the first two seasons so far and I don’t know if any of them d-word’s at the end of the series. I know Ezra’s already been rumoured for supposedly the Ahsoka series so I think Sabine would be a nice fit here since I know she also once wielded the Darksaber.
15: What do you think is the most underrated episode? 👀 I’d say Sanctuary as I’ve heard lots of people calling it the weakest episode of the series. I personally really enjoyed it.
16: What do you think is the most overrated episode? 👀 Don’t crucify me for saying this but I’d say The Gunslinger. I often forget about it’s existence, I’m so sorry 😂 And it’s not even my least favourite episode!
17: Given the chance, what would you change from the previous seasons? I honestly have no idea lmao. I guess have some more random scenes of showing Din and Grogu bonding? Let’s have some cute father and son moments please.
18: Favourite Mandalorian/Grogu merch that you own? My Grogu plushie
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Or my Din Funko Pop
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Yes I keep my Funkos out of their box, I literally do not have the storage space to keep them in their boxes, sue me.
19: Favourite behind the scenes fact: It honestly boggles my mind that most of the scenery and environments are behind a green screen and needs to be drawn/animated in? Like, they all look gorgeous.
20: Favourite actor/actress from the cast: Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin and Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan Kryze.
21: Favourite fandom moment: Not sure what this means but I guess all of us losing our absolute shit because we were afraid something awful happened to Grogu in chapter 15 since we didn’t get to see him, not even as a prisoner. That was a terrifying week lol. (Despite us getting a banger of an episode)
22: SEASON 3 PREDICTIONS (I’m excited to know what y’all think!!) I think I’ve basically already answered this in question 11, but to save you guys the trouble of scrolling all the way back up here’s a very basic rundown of what I think will happen in season 3: Villain Bo-Katan A struggling King Djarin Din and Grogu reuniting at the end of the season as a cliff-hanger for the opening in season 4.
23: ((Take this time to appreciate and tag some of your fav Mando moots)) Not gonna tag anyone as I don’t know anyone over here lol, but I’d love to see some of your guys answers! A massive shout-out to all the fanfic writers, fan artists and video makers out there who create for this fandom. All of ya’ll are making the wait for season 3 a lot more bearable by giving us more content with our favourite clueless space dad and his adoptive son travelling around the galaxy.
This was a lot of fun to do, here’s a special thank you to Spoiler4you for creating this game for all of us to play. In case you missed it, the link to the original Twitter thread is at the top of this post.
Now if you’ll excuse me I’m off to write some more Din and Grogu fanfiction. Good night ya’ll!
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