#bosco x daya
artificialqueens · 2 years
💙 Moving Out (Dayasco) - Strawberry
Summary: Daya moves out for college, and Bosco is coming with her.
A/N: Another submission for the Pride challenge! I think this is considered domestic fluff? Lol but this is a part of a series I have on AO3, I haven't brought it to AQ bc it's fucking long but if you want context, here's the series! 
How did two high school students manage to have so much junk? That was what Daya was currently asking herself. 
Her and Bosco had arrived at Daya's aunt’s house, their new home for the next year or so. Her aunt had already cleaned out the spare bedroom for them to move into, and Daya was questioning whether or not all of their stuff was going to fit in the space provided.
“How do we have so much shit?” Daya asked as they brought the first couple of suitcases up to the bedroom. 
Bosco shrugged, “I don’t know. I only have two suitcases while you have like, six. Maybe you just have hoarding tendencies.” 
While her partner was mostly correct, she was not happy with the callout. “I didn’t bring that much. Just the college existentials!”
“I’m sure you’re going to get a lot of use out of those shoes that make you seven feet tall.”
Daya gasped, “Excuse me, Gigi got me those for my birthday! I can’t leave them at my childhood home forever.”
 “Whatever. Let’s finish bringing our stuff in. We can go to the Taco Bell we passed on the way here for lunch if we finish at a decent time.” 
That motivated Daya enough to the point where she attempted and failed to bring up three suitcases at once. Bosco had to take one of them from Daya’s grip in order to get it into the house and up the stairs. 
There was only one dresser in their bedroom, and they tried to figure out if they could make it work without having to go out and buy something. Daya figured that if she hung up all of her clothes in the closet and Bosco put theirs in the dresser, they wouldn’t have to go through all of the effort of bringing another piece of furniture into the room.
It worked out. Kind of. Bosco didn’t have a ton of clothes, so they knew that everything would fit right into the dresser while Daya had only unpacked half of the clothes she had brought with her to Chicago before the closet was completely full.
“Bosco?” Daya sighed, looking down at her partner who was sitting on the floor, folding her leggings. 
They didn’t bother to look up, “Yes, princess?”
“We might have to go to Target after all. I ran out of room.” Daya was trying to avoid a trip to Target. While she loved the store, she always ended up walking around the entire store and buying things that she did not need. 
“I was secretly hoping you would say that. I promise I won’t let you spend $200 on shit we don’t need.” The only things they needed was another dresser and a new bed set. The only reason Daya didn’t bring the one on her childhood bed was because she ran out of room packing up her car and figured that her aunt would already have something on the bed. She did, but the pattern was hideous and Bosco told her they wouldn’t be caught dead sleeping under a comforter like the one provided. 
“You’re always looking out for me. That’s why I wanted you to come with me.” Bosco didn’t know that Daya had been brewing up the plan for them to move out with her since the month they got together, and she didn’t know if she should tell them that.
Daya got onto the floor with Bosco and helped them finish folding up their clothes. She didn’t see the point of folding them if they were just going to end up wearing the clothes anyway, but that’s how Bosco liked her clothes and Daya wasn’t going to try to change that fact. 
“What does this shirt say? I’m hot and a grandma too?” Daya asked, holding one of Bosco’s pajama shirts for them to see, “Where in the hell did you get this?”
The black haired girl grinned at the sight of the cropped, black shirt. “I found it at the thrift store when I was like sixteen. I’m never getting rid of it, so don’t even ask.”
“I wasn’t going to ask you to get rid of it, I was going to ask if I could wear it. I let you wear my Fall Out Boy shirt all the time, it’s only fair.”
“Maybe. I call dibs on wearing it tonight, though.” Bosco smirked. “And the night after.”
Daya pouted at that. “Not fair!”
“It’s not fair for me to wear my own shirt?” 
After they finished bickering and folding and putting Bosco’s clothes into the dresser, they headed to Target. Bosco practically had to drag Daya away from the dollar spot and to the section of the store they actually needed to go to.
They settled on a dark blue bed set and Daya had a hard time picking out what dresser they had on the shelves she wanted to get. In the end, she decided to settle on a taller, skinnier one that she hoped matched the rest of the furniture in the bedroom.
“Daya, why are we walking towards the clothing section?” Bosco asked, catching onto their girlfriend taking the long way back to the self checkout. 
The brunette gripped the shopping cart tighter. “We’re not walking towards the clothing section.”
“Then why are we passing the maternity section right now?” 
The taller girl didn’t say a word. She continued towards the women’s section — she really didn’t need any more clothes but she saw a TikTok of a cute band tee in the Wild Fable section and couldn’t help herself. Bosco ended up giving in, liking the shirts as well, but they made sure to stop Daya before she had added a whole new fall wardrobe into their shopping cart. 
“See? We only spent $150!” Daya squealed as they finished ringing up all of their stuff, “And that’s with the clothes.” 
“You’re a budgeting genius, babe.”
The Taco Bell on the drive back was calling the taller girl’s name. The line was pretty long, but she knew for a fact that they had brought back their famous Nacho Fries that week, and didn’t mind waiting. Bosco didn’t mind the wait either, as long as they were able to control what music played in the car while they waited to order.
 “Moving in wasn’t so bad this time around.” Bosco commented, stealing a Nacho fry from Daya. “Moving from Montana to Missouri was a fucking nightmare. But we only had one car full of shit to bring with us this time, so that’s probably why it’s less stressful.” 
Daya supposed Bosco was right, “The only thing I’m dreading is building that fucking dresser. I wish Crystal was here to build it for me. It’s going to take me like a week to put together.”
“Come on, the Target furniture is easier to build. It’ll take us like, two hours if you don’t get distracted.” 
After getting home and opening the box, they ended up getting very distracted. At least Daya had another week until college started up to finish putting it together.
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dayabot · 3 months
hey guys um did you know that lana del rey ultraviolence (deluxe)
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aqpippin · 1 year
8 or 38 for the soft prompts? 💖
mar!! of course 🤍
I chose dayasco bc I've never written them before but I enjoyed writing this 🫶🏼
icymi !! prompt 8 was done here ✨
38. “Do you remember our first kiss?” x dayasco
Daya nuzzles her face into Bosco’s neck, breathing her in. She smells like cigarettes, peaches, a little bit of sweat. It’s distinctively Bosco, and Daya wants to melt into her - breathe her in and get lost in her.
The room smells like Daya’s perfume and weed and musky candles, and Daya moves to straddle Bosco. There’s a half smoked joint dangling from Bosco’s fingertips, and Daya reaches out to take it off her, pressing it between her lips and relighting it. 
Bosco’s head is fuzzy and Daya looks so pretty sitting in her lap. She’s all long limbs and soft pale skin, pink flush in her cheeks, eyelashes fluttering against her cheek as she breathes in. Bosco thinks she looks like a doll, wants to play with her hair and show her off - and she can feel the smoke wash over her as Daya exhales. Bosco is entranced, finds her vision focussing on Daya’s lips as she takes another hit. Rosy and plump, perfect for kissing. Oh, how Bosco loves to feel Daya’s lips on hers, across every inch of her skin.
“Do you remember our first kiss?” Bosco asks, watching plumes of smoke fall from her love’s lips. 
“Huh?” Daya’s looking at the ceiling, brows furrowed, “what?”
“Do you, can you, remember our first kiss?” Bosco whines, “I can’t remember it.”
“Oh,” Daya giggles, swinging her neck around to look down at Bosco, “yeah. I think so.”
“Remind me?” 
“Well it was summer, and it was hot, and it looked a little bit like this,” Daya sighs leaning in so she can feel Bosco’s breath on her cheeks, “we were at Willow’s house and we were very drunk. And it was a stupid dare from Camden,” Daya’s free hand guides one of Bosco’s to her waist before she uses it to cradle Bosco’s jaw, “and we just kinda -” it’s soft and needy and the groan that leaves Bosco’s lips is the exact same sound she made all those years ago, the same sound she makes every time Daya moves down her neck. 
They kiss until the joint has fizzled out, and it’s with a heaving chest that Bosco sighs, “I remembered I just wanted to make out.”
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holywaterzzz · 2 years
Biteable: Bosco
hi girlies x
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7/10 - rather chewy. decent chomp.
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2/10 - you'd think shes biteable but no. this bosco is unchompable which is a shame bc she looks scrumptious 😔
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9/10 - bro how could you NOT chomp her, shes waiting to be chomped! will likely make u work for it though
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10/10 - very chompable! ginger bosco :)
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12/10 - omg her??? literally the perfect chew toy bite her now
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5/10 - not very chewable. extra points for daya tho :)
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9/10 - ooo this boscos like a blue raspberry/caramel mix, very sweet :)
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11/10 - fuck everything else this is the only bosco that matters to me i need her in my mouth now getting down n dirty on my knees for a quick chomp a nibble even i am so normal about her i swear-
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missjanjie · 1 year
any daya x bosco head canons?
hm… if you give me something specific, like a theme, i could probably come up with some
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alittlebitgoofy · 2 years
I’d luv to see a Daya x Bosco sickfic (or honestly any pairing sickfic) if ur feeling up to it! I’m sick as well right now and am craving the comfort. Also hope you feel better soon! x
by the time i finished it, i'm pretty much better (though this cough is a fuckin pain) but thanks anon :)) (I decided to just post it in answer to this ask bc it's easier) ---
Bosco groaned, feeling the ache in her bones as someone kept knocking at her door. Who the hell needed them this badly? They tried to ignore it, rolling over to go back to sleep as it continued. She seriously considered throwing something at the door before begrudgingly getting up to open it when the knocking got softer.
The anger simmering inside of her settled down when she saw Daya in front of her. The blonde looked at her somewhat concerned, reaching to grab her hand without a word. 
“What?” They grumbled though they couldn’t stop a small smile from tugging at their lips when Daya squeezed their hand, a wordless way of showing her affection. 
“You weren’t in class today, I missed you.” Another squeeze, the concern in the blonde’s voice left Bosco feeling guilty, cursing herself for ignoring her alarm in favour of more sleep that morning. 
“Shit.” Checking the time made them realise how fucked they truly were. It was now 2 pm and they’d missed all their classes for the day bar one in an hour. God damn it they were screwed. 
“You look more pale than usual, are you alright?” Bosco grimaced as Daya started prodding around her face. She placed her hand on their forehead and frowned at the result, Bosco’s stomach churned as she looked at them with pleading eyes and a slight frown. She knew what she was doing but seeing Daya so concerned did weaken their resolve a bit.
“Stop looking at me like that, I’m fine.” They shifted their eyes to the floor to avoid Daya’s stare, though her hand went to grab one of Bosco’s and squeeze it again, gently rubbing her thumb over the back of it. 
“You have a fever, you’re not fine.” Though she didn’t particularly want to look up, Bosco could hear the insistence in her voice and knew this was a losing battle. Despite that she still didn’t want to admit weakness, she’d be fine and could just power through it. “No I don’t, I was just tired.” “Bosco!” Daya’s voice got a little louder, watching the black-haired girl wince at the change in volume, she would have felt bad had that not proved her point even more. “Daya.” They deadpanned, though letting Daya pull them in for a hug, melting into the warmth of their girlfriend with a low hum of pleasure. “Would you at least let me take your temperature?” She softened her tone, stroking Bosco’s hair as they leaned into her shoulder. “If it’ll get you off my back, then yes.” They just sighed, letting Daya tug them back into their room and watching her root around their drawer for the thermometer.
“If I had to guess I think you’ve got a fever of like 100.3 or something.” “That’s oddly specific but okay if you say so.”
Bosco slouched as she sat back down on her bed, letting Daya lead her to get her to stop fussing so much. Daya kissed her forehead as she motioned for them to open their mouth so she could stick the thermometer in, letting out a slight groan as it let out a shrill beep to signal it was done. Daya looked at it, her expression shifting from gentle concern to a mildly annoyed frown.
“Why do you have to be so stubborn.” She spoke up, showing the screen to Bosco that read 100.3 exactly. Why did she have to be right this time? “Because it’s fun.” She deadpanned, though Daya’s unamused look pierced through her, making her stomach churn with guilt. “You’re lucky you’re pretty, I don’t know how I put up with you.” “Cause you love me.” Bosco poked Daya’s cheek with a bashful grin as the taller girl shot her a loving look. Daya hummed in agreement, pulling Bosco back into her arms and peppering kisses over their faces. They squirmed slightly, grumbling about the sheer amount of affection before Daya pulled them to lie down and pulled the duvet up over them. “Have you eaten?” “Babe, I just woke up.” “Okay, I’m going to go get you some food and some medicine, just rest until I get back.
“I don’t think I’m going to be going anywhere.” Bosco rolled over, their words muffled by their face pressed into their pillow in a way that made Daya chuckle. 
Daya grabbed the keys from Bosco’s cabinet, kissing the top of her head before leaving for the cafeteria and leaving Bosco alone with her thoughts. 
Her mind ran, wondering how Daya had managed to exactly guess her temperature or how she’d completely flipped into caretaker mode when she realised they were sick. It was cute, how concerned she looked. Though if they commented on it, she would bashfully smile in that intoxicating way that always melted through Bosco. 
Thinking about her was helping, they pulled the dinosaur she’d given them a while ago into their arms and let their eyes fall shut with their thoughts full of her stupidly cute face. 
God damn it, they were in deep. 
Bosco could feel her brain turning to mush, melting into her bed by the second and never wanting to leave the warmth of it, though the door creaked back open just as she was about to doze off. She let out a tired grunt, getting a laugh out of Daya in the process. “Did I wake you up?” The blonde teased, gently prodding her girlfriend and getting another groan in response. “No, I was just falling asleep.” 
“Well, I got you a Dr Pepper.”
“You’re the best, you know that?” Bosco perked up, pushing herself to be sitting up and making grabby hands at the bottle. Daya couldn’t help but chuckle seeing this side of her, giving Bosco the drink and passing over a takeout container full of pasta. “I do now, I thought you’d want this too.” 
Bosco’s face said all she needed to, turning to face Daya with a content smile. Her blue eyes shimmered with adoration, grabbing Daya’s hand with her own and squeezing it to say what she didn’t have the energy to.
“I love you too, now have something to eat.” Daya watched over Bosco as they slowly made their way through the pasta, making sure she took some painkillers and ate enough before letting them fall back asleep. 
“Mmm, I can’t sleep without you. It’s too cold.” Bosco grabbed at the taller girl, letting out a quiet whine when she was out of reach and leaving her hands out until Daya came closer. “Okay then, anything for you baby.” Daya leant down, a small smile tugging at her lips as Bosco nestled up against her and pulled her under the sheets and into their bed with them. A sick Bosco wasn’t exactly easy to handle though Daya felt a pull inside of her to take care of them, watching over every little movement they made and making sure Bosco would feel better quickly.
And by the way she was constantly begging to be held, she wasn’t going to be moving for a while.
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glitterclownz · 2 years
let's play a game! send me a ship and 1-2 random words (example: daya x jasmine, blanket or bosco x daya, milkshake) and i'll try my best to write out a headcanon or drabble for it!
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moonshotsx · 2 years
Bosco x chairs 🥰
on par with daya x floor 😌
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artificialqueens · 2 years
🧡 Dinosaur (Dayasco) - Winter
a/n: it's been a hot minute since i've posted here but i wanted to submit something for the fic challenge so here we are, this is for the hurt/comfort category, also bosco uses she/they pronouns and daya is written to be autistic based on my own experience with autism
light tw for descriptions of sensory overload/a meltdown,
ao3 link 
Daya burrowed herself under her blanket, letting out a whine when Bosco attempted to pull it back to see her face.
Everything was too loud, the light was buzzing, and she could hear people stomping down the hallway and shouting like other people didn’t live there. The clothes on her skin felt itchy as if the fibers were trying to scratch her skin off. Her brain was hazy and yet attuned to everything all at once, any attempt to speak was too painful, her chest clenching with every breath.
With a groan, Daya poked a hand out of the blanket and pointed at her wardrobe, tossing her shirt to the floor with a whimper to clue Bosco in on what she wanted
They stared for a second, processing whatever the hell that could possibly mean before realising she wanted something more comfortable. Glancing at her wardrobe one thing stuck out, the bright yellow hoodie she always wore. They pulled it down, careful not to rattle the hangers too much, and slowly walked over to Daya’s bed, flicking the light switch off as they moved past it, much to Daya’s relief.
Bosco sat on the side of her bed, trying her best not to nudge Daya, and slipped the hoodie under the blanket, stifling a laugh as it was quickly snatched inside like a distrusting animal taking food from a trap. Watching the Daya shaped lump under the blanket wriggle around to get the hoodie on and not leave her safe place was entertaining. Bosco also slipped her phone under, dimming the screen so it wouldn’t strain her eyes.
Their phone buzzed beside them with a text:
Daya💛: thank you <3
“You’re welcome.”
Daya💛: please text, i can’t deal with noise right now
Bosco: okay, what do you need babe?
Daya💛: can you pass me one of the chocolate milks in my drawer, my sugars low
Bosco: delivery time for betty!
Daya let out a slight giggle at that, Bosco let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, relieved she was feeling okay enough to laugh.
They stayed by her side, letting Daya decompress in silence, slipping her some snacks whenever she asked. Daya felt herself calming down, craving Bosco’s arms around her more than ever.
Daya💛: come under the blanket
Bosco slowly lifted the blanket, feeling the taller girl reach for her the second she got close to pull her under, wrapping her arms around their waist and leaning her head on their chest. Bosco wrapped their arms around Daya, smiling to themself as she curled further into them.
After a few minutes, Daya prodded Bosco’s hand, dragging it up to the top of her head with a pleading look in her eyes that could melt anyone. They slowly ran their fingers through her hair, feeling Daya let out a content sigh and letting her eyes flutter shut. She let out a pleased hum as they continued, the corners of her lips flicking up ever so slightly when Bosco pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
“Are you feeling better now?”
Daya blinked at Bosco, pondering the question before giving a shrug in response. She’d spent the better part of an hour with them and it had helped but that didn’t entirely lift the heavy weight that made itself at home in her chest. Something still clenched at her no matter how safe and comfortable she knew she was with them.
“I have an idea, you gotta let me go, though.”
Daya huffed at that, but let Bosco slip out of her arms with a pout. They couldn’t help but pull her into a gentle kiss at that, her face too cute to leave alone.
“I swear to god if you tell anyone about this-” They muttered, watching Daya prop herself up against the bed to get a better view of whatever was about to unfold, starting to smile as Bosco shook their head and wondered if this would even work.
They put their arms close to their body, mimicking a t-rex before starting.
“Rawr! I’m a dinosaur! Rawr!” Bosco got more into character the longer she went on, hunching over to add to the realism, waving her arms as Daya started to grin.
That look was worth the embarrassment, seeing her eyes crinkle with how hard she was grinning, knowing that the loving look in her eyes was reserved only for them.
“Raaawwwrrr!! I have feathers so really I should be squawking. Rawr? Caw?” That part made Daya giggle, once she started it was too hard to stop. She watched Bosco stomp around in a game of pretend and only started to laugh hard when they kept going, crouching to the ground to let out a roar before continuing to walk back and forth like a creature.
Bosco couldn’t help but smile as her laugh grew louder, developing into a full-blown cackle, her eyes starting to tear up from how hard she was laughing. They walked closer to her, still hunched over and in character before whispering something in the blonde’s ear.
Daya launched forward all of a sudden, catching the raven-haired girl off guard, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her close once again.
“Are you the asteroid?” Daya nodded, flipping Bosco over to lay herself directly on top of them, peppering their face with kisses as they wheezed out a laugh.
“I don’t think this is how the dinosaurs went extinct, Betty Bear.” They teased, poking her cheek as Daya scrunched up her face.
“It’s how the Boscosaur went extinct.” Her voice was quiet from the lack of use, but Daya giggled as she spoke, returning to kissing every inch of Bosco’s face as she
“The Boscosaur? I’ll take it.” They grinned at the nickname, watching Daya’s face change into one of pure loving adoration as she looked at them. Bosco felt the heat rising to her face as they stayed in that position, Daya hovering barely an inch away from her face, absolutely able to feel the way her heart was racing at the close contact.
“I love you, my Boscosaur.”
“I love you too, Dayasaur.”
Daya let out another giggle at that, pressing a kiss to Bosco’s lips before leaning her head back down onto their chest and pulling the blanket back over them. Bosco let her eyes flutter shut, tired out from the charades and letting the euphoria of being so close to someone she loved wash over her, glad she could help her feel better. Stroking Daya’s hair, she heard the blonde’s breathing even out and let herself fall asleep too.
God, she loved that girl.
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dayabot · 2 years
detective daya x serial killer bosco covered in blood. and gay sex. gay sex covered in blood. also they are gay and covered in blood. they are having sex. did i mention they w- (i am shot on sight)
that"s what it's all about baby. having gay sex with your serial killer girlfriend while you're both covered in the blood of whoever she decided to kill that day <3 Love Is Love
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urmomsfavelesbian · 2 years
if you wrote a daya x bosco x gigi threesome i would literally owe you my entire life
tell jess @polychromeedge and ashie @dayabot to stop breaking my brain and then maybe i will! 🥴
here’s a quote from the hypothetical sequel: “come on, Boscy, have some mercy! You’re choking all her braincells away.”
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gigimethyd · 1 year
hi so i want a bosco x willow x daya tat but i cannot figure out what i want for bosco 💔💔💔💔 help
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foxynali · 2 years
ʚ stan list ɞ
boy groups:
(ult) exo. biases: xiumin, kai, chanyeol, d.o, baekhyun.
txt. bias: beomgyu.
riize. bias: sungchan.
shinee. bias: onew.
seventeen. biases: hoshi, dino, jeonghan.
support list: nu'est, ateez, infinite, teen top, mblaq, nct, boysnextdoor, tws, enhypen.
girl groups:
(ult) snsd. bias: tiffany.
(ult) twice. biases: nayeon, momo.
stayc. biases: isa, yoon.
everglow. biases: yiren, aisha.
blackpink. biases: ot4.
aespa. bias: giselle, ningning
support list: apink, f(x), sunmi, suhyun (akmu), dreamcatcher, oh my girl, (g)-idle, momoland, girl's day, jeon somi, mamamoo, ailee, yena, le sserafim, ive, babymonster, illit.
i have not watched: down under, canada s2/3/4, all stars 8, thailand, uk s3/4/5, holland, españa s2/3, italia, france s2. philippines, belgique, sverige, mexico, germany (help).
usa:  tatianna, jujubee, kylie sonique love, raja, manila, jinkx monsoon, detox, bendelacreme, miss fame, katya, trixie mattel, bob the drag queen, kim chi, shea coulée, aquaria, yuhua hamasaki, blair st. clair, monet x change, asia o'hara, mo heart, vanessa vanjie mateo, plastique tiara, ra'jah o'hara, scarlet envy, jaida essence hall, gigi goode, jackie cox, nicky doll, heidi n closet, symone, denali, gottmik, bosco, daya betty, willow pill, marcia marcia marcia, sasha colby, luxx noir london, nymphia wind, plane jane, sapphira crystal, mirage amuro, morphine love dion, xunami muse, dawn.
canada: priyanka, kiara, lemon, boa, juice boxx, tynomi banks.
uk: blu hydrangea, baga chipz, divina de campo, cheryl hole, bimini bon boulash, tayce, tia kofi, lawrence chaney, ellie diamond, victoria scone.
españa: carmen farala, killer queen, sagittaria, arantxa castilla la mancha, hugáceo crujiente.
france: soa de muse, kam hugh, la grande dame.
favorites: trixie/katya (trixya), nymphia wind/plane jane (planymphia), jasmine kennedy/daya betty (jasya), lemon/priyanka (lemyanka), marcia/sasha colby, carmen farala/sagittaria, kam hugh/la grande dame, gigi goode/nicky doll (goodedoll), gigi goode/jaida essence hall (goodessence).
like: lemon/juice boxx (lemonjuice), naomi/kim chi (naochi), bendelacreme/jinkx monsoon (jela/jinkx & dela), bendelacreme/trixie mattel. jackie cox/jan sport (jankie), jaida essence hall/nicky doll (halldoll), raja gemini/manila luzon (rajila),  scarlet envy/yvie oddly (scyvie), sasha velour/shea coulée (sashea), arantxa/hugaceo (aranceo).
i sometimes read: brooke/vanjie (branjie), blu/cheryl (hole hydrangea), tayce/bimini, s6 ships, s14 ships.
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missjanjie · 1 year
daya helping bosco pick out lingerie
bosco being a savage x fenty ambassador is basically dayas wet dream
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lipsyncforyourlife · 2 years
Maddy Morphosis Gives It To Us Straight + "Menzeses" Recap (Issue #9)
The RuPaul's Drag Race Official Newsletter
In this week’s newsletter, it’s raining “Menzeses” as we gush over one of the best lip syncs of the season and share an exclusive interview with Maddy Morphosis. Don’t forget to subscribe so you can stay tuned for all of the latest Drag Race updates!
While some Drag Race episodes ask the queens to do utterly ridiculous things (for example, creating rhyming PSAs), others challenge them in ways that put their real-world skills to the test. “Menzeses” is the latter type of episode, with a DragCon Panel Maxi that helps ready the girls for their post-Drag Race world of interviews, public speaking, and, well, DragCon Panels; these credits transfer! But there’s still plenty of time for ridiculousness— including a silly Mini Challenge—and a ridiculously good Lip Sync that feels like one for the herstory books. My name’s Cameron Scheetz, and I’ll be your newsletter moderator for another thrilling week of Drag Race. Sometimes I get a good feeling…
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The Mini
“Reading Is Fundamental” was an all-timer, so I’m thrilled Season 14 kept the Mini Challenge train running with a quick-drag photoshoot. The Ruse (I italicized “Ru” so you know I’m attempting some weak RuPaul wordplay)? The queens are tasked with photobombing snapshots of famous men, subtly hinting at the theme of the Maxi Challenge to come. Daya went straight for Lil Nap X’s nipples, Angeria served extra bootyliciousness, Lady Camden learned she could put her leg over her head, and DeJa looked like some sort of wacky ‘90s cartoon mascot, scoring immediate laughs just for peeking out from behind the folding screen. Truly everyone rose to the occasion, but Willow Pill earned the win by bringing a full character concept to the shoot, serving Mary Lou Retton realness as she mounted a headstand on top of Jake Gyllenhaal’s dog. Bless this show for encouraging me to write nonsense sentences like that.
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The Set-Up
DragCon makes its long-anticipated return to Los Angeles this spring, and the occasion has inspired the revival of the DragCon Panel Maxi Challenge, last seen back in Season 10. That go-around, the queens had to present three informational panels on hair, body, and face, but this time they were tasked with driving two titillating conversations around one topic: Men Menzeses. As Ru explained, their discussions would need to be both “real and real enter-taint-ing,” and the encouragement for the girls to bring their personal experiences to the panels actually reminded me more of Pink Table Talk from last year’s All Stars 6. Calling on emotion, thoughtfulness, a sharp sense of humor, and quick conversation skills, it’s a challenge that asks everyone to step up in a big way.
As the Mini winner, Willow was granted the power to select her own team, opting for DeJa Skye, Angeria Paris VanMicheals, and Lady Camden—girls she hadn’t worked with as frequently (unlike Bosco and Daya Betty, her teammates for the last two episodes). That left us with Bosco, Jorgeous, Jasmine Kennedie, and Daya Betty, which is dubbed #TeamLeftovers. Daya can’t fight the face crack, as DeJa—and surely all of us at home—noted, she didn’t look too thrilled about working with Jasmine.
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Team Willow’s chemistry was there from the jump, unanimously electing DeJa as their panel moderator and fine-tuning their topics with a strong emphasis on the roles their fathers have (or haven’t) played in their lives. Pageant queen Angeria revealed she’s had her fair share of panel experience (just not at DragCon—yet!), and Ru singles out Camden for her tentativeness, reminding the girls to just treat the challenge like they’re having a conversation with their friends. Over on #TeamLeftovers, Daya bristled when Jasmine volunteered to moderate, and sweet baby Jorgeous didn’t even know what moderating was, so Bosco ultimately stepped up to lead her group, which felt like the right call, especially given her experience as an “extremely salty barista.” My body tensed up when Ru asked Daya and Jasmine if they got along, but the girls both seemed eager to prove their frequent spats were just a product of their loving drag sisterhood.
The Challenge
Finally, it was DragCon time, and the first panel came from Team Willow, which they wisely dubbed “Men: A Work In Progress.” There was a real effortless flow to this group, giving everyone a fair share of the spotlight, and DeJa brought a professionalism to her role directing the conversation. Angeria oozed her usual charm (outing herself as a “drag lesbian”), and Lady Camden overcame an early slip-up by embracing her funny side, keeping from fading into the background like last week (though I’d say that Blake Lively is definitively the hotter Blake). But Willow really was the star, showcasing her natural gift for joke delivery with lines like, “I’m an anarchist who believes men should be punished for their crimes against the world, but I do find them very attractive.” And, beyond the humor, she always found a way to underscore the themes of the conversation, honing in on the teachable lessons while never coming off as preachy.
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Then it was time for #TeamLeftovers, who kicked things off with a shriek of laughter from Ru thanks to their hilarious panel name, “Men: Electric Boogaloo, Part 2 - Now With More Men.” It was clear that Bosco did not come to play, putting the right amount of polish on her salty barista schtick with an engaging and always funny presence—you could practically see Ru jotting down, “Note to self: Book Bosco as an actual DragCon moderator.” In comparison, her teammates faltered a bit, with Jorgeous tripping over her words and Jasmine letting herself ramble just a touch too long. Still, they made some great points about male privilege, toxic masculinity, and even the rock-hard nipples of WWE wrestlers (lot of nipple talk from Daya this week!). Despite some shakiness, this was far from a panel trainwreck.
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The Looks
On the runway, the Shoulder Pads category had the girls giving us the hot shoulder. First out was DeJa in a dragged up nod to a classic Chanel look—certainly one of her strongest runways to date. Lady Camden looked Nutcracker sweet in a sparkling red gown and a gorgeous mug underneath that mask (the white hair works really well for her, too). Then Willow strutted out as punk businessman of the future, which might’ve been light on shoulder, but really strong in terms of concept and execution.
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Angeria dazzled in a black-and-white houndstooth number—her second outside-the-box look in a row—and Bosco looked amazing in what she perfectly described as “the Morton Salt Girl, Dick Tracy, and a villain from Power Rangers all rolled into one.” Jorgeous brought her usual sparkle, complimented perfectly with a curly pompadour wig, and Jasmine was striking in a streamlined neon look with some sharp-ass bangs. Finally, Daya marched out in Tank Girl couture, assembled from safety pins, football shoulder pads, and more than a few pairs of camo pants.
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The Critiques
From super-fan to guest judge extraordinaire, we’re always thrilled by Nicole Byer’s presence on the Drag Race Judges Panel, especially because the comedian reliably turns it out in the looks department (sporting a hairstyle that Kandy Muse noted looks a lot like the wig she and Liv Luxe Miyaki-Mugler sported in Season 13).
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She joined Michelle Visage, Carson Kressley, and a sickeningly silver-sequined RuPaul for the week’s critiques, which started off by announcing the tops and bottoms—leaving Lady Camden and Angeria in the safe zone. Both DeJa and Bosco were rightly hailed for handling their moderating duties with aplomb, and Willow’s brilliant panel bantering scored her high marks. In the end, top honors went to Bosco, who now matches Angeria’s track record for wins (both have one Mini and two Maxi wins under their belts), solidifying her as a real competitor for the crown. Daya’s performance landed her with the low-scorers—Ru said she was interesting but not the best—though it never felt like she was in any real danger. That narrowed us down to Jasmine and Jorgeous who both struggled to infuse their panels with the electrifying energy they normally bring to the stage. And on that note…
Was anyone else beaming the entire way through that Lip Sync For Your Life? Oh, it must be love!!! Ever since their premiere—when Jasmine and Jorgeous both proved they could perform the house down—we’ve been anticipating a LSFYL match-up between the two dancing titans, and it did not disappoint. When you pit two performers like this against one another, there’s a sense that it’s going to be a tense, thrilling smackdown. And while it certainly was both tense and thrilling, it was also an exuberant Lip Sync brimming with pure joy, both queens clearly having a ball doing what they do best. Etta James’ “Something’s Got A Hold On Me” was an unexpected but inspired pick, and I love the way it brought Jasmine and Jorgeous to life—I squealed when they synced up for a few of the songs many “Oh, oh, ohhhh’s.” They really delivered the energy, and this will surely go down as one of the best Lip Syncs of the season. I already can’t wait to watch it again (mostly so I can gawk at that wild split Jasmine pulled off).
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And Ru kept those good vibes coming with a rare double shantay, leaving both Jasmine and Jorgeous to gag us another week! I really can’t imagine how you could pick a favorite between the two, so the outcome feels exciting and fully justified. “Ladies in the back, please take note: This is how you Lip Sync For Your Life,” Ru advised, and good luck to anyone who has to go toe-to-toe with these two in the future. Hope you’ve got a cool, dry, temperature-controlled place to keep those chocolate bars, because you’ll need to save them for another week!
Burning Questions
Jasmine has now survived three LSFYLs and Jorgeous two, meaning both are well on their way to Lip Sync Assassin© status—or is it not too soon to bestow that honor on them already? Together, they’re responsible for half of the eliminations of the season thus far. We’ve got a talented crop of queens left in the competition, but I have to imagine any of them would be at least a little nervous to face off against either of these fierce performers. This appears to be a big talking point at the top of the next episode, so we’ll see if anyone else feels differently. (And more on that episode teaser in just a second!)
Oy, Mista! You Me Dad?
One of the biggest laughs from the DragCon Panels was when Willow said that, out of drag, she looks like a “sad Victorian doll,” which really has me eager to see the queen pull off a drag tribute to the “Oy, Mista! You Me Dad?” doll meme. Willow, how soon can this happen? You would kill it!!
On a more serious note, Willow Pill took to social media recently to announce that she is trans femme, goes by Willow in and out of drag, and uses they/she pronouns. In the previous week’s Untucked, Willow discussed her complicated relationship with gender, especially because of the way her illness has impacted her mental and physical health over the years, so it’s amazing to hear that she’s finding happiness and has gotten to a place where she feels comfortable sharing her story post-Drag Race. As she acknowledges, the “experience isn’t linear,” but we’re so thrilled she’s found the strength to open up about it. We love you, Willow!
Next Week: Let’s Get Snatched
At long last: Snatch Game! The beloved (and often highly scrutinized) signature Maxi Challenge is back, and we can’t wait to see how this hilarious group fares. Considering this email hits your inbox a few days after the teaser first aired, I’m sure the internet has already zoomed in on every detail, but let’s quickly run down who’s playing who, just for fun: We’ve got Lady Camden as “The Bard” William Shakespeare, Jasmine as reviled former Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, Angeria as unforgettable All Star Tammie Brown, Jorgeous as Broad City’s Ilana Glazer, Willow as Hollywood royalty Drew Barrymore, DeJa as a yaasified Lil Jon, Bosco as Goop goddess Gwyneth Paltrow, and Daya as heavy metal patriarch Ozzy Osbourne. That is quite the selection of characters, but who will claim the Snatch Game win? Also next week: Dove Cameron joins in on the fun, and—somehow—Daya Betty does not sound too impressed with the Jasmine/Jorgeous Lip Sync.
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The Other Half Of The Story
You know the drill: If you’re not watching Untucked, well, you’re missing out, babe! Let’s shout out a few of the most notable moments form this week’s episode.
I feel like I find a way to sneak some Camgeria ‘shipping into every newsletter, but it’s just so hard to resist! With Lady and Angie are our only two safe queens of the week, they got some quality one-on-one time on the Untucked couches before the others joined in. It’s fun to hear these two kiki about anything, but my favorite part was the quick exchange where Angie joked, “Don’t you fart!,” to which Lady deadpanned, “Too late.”
It was pretty clear to everyone who was in the Bottom Two this week. Jasmine—there for the second episode in a row—seemed more at peace with it (“it’s whatever!”), but Jorgeous was a little shaken, feeling like she’s letting the judges and herself down once again. DeJa comforted her with a helpful reminder that all the queens should keep in mind moving forward: “Nothing on that runway was said to get under your skin, it was just to simply help you.“
The DragCon Panels had the girls reflecting on their fathers, which was the perfect segue to our first video message of the season: Angeria’s mom and dad, who I choose to refer to as Mrs. and Mr. Paris VanMicheals. These two were adorable—you can really see the family resemblance—but even more adorable was Angeria’s emotional reaction to seeing them. Truly so wonderful to witness what a lovely support system Angie has behind her.
Everyone was ecstatic when Nicole Byer popped into the Werk Room, especially Willow, who said she listens to Nicole’s podcast every morning when she’s mopping the ramen shop (Taste!). While judges like Taraji P. Henson and Ts Madison came to Untucked to share advice and inspirational stories, Nicole just wanted to gossip (first question: “OK, so who’s the bitch?”), which I fully relate to. She’s just so damn funny, and I’ll never get over her turning to Bosco and asking, “What do you have to say to me that’s nice?”
With the double shantay, it was cute to hear both Jasmine and Jorgeous totally buzzing post-Lip Sync, ending this Untucked ended on a much ecstatic note that usual.
The Serve-ey w/ Maddy Morphosis
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Each week, we’ll get to learn more about one of the queens of season 14 when they take our brief questionnaire, a.k.a. The Serve-ey. They’ll all get the same six questions, and then we’ll throw in one final “wildcard” question just for fun. This week: Maddy Morphosis gives it to us straight!
1. In keeping with the season promo’s board game theme: What was your favorite game growing up and why?
I think growing up I, for some reason, really loved Connect Four—I don’t know what it was, but Connect Four really did it for me. I played a lot of Monopoly also, but I learned that it’s not because I actually liked Monopoly, it’s just my cousin always wanted to play Monopoly. And, in hindsight, I really spent way too many hours of my life wasted playing Monopoly. It’s not fun, it’s not a fun game. [Laughs.]
As a kid, I see how there’s a novelty to it. But, as an adult, when you’re actually worried about money, it just stresses you out more!
Yeah! And when you’re playing with your older cousin, you get to pick your piece last, and then you end up with the boot or the thimble. It’s like, if I’m not the dog or the car, I don’t want to play!
So this is maybe starting to paint a picture of why you like Connect Four so much. It’s a little more simple—the only choice is Black or Red.
Connect Four is a strategy game—don’t sell me short. [Laughs.] It’s just like vertical chess; that’s all it is, more or less.
Fair, fair. So what’s your strategy then? If you start first, do you go right in the middle? Or off to the side?
I like to start off, like, a piece away from the middle. I feel like right in the middle is too predictable, too blasé. Don’t let my drag fool you, I’m very intelligent. Big brains!
2. How would you say the city you’re from helped define your drag?
I think the city that I’m from really allowed me to grow my drag. I’ve heard from a lot of other people that their cities [can be] one note, like they expect you to be a certain kind of queen everywhere you go, or they don’t allow certain styles to really develop and blossom. And the area I’m from in Arkansas is a super pageant-heavy area, but they do allow other styles to prosper. Like, we have AFAB queens, we have bearded drag, we have alternative drag. And, you know, me doing camp and comedy, there’s not a lot of people in the area that focus on that, but they have allowed me to kind of grow and given me opportunities to develop, [given me] advice and help. I’m really blessed to be in the area that I’m in, just in the fact that—maybe it’s because we’re so isolated from the rest of the world. [Laughs.] But it really is almost like a drag village, where we’re all just kind of helping each other out and building each other up. And, yeah, that’s how I would say that’s helped define my drag—by just allowing me to be myself.
And hearing that there aren’t too many comedy queens in your area, do you see that as a benefit to you then? In the sense that you’re bringing something different than anyone else? Or do you think it makes it harder to find your way into certain spaces?
No, I think it’s definitely helped because, you know, when people are booking shows and they’re like, “Oh, let’s do something a little different,” or they want to do like a comedy show, “Who do we know?” And so I’m always the first person they think of. You know, they’ll be like, "Oh, we want to do a theme night,” or, “Who’s someone who can put together a random, very oddly specific look?” It’s like, “Oh yeah, Maddy!” I’m never going to show up to the show in a fringe-y dance costume doing “Work Me Down,” but, if you’re doing something slightly different, then I’m first pick.
3. With this season’s candy bar twist, I’m curious: If you were a piece of candy, what kind would you be?
I would say that, if I could be a piece of candy, it would be a breath mint. Because I may not be what you asked for, but I’m what most people need.
Okay, but there are a lot of different kinds of breath mints—are we talking an Altoid in a classy little tin, a chewy Mentos, or what?
Just anything! Anything’s better than nothing—dealer’s choice. [Laughs.] Actually, I remember I used to really like the—I can’t remember what they’re called. I think they’re Icebreakers? They used to come in a small, little circular tin, and they had little specks in them. I always liked the sweet ones though. I remember when I was young, I could never afford candy on my own, you know? So Halloween was the time because I grew up poor. I’m pretty sure one of my cousins just, like, brought them one day—and she probably shoplifted it because, again, we were poor. So I’m just like, "Where’d you get Icebreakers?” She’s like, “Don’t worry about it.” And that was my first taste of luxury: Icebreakers. [Laughs.]
4. What can you tell us about your “confessional” interview look? How did you decide what to wear? What do you think it says about your style out of drag?
I really didn’t put way too much thought into it. I had my regular clothes I was going to wear, and the confessional look was just like an afterthought. So, I just looked in the closet and I was like, “What’s just something that might be kind of fun?” And then I just had this random plaid shirt I got from a Goodwill a long time ago, and I was like, “Oh, that’s whatever, it’s a fun shirt. Grab it, we’re good.” And then looking back and watching it on the show, I realized how “yeehaw” it looks, especially paired with it saying “Arkansas” under me. [Laughs.] I’m just like, “Oh, no.”
Prior to Drag Race, I didn’t buy a lot of clothes for myself. A lot of shirts that I had were either things that were given to me, or just things I had for work. Like, you’ll notice I wear a lot of red shirts… because I worked at Target right before I went to the show! And so, for confessional looks, I was like, “What do I have?” I used to work at a store selling women’s shoes, and so I had so many dress shirts, and I was like, “I don’t want to wear a dress shirt to Drag Race.” So, again, that was just one shirt that I had, and I thought it was kind of fun, it has a little personality, and it’ll do fine. And watching it back, I wish I would have gone to a store and gotten a nicer shirt or jacket or something.
I like it! I mean, I think it was a better option than wearing a red polo.
Yeah, if it had my little Target name badge on it with a piece of tape of the logo. [Laughs.]
5. What’s a fun fact you can share about one of your season 14 sisters that might surprise the fans?
I can’t think of anything super juicy that people haven’t already said in other interviews and stuff. But I think one surprising thing—I don’t know if people know—but whenever Orion got eliminated, she actually left everybody a wig of hers. So, yeah, it was a really sweet moment. And I think she was actually just freeing up space in her suitcase for some of the goodies she could take with her. [Laughs.] But I think she tried to match a wig up to people’s personalities—which is a little shady, and I’ll tell you why in a moment—because she was giving people wigs, like, some nice little lace front wigs, some styled pieces. She gave DeJa this, like, lace front, super colorful hair, which is very DeJa. And the one she gave me was like—one, it was a hard front, which is fine, whatever. [Laughs.] But also it was like a brown, mullet wig—a hard front brown mullet. And I’m just like, “I mean, thank you.” But at the same time, like, “What does this say about your view of me?” You’re just like, “Oh, she’s cheap and she’s from Arkansas. I’ll give her the Party City mullet!” [Laughs.] Well, I’ve worn it for a lot of looks because it’s got little bangs and can’t even see the hard front, so I’m not complaining. But it’s like: What do you really think of me?
And I don’t know if she gave Kerri a wig or not, but Kerri wears, like, human, long units herself. So, if she did, Kerri probably tossed it aside like, “Thank you but no thank you.” I would assume. Like when a baby gives you a wet Cheeto, and you’re just like, “Oh… thank you.” 
6. Here’s a chance to shout out another drag performer, designer, hair & makeup artist, etc… who really helped inspire you or prepare you for your journey on Drag Race.
Yeah, if I could shout any one person out, it would be Ella Rosa, and she’s from Fayetteville, Arkansas. She’s an amazing performer, does stunning, amazing makeup, but she’s also a hairstylist. She does hair for her company, Hella Wigz. She made so many hairs for me, even before the show, and she never charged me an arm and a leg for it. A lot of the hair that I took with me was styled by her, and then, like, leading up to the show for a lot of my looks, she helped me get ready and styled a bunch of hair for me, and she didn’t charge me in the moment. I couldn’t have got a lot of like the looks done the way I wanted to if it wasn’t for her help. So big shout out to her. If it wasn’t for her I’d probably be wearing just like little pot-scratcher, bus-driver wigs.
Or Orion’s mullet wig!
Yeah, or Orion’s mullet wig. [Laughs.] My Plan B, my insurance policy wig.
Now, I also wanted to ask about your girlfriend, who you’ve talked about on the show—I know she does drag as well! Do you two share wigs, or outfits? Do you ever argue over who gets to use what?
Actually we have very different styles of drag. So, like, the stupid stuff that I do—she would never wear one of my performance outfits. But, like, her performance outfits I wear all the time, for meet-and-greets or tip arounds, things like that. It’s not something I would do a number in because our performance styles are different, but I’m just like, “That’s a nice outfit,” you know? And we share a lot of hair and stuff. Even the look that I wore from my RuVeal—the big headpiece thing—that was actually an outfit that she had bought, and we were trying to find out like, “What are we going to wear for the reveal?” And she was like, "Oh, we can wear this because it’s kind of like an arcade carpet, you know?” And so that was actually one of her looks that I wore for the reveal just because we needed something!
I think we definitely help each other, but, aside from that, we really are our own individuals in drag. I think, too, because we have two very different styles, we don’t like to impact each other’s drag too much. I don’t want to put too much influence on what she does, and I think vice versa. But, you know, we’re here to help. We just want to do our own thing… just with each other’s hair.
7. Wildcard: You walked into the Werk Room announcing yourself as a camp queen, a comedy queen, and I definitely think you showed that on Drag Race, but you’re also such a funny presence online. Who were some of the comedic voices that inspired you growing up, and who do you think are some of the funniest people working today?
When I was growing up, I was an ugly duckling. I was very ugly in, like, middle school, high school—I had awful hair, wore these glasses. It wasn’t cute. And so I think I really worked on, like, just trying to just be funny. [Laughs.] I’d watch a lot of stand-up comedy. And then the YouTube era came around, and I was watching a lot of, like, sketch shows, which are super cringe nowadays. Stuff like Smosh and things like that. But I mean, my biggest influence was always my dad, just because he was always the funniest person in the family, just always making people laugh. And when I was younger, I wanted to grow up and be just like him. Just in that aspect of being, you know, the life of the party. So he was probably my biggest inspiration, just wanting to be like my dad. And I deviated in some regards to that. [Laughs.] But, you know…
So what you’re saying is that your dad wasn’t also doing Guy Fieri drag?
Yeah, no. [Laughs.]
The Looks You Didn't See
It’s practically tradition that eliminated queens will take to social media to show off the stunning looks they didn’t use on the runway. Every week, we’ll reserve this space to shout out our favorite “unseen looks.“
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Orion Story
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🌟 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 🌟 https://t.co/Z6e3uZamWX
9:44 PM - 4 Mar 2022
I’m living for Orion Story‘s Rainbow Brite fantasy, serving sparkling super-queen. It’s fun and playful (my favorite detail is the plastic buckling across the chest) with just the right touches of glamour, plus the little video she put together to show it off is super cute. Also don’t miss: June Jambalaya’s luxurious gold shoulders, Alyssa Hunter’s glittering glamazon, and Maddy Morphosis’ queenly quarterback look.
Gagatrondra! It's The Tweets Of The Week
We wrap up every newsletter with a rundown of some of our favorite reaction tweets of the week, so use #DragRace and you may find yourself here!
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ʎɹɐɓ ✨ (𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆/𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺)
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The Chocolate bars after that double Shantay #DragRace #DragRaceClubHaus https://t.co/XE9F6q0st5
9:38 PM - 4 Mar 2022
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Kat 彡
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The producer who decides to let her keep coming back deserves a RAISE. #DragRace https://t.co/MDOc0gDHcq
9:55 PM - 4 Mar 2022
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Willow and Bosco on tonight's runway #DragRace https://t.co/ZIFhNVUsHH
12:14 AM - 5 Mar 2022
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yolanda fister
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rupaul is giving me beverly hills housewife confessional #dragrace https://t.co/VROE5zfuY3
11:42 PM - 4 Mar 2022
Want More?
The Pit Stop gets a heaping helping of Canadian Bacon when Brooke Lynn Hytes joins host Monét X Change in a discussion of DragCon Panels, shoulder pads shoulds and shouldn'ts, and this week’s double shantay. Watch it below:
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The Pit Stop S14 E09 | Monét X Change & Brooke Lynn Hytes Talk Menzeses! | RuPaul’s Drag Race
1 note · View note
petitmonde · 2 years
A simple suggestion
Daya dropped into the couch and sighed. Today had been a long day, and in no short part was Jasmine part of the problem. She was tired and emotionally exhausted, two things that weren't conducive to visiting a friend, but she had promised Bosco to help her move some furniture from storage.
"Someone is full of energy today" Bosco popped into the room, handing Daya one of the coffee cups that they held.
"Come off it, it's been a long day"
"I know that you're going to tell me what happened eventually, so let's skip the theatrics and get right to it. What did she do this time?" Bosco knew her too well and didn't have the patience to dance around the topic.
"She just never stops talking. It just goes on and on with no end" Daya huffs, taking a sip of coffee, "I don't know how long I can continue working with her when she's like this."
"Have you tried fucking her?" Bosco suggests with an amused tone. Daya almost chokes on her drink and squints her eyes at them.
"Do what now?"
Gotcha. Bosco looked innocently into Daya's eyes, meeting her sceptical gaze. Teasing the giant was a great opportunity that shouldn't be wasted.
"She's quite tolerable when she's pinned down"
"I am not fucking Jasmine, could you imagine how much louder she would be?"
"She has quite the talented tongue when she isn't using it to speak"
Daya couldn't belive what she was hearing. What in the actual hell was going on on this day?
"Bosco what the fuck"
"Rough her up a little and she'll do anything you say"
"Why do you even know thi-" realisation hit Daya. That damn minx was messing with her! "You fucked Jasmine?"
"Just a little bit"
"So are you ready to help me move? It's getting dark"
14 notes · View notes