#but I will still be tagging this as discourse for the sake of empires fans that don’t care to listen to some asshole tear down their show
wither-rose-circus · 2 years
Imma be honest I found the finale really anticlimactic and like they were adding a bunch of stuff to make it unique but just ended up feeling unfinished in the most avoidable way possible
I didn’t want to tack my personal opinions on the summary post just so people could reblog it objectively, but honestly? Yeah I kinda feel where you’re coming from [disclaimer: I know nobody wants to listen to somebody rail on a series they enjoyed, so here’s your warning that I’m gonna be complaining a lot in this post and it’s all just my personal opinion, don’t take it too seriously]
Certain finales do feel a lot more complete than others, but all together? They feel very....disjointed and hollow. Based on the few details I’ve heard and the fates of certain characters, season 2 sounds like it’s going to be a hard reset, so I’m saying all of this under the assumption that this is where their stories end, full stop.
Scott’s death feels a bit unnecessary, he didn’t save anyone, they all still fell apart without him. I’m not sure if it was meant to imply that he transferred Xornoth’s soul with him? If he did, then I think it would’ve been more clear by having both of them confused, that way we could get Xornoth’s reaction to finally being free of Exor and getting to live a happy life. If that wasn’t meant to be the case and Scott is the only one who’s soul was transferred, well then. . . what exactly was the point? I suppose he theoretically saved everyone from Xornoth, but the world still ended in its own way. Scott’s death doesn’t feel like it saved anyone but himself, but maybe that’s the tragic point. That the cycle cannot ever be truly broken, just postponed.
Gem and fWhip’s endings feel. . . kind of selfish, honestly. And that is, to some extent, in character. I don’t have as much of a problem with fWhip’s as I do with Gem’s, though. I’m a little annoyed that they didn’t so much as mention or say goodbye to Sausage. Like if they met up and he insisted on staying behind to fix this mess, I would’ve been perfectly happy. It’s the fact that they didn’t even acknowledge leaving him, or anyone, behind. They spent so much of the series intertwining their trio that to just abandon him without a second thought doesn’t sit right with me. Sausage specifically made a point to emphasize how much his character cared and would sacrifice for his friends (going as far as to namedrop Gem!), so why they didn’t at least include some sort of goodbye baffles me. Gem’s finale especially bothered me because she treats her ending like this storybook, the wizard lives happily ever after in retirement, the Crystal Cliffs are fine, etc. It doesn’t fit. There’s not even a courtesy hand wave to anyone else, she doesn’t even acknowledge missing any of them, she’s just living happily ever after and that’s it. (Not to mention the dragon egg getting tossed away. They built it up like it was the only thing that could possibly stop Xornoth and then never touched on it. It’s just there! It never did anything, what was the point?)
Other than those two, I didn’t have nearly as much beef with anyone else’s individually. In a vacuum:
• Lizzie’s ending feels anticlimactic. I think if she had drawn out losing the blessing, it would’ve been perfectly fine. If we had gotten to see her panic and slowly begin forgetting everything she knew and loved, it would’ve been gut wrenching. The fact that it just stopped and she left without a thought makes it feel as if all her buildup, all these prophecies and developments, meant nothing. It all just falls flat.
• Jimmy’s ending is depressing as all hell and it sucks that when he finally tries to stand up for himself and take charge, it literally blows up in his face and ruins everything and he just ends it feeling miserable and worthless. That’s not so say it’s bad in an objective story telling sense, but it just leaves you feeling sad (once again though, not necessarily a bad thing, just not for everybody).
• Joey’s ending feels a bit vapid. It doesn’t feel like he got much character growth and he clearly never moved past Xornoth, but it was decently tragic and admittedly still in character.
• Pixl and Joel’s endings are whatever, honestly. It’s sad that Pixl didn’t get to make one but it’s understandable. Joel kept up the same energy throughout the series so his is at least consistent and I expected nothing less.
• Kathrine and Pearl’s endings are both fine in my opinion. Outside of the general idea of what could’ve been, neither leave me feeling particularly empty. (Pearl especially kinda got screwed over by real life events). All and all, I thing they’re perfectly reasonable sad endings individually, though I was not personally invested in them so Kathrine or Pearl fans probably have more so say than I do.
• Surprisingly enough, the endings I enjoyed the most were Sausage and Shubble, one I followed religiously and the other I did not actively watch! My only criticisms are pretty minor. I’m disappointed Shubble’s relationship with Xornoth wasn’t explored more, but damn she set a reasonable end goal and she went for it. I feel pretty content with her ending where she did. As for Sausage, aside from never saying goodbye to Gem or fWhip as I mentioned earlier, I’m only really disappointed that the clone arc was cut so short. There wasn’t much of an explanation as to what he was, how exactly he got there, and what he was even gonna do. I’m sad there was no confrontation, Sausage just tricked him and that was that. That particular story beat felt pretty anticlimactic. The actual ending of Sausage sacrificing himself felt fine, though. Outside of a few loose ends and missed opportunities, I think both Sausage and Shubble had the best individual endings.
All that said, Empires was unfortunately not a vacuum. All together, their endings feel like a bunch of loose ends. There was no final tie together, everyone just sort of faded out alone. A lot of us were disappointed with the initial Xornoth defeat because so few members actually participated, but this honestly feels even worse. The book of prophecies wasn’t very actively explored, it just said some things and then they kinda happened, it didn’t feel like it really built up, yknow? It feels like a lot of things they seemed to be building up to fell flat. Not all of these endings even feel like they were part of the same story.
Like you said, it all feels very disjointed and unfinished, which is really a shame. I still think it’s a good series overall and I enjoyed most of it, but a lot of the finales either felt disappointing or even a bit frustrating. Of course, I’m still looking forward to season two regardless.
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lananiscorner · 2 years
Thanks for your ask, Anon!
Ship that I have as an OTP:
Netteflix (or Felannie), aka Annette/Felix. These two are just so freaking adorable together, I can't... Felix trying to logic through her silly lyrics is amazing, Felix genuinely showing concern for her and complimenting her warms my heart, Annette trying to bribe him into forgetting her singing makes me lol. Their ending is also great, especially since it's one of his better endings outside of AM, and their AM ending is heartwarming, even if it ends on a slightly bittersweet note.
Ship that makes me sad:
All of Lysithea's ships where she doesn't get her double crest removed/her lifespan restored, so basically her ships with Felix, Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, Cyril and Balthus. Although many of these still show that she was successful/happy in what time she had, the idea of her dying young because of something the Empire and Slithers did to her when she was just a little kid will never stop being tragic. Lysithea/Cyril probably takes the cake (pun intended), since it is one of the few support lines where Lysithea is genuinely nice to her support partner throughout and then it ends like that... The fact that Lysithea and Cyril are the youngest characters of the cast only makes it more heartbreaking.
Ship that is most misunderstood:
Ooph. I've seen a lot of bad takes in my 7 months in FE3H fandom, and I'm not gonna tag any of the characters involved since I'm really not in the mood for discourse right now, but I think it'll have to be a three-way tie between Caspar/Catherine ("she's trying to turn him into a religious zealot who kills children!"), Dimitri/Dedue ("this ship is racist--you're shipping a white saviour and his POC slave!") and Ingrid/Dorothea ("Her rejecting Dorothea's advances is just her internalized homophobia speaking and they should have had an A support!").
Putting the rest beneath the cut, because here is where things get spicy. Dorothea/Ingrid fans may not wish to read the rest
I am white as toast and an atheist, so I don't have as much of a personal stake in the first two ships (beyond genuinely loving 3 of the 4 characters involved and feeling flames on the side of my face when they are being mischaracterized for the sake of discourse), but the Dorothea/Ingrid thing especially gets my goat, since I spent most of my teeenage years trying to figure out my own sexuality and the most important take-away I got from that is "consent is important and you should respect people's boundaries and choices". Ingrid is just about the straightest girl/woman in the entire cast. She doesn't have a single A support or paired ending with any female character (except A with female Byleth of course, but still only an ending with male Byleth) and she makes it very clear in their B support that Dorothea does not have her permission to "pounce" on Ingrid. What part of "I do not want your sexual advances" is so hard to understand? A straight person has just as much right to tell someone of the same sex "No, I'm not interested." as a gay person has the right to say the same to someone of the opposite sex. Rejecting advances from a member of the same sex is not automatically homophobia, it's just being straight*. If Ingrid were talking disparagingly about same sex couples, that would be homophobia. If she were to say things like "me and another girl? Ew, gross", that would be homophobia. But dear god, I wish people would stop erasing/trivializing/warping Ingrid's very clear denial of consent. It is supremely creepy.
I mean... headcanon all you want, that's fine. If you want to write a 40 chapter slow-burn friends-to-lovers AU where Ingrid falls in love with Dorothea--go nuts! That's what fanfic is for. But at least acknowledge that it’s your HEADcanon and not actual canon. 
*Edited to add: It can also just mean that you’re just not into that person, even if they technically fall within your “attraction scope”. Even if Ingrid were bi/lesbian, she would not be obliged to say yes to Dorothea or any other woman who shows an interest just because they’re women. Apologies if my wording made it seem like I think any woman who says no to another woman is automatically straight. Point still stands about Ingrid being canonically straight as her lance.
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veridium · 6 years
oc interview meme
I was tagged by the lovely @trvelyans to write a hypothetical interview of one of my OC’s! So, I did everybody’s favorite ice-haired toasted cinnamon roll, Theia!
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1. What is your name?
“I have a lot of names nowadays, I suppose. Inquisitor, Herald of Andraste, Your Worship. Maker, someone called me “Sarah” the other day, and I didn’t correct them. I suppose that says something about how jaded I’ve become with all my misnomers.“
2. What is your real name?
“What, not Goddess? Well, if you were to ask my Father, it would be Theia Sofia Trevelyan. I was given the prettiest name out of all three children, I should add.“ 
3. Do you know why you were called that?
“The name “Theia” means “holy,” an adjective my family is particularly fond of, as I’m sure their reputation entails. My middle name “Sofia” means wisdom, so quite literally, my parents wished to imbue me with “holy wisdom.” Maker’s breath, isn’t that some sick joke now?“
4. Are you single or taken?
“My occupation would insist single, the gossip would say taken many times and by many people. But, the truth? Hopelessly taken by one remarkable woman. Please tell her I said that, so she’s softened up when I tell her I ate the last piece of peanut brittle.“
5. Have any abilities or powers?
“Are you joking? Who doesn’t know the answer to that question after all I’ve been through. You cannot hide the fact that your body is a walking lightning rod when it’s gotten you in and out of the Fade twice, closed a Breach in the sky, and survived weaponized time magic.
But, for the sake of not sounding egotistical, yes, I do. I am a Mage who focuses on ice and storm abilities. I also have this most inconvenient mark on my hand that is embedded elven magic. Try bringing that up casually at parties.“
6. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“It isn’t “being” anything if you’re honestly that good.“
7. What’s your eye color?
“Purple. Yes, purple. It’s a maternal trait that just happened to match with my powers. People think I’m so fashionable but I really could not help it.”
8. How about your hair color?
“Ice white, pale blonde? I switch between the two. Regardless of its category, it’s rather hard not to point out in a crowd. Another one of my family’s most generous gifts.“
9. Have you any family members?
“For better or worse, yes. My parents, though my Mother, Stefania Lisoleth Trevelyan -- Maker, she sounds as pompous as she was in real life -- has since passed. My Father, Tristian Trevelyan, still resides in the Free Marches. There’s my insufferable brother who is his namesake. My sister, Lucilla Victoire, is older and married to some nobleman I haven’t cared enough to get to know. You can spot us rather quickly, we’re the group of emotionally suppressed faces with icey hair.“
10. Oh? What about pets?
“I have a small cat whom I rescued from Crestwood. She is young and tabby in color, and I just adore her! I wish I was here more to actually bond with her. She wanders Skyhold rather freely, much to everyone’s chagrin. Her name is Obsidian, after the kinds of metals we found in Crestwood. I call her “Sid” for short.“
11. That’s cool I guess, now tell me about something you don’t like.
“If Ambassador Montilyet were to hear someone actually asked me to list out my dislikes, she’d be furious. I am rather obnoxious with my opinions. I dislike pretentiousness, disloyalty, and shallowness. So, perhaps I should say the vast majority of the Orlesian Empire.“
12. Do you have any hobbies/activities you like doing?  
“Reading, practicing my magic, and provoking Josephine’s temper. I do not have the time for much else, these days.”
13. Ever hurt anyone before?
“Oh, plenty, yes. Pick a more specific category.”
14. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Are you joking, again? I swear you must be. If you must know, you can read whatever filthy periodical is making rounds in the towns and villages of Orlais.”
15. What kind of animal are you?
“This would be a fantastic question for Morrigan, I’d imagine. But as for me, I don’t shapeshift or liken myself to animals. Although, people suggest I look rather animalistic when I am in the heat of combat.”
16. Name your worst habits.
“I am very self-conscious and insecure at times. I take things personally, and I feel culpable when there is injustice. Though, I do not necessarily see that as a flaw all of the time. Plus, in this role I’m in, I feel it to be most fitting.”
17. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“Of course I do! After all, both the Hero of Fereldan and the Champion of Kirkwall are Mages, and women, for that matter. I would be foolish not to have admiration for them, and feel humbled in my own shoes. I also have quite a bit of respect for Cassandra and Leliana. They have stewarded this movement with courage and resolve in spades. I consider myself honored to be able to work with them and be a leader amongst their ranks.”
18. Gay, straight, or bisexual?
*A whole minute of feisty, jubilant laughter* 
19. Do you go to school?
“I used to, if you’d call a Circle that. Most would say “formal blood-bath with books,” but, there you go.”
20. Do you ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I didn’t used to, but then I met someone who sold me on such dreams. While I do not really allow myself to aspire to such domestic joys, I do find that they have grown on me as ideals. However, Josephine and I are two women who do not know how to keep ourselves out of work or trouble. But, if I were honest, I’d marry her tomorrow if given the chance.”
21. Do you have any fanboys/fangirls?
I try my best to be a combination of intimidating and austere, but, I do have a following. Mostly of children, actually, especially the children of the Mages here. They scarcely have examples of Mages who are not demonized or erased from history, so, when they see us walking the halls or grounds, it’s like storybook characters come to life for them. I take pleasure in providing them with someone to look up to, even when I feel that I fail them sometimes. 
As for the adults, I would not wish to condescend and call them my fans, since they are putting their lives and livelihoods on the line for this cause. Especially those who joined us in Haven, when we had next to nothing. If anything, I am their fan.  
22. What are you most scared of?
“Letting everyone down, and proving to be less than the person who was needed. Losing the people I love, or endangering them unnecessarily. Being a fraud or imposter. Oh, and accidentally throwing out Josephine's stash of chocolates.”
23. What do you usually wear?
“I prefer a good fit of a hunter coat and breeches and some boots. When we travel, I am usually armored very well. On my off hours, a simple night dress would do. People say I have a flare for style, but, I am really just a product of my short-lived upbringing in the Free Marches. Women there are always smartly dressed, if not modest.”
24. Do you love someone?
“Romantically? Yes, completely. But I also love my friends, and my community here. Love, to me, is a protective and honorable virtue. The way I fight for what matters is by loving the person or the cause at hand. Perhaps that causes me more trouble than it’s worth, but, that is who I am.”
25. When was the last time you wet yourself?
“How can you honestly expect me to answer that? Also, if you’ve ever asked someone who bleeds once a month, you’d be surprised.”
26. Well, it’s not over yet!
“Oh, joy.”
27. What class are you? (High class, middle class, low class)
“My family is noble in our region, so I would say lower rung of the high class. The Free Marches is a self-governing province, at least, as much as one can be in the shadow of two Empires. If you have an long-winded ancestry in the region, you’re allowed a lot of privileges.”
28. How many friends do you have?
“Too many, especially the kind that likes to get into trouble for the sake of being a hero. You need some friends? Take mine, and give me a break.”
29. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Mediocre at best. You want a pleasurable dessert experience? Go with cake, always.”
30. Favorite drink?
“Tea, actually. I drink copious amounts of wine, sure, but nothing soothes the soul like a good cup of tea. Solas and I have engaged in discourse about this matter plenty of times.”
31. What’s your favorite place?
“If I were to answer that honestly, Josephine would have my clothes set on fire. Something about “not disclosing the intimate nature of a Diplomat’s life” or whatever. So, I will name my second favorite: the Emerald Graves at dawn, when the colors of the sky foreground the greens and blues on the land. It’s stunning, really. I hope I can commission a painter to recreate it so that I may have a piece of it forever.”
32. Are you interested in someone?
“Hah, as Dorian would say, yes of course, I am a endlessly interesting person, after all.”
33. What’s your bra cup size and/or how big is your willy?
“Enough. They’re enough.”
34. Would you rather swim in the lake or the ocean?
“Swimming in an ocean? The thought of it brings me ecstasy! Ocean, of course. Imagine the trouble I could get into, maybe make a few glaciers, float on an ice sheet...nevermind.”
35. What’s your type?
“Someone with the utmost integrity in their deeds, who has a golden heart and knows that kindness and compassion are two of the most powerful elements in the world. Also, if they are a fiery-tongued Antivan, that melts my icey heart, too.”
36. Any fetishes?
“I have tastes, of course. Though, I keep the number of people who are aware of them to a minimum, need-to-know basis.”
37. Seme or uke? Top or Bottom? Dominant or Submissive?
“A capable fighter knows a little bit of everything. I like creativity the most in love.”
38. Camping or indoors?
“Whichever gets me in the closest proximity to food.”
39. Are you wanting the interview to end?
“Of course not, but, look at the time! I surely have to return to being the scourge on the land and Andraste’s chosen, right? Pfft, days were not made with my workload in mind, I’m afraid.”
40. Now it’s over!
“Fantastic. Do take care, and travel safe.”
I’m tagging @kvpowers, @the-rogue-apostate, @lelianasing, and @orlesianbard and anyone else who wishes to participate! Love and light!
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