#but i ain't fond of research work
ailithnight · 1 year
After this chapter, I will no longer be doing a taglist. Sorry folks, there's just too many of y'all and I'm on mobile. Please subscribe on AO3 for updates, or follow the tag A King in Arkham.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 4
AO3 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Danny. I understand you don't want to go with your godfather. Is there a reason for that?
Can't go with Vlad!
If you know something we don't about him, you need to tell us. Otherwise he will win custody.
It's.. He'll.. he'll make me.. turn me.. his fault!
What's his fault, Danny?
His fault. All his. All.. My.. no, my fault. It's all my fault...
Now Danny, I'm sure that's not true. What happened at the Nasty Burger-
I made it happen.
Corporate negligence-
He knew. I knew. Dan knew what would happen. Dan made it happen. He knew the sauce was gonna blow. He knew Lancer would arrange the meeting there. He cheated. He lured them there. He bound them up so they couldn't escape and ran the time out until they exploded! Dan did that and Dan was me, so I did that.
I murdered them. I murdered everyone. 
IT'S ALL MY FAU- *static*
Tim started talking after the audio cut to static.
"What you just heard is the last, partially recovered therapy session of Danny's in Chicago. The cameras were beyond salvaging. No one except Danny knows what happened after the audio cuts. What is known is that nearby witnesses heard what they claim sounded like a 'screaming moan' coming from the therapy room. When doctors and staff went to check; the therapist Mrs. Alders was slumped against the wall, appearing to have been forcefully pushed, with minor head trauma. Danny was curled up on the other side of the room, panicking and muttering about a Dan.
While Mrs. Alders mostly recovered from the incident, she does not know how she ended up slammed against the wall. Once this audio was recovered, it was turned over to the police. Given the severity of the... confession... in conjunction with the apparent assault, the courts decided to move Danny to an asylum for the criminally insane." Tim paused in the debrief, letting the information sink in. After a moment, Duke raised his hand. Jason scoffed at the action.
"This ain't kindergarten kid, say your bit."
"I just, that explains why an asylum in general. But why Arkham?" Tim nodded, pulling up a picture of a document.
"Kid's godfather, business tycoon and multimillionaire, Vlad Masters. Insisted that if his godson should have to go to an asylum, he'll go to the- and I quote- 'Best in the country.' Made a deal with the state that he'll foot the bill while he continues fighting for custody. Apparently didn't do his research enough to know that 'Best Known' and 'Best' are not the same." Bruce had the next question.
"So, Master's doesn't have custody yet?"
"Nope." Tim popped his 'p', pulling up more documents. Investigative reports. "Given Danny's reactions to him, CPS started investigating. Found a lot of shady shit. Narcissism, anger issues, control issues, coercion tactics. 
One agent said he tried to bribe her with a rather large sum of money, which she might have taken if she wasn't well enough off from a family inheritance and mostly doing this work for the kids. Of course, same agent also said he had 'Rancid vibes' and 'tried to posses' her, but her 'Grammy's necklace protected her' so her credibility was deemed iffy.
Still, there's enough there that it's unlikely Masters will be able to gain custody any time soon. So if Gotham's favorite serial adopter with a good track record for helping troubled kids, Brucie Wayne, were to step in..." Tim's smirk is infectious and makes its way around the table. Bruce's lips twitch ver briefly into a fond smile, before dropping back into a frown.
"What do you make of the... confession?" Jason doesn't even try to hold in his groan.
"Seriously, B? It was survivor's guilt or some kind of psychotic episode or something." Damian frowns.
"I would not discredit him so quickly, Hood. After all, his ghosts are real apparently."
"Hnn." Bruce gets that look on his face. The almost constipated frown that means he is going to have to do something unpleasant like host a gala or attend a business meeting or, "I will have to call Constantine to verify what the entity we are dealing with is." 
Jason lets out a gleeful snort. "Have fun with that one, B. In the mean time can I go break our kid out yet or what?"
"Actually, Hood," Jason turns a glare on Tim, who is once again holding his hands up placatingly. "That still leaves us with the issue of making him an escapee and you an accomplice."
"Well fuckin Brucie Wayne can't exactly just walk up to Arkham and ask if they've got any blue eyed black haired boys for him to adopt."
"Not exactly what I'm suggesting here."  Batman sighs.
"What are you suggesting." Tim pulls out a case he had tucked under the desk, a truly devious smirk painted across his face.
"Just a little temporary theft. Only long enough to put the kid's face on the news for Brucie to stumble across." He opens the case, sliding it over to Jason. Inside, a replica of a relic from Tim's own past; resized to fit his bigger, broader brother. "You remember Red X, don't you?" 
The green that had been tinting Jason's vision the whole meeting finally subsides, giving way to wicked mirth.
"Oh, hell yes." 
Batman sighs.
"You don't get it do you? I'm still here. I still exist. That means you still turn into me."
Another night, another nightmare of a memory jolting Danny back into the waking world. His chest is tight, a high whine suppressing itself in the back of his throat. Danny's eyes dart around his room, searching for the shadowy void of his most frequent visitor. But Spectra isn't there tonight. She hasn't come back since she was seen by Banana Bat. 
It's strange. Danny had gotten used to waking up with her there, towering over him, shadowy clawed hand resting somewhere on his body as she feasted on his misery. He didn't mind, really. He had plenty to give and she didn't even rough him up too bad. Just enough to keep the psyches concerned. The last 3 days without her presence had been... not lonely. Danny was already lonely. But emptier. Like the one good thing his continued existence was doing for someone had been ripped away.
Truly, Danny felt he had nothing left in this world. Nothing to give, nothing to gain. But he couldn't die. Couldn't unleash full ghost Phantom on the world again. That's what created Dan. No, this was what he had to give. All he had to give. To stay human so that Dan never becomes ghost.  To live, as the least burden he could be, so that Dan never died. 
Clockwork must have known what would happen if Danny fully died. That must be why he spared him. The Observants sentenced Danny to death. But Clockwork was smarter. He sentenced Danny to life. And really, it's such a small price to pay for the sins of his other self. 
Despite what the others say, Arkham isn't hell. The only issue Danny's had was the clown and that's not really anyone's fault. It's just, Danny looked at the Joker and he saw Freakshow. And he saw that stupid staff. And he heard that grating laugh. And all he could think about was how that was the only thing that could still turn him into Dan. If the clown took control again. He couldn't let that happen. He couldn't! Not becoming a Dan, not becoming a problem; that's all he could do now! He couldn't he couldn't he couldn't...
Danny was broken out of his spiraling thoughts by the now familiar buzzing echoing clanging sound of another break out. He closed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh. Then, suddenly, he was lifted up, hoisted onto someone's shoulders in a fireman's carry. 
"Damn kid, do you weigh anything?" 
Danny's eyes flew open, his body subconsciously tensed for a fight Danny wouldn't actually fight. The voice, clearly modulated, sounded high and breezy. His head turned to look at the person now forcefully evicting him from his room. Black body suit. White mask. Red slashes in a stylized X. Built like his Dad... Danny had no idea who this was.
For a moment, Danny felt a twinge of fear. He had no idea who this was. They obviously weren't with Arkham. They had just stolen him from his room and, holy shit they were flying now. No. Not flying, grappling. And running. Moving very fast towards the exit. With Danny. For unknown reasons. 
Holy shit, someone was kidnapping a teenager from an insane asylum. That, probably wasn't good. Any normal or sane person would be scared for their health and wellbeing. But, well... Danny was hardly normal. And sane was becoming increasingly questionable. 
And this guy, well he didn't trigger Danny's ghost sense. No chilly breath escaping his mouth. So he was human, not a ghost. It's not like a human could kill Danny. Not with his ghostly healing factor. Sure, they could make his life a living hell. Beat him, violate him, enslave him. But a human couldn't turn him into Dan so... Danny doesn't think he really cares. 
"Um, why are you carrying me?"
"Taking you out of here." 
"Clearly, I meant why?"
"Owe someone a favor." That was mildly concerning. Danny could think of one person who would stoop to this.
"Did Vlad send you?"
"Master's? Nope. He couldn't afford my services."
"Oh. Okay." As long as it wasn't Vlad. They were almost to the main gate now. There was screaming behind them, now. Danny loomed behind them as the person grappled up the wall and vaulted them over. Danny caught the barest glimpse of the twink in a burlap sack mask striding out the door, leaving a noxious cloud in his wake.
Then they're gone, grappling to then moving across rooftops. It's not a bad feeling. Kinda fun even. Flying as a ghost was nice. Really nice. But different from this. Gravity literally didn't touch you if you didn't want it too. But this? Danny could feel the pull of the earth, the force of every swing. Gravity was still there, exerting its influence, but they were defying it. 
For a tiny moment, Danny felt the ghost of a smile on his lips. The good feeling was fleeting, like all his feelings these days. But it was there and it was enough to shock a small "Oh." from Danny.
"Oh what, runt?"
"Nothing, just. Never grappled before. S'nice."
"Oh." It was such a soft thing, Danny once more found himself pondering the intentions of his kidnapper. 
"Do I get to know where we're going?"
"Safe house for the night. I'm your baby sitter."
"And tomorrow?"
"We'll see."
The next morning, Vicki Vale stumbles across the story of her career (so far) sitting dazed and confused in her office. A prepubescent boy in an oversized Arkham uniform? The day after a breakout where Scarecrow and only one other inmate escaped? Oh this is bound to sell.
Okay, I know the show pretty heavily implies that Teen Titans Robin us Dick.
What if it was Tim?
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cbk1000 · 9 months
Fandom Creator's Self-Rec Game!
Choose five favourites from your own creations (and tell me why, if you like!), then pass on to at least five other people. I'd love to hear what you're proudest of.
Tagged by @the-pen-pot and actually I think @anonymintea also tagged me a while back? I vaguely remember seeing that in my activity and kind of recoiling at the idea of trying to rec my own stuff. lmfao But I have time to sit down and do it now and I am being so brave. I am just going to rec Merlin fics for this post, since that's what I've been working on and thinking about for the last four years or so, and those fics are the ones that are fresh in my mind. (Honourable mention goes to my Originals series, though, because I spent so much time on that sumabitch.)
All right, five favourites...know that this is excruciating for me and feels very cringe, because I am not normal. lmao
And Down the River's Dim Expanse (Merthur, 13k)
In which Arthur is a water spirit who tries to drown Merlin. Merlin is not impressed.
(This one feels like it kind of just disappeared into the morass of words I've vomited up on the topic of BBC Merlin. I don't think it's got nearly as much attention as any of my other fics, but I'm fond of it because I love fairytales and folklore and specifically anything to do with any kind of creature that lives in the water and especially if said creature tries to drown people. I'd love to do something like this again and have several ideas for fairytales to adopt (i.e. twist completely out of shape).
The Book of Merthur (Merthur, 600k+)
'It was awkward business to ignore a man sitting the length of one knee from you, especially when he had such voluminous ears, and though Arthur made a valiant attempt at it, he had soon to abandon this in favour of grousing at Merlin for a myriad of grievous transgressions, the most pressing of which was his manner of sitting far too close, as if they were mates. This shortcoming was to become a theme when they laid down after passing round a hard cheese and some bread, Merlin in Arthur’s cloak, and Arthur in nothing at all, because his was the greater constitution; and whilst Arthur was working himself into the choicest bit of ground, with the least stones, Merlin suddenly rolled over, mummified within the cloak Arthur’s thoughtfulness had provided, and put his nose into Arthur’s neck.'
The 'yes homo' we all deserved, righting the heterosexual wrongs of canon.
(My thus far 646,363-word essay on the issues I have with canon. I'm eight chapters from the end and already feeling that post-huge-project depression even though I have several ideas for what I want to do next. I really love writing historical fiction and have incorporated that into fics before, but this fic has shown me that I really really love writing fantasy heavily inspired by history: it's the same amount of research, with the added bonus that I can do whatever the hell I want. Also, as mentioned in my first rec, I really love fairytales and folklore, and this gives me the chance to incorporate them in a way that straight up historical fiction doesn't allow. Basically, this fic has allowed me to shove my boner for Arthurian legend and medieval history down people's throats at the same time. Ain't free gay fanfiction where I can do what I like great?)
Fools by Heavenly Compulsion (Merthur, ?k)
In which Arthur is gay and besotted, Merlin is bisexual and oblivious, and they have to get their shit together through WhatsApp.
(I have no idea how many words this technically is, because it's comprised entirely of screenshots of fake social media posts. I've read a few social media fics and enjoyed them and got a whole bug up my ass wanting to try it. I thought it would be an interesting challenge because it would take away so many things that a writer can usually rely on to tell a story, and for me specifically it would completely cut me off from any kind of descriptive writing. So basically I cut off all my limbs except like one arm and decided to see how I got on with that. And it HAS been really interesting to try and shape a narrative through texts and Instagram and twitter posts and still try and convey emotions and distinct personalities with such limitations on what I can actually show. It's also a lot of fun putting the posts together, although you can definitely fall down a deep rabbit hole of trying to pick just the right photo.)
Whereat the Two Sword on the Field of Death a Deathless Love (Merthur, 131k)
In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of a great kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. But not quite in the way you think. 'The Once and Future King'/Merlin mashup; now with 50% more gay.
(This was the first Merlin fic I ever wrote, and an homage to one of my favourite books. It was also me trying to get the show rewrite monkey off my back and distinctly failing at that, since I went on to write one that is over 600,000 words and still not complete. It's also proof that I am 100% capable of rewriting the show in under 150k, I just chose to inflict over 600,000 words on anyone insane enough to sit down and read a 600k gay porn version of BBC Merlin.)
And Time and the World Are Ever in Flight (Merthur, 39k)
In which Arthur returns to the 21st century, learns about Google, and finally realises his dream of running away to a farm with Merlin.
(Listen, the finale damaged me, I'm still damaged, and I tried to undo it with nearly 40k of tea and baby sheep. A.K.A. the one where Arthur returns and they run a sheep farm in Ireland together and finally figure out they're gay for each other and neither of them is alone ever again.)
Tagging @aemelia (you will have to rec all of yours lmao) @kirythestitchwitch @thetourguidebarbie and anyone else who wants to do this and has multiple fics.
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sideburndanny · 8 months
So, with the end of the current hiatus nowhere in sight, the creators of Epic Rap Battles of History have been releasing short videos in which they respond to people's matchup ideas and talk about whether or not they'd do them. What follows are my thoughts on each suggestion.
Dog the Bounty Hunter vs Chris Hansen: Terrible; Dog stopped being relevant years ago and Hansen has no real valid matchups
Jack Sparrow vs Bilbo Baggins: They might be able to pull it off, but the connection is tenuous at best
Malcolm X vs Nelson Mandela: Perfect. Do it immediately
Dexter vs Punisher: Could work, though I prefer Punisher vs Peacemaker
The Wiggles v-NO
Marco Polo vs Zheng Yi Sao: Awesome; the show's always great at spotlighting obscure historical figures, so this would be fun
Sheldon Cooper vs Rick Sanchez: I don't really get their reasoning for passing this one up. "I don't wanna use Rick because his creator is problematic," they say seconds before suggesting Roseanne instead and three years after using Harry Potter
HP Lovecraft vs Mary Shelley: Could work, but Lovecraft might be better suited for a more prolific author
Captain America vs Mussolini: Could work, but I prefer Cap vs Batman
Black Panther vs Catwoman: Unique idea; would be cool to see which versions of the characters they use
Ethan Hunt vs Angus MacGyver: Meh
John Wilkes Booth vs Lee Harvey Oswald: I'm glad they turned this one down; it just sounds very insubstantial. The fact that they each killed Presidents is the only thing either of them are known for
Robin Hood vs Ned Kelly: Sounds awesome; I can’t fathom what Lloyd was talking about when he said Robin Hood can't be made "cool." Has he never heard of any of the non-Disney movies he was in?
Steve Harvey vs Dr. Phil: Meh
The Three Stooges vs The Three Musketeers: IT'S ALL I WANT AND I'VE WAITED FOR SO LONG
Patrick Bateman vs Andrew Tate: Bateman is worthy of a rap battle, but there is no fucking way a disgusting sack of shit like Andrew Fucking Tate deserves to be immortalized in this or any series. Not only is he a monstrous asshole, but since I'd never heard of him before he got arrested, he just comes off as too second-string and his image too fleeting to be remembered after the battle's release anyway. It's like how Sarah Palin and Napoleon Dynamite appeared in season 1; what's the point? Bateman would be better off facing another fictional character like Tyler Durden or Tommy Shelby or Rorschach or Homelander or any other member of the "you're missing the point by idolizing them" club
Miles Morales vs Dick Grayson: A great idea for a battle, but it irks me how they seem to only think of Dick Grayson as Robin, and even then only how he was portrayed in the 60s TV show. Since Dick Grayson's graduation to the solo hero Nightwing and his leadership of the Titans have been the status quo in the comics for decades, and even his TV and movie appearances as Robin clearly show him to be more than the hyperactive goofball that Lloyd portrayed him as in season 2, their lack of research here is jarring — especially considering how diligent they are with their other characters (remember, Peter read every issue of the Dragon Ball manga and watched every episode of Breaking Bad in preparation for the later half of season 3).
Garfield and Jon vs Calvin and Hobbes: Eh, I don't see it. No disrespect to their creators or fans, but they just ain't rap battle material
Metallica and AC/DC vs Slayer and Guns n Roses: I agree with them that a team battle between unrelated heavy metal acts would be unwieldy, but any combination of those four could totally be awesome in a straight 1v1 battle
Richard Nixon vs King John: Could work, but I'd rather have Nixon in a Presidential royale
Barbie vs He-Man: Another "meh" idea, but I'm not fond of Peter's assertion that He-Man is only known for the bad '90s movie when he's appeared in multiple media before and since that have all gained a far more positive reception and a strong fanbase
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Wukong successfully gaslit the entirety of heaven into thinking he’s a cis man. “Didn’t you introduce yourself as a woman when you first-“
“No?? Obviously not?? What is with you??”
Wukong accidentally made everyone think he was a cis male and then he starts saying how he relates to women issues (physical ones) because he has them, because he never transitioned and never really had the idea of doing it. He has no gender or body dysphoria, especially because he's comfortable in his body and he has no real concept of gender. He knows he's a female, everyone just calls him a he and he genuinely dosen't care. He's male? Okay.
So, when he starts saying how he does relate to those specific women issues and sometimes talks specifically like a woman (those bits where man and woman can't comprehend each other, but wukong can exactly understand women, but can't understand men) everyone gets confused.
Because, weren't you a MALE monkey?
his case of trans (or well, genderfluid in my eyes) is really fun, because he isn't like the classic type of "i ain't a girl I'm MAN" no.
It's him. Not caring about human way of seeing gender. Being comfortable with his female body of a macaque. But he still calls himself a male because he likes it that way. (He doesn't like the idea of woman at the time jttw takes place at least, he's fine on being any kind of gender really. As long as you don't expect him to be something he isn't, he can be everything. Your mom, your dad, your uncle, a female, a male, non-binary. Anything he wants that day.)
But when heaven or the jttw do fits out, they need a minute to process, especially when it's very early in the time (around 1500, and people weren't so..fond of women being strong ect. Y'know, the stereotypes and patriarchy.)
A female is that strong? What?
Wukong must be joking.
I would say they would be rather transphobic or just straight up don't understand.
because i do know that they didn't care about lesbians or gays, they were fond of it, emperors used to have male lovers. Not only in china, but the Roman empire also had emperors who had male lovers as well, and so on. It was a common thing at the time.
But trans? Genderfluid? Anything that isn't in the binary?
Eh. I don't think so, i still need to research about it, but i doubt.
If they are fond of it, then the only problem would be the sexism.
If women couldn't even work, imagine how much of a shock it would be having a "woman" being such a strong demon. Y'know?
but again there's the Kingdom of women, and there's the king macaque (pretty sure it's QUEEN, king in Chinese is the same as queen) so i also wouldn't be surprised if jttw was okay with women being strong ect.
Silly thought.
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haven-is-literate · 2 years
"So This is Ever After" F.T. Lukens [REVIEW]
(4 bees out of 7)
[No spoilers]
I AM EASY TO PLEASE. I can't give this book any lower though I must say it's objectively just okay. I originally read this book as a friend of mine saw the cover in a book store and thought I would enjoy it. She was correct.
This is a light hearted cute romance novel set in a DND type world. This novel is a bastard child of the Simon Snow trilogy (by Rainbow Rowel), I'm sorry, this just had to be said, only this novel does not attempt to write a system of magic and instead just,,,, uses DND. This is an absolutely acceptable thing to do as an author but I just personally don't like it, because systems of magic are interesting to read and this novel just didn't really have one.
I did enjoy this book but it very much came out of a fondness for Wattpad books that I read as a tween, because this novel has a lingering Wattpad smell that it can't seem to shake.
The Bad:
This book relies heavily on the miscommunication trope, which was not very clearly written and I genuinely didn't understand the first time the miscommunication occurred.
The characters are kind of basic, they are an appropriate amount of witty and young and they are slightly developed and adequately rounded by the end of the book, but over all lack luster.
The system of MAGIC, I know I already touched on this but it was just so non-existent and undeveloped that I was sad and I just want more about the world.
There is a trope that is a world building plot point that is blatantly reused from another F.T. Lukens novel (more on this later)
The one NB character in this novel is done dirty :( [not really, but i just felt bad for them and second hand awkwardness by the end of the book]
The Good:
It's cute! if you want a light hearted read to destress you can easily pick up this novel
It has a lot of diverse characters (thought the main character and the secondary character are both white cis men), there is about equal male to female characters that are developed and get screen time, there are characters of color and an NB character that are only casual mentions as the world is build to not really involve prejudice or bias with sexuality, gender(identity) or race
There is a straight couple that just makes me happy for the fact that their story is so badly written, there was no context or much preluding their getting together and just felt like the two were pushed together to make the plot work. It's not good writing but it did make me laugh.
Smut: There ain't none of it, sorry for my horny toads but this ain't your book. There are some suggestive mentions and one sexually provocatively scene but nothing to write home about. Though, the main character is incredibly horny, and honry toad might relate to his 17 year old thoughts as I know they reminisced with my pansexual self in a spiritual manner.
Audio experience: This is a standard audio book, all read by the same Person (Kevin R. Free) who does voices for the different character's dialogue. A little on the slower side as I did have to speed it up to 1.5 for it to keep my attention, but overall a good standard audio book.
For research purposes I read F.T. Lukens' other novel that is currently out "In Deeper Waters" which is a spicy-a meat-a-ball. [read review here]
IN CONCLUSION: This book is objectively not great, but it's good enough to keep my attention when read at 1.5 speed. this is a leisure book I would put as optional on the bottom of your reading list. But it's still cute.
This is a fun read. This novel is one you read when you have an excess of time or want to for self-care time. This novel will no change your life but it does have a nice message: you can handle whatever hand life decides to deal you.
Favorite quote:
“How was I feeling? Like spoiled meat. Like brackish water. Like I had worked very hard at shearing and chasing sheep all over the field, and had fallen down a rocky hill, then trudged home to sleep on the floor, and woke up with a sore body and without purpose.”
-F.T. Lukens, So This is Ever After
P.S. the cover art kind of gorg, done by Sam Schechter, I just adore the composition.
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asidesandbsides · 9 days
Starts With S, Part 6
Soul Survivors - Expressway To Your Heart / Hey Gyp
There's a little surface noise on the A-Side, but it mostly sounds nice, you can still hear most of those little musical details (and in this case, sound effects). I haven't heard this one in a while, and it is a little cheesy in its conceit, but I like the pre-chorus melody a lot. I don't know what to make of the B-Side, except that I don't like its title, though I understand from brief research that it's slightly less racist in context than you might think. It works pretty well as a piece of chaos soul.
Spanky And Our Gang - Lazy Day / (It Ain't Necessarily) Byrd Avenue
A jaunty bit of sunshine! I know I've heard this before, somewhere deep in my unrecovered memory. The sound quality of "Lazy Day" is a bit less than pristine, but it's still pleasant sounding, with lots of intricate harmony singing. "Byrd Avenue" is similarly a bit crackly. and song-wise of a similar caliber, which is to say it's pretty and fun, and maybe a bit goofier.
Spanky And Our Gang - Sunday Mornin' / Echoes
"Sunday Mornin'" isn't quite like the similarly titled Velvet Underground song, but it is quite a lot like "Lazy Day," which is to say it's got a lot of charming harmony singing, and is maybe a bit less goofy. The tag at the end is a neat trick. As for the B-Side, what an interesting way to learn that "Echoes" is an alternate title for the song better known as "Everybody's Talkin'." It's a pretty good version, and it has some seashore sound effects to go with that "skipping over the ocean like a stone" lyric.
Spanky And Our Gang - Give a Damn / The Swingin' Gate
"Give A Damn" is an underrated protest song, though I prefer and recommend the cover by Odetta. It's very affecting, and it has a much less busy arrangement. This side is a little worn down in comparison to "The Swingin' Gate," but I must say that they both sound pretty good. "Gate" is a solid song, but not as memorable. Incidentally, I once posted a youtube video of the Odetta version of "Give A Damn" on my facebook, and my mom immediately commented about the Spanky original, so I know this disc was well-loved and remembered by her.
Spirit - I Got A Line On You / She Smiles
We've got ourselves some electric guitar right here! Another one of those rave ups we like so much around here. The B-Side, by contrast, is a gentle ballad, which is a solid formula for a hit single. I think "She Smiles" is actually a touch more scratched up, but it still sounds good, with a touch of quiet grandeur.
The Staple Singers - Respect Yourself / You're Gonna Make Me Cry
A choice groove, though this copy of "Respect Yourself" sounds a little muted or worn down. Regardless, it's a nice bit of funk and gospel - social gospel, that is. "Make Me Cry" sounds a little clearer, but maybe this disc is just mixed a little quieter than some others? It's a slow soul ballad, and I like that sort of thing.
Edwin Starr - Twenty Five Miles / Love Is My Destination
"Twenty Five Miles" kicks a lot of ass, and this is a fact that should be more well-known. It's got a killer breakdown and drive to spare. By contrast, the B-Side is a thumpy ballad that I'm less fond of. Ballads should be more melodic. Maybe it's not as much of a ballad as I take it for, but regardless I'm not taken.
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Concerning the writer
Tumblr media
Nicknames: Mina, Tita and Annie
Tropical astrology: Cancer Stellium, Scorpio Rising + Pluto in the first house
Sidereal one: Gemini Stellium, Libra rising + Pluto in Scorpio
Born and raised in Europe
Life path number 11
Kitchen / Lunar / Nocturnal / Chaos / Augury Witch
They/them pronouns
Non-binary/ Gender non conforming
Sapiosexual/ Abrosexual
Proud black individual
I do not take requests because I lead a chaotic existence
I naturally let my inspiration spread like wildfire for 2d characters
I speak Creole (Capeverdean dialect derived from Portuguese), French, Portuguese and Spanish
English is not my native tongue therefore all mistakes you see are my own. I will not apologize for it, they are mere evidence that I am trying to improve it one step at time.
Languages I am currently learning: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Swedish, Arabic and Turkish.
Blog etiquette
You can most definitely message me, I am absolutely okay with it just have some basic manners( Hi.....or something like that) and don't be shy, I'm always eager to meet new people/make friends.
I do a clear up spree each month to check who interacts with the content posted on this blog.
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Give a listen to these songs:
Happy Blue Monday- Helsinki Lambda Club
ミツメ - あこがれ
羊文学 & Lücy - Oh hey
Tricot - 爆裂パニエさん
The pillows - last dinosaur
Mono no aware - me to me
What I'm fond of
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anime, manga, Manhua, Manhwa, Literature, Reading, Calligraphy, Lettering, Singing, Drawing, Writing, Playing on the guitar, sleeping, watching Korean and Japanese mukbangs, coffee, eating (overindulging/inhaling food really), astrology, witchcraft, African Mythology, learning languages, discovering new cultures, palmistry, zodiac signs, life paths, tarot decks + readings, Kiki's delivery service movie ( a pick me up for my moody self) and being in nature.
What I highly Dislike
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People that reason by analogy: remarkably preposterous. I put you on the same level as James I/ VII of Scotland = you are MAD bro, don't try to argue with me. It will not work. Ignorant folks (specifically those that think it is ok in this day and age to tell vagina owners what they can and cannot do with their own body= utter nonsense to me. That is one only out of the many I cannot stand), unsolicited opinions from people (for instance cisgender straight men are really something else when it comes to this), people that LGBTQIA + phobic (community that I am part of), anybody that lives under the premise that hierarchy of skin complexion is what should prevail in society ( sincerely get lost, do not interact with me if you think like this I'll just block you), extremely conservative folks that boast about the importance of gender roles ( nah, my migraine condition is enough to deal with already. I needn't worsen it!) and last but certainly not least people that think these two things: that I can educate them (no way, we're in the digital age. get your butt up and do some research for once) and those that have never encountered this forgotten gem: respect!
Do not interact if you a:
Paedophile, Misogynistic, Terf, Misogynoir, against the concept of aged up characters, do not support dark content creators ( tf I interact with it and create it this ain't the place for you!!).
You lot which are against bl/gl content and or like to downgrade eastern asian bl/gl stuff specifically if you're a westerner! Why pull a Heartstopper author move like that 🙄. Seriously, get lost!!
Xenophobe, kinkshamer, drama addict(not k-drama though, Real life one I mean), fatshamer, groomer(= highly repugnant!!) homophobe, pro-life. This blog has always been pro-choice and only that sounds right! Narrow minded folks that like to provide me with their unsolicited opinion !?!basically get off my nutsack, will you!? I don't even listen to people irl telling me how I should live my life?! What makes you think you have earned that privilege??!
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nanamicide · 2 years
this is under a read more to not clog y'all's dashboards but it ain't anything bad dw
i've been overthinking this since monday and i've talked about it around me irl but i think it's not helping bc it makes me feel like no one is really considering my feelings/pov on the issue (everyone has the same opinion on what i should do lol tho for different reasons) so i'm turning to you guys even if none of you really know me that well - you don't have to respond but if you end up reading this any input would be appreciated
basically, anyone here who's had more than 2 convos with me knows i wanna do a phd once i finish my masters. to do a phd you need to have (a) a thesis supervisor (b) funding. where im from there are several days to get funding. most of them can be pretty tough to go through but they say that if you're good at what you do it's not really that hard. however, there is a shortcut to this - finding a supervisor who already has funding for a given project.
i'm currently doing my master's thesis under a supervisor who's lovely. i get along with her really well, she's really helpful, is always very supportive, etc. i'm also really fond of the project we're working on this year and i was hoping to take it further by basing my phd thesis on it. she agreed, said we'd start looking for funding next year. all was well and good until then.
on monday we had class with a new doc - he got a position at my university in november. brilliant guy, specializes in psycho-oncology, has done plenty of interesting research, etc. but the vibes are like, off. as a professional, i'm sure he's amazing. as a person, though, idk. now i know, don't judge someone you've only seen in class for 3 hours and blah blah but i'm a great believer in first impressions for whatever reason. anyway, at the end of class he asks if anyone would be interesting doing a phd after graduating. i raise my hand (and i'm the only one who does so so all the attention is on me lol). he then tells me that it's really cool because he'll have funding for a phd student right after i graduate. y'all already guessed it - it's an amazing project, something i would be super happy working on. it would make my life easier because i wouldn't have to look for funding. the money would already be there. i'd have nothing to worry about for the next 4 years except getting the work done and publishing. pretty cool, right? i'd be stupid to pass on such an opportunity. that's what everyone irl told me. and honestly, part of me agrees. i know this is good. i mean, my mom even went on to say it was a sign that he'd receive funding for a field i'm interested in with such great timing. maybe she's right, idk.
so yeah, my issue is that i don't really wanna work with him because i already have my dream supervisor. except dream supervisor, as amazing as she is, doesn't have funding. so idk what to do. i have a few months to think it through but i can't seem to not think about it already. it kept me up last night and i think i'm at my limit overthinking it, tbh.
anyway, sorry for rambling like this. i don't make this type of posts very often because i like to keep the personal info i share online to a minimum but i really have no clue what i should do. thank you for reading my word vomit if you got this far!!
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marchioness-caprina · 3 years
Know Your Tumblrist
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> What Do you Prefer To be Called?
- I prefer to Be Called Caprina or Brie.
> How Old Are You?
- My age range is 16 - 18
> When is Your Birthday?
- Dec, 25.
> Your Pronouns?
- She, Her, Miss
> Do You Have a Pet?
- Well We Have tons of Domestic Pets, 4 Dogs, 3 Puppies, 4 Cats.
> What Is/are your Favorite Color?
- Sky Blue
- Red
- Violet
- White
- Gray
- Orange
- Blue
- Black
> What Is/are Your Favorite Food?
- Anything Spicy
- Chocolate but I Don't Like Chocolate Cakes for some reason. Especial Cupcakes.
- Sour Food
> What is Your Favorite Subject?
- English, The Only subject that I could easily go with the flow without having any headaches.
> What is Your Favorite Sport?
- Badminton, I'm not a Very Athletic person and Going outside is already a chore for me. But I do enjoy playing Badminton.
> What are Your Hobbies?
- Drawing
- Writing
- Journaling
- Reading Books
> Which Subject is Your Least Favorite?
- Math, The Main Reason why students want to go back time and destroy Calculus along with the evolution of Mathematics.
> What Is Your Favorite Animal?
- Dogs, Always have and always will be fond of Dogs No matter how They violently Bark and Growl at Me.
> Favorite Ice Cream?
- Bubblegum, Vanilla and Cookies and Cream.
> Favorite Super Hero?
- Iron Man, I Like his Sass and He is my Ideal Father Figure.
> Favorite Fruit?
- Grapes, Apple.
> Favorite Dessert?
- I'm not Picky with Desserts but I Have a special spot for Pudding.
> Favorite Holiday?
- Christmas, My B-day
> Favorite Season?
- Winter, It gives me ankyuer solid Reason to stay home and do nothing.
> Zodiac Sign?
- A Proud Capricorn.
> 3 Fears I Have :
- The Ocean
- Lizards
- The Death of My Favorite Anime Character.
> 5 Turn On's :
- Neck Kisses
- Submissiveness
- Timidity
- Soft Bois
- Possessiveness
> Gender?
- Female
> Sexual Orientation? :
- Straight
> How Tall am I?
- I'm not Proud of It but I'm 5'0 , I still have hope in my height....
> Do I Have a Crush?
- it's Tiring and Unnecessary. but If Fictional Characters Count then Yes.
> Eye Color?
- Black
> Hair Color?
- Black
> My Current Relationship Status :
- Single, My Whole Life I've been Single.
> Addiction?
- Collecting Stationaries
> Coffee or Tea?
- Tea is Life
> Fruit Tea or Milk Tea?
- Fruit Tea is also Life
BNHA Corner
> Favorite Male Character?
- Tamaki Amajiki
> Why I Like Him?
- I don't Know, Maybe because he Fits some of my preference in a Boy? Also because he has this unusual Pull over me that attracts me in a manner that is borderline obsessive. But Fortunately I haven't crossed that dark path just yet.
> Favorite Female Character?
- Rumi
> Why I Like Her?
- She Remind me of that One Neighbor everyone Likes.
> My Top 10 Character Preference?
- Tamaki Amajiki
- Keigo Takami
- Todoroki Shouto
- Bakugou Katsuki
- Shinso Hitoshi
- Izuku Midoriya
- Neito Monoma
- Tomura Shigaraki
- Dabi/ Touya Todoroki
- Taishiro Toyomitsu
> The First Character I First Fell In Love with?
- Bakugou Katsuki ( Boomie here is my First Choice then Poof Tamaki decided to be a Sweetheart and Fucking Made me do a back flip towards him)
> Would I want to Be a Hero or A Villain?
- I think a Hero would be a More stable Job than a Villain. Stability is My goal.
> Favorite Teacher In BNHA?
- Aizawa Shota ( Don't deny it you Love Dadzawa too )
> Favorite Pro Hero In BNHA?
- Hawks ( Kentucky Chicken Mc Birdman is my main boi when it comes to Pro Heroes )
> Favorite Villain?
- Daddy---- I mean Dabi ( Tho Handfuck ain't bad either)
> Why I Like Them?
- dO I EvEn NeeD a ReAsON WhY I Like Him? umm Cause I Like Burnt Food???
> What Quirk Would I Like?
- Actually it's not decided yet since I have a whole Journal about Quirks that I researched and Designed.
> Favorite Class B Character?
- Neito Monoma
> Why I Like them?
- He's Kind of a Sore Loser ( For a Copycat) but His Character really spikes up the dullness like he's funny; Being all serious with his mockery while everyone else just gives off a look that's says : ' Oh look it's captain Bullshit trying to be cool again but he's failing shit '
> Which Class 1 A Character would I like to Spar With?
- Honestly I'd Like to Spar with Hagakure; Truthfully speaking she's by far one of the most Harmless Characters. ( I ain't betting by life to fight Boom Boom Kid cause I have no Physical Talents whatsoever )
> Which Class 1 A Character I Never want to Spar with?
- It's either Boom Boom kid or Icy Hotty, But mostly Boom Boom Kid. He's an absolute brute at the field and he could fly with sheer anger alone. He's aggressive and I don't want to have his firework quirk blowing up my Face.
> Which Character I would Like to Befriend First?
- The Most Tame one of all ; Midoriya the Broccoli and being friends with him has a lot of benefits. I get to be part of the Protect Deku Squad and I can ask him to copy my notes since the kid is a literal copy machine. Heck he puts a copy machine to shame. You know I think that may be his quirk----
> If I Base it on my Personality would I be A Villain or a Hero?
- No Doubt I'd be a Corrupted Hero; I'm not a noble or a righteous person and Things that aren't my problem has nothing to do with me at all. I don't like it when people bark at me cause I know I tend to Bite Back I don't bark I bite.
> Would I Join an Agency Or Make My Own?
- I'd make my Own if I was given a Chance to.
> Which Characters Would I Like to Work with?
- Hawks ; He may not be the safest but he knows how to carry on one sided conversations and with precise movements and speed he could take out any villain on his own without me having to worry about hiding to the nearest pole.
> If I were To Build a Team of 7 Characters who would Be in my List Explain. ?
- Midoriya : His Quick wit and Adaptable Analysis Skills could come in Handy in Making On the spot Strategies since he always seems to look at things in a logical and rationally beneficial way.
- Bakugou : The Kid is a menace and he is made to be an aggressor so when it comes to face to face combat Having a spontaneous yet calculative Bakugou to sweep the floor clean and be the Main front liner wouldn't be a Bad Idea. He knows how a fight works and he is very resourceful with his moved and paired with his sharp mind he'd definitely be a force to be reckoned with.
- Todoroki - He is excellent at being an object of distraction and destruction. Having the enemies frozen in place is helpful in most situations and by using his fire quirk he could easily wipe out and distance the villains or enemies that's surrounding the area.
- Tamaki Amajiki : The perfect 2 in 1 combo. With his quirk he could serve as an attacker and a defender. Though picking the right food he consumes would be the key to success and his entire performance on the field will mostly reflect to the food he eats so it's wise to prepare a handful of food at a time .
- Hawks : He was built for this, Though he may not be the strongest it terms of strength but he makes up a lot when it comes to speed and agility; his fighting abilities is beyond average and it wouldn't take a genius to know that he has gained mastery over his quirk. Plus his feathers can serve as sensors to know more about the surroundings including the enemies that are present and probably their location. And he'd definitely be my main man during a chase or escape type of scenario.
- Aizawa : With Aizawa's erasure quirk and keen eyes it would be a powerful addition for the team. Plus he possesses incredible combat prowess and ingenuity with or without the use of his canceling quirk and his ability to restrain his opponents is another advantage.
- Taishiro Toyomitsu - My ultimate Defense Character. I don't think I have to explain any further with how his quirk works and the advantages of him being in the team.
> Do I Have an Oc?
- As for the Moment the OC that I have released in public is Rui. But yes I do have ongoing Oc's.
> How Many Oc's do I Have?
- The number is still undecided.
> A Character That Is The Most Similar to me Based on Personality?
- Well I asked a family of mine to answer this for me and she replied that My Personality Corresponds With Shoto's with a Mixture of Keigo. ( Even tho I don't act like it here )
> What Hair color would I Like?
- As Long as It has Sky Blue in it.
> What Eye color would I like?
- Lavender or Silver
> Which Skin tone would I Like?
- I don't know skin tone doesn't really matter for me but if I had to pick then I'd choose maybe tan or olive?
> My Top 10 Student Characters?
- Tamaki Amajiki
- Midoriya Izuku
- Katsuki Bakugou
- Todoroki Shouto
- Eijiro Kirishima
- Mina Ashido
- Tenya Iida
- Shinso Hitoshi
- Neito Monoma
- Fumikage Tokoyami
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teamxdark · 4 years
I love how you write relationships in ToA. The platonic and romantic love melts my heart everytime I re-read the fic, especially the father-son relationship between Lancelot and Galahad. Maybe it's because I'm a sucker for dad-Shad but I ain't complaining
Look. LOOK. I absolutely love writing character relationships of all kinds. I love exploring personalities and dynamics and seeing how everything comes together or breaks apart. I'm a very firm believer that characterisation and character relationships are what holds a narrative together, even if the story is weak (though it still helps to have a good story!). It's always been what draws me in. If a plot is fantastic and high stakes and we get the ball rolling immediately, but I have no idea who these people are and their personalities are inconsistent and I don't know where these relationships are headed, then I'm not nearly as enthused.
Platonic love!!!! Is so important to me!!!! Look, I'm aromantic. I have never done the romance thing. But that doesn't mean I don't absolutely love people! I adore my friends so much that my heart hurts sometimes! A lot of what Gareth says in chapter 18 are things that really resonate with me. That's why when it happened while I was writing, I told myself 'keep this. this is good and it comes from you and this is your self indulgent work. give yourself aro Gareth because she is such a sweet and gentle person and we need more aro rep like that'. And as for the romantic relationships, they're fun to write! It's one part taking things I've seen or read in media, one part remembering things I've heard other people say about their romantic relationships, and A LOT of imagination. So much is written with imagination! Guessing isn't always accurate, but that's the thing about fiction: sometimes the inaccurate, imagination-based portrayal conveys the emotions you want to express so much more strongly than a very accurate, factual account. (Not to say 'don't do research' or 'reject any criticism'; more like 'if you exaggerate this detail a lot more, it's going to hit harder and that's what I want'.)
DADELOT AND SONAHAD ARE TWO OF MY FAVOURITES TO WRITE. Galahad is, without a doubt, the favourite #1 character to write for me. Every time he's there I start feeling my mood lifting and I smile a little and the boy is actual sunshine. Lancelot is the easiest for me to write (good thing, too, since most chapters are from his point of view; in the first plan, he had even MORE chapters in his POV but I told myself to take a risk and challenge myself with different characters and I'm glad I did), and a lot of his fondness and love for his son comes from what I'm feeling as I write Galahad. I love their bond so much. Whenever I feel like Lance is focusing too much on Arthur, I bring in Galahad. Lance and Arthur's relationship is important, too, but I never want it to be the only thing Lance focuses on. Arthur may be potentially his most important person, but that doesn't mean that others can't be right up there with him, and Galahad? Galahad is most certainly up there. Lancelot loves his son. He loves his son so much, and his son loves him.
At this point I can't ship Shadilver in any way that isn't familial and I'm very attached to the headcanon that Silver is biologically descended from Shadow. I love Dadow. I love Shadow just. Opening up and having friends and having family and loving people. He needs it.
Wow I wrote a lot but I love writing and I love talking about writing and I love these characters. There's a lot of love. Thank you for the ask, it's a lovely thing to wake up to! I hope you have a great day!
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