#but it can also apply to raising a debate (respectfully) instead of agreeing right away. Like mmm big braining 2gether (lip biting emoji)
kindan-no-kanojo · 7 months
Types Bingo💓
Found this fun bingo here, feel free to snatch it! I'll tag @mino-diabolik @bluebird-dolly-bride @fruit-of-infidelity @viper-brothers @lucidesunderstander @hanakohanabe and anyone interested 👀✨
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No pressure of course! But ngl I'm very curious KSKDK Took me so long to gather 25 things Scarlett likes on other people (some resemble her, some complement her) so I'm pretty sure the full completion of this bingo might result on instant marriage LOL tho we don't need to aim that high (?) Adding a few notes in the tags if you do hers!
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averykedavra · 3 years
Is it okay as a cis person to reblog trans/non-binary/genderqueer etc. Stuff?
Thanks for asking! Since you didn’t specify what Stuff, I gotta say it’s a pretty nuanced question? It both relies on what the post is about, and what you’re reblogging it with. You probably didn’t ask for a specific checklist, and this isn’t necessarily aimed at you, but I’d say, in general:
Positivity post? Yes! You can always reblog a positivity post for a group that you’re not part of, as long as you aren’t ignorant or hurtful in the reblog.
Awareness post? Yes! It’s important to raise awareness of struggles or issues. Reblog all you like, as long as you aren’t derailing the post.
Post aimed at trans people? Sometimes! It really depends on the post itself. If it’s a post about and for that community, you might not want to intrude. But if you can relate, or generally think it’s funny, you could reblog without doing too much harm. I’d say, when in doubt, reblog the lighter posts. Try not to reblog posts by and for a minority group that talk about personal suffering, unless it’s an awareness post.
Post that jokingly makes fun of cis people? I’d be careful. Sometimes, people in a minority group make fun of a non-minority group. It’s nothing personal, and it’s annoying when people in that non-minority group get upset, calling it things like “cisphobia.” But it can also be minimizing if a non-minority reblogs or agrees with the post, since they’re essentially saying “Not all [insert non-minority here] are like that.” Which ignores the purpose of the post. Just...maybe stay away from those posts, if you’re not part of that minority. 
Post that states cis people can reblog? Yes! If they’ve said it, you can do it. Simple as that.
Post that states cis people can’t reblog? Definitely not! Respect people’s wishes! Don’t say, “I know I’m cis, but--” They have their reasons. It’s not discrimination. In general, you should never reblog a post when the OP has told you not to. That’s just bad manners.
And I know it can be hard to figure out what’s the ‘correct’ way to reblog a post. So here are a few general rules:
Do: add trigger warnings and general tags. Always do that, no matter the content of the post!
Don’t: use tags that minimize the content of the post. For example, tagging racism as #discourse minimizes the problem, and makes it sound like it’s a debate instead of a serious issue.
Do: write support of the group in the tags. “Wishing all my trans followers a good day” or “nonbinary rights always” are perfectly fine! However, I’d be warier of writing that outside of the tags, or on a post that isn’t positivity. That could derail the post. For example, writing “for my Jewish followers” in the text of a post about a Jewish recipe isn’t really necessary.
Don’t: write condemnation of oppressors in the tags. If it’s a post about t*rfs, you can write “fuck t*rfs.” If not, please leave them out of it. Responding to a positivity post by reminding people of negativity, or focusing on hurting oppressors instead of uplifting the oppressed, is just not great allyship. If a post isn’t about oppression, be positive!
Do: research the issue and ask pleasant questions. If you don’t understand the post, do some research! Don’t necessarily ask the OP about it, unless they seem open to questions--minority groups aren’t your dictionaries. Instead, find resources that explain it to you! It’s important to educate yourself.
Don’t: contribute to a discussion you’re not part of. Trans people are talking about their personal experiences? A cis person doesn’t have anything to add. That sounds mean, but it really needs to be said. Any reblog that starts with “I’m cis, but--” usually doesn’t end well. Know when something’s not aimed at you. Reblog without saying anything.
Do: ask if it’s okay to reblog. If you’re not sure, ask the OP! Usually, people are happy to have someone clarify. Shoot them an ask or write in the notes, “Is this okay for a cis person to reblog?” And respect the answer, whatever it turns out to be.
Don’t: add onto the post when you’ve been told not to. If they said no talking--in the tags or not--then don’t. Respect the OP’s wishes. In general, when you’re in doubt, tag the tws and then leave it be. If you don’t have anything productive or helpful to say, don’t say anything at all! Sometimes--and I keep saying this, I know, but it’s true--things really, really aren’t about you.
Do: delete or correct the post if you’ve done something wrong. If OP or another person corrects you, follow their instructions! Delete the reblog or correct it. Please don’t make a long apology, or take it personally, or try to argue with them. Sometimes people make mistakes. It happens. Fix it and move on.
Don’t: stop reblogging posts. I know it can seem overwhelming, looking at all this, and you might wonder if there’s really any way to reblog things respectfully. One, if you’re worried about it, you’re on the right track. And two, personally, I’d rather you mess up while reblogging than not reblog at all.
Please reblog. Reblog what, and when, you can. It’s important not to stay silent, or to leave people feeling like you don’t care about them. You don’t need to reblog every post you see, but think about how you’re using your platform. What kind of space have you created on your blog? Is it a safe one? Or is it suspiciously absent of support for minorities, silent on important information about representation, quiet when fandom issues are going around?
And, for what it’s worth, good intentions matter. They aren’t everything. You can still harm people unintentionally, and people might not want to talk to you. But they do count for something. It counts if you’re respectful, willing to learn, and ask questions like this! If you’re focused on how to help others, it puts you in a far better position to improve.
TL:DR? Raise awareness, spread positivity, and know when to step back and listen. Don’t panic, but take a few seconds to look over your words before you reblog. And get ready to learn a whole hell of a lot, because you can never be perfect, but you can always work to be better.
This post applies to a lot of things, not just cis people reblogging posts about trans people, and you can see that I used several examples. If anything in this post is harmful, incorrect, or ignorant, please let me know.
And this post is okay for everyone to reblog!
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