#but the maintenance guy is an unreliable creep
compulsivedragon · 1 year
Hello! My name is Cal and I am a hoarder.
Whoo! That's a long time coming.
I have always had ADHD and in some ways, I'm extremely high functioning. I have no trouble sitting still when required and at work, I'm known as the teacher who "has it all together".
But I have always had extreme clutter blindness. I have trouble taking care of myself. In fact, I ignored a cavity for so long once that my tooth fell out in my hand.
Last night, I thought my cat got out so I let my father and stepmom into my apartment (I NEVER have before). It was shameful, embarrassing, and eye opening.
I have decided to document my journey to cleaning my apartment and hopefully forming some better habits. Maybe even getting help. Here's the apartment:
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I am moving out on March 31st so here goes.
I commit to decluttering for 15 minutes a day every night at 9.
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thepetulantpen · 3 years
(More danganronpa stuff! I meant to post this like two weeks ago, but school’s been rough. Another Kazuichi/Hajime fic based on something that’s been in my ideas folder for ages: Kazuichi makes Komaeda’s hand, post dr2. Enjoy!)
“I’m only doing this for you.”
Kazuichi glares, hoping it’ll make him look more serious, but Hajime only looks relieved. It hurts to know Hajime had been expecting him to say no, but he can’t blame him, given the circumstances. 
“I can’t thank you enough.”
“You’ll owe me one.” This seems to have no effect, so Kazuichi adds, “I’m serious! I should be compensated for going anywhere near that creep.”
Hajime fidgets, hand coming up to fuss with hair that’s no longer there. It’s cut even shorter than it was in the simulation; apparently, he was a little hasty in getting rid of Izuru’s style. It was one of the first things he did when they woke up- Kazuichi remembers watching him, and seeing a bit of himself in the impulsivity.
These days, Hajime looks like he’s always towing the line, wanting to be supportive but afraid to be too defensive. Kazuichi knows he's starting to feel like something of a stranger, seeing their simulated friendships as inferior to the history the rest of them share. Not to mention the guilt at his role in… everything, but that's not exactly exclusive to Hajime.
His expression wavers, before Hajime visibly settles on, “He’s not so bad.”
It’s somehow both an understatement and overstatement- Nagito just is, a person difficult to quantify. Beyond crazy, that is. 
Memory is unreliable nowadays, a jumbled mess of school friends, fellow supervillains, and bits of code on a computer simulated island. The lines feel blurred, relief at seeing his close friends alive bleeding into horror at what they’ve done. Their killing game, too, feels fresh. He can’t help but see Nagito’s body when he closes his eyes, or feel the flash of heat from the bomb. The anger, and the sadness, is irrational- which only makes it harder to process.
Kazuichi doesn’t comment on any of that, distracting himself by turning to his work table. It’s newly set up by the Foundation, not quite lived in yet. Not as messy as he likes it.
“I’ll need some measurements, but I can get started.” He grimaces at the thought, having not even considered it when he agreed to this. “You’ll get that, right?”
Hajime smiles, almost laughs at Kazuichi’s expression, but nods. “Yeah, I got it.”
The thought of Hajime holding Nagito’s hand, carefully measuring, crosses his mind and he has to shake his head to clear it. It’s a stupid thing to be jealous of- Nagito is missing a damn hand. Of all the gruesome truths they’ve uncovered, of course there’s one that’ll give Nagito and Hajime an opportunity to hold hands.
Hajime is still hovering in the doorway, something obviously on his mind aside from Nagito. Normally, this is Kazuichi’s place to prompt him, get him to spill whatever it is. As competent as Hajime likes to pretend he is- freaky Izuru powers or otherwise- he’s always been better at getting other people to talk. 
It’s different now- they’ve got a lot on their plates, more than some repressed childhood trauma that’s appropriate to share on a beach. He’s drawing up schematics for his friend’s hand, and he’s not sure he can handle anything heavy on top of that.  
He turns to Hajime, anyway. If something’s bothering him, it’s better if they can both share that weight. “What’s up? You in the market for more shoddy prosthetics?”
“I don’t think you could make anything shoddy if you tried.” He says it offhandedly, without thinking. The confidence in his voice is enough to make Kazuichi pause, but he’s spared having to react as Hajime continues, “Thank you, really. You’re… a good friend, Kazuichi.” 
The unwitting rejection stings, but he raises his hand for a fist bump. “Of course, man. Whatever you need, alright?”
Hajime nods, a mirthless smirk on his face. It’s stretched too thin, like him. Kazuichi doesn’t know if he’s seen him sit down in the last week- always between righting one wrong and another. Chasing down the shadows of a person he never chose to be.
“Don’t know what I’d do without you.”
It’s disproportionately serious, betraying Hajime’s exhaustion. Kazuichi gestures, silently, for him to sit in one of the extra chairs, an excuse and invitation to rest until someone comes to find him. He takes it, grateful, and scoots it to sit right beside Kazuichi.
Their shoulders brush and Hajime doesn’t flinch away.
Kazuichi tries to keep his eyes on the parts, tries not move too much as Hajime leans against him. He tries not to let it mean anything when Hajime starts reaching for tools before he can, passing him exactly what he needs. Certainly doesn’t think about what it means when Hajime starts to doze off- and focuses muttering his response, never mind that Hajime stopped talking an hour ago.
“Without my brilliance? I guess you’d be collectively short of one hand.”
A hand, compared to everything else he’s made, is not a complicated ask. It barely takes a week, and that’s only because he tries to make it perfect. He must spend hours in testing, fine-tuning movement and searching for flaws long after he knows there aren’t any.
Not because he cares or anything- only so he doesn’t have to deal with it again if it breaks. 
The procedure to attach it is surprisingly simple; Mikan takes care of it, leaving Kazuichi to wait outside the room. Hajime’s supposed to be here, too, but he’s late- called away for a Foundation summons, which manages to be less appealing than what Kazuichi is doing now.
When it’s done, Mikan leaves, scurrying out with her head ducked down. She doesn’t address Kazuichi, which isn’t particularly abnormal. They’re all dealing with... this in different ways. 
Inside, Nagito is sitting in a chair, watching, nearly transfixed, as the hand responds to him, twisting and flexing. Kazuichi is tempted to just leave now- skip this interaction that he’s been dreading for days- but he doesn’t. Weirdo or not, Nagito doesn’t deserve to be walked out on.
He settles in the chair beside Nagito, gesturing to the hand. “I’ve got to show you how to take care of it. Maintenance, or whatever.”
“Ah,” Nagito smiles- a normal smile, by his standards, “I’m honored.”
Good to see coming out of the simulation didn’t fuck him up too much- this is about par for the course. Kazuichi just nods and gets to work, glancing up to make sure Nagito understands what he’s saying, more or less. Nagito still apologizes too much, which becomes an obstacle every time Kazuichi has to correct him. It turns explaining the mechanics of the hand, which parts need adjusting and which need regular replacements, into a grueling process.
He really is an air-head, when you get right down to it. Past all of the hope stuff, past all of the luck, he’s a regular guy. He’s not even so painfully insecure, in his best moments. 
It’s almost easy to see why Hajime likes him so much. 
At times like this, it feels like it did in school, simple friendships with no despair-laced strings attached. Hajime not being a part of that equation is a strange inconsistency. The thought that he never properly met Hajime- just Hajime, not Izuru or a computer’s impression of him- makes his head hurt.
“It’s good to see you and Hajime are still getting along,” Nagito says, apropos of nothing, “You spent a lot of time together, on the island. I know he enjoys your company.”
He sounds oddly deliberate, not like the steady stream of nonsense that Kazuichi tends to filter out. It cuts through the haze of his half-concentration on the conversation. “Huh? Yeah, I mean, of course.”
Nagito stares at him, dull grey eyes unyielding, before he smiles, again. “This hand was a favor for Hajime, wasn’t it? I’m sure he appreciated that.”
He sounds almost nagging this time, like he’s trying to get at something in particular, but it’s the words that catch Kazuichi’s attention. Kazuichi looks up sharply from where he’d been checking the spare parts, now labeled and boxed up.
 “It wasn’t just for Hajime, you know.” Kazuichi rubs the back of his neck, trying not to cringe. “I wouldn’t leave you without a hand.”
“I wasn’t doubting your goodwill.” He waves his hand- the real one- dismissively. “Truly, I look up to you. Your devotion to Hajime-”
“It’s not that,” Kazuichi talks quickly, as Nagito’s face starts to fall, “We’re friends. After everything we’ve been through- you think I wouldn’t help?”
Kazuichi bites his lip, half to keep himself from saying anything else. He’s not a perfect conversationalist, but he never imagined he’d outpace Nagito in making a conversation awkward. He shouldn’t have stuck around. Nagito could’ve figured out how to adjust the grip himself, couldn’t he? 
“Oh,” Nagito pauses, genuinely surprised, and stops short of whatever else he was going to say, “in that case, I’m lucky to have such incredible friends.”
The word sounds strange coming from Nagito- too hesitant, like he’s only trying it out. It’s not the first time they’ve called each other friends, but it’s the first time after the world ended; which, even for Nagito, makes a significant difference.
“We’re all here for you. For each other.”
Kazuichi winces, but it has the desired effect of making Nagito smile. Though it doesn’t look like he entirely believes Kazuichi, the expression a little forced, he figures it’s the best they can hope for. 
“Right,” Kazuichi stands, abruptly, and makes for the door, “I’d better get going.”
“Wait, Kazuichi-“
He yanks it open before Nagito can finish and finds, standing in the doorway with his hand half-raised to knock, Hajime. He’s got a knowing look on his face, barely concealing a smile.
“Making friends?”
Kazuichi scowls, trying to look as threatening as he can- which is to say, not very. “Not a word.”
Hajime brushes it off easily, switching places with Kazuichi to sit with Nagito. He relaxes when he does, tension disappearing from his shoulders as Nagito waves to him with his new hand, metal creaking softly.
“Sorry I was late. Makoto is finalizing some of the details and- it doesn’t matter. How are you feeling?”
“I’m great.” Nagito looks like he means it, lighting up at the sight of Hajime. “Kazuichi’s been great company. I see why you like him so much.”
Kazuichi steps back, getting the impression he’s no longer a part of this conversation. He keeps his head down and pretends not to notice as Hajime laughs at something Nagito says- too quiet to hear from the doorway. Hajime looks up as he leaves, but Kazuichi only gives a brief wave, leaving them to their own devices.
It feels vaguely like being left behind, even if he’s the one walking out.
It’s a few days later, on the beach, when he dares see either of them again. 
He refuses to admit that he’s avoiding anyone- he only happens to not run into them. It just so happens that he spends the majority of his days locked in his lab, with a Do Not Disturb sign up, listening to the sound of disappointed footsteps approaching, pausing, and leaving. 
And, just once, the click of Nagito’s heeled shoes and an extended moment of hesitation- the shadow remaining at his door for a minute, at least- before it, too, leaves. 
It’s not jealously. It’s just... weird, being around people he calls friend. Even after all this time, he feels like he can’t quite get it right. 
Especially with Hajime. For multiple reasons. 
He’s here now, despite that, because if he doesn’t leave the lab, he thinks Hajime might send in rescue parties after him. It should be embarrassing that he’s partially hidden behind a palm tree, creepily watching Hajime and Nagito from a distance, but it’s not the weirdest thing he’s done, even excluding his time corrupted by despair- hell, even excluding all of their time in the killing game.
Kazuichi smiles softly as he watches them, Hajime’s grin bright and Nagito looking less miserable than usual. The shadows they all carry dissipate in the steady sunlight, the rock of waves suspending them in a limbo on this island, far from where the rest of the world can reach them. 
Nagito says something Kazuichi doesn’t catch that makes Hajime frown, and he waves his hand- the new, metal one- in Hajime’s face, clearly teasing. “I know you do.”
“Nagito,” Hajime is laughing as he tries to catch Nagito’s hand, “Nagito, come on.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, but,” Nagito lowers his voice, so Kazuichi has to take a few steps closer to hear him, “subtlety isn’t one of your many talents.”
Hajime opens his mouth, like he’s going to argue, just as Kazuichi steps forward, intentionally scuffing his shoe against a rock- feeling, for the first time, guilty for eavesdropping. At his footsteps, Hajime whips around, something suspiciously like a blush on his face. 
Hajime glares at Nagito, who pays him no mind in favor of greeting Kazuichi, cheerfully, with, “What great luck. Hajime was just looking for you.”
The beanie, a few minutes ago, had felt silly while on the beach, under the constant sun. Now, he’s grateful to have something to fidget with. He pulls it lower, as if that’ll hide him.
“You always know where to find me.”
Hajime raises his eyebrows, glancing once at Nagito- who, judging from his shrug, isn’t much help. “I wasn’t sure you wanted visitors.”
“I never mind seeing you.” It’s as if flashing neon signs reading AWKWARD blind him for a moment as he backpedals, “Uh, whenever you want to hang out, man. Never too busy for you.”
“We should,” Hajime interrupts, before Kazuichi can spiral deeper. “Hang out, I mean. Just me and you. If you have time.”
Kazuichi looks over to Nagito- or, the empty spot where Nagito was. There’s a footprint in the sand and, in the distance, he spots the flash of a coat as Nagito trips over rocks on his way to beat a hasty retreat. It’s hard to tell whether Nagito has been taking lessons from Peko, or if Kazuichi’s skills in observation are worse than he thought. He’s not sure whether he wants to thank him or curse him for leaving them- maybe he’ll decide based on how much a disaster this ends up being.
Hajime is watching him expectantly, not as surprised by Nagito’s escape act. 
“Not a lot going on right now. Besides, you know, the apocalypse.”  It’s hard not to be nervous, even if Kazuichi can’t pinpoint exactly why. He can feel a tangent coming on, forces himself to stop before he says something he’ll regret. “I’ve got nothing but time.”
Hajime shuffles a step closer and looks down, not meeting Kazuichi’s eyes. “I’ve missed you. I know that’s stupid, since we’re both on the same island, but-“
“I know what you mean,” he says, quietly, cutting him a break, “I think.” He hopes he knows what he means- hopes it means what it means to him.
Hajime looks up, mismatched eyes studying him. It’s not as disconcerting as he imagined it might be.
After a moment, Hajime glances away again, breaking eye contact. “Do you want to go now? There’s food in the kitchen. It’s nothing glamorous, but,” he shakes his head, smile a little sheepish, “I guess I’m not very good at this, even now.”
He’s clearly doing something right, but if Kazuichi could figure that out, he would have a lot easier time responding. He’d probably even say something more eloquent than, “Sounds great! Lead the way?”
It doesn’t make a difference. Hajime looks delighted, like Kazuichi had said anything else. It’s a warm feeling, to see Hajime smile even when he’s barely done anything to deserve it.
Hesitating just a step, Hajime turns back to Kazuichi and holds his hand out, offering an unsure smile and no words to the silent gesture. Kazuichi takes it before he can change his mind and lets himself be pulled along, nothing on his mind but this moment, the sun, the waves and Hajime.
They can make something new here- hands and hope and a life no longer broken into half-remembered pieces. It’s a new start, after the world and their lives have been burned away a few times over. A second or third chance. Best to stop counting, at this point.
It’s only fitting that they begin again on a beach. This time, he’ll be aiming a little higher than “soul friends”.
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Breaking Down The Social Hierarchy
Alpha male
He is the leader, the dominant one, The Bad Boy. This guy is a manly man, confident and extroverted. He is the one who enforces the social rules yet breaks them at the same time.
He grew up an active child and was always the leader of his friends. In high school, he was the prom king and captain of the football team, but also the school bully. Two years after his graduation, he became the president of his fraternity house. And finally, he is the higher up boss in the workplace.
He speaks his mind and isn’t afraid to talk down to a woman. Women of all types gravitate to him.
An alpha male most likely has the MBTI type of an ENTJ, ESTJ, or ESTP.
Their spirit animal is a lion, the king of the animal kingdom.
Strengths: athletic, intelligent, direct, assertive, realistic, mature, hardworking, excellent communication skills
Weaknesses: domineering, rude, insubordinate
How he views himself: I have goals I need to achieve. Everything else is a waste of time.
How others view him: That guy is at the top of everything.
Examples: George Washington, Alexander the Great
Alpha female
She is the Bad Girl, the baddest bitch in the room. The alpha female is very feminine, as in fact, she is the most ladylike and knows her manners. She is outgoing, elegant, and decisive.
The Alpha female may be a bitch or big hoe but she definitely has class. She uses drugs, drinks, and has sex moderately.
She grew up as a tomboy during her childhood, then became a girly girl. In high school, she is the prom queen, head cheerleader, the most popular girl in school. Like her male counterpart, she becomes president of her sorority house in college and higher up boss in the workplace.
She thinks before she speaks, is a good listener, and interrupts only when necessary. Men don’t intimidate her and she is completely comfortable being around them. The Beta male is her perfect match as he complements her personality.
An alpha female most likely has the MBTI type of an ENFJ or ESFP.
Her spirit animal is, of course, the queen bee.
Strengths: graceful, intelligent, mature, socially adept, assertive, realistic, hardworking, excellent communication skills
Weaknesses: bossy, high-maintenance
How she views herself: I’m not going to waste time because I need to pursue my dreams.
How others view her: She always gets her way.
Examples: Queen Elizabeth II, Oprah Winfrey, Claire (The Breakfast Club), Regina George (Mean Girls), Tomoyo Sakagami (CLANNAD)
Beta male
The Beta male is the opposite of the alpha male in every way. He is submissive, a Nice Guy, a natural born follower.
He is a shy, introverted guy who is boyish in both appearance and personality.
This is the guy who blindly follows the rules and never questions them.
Unlike the Alpha, he is rather unathletic and less intelligent.
The Beta was the teacher’s pet in high school, the wannabe, the loser, a nerd and dork. He is the high school bully’s main target. This definitely carries in the workplace as they’ll always be working for and under the Alphas.
Beta males like alpha females but they usually get friendzoned. If the Alpha female doesn’t reciprocate his feelings, he ends up with his female counterpart, the Beta female.
A Beta male most likely has the MBTI type of an INFP.
His spirit animal is a dog because of his loyalty and obedient nature.
Strengths: introspective, agreeable, hardworking
Weaknesses: poor communication skills, weak-willed, lack of confidence, ill-at-ease, immature, passive aggressive, talks more than listen
How he views himself: What if they don’t like me?
How others view him: That guy is such a beta! He couldn’t even ask a girl out.
Examples: Justin Timberlake
Beta female
Like her male counterpart, she is the Good Girl. Beta females are the stereotypical girly girls. They are shy and introverted like their male counterparts.
She has always been the Alpha female’s best friend, right-wing woman since childhood.
She doesn’t have the problems her male counterpart does when in comes to dating. She’s 2nd in place to the Alpha female in getting guys. Being naturally submissive, she needs a strong man so the Alpha male would be her perfect match.
A Beta female most likely has the MBTI type of an INFP or ESFJ.
Strengths: bubbly, idealistic, innocent, hardworking
Weaknesses: naive, hyper, lack of confidence, passive aggressive
How she views herself: I’m not that pretty.
How others view her: She’s sweet but I would rather hang with an alpha female because they’re always chill and at ease.
Examples: Princess Diana, Bridget Jones (Bridget Jones Diary), Gretchen and Karen (Mean Girls), Orihime Inoue (Bleach), Nagisa Furukawa (CLANNAD)
Gamma male
He has the traits of both the Alpha male and the Beta male. The Gamma male is neither a leader nor follower. He is ambiverted, fun-loving, relaxed, and easy to talk to.
In high school, he is a Class Clown or a “freak”.
Gamma males are as successful in getting girls. He would be a perfect match for the Delta female.
A Gamma male most likely has the MBTI type of an ENTP or ISTP.
In high school, she is a Thespian or a “freak”.
Strengths: friendly, approachable, witty, clever, inventive, individualistic, hardworking, good communication skills
Weaknesses: inconsiderate, rash, aggressive
Examples: Martin Luther King Jr, Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)
Gamma female
She is psychologically dominant, but socially rejected.
In high school, she was a Thespian or a “freak”. She’ll most likely work freelance
She would be a perfect match for the Delta male.
A Gamma female most likely has the MBTI type of an ENFP, INFJ, or ISFP.
Her spirit animal is a bird as she is free spirited.
Strengths: original, artistic, creative, outgoing, hardworking
Weaknesses: too loud, aggressive
Examples: Rosa Parks, Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games), Cady (Mean Girls)
Psychologically submissive, socially acceptable
Deltas are average people who don’t lead nor follow.
In high school, they’re the team players on their sports teams
A person with a Delta personality has the MBTI type of an ESFJ, ISTJ or ISFJ.
A Delta will most likely end up with a Gamma or another Delta.
Strengths: stable, sensible, down-to-earth
Weaknesses: mediocre
How Deltas view themselves: I wonder what it’s like to not be normal?
What other people think about them: A normal guy/girl would also make a good boyfriend/girlfriend.
LGBT community
Lambda males are openly gay men while Lambda females are tomboys. Non-binary individuals are lambdas as well.
Strengths: open minded
Weaknesses: too liberal
Examples: Aja, Kaitlyn Alexander, Batwoman, Poison Ivy, Willow (Buffy), Santana and Brittany (Glee), Damian (Mean Girls)
psychologically submissive, socially rejected
Omegas are the people who stay in the background. They are inactive, taciturn, and timid people. Their presence is weak which makes them unnoticeable. They get scared easily and thus avoid these situations at all costs.
They’re the new freshmen in high school, the outcast
Omegas are the people least likely to be hired because of timidity, laziness, and lack of participation. But when they do get hired, they’re at the bottom of the ladder.
A person with an Omega personality has the MBTI type of an ISFJ, ISFP, INTP, or INFP.
They’re lucky if they even get asked out.
Strengths: low-key, careful, humble, modest, sensible, unpretentious, hardworking
Weaknesses: timid, taciturn, lethargic, unreliable
How Omegas view themselves: I’m too scared to do anything.
What other people think about them: I forgot that guy/girl exists. He/she doesn’t talk much.
Sigma=Lone Wolf
Sigmas are similar to Gammas except they are antisocial yet somehow beat the Alpha in the social game.
The high school stereotype of a Sigma is an emo, goth
Sigmas are con artists
The person with a Sigma personality has the MBTI type of an ENTJ, ENTP, INTJ, ISTP, or INTP.
Sigmas are usually attracted to only other Sigmas.
Their spirit animal is a wolf, obviously.
Strengths: same as Alpha
Weaknesses: careless, hostile
How Sigmas view themselves: Fuck the hierachy! I’m going to say that to the Alphas and see what happens because I don’t give a shit.
What other people think about them: Damn, the loner just owned that Alpha!
Examples: Janis (Mean Girls)
Theta male
Theta female
Zetas are unattractive people who completely lack social skills.
They’re the creeps, stalkers, and weirdos
Their friends are imaginary since even animals hate them.
They never get laid
Strengths: original, creative
Weaknesses: socially inept, mentally unstable
How Zetas view themselves: I’m Alpha and everyone is jealous of my status.
What other people think about them: Ew! No one likes that guy/girl.
Examples: Tyler Downing (13 Reasons Why), Michael and Dwight from The Office, Napoleon Dynamite
As much as hierarchies suck, they unfortunately still exist. You’re extroverted and confident, you’re an Alpha. You’re shy and introverted, you’re a Beta. You’re ambiverted, you’re a Gamma. You’re like most people, you’re a Delta. You’re quiet and timid, you’re an Omega. You’re antisocial, you’re a Sigma. You’re socially inept, you’re a Zeta. Of course we shouldn’t label ourselves as we’re dynamic and not limited to what we genetically are because nobody’s perfect.
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