#c: peter parker lokison 馃暦
ask-peter-lokison 7 months
Wait, Peter, what did you find out about yourself recently? 馃槸
Peter: "Well, uh, Thanos kind of said some weird stuff when I was fighting him and I was kinda freaked out and I asked my mother about it and, uh...."
Hela: "Peter's pheromones are very attractive to many species of people."
Peter: "Wh- Hela!"
Hela: "I'm sorry brother, but it's really not a secret to anyone who knows of such traits. We're unsure how it affects Midgardians though."
Peter: "...Yeah, we don't know that and... it should be something I talk about with Tony, huh? Th-that I might be brainwashing him or some aliens might wanna steal me, I don't know."
Hela: "I doubt you're brainwashing him."
Peter: "....That's comforting, I guess..."
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ask-peter-lokison 8 months
Hey Peter! How are things going with Tony? 馃憖
Oh, things are going great! I kinda feel like- like something changed on Titan? I don't know, I just really feel like I'm part of the team with him now? I think I really proved myself to Mr. St- Tony. And I've actually gotten to spend even more time with him... I was with him a lot when he was healing from the fight. We've been hanging out a lot more on his personal floor too.
Sometimes I think that maybe...
Uh, anyway, I'm just really happy I get to see him so much!
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ask-peter-lokison 7 months
Peter, what would you most like to say to Mr. Stark?
Loki, what would you most like to say to Thor?
Peter: "Well, I... I should tell him how I feel, yeah? That I want to be his... boyfriend. But there's also... there's something else I've recently found out about myself that.. is probably kinda important, I feel like I should tell him about it first maybe...."
Loki: "There's a lot I would like to say to Thor. Perhaps the hardest would be.... Well, he's given his apologies but I... find it hard to give my own. I thought nothing could be harder than facing Peter but... they can."
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ask-peter-lokison 5 months
Peter, how would you confess to Tony if you did work up the nerve?
Peter: "Well, uh, sometimes I think about saying something when we're in the lab. I know it doesn't sound really romantic but I just always loved spending time with Tony in his lab. But, uh, it would make things worse if he doesn't feel the same though..."
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ask-peter-lokison 6 months
Loki, what's your favorite thing about (or what do you most admire) about each of your kids?
Loki: "This is an impossible question for a parent to answer. I will say the great strengths I most associate with my children are Sleipnir's steadfastness, Fenris's fearlessness, J枚rmungandr's adaptability, Hela's knowledge of magic and the worlds, and Peter's knowledge of science and combat."
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ask-peter-lokison 7 months
Peter, has Tony actually done anything to make you think he's affected by your pheromones, or is it just paranoia?
Peter: "I mean, I don't know, when I talked to my mother about it he said that pheromones like mine could make people like me? If I wanted them to? Like I have some sort of subconscious control over it. I mean, he didn't say that was for sure the case but... I don't know. I always thought it was so crazy and unbelievable that Tony Stark was letting me hang out with him and... what if it really is? Maybe you're right and I'm just being paranoid but finding out about this has made me kinda look back on things with a new lens. Like what if I've been forcing Tony to like me this whole time?"
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ask-peter-lokison 9 months
For Loki and children, now that the rogue and missing Avengers (plus Bucky) are back and you can meet them properly, are you making any friends among them?
Loki: It's rather nice meeting a fellow magic user like Wanda. Our powers are quite different but we've had some interesting conversations.
Hela: I admit I was rather excited to finally meet such fascinating examples of Midgardian adaptability. Captain Rogers and Dr. Banner are still uncertain of me but I've enjoyed getting to know the Maximoff siblings.
Peter: It's been so cool having all the Avengers together again! I mean, things are still... kinda awkward between some of them but it's still amazing to be spending so much time with my heroes! Bl- Natasha and Pietro both train with me a lot, it's been so cool!
Fenris: I'm not too interested in making fast friends with the people who betrayed Stark. It was an enjoyable experience fighting alongside Bucky Barnes though. I don't disagree with him being called Wolf.
J枚rmungandr: Wanda and Pietro come visit me sometimes! Usually just them but Natasha and Sam have come with before too.
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ask-peter-lokison 9 months
Hi Peter! What's your favorite thing about your dad? (Mom? Parent? Loki!) What's your biggest pet peeve about him?
Hey! My mom's a great story teller! Even when we weren't, you know, physically together, he would always tell me stories growing up. He'd use his magic when he told stories, so I could actually see things happening. Kinda like tv but... different. I was actually kinda worried when he came back that he'd think I was... too old for stories or something, but he still tells them!
...I don't really like to think bad of my mom. I... already had all those thoughts. He's back now and I'm just happy to be with him.
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