ask-peter-lokison · 7 months
Wait, Peter, what did you find out about yourself recently? 😯
Peter: "Well, uh, Thanos kind of said some weird stuff when I was fighting him and I was kinda freaked out and I asked my mother about it and, uh...."
Hela: "Peter's pheromones are very attractive to many species of people."
Peter: "Wh- Hela!"
Hela: "I'm sorry brother, but it's really not a secret to anyone who knows of such traits. We're unsure how it affects Midgardians though."
Peter: "...Yeah, we don't know that and... it should be something I talk about with Tony, huh? Th-that I might be brainwashing him or some aliens might wanna steal me, I don't know."
Hela: "I doubt you're brainwashing him."
Peter: "....That's comforting, I guess..."
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ursafootprints · 6 months
would you ever consider making an askblog for ynyd peter and tony 🥺👉👈 or doing a character meme?? i wanna ask tony how he would propose lol
Ahhh that's so sweet! I've never thought about it before (because I can't draw and most of the askblogs I saw back in their heyday were art-related, though @statisticalcats2 has a cute text-based Peter Lokison one with Starker undertones y'all should check out at @ask-peter-lokison,) but fandom RP on LJ/DW was my primary hobby for over a decade there and it does sound fun to dip my toes back into something similar!
Is this a thing people would be interested in? Maybe not just specifically for YNYD, but the various Peters and Tonys across my fics? (I'm sure YNYD has the most interest assuming there's any at all, haha, but it might feel more flexible to throw in the Starkercest ones + other fics as well.)
If there's interest I'd definitely consider it! Otherwise I might just pop up a "ask my characters any question" kind of meme, yeah. Thanks so much for the idea and the ask! 💖💖💖
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statisticalcats2 · 9 months
I've played around with setting up an askblog for my Peter Lokison AU (as in, I answer asks as the characters), would anyone be interested and send asks in if I did?
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inz-lokisdottir · 2 years
✪ s i b l i n g s ✪
(most are multiversal except Kaidus so multiversal will be applied to just children of Loki)
• @kaiduslokison (Kaidus Lokison) - blood brother
• @wolfyocs (Rúna Maximoff-Lokisdottir) - multiversal half sister
• @pop-goes-the-clown (Laughing Jack) - adopted brother (...idk if I put Jeff here or not but...him too-)
• @einarlokison (Einar Lokison) - multiversal half brother
• @wolfyocs (Yri Fandraldottir) - multiversal half sister
• @official-agent-anu (Anu Stark) - adopted sister
• @officialpeter-parker (Peter Parker-Stark Strange) - adopted brother
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
☽ p a r e n t s ☾
(her original parents are uh...not alive so again, these are all multiversal and adoptive
• @ask-scott-lang-whatever (Scott Lang) - Adoptive Father
• @tenebristhequeen (Queen Tenebris) - Adoptive Mother
• [@pop-goes-the-clown] (Slenderman) - Adoptive Father
• @official-loki-laufeyson (Loki Laufeyson) - Adoptive/Multiversal Father
• @official-anthony-stark (Tony Stark) - Adoptive Father
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
⍟ o t h e r f a m i l l y r e l a t i o n s ⍟
• [@pop-goes-the-clown] (Eyeless Jack) - Uncle
• [@tenebristhequeen] (Lucifer) - Uncle
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cosmosreign-a · 3 years
? ( if you're still accepting !! )
MULTIMUSE  ASK  MEME ( not accepting! ) / @ofcatnaps
Natalia Romanova
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Wanda Maximoff
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
Lady Sif
Hela Odinsdottir
Loki Odinson
Narfi or Vali Lokison
Monica Rambeau
Jyn Erso
Galen Erso
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Padme Amidala
Luke Skywalker
Leia Organa
Ahsoka Tano
Ben Solo
Piper McLean
Nico di Angelo
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fandorkofeverything · 5 years
The Peter Parker Project: A Million Dreams Chapter One
Summery: Peter Parker was staying in Avengers tower while his Aunt May is in Brooklyn for about a week. No problem, right? Well, when your kind-of-girlfriend, your honorary Uncle, brother and Tony Stark then start to see a change in Peter... Well, that's when things get difficult.
My one-shots have moved to a short story! I don't know how many chapters there will be per se, but there will be more than three. And yes, Pietro is alive because his death is bullshit! ;P
Okay, so the ages, in order, go Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, Jade Wilson, Hope Thorson, Megan Lokison, Maddison Strange, Brooklyn Stark, Peter Parker and Kayleigh Rogers.
Pietro and Wanda- 18
Jade- 17
Hope, Megan and Maddison- 16
Brooklyn and Peter- 15
Kayleigh- 14
These ages are as-of Spider Man: Homecoming, when it comes to after Endgame, their ages differ. Brooklyn, Peter, Hope, Jade, and Jade will stay the same age, while Pietro, Megan, Maddison and Kayleigh will grow five years older. And I'm not calling it "The Blip" No. just, no. A blip only lasts a few seconds. The events of Infinity War/ Endgame will be called "The Disappearing Act Of 2018" Cool? Okay.
Chapter One: Uncle Bucky Is Resident Uncle
/Peter's P.O.V/
"So, tell me," Brooklyn asked, walking up to me and Pietro. "Why do you really want to transfer to Seaside?"
"You wanna transfer to Seaside?" Pietro asked, turning to face me.
"I don't learn anything. Seaside has a better STEM program. Simple as that." I shrugged my shoulders, letting them know that was that. They cannot know why I really want to transfer. I don't need their pity. Sure, Brooklyn's my kind-of girlfriend, and Pietro's basically my older brother. But they cannot know what goes on at Midtown.
"Petey, we know when you're lying." Brooklyn stated, her shoulder touched mine and I jerked back slightly, her touch feeling like ice. "Come on. You know you can tell us anything."
"I did tell you everything. Not everything needs to be complicated like Ultron attacking Sokovia. Or Hela trying to take over Asgard. Or even The Vulture tracking Spider Man down and trying to kill him because he knows I'm Spider Man."
"Wow. Just, wow." Brooklyn stated, shaking her head. "It's not about great evil, it's about high school!"
"So great evil?" I asked, with a smirk.
"Yes!" Pietro exclaimed, looking at me.
"Pietro, you're not helping." Brooklyn looked over at the blue-eyed speedster, who shrugged at her response and I chuckled slightly. Pietro was essentially my older brother, he and I are very close and let's just say, if anyone, Jade, ever messed with me, they'd be dealing with an angry speedster.
"Miss, may I remind you that school starts in twenty minutes, forty for Mr. Parker." Brooklyn's AI, SKYLA, Stealthy Karma Yearning Luxurious Accomplishments, warned us. Brooklyn loves her acronyms, just like Mr. Stark.
"Thanks, Sky." Brooklyn told her AI, grabbing her bookbag. "Bye Peter!" Brooklyn waved her goodbyes as the rest of the gang joined her and Pietro.
"Bye, kid." Pietro wrapped his arms around me in a hug behind me and I patted his hand as he did so. They left and I sighed. This is another part of why I want to transfer. I'll be with all my friends who really understand me. I mean, Ned and MJ are great. But they just don't understand what really goes on.
"Peter," I looked over to see Bucky, keys in hand. "Let's go. I'm driving you today."
"What? Happy too busy to drive me anymore?" I joked, picking up my backpack.
"No, something happened at the head office, Stark told me to drive you, I didn't argue. Plus, it gives me time to spend time with my favorite nephew." He bumped into my shoulder with his and I chuckled.
"Yeah right, I'm your only nephew."
"Exactly, kiddo."
We got into one of Mr. Stark's cars and he went into the main road.
"Uncle Bucky?" I asked, looking out the window.
"Hmm?" He replied, not taking his eyes off the road.
"What was school like when you were growing up?" I questioned, fully looking at him.
"Well, it was just like any school. There were people who you tolerated, hated, and got along with. And then there were the people you avoided at all costs. Jamison Bennett. I will never forget that name. Made Steve and mines' lives miserable, that boy." I nodded as I listened to him.
"Really? How bad?"
"Really bad. Unfortunately, teachers never listen to kids who are being bullied."
"I hear that."
"You now, I was a lot like you when I was about your age, Peter. I didn't like hanging out in big crowds. I only ever had one best friend. But as I got older, I let new people in. have you tried that?" I sighed at Bucky's question.
"It's not a matter of letting people in, it's the matter of will the new people turn on me." My answer was left alone as Bucky drove up to the front of the school.
"Have a good day, kiddo." Bucky told me, patting my leg.
"Thanks Uncle Bucky." I told him, getting my things and closing the door.
"DO GOOD IN SCHOOL KIDDO, DON'T DO ANYTHING I WOULDN'T DO!" Bucky screamed out the window and I sighed, but I smiled anyways.
"No way, dude! The Winter Solider, Bucky Barnes just dropped you off at school! How cool is that?!" Ned ran up to me, expressing how cool that was.
"Yeah, pretty cool." I chuckled nervously as we walked up to our lockers and got our things for class. Ned left for his class, one of the few classes that we don't have together, and I closed my locker.
"So, Penis Parker! The Bucky Barnes dropped you off today?" I sighed, shaking my head. I really don't need this today.
"Not today, Flash." I told him, trying to walk around him, but he stopped me, grabbing my hoodie and throwing me backwards slightly.
"No, tell me. how could someone who has so little possibly do to make The Winter Soldier drop you off?" I rolled my eyes at that.
"I didn't make him. He offered." I told him, trying to get past him, but he wouldn't let me.
"Did your Aunt leave you like your parents and Uncle? Oh, I wouldn't put it past her." I blood turned to ice during that moment. He can torture me all he wants, but my parents and Uncle are a no-go. Putting together as much courage as I had, I faced Flash.
"You don't know anything about my family! If you don't have your facts straight, don't use 'em!" I growled with as much courage as I could muster, and Flash glared. And I honestly got scared for a moment. I didn't have much time to think before I knew what happened. Flash punched me. hard. I fell down to the floor and he scoffed, probably at my pathetic-self.
"You're weak, Parker. You'll never be good enough for your Aunt. You're not smart enough, you're not strong enough. And you'll never live up to your parents." At that, Flash left, and the warning bell sounded, leaving the kids who had stood by to watch and not doing anything leave to. I got out my phone to check the damage Flash had done. No blood, thankfully. But I hope it doesn't turn into a black eye. Sighing, I picked up my stuff and practically ran to science class, but unfortunately, I was too late.
"Late again, Mr. Parker? I'll talk with you after class. Have a seat." My teacher, Ms. Warren told me, and I sighed, annoyed with myself. Great. I sat down and sighed again. This was turning out to be a great day.
"….. So if D = MC3, it shows the process of the speed of sound." I wrinkled my nose at that. that's wrong.
"That's wrong, Ms. Warren." I told her and she eyed me, so did half the class.
"Excuse me?" She questioned me and I sighed.
"You said that D=MC3 shows the process of the speed of sound. That's wrong. The equation is that if E=MC2 shows the process of the speed of light. Putting it simply, if an object approaches the speed of light, its mass becomes infinite and it is unable to go any faster than light travels. This cosmic speed limit has been a subject of much discussion in physics, and even in science fiction, as people think about how to travel across vast distances. The process was developed by Einstein in 1905." I told her and she glared….. If looks could kill.
"Peter Parker! I think I know how to teach this class! I expect more from you, not only were you late, but you disrespected me! Go to the office! They'll deal with you as they see fit!" She was not happy, to put it bluntly. I'm not good with emotions, but even I could see that. I got my stuff and went to the office.
An hour later, I was still getting yelled at. The Principle then called Aunt May; she didn't answer. She's out of town. He tried Tony and Pepper, neither of them answered.
"Who else can I call, Mr. Parker?" The Principal asked and I sighed.
"Maybe Bucky Barnes? 678…." I gave him his number and he called it. They talked for awhile before he hung up
"Mr. Barnes is coming to pick you up." I sighed and half-rolled my eyes. Great. Just what I needed.
About twenty minutes later, Bucky walked in.
"Hello, Mr. Barnes, it seems that the child—"
"My nephew." Bucky corrected him and I gave a small smile.
"…. Your nephew, disrespected a teacher in class." Bucky eyed me and I slunk down in my seat.
"Is that so? Very well. I'll deal with it." Bucky motioned for me to get up and I followed him. We got in the car and I sighed.
"Sorry I disturbed you today…." I mumbled, not looking Bucky in the eye.
"Kid, you didn't disturb me. So, tell me. Why'd you disrespect your teacher?" He asked, starting the car and getting on the main road.
"She was wrong." I told him and he narrowed his eyebrows.
"I'm sorry?" He questioned, as if he didn't believe me.
"She was wrong. Ms. Warren was wrong about Einstein's Theory of General Relativity." He eyed me again, waiting for more of an explanation. "She said that D=MC3 shows the process of the speed of sound. That's wrong. The equation is that if E=MC2 shows the process of the speed of light. That's the equation and she was wrong." I told him and he nodded, showing he understood what I was saying. And did…. Did he give a small smile?
"I'm proud of you, Pete." He told me and I looked at him, surprised. "You knew the right equation and you spoke out about it, very brave thing for you to do, for anyone. I don't know what your Aunt or Stark will think, but in my mind, it was the right thing for you to do." I smiled at that. Uncle Bucky will always have my back for this sort of thing.
Uncle Bucky pulled into the garage and we got out. He then looked at me and pulled me aside.
"What happened to your eye?" He asked me, extremely worried. Shit. Forgot about that.
"Nothing… I just, fell…" I told him and he scoffed.
"Fell since two hours ago? I doubt it. You're more care than that, Spider Man." He told me and I avoided eye-contact. "Seriously, though; what happened?" He asked, trying to get a better looked and I shoved him away, my senses being a bit more active than usual.
"Nothing! I'm fine, Uncle Bucky." I told him and started walking the other way. "I'm gonna go do homework." I told him, got in the elevator and went into my room in the tower and collapsed on my bed. I was staying here until my Aunt comes home from some hospital in Brooklyn; she won't be back for about a week. I'm kind of glad too, 'cause she would find out about Flash. But I'd find a way to hide it. And that's what I intend to do with Pietro, Brooklyn, Bucky and Mr. Stark. They'll never know.
I heard a knock on my door, and someone came in; it was Tony.
"Hey, kid. I heard you got kicked out of school today." He sat by my bed and sighed. "First time?" He asked with a smirk and I rolled my eyes but nodded.
"Alright. You wanna tell me what that's about?" He asked and I basically told him what I told Uncle Bucky.
"Wow. She kicked you out simply for the reason that you're the smartest in the room." Mr. Stark mumbled and shook his head.
"Mr. Stark, I'm sor—"
"Don't even finish that sentence. You should never have to apologize for being the smartest in the room." Mr. Stark moved my leg and he sat next to me.
"That's why I want to transfer to Seaside! They have a better academic program, including STEM!" I told him and he nodded, patting my leg.
"Alright. I'll pick up an application." He told me, standing up.
"Really?!" I exclaimed, seriously happy for once.
"Yep. You're too smart for them, Parker. You need a new environment. And Seaside's gonna give it to you." He started to walk out of the room, but he smiled at me. "You're too good for this world, you know, Pete." He told me and I smiled. "Lunch is in two hours."
"Thank you…. Tony." I told him and he smiled warmly at me, then walked out of the room.
No sooner did he leave did I jump into the air.
"YES! Karen, play my jam!"
"Certainly, Peter."
A familiar tune filled my soundproof room as I jammed out, singing along to it. I cannot believe that I'm finally going to Seaside! Wait until I tell Brooklyn and Pietro!
I'll let you decide what song he was listening to at the end; also, I love IronDad and SpiderSon. That's everything! And Bucky is the kid's uncle. Nobody can change my mind on that.
Anyways, I hope you guys liked it!
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ask-peter-lokison · 8 months
Loki, what do you think about Peter and Tony spending so much time together?
I think Midgardians don't have long enough lives for Stark to continue being so stubborn and clueless.
And I think I may need to have a talk with Peter about... initiative.
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ask-peter-lokison · 8 months
Hey Peter! How are things going with Tony? 👀
Oh, things are going great! I kinda feel like- like something changed on Titan? I don't know, I just really feel like I'm part of the team with him now? I think I really proved myself to Mr. St- Tony. And I've actually gotten to spend even more time with him... I was with him a lot when he was healing from the fight. We've been hanging out a lot more on his personal floor too.
Sometimes I think that maybe...
Uh, anyway, I'm just really happy I get to see him so much!
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ask-peter-lokison · 7 months
Peter, what would you most like to say to Mr. Stark?
Loki, what would you most like to say to Thor?
Peter: "Well, I... I should tell him how I feel, yeah? That I want to be his... boyfriend. But there's also... there's something else I've recently found out about myself that.. is probably kinda important, I feel like I should tell him about it first maybe...."
Loki: "There's a lot I would like to say to Thor. Perhaps the hardest would be.... Well, he's given his apologies but I... find it hard to give my own. I thought nothing could be harder than facing Peter but... they can."
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ask-peter-lokison · 5 months
Peter, how would you confess to Tony if you did work up the nerve?
Peter: "Well, uh, sometimes I think about saying something when we're in the lab. I know it doesn't sound really romantic but I just always loved spending time with Tony in his lab. But, uh, it would make things worse if he doesn't feel the same though..."
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ask-peter-lokison · 6 months
Loki, what's your favorite thing about (or what do you most admire) about each of your kids?
Loki: "This is an impossible question for a parent to answer. I will say the great strengths I most associate with my children are Sleipnir's steadfastness, Fenris's fearlessness, Jörmungandr's adaptability, Hela's knowledge of magic and the worlds, and Peter's knowledge of science and combat."
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ask-peter-lokison · 7 months
Peter, has Tony actually done anything to make you think he's affected by your pheromones, or is it just paranoia?
Peter: "I mean, I don't know, when I talked to my mother about it he said that pheromones like mine could make people like me? If I wanted them to? Like I have some sort of subconscious control over it. I mean, he didn't say that was for sure the case but... I don't know. I always thought it was so crazy and unbelievable that Tony Stark was letting me hang out with him and... what if it really is? Maybe you're right and I'm just being paranoid but finding out about this has made me kinda look back on things with a new lens. Like what if I've been forcing Tony to like me this whole time?"
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ask-peter-lokison · 7 months
Loki, is Midgardian courtship pretty different from how you were raised? Are there any courtship traditions that you taught Peter (or that you think he could learn from?)
Midgardian courtship actually has quite a few similarities with Asgardian customs. It's not surprising, Asgardians were once gods to this realm after all. Much Midgardian culture is modeled after us.
I... have missed some very important years in Peter's life. I would assume May Parker has taught Peter according to custom in those matters, as I wasn't present for some of those years. I suppose I may have to add to those teachings myself. Though I think we're past "teaching the rules of courtship" and are now into "showing you that you've been being courted by the same person for years now."
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ask-peter-lokison · 8 months
For Loki and children, now that the rogue and missing Avengers (plus Bucky) are back and you can meet them properly, are you making any friends among them?
Loki: It's rather nice meeting a fellow magic user like Wanda. Our powers are quite different but we've had some interesting conversations.
Hela: I admit I was rather excited to finally meet such fascinating examples of Midgardian adaptability. Captain Rogers and Dr. Banner are still uncertain of me but I've enjoyed getting to know the Maximoff siblings.
Peter: It's been so cool having all the Avengers together again! I mean, things are still... kinda awkward between some of them but it's still amazing to be spending so much time with my heroes! Bl- Natasha and Pietro both train with me a lot, it's been so cool!
Fenris: I'm not too interested in making fast friends with the people who betrayed Stark. It was an enjoyable experience fighting alongside Bucky Barnes though. I don't disagree with him being called Wolf.
Jörmungandr: Wanda and Pietro come visit me sometimes! Usually just them but Natasha and Sam have come with before too.
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ask-peter-lokison · 8 months
Wait, Hela, why are Steve and Bruce uncertain of you?
Captain Rogers took some offense to how I spoke of my view on the events that split the Avengers. I mentioned his loyalty to Sergeant Barnes but I believe he may have felt that I was... accusing him of something or speaking negatively of him. I can't remember my exact words but I do know my impression of the situation being that Captain Rogers prioritizes Sergeant Barnes over his ideals. I don't consider this a bad thing but he may have assumed that's how I meant it.
Dr. Banner... We got along fine at the start, though he was quite surprised at my presence when he returned to Midgard. He was warier of my father than he was me. I think I may have spoken too plainly about the Hulk with him. I admit I probably should have been more delicate with the situation, from what I've heard and learned of him he doesn't like to give too much acknowledgement to his state of being. My intention was to help him in that regard but I didn't choose my words wisely.
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ask-peter-lokison · 9 months
Hi Peter! What's your favorite thing about your dad? (Mom? Parent? Loki!) What's your biggest pet peeve about him?
Hey! My mom's a great story teller! Even when we weren't, you know, physically together, he would always tell me stories growing up. He'd use his magic when he told stories, so I could actually see things happening. Kinda like tv but... different. I was actually kinda worried when he came back that he'd think I was... too old for stories or something, but he still tells them!
...I don't really like to think bad of my mom. I... already had all those thoughts. He's back now and I'm just happy to be with him.
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