#cabaret club grand prix
mizua · 2 years
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sketchofvobla · 2 years
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Let's... start the show!
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saiyef · 6 months
Spoilers for the Yakuza Series
So, the Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Bucket List Trailer dropped some really juicy reveals which longtime Yakuza fans will happily eat up, that being RETURNING CHARACTERS FROM PREVIOUS GAMES! Which is a big deal for the longtime Yakuza fans because, which Yakuza does bring back characters semi-consistently, the series also has a tendency to completely shelve and forget characters from game to game without even a mention (notable examples being the playable characters Tanimura from 4 and Shinada from 5 and longtime recurring character the Florist of Sai who after Yakuza 5 just disappears without any explanation). It’s also a big reason why fans disliked Yakuza 6, with it being touted and marketed as the ‘End of Kiryu’s Story’, it featured very little of Kiryu’s friends he met along his long journey and instead took place in a new city Onomichi and focused more on characters introduced in 6.
We got Kiryu returning to the classic Yakuza series location, the graves of Nishiki, Yumi and Kazama, where he of course meets Date.
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Then we have Kiryu walk into Survive Bar and gets a blast from the past through finally meeting the bar’s bartender, Kashiwagi (he actually did go to Survive during Like a Dragon Gaiden but it was right when Kashiwagi was out).
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Next, fresh off his surprise reappearance at the end of Like a Dragon Gaiden, Taichi surrounded by gaggle of hostesses. Gaiden reveals Taichi got a job as a firefighter, but it looks like he acquired some major money somehow. Maybe he achieved his childhood dream of becoming a pro-wrestler between 2019 and 2023/2024?
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Next, we get Yuya, who RGG Studio has given an actual human-looking face to; after he had previously kept his weirdly-shaped uncanny PS2 modelled head that had his cheeks concaved in.
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Then, of course, we have the man, the myth, the legend, Shun Akiyama of Sky Finance (don’t know about you guys, but I personally believe Nick Ogata in 7, who is a character I do like, was created as a fill-in character for Akiyama and Akiyama was originally written to do all the things Nick did in 7, being this enigmatic financier and sheltering Daigo, Majima and Saejima).
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And, yet another major surprise, Kaoru Sayama who was major character in Yakuza 2 and famously unceremoniously leaving the series to move to America finally returns to the series after a 14/15 year absence; leaving fans especially flabbergasted considering she became Kiryu’s love interest in 2 and she never even gets talked about (in fact, I’m fairly sure the RGG team tried to pretend that their romance never happened as the recaps of Yakuza 2 put in the sequels to fill in first-time players never mention their romance and the Yakuza 3 character sheet on the start menu which denotes characters’ relationships with each other says “Just friends” with Kiryu and Kaoru). But, based on a teaser where Kiryu tells Ichiban he did in fact propose to someone before, it seems it might have been Kaoru. Plus, it seems that Kaoru is still single (I was thinking she might have been married with kids) and the dub trailer made Kaoru sound bitter about staying loyal to Kiryu.
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An Ono Michio keychain. Wondering whose bag it’s on. I think maybe Haruka, Haruto or Hiromi (Kiyomi and Someya’s daughter from 6). Perhaps a hint that we might return to Onomichi and see the old Hirose Clan.
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We even get a return of Yuki and Koyuki, who have seemingly kept Club Four Shine going, plus it looks like Saeko and Seong-hui are joining in. Sadly, the story hostesses from 0’s Cabaret Club Czar and Kiwami 2’s Cabaret Club Grand Prix don’t seem to be returning. Yeah, I think that characters that were played by AV actresses (i.e. almost all of the hostesses in the Yakuza series) will not come back; which I’m really disappointed by as I really liked each of the 0 hostess’ substorys. Also, that sadly means that Eri from 7 is probably not coming back as she was also played by an AV actress.
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Kiryu also reunites with another old friend from all the way back since Yakuza 1, his old trainer Komaki. Infinite Wealth will stick to the RPG-style battles and job systems, and even before then the games have more-or-less moved past Komaki and other trainer characters teaching you new moves in favour of Kiryu just levelling up a skill tree on the menu, but Kiryu meeting his old master who he owes much of his acquired strength to is still great to see.
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And, of course, 1 out of 4 of Kiryu oldest still living friends since 0 (the others being Daigo, Kashiwagi and Majima), Pocket Circuit Fighter; still having that photo of the two of them together that he pulls when singing Baka Mitai in Kiwami 1.
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We also hear Haruka in the trailer, who I’m fairly sure was also replaced from her original English voice actor from Yakuza 1 Debi Derryberry, the voice of Jimmy Neutron. I don’t want to get into the whole voice acting controversy but, considering that Bill Farmer reprised his role of Date from Yakuza 1, I feel a little sad that all the characters who first appeared from Yakuza 1 have gotten replaced (Kiryu: Darryl Kurlyo -> Yong Yea, Majima: Mark Hamill -> Matthew Mercer, Kashiwagi: John DiMaggio -> David Hayter and Gary Buster Holmes: Gary Anthony Williams -> Isaac C. Singleton Jr.)
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meadowmines · 2 months
RGG Tactics Who's Who
"Beefgnaw, who the fuck are all these Yakuza OCs you keep posting about"
Here you go. List will be updated as the story gets hashed out.
Hiroshi Aoyagi (aka Sojiro Amano): the protagonist of RGG Tactics. A Majima Family man with a knack for turning restaurants into licenses to print money. General manager of Kiwami Cafe in Kamurocho and later Neko-Kai Cafe in Sotenbori. A little guy with a big mouth. Loyal to a fault and stubborn as shit. Nishida's oath brother. Later forced to be Majima Construction's chief of safety and compliance and he hates every second of it.
Eiji Yamaoka: A Nishikiyama Family hitman who presents himself as a protective big brother to Aoyagi, but neither Aoyagi nor the audience are fooled by his bullshit. Clean and methodical on the clock, charming and outgoing on his own time, rarely seen without at least one pretty girl on his arm.
Yusuke Kuroshi/Homare Nishitani II: Current patriarch of the Kijin Clan, retainer to the Omi Alliance chairman, chairman of the Sotenbori Civic Association's Board of Directors, and legendary info broker. By all appearances, the exact opposite of his predecessor. Cold, calculating, refined, sometimes cruel, always in control. Or... almost always. If you've read "It's All About the Bit" you've met him.
Keiichi Sugihara (Kei-chan): Nishitani II's better half, Civic Association member, owner of a video game store with a slightly illegal console chop shop in the back room, tech hobbyist who believes in better ass-kicking through technology.
Nobuaki Chiba: Kijin Clan lieutenant. Very intimidating if you don't know him. Kind of intimidating if you do know him, but for the most part he's Just A Guy who likes beer and fried shit and sportsball and throwing some good old fashioned hands in the street. Aoyagi's first friend in Sotenbori.
Shigeo "Doc" Nakamura: A doctor working for the Sotenbori Civic Association. Nobody's a hundred percent sure he actually has a license to practice but he does good work and he doesn't ask uncomfortable questions.
Shiori Hanada: A hostess at Club Sunshine who personally puts the fear of God into some asshole who's been snapping covert hostess foot pics under the tables and selling them on the street. She later goes to work at Cabaret Grand after Sunshine's current owner becomes too shitty a boss to stand.
Daikichi "b0ngl0rd69" Tomita: A friend(?) of Sugihara's who makes him look downright normal about games by comparison. Walks around Sotenbori with an honest to God gunblade. Is absolutely aware that the number in his handle has some... connotations in English.
Akemi "Crystal Star Sapphire" Sakurai: A hostess at Jewel in Kamurocho who moonlights at a magical girl-themed cosplay bar. She is an engineering major at Touto University who combines her technical knowhow with her prop-building skill to create ice-based weapons that are as dangerous (and possibly illegal) as they are pretty.
Minoru "Unlucky" Uchida: A string of poor life choices starting on the morning of his 42nd birthday have rendered him the unluckiest yakuza alive. Every single time his turn comes up, he will get hit by a random environmental hazard--and usually one with splash damage. His only real use in battle is to be sent into the middle of enemy formations like a laser-guided misfortune missile.
Torahiko Kogawa: Cat cafe mogul and terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad person. The antagonist of the Cat Cafe Grand Prix sideplot.
Yashiro Noguchi: CEO of Millennium Holdings in Sendai, currently being blackmailed by someone connected to his former boss.
Miyuki: Mysteriously dumped at the animal shelter in the dead of night and subsequently entrusted to Aoyagi's care as his first cafe cat. Pure white with the prettiest deep blue eyes. Magnificently fluffy, amazingly sociable, and stone deaf.
Ryo Amon: Personal chef to the Amon Clan, challenges Aoyagi and his crew to a cooking battle at the end of the Chef League sideplot.
Gen Amon: Leader of a breakaway sect of the Amon Clan, takes issue with certain rules of engagement the Amon Clan adheres to. He and his team are the requisite RGG Secret Boss Battle. Yes, Aoyagi gets not one but TWO rounds of Amon Clan Bullshit to deal with in this game.
Nyamon: A huge stocky black cat with God tier stats, who mysteriously shows up at the cat cafe shortly after you beat Gen Amon's team. While most of the cafe cats will let you put cute accessories on them, Nyamon will hiss at you if you attempt to swap his aviator shades out for something else.
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raymend · 1 year
bro the kiwami 2 cabaret club grand prix is nothing compared to y0's like 0's is sooooooo fucking good
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mommy-mortis · 2 years
The Cabaret Club Grand Prix is the best part of Yakuza Kiwami 2
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catboy-majinya · 2 years
Boy howdy I haven't been posting much, still kinda got that yakuzas art block!
but, I have been gaming recently! Got myself Xbox game pass, so now I can actually play the games!!!! I started out with Kiwami 2 exclusively to play the Cabaret Club Grand Prix, and then started up Y0 for similar reasons. Also disco.
Did you know I'm terrible at rhythm games btw? Like, I knew I would have some trouble with karaoke, but I got like 23 points first try. Honestly hilarious tbh- I had to physically pause the game just to recover from laughing kjhrgebfudnk.
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In other news, I've been working on my ocs n the like! Especially a Kenzan variant for my main girl Miyumi- still don't know what to name that variant though. All I know right now though is that she's just a little bit head over heels for a certain one-eyed, snakeskin wearin, fight man.
Maybe I'll post some fics that I have on the back-burner, or just oc wips??? Depends on either interest or my courage on the fics side of things- I'm not too confident on my writing skills when it comes to sharing them with the public, lmao.
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mjm5655 · 4 months
chirashi sushi bar ginsharin, uh ?
this was a place kiryu had told majima to go to when he had visited the man in the hospital ... damn, he looked so weak, but he was making a recovery now at least. majima would have to make sure he got the dragon back up in strength when he got out of there ...
he chuckled ... their days of fighting were long past. the other even told him that he'll have to settle down too, that he had five years on him. wild to believe he was going to be sixty this year ... majima didn't expect to live a day past the age of twenty never mind four more decades.
it's certainly been a wild ride, being a legendary yakuza, now an executive for a security company. the mad dog got its little bit of freedom in the tower, & now it was finally being put to rest as majima entered the small restaurant. immediately startled by the chef yapping away to eat the damn sushi ... majima looked around the place, he was the only one here, & hadn't even been served any sushi to eat.
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❝ then bloody well make me some, would ya ? ❞
haw ?! i could've sworn i heard majima-san ...
the chef looked at him, & he looked back at her ... they both were having an intense staring match.
oh fuck, was that yuki ? here of all places ? it was suddenly starting to make sense why kiryu told him to come here, kiryu knew that they knew each other from that cabaret grand prix years ago.
❝ y-yuki-chan ... ❞
majima-san, it really is you ! ugh, you've still got that looney look to you, never thought of growing your hair out ?
what the fuck ? he came here for some sushi, & now he was being criticised for his look all over again. that's typical yuki right there though, he wouldn't want to change it. she's been the only woman out there that's been willing to have a go at majima goro ... though, he wasn't fully certain if she knew fully what he was capable of ... she could be a bit of an air head at times ... probably didn't even know he was a legendary yakuza at a time.
❝ damn, gal, cut me some slack, i just got this cut not so long ago, i just came 'ere fer some fuckin' sushi. shoulda knew kiryu-chan was up to some shit. ❞
oh, kiryu-san told you about this place ?
her tone had softened as she blushed a bright red. quickly setting her head down, & started to make make some sushi. majima sat down on one of the chairs, & looked around the place, it was small ... for someone who was a legend themselves but in a different kind of world to majima ... he wondered why she didn't pick somewhere bigger, & flashier.
his eye caught onto something gold ... a surprise gasp as he noticed what it was ... a miniature of the statue he had made way back in club sunshine ... so she did like it, smirking proudly about it, he noticed yuki was now staring at him, & then looking toward the thing that had his attention. she started to wave her arms around like a mad woman, trying to hide what was already seen.
what ? this ? this ain't nothing ! your eye is probably playing tricks on you majima-san.
his smirk only widened as he saw how flustered she was getting, that was the yuki-chan he remembered.
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❝ i knew ya liked it, yuki-chan. ~ haha, yer face is fuckin' priceless. ❞
shut up, majima-san !
the rest of the day was spent catching up with each other once yuki eventually recovered. she made sure majima promised to continue to visit, & to become a loyal customer, which majima had no debates to as the sushi was actually pretty damn good.
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gameforestdach · 6 months
Das für den 26. Januar 2024 angekündigte "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" führt eine Vielzahl neuer Funktionen und Updates ein und verbessert so das Spielerlebnis. Diese Fortsetzung von "Yakuza: Like a Dragon" wurde von Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio entwickelt und verspricht, das bisher umfangreichste Spiel der Serie zu werden. Einführung neuer Minispiele Das Spiel bietet mehrere neue Minispiele, die für Tiefe und Abwechslung sorgen. Eine bemerkenswerte Neuerung ist das Pokerspiel 'm HOLD’EM', das den Spielern mit Essen und Getränken in einer akribisch nachgebildeten Umgebung ein realistisches Spielgefühl bietet. Eine weitere spannende Funktion ist 'Darts Live 3', ein neues Dartspiel mit innovativen Regeln, das das Engagement der Spieler erhöht. Darüber hinaus verspricht das Spiel eine breite Palette anderer Minispiele, die auf ein erwachsenes Publikum zugeschnitten sind. Verstärkte Charakterinteraktion und -entwicklung Großer Wert wird auf die Entwicklung und Interaktion der Charaktere gelegt. Das Spiel führt 'Walk & Talk'-Ereignisse ein, bei denen die Spieler Gespräche mit Freunden führen und mehr über deren Vorlieben und Hobbys erfahren können. Diese Interaktionen werden in 'Bond Bingo' festgehalten, was die Bindung zwischen Spieler und Charakter stärkt und neue Aspekte der Geschichte durch 'Drink Link'-Ereignisse freischaltet. Vorbesteller-Details und Boni "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" ist auf Steam vorbestellbar und bietet verschiedene Editionen, deren Preise zwischen 50 und 66 US-Dollar liegen. Mit der Vorbestellung des Spiels erhalten die Spieler Boni wie das Hero’s Booster-Paket und das Special Job-Set, was das Spielerlebnis verbessert. Verfeinerte Spielmechaniken Das Spiel führt verfeinerte Kampfmechaniken ein, die es den Spielern ermöglichen, Charaktere in den Kämpfen strategisch zu positionieren. Ein einzigartiges Spielerlebnis bietet Kiryu, der sich vom rundenbasierten Kampf lösen und Gegner in seinem charakteristischen Kampfstil bekämpfen kann. Die Funktion 'Poundmates' kehrt zurück und bietet Unterstützung in herausfordernden Kämpfen. Spielentwicklung und Werbeaktivitäten Erstmals im September 2022 angekündigt, hat "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" eine signifikante Entwicklung durchlaufen, einschließlich einer großen Designüberarbeitung für Kazuma Kiryu. Werbeaktivitäten wie der Wettbewerb 'Cabaret Club Grand Prix' wurden durchgeführt und integrierten die Gewinner ins Spiel. Auch der Entwicklungsvorgang umfasste einen zweiten Trailer, der die neue Szenerie außerhalb Japans und den überarbeiteten Titel hervorhob. Neue Jobs und Kampfstile Das Spiel führt mehrere neue Jobs ein, wie den Samurai, der sich auf Schwerter und Bögen spezialisiert, zusammen mit charakterexklusiven Jobs wie Assassin und Hitman, die jeweils einzigartige Kampfstile und Fähigkeiten bieten. Einzigartige und wiederkehrende Minispiele Neben neuartigen Ergänzungen wie 'Dondoko Island' und 'Miss Match' kehren beliebte Minispiele wie Karaoke zurück, jeweils mit neuen Liedern und Funktionen. 'Dondoko Island' ermöglicht es den Spielern, eine Mülldeponie in ein Resort zu verwandeln, während 'Miss Match' eine neue Partnervermittlungs-App ist, die Ichibans Persönlichkeitswerte verbessert. Startdetails Das Spiel ist für eine weltweite Veröffentlichung auf mehreren Plattformen, einschließlich PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC, geplant. Insgesamt zeichnet sich "Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth" als bahnbrechende Ergänzung der Serie ab, die mit ihrem verbesserten Spielablauf, der Charakterentwicklung und den vielfältigen Minispielen ein reichhaltiges und immersives Erlebnis bietet.
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judyreppart · 8 months
Lío Ibiza Returns with Exclusive Takeover of Bellagio’s Mayfair Supper Club During Formula 1 Heineken Silver Las Vegas Grand Prix  Iconic Ibizan cabaret delivers next act of show-stopping Fountain-side entertainment November 12
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madtype · 3 years
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our resident queen of majimashaming returns <3
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atmiek · 4 years
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The last work for this month, woo on wards to February! Here's something I've been wanting to do for awhile as well... cabaret club Kiryu and Majima! That whole segment in Kiwami 2 had me laughing so much, hilariously good fun. I particularly enjoyed the little tidbit with Majima & Yuki too. Some day I'd like to work on a piece with them together, maybe soon. Plus it gives me a chance to paint more females since it's totally lacking here haha. There's just so many ideas/characters and sometimes they overlap with other things that I don't think about them at the time. So I should note this down... anywho!
February is almost here, if you've been following me I've been talking about starting another raffle. And... I've decided to announce when on Tumblr first! It's gonna happen February 3 @ 10:30 ish AM PST & will end February 7 @ 12 AM PST on my Twitter. The winners will be announced that same Friday. Not announcing what exactly the details are just yet, but thought I'd give Tumblr users a bit of a start to what's to come! Again, it's a 'little' different from my last raffle but it's mostly going to work the same way.
Hope to see any of you there! If you don't know my Twitter the link is provided right at my Tumblr home page. I'll most likely make a post about it on here on Monday just in case.
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shimano-futoshi · 6 years
finishing Cabaret Club and feeling like there’s nothing left in life anymore. truly a great game.
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What you mean there’s more game? Huh? Pink-? Pink dots? Main missions? Sub stories? Wha-? “Marjeema Constructors”?  I have to beat who? Ro- Roomy Coma? Huh? Brian, Brian, what are you talking about? Kiwammy? Yeah, I’ve been playing the second one, I think it means Cabaret in Japanese. 
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Yuki (2006) [RGGO]
The next few stories will be about three very beautiful, very elegant, very alive ladies (which should narrow it down quite a lot lol). First up: She’s single! She’s 39! She’s probably addicted to gacha games! It’s Yuki!!
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Story: Yuki learns that her father is ill, and wants to show him that she is reliable and capable so that he won’t pass on with regrets. Everyone tries to help her maintain the lie because she is, in fact, neither reliable nor capable. Majima gives a speech about the power of friendship.
(Featuring the 3 different artstyles of RGGO-verse: anime, paint-y, and Dragon Engine; all in the same weird screenshot!)
Majima & Youda: “We love you, Yuki-chan. Even if you’re dumb, and clumsy, and stupid, and gullible . . .”
Yuki: “. . . I wish I had better friends.”
|Four Shine wins the Cabaret Club Grand Prix, and became a popular cabaret club after that . . . The temporary club manager Kiryu leaves Sotenbori, so the owner Yuki and the club manager Youda handle the club in place of three people.|
|Four Shine, Sotenbori.|
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Waiter: “Kirara has been nominated for Table No. 2! Bring a wet towel for Table No. 4!”
Yuki: “Phew~ . . . I’m even busier than usual . . . Oh? Koyuki-chan, you look pale. Maybe you’re sick?”
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Koyuki: “. . . I couldn’t sleep much yesterday. But it’s fine. We’re short on staff today.”
Yuki: “No, no! What if you break your body! Please go home now and get some rest!”
Koyuki: “But the 5th table . . .”
Yuki: “No buts! I’ll do something about your absence, just leave it to me!”
Koyuki: “I . . . I understand. But, I want to work once I feel better, so I’ll just rest here in the back.”
{Koyuki leaves to take a break.}
Yuki: “Indeed . . . Koyuki-chan is a hard worker.”
Waiter: “Yuki-san. Where is Koyuki-san? Table No. 5 has been waiting for a while now . . .”
Yuki: “Eh?! Table No. 5?! That’s right, I forgot . . . Koyuki-chan is resting right now. What should I do . . .”
Waiter: “If Koyuki-san can’t do it, then I guess they can wait a little longer, Aika-san would be available then . . .”
Yuki: “Y-Yeah, yeah! I’m sorry, please do that . . . ! I’ll go apologize to the customer later . . . !”
{The waiter leaves to give Table No. 5 the news.}
Yuki: “Haa . . . I said to leave it to me but then I completely forgot . . . I’m losing my mind . . .”
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Cast Member Erica: “Uuugh . . . Yuki-san . . .”
Yuki: “Oh?! What’s wrong, Erica-chan? Isn’t it your day off . . . ?”
Cast Member Erica: “I . . . I was dumped by my boyfriend . . . I was feeling sad and lonely . . . so I came here . . .”
Yuki: “Oh . . . Don’t cry Erica-chan. I’m sure you’ll find a better boyfriend. And even if you don’t have a boyfriend, it’s fun! It’s great to be able to play online games by yourself at home!”
Cast Member Erica: “I-Is that okay for Yuki-san? Even though you’re 39 years old, you haven’t had a crisis about having no boyfriend . . .”
Yuki: “Eh?! I-I . . . ? I-Is that actually bad after all . . . ?”
Cast Member Erica: “Well, I guess it depends on the person . . . you’re 39 years old. If you like older men, would you like me to introduce one to you?!”
Yuki: “Don’t mention my age so much . . . you’re making me depressed. At the very least, Erica-chan seems to be feeling much better.  . . . Oh!! Look at the time! Youda-san wanted us to talk about shifts!”
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Yuki: “Ah, I’m here . . . but, is he on the phone?”
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Youda (on the phone): “. . . I want to go to the amusement park with my family too, but as the club manager, I can’t take a day off on a busy Friday. So maybe next time, when everyone’s schedule lines up again . . . yes, I’m sorry.”
{Youda hangs up.}
Yuki: “Youda-san. Are you talking about next Friday? You can take a day off if you want to go with your family!”
Youda: “Eh?! Ah, Yuki-chan. No, that’s not the case . . .”
Yuki: “It’s not a problem. I’ll do something about it when the day comes. You should enjoy yourself with your family once in a while!”
Youda: “. . . Thank you, Yuki-chan. Your words have brought me happiness.”
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Yuki: “. . . Ah, this is bad, this is bad! Before I forget, I should make a note of the change in Youda-san’s schedule . . . Is Takada also on break that day . . . he said he’d be on a date with his girlfriend so he’ll be taking a day off. Oh? Shirota is also taking that day off. That means . . . there are no waiters for that day?! I’ve done it now . . . how can I do this without Youda-san . . . But it’ll be hard for me to say he should work again . . .”
Youda: “Hey, Yuki-chan. I’m grateful for you giving me next Friday off. Thanks to that, both my wife and daughter were happy.”
Yuki: “I-Is that right . . . I’m happy for you . . . Haha . . .”
{Yuki’s phone rings.}
Yuki: “. . . Hello? My dad’s . . . you’re a colleague of my dad? . . . Eh? He collapsed and was brought to the hospital?! What . . . What should I do . . . I . . . What should I do . . .”
Youda: “Go do what you need to do! Leave the club to me . . . go on!”
Yuki: “. . . Yes. Youda-san, thank you very much. Excuse me . . . everyone, please let me through!”
{Yuki bumps into someone on her way out.}
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Yuki: “Ah! S-Sorry . . . I’m in a hurry . . .”
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Rough-looking Man: “Oi, oi . . . that hurt, Neechan . . . my bone is broken where you hit it. I think the cost of treatment’s gonna be pretty high.”
Yuki: “B-Broken bone?! Are you okay?!”
???: “If you can get a broken bone from getting hit by a girl, you’re a pretty pathetic man~.”
Rough-Looking Man: “Oh? Who’s that?”
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Majima: “Hi~hihi! Awfully hostile for a weak kink! Are you a masochist looking to experience some pain?”
Yuki: “Ma-Majima-san!”
Majima: “Yo, Yuki-chan. I was in the area so I dropped by . . . but it looks like you’re in a hurry! I’ll handle this pathetic Niichan. You should get going.”
Yuki: “Th-Thank you very much . . . Please excuse me. I’ll pay the treatment fee later!”
{Yuki runs off.}
Rough-Looking Man: “You let that Neechan go without my permission. Are you paying for my treatment fee instead?”
Majima: “No one’s paying. Unlike Yuki-chan, I ain’t a fool who believes ya actually broke a bone.”
Rough-Looking Man: “. . . So I guess you’re not paying up obediently. If you go against me, you’re paying for your own treatment!”
{Majima beats up the guy.}
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Yuki: “Haa . . . Haa . . . My dad’s hospital room . . . is here . . .”
???: “I’m . . . so terrible . . .”
Yuki: “. . . ?!”
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Yuki’s Father: “. . . Doctor. Please keep it secret from my daughter. My daughter . . . I don’t want her to know. How much longer do I have . . .”
Doctor: “. . . Around 1 month.”
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Yuki: (1 month?! My dad only has 1 month to live?! So . . . to not make me sad . . . Dad has been trying to keep his illness from me . . .)
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Doctor: “Excuse me.”
{The doctor leaves, and Yuki enters the room.}
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Yuki: “D-Dad . . . Are you okay? I heard you fell down . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, Yuki . . . you came. It’s not anything major . . . nothing to worry about.”
Yuki: “Is that so . . . that’s good.”
Yuki: (That’s a lie . . . it’s really a major illness. But . . . it’s a lie he’s telling just for me . . . so I can’t say I know it’s a lie . . .)
Yuki’s Father: “That’s right. So . . . urkk!!”
Yuki: “?!”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, it’s nothing bad . . . I just got a big hiccup, hahaha.”
Yuki: (. . . that’s also a lie. I’m sure he’s sick and his body is in tatters . . . to be enduring such pain . . .)
Yuki: “Dad . . . I’m going to the bathroom for a while.”
{Yuki leaves and starts pacing outside the room, crying.}
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Yuki: Uuugh . . . Don’t cry. It makes no sense for my dad to hide his illness so desperately.”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Haa. I hope Yuki’s alright.”
Yuki: “. . . !”
Yuki’s Father: “I can’t help but worry about the future of that child.”
Yuki: “Dad . . . he’s worried about leaving me all alone. It’s because I’m not reliable . . . If Dad is worried about me, he’ll die with regrets . . . That’s not good! I have to let him know I can make it on my own . . . I have to reassure him at least . . . !”
{Yuki marches back in the room.}
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Yuki’s Father: “So Yuki . . . is work going well?”
Yuki: “it’s going really well! It’s going so well, I’m actually worried about needing to expand the club!”
Yuki’s Father: “Well, that’s good. Isn’t Yuki’s clumsiness causing trouble for the club?”
Yuki: “Ughh . . . speaking of which, earlier today . . .”
Yuki: (I shouldn’t . . . I have to reassure him . . . ! He has to know I’m not a bad owner!)
Yuki: “Don’t you know, I’m not the same Yuki anymore? I’m called a charismatic owner now. I’m so reliable, everyone in the club is piggyback riding on me! So I’ve been busy lately!”
Yuki’s Father: “I see . . . Yuki has become great too. Okay. Can I come see the club tomorrow? I want to see the work of a charismatic owner.”
Yuki: “Eh?! Come see me work?! But you’re ill . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “I’ll talk to my doctor about it. It won’t interfere with your work, right?”
Yuki: “Y-Yup. Of course. I, I, I . . . I’ll show you what a charismatic owner looks like.”
|Four Shine.|
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Yuki: “Hiii~! Everyone, Wh-What should I do~!!”
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Koyuki: “You really went all out by saying you’re a charismatic owner . . .”
Youda: “Moreover, your dad is dropping by tomorrow . . . you don’t have time to grow up . . .”
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Majima: “Hihihi, then I have no choice but to show off my charisma skills to Yuki-chan!”
Yuki: “You’re going to help me Majima-san?! Thank you so much!”
Youda: “Making Yuki-chan look charismatic . . . It’s a difficult problem, but I have no choice but to do it.”
Koyuki: “For Yuki-san . . . we’ll overcome any troubles!”
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Majima: “Alright! Let’s turn the stupid, stupid Yuki-chan into a person full of charisma!”
Koyuki & Youda: “Yeah!”
Yuki: “It’s like being casually told something so cruel . . .”
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Yuki’s Father: “Sorry for bothering you. Oh, this is the first time I’ve seen it, but it’s a lively club.”
Yuki: “Fufu. That’s because it’s a club run by a charismatic owner like me. I’ve told everyone, so you can tour around as much as you like.”
Yuki’s Father: “Yeah. I want to see Yuki’s hard work. I’ll just be careful not to get in the way of everyone in the club.”
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Majima: “. . . Alrighty then, Youda-han. Let’s start the operation. Ask away.”
Youda: “Please leave it to me!”
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Youda: “Owner! I want to consult about our monthly sales.”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, it’s Yuki’s turn right away . . . good luck, Yuki. I’ll be nearby.”
Youda: “Compared to last month, weekend sales have dropped by about 10%, what measures should we take?”
Yuki: “I see . . . last month was a busy month, we’ll need to deal with the decline immediately.”
Youda: (Good, Yuki-chan. Just like I taught you. Now just talk about the measures as it is. That way your dad will think you’re an owner who makes solid management decisions . . . Operation ‘Make Perfect Management Decisions’! Yuki-chan, tell me exactly what I taught you . . . !)
Yuki: “Since the seats are almost full by 7:00 PM, If we want to increase sales, we should consider opening at other times or making outdoor seating available. To the customers who come in early . . . you need to be ‘sensitive’.
Youda: (?! No, Yuki-chan! You need an ‘incentive’! You don’t need to be sensitive!)
Yuki: “Besides labor costs . . . you also need ‘Cosmo Cut’. Make a list of the things you need to buy in large quantities.”
Youda: (Yuki-chan! You’re supposed to say ‘cost cut’! Cosmo Cut is a special move . . . !)
Yuki: “I’ll do it, I’ll call our suppliers. I’ll be out for a while.”
{Yuki leaves.}
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Yuki’s Father: “. . . Sensitive? Cosmo Cut?”
Youda: (No, no! He has doubts! At this rate, the hopeless owner will be revealed . . . I got it!)
Youda: “Oh, you might not know about it. Those are technical terms used in the nightlife industry.”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, is that right?”
Youda: “Yes. ‘Sensitive’ means good customer service that enhances customer satisfaction and encourages future visits. ‘Cosmo Cut’ is a cost-cutting method where we purchase on a large scale, as large as the universe.”
Yuki’s Father: “I see! I was wondering if Yuki had made a mistake. I learned a lot. Thank you very much.”
Youda: (Phew~ . . . that’s good. Somehow I managed . . .)
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Yuki: “Fufufu. How was it, Majima-san? I did it perfectly.”
Majima: “Yuki-chan, did you even notice you made a mistake . . . you should thank Youda-han later.”
Yuki: “Eh?! I-I made a mistake?!”
Majima: “No worries. Youda-han managed to fix it. Operation ‘Solve the Cast’s Worries!’ is ready to go, so it’s okay. Good luck.”
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Koyuki: “Yuki-san. I have something to consult with you . . . is that okay?”
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Yuki’s Father: “Oh, a consultation from the cast. Can I watch from nearby?”
Koyuki: “. . . Yes. No problem. Because you’re the father of the charismatic owner Yuki-san.”
Yuki’s Father: “Thank you! Then I’ll be close by. Good luck~ Yuki!”
Yuki: (It’s fine . . . Koyuki-chan is going to talk about customer service and I just have to give advice . . . I failed earlier . . . but I can’t make any more mistakes. I have to give solid advice as an owner.)
Koyuki: “Actually, I’m worried because the number of requests for me has decreased recently. How can I give good customer service that will increase my number of nominations?”
Yuki: “I see . . . That’s . . . um . . . hmm . . . That’s . . .”
Yuki: (Why is nothing good coming out of my mouth?! Wh-What do I do, what do I do!!)
Yuki’s Father: “Oh? Is something wrong, Yuki? If you keep silent, you won’t be able to give advice . . .”
Yuki: (Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-Wh-What should I do?! Nothing’s coming out! My dad’s going to figure out the lie!)
Koyuki: “. . . I understand, Yuki-san. You’re saying I should find the solution myself.”
Yuki: “. . . Eh?!”
Koyuki: “Even if I think I’ll understand if I ask other people for help, I won’t really get it. Instead, I should think hard and figure it out myself . . . ! You did something as bold as shutting up, just so I’d be aware of it. Thank you very much! I’ll try my best!”
Yuki’s Father: “I see . . . It’s better to figure things out by yourself. To convey that through silence . . . Yuki has grown up.”
Yuki: “A-After all, there are things better communicated if unsaid . . .”
Yuki: (That’s good . . . thanks to Koyuki-chan’s wit, I managed to keep up the lie . . . Next, Majima-san’s friend will cause a ruckus and I’ll stop him in Operation ‘Don’t Tolerate Annoying Guests!’ . . . What kind of person is this Nishida-san who’s going to play as the annoying guest?)
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Majima: “So, is it time to give the signal to Nishida and the others?”
Waiter: “Excuse me, Majima-san. A thug outside the club said to ‘give this to the man in an eyepatch with a Techno haircut’ . . .”
Majima: “Haa~, it’s hard being so popular.  . . . I’ll give the signal to Nishida and the others when I get back.”
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Rough-Looking Man: “I thought I saw a similar guy entering this club . . . looks like I was right on the mark.”
Majima: “. . . Huh. You’re the weak Niichan from yesterday. Did you come back to have your bones broken for real?”
Rough-Looking Man: “This is the end of the line Eyepatch Guy! This time I brought a friend who prides himself on fights! We’ll kill you and sink you in Sotenbori River!!”
{Majima fights the guys.}
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G.B. Holmes: “Nishida-san. Is it okay to rampage now?”
Nishida: “No! Stop, stop! We have to wait until Boss gives the signal. But what is the boss doing . . . it’s been too long since his last instruction . . .”
???: “Stop screwing around, idiot!!”
Nishida: “?!”
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Waiter: “C-Customer. Please calm down.”
Troublesome Customer: “No way! I’m paying a lot of money for so few drinks!! I’ll teach you what happens when you try to scam me!! Bring me the person in charge!!”
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Nishida: “Eh . . . ? Is that a real disruptive customer? We have to stop him . . . but . . . knowing Boss, he could have actually prepared someone other than us to make it a surprise . . .”
G.B. Holmes: “Would you like to go ask the boss . . . ?”
Nishida: “Yeah. It would be bad if we get in Yuki-san’s way . . . I’m sure Boss went out the club a while ago . . . Let’s go look for him, Gary!”
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Troublesome Customer: “Where’s the person in charge!!”
Yuki: “The person in charge is here! I’m Yuki, the owner. If you have any complaints about our club, I’ll listen to them as much as you want!”
Yuki: (. . . I keep failing so far. I have to make a quick decision here and recover my honor! Even so . . . He’s a much scarier person than Majima-san said . . . this Nishida-san.)
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Troublesome Customer: “Where is the person in charge!!”
Yuki: “I’m Yuki, the owner. If you have any complaints about our club, I’ll listen to them as much as you want!”
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Yuki’s Father: “That customer . . . that man looks like he’s yakuza . . . will Yuki be alright?”
Youda: “She’ll be fine. Yuki-san is a charismatic owner.”
Youda: (It’s a customer we prepared . . . but, I didn’t know Majima-san’s friend Nishida-san was this kind of person . . .)
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Yuki: (Repel this disruptive customer prepared by Majima-san . . . I’ll show my dad what I can do! Show him I have a solid place . . . my dad with a low life expectancy . . . I’ll reassure him!)
Yuki: “This is my club! I won’t let you do anything! If you have any complaints, then settle your bill and please get out!”
Troublesome Customer: “You’re the owner? How dare you speak to your customers like that!!”
Yuki: (Huh . . . ? Nishida-san is supposed to run away if I say ‘get out’ . . . Did he not notice the cue for the little arrangement? I’ll say it more clearly . . .)
Yuki: “G . . . Get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “Who are you to order me around!!”
Yuki: (Eeh . . . ?! He still hasn’t noticed?! It’s really spontaneous, Nishida-san. Maybe he’ll understand if I speak in a Kansai dialect? . . . Alright then!)
Yuki: “L-Let’s get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . Huh?”
Yuki: “Eh? Did I say it wrong? Then . . . Can’t get out! . . . Is it still wrong? How about . . . Please get out!”
Troublesome Customer: “What are you doing! Are you playing around!! I’m being serious!!”
Yuki: (Kansai dialect isn’t working . . . ?! I-I don’t know what more I can do!)
Yuki: “N-Nishida-san . . . I’m already saying your cue to turn back. Next time I say it . . . please run away.”
Troublesome Customer: “What the hell are you whispering!! And who is Nishida! I’m Kawano!!”
Yuki: “Ka-Kawano-san?!”
Troublesome Customer: “You keep saying a Miss like you is the owner, the owner! I was just having fun, just got a little handsy and rattled the pitcher a bit! I’m a customer who paid lots of money! How will you make up for making me feel bad!!”
Yuki: (He’s different from what I heard from Majima-san . . . This person, could it be . . . h-he’s a real disruptive customer?!)
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Majima: “You’re a really stubborn guy . . . Hm?”
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Nishida: “Boss! I have a little something to tell you . . . uguh!”
{Nishida suddenly gets Tachibana’d and drops to the ground. Fortunately, unlike Tachibana, Nishida is wearing a Majima Construction Helmet ™.}
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G.B. Holmes: “Nishida-san!”
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Rough-Looking Man’s Friend: “That’s one of your buddies down . . . Don’t think you can get away with doing that to our friend.”
Majima: “. . . He still has friends. I thought he only had one. But . . . it can’t be helped, Nishida. Sorry I didn’t keep them away.”
Nishida: “I’m sorry, Boss . . . ow ow . . .”
Majima: “I’ll show you right now how to pass judgment on a fool who chooses the wrong kind of prey!”
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Troublesome Customer: “Hehe, I finally see a scared face. Then I’d like you to apologize quickly.”
Yuki: “A-An apology . . . ?”
Troublesome Customer: “I was looking forward to throwing back drinks here, so get me a lady and a waiter. Shouldn’t you pay me too? Call it a compensation fee. Then I’ll think about forgiving you a little.”
Yuki: “Th-That’s . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “I don’t care about your opinion! Bring me a lady and a waiter!!”
Yuki: “B-But . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “Do it!! Or I’ll kill you!!!!”
Yuki: “Hiii! Do-Don’t kill me!”
Troublesome Customer: “Heh, you’re a pitiful figure. If you don’t want to get killed, bring me a lady and a waiter and give me back my money! I’ll hit the waiter until his face is messed up, then I’ll bring the lady to a hotel and punish her a lot.”
Yuki: “. . . ! I . . . I won’t let you do that.”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . Oh?”
Yuki: “To do my best to give the staff peace of mind . . . that is the work . . . of an owner . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “Huh?! I’ll kill you!!”
Yuki: “I’m sorry you’re not satisfied, but everyone in the club is doing their best to serve customers. Doing things that the girls don’t like . . . If you have any complaints, you don’t have to come here anymore. Here’s your bill. Now go home and don’t come back again.”
Troublesome Customer: “Don’t come back again? Is this your attitude towards customers!!!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . what are you doing?”
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Youda: “Apparently, he’s not the guy we prepared. As the store manager, I can’t forgive any violence!”
Yuki: “Youda-san . . . Erica-chan . . . Koyuki-chan . . . ! it’s dangerous! Stay back! Don’t get hurt for a bad owner like me!”
Youda: “. . . Didn’t you switch around my shift so I can go to the amusement park with my family? Think of this as me returning the favor.”
Koyuki: “That’s right! I also have a lot of gratitude towards Yuki-san for caring about my physical condition!”
Cast Member Erica: “Me too! You showed me a lot of kindness after my boyfriend dumped me!!”
Yuki: “E-Everyone . . .”
Troublesome Customer: “This disgusting club . . . treating me as the bad guy. If you all get in the way, then I’ll kill you all together!”
{All four of them gang up on the guy and beat him up.}
Troublesome Customer: “Haa . . . haa . . . you cowards . . . fighting 4 against 1 . . .”
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Four Shine Customer A: “Not just 4! If you do anything else, we’ll join in too!”
Four Shine Customer B: “That’s right!! There’s no better club than this! If you have any complaints, then get out!!”
Troublesome Customer: “. . . ?! That’s it, I’m never coming back to this club again!”
{The disruptive customer runs out.}
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Koyuki: “. . . Yuki-san, are you alright?!”
Yuki: “Y-Yeah . . . I’m okay. Everyone . . . thank you so much for your help.”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . That was great, Yuki.”
Yuki: “. . . I don’t think so. My clothes got dirty . . . I’ll go get changed a little.”
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Yuki: “Haa . . . it’s no good . . . I . . . Even this year, I’m still being helped by people . . . Because of this, my dad can’t be reassured by the lie that I’m a ‘charismatic owner’ . . .”
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Majima: “. . . As usual you’re thinking so negatively~. I . . . I don’t think that’s the case.”
Yuki: “Oh! Majima-san?!”
Majima: “Yuki-chan did well today. Didn’t you stand up against a real nuisance customer? Besides, it’s not a bad thing to be helped by people. It’s all thanks to Yuki-chan’s humanity. Youda-han, Koyuki-chan, Erica-chan, the customers, they all took the risk to help Yuki-chan.”
Yuki: “Ma-Majima-san . . .”
Majima: “I don’t know if anyone can live by themselves. If you need help, then you’ll be given help. As a father, if I found out that there are many people who can help Yuki-chan, I think that’s enough to give me peace of mind.  . . . even if Yuki-chan herself is a stupid, stupid owner.”
Yuki: “. . .”
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Yuki: “Dad . . . do you have a moment? . . . Actually, I have to apologize for something.”
Yuki’s Father: “Eh? Apologize for what . . . ?”
Yuki: “Actually . . . it’s a lie that I’m a charismatic owner of the club and everyone relies on me. As you saw, I’m a hopeless owner who can only do things with the help of everyone . . . Dad, I’m sorry for lying to you . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Is that so. I had a feeling it was like that. But I’m glad I could see your hard work even if it was a lie. Even if you being a charismatic owner is a lie, I could see you were loved by friends.”
Yuki: “Dad . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “I’m relieved that you are blessed with good friends.”
Yuki: “U . . . uugh . . . Daaad! I don’t want you to dieeeeeeee!!!!”
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Majima: “Yuki-chan . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . Die? What are you talking about?”
Yuki: “. . . Dad has a serious illness and only has a short life expectancy. I heard you ask the doctor to hide it from me, to ‘please keep my illness secret from my daughter’ . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “Oh, you heard that?! I should have told you properly.”
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Yuki’s Father: “This is hard for me to say, but my illness is . . . ‘hemorrhoids’.”
Yuki: “Hemorrhoids . . . that is a serious illness . . . wait, hemorrhoids?!?!”
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Majima, Youda, & Koyuki: “He . . . Hemorrhoids . . . !?”
Yuki: “Hemorrhoids . . . that’s . . . is it the one found on your butt? It has a similar name with a serious illness . . .”
Majima: “. . . you can’t find hemorrhoids anyplace other than the butt.”
Yuki’s Father: “I was so embarrassed it hurt so much that I fainted . . . so I kept it secret from Yuki . . .”
Yuki: “Th-Then . . . wasn’t it your life expectancy that the doctor said was only ‘one more month’?”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . That’s how long it takes for my hemorrhoids to heal completely.”
Yuki: “So when you sometimes looked like you were in such pain . . .”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . It’s because the hemorrhoids hurt.”
Yuki: “Then when you said, ‘I’m worried about Yuki’s future’, didn’t that mean you were worried about leaving me all alone?”
Yuki’s Father: “. . . I heard that the tendency to get hemorrhoids is inherited. I was worried you’d develop terrible hemorrhoids.”
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Yuki: “E-Eeeeeeeeh?! So it was just a misunderstanding that you have a short life expectancy?!”
Yuki’s Father: “Th-That’s right. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding . . .”
Yuki: “I-I see . . .”
Majima: “. . . Haa, I was so exhausted trying to make this work. And it was all because I was swayed by hemorrhoids.”
Koyuki: “I was almost crying until a while ago . . . but it was just hemorrhoids . . .”
Youda: “What was the point of the strategy we brainstormed last night . . .”
Yuki: “Majima-san, Koyuki-chan, Youda-san . . .  um . . . I-I’m so sorry!! I-I know! I’ll apologize to everyone with sushi! So . . . please forgive me! See, with the money in my wallet . . . huh? Huh?! I don’t have my wallet . . . Wh-Where did I drop it? Le-let me look for it for a second! Aaa~h, I can’t find it anywhere!!”
Majima: “Haa . . . Yuki-chan will always be Yuki-chan.”
Yuki’s Father: “You’re right . . . hahaha.”
Yuki: “Where did you gooo~ my wallet!!!!”
132 notes · View notes
meadowmines · 11 months
RGG Tactics/Aoyagi Saga business sideplot #1: Cat Cafe Grand Prix
[Context: at a certain point in the story, Aoyagi is gifted a fixer-upper cafe to make a little walking around money with. Because Sotenbori is chock full of restaurants and because it is Unwise for him to repeat the same gimmick his place in Kamurocho used, he turns it into a cat cafe in partnership with the local TNR group. Naturally, a bunch of Cruella DeVil type shitlords running a syndicate of high-end cat cafes decides to start some shit. From the mechanics outline:]
Similar to the Cabaret Club sideplots.
You get cats on loan from the local TNR/rescue group. In order to request a new cat, you have to trap a stray. The rescue group will swoop in and pick up the stray, and then deliver a new cat to the cafe next time you enter it. The cat you trap will not be the cat that’s delivered, but strays you trap will eventually start being delivered once they’ve been fixed and prepped for adoption.
There are three factors in determining your score for each shift: profit, customer satisfaction, and adoptions. You’ll need to keep your menu fresh to maximize profit and satisfaction, and keep your cats happy to keep them from misbehaving on the floor and to incite customers to adopt them.
The mission of the cat cafe is to get cats adopted. Customers will bond with cats; when the bond maxes out, the customer will adopt the cat. An adoption during a shift will MASSIVELY boost your score and can make or break a rival battle. 
There are a few rare “platinum” cats, obtained via substories or beating rivals in the Cat Cafe Grand Prix. These cats have god tier stats but aren’t adoptable (this is explained in-game as them being special needs cats that can’t be placed with just anyone so the application process is a lot more involved). They’ll get customers in the door and loosen their hold on their wallets, but too many of them in your cast at once will tank your overall score because again, the goal is to get cats adopted.
Your first platinum cat is a majestically fluffy white cat with gorgeous blue eyes, named Miyuki (see what I did there? Yuki? Mew-ki? Ehhhh forget it). Miyuki is your number one girl. She is deaf and frequently oblivious to her surroundings and at some point in the sideplot she will get catnapped and you will be forced to do a rival battle without her. Same as it ever was.
Beating the Amon Clan tactical battle gets you, among other cool things, the best platinum cat in the game. He’s a big stocky black cat with sunglasses. His name is Nyamon. I’m not sorry.
You can put cute accessories on the cats to boost their appeal. Except for Nyamon, who will hiss at you if you try to swap his shades for another accessory.
Stressed cats, like stressed hostesses, will need time off. Putting an unhappy cat on the floor may lead to customers getting scratched or bitten, which will affect your score.
Different food has different effects on the cats’ stats. Fresh-made food is orders of magnitude better than the canned shit from Poppo and Donki, but you’ll need a recipe for that...
You can’t assign cats to tables. The cats will go where they want. However, if a cat starts to bond with a customer, she’ll eventually cling to that customer like glue.
In typical asshole cabaret club rival style, the Cruella DeVils will ditch their purebred number one cats after you beat them. Their loss is your gain.
Mr. J and Kofu DLC
0 notes
satoshi-mochida · 5 years
Sega has updated the official Japanese website for Yakuza: Like a Dragon (known as Yakuza 7: Whereabouts of Light and Darkness in Japan) with details on the game’s Dragon Kart, Traditional Movie Theater, and PachiSlot play spots, as well as new characters Saeko Mukouda and Kouichi Adachi. Additionally, the company debuted a story trailer, game trailer, and battle gameplay footage during a stage event at Tokyo Game Show 2019.
Finally, Sega of America and Europe have officially announced the western release of Yakuza: Like a Dragon in 2020 following an accidental early announcement in late August. The game’s official English teaser website is now open.
Get the details below.
■ Play Spots
Dragon Kart
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Dragon Kart is a dangerous racing game that turns the town areas of Yokohama into a course you race around in modded karts. Surpass quirky rivals and aim for first place. Also, many dangerous attack items such as a “Rocket Launcher” will appear during the race. By using these, you can crash your rivals’ karts. Karts can be swapped and customized. Polishing your racing skills is one way to go about winning, or you can focus entirely on attacking. However you choose to do it, aim to dominate the Grand Prix.
—Drift and corner your kart in a Chinatown-esque cityscape. Polish your techniques and surpass your rivals!
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—Many item boxes appear on the course. In addition to boost items, you can also obtain attack items like a Rocket Launcher or Gatling Gun. Fire away to crash your enemies and immediately speed past them!
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Traditional Movie Theater
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The Traditional Movie Theater is a play spot where you can see various genres of movies from action to documentaries. But during the movie, “sleepiness” will attack Ichiban Kasuga time and time again to try to put him to sleep. Repel the sleepiness that comes again and again by quickly pressing the buttons indicated on the screen. The game is cleared when you have watched the movie until the end.
—Uminekoza shows a total of 10 movies. By overcoming your sleepiness and watching these movies until the end, your abilities will grow.
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—The sleepiness that attacks takes the form of sheep heads. Sleepiness attacks from the shadows of the theater seat to try to lower Kasuga’s vitality gauge. If it reaches zero, you will get a game over.
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PachiSlot, a popular play spot in the series thus far, reappears in Yakuza: Like a Dragon as the “Definitive PachiSlot Simulator,” featuring everything from the latest machines to highly regarded and well-known machines. Universal Entertainment’s Million God: Kamigami no Gaisen and Another God Hades: Ubowareta ZEUS Ver., and Sammy’s PachiSlot Fist of the Blue Sky: Houyuu and PachiSlot Moujuuou: Ouja no Houkou are all perfectly reproduced through dream collaborations. These can be played as play spots at PIA, Espace Nittaku, and Maruhan in Isezaki Ijincho and Kamurocho. Each machine also has a mode that lets you play with your favorite settings.
*Million God: Kamigami no Gaisen and Another God Hades: Ubowareta ZEUS Ver. will be released as free downloadable content day and date with the game’s release.
—Million God: Kamigami no Gaisen
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—Another God Hades: Ubowareta ZEUS Ver.
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—PachiSlot Fist of the Blue Sky: Houyuu
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—PachiSlot Moujuuou: Ouja no Houkou
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■ Characters
Saeko Mukouda (voiced by Sumire Uesaka)
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She works for the cabaret club run by Nonomiya, owner of the long standing soapland (brothel) Otohime Land. Nonomiya has great faith in her, and even entrusts her to running the shop. She gets to know Ichiban Kasuga after a certain event.
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Kouichi Adachi (voiced by Akio Ootsuka)
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When he was working as a criminal investigator for the police, he was handed an unreasonable demotion by his boss Juurou Horinouchi, the current Superintendent General of the Metropolitan Police, for defying Horinouchi regarding the true culprit of a case. After investigating Horinouchi’s affairs, he arrived at a bribery scandal between Horinouchi and Masumi Arakawa. Adachi works with Ichiban Kasuga to get close to Masumi Arakawa, who seems to have the evidence he needs.
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Watch the trailers below. View the screenshots at the gallery.
Story Trailer
With English Subtitles
Without English Subtitles
Game Trailer
Battle Gameplay
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