#carole d’andrea
a-way-of-forgiving · 4 months
i haven’t posted in over a year lol but my wss fixation is lowkey coming back??? anyways graziella and velma are so special to me. i love them so much. my favorite besties. they’re always there for each other and i love when that is represented in fics.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Crazy! Cool! Go!
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danceoftheday · 4 years
Performed by: George Chakiris, Carole D’Andrea, Rudy Del Campo, Jose De Vega, Suzie Kaye, Nobuko Miyamoto, Rita Moreno, Nick Navarro, Jay Norman, Jaime Rogers, Larry Roquemore, Andre Tayir, Robert E. Thompson, Gina Trikonis, Gus Trikonis, Eddie Verso, and Yvonne Wilder
Number: “America”
Choreographer: Jerome Robbins
Style: Broadway
From: West Side Story (1961)
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vidadestra · 2 years
Retrospectiva 2021: paralímpicos superam pandemia para fazer história
Ano é marcado por campanha vitoriosa no Japão e otimismo para o futuro
  A instabilidade da pandemia do novo coronavírus (covid-19), especialmente no primeiro semestre, comprometeu significativamente a preparação brasileira à Paralimpíada de Tóquio (Japão). Atletas de diferentes modalidades encontraram restrições para viajar e readquirir ritmo de competição, já que muitos estavam sem disputar eventos desde o início do ano passado. Em outros casos, o último evento foi em 2019. Houve, ainda, situações em que se decidiu preservar aqueles já classificados aos Jogos (ou perto de se garantirem) de idas ao exterior, sob risco de contaminação, com a realização de seletivas internas.
No fim, os brasileiros superaram as adversidades e alcançaram o melhor desempenho da história em uma Paralimpíada. A maior delegação paralímpica do Brasil em um evento internacional, com 259 atletas, voltou de Tóquio com as mesmas 72 medalhas dos Jogos do Rio de Janeiro, em 2016, onde o país teve mais esportistas (286) e participou das 22 modalidades. No Japão, rugby e basquete em cadeira de rodas foram exceções. Ao todo, 22 ouros (um recorde) e sétimo lugar no quadro geral.
O atletismo, mantendo a tradição, foi o esporte que mais rendeu medalhas ao Brasil. Foi nele que o país obteve a centésima láurea dourada, com Yeltsin Jacques nos 1.500 metros da classe T11 (cegos). Paralímpico mais rápido do mundo, Petrúcio Ferreira conquistou o bi dos cem metros da classe T47 (amputação nos membros superiores). A modalidade, porém, teve o resultado mais polêmico de um brasileiro em Tóquio, depois que Thiago Paulino foi do ouro ao bronze no arremesso de peso da classe F57 (atletas com deficiência nos membros inferiores, competem sentados), após recurso da China, alegando infração do atleta.
Yeltsin Jacques conquista sua 2ª
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em Tóquio e garante a marca HISTÓRICA para o Brasil! E melhor, ELE BATEU O RECORDE MUNDIAL na prova dos 1500m T11! Que bela forma de começar o dia, meus amigos! #ParalimpicoEmToquio pic.twitter.com/MfPEQ5aWyz
— Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro (@cpboficial) August 31, 2021
A participação do Brasil em Tóquio foi marcada, também, por sentimentos extremos. Por um lado, a despedida do nome mais vitorioso do paradesporto brasileiro. Aos 33 anos, Daniel Dias se despediu das piscinas com três bronzes e 27 medalhas paralímpicas na carreira. Por outro, o surgimento de novos talentos, boa parte justamente na natação, que alcançou o melhor desempenho do país na história, com 23 medalhas (oito douradas). Dos atletas que foram ao topo do pódio, somente Talisson Glock esteve na Rio 2016. Os demais – Gabriel Bandeira, Gabriel Geraldo, Wendell Belarmino e Carol Santiago – eram debutantes no evento.
.@DanielDias88 terminou em 4º lugar os 50m livre S5 nos #JogosParalímpicos de Tóquio. Ele encerra hoje sua carreira, mas o nome na história é para sempre. São 27 medalhas paralímpicas, diversos mundiais e prêmios. Referência para toda uma geração de atletas. Obrigado! Por tudo! pic.twitter.com/z88ZFRPr8a
— Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro (@cpboficial) September 1, 2021
Ainda sobre ineditismo, valem mais alguns registros. No goalball, a seleção masculina, considerada há anos como a melhor do mundo, conquistou o sonhado ouro, liderada pela dupla Leomon e Parazinho. Este último – ao lado de Alex Labrador, também campeão em Tóquio – foi campeão mundial de clubes pelo Sesi-SP, no início de dezembro, superando o Sporting (Portugal), justamente o time de Leomon.
Inéditas, também, foram as medalhas douradas de Alana Maldonado (a primeira de uma mulher no judô paralímpico), Mariana D’Andrea (que fez o hino brasileiro soar no halterofilismo pela primeira vez) e Fernando Rufino (o Cowboy de Aço – que virou de ouro – da paracanoagem). Ao todo, o Brasil foi ao pódio em 14 modalidades, ou seja, 70% daquelas em que teve representantes no Japão.
Comemore suas conquistas como Fernando Rufino celebra seu #OURO histórico na #canoagem!
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Foto: Miriam Jeske / CPB pic.twitter.com/baw1NInt6O
— Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro (@cpboficial) September 4, 2021
Por fim, vale o registro da participação vitoriosa do Brasil na estreia do parataekwondo nos Jogos, com três medalhas (uma de cada cor), que colocaram o país no topo da modalidade. Em dezembro, o trio Nathan Torquato (ouro), Débora Menezes (prata) e Silvana Fernandes (bronze) brilhou novamente, agora no Mundial de Istambul (Turquia), onde Silvana foi campeã – Nathan e Débora ficaram na terceira posição. Além deles, mais quatro atletas foram ao pódio no evento, mostrando potencial para a edição de 2024, em Paris (França).
Antes dos Jogos na capital francesa, porém, as atenções do paradesporto brasileiro estarão voltadas à Paralimpíada de Inverno, entre 4 e 13 de março, em Pequim (China). Ao longo de 2021, o Brasil assegurou seis vagas no evento, três a mais que na edição anterior, em Pyeongchang (Coreia do Sul). O estreante André Barbieri defenderá o país no snowboard. Já o esqui cross-country será a modalidade com mais representantes: cinco. Três são novatos (Wesley Vinícius dos Santos, Robelson Lula e Guilherme Rocha) e dois experientes (Cristian Ribera e Aline Rocha), que estiveram em 2018.
A dupla “veterana”, aliás, vai a Pequim sonhando com algo além de participação. Especialmente Cristian, que manteve o ritmo competitivo de 2020 e subiu para o terceiro lugar no ranking mundial do esqui cross-country. Aline, por sua vez, foi medalhista de bronze na Copa do Mundo da modalidade, em março, na Eslovênia, além de também ir ao pódio na Maratona de Berlim (Alemanha), em setembro.
  *Esta notícia pode ser atualizada a qualquer momento
*Fonte: Agência Brasil
  Sigam Vida Destra Esportes no Twitter: @EsportesVD, no Instagram: @esportes_vd, no Canal do Telegram: https://t.me/EsportesVD e venham participar também do nosso grupo de debates de esportes: https://t.me/BotecoVDE
O post Retrospectiva 2021: paralímpicos superam pandemia para fazer história apareceu primeiro em Vida Destra.
from Vida Destra https://vidadestra.org/retrospectiva-2021-paralimpicos-superam-pandemia-para-fazer-historia/
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brainmassofficial · 3 years
Edgartown: Library home delivery
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By the time you all read this, I should be the happiest Mama Bear around. My boy is due home this week on leave for a couple of weeks and I am so excited. As it gets closer, it gets even harder to contain myself. He has already made his requests for certain meals and “real food,” which I’m more than happy to oblige. And Amelia and I have waited to put up the tree and decorate it until he gets home. Quarantining, scary movies, holiday movies, yummy food, and my babes under one roof for the first time in forever. Joy and happiness abound, even in these weird COVID times.
Speaking of Christmas trees, where did they all go this year? I’m pretty sure we always get our tree on Christmas in Edgartown weekend but they were quite elusive this weekend. After four stops, we finally found one. It is the tiniest little tree, which given that we live in a tiny house, isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But we have a lot of ornaments, many of which are heavy. It will be interesting to see if our little tree can hold them up. When I mentioned the tree shopping experience to my brother, he pointed out that the lack of trees could correlate to more people being on the Island this year. It certainly seems like a valid idea.
It’s a quiet birthday week here this week. I’ve only got two birthday wishes to send out this week, to Jacob Gundersen, who turned 21 on Dec. 14, and to Alex Vasiliades on Dec. 16.
Superintendent Matt D’Andrea announced that Dec. 23 is a fully remote learning day for all Island students. It is a half day, but with staggered starts and transportation challenges, remote was deemed the logical plan for the day, providing more contact time between teachers and kids.
As I was looking for things to share in this week’s column, I visited the Edgartown library website. I see that along with offering contactless pickup, they are also offering home delivery services on Thursday for Edgartown patrons who can’t get to the library. You can fill out an online application for home delivery at bit.ly/3mkEGU0 or call 508-627-4221 for more information. They also now offer free online live tutoring with Brainfuse HelpNow. According to HelpNow’s website “Patrons access real-time assistance through the intuitive Brainfuse online classroom. Brainfuse tutors are trained to not provide answers, but to help users master a problem’s underlying academic concepts. Brainfuse offers tutoring and homework help services in Spanish for all subjects offered in English.” Access to Brainfuse HelpNow has been made possible by a generous grant from the Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation. The Martha’s Vineyard Bank Charitable Foundation provides philanthropic support for nonprofit community service organizations. The Foundation supports non-profit organizations that enhance the societal and economic development in the communities Martha’s Vineyard Bank serves.
Santa is visiting the Edgartown library as well, weather permitting, on Dec. 19 between 2 and 4 pm. Be sure to bring your letter to Santa, who will hand-deliver it to the North Pole. This event will be held outside (weather permitting) in the Children’s Room garden space. Socially distanced photo ops will be available. All visitors must wear a mask. Santa will be practicing social distancing guidelines for this event.
My brother and sister and I played a fun game the other night. Generally, the way that starts is my brother declares “This is the game we’re going to play” and Pam and I jump in. This week’s fun was that we were just going to text names of people from M.V. history, basically locals who were well known or significant. We had a blast digging deep into our memories for teachers and coaches, or town fathers (and mothers), law enforcement, business owners. It was such fun to come up with some deeply buried names and remember people from our youth. I wonder if our generation will be so memorable to today’s kids.
Have a great weekend full of good cheer and happiness. Drive or walk around and look at Christmas lights if you can. Sing some carols. Enjoy some music. Watch some holiday movies or shows. Spend some quality family time together if possible and be joyous. Stay healthy. Wash your hands and wear your masks. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Stay safe.
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junker-town · 4 years
A holiday song fantasy draft, because we are a sports website
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We all know what No. 1 is but the rest of the picks get interesting!
Every year, typically the day after Thanksgiving (but for some, weeks beforehand), a switch is flipped. On radio stations and in barren mall corridors across America, the sounds of inoffensive pop music are replaced by sleigh bells, snowy nights and, at least once every 45 minutes, Mariah goddamn Carey.
Without 24-hour Christmas music stations, we’d have to rely on calendars and weather to understand the biggest Christian holiday of the year was soon upon us. We’d have no idea the inherent dangers of mixing the elderly and caribou. And what would the birth of Jesus mean to the world if it wasn’t heralded Eartha Kitt seducing a chubby, immortal demigod for the one thing she really did need.
(It was the deed ... to a platinum mine.)
Indeed, holiday music eases us into the frozen hellscape of winter with a cheery smile before dropping us off in January and never looking back. And in honor of the season, we rounded up five staff members and forced them to build the perfect three-song lineup, fantasy draft-style. We drew picks at random and then went three rounds in a snaking order to crown a winner.
Here are those picks. The explanations for those picks are written by the drafters unless otherwise labeled.
1. All I Want for Christmas Is You - Mariah Carey (David Fucillo)
Why get cute? There are plenty of great Christmas songs, but Mariah Carey’s most well known Christmas song is a true classic. In spite of the candy corn criticism, I do know how to draft.
2. Santa Tell Me - Ariana Grande (Matt Ellentuck)
Find me a more re-playable Christmas song for the youths. I dare you.
3. Last Christmas - Wham! (Morgan Moriarty)
This song is an absolute banger, and the original Wham! version will always be head and shoulders above the several covers of it. The way George Michael says ‘Merry Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it, with a note saying I love you, I meant it’ is quite possibly the greatest songwriting of all time for a Christmas heartbreak anthem. No hesitation taking this as my No. 1 overall pick.
4. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays - NSYNC (Whitney Medworth)
My literal first three picks were taken so I reached into the Christmas pop music legends archive and pulled out this gem. That entire NSYNC Christmas album is pop gold and this is the best song on there.
5. I Wish It Was Christmas Today - Horatio Sanz, Jimmy Fallon, Chris Kattan, and Tracy Morgan (Christian D’Andrea)
The one good thing Jimmy Fallon has done with his life. At roughly two minutes long, it’s the perfect length for a Christmas song, too.
6. Christmas in Hollis - Run DMC (D’Andrea)
Run DMC runs into Santa, finds his wallet, and returns it without a single mention of shoes. Meanwhile, the beat remains in your head until January.
7. Mistletoe - Justin Bieber (Medworth)
Look, I’m not even a Justin Bieber fan but this song is legitimately so good and I’m not afraid to say it.
8. What Christmas Means to Me - Stevie Wonder (Moriarty)
I realize this is a surprising second-round pick, but this is probably my favorite Christmas song of all time behind All I Want For Christmas Is You. Any Stevie Wonder song is catchy, and the soulful, groovy, yet still Christmasy beat this song has is perfect. Hate on this pick all you want.
9. Little Drummer Boy - Justin Bieber and Busta Rhymes, somehow (Ellentuck)
Bieber and Busta Rhymes. What more do you really want here? When it slaps, it slaps.
10. Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree (specifically the Home Alone version) - Brenda Lee (Fooch)
When I hear this song I automatically think of Kevin McCallister faking out the Wet Bandits. It’s got a nice little beat and is just a fun song.
They had a very different standard for “rockin” back in 1958. This was written and recorded back when Chuck Berry was considered too edgy for TV.
/googles “Chuck Berry”
Oh, right. — Christian
11. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer - DMX (Fooch)
Rudolph is a classic Christmas carol. Something about DMX and his growl singing it is just a great alternative hook on Christmas.
12. You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch - Thurl Ravenscroft (Ellentuck)
OK, I picked this one because of the tweet.
my take is that "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch" is the wildest diss track ever recorded can you even imagine someone saying this about you pic.twitter.com/V4UcWhmU2a
— Hanif Abdurraqib (@NifMuhammad) December 5, 2016
Take notes, Nick Cannon.
13. Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town - Bruce Springsteen (Moriarty)
Springsteen’s version of this song is obviously the GOAT. From the incredible saxophone solo in this, to the dude in the background literally ho-hoing like literal Santa Claus, Springsteen brings down the house with it.
14. Where are you Christmas? (From The Grinch) - Faith Hill (Medworth)
My sleeper pick! A legendary ballad from The Grinch with one of those key changes that gives you goosebumps. Faith Hill absolutely goes off in this one.
Little (maybe?) known fact: Mariah Carey originally wrote and recorded this song, but a legal dispute required it be re-recorded by someone else. Enter, Hill. — Fooch
15. Merry Christmas from the Family - Robert Earl Keene (D’Andrea)
Keene’s Christmas message: everything’s a little bit shitty but there’s nothing so broken about your family that booze can’t fix it.
So who won 2019’s SB Nation Christmas song draft? Vote below so we can viciously mock the loser so hard they never listen to “Jingle Bells” again.
Listen along on Spotify!
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newstfionline · 6 years
After Fla. shooting, schools tighten security, field threats and reassure parents
By Donna St. George and Debbie Truong, Washington Post, February 17, 2018
Schools across the Washington region tightened security and reviewed safety measures in the aftermath of a mass shooting at a Florida high school, even as two Maryland school systems fielded threats of violence.
In Montgomery County, parents arrived by the dozens Friday to pick up students from Northwest High School after the principal messaged families that police were investigating an online threat.
“At this time the police do not have any credible information to support the validity of this threat,” principal Jimmy D’Andrea wrote early Friday.
Even so, parents descended in short order. By 11 a.m., 650 parents had collected their children from the Germantown school.
School systems across the country scrambled to handle similar threats and to scrutinize safeguards as the nation reeled from the horror at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, where 17 people were killed in one of the nation’s deadliest school shootings.
A school district south of Nashville decided to cancel classes for students Monday so that employees can spend the day focused on security. All schools have safety plans, but the goal is to come together, provide a refresher, “go back to the basics” and possibly air a few ideas, said Carol Birdsong, spokeswoman for the Williamson County Schools.
“I apologize for the short notice but feel that such an action is required,” Mike Looney, the Williamson superintendent, said in a tweet.
In the Washington area, school systems sought to reassure students, parents and teachers that campuses are safe. Many high schools have security personnel and at least one campus police officer, known as a school resource officer.
In Montgomery County, Police Capt. Paul Starks noted the Northwest High incident was one of 10 to 12 threats involving county schools since Wednesday. Some were easily debunked, he said, while others proved more complex to investigate. They showed up in text messages, social media posts or verbal expressions, he said.
Police arrested a 15-year-old student Friday in connection with the threat against Northwest, charging him with offenses relating to disrupting school operations.
The incident at Northwest came a day after Montgomery police arrested a teenager who allegedly stowed a loaded 9mm Glock handgun in his bookbag and brought it to Clarksburg High.
“People are really anxious and want to know what we can do to keep their kids safe,” Montgomery County school spokesman Derek Turner said. Schools received some mistaken reports of threats, he said, but “people are doing the right thing: See something, say something.”
In Prince George’s County, two middle schools received threats in the days after Wednesday’s shooting in Florida. One came through Snapchat, leading to the arrest of a middle school student Friday, said schools spokesman John White. The second involved a student at another school, who made a verbal threat Friday and was disciplined.
School leaders in Prince George’s will analyze security practices and discuss what can be learned from recent events, White said.
In a message to families Friday, district leaders described their efforts to keep schools safe and encouraged parents to monitor students’ social media usage and speak with children about any troubling behavior they have observed.
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tellusepisode · 4 years
Public Enemies (2009)
Biography, Crime, Drama |
Public Enemies is a American biographical crime drama film directed by Michael Mann who co-wrote the screenplay with Ronan Bennett and Ann Biderman. It is an adaptation of Bryan Burrough’s non-fiction book Public Enemies: America’s Greatest Crime Wave and the Birth of the FBI, 1933–34.
Set during the Great Depression, the film chronicles the final years of the notorious bank robber John Dillinger as he is pursued by FBI agent Melvin Purvis, Dillinger’s relationship with Billie Frechette, as well as Purvis’ pursuit of Dillinger’s associates and fellow criminals Homer Van Meter and Baby Face Nelson.
In 1933, John Dillinger infiltrates Indiana State Penitentiary and assists in the jailbreak of his crew. During the firefight, his mentor Walter is shot and killed by the prison guards. Dillinger and company head for a nearby farm, where they change clothes and eat before driving to a safe house on the east-side of Chicago.
After killing Charles Floyd, FBI agent Melvin Purvis is promoted by J. Edgar Hoover to lead the hunt for Dillinger. Purvis shares Hoover’s belief in using modern methods to battle crime, ranging from cataloging fingerprints to tapping telephone lines.
In between a series of bank robberies, Dillinger meets Billie Frechette at a restaurant and impresses her by buying her a fur coat. Frechette falls for Dillinger even after he reveals his identity, and the two become inseparable.
Director: Michael Mann
Writers: Ronan Bennett (screenplay), Michael Mann (screenplay), Ann Biderman (screenplay), Bryan Burrough (book)
Stars: Christian Bale, Johnny Depp, Christian Stolte, Jason Clarke, Stephen Graham, David Wenham, John Judd
Christian Bale…Melvin PurvisChristian Stolte…Charles MakleyJason Clarke…‘Red’ HamiltonJohnny Depp…John DillingerStephen Graham…Baby Face NelsonDavid Wenham…Harry ‘Pete’ PierpontJohn Judd…TurnkeyStephen Dorff…Homer Van MeterMichael Vieau…Ed ShouseJohn Kishline…Guard DainardCarey Mulligan…Carol SlaymanJames Russo…Walter DietrichGiovanni Ribisi…Alvin KarpisWesley Walker…Jim LeslieJohn Scherp…Earl AdamsElena Kenney…Viola NorrisWilliam Nero Jr.…Toddler on FarmChanning Tatum…Pretty Boy FloydRory Cochrane…Agent Carter BaumMadison Dirks…Agent Warren BartonLen Bajenski…Police Chief FultzAdam Clark…SportAndrzej Krukowski…Oscar Lieboldt (as Andrew Krukowski)Casey Siemaszko…Harry BermanJohn Michael Bolger…Martin ZarkovichBranka Katic…Anna SagePeter DeFaria…Grover Weyland (as Peter Defaria)Jonathan Macchi…TellersJeff Shannon…Angry CopMichael Sassone…FarmerEmilie de Ravin…Barbara Patzke (as Emilie De Ravin)Brian Connelly…Officer Chester BoyardEd Bruce…Senator McKellarBilly Crudup…J. Edgar HooverGeoffrey Cantor…Harry SuydamChandler Williams…Clyde TolsonRobert Brooks Hollingsworth…Hoover Reporter #1David Paul Innes…Hoover Reporter #2Joe Carlson…Hoover Reporter #3Ben Mac Brown…Hoover Reporter #4 (as Ben Brown)Marion Cotillard…Billie FrechetteDiana Krall…Torch SingerDuane Sharp…Doorman at Gold Coast (as Duane A. Sharp)Domenick Lombardozzi…Gilbert CatenaBill Camp…Frank NittiJohn Ortiz…Phil D’AndreaRichard Short…Agent Sam CowleyRandy Ryan…Agent Julius RiceShawn Hatosy…Agent John MadalaKurt Naebig…Agent William RorerJohn Hoogenakker…Agent Hugh CleggAdam Mucci…Agent Harold ReineckeRebecca Spence…Doris RogersDanni Simon…May MinczelesDon Harvey…Customer at Steuben ClubShanyn Leigh…Helen Gillis (as Shanyn Belle Leigh)Spencer Garrett…Tommy CarrollStephen Lang…Charles WinsteadDon Frye…Clarence HurtMatt Craven…Gerry CampbellLaurence Mason…Porter at Union StationRandy Steinmeyer…Cop EymanKris Wolff…DeputyLili Taylor…Sheriff Lillian HolleyDonald G. Asher…Reporter #1Andrew Steele…Reporter #2 (as Andrew C. Steele)Philip M. Potempa…Reporter #3 (as Philip Matthew Potempa)Brian McConkey…PhotographerAlan Wilder…Robert EstillDavid Warshofsky…Warden BakerPeter Gerety…Louis PiquettMichael Bentt…Herbert YoungbloodJohn Lister…Judge MurrayJim Carrane…Sam Cahoon (as Jimmy Carrane)Joseph Mazurk…Guard BryantJohn Fenner Mays…Deputy BlunkRick Uecker…Edward SaagerCraig Spidle…Reporter (as Craig A. Spidle)Jason T. Arnold…Other Jr. G-ManAndrew Blair…Other Jr. G-ManMark Vallarta…Harry BergDaniel Maldonado…Jacob Solomon (as Dan Maldanado)Sean A. Rosales…Joe Pawlowski (as Sean Rosales)Stephen Spencer…Emil WanatkaPatrick Zielinski…DoctorGareth Saxe…Agent Ray SuranGuy Van Swearingen…Agent Ralph BrownJeff Still…Jimmy ProbascoLance Baker…Freddie BarkerSteve Key…Doc BarkerLeelee Sobieski…Polly HamiltonJerry Goff…Captain O’Neill (as Gerald Goff)David Carde…Special AgentAaron Roman Weiner…Special Agent (as Aaron Weiner)Keith Kupferer…Agent SopsicTurk Muller…Other East Chicago CopTim Grimm…Other East Chicago CopMartie Sanders…Irene the Ticket TakerRobyn LeAnn Scott…Ella Natasky (as Robyn Scott)David John Adamson…Bank President #3
Sources: imdb & wikipedia
The post Public Enemies (2009) first appeared on TellUsEpisode.net.
from WordPress https://www.tellusepisode.net/public-enemies-2009.html
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inovaniteroi · 5 years
Futebol de Cinco dá 100º ouro para o Brasil no Pan
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Brasil vence a Argentina por 2 a 0 e ganha ouro,no futebol de 5 Foto: Washington Alves/EXEMPLUS/CPB
A Seleção Brasileira de futebol de cinco (para cegos) foi a responsável pela esperada 100ª medalha de ouro da delegação nacional nos Jogos Parapan-Americanos de Lima. No início da noite desta sexta-feira (30) a equipe venceu a Argentina por 2 a 0, com gols dos baianos Jefinho e Cássio, um em cada tempo de jogo.
Os atletas paralímpicos brasileiros atingem, deste modo, a meta estabelecida pelo Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro antes da competição: chegar aos 100 ouros nos Jogos Parapan-Americanos de Lima 2019. Meta, a propósito, superada minutos após a final do futebol pelo taekwondo e natação.
Faltando dois dias para o fim do evento na capital peruana, o Brasil acumula 103 ouros, 81 pratas e 71 bronzes, de um total 255. Sem chances de ser alcançado pelo segundo colocado, os Estados Unidos, com 54 ouros entre todas as 160.
Halterofilismo, ciclismo, tênis em cadeira de rodas, basquete em cadeira de rodas, natação, além do futebol de cinco foram as modalidades que fizeram o Brasil cumprir com o objetivo em Lima.
“Eu acho que a participação tem sido excepcional. Ainda falta muita medalha, muita coisa para acontecer, acho que teremos muitas surpresas boas por aqui. Então, por isso, a avaliação é a melhor possível e acho que o Brasil está fazendo aquilo que nem a gente imaginava”, vibrou o presidente do Comitê Paralímpico Brasileiro, Mizael Conrado, bicampeão paralímpico de futebol de cinco (Atenas 2004 e Pequim 2008).
A vitória do futebol é a quarta consecutiva em Parapans do time nacional. Desde o Rio 2007 a Seleção só ganha o ouro. Nesta edição, contudo, o time de Luan, Cássio, Nonato, Jefinho e Ricardinho, teve um início claudicante. Empatou sem gols com Argentina e Colômbia na primeira fase, depois atropelou México, Costa Rica, Peru, para chegar à final.
O jogo contra os argentinos foi truncado, como de costume. Uma jogada individual de Jefinho, faltando sete minutos para o fim do primeiro tempo, abriu o placar. Até Cássio marcar o segundo gol, em um tiro direto de oito metros, após 36 minutos de partida, argentinos e brasileiros tiveram muita dificuldade em exibir um jogo franco, dada a quantidade de faltas e entradas duras de parte a parte.
“Argentina chegou desgastada, porque eles repetiram a escalação em quase todos os jogos. Tiramos proveito disso e conseguimos este ouro”, comentou o técnico Fábio Vasconcelos.
“Dentro de quadra os lances são tão rápidos, a gente procurar sempre fazer a melhor jogada, e deu tudo certo, saiu o gol que deu tranquilidade para o restante da partida”, comentou o autor do primeiro gol, Jeferson Conceição, o Jefinho.
“A Argentina sempre proporciona jogo tenso, eles procuraram bagunçar, a gente teve que manter o equilíbrio para não por tudo a perder nesta partida tão importante para nós”, comentou Ricardinho, o melhor jogador do mundo da modalidade.
Foto: Alexandre Schneider/EXEMPLUS/CPB).
Daniel Dias emocionou o parque aquático da Videna (Vila Deportiva Nacional) com sua última conquista individual nestes Jogos Parapan-Americanos de Lima. Na junção das classe S4/S5 nos 200m livre, ele foi o mais rápido com 2min43s34, 18 segundos à frente do vice-campeão, o Gustavo Martinez.
No pódio, ao receber seu sexto ouro em Lima e cantar o hino nacional, Daniel Dias não conseguiu segurar as lágrimas. “Estou muito feliz, são 33 medalhas, 100% de aproveitamento, quero curtir ao máximo, não vou ter muito tempo, é um feito histórico, espero que demore para alguém demore para alcançar. Mas faço um balanço positivo de tudo o que foi, desde 2007, o quanto amadureci como atleta, o tanto evoluiu, e agradecer a Deus pelo dom que me deu”, disse, prendendo o choro, Daniel Dias, aos jornalistas na zona mista.
Ele chegou ao 33º ouro em Parapans desde que estreou nesta competição, no Rio 2007. Só em Lima foram seis: 50m livre, 100m livre, 50m costas, 50m borboleta, e revezamento 4x100m medley 34 pontos (soma da classificação funcional dos integrantes).
A potiguara Cecília Araújo conquistou na manhã desta sexta-feira(30), sua quinta medalha neste Parapan de Lima: ouro nos 50m livre da classe S8, com o tempo de 30s68. Ela tocou a parede à frente da mexicana Paola Ruvalcaba e da americana Haven Shepherd.
Na sessão da tarde, seis provas contaram com a presença de dois ou mais brasileiros. Foram quatro dobradinhas e dois pódios triplos. Wendel Belarmino foi o melhor nos 100m borboleta S11, seguido de José Luiz Perdigão. Joana Neves ganhou nos 200m livre (S3/S4/S5), e Esthefany Oliveira pegou o bronze. Gabriel Geraldo ganhou nos 50m livre (S2), e Bruno Becker, bronze. Nos 200m medley da classe S14 (deficiência intelectual), as gêmeas Beatriz e Débora Carneiro foram ouro e prata, respectivamente, seguida da paulista Ana Karolina Soares. As irmãs haviam dividido o pódio no primeiro dia da natação, na segunda-feira, 25, mas com vitória de Débora sobre Beatriz.
Dois irmãos compartilharam do pódio também nesta noite. Os cariocas Douglas e Thomaz Matera foram ouro e prata, respectivamente, nos 100m borboleta no agrupamento das classe S12/S13 (baixa visão).
O pernambucano Phelipe Rodrigues segue sua saga de oito provas e oito pódios. A sétima láurea veio na noite desta sexta-feira, 30, com os 400m livre (S10). A oitava medalha pode vir neste sábado, quando ele se despede de Lima com o revezamento 4x100m livre 34 pontos. O nadador levará na mala de volta para o Brasil os ouros nos 50m livre, 100m livre, 200m medley, 100m borboleta, 400m livre, revezamento 4x100m medley, e o bronze nos 100m costas.
Mais resultados
Os halterofilistas mantiveram a rotina de vitórias brasileiras nesta quinta-feira, 30. A paulista Mariana D’Andrea levantou 122 quilos, a barra mais pesada que já sustentou na carreira, e obteve o ouro na categoria até 67 quilos. Esta marca é novo recorde da competição.
Amanda Sousa conquistou o bronze da categoria até 73 quilos. Luciana Dantas, o Montanha, garantiu a prata entre os atletas até 59 quilos.
O catarinense Ezequiel de Souza garntiu ouro na categoria até 72kg. O vice-campeão, o colombiano Javier Montenegro, superou o brasileiro em seu último levantamento, com 170kg. No entanto, Ezequiel ergueu 171kg em sua última pedida e ficou com o topo do pódio.
O Brasil fechou o segundo dia do halterofilismo no Parapan com quatro medalhas: duas de ouro, uma prata e um bronze.
O ciclista Lauro Chaman ficou com a segunda posição e a medalha de prata no contrarrelógio masculino. Ele concluiu o percurso em 41min18s624, atrás somente do peruano Rimas Hilário (40min19s951). Luis Steffens ficou em 12º, Soelito Gohr foi 13º, Carlos Alberto, 15º, e, por fim, Andre Grizante foi 17º.
O mineiro Eduardo Ramos conquistou a segunda medalha do dia para o ciclismo nacional: bronze no contrarrelógio da classe H1-5, ao concluir o percurso em 31min50s361. Em primeiro, ficou o canadense Matthew Kinnie. A prata foi para Brandon Lyons, dos Estados Unidos.
Já no tênis em cadeira de rodas, Daniel Rodrigues conquistou no final da manhã peruana a única medalha brasileira no tênis em cadeira de rodas em Lima. Ele venceu o americano Casey Ratzlaff por 2 sets a 0, com parciais de 6-2 e 6-3 e ficou com o bronze.
A Seleção Brasileira feminina de basquete em cadeira de rodas venceu a Argentina por 69 a 44 e conquistou a medalha de bronze. De quebra, o time faturou ainda a vaga para os Jogos de Tóquio, já que os três primeiros em Lima classificavam-se à próxima Paralimpíada.
A Seleção Brasileira feminina de goalball venceu o Canadá por 4 a 3, de maneira dramática, e está na final do Parapan de Lima 2019. O duelo terminou empatado em 3 a 3 no tempo normal e, no golden score, um gol de Carol Duarte selou a classificação. A final será disputada neste sábado, 31, às 18h30, contra os Estados Unidos.
Na estreia do taekwondo no programa dos Jogos Parapan-Americanos, o Brasil obteve três medalhas somente no primeiro dia de lutas. A primeira e a segunda vieram em uma final brasileira na categoria até 58kg feminina, com a vitória de Silvana Mayara sobe Cristhiane por 19 a 10. Logo em seguida, Nathan Torquato disputou o ouro da categoria até 61kg masculino, ao atropelar o dominicano Geraldo Castro por 40 a 13.
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
full disclosure, i had the biggest crush on 1961 ice when we watched the movie in my english class (i was in 8th grade at the time).
Tucker Smith was seriously perfect in the role of Ice—so tall and handsome and effortlessly cool! Who wouldn’t have a crush on him? 😂
I always thought he and Carole D’Andrea made such a beautiful couple as Ice and Velma!
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How you rate your school becomes important under new law
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How you rate your school becomes important under new law
Brian Donlon is a social studies teacher with 24 years in the Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland and two children in a Montgomery elementary school. He thinks all educational institutions should be judged by how highly staffers, parents and students rate them.
I’m not sure he’s right, but that doesn’t matter. The new federal Every Student Succeeds Act encourages schools to move beyond test scores and add the measures Donlon favors, usually called school climate data. It has become our nation’s hottest educational trend.
Donlon is not only a smart advocate for this change, but a brave one. He sent me the most recent climate ratings for all of his district’s high schools and middle schools posted on the district website and — I cannot overemphasize how daring this is — ranked them accordingly. The website didn’t do that. Many parents — including me — find rankings useful, but they are frowned on in polite educational circles.
Here is his list of high schools ranked by the percentage of staffers who this year agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “Staff morale is positive in this school.” I am providing each school’s rank, name, percentage and its percent of low-income students (an interesting comparison because low morale often correlates with the difficulties of teaching disadvantaged children.)
1. Paint Branch, 77.9 percent, 34 percent
2. Walter Johnson, 73.4 percent, 7 percent
3. Whitman, 69.6 percent, 5 percent
4. Northwest, 68 percent, 25 percent
5. Poolesville, 64.6 percent, 6 percent
6. Einstein, 61 percent, 42 percent
7. Wootton, 59 percent, 5 percent
8. Blair, 55.4 percent, 36 percent
9. Watkins Mill, 54.6 percent, 53 percent
10. Wheaton, 51.1 percent, 49 percent
11. Damascus, 49.4 percent, 15 percent
12. Rockville, 48.6 percent, 36 percent
13. Richard Montgomery, 45.9 percent, 20 percent
14. Quince Orchard, 41.9 percent, 23 percent
15. Blake, 41.9 percent, 35 percent
16. Churchill, 39.7 percent, 5 percent
17. Northwood, 35.9 percent, 50 percent
18. Seneca Valley, 33.8 percent, 37 percent
19. Clarksburg, 32 percent, 27 percent
20. Kennedy, 30.4 percent, 51 percent
21. Sherwood, 25.4 percent, 17 percent
22. Bethesda-Chevy Chase, 23.9 percent, 11 percent
23. Magruder, 21.7 percent, 33 percent
24. Gaithersburg, 21.4 percent, 42 percent
25. Springbrook, 17.1 percent, 47 percent
Donlon told me he thinks there’s high morale at some schools with lots of low-income kids because they have unusually good leaders. In the 2012-2013 school year, he said, Paint Branch ranked 18th. Then Principal Myriam Yarbrough arrived. The school rose to second place in 2013-2014, a tie for first in 2014-2015, and No. 1 by itself this year. (There were no surveys in 2015-2016.)
He said Einstein’s good score reflects the leadership of Principal James Fernandez, whose work I have admired for more than a decade. Donlon said he also thinks Principals Jimmy D’Andrea at Northwest, Debra Mugge at Wheaton and Carol Goddard at Watkins Mill helped boost their schools’ morale.
Neither Donlon nor I have explanations for what is happening at most schools. Opinions differ. I was surprised by the low rank of Bethesda-Chevy Chase, which seems to me well run. Jeanette Dixon suggested to me she deserved credit for Paint Branch’s high 2013-2014 rating, based on a survey taken shortly after she was succeeded by Yarbrough as principal.
Survey data are tricky. If only a few staffers fill out the form, the numbers may not mean much. (Participation in this survey ranged from 36 percent to 71 percent.) Montgomery school board President Michael Durso, a legendary former principal, mentioned timing. “I’ve always said that if you want a negative survey, issue it right before spring break, where staff is frazzled and just hanging on,” he said.
Ten states, including Maryland, have already added school climate data to their accountability systems, according to the nonprofit education policy organization Achieve Inc. Surveys of educators, parents and students will make up 10 percent of Maryland schools’ ratings.
Montgomery schools Superintendent Jack Smith told me “climate surveys should be used as one of multiple measures” for school performance.
Until now they have had little influence. We will soon see if this new way of assessing schools leads to significant changes in quality, and the length of principals’ tenures.
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larryland · 7 years
Pittsfield, MA– Berkshire Theatre Group (BTG) presents Pulitzer Prize-winning American playwright, Edward Albee’s (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?), At Home at the Zoo (Zoo story), directed by Eric Hill (BTG: The Homecoming, Thoreau or, Return to Walden; Poe), and featuring David Adkins (BTG: Thoreau or, Return to Walden; Poe), Joey Collins (The Glass Menagerie; BTG: The Homecoming) and Tara Franklin (BTG: The Homecoming, Lion in Winter, Equus). At Home at the Zoo (Zoo story) runs from July 19 through August 26 at The Unicorn Theatre in Stockbridge, MA. Opening night is set for Saturday, July 22.
David Adkins as Peter
Joey Collins as Jerry
Tara Franklin as Ann
Written by Pulitzer Prize-winning American playwright, Edward Albee (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and The Goat, or Who is Sylvia?), At Home at the Zoo (Zoo story) delves deep into the complex nature of human loneliness and social disparity. Set in New York City, Act 1, Homelife opens with a look inside the isolated marriage of wealthy textbook company executive, Peter, played by David Adkins, and his articulate, Upper East Side wife, Ann, played by Tara Franklin. Unable to communicate their feelings to each other, the foundation of their marriage is built on unspoken agreements. Somehow, they find comfort in their boring relationship, yet, they are never truly on the same page. Act 2, The Zoo Story, follows Peter to Central Park. While sitting on a park bench, Peter encounters forlorn and forsaken stranger, Jerry, played by Joey Collins. This stranger, who appears desperate for human contact and connection, forces Peter to listen to his stories, as he digs deep into Peter’s life, and his own.
Director Eric Hill says, “I was inspired by the opportunity to work on The Zoo Story again after many years, and to explore the new Albee one-act that is the first half of this evening (Homelife), to create Edward Albee’s At Home at the Zoo (Zoo story). This new piece not only provides a brilliant backstory to The Zoo Story, but it also stands alone as a vintage piece of Albee, with all the gender tension of his great plays.” In a 2011 interview with The Boston Globe, playwright Edward Albee states, “The Zoo Story is a good play…But it’s a play with one and a half characters. Jerry is a fully developed, three-dimensional character. But Peter is a backboard. He’s not fully developed. Peter had to be more fleshed out,’’ he continues, “it took me several years to get back to doing the proper first act, but it only took me a few weeks to write.’’
Tickets may be purchased in person at the Colonial Ticket Office at 111 South Street, Pittsfield; at the Fitzpatrick Main Stage Ticket Office at 83 East Main Street, Stockbridge; by calling (413) 997-4444 or online at www.BerkshireTheatreGroup.org. Ticket Offices are open Monday–Saturday10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-2pm or on any performance day from 10am until curtain. All plays, schedules, casting and prices are subject to change.
Edward Albee’s At Home at the Zoo (Zoo story) by Edward Albee directed by Eric Hill with David Adkins, Joey Collins and Tara Franklin
at The Unicorn Theatre The Larry Vaber Stage BTG’s Stockbridge Campus, 6 East Street
Previews: Wednesday, July 19 through Friday, July 21 Press Opening/Opening Night: Saturday, July 22 at 8pm Talkback: Monday, July 24 after 7pm performance Closing: Saturday, August 26 at 8pm Tickets: Preview: $47 Tickets: $52 Sponsored by: Lead Sponsor, Bobbie Hallig; The Shubert Foundation; Furlano and Arace, PC; and Massachusetts Cultural Council
Eric Hill (Director) in his forty-year career, Eric has worked as an actor, director, writer and producer. He has served as the Artistic Director of StageWest in Springfield, MA; the Founding Artistic Director of the Blue Hill Performance Ensemble in Stockbridge, MA; and, for the past twenty years, an Artistic Associate with Berkshire Theatre Group in Stockbridge and Pittsfield, MA. Productions at BTG include: The Homecoming by Harold Pinter, Thoreau or, Return to Walden by David Adkins; Poe by Eric Hill; Benefactors by Michael Frayn; Macbeth by William Shakespeare; Endgame by Samuel Beckett; Faith Healer by Brian Friel; The Einstein Project by Jon Klein and Paul D’Andrea; Amadeus by Paul Schaeffer; The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams; and The Caretaker by Harold Pinter. Eric has acted in several roles at BTG, including eleven performances as Ebeneezer Scrooge in his own adaptations of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Eric served as the Director of Performance at the University of Connecticut, as well the Sachar Chair of Theater at Brandeis University. He worked for over a decade with Japanese experimental director Tadashi Suzuki and the Suzuki Company of Toga, Japan. He is married to Artistic Director, Kate Maguire.
David Adkins (Peter) has performed in over 20 productions at the Berkshire Theatre Group where he is an Artistic Associate, has worked on and off Broadway, and in resident theaters across the country. He’s also guest starred extensively on television most recently on Blacklist, Homeland, The Good Wife, The Americans, Happy-ish and more. Joey Collins (Jerry) BTG: The Homecoming. Broadway: The Glass Menagerie, Rock n’ Roll and The Lonesome West. Off-Broadway: Straight Faced Lies, St. Joan of the Stockyards, Vieux Carré, Bug, Beasley’s Christmas Party, Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, Apartment 3A, The Antigone Project. World Premieres: Mark St. Germain’s Scott & Hem at Contemporary American Theater Festival & Barrington Stage; Custody of the Eyes, by Anthony Giardina at Cleveland Playhouse; Beat Generation, the lost play by Jack Kerouac and Oceanside, by Nick Gandiello, Merrimack Rep. Regional theaters: Rep. Theatre of St. Louis, Triad Stage, Berkeley Rep.,Yale Rep., Pioneer Theatre, The Old Globe, Cape Playhouse, A.C.T. in San Francisco, Cincinnati Playhouse and others. Film: Dottie’s Thanksgiving Pickle with Olympia Dukakis, Bittersweet, The Number 36, Double Take. Television: Law and Order, Kidnapped, All My Children, Guiding Light, As the World Turns. www.joeycollins.net @MrJoeyCollins Tara Franklin (Ann) BTG credits include: The Homecoming, Mary & Edith, The Lion In Winter, The Puppetmaster of Lodz, Birthday Boy, The Guardsman, Ghosts, A Man For All Seasons, Educating Rita, Amadeus, Equus, The Misanthrope, Peter Pan, Dimetos and A Dream Play. Off Broadway: Sleep No More (Punchdrunk). Regional: Sister Play (Chester Theatre), Burning Desire (Seven Angels), Henry V, Love’s Labors Lost, King Lear, Much Ado About Nothing, Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Nebraska Shakespeare Festival), Translations, The Trojan Women, Red Noses and Misalliance (Connecticut Repertory Theatre), The Manuscript Found in Saragossa (Lookingglass Theatre Company) and Gravid Water (Improv Olympic). Film: Labor Day. Tara holds a BFA from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and an MFA from the University of Connecticut.
About Berkshire Theatre Group
The Colonial Theatre, founded in 1903, and Berkshire Theatre Festival, founded in 1928, are two of the oldest cultural organizations in the Berkshires. In 2010, under the leadership of Artistic Director and CEO Kate Maguire, the two organizations merged to form Berkshire Theatre Group (BTG). Berkshire Theatre Group’s mission is to support wide ranging artistic exploration and acclaimed performances in theatre, dance, music and entertainment. Every year, BTG produces and presents performances to over 68,000 attendees and, through our Educational Program, serves over 13,000 Berkshire County schoolchildren annually. BTG’s celebrated stages reflect the history of the American theatre; they represent a priceless cultural resource for the community.
Edward Albee’s “At Home at the Zoo (Zoo Story)” Opens in Stockbridge Pittsfield, MA– Berkshire Theatre Group (BTG) presents Pulitzer Prize-winning American playwright, Edward Albee's (Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Riff and Ice do not get the joke 🤣
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Velma & Ice (1961) 💙
They were such a stunning couple in the 1961 film. I wonder how they would feel about Mouthpiece and Karen in the 2021 film 👀😂
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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“You tell ’em, daddy-o.” ❤️
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riffheartsgraziella · 2 years
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Riff and Ice being very perplexed by their girlfriends’ conversation 😂
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