#cause i just wanted to curl up on the couch and watch mcc and not be required to Smile or Make Eye Contact or Be Engaged In The Conversatio
mcytreaderfics · 3 years
Hii, could you make a dream x reader, where they fought and then the reader left the house and dream has mcc so he cant skip stream? And maybe do a happy ending cause im starving for fluff with angst, ty so much
I love me some angst
"I can't believe you could even say that to me!" Their voice was upset and for good reason. ____ was already pulling on their shoes as they saw Dream step into the room from their peripherals.
"____ calm down- I said I'm sorry!" He said, voice bordering between upset and exasperated. They looked up at their boyfriend and glared, tear streaks on their face.
"fuck off" ____ muttered, getting up from the bed and grabbing their keys from the bedside table. Dreams expression twisted into worry now.
"Wait- Wait where are you-" he started, reaching out to touch his partner's shoulder as they were walking past, but ____ recoiled from the touch. They took a step away once they were in the doorway, a frown planted on their lips.
"Don't touch me, Dream. I'm taking a walk. I'll be back later." Their voice was even, tears still trying to well up as they wiped at their eyes roughly.
"But-" He tried, but ____ was already walking away from him and downstairs. Dream stood in the hallway and flinched as the door downstairs opened and slammed shut. He leaned back against the wall, hands covering his face as he slammed his head back into it. Nothing happened to the wall, but his head was throbbing now. Good. He felt like he deserved at least that...
"I should really go try and talk to them..." Dream mumbled, but his phone buzzing from within his pocket distracted him. Lazily dragging it out, he frowned at his background. ____ looked so happy. They were laying on the couch in it, patches draped over them napping. It was a good moment. Sighing, he swiped the screen and unlocked his phone. A notification from Sapnap popped down.
[Sapnap: Are you set up for mcc yet? We're waiting lol]
The message was innocent, but it filled Dream with dread. How could he have forgotten about the championships today? He had been talking with ____ just the other day.
"Fuck me." Dream groaned in annoyance, pushing away from the wall as he walked downstairs slowly. Patches wandered past him with a happy chirp. He, of course, stopped to pet her before continuing to his recording room. Was he wasting time? Absolutely. There was no way he was going to be able to focus on this stupid stream with ____ gone. Stepping in and shutting the door behind him, Dream sent back a short message.
[Dream: getting on now.]
The entire stream was going to shit, no matter how hard Dream was trying to keep it together. His chat had noticed it too. He was missing jumps he never would have missed. Fumbling his keys and hitting the wrong thing. Dream was getting obviously frustrated too.
"Jeeze dude, you're really sucking today" Sapnap's light-hearted tone came through his headphones as Dream fought the urge to hit his desk. Glaring at his screen, he took a deep breath and shook his head
"Shut up..." He said, trying to laugh it off. "Just having a bad day. I'll come in clutch at the end, you'll see" Dream added, watching his chat fly by in the corner of his eye. He caught a few messages and tried not to roll his eyes.
'Dream must be drunk to be messing up this bad'
'He sounds annoyed. Him and Gogy are having marital problems lol'
'#Dreamsucks let's get it trending lol'
Shaking his head, Dream forced himself to try and scrape together the rest of this stream. There was probably still a chance they could win if he stopped losing his focus.. maybe. Sapnap teasing him seemed to help at least a little after awhile.
It didn't happen. Dream muted himself so he could lean back and groan his annoyance out into the room. They had been so close, but hadn't won. People in the chat were split between congratulating him on second place and the others were spamming '#Second'
"We almost had it" He heard Ant say encouragingly, making Dream sit back up and unmute.
"Yeah. Sorry guys, my head just wasn't in it today.." Dream chuckled weakly, running over in game to crouch a few times in front of the winning team as congratulations. He could be a good sport about it at least.
"It's cool. Always next time" Sapnap mused. "Wanna play around on the smp for awhile?" He added, making Dream's stomach twist. No, he really didn't.
"I'm gonna pass, sorry. Think I'm done for tonight" He said honestly. His friends understood and Dream apologized jokingly to his chat for not playing as well as he could. Shortly after reading some dono's, he ended the stream. Double checking that it was off, Dream slipped his headphones off and turned his computer off. He sighed and stood up, running a hand through his hair. Some stress eating sounded really good about now.
Stepping out of his recording room, he was texting his friends over discord to assure them he was okay, just that him and ____ had an argument before stream and he was distracted because of it. As he turned the corner to the living room, he stopped in the walkway, seeing ____ on the couch with Patches. From where he stood, Dream could see Twitch open on their phone. He stood there for a moment before ____ spoke.
"I got pizza. Want some?" They asked, lifting the box next to them up in offering. Dream nodded and walked over cautiously. ____ moved the box so he could sit, curling up again his side immediately.
"I was watching the stream. You're already trending on Twitter" They mused as Dream got a slice from the box. He peeked over at their phone as they opened the app and swiped to the trending page.
"Yeah?" Dream hummed as he took a bite "Is it 'Dream sucks' or 'Second'?" He asked with a chuckle.
"Dream sucks. Gotta agree, though, you did suck" ____ laughed softly, him joining in. For a moment after, they were both quiet..and then they both sighed softly.
"I'm sorry-"
"I was a dick-"
They had spoken at the same time as Dream. The two of them looked at each other before they both started laughing again. ____ leaned their head against him, giggling.
"I'm sorry..I was over reacting" ____ apologized, Dream shaking his head.
"No, I was an asshole when I shouldn't have been. I'm sorry" he said and ____ just smiled gently and leaned in for a kiss. It was soft and sweet, but didn't last long as Patches meowed, feeling left out, as she butted her head against against their chins. The two lovers parted with laughter as ____ scooped her up and gave the jealous cat pets and kisses to her head. Dream sat back and watched the scene with a small grin. Everything was back to normal.
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crystalirises · 3 years
Day 8: A New Arena
Day 8: MCC!Fundy ---> Modern AU
Character: MCC!Fundy... yeah I don't think I need to explain the AU. It's essentially just Fundy from MCC (the character though, I ain't ever referencing real life!Fundy ever :p). Anyway, I want you all to know that I have never watched MCC because I don't have the attention span for it lmao. Although, a bit of change here from the actual MCC. So the MCC takes place in a normal world, but it's still a tournament where competitors fight for glory and stuff. When a person is not in the current MCC season, that just means they're an athlete who's taking a break or like taking care of an injury and all that. Also, MCC!Fundy is more... contemplative??? cause I've been told by a good friend that he's a strategist and I'd like to make him the type to just assess people even in a normal situation.
Setting: Modern AU is an AU where Misferns are roommates and live together in their apartment. MCC in their universe is just a tv tournament show, and the people in the show aren't the actual people and just random athletes competing.
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34203535/chapters/85571296
Ranboo didn’t expect a lot in the morning from his roommates.
But the least he could expect was peace and quiet - at least until lunch. Today, he was proven wrong. He jolted awake at the screech, his head nearly smacking against the top of the bunk bed. He blearily opened his eyes, rubbing at the edges until a loud thump broke through the screams, an orange blur falling past his gaze. Ranboo blinked, brain processing what had happened before he realized that Fundy had just fallen off the bunk bed. He peered down on the floor where Fundy was groaning, holding his head in his hands. He winced, the fall would have been painful.
That caught Fundy’s attention. He looked up at Ranboo, but he was careful to avoid looking him right in the eyes. He was glad that Fundy still remembered that he didn’t like people looking him in the eyes, even if he did fall off from the bed. “Ranboo… wha— This isn’t the MCC quarters.”
“Yeah, man, of course it isn’t.” Ranboo tilted his head, “Were you dreaming about MCC?”
Ranboo had terrible days, but stopping Fundy from smashing the TV took the icing on the cake.
He had managed to corner Fundy in one corner of the living room, but he’d started screaming.
“Fundy! Fundy! C-calm down, man. You can’t… You can’t smash the tv! We only have one and Eret would be very annoyed if we’d destroyed it while they and Niki are out!” At the mention of Niki, Fundy calmed down, hands gripping Ranboo’s arms so tightly that he worried they might bruise. When had Fundy gotten so strong? “You had a nightmare… about MCC. It happens!”
“Ranboo, I think there’s something terribly wrong with the world today.” He moved Fundy to sit down, patting him on the back. “We’re not supposed to be here. We’re supposed to be in there!”
Fundy pointed at the tv, a new season of MCC playing on the screen.
“Explain it slowly, Ranboo.”
He eyed them from the corner of his eye, watching their every move with the same focus he put into every action he’d made inside the MCC arena. Ranboo had picked up a strange device after he’d calmed Fundy down, a device he was beginning to think was some sort of communicator.
“He thinks he’s part of the MCC.”
Two familiar faces had showed up after an hour. He’d recognize, even giving her a smile when she’d come in through the door. Eret was with her, but he didn’t really know much about them.
“The… The game tournament?”
Among the three, he was only close to Niki. He’s never gotten the opportunity to team with Eret or Ranboo, but he’d heard about them and had even seen them around the arena at some points.
“No, the cooking sho— Yes, the game tournament!”
He stayed where he was, curled up at the far end of the couch. Ranboo had left the “television” on, begging him to look at the colored screen and realize that he wasn’t part of the MCC.
“And you said he fell off his bed this morning?”
At the reminder, he reached up towards his head. It didn’t ache as badly as it did before. He sighed, leaning back so that he was hanging off the couch. He was starting to get bored of them.
At the sound of footsteps, he looked up to find Eret standing near him.
“Does your head hurt?” He shook his head, much to the dismay of Eret. Niki and Ranboo stood nearby, the strange communicator device held in Niki’s hand. “Do you feel sick? Nauseous?”
“Nope.” He accentuated the ‘p’, swinging up so half his body wasn’t hanging off. From behind the trio, the colorful screen flashed to show the various teams of the MCC. His eyes widened at the sight of his face appearing on the screen, a gleeful smile crossing his lips. “Hey! It’s me!”
Niki looked behind her, “Fundy, that’s a… Fundy, that is not you. That is an axolotl hybrid.”
“Costume! You wore green and Ranboo wore a red suit!” He looked at them both, “Remember?”
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