holyxsmoak · 5 years
Coms || Open
OW: This is Overwatch. This message is or anyone out there. I need a name and a status. We’re here to help.
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detectivexspivot · 5 years
Pain lanced up her side as the shot ripped through her, feeling wet warmth bloom across her shoulder. The one thing she had never experienced in her time on the force had been getting injured in the line of duty - she guessed it was just a matter of time, and deciding to help during a blackout had been tempting fate. People got antsy, they did things they wouldn’t usually do, out of desperation and fear. She had seen the guy shaking as he held up the store - he was just as scared as everything else, she had thought she could stop him, calm him down. She didn’t think he would shoot.
“Crap.” She choked out, trying to lift herself but her arm gave out beneath her, the pain turning a blinding white as she let out a cry.
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“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.” - William Shakespeare
The inner struggles of the mind in juxtaposition to a waring society makes for the most potent poison. A consumable darkness ravishes even the purest soul. To all the those trespassing against the fraying fragility of righteous mortality, beware. Judgement comes for everyone.
The event will be taking place March 4th till March 18th.
We will be posting more details about the even within the next couple of days. For us to tighten up the details, we need to know who is will be joining us in the celebration. If you’re participating please comment a +1 on this post with the corresponding city. This event will be broken up between each of the major cities: Star City, Central City, Gotham, and National City.
Not all characters need to participate but we encourage you commit with the characters that have been involved in the plot so far! If you don’t comment, we will assume that you don’t want your characters to be involved.
**(If you have multiple characters please annotate +2, +3, etc… with the names of the people you want to include.)**
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crestfallenmurtaugh · 5 years
Hating the feeling of helplessness, Matt had found himself on the verge of a panic attack at the beginning of the lock down. It wasn’t even himself that he was concerned about, but his family. His father was the type to charge right in and risk everything-- it was something he had always taught Matt to do to-- which meant that right then Matt had no way of knowing that his father was safe.
“Someone help me, please!”
When the quakes started, Matt could feel his instincts kick in and it was only that, (the training that his father was constantly giving him) that saved him from being crushed under the rubble. It was those same instincts that managed to calm his nerves, if only for the time being. He pushed the anxiety down, instead trying to focus on this moment now.
Now’s your chance, Matt. Step up and do what your father never would. Save some lives. But he was only one person and he wasn’t even close to being a doctor. What was he supposed to do?
“I’m crushed! Help!” The cries were coming from everywhere. Some were coherent and some were just literal sobbing. Swearing, Matt found himself migrating towards the closest voice, finding a girl around his age, her legs trapped under a pretty sizable piece of rubble. It was easy to see her leg wasn’t quite in the right direction.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay, I’m here. I’m gonna help,” he said softly, taking what he could of the rubble in his hands, attempting to lift it off of her. He strained, feeling it lift just a fracture before he felt himself give. Quickly, he turned his head to assess the situation, pleased to see another who seemed to have been able to avoid the debris. “Hey!” He shouted. “Come help!”
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petty--dabbler · 5 years
Text || Ray Palmer
Constantine: Hello handsome. Keeping that pretty face of yours clean?
Constantine: Figured I'd check in. See if you're still breathing.
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ccfstephaniebrown · 5 years
Text || Christian
Steph: Asshole. I need to know if you’re in play.
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ccfeclipse · 5 years
Text || Felicity Smoak
Anna: I need help.
Anna: I need you to find Bruce Wayne.
Anna: I think his kids are in trouble.
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itsshelleyhennig · 5 years
a small laugh escaped from her lips now breaking a glass that was near her with her bat, it was one of those mirrors, the chaos was just like gotham to her, it was that sentiment that she honestly missed “it’s almost refreshing to see all of this” she commented now looking around for a second.
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stevetrevorreborn · 5 years
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SInce arriving in the future, Steve had been trying to catch up on a century of history/current events.  It was a lot to absorb.  Mostly, he tried not to venture out of STAR Labs alone quite yet, but he did enjoy wandering up to see the museum and people watch.
Observing people could tell you a lot about a place.
Especially during a crisis.  When panic set in, Steve was caught in the tide of humanity that rushed from the museum out onto the streets.  “What?  No, take cover!” He tried to encourage people to safety, but once out on the streets found himself simply trying to keep people from getting trampled or hit by cars.  Why were there so many cars nowadays?
@donna-darkstar @cassiesand
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thelegendaryhawkman · 5 years
Carter let out a rasping cough as the lights of the Waverider flickered on and off, casting dim light and dark shadows throughout the cockpit. He flinched as sparks exploding somewhere close to his head, the straps of the Captain’s seat the only thing keeping him held safe without falling forward with the angle of the ship as it had nosedived into the ground, the front stirrups having buckled upon impact.
“Sorry, Gideon.” He winced, feeling along his bruised ribs for any sign of a crack, letting out a relieved breath when he didn’t find any. “I never was much of a pilot.” He muttered. There was enough power for another jump, if need be, but he knew Gideon would need a few hours before being back at full strength - she wasn’t even wasting the energy to berate him for his sloppy landing. But Sara... she was gone, and he had no clue where she went, and it had been timed all too well with Gideon’s alert of an anomalous disaster in Central City. Carter knew to trust his instinct, and his instinct told him this was bad, that a lot of people, including his captain, were in trouble.
He hadn’t even thought about if any of the others were onboard, or that he had never so much as glanced at the Waverider’s controls, before jumping into the captain’s seat. Flying a ship was a far cry from flying himself, but he had been determined, and a little fool-hardy, and a lot scared. He grunted as he undid his seatbelt, tumbling forward out of the seat and landing hard against the thick shielded glass of the cockpit window. He rolled himself off, righting himself onto the diagonally slanted floor to treck his way to the loading bay, thumping the button to release the doors and stumble out.
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 “Alright...” He sighed, nodding as he looked at the empty lot he had managed to crash-land the Waverider in, whatever had been housed there before little more than a few scraps of sheet metal sticking from the ground. “Where are we, Gideon.” He muttered to himself, knowing the AI wouldn’t be able to respond as he moved towards what he could only surmise to be a nearby warehouse, from its vague outline in the dark. The streets were eerily devoid of light, and wherever he was he couldn’t seem to spot the brighter urban areas of the city off in the distance. The only indication he had of this place not being completely devoid of life was noise from the building he steadily trudged his way towards.
@westirisx​ @ccfvillains​ @centralcitysfinest-rp​
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raypalmer-atom · 5 years
Text > Sara
Ray: I don't know if you're still in Star but if you are, please be safe. It's crazy out on the streets.
Ray: I know you're perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, but you are family so I am always going to worry.
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holyxsmoak · 5 years
Cry in the Night || Closed
Felicity had run in fear. Diaz was behind Oliver’s arrest, she just knew it. And with her future grandbaby in some unknown danger, Felicity didn’t know where else to go but the bunker. She had always teased Oliver they would end up putting a playpen in there, but now as she carried the toddler into the safe place, she wished there really was a playpen. Her phone dinged with messages from Stephanie Brown and Anna Loring. The world was going nuts and not most of the Bats were out of play; this was bad.
She booted up her computers and logged in. "This is Overwatch," she said trying to remain calm. "I'm in the bunker. Oliver has been arrested. Is anyone out there," she asked her voice breaking at the last word praying someone would come through on the com.
@bcdygucrds @songbirddrake @theaxharper @agentriphunter @raypalmer-atom
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cassiesand · 5 years
Cassie was working on evacuating the area and catching any falling debris before it could do any real damage. She was looping back towards the school to assist with the evacuation.  Seeing people helping evacuate she made her way down to assist. “Alright guys lets get a move on. Not sure how long these structures will hol... ” She was interupted by a falling wall near by. Quickly she sped off to catch it. “Alright step on it.” She said to the crowd.
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Despite its insulated and isolated status from the manic chaos brewing Blüdhaven, Central City stands vulnerable to the unsuspected attack by the Leviathan. Talia’s reach is unrivaled in her pursuits to gain power over all of the cities.
With a large sum of cash and a powerful incentive, Tommy Simone ( @hijackofcentral ), better known as Hijack, begins an all out assault on Central City’s infrastructure. The first place to go dark: Central City General. Aurora Jett ( @auroraxjett ) working the night shift witnesses the rolling black out before the whizzing hum of the generators kicked back on. Caitlin Snow ( @drcaitlinxsnow ) working closely with a colleagues happens to called upon to help the outpouring trauma rolling into the ER.
Amidst the first wave of darkness, Barry Allen ( @struckbylightningflash ), Ralph Dibney ( @elcngation ), and Cisco Ramon ( @viberamon ) work feveriously to pick up some sort of lead on DeVeo. The alarm sounds angrily in the hollowed halls of S.T.A.R Labs signaling the failing system at Iron Heights. Sam Scudder (Mirror Master), Jeremy Teller (Double Down) , and Adam Fells (Geomancer) have escaped during the lapsed between power and the back up generators. The three vengeful men begin their assault in taking back what was theirs.
Sam Scudder, outraged and disoriented, navigated through the chaotic streets of Central City in, search of the scarlet speester who imprisoned him, begins to pray on the innocent bystanders. Wally West ( @let-the-sparks-fly ) and Nora West-Allen ( @speedsterxs ) eager to help diffuse the situation race off to apprehend the mirror master. Much to their dismay, the two clumsily compete over strategy and get stuck in the mirror panel of pristine Central City Stock Building. Harley Quinn ( @clownprvncess ) looking for a little adventure finds the two speedsters imprisoned in the glass and found great enjoyment in taunting them with her hefty mallet. Ray Terill ( @glowinthedarkcarebear ) searches for his husband in the chaos and finds the clown toying with the two and felt compelled to help.
The Central City’s Shopping Center “The Grove” dimmed against the glimmering excellence of Hijack’s assault makes for a nice afternoon of discounts for the unruly. Lisa Snart ( @train--wreck ), ever the opportunist, happily picked her way through the stores with a fist fulled with gems. Len Snart ( @leonardsnartccf ) and Leo Snart ( @gaynotblind ), bewildered by the mirroring image of the other’s existence take to the streets to soothe the chaos. Toeing the line between morally good and blood ties, the three are faced with the threat of the few splintering members of Talia’s crew.
Meanwhile at Central City University, the students have been quarantined in the campus center. Adam Fells wrath ravished the old foundation of the building compromising the safety of all those inside. Matt Murtaugh ( @crestfallenmurtaugh ) jumps to aid those injured beneath the falling brick. Christian Singh ( @detectivechristiansingh ) falling crawling out of his self deprecation and volunteering his time with a group of touring CCPD Explorers moves to action to aid the young man. Just outside of the university before the tremors began, Cassie Sandsmark ( @cassiesand ) watched Fells stalk across the court yard, with a suspicious eye. Once the ground beneath to quiver, Adam flees down the alley way between the university and CCJitters with Cassie hot on his tail.
Donna Troy ( @donna-darkstar ) still finding her footing decides today is the day she embraces her destiny. Pulling people from the clutches of danger. Pedestrians running for cover, pushing and shoving each other mercilessly, forced Steve Trevor ( @stevetrevorreborn ) into the street. Donna rushes to halt an oncoming car from striking the man. All the commotion comes to a head when Cassie Sandsmark and Fells face off verbally in the middle of the chaotic intersection. The choice is clear for all three heroes. Either apprehend Fells or save the students at Central City University.
Following down the less savory parts of Central City, Iris West ( @westirisx ) chases down answers for the questions that DeVeo left. In her pursuits to protect Barry and the rest of the members of her team, she finds herself in a run down warehouse, only to be met with another unfriendly face from the past. Rosa Dillon ( Top ) freshly broken out of prison wants revenge for the Flash breaking up her perfect little fantasy with Sam. Carter Hall ( @thelegendaryhawkman ) lands roughly in the waverider in search of his missing captain. Hearing the ruckus from within, he goes to investigate the area.
With the networks down, Mercury Labs is open for the taking. Inside are precious experimental weapons begging to be procured for the use of the enlightenment. Hank Hall ( @ccfhawk ) and Dawn Granger ( @ccfdawngranger ) still at odds from the falling out of their past, stumble upon the raided building. A slew of the Leviathan warriors who have flooded into the city slipped out sporting the new tech and a wicked intent.
Tommy Simone ( @hijackofcentral ) happily working within the confines of the depths of the renovated Wayne Enterprise R & D facility finds glee in his fine work. Leo Rivera ( @leoxrivera ) fighting his curiosity strolled through the desolate opening, footing around the strumming chaos that muted at the helm. WE was supposed to be a safe haven for all like minded people. Little did the woman know what lied inside. Dawn Granger ( @ccfdawngranger ) followed close on the older woman’s heels for shelter as the world boiled down from the outside.
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crestfallenmurtaugh · 5 years
Text || RIP
Matt: You're probs not in the area, but I just wanted to make sure you're safe.
Matt: Shit's going down.
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thelegendofvixen · 5 years
@petty--dabbler, , @purrfectkyle@heatwavewashere, @histcry-hackcr, @starfireofcentral
Amaya didn’t know too much about Gotham, but when anyone on their team needed help, she was eager to lend a hand. That included John-- even if she didn’t know him as well as the others. Something had drawn him to the city guarded by Batman; in particular, the hero’s manor. While she wasn’t one who would normally trespass where she would easily have a target on her back, there was something eerily different about the place than on a typical night. And the way Constantine was reeled in was, admittedly, frighteningly intriguing. 
Mick, Zari, and herself trailed behind quietly, hoping to assuage hopes of keeping the Legends in tact. Deciding to cautiously enter the residence, seeing as how there didn’t seem to be any line of defense to attack them, Amaya tried to walk softly, wincing each time the clack of her boots thudded up the stair toward the entrance. She shot her friends an apologetic look and once reaching the door peeked inside to catch sight of John and the dear old butler... who clearly was not well.
“What happened?” she spoke up softly, but loud enough to reveal her and the rest of their team. “What can we do to help?”
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