thepepperfestival 5 years
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We鈥檙e sitting here in a restaurant in Auburn, CA with the @ukchilliqueen sorting all of the amazing super hot peppers sent all the way from Louisiana from @primospeppers just for the big rematch competition between her and @the_johnnyscoville TOMORROW in Sacramento (12pm PT at @kuproscrafthouse). Johnny is looking to even the score after he narrowly lost to the Queen in London this past July 21 - exactly two months to the day from tomorrow鈥檚 match. 馃尪馃尪馃敟馃敟馃嚞馃嚙 馃嚭馃嚫 @pepperfestival #peppereatingcontest #chillieatingcontest (at Joe Caribe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2pqIYlBEB1/?igshid=h78e2t7mfpnr
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josephbenjamin 7 years
Only ended up in a CHILLI EATING CONTEST, didn't I? 馃尪 Here's the top 3 out of 10 contestants. I couldn't take anymore. One guy got taken away in an ambulance. FULL VID NEXT POST.
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chinabambi 5 years
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Chilli eating competition 馃尪馃敟馃尪馃敟馃尪馃敟馃尪馃敟 They are crazeeeeee 馃檲馃サ @blackpitbrewery Lol at the last pic with the winner vs the vomer 馃あ馃尪 #crazy #festival #thefestivalofbeer #beer #beerfestival #summer #cliftonchilliclub #buckingham #family #weekend #style #fashion #designer #sun #blackpitbrewery #cheers #paleale #potd #chilli #chillieating #chillieatingcontest #chillieatingcompetition #hot (at Blackpit Brewery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1YFOMcJpve/?igshid=vmi1lo3by0tb
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Brighton Chilli Eating Contest : A Personal Win :)
As you may know, I have my brother to thank for this one.
I'd had six weeks to train - endurance tests, snacking on raw chilli at my desk, adding chilli to every meal, chilli聽infused聽sambuca shots - to prepare myself for this gut punishing behemoth of a聽challenge.
On realising that I couldn't actually make it through one chilli without having mild heart failure, I set myself a personal goal.
If I could get up on stage and make it through one, I'd be happy.
聽 Sunday 18th September crept up (far too quickly for my liking) and finally it was time.
聽 Brighton聽Fiery聽Foods Chilli Eating Contest
I arrived in Brighton around lunchtime with my official cheer squad, Rachel and Simon. I was unsure of the contest start time so decided to head straight to Victoria Gardens and get the lo down.
We walked up to the entrance and were greeted by a man and young boy both wearing high vis jackets.
'I'm here for the chilli eating contest!' I excitedly exclaimed.
The young boy's face lit up.
'Have you done this before?' he asked.
'Er.. no' I said, loosing enthusiasm slightly.
'Well' said the boy 'I'll be the one holding your sick bucket when you can't feel your hands.'
I waited for laughter and reassurance that this wouldn't be the case.
It didn't come.
'At yesterday's contest people were lying on the ground vomiting everywhere, one had to be taken away by paramedics'
Many words went through my head. None of which I'd feel comfortable uttering in front of a 12ish year old boy.
'Im only here to eat one'
'You'll be聽booed聽off the stage!'
Peer pressure.
'Right' I said, 'Great, well, what time does it start?'
'Amazing, well, see you then'
聽 A couple of shades paler in the face I headed into the Chilli Festival.
Victoria park was alive with foodies, buzzing excitedly around stalls, tasting chilli jams/sauces/beers. I decided that I needed to take my mind off my impending death.
'You are coming back aren't you' asked the boy as we exited the festival.
I didn't appreciate his mocking tone.
We left for a while聽to eat chips on the beach, take a few face in hole pictures, ride a ghost train and to go for a stiff drink.
聽 Sitting in the pub I聽received聽a text from my brother.
'Please don't die.. (good luck)'
聽 5pm was near and we headed back to Victoria Gardens. I gave myself pep talk and a slap around the face in a portaloo. I came out to find Simon and Rachel giggling away (I assumed that in some odd way they were wishing me luck) and made my way to the contest tent.
It was packed... there were TV cameras AND it was packed.
The announcer declared that the contest was about to begin, he started to read out the names of聽contestants聽to take the stage.
I hoped that my name had somehow been missed off the list...
'Jenna Betts!!'聽
Ah. I made my way to the stage.
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I was un-nerved by the skull and cross bone sick聽buckets. I took my seat at the table of 15聽contestants-聽being one of only two ladies in the competition.聽
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The announcer spoke to the crowd for a while. I have no idea what he said. I was too busy formulating and escape plan.
It was too late.
Before I knew it, a man was offering me a bucket of the hugest chilli's I've ever seen.
聽 Round 1. The Poblano Pepper
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Suddenly, my hopes of finishing one dwindled.
'If you're ready, hold your chilli in the air!' shouted the announcer.
Reluctantly I did.
'Right, 3...2...1... GO!'
I took a big bite and began to munch down.
- hey, this isn't so bad -
I continued to eat, my one chilli goal in my sight, and demolished the beast, throwing the end into my sick bucket. YES! Victory.
I was feeling ok. The crowd were cheering. It was great being up there.
聽 I went to take a sip of my beer.
'Woah!' said the guy to my right 'you drink : you loose'聽
You know that bit at the聽beginning聽where I didn't pay attention?
Apparently, that was the run down of the rules.
Thankfully, I was alerted just in time.
After being scolded by the announcer we continued...
聽 Round 2. The Jalape帽o Pepper.
I picked one from the bowl..
..and attempted to stare it out.
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Later as I watched back the footage, at this point, I heard Simon and Rachel agree, 'She's way too stubborn to stop'聽
They were right.
Jalape帽o. CONSUMED.
聽 Round 3. The Birds Eye Chilli.
I looked to the crowd.
Simon and Rachel shaking their heads.
The young couple in front of me with a mixed look of awe and fear that they may become victim to a spray of extra聽spicy聽projectile vomit.
The camera man. He gave me a wink and a thumbs up.
I couldn't let the camera man down!
The bowl came around.聽
Aha! I spy a cunning plan! A leaf! I picked it out with a sneaky glance to my left and right, but I'd been rumbled. The guy sitting beside me, who looked suspiciously like sign guy Andy of Andy's 'Dawn Of The Dead' Gun Store, squeaked on me.聽
After another telling off from the announcer -聽
'I'm watching her, she's trouble'聽
-聽聽I took a chilli.
It was tiny.
No problem.
They say that small =聽fierce. I see why they say that now.
I ate it down before I had the chance for the heat to register.
Three Down.
聽 4. The Habanero Chilli
At this point I'd like to draw your attention to the Scoville chart of hotness:
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I'd made my way through 1, 2 and 3 to reach a grade above a Scotch Bonnet.
I was feeling it.
My eyes were watering uncontrollably and my mouth was on fire.
I took a Round 4 habanero.
We raised our chilli's in the air.
As I started to eat I could feel my lips swelling and my hands and arms were starting to buzz and tingle like crazy.
Not good.
I took a bite. Then another.
The haunting words of the boy at the entrance came back to me.
Ambulances聽flashed before my eyes.
'It's about this time in the competition when people decide that a nice cool beer would be the best idea right now' said the announcer.
I agreed.
I threw my chilli in the bucket. Picked up my beer and took a big cool swig.
Stood up (happily to applause not boos) and assumed a hands up victory pose.
First out, but I didn't care.
I couldn't think of another time in my life where 'the taking part' had counted more than this. I'd had so much fun and totally kicked my PB of one chilli!
聽 I was directed outside to the medical tent were I was given sugary milk. The medic advised me to vomit if I could because the effects would be worse if the chilli hit my intestine.聽
'You know those guys still in there, they'll be shitting blood tomorrow'
Graphic, but that's all I needed to persuade me to induce vomiting as quick as a supermodel after a gala buffet.
With parting advice to put loo roll on ice, I was discharged.
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Thanks to everyone who supported me and cheered me on and to my bro for suggesting this - It's definitely聽an experience that I'll never forget!
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thepepperfestival 5 years
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Oh man...you do NOT want to miss this. It鈥檚 an epic showdown and an historic event on the West Coast of the US. There has never been a pepper eating competition of this magnitude here...until this. 馃尪馃尪馃尪馃尪 @atomik___ @league.of.fire @ukchilliqueen #peppereatingcontest #chillieatingcontest (at Gold Country Fairgrounds) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2VblZFhtTV/?igshid=gqtm2dwu2ae9
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