how did your insane yuri npcs first meet??
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so their names are rhea stat (he/they/whos asking.) and jules de force (they/them) and like i said theyre both techies, and theyre both the same kind of techie, they jailbreak cybernetics so that theyre no longer walled gardens and can be used second hand by anyone. rhea is a free agent, but jules works closely with the promethean collective, which distributes that cyberware for people who need it.
im not completely solid on exactly the circumstances of their meeting, but i think rhea briefly worked with the collective, and that was how they met and got to know each other. neither of them really likes sharing a workshop, but even though theyre very different in their workstyles they were so in sync while they were paired up, and got. VERY close wink wink. which is what made their first falling out so bitter. jules is very selfless, and very dedicated to the collective, while rhea is quite selfish and was just in it for the paycheck, and at the end of the day, working for a mutual aid network doesnt pay that great, though it did make it easier and more reliable to secure cybernetics to scrub since the collective gets most of theirs from intercepting manufacturers and under the table deals.
i think rhea invited jules to some shady and kind of morally bankrupt cause, like arming a gang with new scrubbed cybernetics or something similar, and jules balked. they couldnt believe hed do something like that, but rhea was like, dont we deserve better? dont YOU deserve better? why should we have to scrape by to survive just to get almost no thanks for doing the right thing? and is it even our fault what they do with the cyberware we give them? they can do what they want, whats it matter to us? they refused, and the fact that jules chose 'the right thing' over rhea really hurt him. meanwhile the fact that rhea chose himself over the right thing really hurt jules. they parted ways on bad terms after that, especially since the deal fell through since he didnt have clearance to move that many cybernetics on his own, and rhea left the collective to become a free agent. they still keep orbiting around each other though.
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gldnhp · 4 years
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Soft-Concrete Logbook.
30 April... Sad But True
8 May... Floating Stars
13 May... CMYRGB
20 May... marronnier
art work: Jun Azumatei, sound: Kota Saito (GLDN)
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lawrenceleemagnuson · 6 years
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Walead Beshty (UK b. 1976, living USA) Six Color Loop (CMYRGB: Irvine, California, July 21st 2008, Fuji Color Crystal Archive Type C). executed 2008 colour photographic paper 218 x 124.8 cm
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awaawacompany · 6 years
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ネギCMYRGB . #ネギ #ねぎ #葱 #イラスト #デザイン #カラー #カラフル #虹 #赤 #青 #黄色 #レッド #ブルー #イエロー #negi #art #illustration #pop #color #red #blue #magenta #design #yellow #green #3 #cute #vegetables #graphicdesign #pattern
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lizpurr · 7 years
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Walead Beshty, Six Sided Picture (CMYRGB), 2012
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danawhite2017 · 7 years
CMYRGB by Anthony Antonellis is visually appealing to me and immediately drew my attention upon seeing it. I enjoy the different color flow from frame to frame and the connection of the linear forms lining up although they are different colors entirely. I love the motion combined with the slow moving speed. Depending on which frame your eye is focusing on, the direction of the gradient colors can change. The color scheme with bright color is also visually appealing to me. I find the choice of line and shape interesting as well with the way they come together as a whole. The structure of this series is also interesting being digital looping 3 second gifs. I also really enjoyed “Butter”  and “Unsustainable Shape” as I find them both visually appealing.
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From ur Gm screen, I do want to hear about ur npcs they sound very cool. How did they meet? How do they keep running into each other?
gm screen
i go into how they first met here but as for how they keep running into each other, they run in the same circles. techies that scrub cyberware arent rare, but they also arent a dime a dozen, and they tend to keep up with each other since they all need to be informed on new anti piracy measures since its an arms race between jailbreakers and manufacturers. a lot of them work for the collective, but theres still a some free agents too. those are a little hard to come by though.
sometimes rhea will need some help from the collective, like he needs more cyberware than he can scavenge on his own (he normally um. steals it from dead bodies.) or, more often, since its a collective instead of single hackers theyre often the first to break new anti piracy measures and he needs to learn about them to do his work safely. even though they fell out, jules never told anyone what rhea was planning, though they dont know why (a selfish desire to keep someone they love safe, but theyll never figure that out on their own) so the collective considers him a potential contact and stays on good terms even though he isnt officially in the network anymore. every now and then when rhea has to hang around collective stomping grounds the two of them bump into each other, and just enough time has passed that they each think something along the lines of 'just one night. to get it out of my system' and then one night becomes becomes three and then three nights becomes a week and then one week becomes a month. and then they each think something along the lines of 'maybe theyve changed. maybe i can fix them' until inevitably one of them tries to lead the other somewhere they wont follow. wash rinse repeat with months or years in between.
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(what this means is if you are interested in playing or have been invited to play a game i gm for you should not read any further. and should blacklist the tag 'gm screen'. thank you)
would you guys like to hear about the insane yuri npcs i came up with as a joke and now care about immensely. to me their ship name is cmyrgb and im obsessed with both of them. theyre both cyberpunk red npcs, and theyre both techies, and they have completely different alliances and moral codes and each of them wishes desperately that they knew how to quit the other. every time they hook up they each think 'okay now ive got it out of my system' and they never, ever do.
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