#collection presentation and description of sample data
argumate · 3 months
I think I'd regard "modelling/approximating a function of the training set" to be a limiting framing that implies that ML models can't do more general inference. If a model learns to model a certain general data transformation from the training data (like, for instance, addition, or writing poems with arbitrary rhyming schemes that haven't been seen before, or creating an arbitrary image from a description), then it is modelling something that can be extrapolated from the data, but I feel like calling that a function representing that data is limiting to the point of being inaccurate. A genuine learned function or mechanism that can be applied to a specific task generally has an infinite potential application that isn't limited by the finite input data; all that is required is enough samples to for said function or mechanism to be derived accurately.
"Compression" philosophical models of AI bug me because they seem to imply that an AI system can never produce anything novel, and in fact that's often why people invoke them. But that seems to be demonstrably not true - a system that has learned to do a thing can at least theoretically do that thing in entirely novel contexts, and produce new data that can then be further built upon without any sort of knowledge decay. The source of subsequent generations of data will of course ultimately be the original data, but the potential for analysis and extrapolation could be unbounded, if the original data space contains enough information about the world to be explored as a complete world model.
This is how humans carry on our civilisation and produce new knowledge, after all, and I see no reason a ML system can't do the same - are doing the same, in some senses, just currently on a smaller and more limited scale. I don't think that anyone would argue that "producing a more perfect function of our environmental training set" is a useful description of what a human does, however.
I also feel that architecture differences become more relevant when it comes to things like achieving consistency over consecutive rounds of world modelling and problem solving, by taking shortcuts based on known assumptions about reality and hardcoding them into a system.
yes being able to explore the implications of what is suggested by the training set is obviously vital, if they couldn't do this then they would not be "learning" anything, they would just be memorising the input data, and we have simpler compression algorithms for that!
however even exploring the implications of the training set to their ultimate limit may not tell us what we need to know if that depends upon data we do not have; for example it may not be possible to advance the frontiers of physics without observing experiments at energies that we have not yet reached, or cure cancer without insight into the immune system not currently present in our records.
humans don't just produce new knowledge by exploring the implications of existing knowledge in a purely textual sense, after all! sometimes we actually do stuff in the world.
but a robust device for correlating the vast amounts of data we have already collected would still be of great value, even more so if it could guide the collection of more data.
either way, this wasn't an attempt at taking a philosophical view of AI, more just making the point that the precise network architecture doesn't seem relevant to the outcome of the "big data" approach, even if it does matter for operational reasons in terms of how big that data can get.
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bleachbleachbleach · 1 year
I hope this doesn't come off as rude or weird, and you are doing well! I'm dipping my toes into Bleach fanfiction and I have a question that might be more world-building-ish. We know there are prosthetics in Seiretei; do you think there are other assistive technologies (e.g. hearing aids) there? I mean, Mayuri seems to have...misplaced his ears and given himself a set of prosthetics/implants instead. Who do you think would be the go-to department for those things? I hope you have a good day!
Not rude or weird at all! I hope the amount of time it’s taken us to respond didn’t feel rude or weird; we are just… always on this strugglebus. 😅
I’m excited to hear you’re dipping your toes into Bleach fanfic! There is never enough fanfic on this website. <3 And WORLDBUILDING is involved? Say no more! And I love how much work the word "misplaced" is doing in your description. XDD Love it.
I do not have the canon citations for this handy, but it seems like a lot of the major bodywork in Soul Society is more the purview of the 12th than 4th. We know that Kira’s rebar job, and whatever else was required to anchor his being (more or less), happened at the 12th. If you want to be de-zombified, that’s the 12th. (Though in fairness, by that point Unohana was dead and Isane had more than enough to handle without also taking on special projects.) And Hinamori also had dealings with the 12th post-Winter War (which I’m sure was a gr8 environment for her mental health)*—but anyway!
You’ve already seen our post about accessibility/disability studies and the Gotei 13, which gets a little bit into my thinking re: 4th vs. 12th, so I’ll skip over that and say that in the present-day Gotei, the 12th is going to be your go-to for assistive technologies or body modifications.
But what does that mean for the availability of, research direction of, and cultural response to these things?
* Speaking truthfully, though, I think that maybe it… could have been? I mean, not interacting *with Mayuri* if ever she did, but other people in 12th.
I’ll share some of the directions I’d think in, if I needed this for fic. I’d love to hear about your own worldbuilding around this as well!
Availability/Usage Notes
Mostly whenever the Gotei needs something from the 12th, they just have it, because of course they do. Or Mayuri works some mojo and several episodes later they have it. So we could make the argument that if you need an arm, or new ears, or an eyeball, then the 12th can make that happen.
But what if it’s not that simple? Because the 12th also seems like the kind of place where people are… working on stuff, but might be driven more by curiosity than the desire to enact public good, or offer a viable service. Most of that stuff is probably prototype-only, and all of the time and materials and actual working samples may be few and far between. It’s ~artisanal~
And probably fairly dangerous! Or at best, not without risk, and perhaps not without a lot of other factors to need to consider and/or accept/deal with. We know that stuff from the 12th does… get tested, and it’s not like they don’t have the time/lifespans to be collecting longitudinal data, but I’m positive they do not have the kind of oversight and ethnics boards that we do, and it’s not as though our human history (and contemporary lived experienced) isn’t already populated with some pretty heinous intrusions of bodily autonomy/informed consent/etc., even with all that.
I’d be interested to know:
how hard it might be to get the materials required to create any form of assistive technology at the 12th, or to replicate a successful result.
how much risk one takes on, in accepting such a technology from the 12th.
what it’s like to then live with this tech
You might have a "simple" prosthetic like Kuukaku’s, or you might have a whole new arm, like Soi Fon.
Do you get a new arm and never look back?
Do those neural pathways require a different kind of maintenance than the original?
Are there treatments to keep the body from rejecting the new limb? Are there medications?
Are Mayuri’s implants the same as the ears his body came with, or do they function differently? Is sound still an interpretation of vibrations or is here now something else involved? Does sound sound like sound in the way that it does to others?
Research Direction
Kind of going off that, I think the impetus for the research that’s happening would also have a huge impact on how these technologies functioned and what they are intended to do for the user. 
Again, this is something that continues to be complicated (and often frustrating) in our world. You probably know this too well! But in general, a lot of the assistive technologies in our world have been developed for the express purpose of making X thing more accessible, in a world that is otherwise largely designed for some normative, abled prototype of a person.
I am…not convinced that is always, or even often, the case at the 12th. I’m sure they have many labs that do feel a focused direction to their research (military applications), but I don’t think altruism, quality of life, accessibility, or disability justice likely factor in all that often. So what does that mean for the forms of technologies that are available? What does it mean for the potential divide between theory and praxis?
I'm not saying the 12th approach is all bad (okay, some of it involves the completely ubiquitous, unremarked upon death and/or abuse of their research subjects, which seems Bad)--some of it is about genuine curiosity, and some of that curiosity is about understandings things that exist in ways different than oneself, and/or in understanding oneself as different from others. And I do think it's valuable for a lot of these guys to not be trying to "fix" some specific thing (more on that in the next section).
I think there’s a lot of potential here for different labs to have very different approaches to and visions for their research.
How many of them were given a problem that they’re supposed to solve practically?
How many of them observed a phenomena, and are working on stuff that will help them observe it better, or break open some new vantage point from which to observe it (replicate it?  harness it? destroy it)?
How many of them have a fetish they’re exploring?
How much slippage is there between these things, within and across labs?
Cultural Response
One thing I enjoy about Bleach is that while we don’t necessarily see a lot of visibly disabled characters, or see different ways of being highlighted in the narrative, we do see many different choices characters have made about their lives. And sure, maybe it’s not always an element of choice—maybe Kyouraku’s eyeball was seared into oblivion so bad there was no hope of any form of prosthetic or eyeball transplant or some other more magic-forward alternative.
But limb replacement seems fairly straightforward (and again, maybe it’s really not, and Soi Fon and Hacchi and Hitsugaya and anyone else who’s ever lost a limb just doesn’t talk about it); we know Kuukaku has all the money and connections anyone could ever possibly need in Soul Society, yet she has (chose?) a basic prosthetic. Tousen remains blind. And uh, this does get a bit weird at the end of the winter war with the bug-ifying and the exploding, but before things got Complicated, he spent centuries living life as a blind man, where his other senses took center stage and meaningfully shaped his experiences and way of being in the world. Atau doesn’t seem to have any visible hearing aids, but we do know that he signs, and that forms of communication other than vocalized speech are his primary. One would also hope that that means Soul Society has a signing Deaf community of which he is a part, as well.
In Soul Society, there’s a bunch of magic that can "fix" someone, but doing so isn’t a foregone conclusion, and there doesn’t seem to really be a prescription for what root someone would need to take. (Minus Yhwach telling Yamamoto he should’ve gotten a new arm.) There are characters who choose to make use of this technology or that, and characters who choose otherwise. These are all potential ways of being, each with their own considerations, both practical and persona. And it seems like there’s a lot more allowance for that than in many spaces in our world (the military, for instance).
At the same time, like that other post of ours points out, there’s not a lot of thought given to accessibility or support, so this has its limitations. XD And maybe those limitations come out of things similar to what I was talking about with regard to research directions—is there a goal of accessibility being foregrounded, or is it a bunch of dudes (who may or may not be part of the target audience for their tech, if there is a target audience at all) making/breaking shit? It might also have to do with the ways that shinigami bodies, even as they do seem important and not entirely afterthought, are not as critical to their existence as ours are. Shinigami are not as anchored to the body. Maybe this gives them a freer sense of the strictures that "must" govern it/relationship to it; maybe it also supercharges the forgetting, of the ways that it does materially impact ways of being in the world.
As far as what cultural responses to using or not using assistive technologies might be, I imagine a lot of shinigami don’t actually think about it that much, because it hasn’t occurred to them to think about it. Everyone probably thinks Mayuri is a weirdo, but probably not nearly as much as Mayuri would like, and probably not because he replaced his ears. There’s so much other stuff going on with that man. XD He probably wishes he got more of a reaction out of his "hmm… okay then" co-workers! But I like the idea that a shinigami’s sense of what is "normative" is relatively broad. At least where the body—the just-the-organs body—is concerned.
Since that’s not at all the cultural response to other forms of "deviation," like Hollowfication, for instance. Which is certainly a bodily change/non-normative way of being, but which is treated in an absolutely different way. THAT’S a deformity; that’s the grotesque; that’s incompatible with life in the Soul Society. That’s the line.
Anyway, that sure is a whole Post, but those are some directions and questions I personally find invigorating. I hope it was also useful to your own brainstorming, as a jumping off point or as counterpoint to the ways you want to explore things. I’d love to hear your own thoughts as well, and definitely feel free to tag us in any worldbuilding headcanons you choose to share! :)
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Applied Semiotics For Marketing and Brand Research 
Semiotics, the study of signs and symbols, aids in explaining those subconscious aspects at work and is increasingly being integrated into brand marketing and market research. Applied semiotics for marketing enables firms to interact with customers creatively. This blog will look at the fundamental notion of semiotics, its importance to businesses and customers, and the best approaches to using semiotics in marketing and brand research.
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What exactly is semiotics?
Semiotics is the study and investigation of symbols and signs, which has several applications in our society, including social norms, consumer insights, and brand analysis. It is an examination of the creation and communication of meaning.
Everyone, in a broad sense, is a semiotician, because we are all continuously unconsciously evaluating the meaning of signs in our daily lives, from the design of chip packaging to the color of a cold drink bottle, and building architecture. Semiotics is the study of how individuals respond based on the signals provided by their surroundings, and it has many applications in marketing and brand research.
Semiotics and Market Research
Semiotics is used in market research to assist researchers to understand how and why people make decisions in their present environment. It is particularly effective when attempting to comprehend the motivations underlying certain acts and decisions. 
Brands may use semiotics to better customize their products to what the buyer is seeking, both consciously and unconsciously. It extends the interpretation and analysis of qualitative and ethnographic research. An eye toward semiotics may help our knowledge of how brand value has profound significance for consumers when researchers interview and watch study participants within the vast world of consumer symbols.
Semiotics may be very useful in brand creation, positioning, and continuing brand management. Seeing companies through the lens of their social and cultural environment also aids in consistent communication decisions and strategic planning. Furthermore, using semiotics to identify difficulties and propose answers for brand re-positioning may be beneficial.
When Should Semiotics Be Used?
Semiotics answers a range of practical challenges in qualitative research and adds depth to qualitative data processing. As an example:
The client wants to communicate complex human emotions through their FMCG packaging. It appears to be a hefty order, and they are still determining where to begin offering advice. Researchers seek to explain how advertising differs in a way that goes beyond surface description after collecting ads in a given industry sector.
Brands desire fresh perspectives on a tired issue to create a fresh, compelling campaign. There are many transcripts created from qualitative research, and researchers strive to go beyond reporting to find psychological and social aspects in customer discussion. Semiotics is a full research approach in its own right, not only a solution to problems that occur from traditional market research. It is well known for its unique capacity to interpret signs, symbols, and narratives from visual pictures.
While its emphasis on consumer culture overlaps with related methods such as discourse analysis and ethnography, semiotics is the only research method that has emerged that provides a systematic, reliable, and culturally sensitive method for saying what visual images mean, not only at the level of individual semiotic signs but also at the level of complex visual messages involving multiple signs working together. This leads to improved advertisements, websites, social media content, retail store design, and merchandising.
Semiotics employs data samples from consumer culture to infer social and cultural structures such as generations, social class systems, and political systems such as identity politics and special interest groups. This enables brand owners and marketers to create brands and messages that are tailored to specific consumers.
Semiotics in Marketing Research in the Future
Customers make emotional purchasing judgments. Subconscious perceptions of words and visuals frequently steer such feelings. Semiotics aids in the decoding of subliminal messages to better understand consumers and inform brand development. 
Although the application of semiotics in market research is still in its early stages in compared to other approaches, it provides a deeper layer of analysis and interpretation to qualitative research and has the potential to become more commonly adopted.
Consumer behavior, culture, lifestyles, attitudes, and beliefs are changing more quickly than ever before. People's drive to buy commodities to build, artistically combine, and improve their unique identities is also on the rise. Using semiotics in future marketing research will allow for a greater knowledge of shifting customer wants and market trends, which will provide significant value to brand creation.
Furthermore, semiotics may aid in forecasting future consumer behavior and trends, allowing firms to go from being followers to leaders: from responding to culture to shaping it. Semiotic analysis has been applied to some of the most interesting inventions in recent years. Semiotics, in particular, aids in developing inventions that naturally fit into society, discovering ideas and insights that do not always emerge through standard market research, and developing new trends or cultural patterns.
Not all semiotics are expensive or time demanding; often just a few hours of semiotic thought may inspire and push the frontiers of thinking, allowing companies to think laterally and strategically. Semiotics should be used more extensively by both scholars and companies to forecast future customer behavior and trends. Semiotic thinking allows brands to keep one step ahead of the competition.
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philomathresearch · 12 days
What is Quantitative Research in Healthcare
In the fast-paced world of healthcare, where every decision can impact patient outcomes and organizational success, reliable data is paramount. Quantitative research plays a pivotal role in providing the insights needed to make informed decisions. From understanding patient demographics to assessing the effectiveness of treatment methods, quantitative research in healthcare serves as a cornerstone for primary market research. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of quantitative research in healthcare and explore its significance in driving evidence-based practices and shaping the future of healthcare delivery.
Understanding Quantitative Research in Healthcare
Quantitative research involves the systematic collection and analysis of numerical data to uncover patterns, trends, and associations within a specific population or sample. In healthcare, this method employs statistical and mathematical techniques to quantify phenomena such as disease prevalence, treatment outcomes, and patient satisfaction levels.
Key Components of Quantitative Research in Healthcare
Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires are commonly used tools in quantitative research to gather data from a large sample of individuals. Healthcare organizations often utilize surveys to assess patient experiences, gather feedback on services, and identify areas for improvement.
Clinical Trials: Clinical trials are rigorous research studies that evaluate the safety and efficacy of medical interventions, including drugs, devices, and procedures. These trials rely on quantitative measurements to assess treatment outcomes and determine statistical significance
Epidemiological Studies: Epidemiological studies focus on the distribution and determinants of health-related events within populations. Quantitative methods are employed to analyze large datasets and identify risk factors for diseases, track disease trends, and evaluate the impact of public health interventions.
Health Outcomes Research: Health outcomes research examines the effects of healthcare interventions on patient outcomes, quality of life, and healthcare costs. Quantitative techniques such as regression analysis and cost-effectiveness modeling are used to assess the value of different treatment options and inform healthcare decision-making.
Data Analysis Techniques: Quantitative research in healthcare relies on a variety of data analysis techniques, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and multivariate analysis. These techniques enable researchers to draw meaningful conclusions from complex datasets and identify relationships between variables.
Benefits of Quantitative Research in Healthcare
Objectivity and Reliability: Quantitative research relies on standardized methods and statistical analysis, ensuring objectivity and reliability in data collection and interpretation.
Generalizability: By using large sample sizes and rigorous sampling techniques, quantitative research allows for the generalization of findings to broader populations, enhancing the external validity of study results.
Evidence-Based Decision Making: Quantitative research provides robust evidence that informs evidence-based decision-making in healthcare, guiding clinical practice, policy development, and resource allocation.
Precision and Accuracy: Quantitative methods enable precise measurement and analysis of healthcare outcomes, facilitating accurate assessment of treatment effectiveness and patient outcomes.
Predictive Insights: Quantitative research can uncover predictive insights into healthcare trends, disease patterns, and patient behaviors, enabling proactive intervention and risk mitigation strategies.
Challenges and Considerations
While quantitative research offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges and considerations for healthcare researchers and practitioners. These include:
Sampling Bias: Ensuring representative sampling is essential to minimize sampling bias and enhance the generalizability of study findings.
Data Quality: Maintaining data quality is crucial to the validity and reliability of quantitative research outcomes. Researchers must address issues such as missing data, measurement errors, and data integrity.
Ethical Considerations: Researchers must adhere to ethical principles and guidelines when conducting quantitative research in healthcare, including obtaining informed consent, protecting patient confidentiality, and minimizing risks to participants.
Resource Intensity: Quantitative research often requires significant resources in terms of time, funding, and expertise. Healthcare organizations must allocate resources strategically to support rigorous research endeavors.
Quantitative research in healthcare serves as a cornerstone for primary market research, providing valuable insights that drive evidence-based practices and inform decision-making processes. By leveraging rigorous methods and statistical techniques, healthcare researchers can uncover meaningful patterns, trends, and associations within diverse populations. As healthcare continues to evolve, the role of quantitative research will remain integral in shaping the future of healthcare delivery and improving patient outcomes.
What is quantitative research in healthcare?
Quantitative research in healthcare involves the systematic collection and analysis of numerical data to uncover patterns, trends, and associations within a specific population or sample. It utilizes statistical and mathematical techniques to quantify phenomena such as disease prevalence, treatment outcomes, and patient satisfaction levels.
What are some examples of quantitative research methods used in healthcare?
Examples of quantitative research methods in healthcare include surveys and questionnaires to gather patient feedback, clinical trials to assess treatment effectiveness, epidemiological studies to track disease trends, health outcomes research to evaluate healthcare interventions, and various data analysis techniques such as descriptive and inferential statistics.
What are the benefits of quantitative research in healthcare?
The benefits of quantitative research in healthcare include objectivity and reliability in data collection, generalizability of findings to broader populations, evidence-based decision-making, precision and accuracy in measurement, and predictive insights into healthcare trends and patient behaviors.
What are some challenges associated with quantitative research in healthcare?
Challenges associated with quantitative research in healthcare include sampling bias, maintaining data quality, ethical considerations related to patient confidentiality and informed consent, and resource intensity in terms of time, funding, and expertise required for rigorous research endeavors.
How does quantitative research contribute to evidence-based healthcare practices?
Quantitative research provides robust evidence that informs evidence-based healthcare practices by guiding clinical decision-making, shaping policy development, and optimizing resource allocation. It enables healthcare practitioners to assess treatment effectiveness, track patient outcomes, and identify areas for improvement based on empirical data.
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aimarketresearch · 1 month
Lentil Protein Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth Opportunities and Competitive Outlook
Lentil Protein Market research report has been prepared with the systematic gathering and evaluation of market information for  industry which is presented in a form that explains various facts and figures to the business. A comprehensive analysis of the market structure along with the forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the market have been delivered through Lentil Protein market report. Furthermore, the report also illustrates major prime vendors, associated with their valuable share, value, capacity, company profiles and essential shares engaged by each company.
The overall Lentil Protein market report is classified by the primitive players, application, types and geographical areas. The report contains thorough description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of key vendors and business strategy adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis and porter's five force analysis. The wide ranging market report performs geographical analysis for the major areas such as North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, and India, with respect to the production, price, revenue and market share for top manufacturers. Lentil Protein market research report not only saves precious time but also add credibility to the work.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the lentil protein market was valued at USD 117.38 million in 2021 and is expected to reach the value of USD 212.48 million by 2029, at a CAGR of 7.70% during the forecast period of 2022-2029. In addition to the market insights such as market value, growth rate, market segments, geographical coverage, market players, and market scenario, the market report curated by the Data Bridge Market Research team includes in-depth expert analysis, import/export analysis, pricing analysis, production consumption analysis, patent analysis and consumer behaviour.
Global Lentil Protein Market survey report analyses the general market conditions such as product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand, and market growth rate which supports businesses on deciding upon several strategies. Furthermore, big sample sizes have been utilized for the data collection in this business report which suits the necessities of small, medium as well as large size of businesses. The report explains the moves of top market players and brands that range from developments, products launches, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, trending innovation and business policies.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Lentil Protein Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Lentil Protein Market.
The following are the regions covered in this report.
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
The Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa]
Some of the major players operating in the lentil protein market are:
Glanbia plc. (Ireland)
Now Health Group, Inc. (U.S.)
Nutiva Inc (U.S.)
The Simply Good Food Co (U.S.)
Iovate Health Sciences International Inc. (Canada)
MusclePharm Corporation (U.S.)
Kerry Group Plc (Ireland)
CytoSport, Inc. (U.S.)
The Nature's Bounty Co. (U.S.)
Reliance Vitamin Company, Inc. (U.S.)
Herbalife Nutrition, Inc. (U.S.)
Danone SA (France)
General Nutrition Centers (GNC) Holdings, Inc. (U.S.)
Orgain Inc. (U.S.)
True Nutrition (U.S.)
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dzthenerd490 · 1 month
File: Brightburn
Code Name: Brightburn: Agent of Earth's Destruction.
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEX is contained in one of the lower levels of Site-AF. He is locked within an anomalous humanoid coffin reinforced with the same metal of the pod he came to earth on as a baby. Attached to the coffin is a Pygmalion Bio Editor Station designed to feed him, collect his waist through tubes, and collect DNA samples from his body. The machine will also be used to measure his growth through the years so that the coffin can be updated every time he has a growth spurt. 
In the event of a growth spurt, SCP-AEX is to be sedated and taken out of the coffin. Foundation technical staff are to weld and alter the coffin so that it can fit his body. This process must be done within 4 hours as no sedative can keep SCP-AEX asleep for any longer. Commander Wells is to be present during this process as she is currently the only Foundation staff member that can stand toe to toe against SCP-AEX. Though as an added precaution Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" will also be present with shields and batons made of steel infused with the same metal to help combat against SCP-AEX. 
Description: SCP-AEX is a humanoid anomaly that, despite his human appearance, is extraterrestrial in nature. Unfortunately, even after obtaining the technology within SCP-AEX's ship and extensive DNA testing, it is unknown where exactly SCP-AEX hails from. He is much more durable and stronger than the average human able to withstand an attack from steel blades and even the impact of continuous shots from an M134 Minigun. SCP-AEX also has numerous anomalous abilities like being able to manipulate the gravity around his body allowing him to fly without restrictions. His eyes can generate energy and they reflect through the iris of the eyes allowing him to generate concentrated lasers. These lasers are hot enough to burn through steel and vaporize flesh ease. 
Surprisingly, SCP-AEX doesn't actually like cutting up with his laser eyes but instead like to ram through them while flying. Because nothing can hurt him, he can tear through metal and flesh easily leaving nothing but splats of blood. SCP-AEX doesn't like over relying on his powers and instead goes for stealth tactics. He doesn't do this out of caution but merely to mock his prey to show them how powerless they are. He normally only uses his laser vision when they have barricaded themselves form him using fortified metal doors and walls. 
Though SCP-AEX's psychology seems to be of psychopathic nature, it's also a possibility that SCP-AEX was genetically made to be like this so that he could blend in and conquer the world. SCP-AEX claims his purpose was to "take the world" though for who and why is a question even he seems to have no answer too. 
SCP-AEX was discovered in 2018 when a small series of unexplained disappearances and murderers were reported in the small town of [data expunged]. Foundation agents found the clues leading to a farmhouse in [data expunged], unfortunately the agents were spotted by SCP-AEX and slaughtered. The next day SCP-AEX crashed a plain into the farmhouse to coverup the evidence, but the Foundation had already gotten an ID of SCP-AEX from the body cameras on the Agents. After SCP-AEX was taken into local police custody to later be adopted by a local family. Mobile Task Force Alpha-9 "Last Hope" was assigned to his capture. Commander Wells and a few Agents she handpicked were the only ones assigned to the mission, she refused to allow anyone else to participate given how strong SCP-AEX was. 
Because of her control over all forms of energy, Commander Wells was able to make SCP-AEX's eyes burn himself and incapacitate him by trapping him in a magnetic bubble. After his ship was found and shown to be able to harm him it was dismantled and used to reinforce the coffin he was later placed in. SCP-AEX's DNA is used to see if it's possible to create genetic mutations or Foundation medication to increase Foundation personal strength and maybe give MTF units his anomalous abilities. Unfortunately, this has been met with zero success; none-the-less, testing on SCP-AEX's DNA has continued to see where his origin is, how exactly his anomalous abilities work, and if they are even considered anomalous where he's form.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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pmiabsolute · 1 month
Semi-intensive Green Roof Systems Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis, Trends and Forecast 2031
This Market Research report 2024-2031 is a valuable source of insightful data for business strategists, describes industrial analysis, driving features and present market trends, which often benefit to the recently entering key players in the market. This market report is vital for them as it covers the profit-making related features that play an important role in driving the growth of the market. Research analysts offers an entire description of the technological progressions, confronts, SWOT study, Porter’s five forces study, and feasibility studies, to better understand the depth of competition, opportunities for the players and modern inclinations. Your business will grow much faster with the help of an authentic source of statistical surveying from the Report. One can get a complete review of the market and also a brief insight of the market evolution.
Get the complete sample, please click:
Key Regions & Countries
This section of the report offers key insights regarding various regions and the key players operating in each region. Economic, social, environmental, technological, and political factors have been taken into consideration while assessing the growth of the particular region/country. The readers will also get their hands on the value data of each county and country for the period 2024-2031.
North America includes the United States, Canada, and Mexico Europe includes Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain South America includes Colombia, Argentina, Nigeria, and Chile The Asia Pacific includes Japan, China, Korea, India, Saudi Arabia, and Southeast Asia
Key Points of  Market Report are: -
 Market Size Estimates:  Market size evaluation in terms of value and sales volume from 2024-2031
Current Trends and Dynamics:  Market drivers, opportunities, challenges, and risks
Macro-economy and Regional Conflict: Influence of worldwide inflation and Russia and Ukraine War on the  Market
Segment Market Analysis: Market value and sales volume by type and by application from 2024-2031
Regional Market Analysis: Market situations and prospects in North America, Asia Pacific, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, Africa
Country-level Studies on the Market: Revenue and sales volume of major countries in each region
Market Competitive Landscape and Major Players: Analysis of 10-15 leading market players, sales, price, revenue, gross, gross margin, product profile and application, etc.
Trade Flow: Import and export volume of the Market in major regions.
Industry Value Chain: Market raw materials and suppliers, manufacturing process, distributors, downstream customers
Industry News, Policies and Regulations
Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content
Chapter 1 Sensor Integration Gateway Market Overview
Chapter 2 Global Economic Influence on Industry
Chapter 3 Worldwide Market Competition by Manufacturers
Chapter 4 Global Production, Revenue (Value) by regions
Chapter 5 Global Supply (Production), Consumption, Export, Import by Areas
Chapter 6 Worldwide Production, Revenue (Value), Price Trend by Type
Chapter 7 Global Market Study by Application
Chapter 8 Manufacturing Cost Study
Chapter 9 Industrial Chain, Sourcing Strategy and Downstream Consumers
Chapter 10 Marketing Strategy Study, Distributors/Traders
Chapter 11 Market Effect Factors Study
Chapter 12 Global Market Forecast
What are the Drivers, Restraints, and Research Methodology used in this study?
The research report provides an analysis of the numerous factors driving the market's growth. The features that impede market growth are fundamental because they create different curves to seize opportunities in emerging markets. Data collection and study for the base year were carried out using a large sample data collection module. The key research methodologies are data mining, data triangulation, including analysis of the impact of variable data on the market, and initial validation (industry experts). Separately, the data model includes a supplier positioning grid, market timeline analysis, market overview and leadership, company positioning grid, company market share study, metrics, top-down analysis, and supplier engagement analysis.
Reasons to Purchase Report:
1. Present and future of Global market outlook in the developed and emerging markets.
2. Analysis of frequent perspectives of the market with the help of Porter’s five forces analysis.
3. The segment that is projected to dominate the Worldwide market.
4. Regions that are probable to witness the fastest development during the forecast period.
5. Identify the latest developments, Global market shares, and strategies employed by the major market players.
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Proficient Market Insights
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Web: https://proficientmarketinsights.com/
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dbmrmarkett · 1 month
Phosphate Market Size, Share, Growth, Trends, Demand and Opportunity Analysis
Phosphate Market research report has been prepared with the systematic gathering and evaluation of market information for industry which is presented in a form that explains various facts and figures to the business. A comprehensive analysis of the market structure along with the forecast of the various segments and sub-segments of the market have been delivered through Phosphate market report. Furthermore, the report also illustrates major prime vendors, associated with their valuable share, value, capacity, company profiles and essential shares engaged by each company.
The overall Phosphate market report is classified by the primitive players, application, types and geographical areas. The report contains thorough description, competitive scenario, wide product portfolio of key vendors and business strategy adopted by competitors along with their SWOT analysis and porter's five force analysis. The wide ranging market report performs geographical analysis for the major areas such as North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, and India, with respect to the production, price, revenue and market share for top manufacturers. Phosphate market research report not only saves precious time but also add credibility to the work.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the phosphate market will witness a CAGR of 2.0% for the forecast period of 2022-2029.
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Phosphorus is very useful and customary component in surroundings and is important to human, animal and flowers. It's found naturally in water, food and human bodies. Phosphorus compound will be employed in varied applications as well as tending merchandise, prescription drugs, industrial and institutional cleaners.
Some of the major players operating in the phosphate market report are The Mosaic Company, Nutrien Ltd, EuroChem Group, Innophos, ICL, PhosAgro Group of Companies, Ma’aden, YPH, Yara, Incitec Pivot limited, Fertoz Agriculture Pty Ltd, Koch Fertilizer, LLC., SAP SE, OriginTrail, PROVENANCE, AgriDigital, ripe.io., VeChain Foundation, Chainvine, AgriChain Pty Ltd, Skuchain, Bext360, FCE GROUP AG, COIN22, TE-FOOD International GmbH Mississippi Phosphates Corporation, Avantor, Inc, and Jordan Phosphate Mines among other.
Global Phosphate Market Scope and Market Size
The phosphate market is segmented on the basis of type, type of resource and application. The growth amongst the different segments helps you in attaining the knowledge related to the different growth factors expected to be prevalent throughout the market and formulate different strategies to help identify core application areas and the difference in your target market.
On the basis of type, the phosphate market is segmented into ammonium, calcium, phosphoric acid, potassium, sodium and others
Based on application, the phosphate market is segmented into fertilizers, food & beverage, detergents, water treatment chemicals, metal treatment and others
The phosphate market is also segmented on the basis of type of resource into sedimentary marine deposits, igneous & weathered, biogenic and, others
Global Phosphate Market survey report analyses the general market conditions such as product price, profit, capacity, production, supply, demand, and market growth rate which supports businesses on deciding upon several strategies. Furthermore, big sample sizes have been utilized for the data collection in this business report which suits the necessities of small, medium as well as large size of businesses. The report explains the moves of top market players and brands that range from developments, products launches, acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures, trending innovation and business policies.
The report provides insights on the following pointers:
Market Penetration: Comprehensive information on the product portfolios of the top players in the Phosphate Market.
Product Development/Innovation: Detailed insights on the upcoming technologies, R&D activities, and product launches in the market.
Competitive Assessment: In-depth assessment of the market strategies, geographic and business segments of the leading players in the market.
Market Development: Comprehensive information about emerging markets. This report analyzes the market for various segments across geographies.
Market Diversification: Exhaustive information about new products, untapped geographies, recent developments, and investments in the Phosphate Market.
The following are the regions covered in this report.
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
The Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa]
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About Data Bridge Market Research:
Data Bridge set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge endeavors to provide appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
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What is the difference between data collection plan, data gathering instrument, and data analysis procedure?
Understanding the differences between a data collection plan, data gathering instrument, and data analysis procedure is crucial for conducting effective research or data-driven projects. Here's an explanation of each:
Data Collection Plan:
A data collection plan outlines the overall strategy and approach for collecting data to address specific research questions or objectives. It includes details such as:
Research objectives: Clearly defined goals or hypotheses that guide the data collection process.
Data sources: Identification of where the data will come from, such as surveys, interviews, observations, existing databases, or sensors.
Data collection methods: Description of the techniques and procedures for gathering data, including sampling methods, survey design, or observational protocols.
Data collection timeline: Schedule for when and how data will be collected, including start and end dates, frequency of data collection, and milestones.
Data quality assurance: Procedures for ensuring the accuracy, reliability, and validity of the collected data, such as training data collectors, conducting pilot tests, or implementing quality control measures.
Ethical considerations: Identification of any ethical issues or concerns related to data collection, participant consent, privacy, or confidentiality, and steps taken to address them.
Data Gathering Instrument:
A data gathering instrument refers to the specific tools or instruments used to collect data according to the data collection plan. These instruments may include:
Surveys: Questionnaires or interviews administered to individuals or groups to gather responses to specific questions or prompts.
Observational protocols: Guidelines or checklists used by observers to systematically record observations of behaviors, events, or phenomena.
Sensors or instruments: Devices or equipment used to collect quantitative data, such as temperature sensors, accelerometers, or data loggers.
Existing datasets: Secondary data sources or databases used to extract relevant information for analysis, such as census data, sales records, or historical archives.
Data gathering instruments should be designed and selected based on the research objectives, data collection methods, and the nature of the data being collected. They should be reliable, valid, and appropriate for the intended purpose of the study.
Data Analysis Procedure:
A data analysis procedure outlines the steps and techniques used to analyze and interpret the collected data to derive meaningful insights or conclusions. This may include:
Data preparation: Cleaning, coding, and organizing the raw data for analysis, including data entry, data transformation, and data validation.
Descriptive analysis: Summarizing and visualizing the data using descriptive statistics, charts, graphs, or tables to identify patterns, trends, or distributions.
Inferential analysis: Testing hypotheses, making predictions, or drawing conclusions about a population based on sample data using inferential statistics, regression analysis, or hypothesis testing.
Qualitative analysis: Analyzing textual or qualitative data, such as interview transcripts, survey open-ended responses, or observational notes, using thematic analysis, content analysis, or coding techniques.
Interpretation and reporting: Interpreting the results of the analysis in relation to the research objectives, drawing conclusions, and communicating findings through reports, presentations, or publications.
The data analysis procedure should be guided by the research questions or objectives, the type of data collected, and the analytical techniques appropriate for the data. It should be transparent, reproducible, and systematic to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.
In summary, while a data collection plan outlines the overall strategy and approach for collecting data, a data gathering instrument refers to the specific tools or instruments used for data collection, and a data analysis procedure outlines the steps and techniques used to analyze and interpret the collected data to derive meaningful insights or conclusions. Each of these components plays a critical role in the research or data-driven project lifecycle and contributes to the overall validity, reliability, and credibility of the findings.
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atliqtechnologiesus · 2 months
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Data Analytics Vs. Business Intelligence: Understanding The Differences
While often used interchangeably, business intelligence (BI) and data analytics are distinct concepts. BI focuses on leveraging data to gain insights for strategic decision-making, often involving historical data analysis and reporting. On the other hand, data analytics delves deeper into data sets, employing statistical and quantitative analysis to uncover patterns, correlations, and predictive insights. 
While BI provides a broader view of business operations, data analytics offers more granular insights for targeted actions. Both are integral to modern business, yet their approaches and objectives differ, which can create confusion surrounding their definitions. Let us understand better!
What is data analytics?
Data analytics is the process of examining and interpreting data to extract meaningful insights and inform decision-making. It involves collecting, cleaning, transforming, and analyzing data to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships. It can solve problems, improve efficiency, optimize processes, and make data-driven decisions.
Data analytics aims to turn raw data into actionable knowledge. Its purpose centers around extracting meaningful insights from vast amounts of information to guide decision-making effectively.
Four Main Types Of Data Analytics
Descriptive analytics: It sets out like a surveyor, meticulously gathering information and painting a picture of the current state. They measure heights, map boundaries, and count landmarks, summarizing the key features of the terrain. It could involve calculating average product sales, tracking website traffic patterns, or understanding customer demographics.
Diagnostic analytics: It takes on the role of a detective, digging deeper to uncover hidden causes. They examine footprints, analyze soil samples, and search for clues to explain anomalies or unexpected turns. It could involve investigating a sudden drop in sales, analyzing why customers churn from a subscription service, or diagnosing performance issues in equipment. 
Predictive analytics: It becomes a visionary, gazing into the crystal ball of past patterns to glimpse the future. They study weather patterns, analyze migration routes, and use this knowledge to anticipate what lies ahead. It could involve predicting customer churn, forecasting future sales figures, or estimating market demand. 
Prescriptive analytics: It uses gathered knowledge to chart the optimal course. They consider available resources, potential risks, and desired outcomes to recommend the best path forward. It could involve suggesting personalized product recommendations, optimizing marketing campaigns for higher conversions, or recommending optimal pricing strategies. 
What is business intelligence? 
Business intelligence (BI) comprises strategies, technologies, and practices organizations use to analyze and manage their business data. It transforms raw data into usable insights to inform sound decision-making across all levels.
BI aims to make data accessible and understandable for everyone in an organization, not just data analysts. By providing clear insights and visualizations, BI allows decision-makers across all levels to base their choices on evidence rather than intuition or guesswork. It leads to more informed, strategic, and effective decisions that positively impact the organization's performance.
From data deluge to actionable insights: Imagine data as a vast, uncharted territory. BI acts as an explorer, gathering information from various sources, cleaning it up, and presenting it in clear, understandable maps. Complex statistics and figures are transformed into charts, graphs, and dashboards, making insights accessible to everyone, not just data analysts. This shift empowers informed decision-making across all levels, turning overwhelming data into a driving force for action.
Intuition out, evidence in: No longer do crucial decisions need to rely on guesswork. BI empowers data-driven choices by providing factual evidence. Imagine key metrics and trends presented in clear dashboards, allowing leaders to see the potential impact of decisions before they're made. It minimizes the risks associated with intuition and ensures choices are strategic, effective, and aligned with overall business goals.
Optimizing performance, not just measuring it: BI goes beyond simply reporting on performance; it helps unlock its full potential. Imagine analyzing operational data and uncovering hidden inefficiencies or bottlenecks. BI helps streamline processes, allocate resources effectively, and eliminate wasteful spending. It's like having a performance coach constantly analyzing your moves and suggesting improvements, leading to cost reduction, increased productivity, and ultimately, a more efficient and successful business.
Seeing the future, not just reacting to it: In today's dynamic market, anticipating trends and understanding customer needs is crucial for staying ahead. BI acts as a fortune teller, analyzing competitor activity, market research, and customer behavior to provide crucial insights. Imagine knowing what your competitors are planning or predicting shifts in customer preferences before they happen. This proactive approach, fueled by data-driven intelligence, allows businesses to innovate, adapt strategies, and gain a competitive edge, ensuring they're not just reacting to change, but shaping it.
What are the differences? 
While both Data Analytics (DA) and Business Intelligence (BI) deal with extracting insights from data, their distinct approaches and goals create a clear-cut differentiation. Let us delve deeper into ten key aspects to unveil their unique strengths and applications:
DA: It uncovers hidden patterns and relationships within any form of data, regardless of its business context. Its primary questions revolve around uncovering the "what" and "why" behind trends and occurrences.
BI: It is laser-focused on delivering actionable insights aligned with specific business objectives. It answers questions like "How are we performing?" and "What specific actions can we take to improve?".
Data Types:
DA: It can digest a diverse type of data, including structured (e.g., tables, databases), semi-structured (e.g., JSON files), and unstructured (e.g., text, images) formats. It allows for uncovering hidden gems within diverse data sources.
BI: It prefers well-structured and organized data, typically residing in data warehouses or marts. Consistency and reliability are paramount for generating reports and informing business decisions.
Tools and Techniques:
DA: Statistical modeling, machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing are at its disposal for deeper analysis and complex pattern discovery.
BI: Reporting and visualization tools like dashboards, charts, and graphs are its forte, prioritizing clear and concise communication of data insights for business users.
DA: Data analysts, data scientists, and researchers with the technical know-how to navigate complex analysis are its primary audience.
BI: Designed for a broader audience, empowering business users, managers, and executives with readily available insights, even without extensive technical expertise.
DA: Expect detailed reports, intricate models, and insightful predictions that may require further interpretation and translation into actionable steps.
BI: Think user-friendly dashboards, easily digestible reports, and clear visualizations directly connected to specific business goals and ready for immediate action.
DA: DA can gaze into the future, predict trends, identify potential risks, and explore new opportunities based on data insights.
BI: Primarily focused on the present and the past, analyzing historical performance and current trends to inform immediate decisions and actions.
DA: DA can delve deep into specific data aspects, explore diverse avenues, and unearth hidden patterns with greater flexibility.
BI: More structured. BI relies on pre-defined metrics and reports, ensuring consistency with business objectives but potentially limiting the exploration of broader data insights.
DA: Integrating DA with existing systems and processes might require additional effort for data preparation and connection.
BI: BI seamlessly integrates with existing business systems and data warehouses for smooth access to relevant data for reporting and analysis.
User Interface:
DA: Expect interfaces that may require some data analysis expertise to navigate, catering to users comfortable with technical aspects.
BI: User-friendly dashboards and intuitive interfaces designed for easy interaction, even for users with limited technical knowledge.
DA: Implementing advanced DA tools and hiring data scientists can be a bigger investment.
BI: Implementing BI tools and dashboards is generally more cost-effective and requires less specialized expertise.
Navigating the pile of data can be daunting, but understanding the distinct strengths of Data Analytics and Business Intelligence empowers you to choose the right tool for your business success. For comprehensive discovery and uncovering hidden patterns, Data Analytics is your detective. But if readily actionable insights aligned with specific goals are your focus, Business Intelligence becomes your strategic advisor.
Ultimately, the ideal choice hinges on your unique needs. Don't let the complexities of data hinder your progress. At AtliQ Technologies, we understand the nuances of both Data Analytics and Business Intelligence for the last decade. Our team of experts seamlessly blends these disciplines to provide holistic data analysis and business consulting, crafting a solution tailored to your specific objectives that can excite 5X more profit. We help you unlock the true potential of your data, enabling you to make informed decisions, optimize operations, and achieve better predictions for a thriving business.
Unlock the power of data-driven success with AtliQ Technologies. 
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industryreportsqr · 2 months
Hair Spray Market ,Size, Market Segmentation and Future Forecasts to 2029
The report contains a thorough study of the global Hair Spray Market. It has successfully pointed out the key factors that have substantial impact on the  Hair Spray Market. This report is based on result of a well-planned research methodology. The methodology employed both primary and secondary research tools. These tools aid the researchers to collect authentic data and arrive at a definite conclusion. The prevailing competitors in the global  Hair Spray Market has also been portrayed in the report, offering an opportunity to the market players to gauge their performance. The report has been prepared after studying the different parameters ruling the global  Hair Spray Market and the forecast period has been estimated from  Hair Spray Market-  Hair Spray Market. The forecast period is the time period when the key driving factors and parameters will help the market to flourish significantly. In addition to that, the report represents the approximate revenue which can be generated over the forecast period. However, the report has also outlined the factors that can slowdown the growth of the global  Hair Spray Market.
Global Hair Spray Market: Application Segment Analysis
Personal Hair Care
Hair Salon
Key Drivers
The report includes the key driving forces prevailing in the global  Hair Spray Market. This part of the report has been studied keeping in mind the political, economic, social, technological, geographical, and cultural scenario of the global  Hair Spray Market. These factors can be projected to have their effects on the market, or they can have interconnected impacts. Besides, subtle change in the timeframe within which these factors are functioning might have ripple effects on the global  Hair Spray Market.
Read More Here:
Regional Description
Global  Hair Spray Market has been segmented into Europe, the Americas, Asia Pacific, and the Middle East & Africa. This part of the report provides an exhaustive view of the regional scope existing in the global  Hair Spray Market.The recent market trends and preferences dominating each region have a direct impact on the industries. The report tries to exploit the recent trends and preferences prevailing in a region to provide the users with a clear picture of the business potential existing in that region.
Request A Sample: https://absolutemarketresearch.com/Global-Hair-Spray-Market/4101/request-sample
Research Methodology
The primary research procedure is based on results of face-to-face interviews with industry experts and consumers. The secondary research process includes an intricate study of the scholarly journals and reports available online.
Key Players
The report has presented a synopsis of the market players leading the global  Hair Spray Market. Porter’s five forces model has been used here to analyze the performance of each key player under different parameters.
About Us
Absolute Market Research, headquartered in Los Angeles, California, United States, is one of the leading market research and intelligence solutions provider companies. Our research reports span across different industries namely automotive, aerospace & defense, chemicals & materials, construction & building materials, energy & power, healthcare, consumer goods, electronics, semiconductors, ICT & media, travel, and more.
With the help of our domain-expert research analysts, we offer thorough analysis & insights into various industrial sectors. Absolute Market Research holds a dynamic position in the market research industry to offer reliable insights to our clients and help them in staying ahead of the competition. Absolute Market Research takes into consideration various aspects of any industry while drafting the syndicate as well as customized study. Our research team will help you in analyzing any industry from 360-degree covering different aspects such as market entry strategies, futuristic opportunities, technological innovation, strategic moves, existing & new market entrants, their business performance, product portfolio, SWOT analysis, and more.
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madhumadishetty · 2 months
Data is the fuel that powers modern-day businesses. It provides insight into everything from customer behaviour to operational efficiency and can be used to make informed decisions that drive success. But with so much information at your fingertips, it can be difficult to know where to start. That’s where quantitative analysis comes in. In this article, I will introduce you to the world of quantitative analysis, its importance in decision-making, the types of analysis, the steps involved, the tools and techniques used, and how to master it.
What is Quantitative Analysis?
Quantitative analysis is a systematic approach to gathering and interpreting numerical data. It involves the use of mathematical and statistical models to extract insights and draw conclusions from large datasets. Essentially, it is the process of turning raw data into meaningful information that can be used to make decisions.
The Beneficial Effect of Quantitative Analysis on Making Decisions
Quantitative analysis is crucial in decision-making because it provides a solid foundation for decision-making. It reduces the risk of making decisions based on assumptions or intuition and instead provides factual evidence that can be used to make informed decisions. It allows businesses to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies in their data, which can be used to improve their operations, products, and services.
Types of Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative analysis can be broadly classified into two categories: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Descriptive Statistics
Descriptive statistics is the process of summarizing and describing the characteristics of a dataset. It involves the use of measures such as mean, median, and mode to describe the central tendency of the data, and measures such as standard deviation and variance to describe the spread of the data.
Inferential Statistics
Using a sample of data to draw conclusions about a wider population is known as inferential statistics. It involves the use of hypothesis testing and confidence intervals to test the validity of assumptions and draw conclusions about the population.
Steps in the Quantitative Analysis Process
The quantitative analysis process can be broken down into several steps:
Step 1: Define the Problem
The first step in the quantitative analysis process is to define the problem you want to solve. This involves identifying the variables you want to measure and the questions you want to answer.
Step 2: Collect Data
The next step is to collect the data you need to answer your questions. This can involve gathering data from a variety of sources, including surveys, experiments, and observational studies.
Step 3: Analyze the Data
The following stage is to analyse your data after you have collected it. This can involve applying statistical tests and models to identify patterns and relationships in the data.
Step 4: Interpret the Results
The fourth step is to interpret the results of your analysis. This involves drawing conclusions from the data and using the insights gained to inform decision-making.
Step 5: Communicate the Results
This can involve creating reports, presentations, or visualizations that are tailored to the needs of your audience.
Quantitative Analysis Tools
There are a variety of tools available for conducting quantitative analysis. The following are some of the most popular tools:
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for conducting quantitative analysis. It includes a variety of functions and features that make it easy to manipulate and analyze data.
SPSS is a statistical software package that is widely used in academia and industry. It includes a variety of tools for data analysis, including descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, and data visualization.
For statistical computing and graphics, R is a programming language and software environment. It is frequently used for data analysis and visualisation in both academia and business.
Quantitative Analysis Techniques
There are a variety of techniques that can be used in quantitative analysis. Here are some of the most popular methods:
Regression Analysis
A statistical method for determining relationships between variables is regression analysis. It involves fitting a line to a set of data points and using that line to make predictions about the relationship between the variables.
Time Series Analysis
Data that has been gathered over time can be analysed using a statistical technique called time series analysis. It involves identifying patterns and trends in the data, as well as forecasting future values.
Applications of Quantitative Analysis in Various Industries
Quantitative analysis has broad applications across a variety of industries. Here are a few examples:
In finance, quantitative analysis is used to identify investment opportunities and manage risk. It is used to analyze financial data, such as stock prices and interest rates, and make informed decisions about investments.
In healthcare, quantitative analysis is used to identify patterns and trends in patient data, as well as to analyze the effectiveness of treatments and interventions.
In marketing, quantitative analysis is used to identify consumer trends and preferences, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
Quantitative analysis is a powerful tool for extracting insights from data and making informed decisions. By mastering quantitative analysis, you can gain a competitive advantage in your industry and drive success for your business.
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shaavir-usa · 3 months
Proposal Development Jobs: What They Are and How to Get Them?
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Proposal development jobs may be of interest to you if you’re seeking for a profession that blends creativity, research, and communication abilities. The process of writing and sending proposals to possible sponsors or clients, typically in response to a request for proposals (RFP) or a solicitation, is known as proposal development. Jobs involving proposal creation are available in a number of industries, including engineering, consulting, education, government, and non-profit.What Does a Proposal Developer Do?Planning, creating, editing, and organising proposals that highlight the advantages and worth of their company’s goods, services, or solutions are the responsibilities of a proposal developer. A proposal developer collaborates closely with subject matter experts, sales teams, project managers, and other key players to collect pertinent data, assess the needs and expectations of the client, and create a strong proposal that satisfies the specifications and standards of the request for proposals (RFP) or solicitation.A proposal developer also makes sure the proposal complies with the client’s requirements, has the right structure and format, and stays within the allocated budget and timeframe. In addition, a proposal developer could be involved in contract negotiations, question-answering, and proposal presentation to the client.What Skills and Qualifications Do You Need for Proposal Development Jobs?Technical, writing, and people abilities are all necessary for success in proposal creation roles. The following are some prerequisites and necessary skills for positions in proposal development:a bachelor’s degree or above in a relevant field, such business, engineering, journalism, or communication.experience in grant writing, technical writing, proposal creation, or similar domains.understanding of the organization’s rivals, market, and industry.Capacity to gather, examine, and combine intricate data from a range of sources.Ability to write clear, concise, and persuasive content that addresses the client’s needs and objectives.the capacity to edit and proofread text for style, grammar, spelling, and punctuation.Capability to manage several projects at once, work under pressure, and fulfil deadlines.Capacity to operate both individually and jointly with a multidisciplinary professional team.proficiency with other software programmes used for proposal development, including Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Office.knowledge of proposal creation best practises and standards, such as the Shipley Method or the Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP).How to Get Proposal Development Jobs?Here are some actions you may do to start your career in proposal development if you’re interested:Expand your collection. Compile a portfolio of your completed or ongoing proposal development projects to showcase your accomplishments, abilities, and outcomes. Provide writing samples from your proposals, including cover letters, technical sections, and executive summaries. You may also include endorsements, criticism, or honours from previous employers or clients.Make a resume update. Emphasize your relevant experience, education, and talents in your CV as they relate to the particular proposal development position you are looking for. Make use of terms and phrases that are compatible with the RFP or solicitation and the job description. Emphasize your successes while quantifying your influence with data and measurements.Make connections and a network. Inform your current network of mentors, academics, past coworkers, clients, and mentors that you are seeking for work in proposal development. Request suggestions, introductions to possible employers or clients, or referrals. Additionally, you can attend proposal development-related events, webinars, and workshops as well as join professional.
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Can You Help Me with My Specific Statistics Assignment Topics?
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Are you grappling with complex statistical concepts and struggling to complete your assignments? You're not alone. Many students find statistics to be a challenging subject that requires specialized assistance. The good news is that there's a solution - Statistics Homework Helper. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of seeking help for your statistics assignments and delve into the specific topics our experts can assist you with.
Understanding the Challenge of Statistics Assignments
Statistics is a branch of mathematics that involves the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data. It plays a crucial role in various fields, including economics, biology, psychology, and more. However, the intricate nature of statistical concepts often poses difficulties for students.
When faced with a statistics assignment, students may encounter challenges such as:
Complexity of Topics: Statistical concepts can be intricate, requiring a deep understanding of mathematical principles and formulas.
Data Analysis: Interpreting and analyzing data accurately can be daunting, especially when dealing with large datasets.
Software Usage: Many statistics assignments involve the use of specialized software such as SPSS, R, or Excel. Students may struggle with these tools without proper guidance.
Time Constraints: Balancing multiple assignments and other academic commitments can lead to time constraints, making it difficult to dedicate sufficient time to each task.
The Importance of Seeking Statistics Homework Help
If you find yourself overwhelmed with your statistics assignments, seeking help is a wise decision. Here are some reasons why:
Expert Guidance: Statistics Homework Helper offers expert guidance from professionals well-versed in statistical concepts. Our team of experienced tutors can provide step-by-step explanations to help you understand the material.
Timely Assistance: With deadlines looming, timely assistance is crucial. Our service ensures that you receive help promptly, allowing you to submit your assignments on time.
Quality Solutions: We prioritize the quality of our solutions. By seeking help from Statistics Homework Helper, you can expect accurate and well-structured answers that meet the requirements of your assignment.
Concept Clarity: Our tutors not only provide solutions but also focus on enhancing your understanding of statistical concepts. This ensures long-term academic success.
Specific Statistics Assignment Topics We Cover
At Statistics Homework Helper, we cover a wide range of topics to cater to the diverse needs of students. Some of the specific statistics assignment topics we can assist you with include:
Descriptive Statistics
Understanding and summarizing data is crucial in statistics. We can help you with concepts such as mean, median, mode, and standard deviation.
Inferential Statistics
Drawing conclusions from a sample and making predictions about a population is a common challenge. Our experts can guide you through hypothesis testing, regression analysis, and more.
Whether you're dealing with conditional probability or Bayes' theorem, our tutors can simplify these concepts and provide clarity.
Statistical Software
If you're struggling with software applications like SPSS, R, or Excel, our experts can walk you through the process and help you become proficient in their usage.
Data Analysis
Interpreting data and presenting it effectively is a crucial aspect of statistics assignments. We can assist you in data visualization, statistical graphs, and data interpretation.
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sufferfly1 · 3 months
 Data Preparation Tools Market : A Study of the Industry's Evolving Landscape
“According to the research report published by Polaris Market Research, the Global Data Preparation Tools Market Size Is Expected To Reach USD 12.66 Billion By 2030., at a CAGR of 18.5% during the forecast period.” Polaris Market Research has unveiled an updated report on Data Preparation Tools Market Share, Size, Trends, Industry Analysis Report, By Platform (Self-service and Data integration), By Function (Collection, Cataloging, Data quality, Governance, Ingestion and Curation), By Deployment (On-Premise and Cloud), By Vertical; By Region; Segment Forecast, 2022 - 2030, that provides a thorough analysis of the market status with the best facts and figures, definitions, applications, and the latest developments across the globe. The report assesses the industry structure based on Data Preparation Tools Market size, segments, source, distribution channel, and major regions. It scrutinizes the latest trends in the industry and studies their impact on the overall market environment. The market has evolved swiftly in recent years and has made a remarkable contribution to global finances in terms of growth rate, Data Preparation Tools Market share, and revenue generation.
Get Sample PDF with Report Insight @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/data-preparation-tools-market/request-for-sample
Key Market Dynamics This analytical study report provides information on significant aspects of the market, such as dynamics, key demand and price, technology trends, and detailed profiles of key players, industry revenue, and regional segments analyzing the Data Preparation Tools Market based on SWOT and Porter's Five Forces models. Details of segment markets by type, application, and region have been covered in this report, with historical data presented in metrics of sales volume, revenue, and growth rate.
Key Offerings:
Industry Dynamics
Data Preparation Tools Market Segmentation
Market Size in terms of Value and Volume: Current, Historical, and Projected Data
Industrial Trends and Developments
Competitive Landscape
Opportunities in the market
Strategies and Products offerings of Major Players
Strategic Recommendations for the new entrants
Production and Consumption Analysis by Regions
Growth Prospects with Revenue Estimations
Main Findings and Insights
The next section gives a detailed description of the key drivers, restraints, growth opportunities, challenges, and risks in the market. Further, the development status and future [KEYWORD] trends are tracked in the report. The supply chain and cost analysis in the report are both explained in-depth. Through technological innovation and advancement, the product's performance will be further optimized, expanding its use in downstream applications. Additionally, readers will find market dynamics and consumer behavior studies as essential data for understanding the market. Top Key Players:
Altair Engineering Inc.
Datawatch Corporation
International Business Machines Corporation
MicroStrategy Incorporated
QlikTech International AB
SAS Institute Inc.
TIBCO Software Inc.
Data Preparation Tools Market key players are presented along with their expansion plans, share, strategies, and business overview. In addition to this, their company profiles, sales figures, profit margins, and product and service portfolios are evaluated in the report. The chapter sheds light on the business expansion strategies employed by these players, such as mergers and acquisitions, product launches, collaborations, M&A, contracts, partnerships, and joint ventures. 
Inquire your Questions If any Before Purchasing this Report @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/data-preparation-tools-market/inquire-before-buying
How Will This Report Help you?
The report delivers extensive analysis in the form of figures, tables, charts, and graphs combined with an in-depth study of current and future Data Preparation Tools Market prospects. It further allows readers to comprehend the competitive regional pattern by comparing the sales volume and revenue of the world's key regions. Import volume and export volume are evaluated on a regional level. Key statistical insights are presented in a straightforward manner that will users grasp the market's development patterns, crucial factors, and other loopholes which are expected to affect the market expansion.
Key Regions Covered By Report:
North America (United States, Canada, and Mexico)
Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Russia, Italy, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India, Southeast Asia, and Australia)
South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, and the rest of South America)
The Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, South Africa, and the Rest of the Middle East and Africa)
The entire market industrial chain is examined in the research, from the important upstream raw materials and their suppliers to the midstream distributors and downstream customers, while taking the effects of global inflation into account. Finally, it predicts the market's future trends from the perspectives of various types, uses, and significant geographical areas. This study is a trustworthy source for market research that will greatly accelerate the growth of your business and increase its presence in the Data Preparation Tools Market. Browse Additional Details on "Data Preparation Tools Market" @ https://www.polarismarketresearch.com/industry-analysis/data-preparation-tools-market
Reasons to Purchase This Report
This research includes a thorough worldwide and regional analysis of the market.
It gives thorough coverage of every sector of the market in order to assess prospective trends, growth plans, and industry size projections.
The firm profiles of each industry player examine the industry portfolio, sales income, SWOT analysis, and current advancements.
Comprehension of the market's drivers, restrictions, and key small markets.
Analysis of collaboration and authorizing transaction trends can be used to identify commercial prospects in the market sales scenario.
The research analyzes how specific industry structures, ideas, or technological advancements may help with player promotion.
About Us
Polaris Market Research is a worldwide market research and consulting organization. We give unmatched nature of offering to our customers present all around the globe across industry verticals. Polaris Market Research has expertise in giving deep-dive market insight along with market intelligence to our customers spread crosswise over various undertakings. We at Polaris are obliged to serve our different client base present over the enterprises of medicinal services, healthcare, innovation, next-gen technologies, semiconductors, chemicals, automotive, and aerospace & defense, among different ventures, present globally.
Contact Us:
Polaris Market Research
Ph: +1-929 297-9727
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excelrthane · 4 months
Unveiling the Basics of Statistics, Probability Theories, and Their Application in Data Analysis
Statistics and Probability Theories serve as the backbone of data analysis, providing the tools necessary to make sense of the vast amounts of information generated in our data-driven world. These mathematical concepts empower Data Analysts to extract meaningful insights, make informed decisions, and predict future trends. In this article, we will understand how the basics of statistics and probability theories find application in data analysis. We will also understand how Data Analysts can keep themselves updated on the latest developments through a comprehensive Data Analyst Course, especially a Data Analysis course in Mumbai.
First, let us understand the basics of statistics and probability theories:
Statistics: Statistics involves collecting, organising, interpreting, analysing, and presenting data. It plays a pivotal role in summarising information and making informed decisions. Key concepts in statistics include measures of central tendency - mean, median, and mode, which provide a central value around which data points cluster. Measures of dispersion, like standard deviation and range, highlight the spread of data, providing insights into its variability.
Probability Theories: Probability is the likelihood of an event occurring. It is denoted by a value between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates impossibility, 1 denotes certainty, and values in between represent varying degrees of likelihood. Probability theories help quantify uncertainty and randomness, making them indispensable in statistical analysis.
Basic Probability Concepts:
Probability Distribution: Probability distributions describe the likelihood of different outcomes in a given set of events. Common distributions include the normal distribution, binomial distribution, and Poisson distribution.
Conditional Probability: Conditional probability is used to measure the chances of an event occurring, given that another event has already occurred. It is expressed as P(A|B), where A and B are events.
Independence: Events are considered independent if one event occurs but does not affect the probability of the other event. Independence is a crucial concept in probability theory.
Applications of Statistics and Probability in Data Analysis:
Descriptive Statistics: This is used to describe the main features of a dataset and summarise it. This includes measures of central tendency, like mean and median, and measures of dispersion, like standard deviation.
Inferential Statistics: Inferential statistics involve making predictions for a population based on a sample of data. This includes hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, and regression analysis.
Predictive Modeling: Probability theories play a vital role in predictive modelling, where analysts use statistical methods to make predictions about future events. Machine learning algorithms often rely on probability theories to make accurate predictions.
Quality Control: In manufacturing and business processes, statistical methods are employed for quality control. Control charts, process capability analysis, and hypothesis testing help ensure consistency and quality in production.
Risk Assessment: Probability theories are essential in assessing and managing risks. In finance, for example, probabilistic models are used to estimate the chances of different financial outcomes. This is a core concept taught in the Data Analysis Course in Mumbai, the financial capital of India.
The basics of statistics and probability theories form the foundation of data analysis. These mathematical tools enable Data Analysts to uncover patterns and make informed decisions through meaningful conclusions in a world inundated with data. The importance of these concepts in various fields, including business, science, and healthcare, will only continue to grow, even as technology advances. A solid understanding of statistics and probability through a Data Analyst Course is indispensable for anyone seeking to navigate the complexities of the data-driven landscape.
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Address: 304, 3rd Floor, Pratibha Building. Three Petrol pump, Lal Bahadur Shastri Rd, opposite Manas Tower, Pakhdi, Thane West, Thane, Maharashtra 400602
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