#compensation professional
mylittleredgirl · 2 months
the two factor authentication app for work popped up an “are you enjoying using duo mobile?” prompt to rate it in the app store and like. yeah it works fine for what it is but enjoying? who’s out here enjoying having to pull out their personal cell phone first thing in the morning to log on to an entire day of work? like my desktop outlook every time i open it making me dismiss a banner without a “no” or “never ask again” option about how i should download the mobile app which is sexy and fun and will let me reply from anywhere! like this is my tumblr device. my google image search for “[vaguely defined] meme template” device. my same fanfic for the ninetieth time at one am device. i realize microsoft teams has already stormed the beach at normandy and my zoom phone forwards here because i have to be logged into other accounts on my company computer but enjoying? really?? at 8 am enjoying??
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n7punk · 14 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media
fascinated by multiple torties specifically, but to answer the question i shaved my entire head a month into lockdown (did not take me long but tbf i already needed a haircut when it started) but didn't like it
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shadowdancers · 1 year
Doing a cursory google search on Wuthering Heights and seeing it thoroughly misinterpreted in articles, reviews and comments has convinced me that society’s collective media literacy is in the shitter. It could not get lower.
How unbelievably dumb do you have to be to read that book as an adult and come to the conclusion that we are supposed to like Heathcliff? And then proceed to blame your fundamental lack of reading comprehension on Emily Bronte??? Heathcliff’s odiousness is one of the constant facts that the novel intentionally establishes from the very first chapter. If you overlook that, then all the other themes are going to fly over your head as well.
And then of course there’s the misogynists in major publications dismissing Emily Bronte as a stupid horny girl who was too female to see how horrible Heathcliff really was, and fans of the book as too female to know what real literature is.
It’s not a fucking romance novel - it’s a tragedy about racism and classism, the cycle of abuse and intergenerational trauma. If grown adults don’t understand a novel’s themes, even when they’re made obvious, then I don’t know what to say. It’s hopeless.
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dragonomatopoeia · 6 months
seeing a pro wrestling gifset + explainer reblog and having to try so so so so so hard not to go into the long and complex history of labor in professional wrestling
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alias-copper · 3 months
I’m gonna be so real. I don’t see any problems ai generative text/images/etc could solve in a workplace that wouldn’t be as equally solvable by slowing down and paying people more. I mean they’re not gonna do that. but it’s true.
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note-a-bear · 9 months
On the one hand, it's really positive that family/community members who are caregivers are increasingly being offered compensation by Medicaid and Medicare.
On the other: the developing and growing 'funds' for largely untrained and unsupported non-professionals (said entirely without judgment, because lack of training doesn't always equal lack of knowledge or experience) to be caregivers suggests an ever shrinking pool of available professionals to do and/or aid in longterm care.
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*snickering and rubbing my hands together thinking of all the classic films I can introduce people to now that the writer’s guild is on strike and mainstream tv will slow down*
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globalbenefit · 7 months
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Hi, if you have a taglist for svt regency au! series could you please add me it? I'm sorry if that's not the case. I started reading it recently and am really enjoying it! <3
Damn, I'm so sorry but I don't have a taglist! I know I should but I am just way too disorganised- I barely remember to update my masterlist. I don't want to start one and then disappoint folks when I can't keep up with it/forget about it. 🙃
I'm so sorry about that! But thank you so so much for taking the time to read my series! 💕💕
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spookyboywhump · 10 months
Truth serum: Nickyboos! I think you just pretend to be calm and collected you're actually a wee whimp.
(Wee being Scottish for small)
He laughs, he seems to really think this is hilarious. “Oh? Is that what you think? That’s funny.” He says. “No, pretending like that all the time would honestly be exhausting, why would I bother with something like that? What you see here is what you get.” He says, a smug smile on his face.
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thesaltyace · 2 years
Okay I'm about to lose my shit on a whole university.
Admin sent faculty - for the SECOND time in the past year - a letter describing, in detail, how much they "cost" the university.
I assume because there have been LOTS of complaints about the lack of raise for two years in a row. Not even a cost of living adjustment.
So yeah, the letter "kindly" explains to faculty that their compensation includes their benefits, and lists what those "cost" the university in detail.
As though employing them is a favor.
As though they aren't required by law to provide those benefits.
As though those benefits aren't comparable to the benefits every other public university offers, while they also pay a higher salary.
And not to put too fine a point on it, but
do you think you would even HAVE a university without faculty to teach?
What the fuck else does a university do, but do teaching and research? Which is performed by the faculty you hired to perform that function?
If you view your employees as a LIABILITY instead of an ASSET, you deserve every poor outcome for which you're currently sowing the seeds.
You absolute twatwaffles.
Go. To. Hell.
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taniushka12 · 11 months
dfgdfg its from a Loose and only Flavored w359 au/crossover but yeah! thinking about the parallels between jon & tim and minkowski & eiffel the question was What if jon and tim had the space and circumstances that made minkowski's and eiffel's bond so tightly yknow? what if they were the ones stuck together in a crumbling spaceship while one of their friends is offline and the other lost in space? what if they learned to rely on each other and jon did everything on his power to keep tim alive and, fuck, succeeded?? (at least at first but yknow) what if tim managed to make jon laugh? 😭😭😭😭😭
anyway i made some silly art of it back in 2019! but i really should do more Q_Q
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unopenablebox · 2 years
anyone want to help me strategize what to tell the psych intake person tomorrow so that i am successfully diagnosed with adhd and not anything else
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queerstudiesnatural · 2 years
the thing is like, most of my colleagues used to be my teachers, so now i feel like they'll never really take me seriously. even the compliments i get sound patronising. they don't compliment other colleagues on how well they do their job, because it's like, duh. it's their job. but they compliment me. and it's because they wanna reassure me but like, i don't need to be reassured. i know i'm good at my job. i know i've earned my place here. i don't doubt that. but it sounds like they do.
and i get it, some of them have known me since i was 7 years old. of course it's weird that we're colleagues now. but idk, work on yourself. don't make me feel bad because you can't see me as anything other than a kid.
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vallejosnombre · 2 years
El ex presidente del Citi Bank Jose de Pool (primo de Juan Carlos Vallejos), director de Derwik en el 2022.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Senior Manager International Private Banking @ Scotiabank
Professional Networker @ Preparing to Start a New Career in Canada.
Director of Finance and Administration @ Derwick Associates De Venezuela.
Senior Consultant @ Independent Consultant.
Citigold Head @ Citi Bank.
Retail Manager @ Citi Bank.
Branch Manager @ Citi Bank.
Humber College (Leadership) 2014 - 2014.
IESAMaster of Business Administration (Finance)1991 - 1993.
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillMaster of Business Administration1992 - 1992.
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillMaster of Business Administration.
Universidad Rafael Urdaneta.
Compensation Strategies.
Retail Banking.
Sales Management.
Executive Management.
Strategic Sales Initiatives.
Business Modeling.
Risk Management.
Wealth Management.
Microsoft Excel.
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dwter · 2 years
i know hiring fanartists could end badly but like it can't get any worse than this
fawkkk i cant rmr but someone recently did merch with a fanartist in the community and it was really good and i was like DREAMIE U CAN DO THIS YOU KNOW ?
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