#dè fo shealbh
appleciderp · 1 year
Way the Sun Rises p2
Johnny frowned, fuck it, he’d try to talk his way out of it. He was more focused on the growl his stomach gave him, the possibility of a comfortable bed, and the possibility of finally shaking the dust that settled out of his clothes. Worse comes to worst, he did carry a firearm. 
He glanced around, the dusty plain didn’t have any cover though. He huffed and clucked out softly for the mare to trot up. She reluctantly went to the approaching figures.
When the figures finally approached, he immediately felt unsettled. The two men were carrying rifles, he lowered his hand so it was closer to his revolver. 
One of them stood back while the other stopped nearby. After the dust settled he lowered his mask and waited for Johnny to mirror the motion and said “Howdy there, we’ll have to take ya in.”
“Wha?! I didnae do anythin’!” Johnny’s fingers twitched slightly, the motion was noticed by the man.
“Look, it’s just a precaution. Loads of crime nearby, Governor Shepherd told us to take anybody heading into the Sheriff's office. They’ll just ask you a few questions.” The man glanced behind him at the other, who simply nodded back, “It’s non-negotiable.”
Whatever was happening wasn’t sitting right with Johnny, the man further back was slowly raising his rifle. Not threatening yet, but could probably aim and shoot before he got his Colt out of its hostler. He could yell at them, shout curses they wouldn’t understand, and get shot. Or follow them, and hopefully, the Sheriff would be less prone to hostility.
So he huffed as he followed the first man as the other trailed behind them, rifle still in his hands. He decided to play nice, at best they’d be kinder, and at worse, he’d be able to catch them off guard if he whipped out his weapon.
“So ye lads work for the Sheriff?”
“Not exactly, we’re hired guns. Shadows.”
“Th’fuck does that mean, Shadows?” He asked aloud.
“Our group.”
“So ye lads dinnae even work for the Sheriff?”
Any other question was mostly ignored or kept short. 
As they reached close enough to the town, he was happy that he hadn’t headed head first into the town, as it was crawling with these Shadows, or so he assumed by their similar garb and professional yet friendly greetings.
When they stopped in front of the Sheriff's office the two shadows quickly got off and hitched their horses. There were already a few horses standing there, so the Sheriff would probably be in. Johnny patted Dynamite, muttering a soft I’ll be back lassie, and dismounted.
The second she was hitched, he was immediately treated as hostile, his hands bound behind his back and his revolver was taken away. 
“Och! dè fo shealbh!” He yelled as he was bodily dragged into the Sheriff's office. He tried shifting out of their grip, but he got the butt of a gun slammed into his temple. Gravity seemed to shift slightly, his focus turned temporarily hazy, and he shut his eyes.
He only opened them again once he heard the door shut behind and he heard a man exclaim, “Good job Shadows!”
He opened his eyes to glare and yell a soft “Fuck oof...”
“Ooh, Garrick, another Brit! You’ll get along nicely.” He playfully taps the one he assumed was Garrick, who just rolls his eyes with a smile. Johnny seethed.
There was also a woman in the room who seemed to exude quiet confidence and she seemed slightly peeved by the whole interaction. Speaking up, she sounds a sort of friendly exasperation, “Graves, we told you to stop using force.”
“It was necessary.” One of the Shadows spoke up.
“Och, fuck oof! I didnae even touch ye, ye blaigeard! Get yer arse in here and let's have a fair fight!”
The woman stares at Graves before shoving the Shadows out. She then turned back to speak to Graves, “Come on, we’ll get this sorted with the Mayor, she’s with the Sheriff anyways.” She then turns to Garrick, “You can untie his hands and get his side of the story!”
Garrick salutes quickly and says “Gotcha Deputy Karim!”
She gives a quick nod back as she steps out of the door. Garrick moves towards him and brandishes a simple knife then motions Johnny to bring his hands through the bars. Garrick cuts the rope quickly before pulling up a chair next to the bars while Johnny rubs at his wrists with a frown.
Garrick speaks up, “So the Mayor and the Sheriff are the only two with keys, so you’re stuck in here until they show up…” 
“Why ‘m I detained? I didnae do anythin’.”
“Technically you aren’t…” He falters slightly, before explaining, “We’ve had an excess of stagecoach and train robberies lately, Governor Shepherd hired the Shadows to help us. We told ‘em to bring everybody here to just question why they’re going through, but they keep taking it too far. They aren’t bad, I promise.”
Johnny just huffs slightly, crossing his arms over his chest. 
Seeing the man isn’t talking, Garrick leans back, tilting the chair back on two legs while using the bars as a purchase so he doesn’t fall. “Let’s start easy: I’m Kyle Garrick, but everybody calls me Gaz. What about you?”
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Taggy thing I should have done ages ago I'm sorry
Tagged by @walter-sullivan-stubble god I am so sorry this is so late lmfao 
1. Name: u can call me whatever u want, honey, bc right now I have No Idea 2. Nicknames: I have been called Mars Bar a few times. Also Munchkin, but I'm 5′11 now sooo 3. Height: uuh 4. Orientation: if it breathes and is Humanoid, wanna bang. hit me up 5. Nationality: Scottish 6. Favourite Fruit: either nectarines or cherries 7. Favourite Season: Autumn 8. Favourite Flower: Alstromerias 9. Favourite Smell: Petrichor, ma bois. nothing better tbh 10. Favourite Colour: Steel Blue or Sap Green 11. Favourite Animals: Beetles and Whale Sharks. Actually, any type of shark bc jesus theyre so cool 12. Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: Tea and Hot Chocolate 13. Average Amount of Sleep: anywhere between about 2 and 8 max, not only bc I'm an irresponsible piece of shit, but I also Cant Sleep 14. Dog or Cat Person: Cats, but I like dogs well enough 15. Favourite Fictional Character: please don't do this the list is endless if u rlly want a Full Comprehensive List then message me lmao 16. Number of Blankets I Sleep With: 3, one is for my cat bc she likes to wriggle underneath it n bite my toes 17. Dream Trip: Italy, Egypt, and back to Amsterdam bc the flower market was so pretty n I miss it 18. Blog Created: uuuuuuh I know that it was before my homestuck phase so it must have been 2013, if not, before that 19. Number of Followers: 230  20. Random Fact: Once I drank a whole bottle and a half of Red Leg rum at a friends party, most of it I drank straight, then I didn't get a hangover Tagging: @fez-ryan @somewhereinthebetween @pattycake-hockstetter @cosmictherapy @connors-glorious-manboobs @orlesiantitans
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ask-thsc-blog · 3 years
*just M!U’s a T-posing mannequin into the corner, seeing how he’ll react, if at all*
He was very confused....
"Dè fo Shealbh...?" He quietly mumbled to himself, as he made himself walk past it.
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freewillyf · 7 years
❝Why do I keep falling?❞
Em um outro momento seria impossível para William explicar como diabos havia conseguido se concentrar o suficiente nos malditos três D’s da aparatação. Aparatar por si só não era das tarefas mais simples, o indivíduo precisava encontrar-se com a mente o mais limpa possível para que o processo não desse errado e acabasse entrando nas malditas estatísticas de estrunchamento. Em condições normais William já não era o maior entusiasta daquele processo. Sumir em um lugar e reaparecer em outro poupava tempo, mas a sensação que englobava a viagem em si; era repugnante. Ainda havia a sensação de enjoo que o acertava todas as vezes em que chegava em seu destino. Não fora diferente naquele momento. O enjoo o atingiu em cheio fazendo-o sentir o gosto amargo da bile em sua língua. O ex-corvino tropeçou nos próprios pés, algumas vezes, antes de conseguir se firmar diante da porta da sua cabana. William usou uma das mãos para segurar a maçaneta e encostou a testa na madeira maciça da porta. O enjoo pareceu intensificar-se assim como a tontura. O adolescente fechou os olhos e respirou fundo vezes seguidas. Seu cérebro parecia rodopiar dentro de sua caixa craniana o que apenas acentuava a sensação de mal estar.
Mal estar vinha sendo uma constante em sua vida, especialmente com a nova coleção de remédios que havia adquirido em sua recente internação no Mungus. Se em determinado momento acreditara que estar entre as paredes daquele hospital fora um pesadelo, o quadro que encontrara ao sair de lá fora ainda pior. William quase chegava a lamentar a ausência dos sedativos que o desligavam do mundo exterior muito rapidamente. Sua realidade nunca fora das melhores, mas, incrivelmente, o universo sempre encontrava formas de piorar um tanto mais. A sensação que o norteava era de um sufocamento lento, a cada dia parecia que tinha menos ar à sua disposição. Novamente respirou fundo, dessa vez em uma tentativa de oxigenar o maldito cérebro. Ao reabrir os olhos, o adolescente desviou o olhar em direção ao relógio em seu pulso, um objeto que só possuía porque ganhara de Elissa no último Natal. Sua vista turva o impedia de ver com precisão a hora que marcava ali, e só lhe restava crer que não estava atrasado para o único real compromisso que tinha naquele dia; ir até a casa de Georgia. Visitar a namorada era basicamente a ponto alto do seu dia, e nem isso tinha certeza que vinha fazendo de uma forma decente.
William deu um passo para trás, criando uma mínima distância entre seu corpo e a porta. Se sua mente não estivesse tão nublada, pela quantidade ridícula de álcool que havia consumido no meio da manhã, o Fraser teria pensando em usar a varinha para abrir a porta, ao invés disso, tateou os bolsos da calça em busca do molho de chaves que costumava levar consigo para todos os lados. – Dè fo shealbh! – resmungou enquanto tateava os bolsos da calça que se encontravam vazios. Em seguida tateou os bolsos do casaco até encontrar as chaves. Enquanto observava as chaves em sua palma se perguntava porque diabos possuía tantas quando a maldita cabana não tinha assim tantas portas. Sua vista continuava embaçada o que não o ajudava muito a adivinhar qual seria a chave certa. Tentou a primeira e falhou, tentou a segunda e a terceira e novamente se viu falhando. A impaciência não demorou a acerta-lo e em um movimento irritado William jogou as chaves longe, fato do qual se arrependeu quase imediatamente. – Get tae fuck! – praguejou em sua língua materna antes de virar para ir atrás das malditas chaves, ato que sequer chegou a realizar porque milagrosamente recordou-se que possuía uma varinha, e que deveria usá-la. William abaixou-se para pegar a varinha que encontrava-se largada no chão - no mesmo lugar que a deixara ao desaparatar. O ex-corvino precisou repetir o feitiço duas vezes antes que as chaves voltassem a sua mão, mas sequer precisou usa-las para abrir a porta uma vez que empunhava sua varinha. Ao empurrar a maldita porta se viu uma outra vez tropeçando nos próprios pés, para sua sorte, conseguira apoiar-se na maçaneta.
Se estivesse um tanto mais atento teria percebido que a cabana não encontrava-se tão silenciosa como de costume. Ao adentrar o ambiente fora recepcionado por uma coisinha minúsculas e preta. William cerrou os olhos para que tivesse uma visão melhor de Kiwi, que poderia ser um maldito projeto de sua mente traiçoeira. Uma ruga formou-se no cenho do ex-corvino. Embora sua mente estivesse lenta, ele ainda era capaz de somar 1 + 1 e se Kiwi estava ali era porque Georgia também estava. A cachorrinha latia e corria ao seu redor e em um movimento não raciocinado William levou o indicador aos lábios. – Shiu! – murmurou para uma excitada Kiwi. De alguma forma parecia plausível para si a possibilidade de adentrar ao ambiente sem chamar a atenção de Georgia. O ex-corvino voltou a checar o relógio em seu pulso e mesmo sem conseguir compreender a maldita hora tinha a certeza de que não estava atrasado. De qualquer forma, havia marcado com Georgia na casa dela. Inclusive retornara a cabana porque tinha o intento de se fazer apresentável antes de visitar a mais nova. Seu intuito de seguir despercebidamente em direção ao banheiro foi por água abaixo ao ouvir os passos que indicavam a presença de Triggs. – Georgia. – murmurou em um tom de voz arrastado que deixava o seu sotaque ainda mais carregado, e não disfarçava o fato de que estava ébrio. Pensou em caminhar em direção a mais nova, mas não tinha certeza se conseguiria cobrir a distância sem tropeçar nas próprias pernas uma outra vez. – Cheguei. – deu de ombros antes de deslizar pela porta e sentar-se no chão.
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theathezebra-blog · 7 years
Thea had officially been told she had a double ear infection; and it had temporarily taken the hearing from her good ear. Because of this, she was easily startled as she could barely hear someone come up behind her. So it was no surprise that she jumped and nearly tripped where she stood as somebody tapped her on the shoulder. “Dè fo shealbh!”
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lokilickedme · 7 years
OK I had 18hrs ish to recover now. Holy fucking god! You can't just keep throwing us bra strap chewing+gut retching love pleading in Gaelic but insults her at the same time+traveling desk sex, and then Molly, FREAKIN MOLLY who keeps saying THAT without knowing what IT is, and then King gets all emotional with wet eyelashes??? I'm back not wiking you. At. All. Could you do a run down on what was going through his head when she said it at first? Pretty please? I love it when you elaborate. Love!
Well, since King thinks in Gaelic, it was probably something like this:
Dè? dè fo shealbh?!
Followed by:
Losa fucking ifrinn i dh'fheumas a dhruideadh suas...
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Name suggestion- homestuckAppologist
u fuckin-
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Know Me Better Tag
tagged by @walter-sullivan-stubble, thanks mate c: Rules: tag blogs you want to get to know better Nickname: For a long time my nickname was either Munchkin or Mars Bar??? i don't really have any nicknames that are still used unfortunately tho Feel free to give me one lmao Zodiac: Aquarius Height: 5′11″ after my spinal surgery, used to be 5′9″ 👍 Last Thing You Googled: “D&D live” and “Can you live without kneecaps” the last one was after my brother smacked my knees with a table leg we had in the attic for some reason, it really hurt n then we got into an argument on whether you can in fact function without kneecaps apparently you can??? Favourite Music Artist: boi -Streetlight Manifesto -Cash Cash -The Dreadnoughts -Frightened Rabbit -Biffy Clyro -Twin Atlantic -Green Day -Jon Bellion -TheFatRat -Woodkid -Caro Emerald -Caravan Palace -KSHMR -Eye Emma Jedi -Counting Crows Song Stuck In Your Head: La Gozadera - Gente De Zona Last Movie You Watched: The Wolverine What Are You Wearing Right Now: underwear and a really baggy red turtleneck that my gran knitted for me that goes mid thigh lmao Why Did You Choose Your URL: Joke with my ex, but i was thinking of changing it??? Don't know what to, tho :// Do You Have Any Other Blogs: Nope What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: That i always let myself get walked over :)))))) Religious or Spiritual: atheist, w a lil bit of spiritualism, i guess?? Favourite Colour: Blue, but like a steely blue. Grey-blue. Average Hours of Sleep: 3 Lucky Number: 7 (Lesser Known) Favourite Character: mmMMM Anders, Isabella, Fenris - DA2 The Iron Bull, Dorian, Cole, Cullen, Josephine, Abelas - DA:I Vincent - Silent Hill 3 Walter - Silent Hill 4 Murphy - Silent Hill Downpour (he screams at everything wich is  a m a z i n g) Jude, Alvin - Tales of Xillia Atlas *aHEM* - Bioshock Eddie, Cuthbert, Alain, The Tick-Tock Man, Roland, Jake, Oy, Susannah, fuCK , basically anyone from this book series i swear to god - The Dark Tower, Stephen King Stu, Glen, Larry, Kojak (GOOD BOY), Randall Flagg, Trashy (ALSO A GOOD BOY) - The Stand, Stephen King Daud, Corvo, Billie, Delilah - Dishonored Garry - Ib Trico - The Last Guardian, the only game that made me grossly sob in front of my family and seek out comfort from others. Jesus Christ i want to play it again but its just too much emotion tbh Gambit, Nightcrawler - Marvel Dante - Devil May Cry 4, bc he’s just so sarcastic in the fourth game he’s practically got it down to an art  Lev - Haikyuu!! Owl, Crow - Deadman Wonderland And i think y’all know most of the rest and if u don't, be grateful How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: two Dream Job: Character Concept artist for the games industry, ive got an unconditional offer for an art college, so I'm gonna be starting towards it this year hell yeaaaaaah Tagging:
@kittizen @fez-ryan @cosmictherapy @mothdads @somewhereinthebetween @connors-glorious-manboobs @sue-me-im-rich @waveformtheta
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me: *takes a deep breath*
me: I lo-
anyone who has spent five seconds around me ever: yes, you love Stu Redman, we know, you love Stu Redman so much, he's the light of your life, you love him so much, you just love Stu Redman, we KNOW , you love Stu Redman you fucking love Stu Redman ok we know, we get it, YOU LOVE STU REDMAN. WE GET IT
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Turns out the copy of The Corroded Man I have is a first edition lmao
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*Soldier 76 voice*  we’re all procrastinating now
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Tag Game
Tagged by the wonderful @walter-sullivan-stubble, who very probably knows where the last 2 questions are going even before I type them
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Relationship Status: single af
Lipstick or Chapstick: neither because I chew the skin off my lips so it just comes off anyway
Last song I Listened To: Frightened Rabbit - Dead Now
Last Movie I Watched: omg it was actually Braveheart holy shit I am so sorry for this
Top 3 Characters: boi I'm just gonna list most of ‘em and you can take your pick Walter Sullivan, Max, Vane, Flint, Cayde-6, Garrus, Nightcrawler, Atlas (Or the floating piece of ocean trash), Dante (if you have not seen this sarcastic bastard in DMC4 I strongly suggest playing it), Chris, Ruvik, Percival Graves, basically most  of the dragon age characters (except for the egg man), Tyki, Kanda, Alma, Lev (loooong boi), Will, Daryl, Aizawa shouta, Mashitao Ojiro, do u want more orrrr
Top 3 Ships: boi imma actually keep to this one because we’ll be here all day if I don't lmao gradence (platonic) Josephine/Dorian imagine the sassing Walter/henry
Tagging: @spookmastergeneral @kittizen @cosmictherapy @i-am-a-grape @bysexualthorin @memesbythefoot @kuruluv @mooseofrage @phobafett
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Me, before watching Fantastic Beasts: I'm seeing people ship a guy called Credence with an asshole I don't get it
Me, after seeing the light: holy shit
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Me - watched the season finale of Black Sails over 3 hours ago and every time I think of Flint finally being happy: TEARS AND PAIN FUC K
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Me, a crying mess after watching the Black Sails finale: fuc k
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