#dannsa dotair
boymagicked · 3 months
"My sister's the dreamer, Doctor," he comments, turning to face @dannsa-dotair with a fond smile.
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"She's been dreaming of becoming a famous captain since before she could walk. Not that I blame her. All those stars..." he muses with a wistful look. "It must be wonderful out there. You and your crew must've seen so much! Have you ever--"
Sam cuts himself off from the sudden display of youthful exuberance, bowing his head in an attempt to hide the embarrassed flush of pink dusting his cheeks.
"... Is there anything else you'd like me to show you?" // starter call!
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my-timing-is-digital · 3 months
send  👫  for  a  reunion  starter
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After the conclusion of Clemens' debacle, and his and Guinan's subsequent departures, the android repositioned the transreceiver in his supposed prototypical device for the horseless carriages and settled himself at the desk, monitoring the instrument's workings deliberately. Assiduously, he observed the rhythmic oscillations of the metal indicator, which functioned in a similar fashion as an analogue seismograph. Thus far, his device had not measured any time shifts, and would not for the next 39 minutes...
A long-awaited, arrhythmic scratching sound instantaneously tore his attention to the contraption. Excitedly, the pen attached to the end of the indicator recorded the occurrence — the device finally measured the time shift he had been anticipating —, and based off of the particulars printed on the sheet of paper, he could accurately determine the epicentre of the spatial distortion. Data consulted a map of the town to confirm the location, and without a moment's hesitation, he leapt to his feet and vacated his room. He navigated himself down a flight of stairs with mathematical precision and hurried outside where he supplied the bellboy, Jack, with sufficient 19th century currency to have him procure a carriage, preferably drawn by two equines — to multiply the carriage's power.
The ever-efficient hotel employee immediately scurried off to the stables and returned within several minutes, gesturing gleefully at the wagon he had snatched from an agitated colleague. Prior to mounting the box, Data expressed his gratitude for his services and pressed an additional sum of money in the boy's hand. He had never rode on horseback, let alone piloted a vehicle that was pulled by two of them, but he had judged it advantageous to observe others operate this form of transportation, in case he would relay on its services in the foreseeable future — he was glad he had pursued that particular endeavour.
Data armed himself with the reins and managed to set the equines into motion, gently instructing the animals to accelerate. The terminal words of farewell that emanated from the bellboy were left behind in a cloud of dust...
The carriage careened through the streets, teetering uncomfortably toward his destination: the local hospital. And it was not until he was in close proximity of the aforementioned facility that his positronic subprocessors sensed the familiar hum of 24th century technology, or rather, the wavelengths of a tricorder that was broadcasting signals on all frequencies. While he narrowly circumvented a collision with another horse-drawn carriage, he inferred that the others must have successfully ferried themselves across the frontiers of time and were here to assist him.
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When the carriage swept around a corner, the tricorder transmission started to grow stronger and more prominent; his conjecture was confirmed when he sighted the others filing out of the hospital, and he promptly surmised that the occurrence of the time shift might have been a joint effort between them and the two individuals with the ophidian. Unfortunately, he could not initiate his interrogation, for his friends appeared to have antagonised the local police force.
'Data!' Commander Riker's loud, sonorous voice lacerated through the air, alerting him, unnecessarily, of their presence.
The android pulled on the reins to render the equines stationary adjacent to the pavement, allowing his friends to embark the vehicle.
'Doctor,' Data said, his own voice extraordinarily tranquil. He extended his hand for to grab and join him on the box seat while the others clambered into the carriage. 'It is good to see you again.'
'Go, Data! Hurry!' Captain Picard ordered, an urgent accentuation vibrated in the words he had enunciated.
'Aye, sir,' he replied compliantly, providing the horses with the objective to proceed down the street, with the intention to escape the police and take temporary refuge in the countryside until the coast was clear and they were certain no reinforcements would be ambushing them upon their return...
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colnerys · 2 years
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blood blooms from the lacerations atop her knuckles. fists clenched raw, trembling as the dull pain shoots through her arm. boxes of empty metal cargo containers dented and bloodied as she pictures the face of that cardassian she’d met earlier. 
she remembers being six years old and taking her little brother, reon, to look for food for their starved family —— then it’s a chilled shiver running up her spine as she remembers everything vividly. eyes shut tight, tempering the panic that threatens to rise as her heart refuses to settle despite her best effort to calm herself. kira throws another punch, as the panic of watching her little brother cry out of fear sickens her. 
then as if her throat’s closing, as if her hair’s being pulled out —— nerys cries as if she was that terrified child being threatened to be sent to an orphanage by the very same cardassian present at the conference. he was younger but just as dubious. through the midst of her sobs, she still has the will to stand and bludgeon the object. 
but before she could throw another punch she hears foreign footsteps and immediately stops. glassy doe eyes look at the general direction of the fiery red hair. tears stain her cheeks with dried up patches of blood rusting at the corners of her lips. 
kira wants to speak. kira wants to protest as @dannsa-dotair​ approaches. kira desperately wants to persuade the other that she’s fine —— after all, what sort of commanding officer breaks down at the sight of a species that’s exploited her people? she doesn’t have a monopoly on trauma. 
pull away. pull away, nerys! her head bows, burying her face against the crook of beverly’s neck. kira sobs and whimpers some unintelligible words.in spite of everything —— nerys knows that deep down, she needs comfort. 
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❰❰ PANIC ❱❱   sender comforts the receiver as they have a panic attack or get overstimulated
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cptjeanluc · 2 years
@dannsa-dotair asked:
❛ i am deathly afraid of almosts. ❜
Truthfully, Jean Luc hadn't looked away from Beverly in quite some time, but that admission renewed his attention. They were trapped, shuttle craft damaged, and while rescue was likely on the way, it would be hours yet. This was, he supposed, exactly the right sort of time for this sort of conversation.
"More afraid of almosts than of regrets?" Jean Luc had often struggled with the opposite problem.
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moonshadowed · 2 years
@dannsa-dotair​ inquires:  [ DISCUSS ]
’ THINGS DONE WHILE DANCING. ‘ always accepting.
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He’s never liked Starfleet functions. He can put up with them for a short while-- a polite smile, a friendly nod here and there, attempting to drone out the idle chatter of the day-- but when it was a days-long event such as this, he often wishes for anything to take him back to the quietude and relative safety of the Enterprise and let him escape his torment.
At least he’s not alone this time. Beverly is here, suffering in this heretofore undiscovered circle of hell with him, and while he always is appreciative of her companionship, he feels all the more thankful for her presence when she grasps him gently by the hand, pulling him upright and toward the dance floor, away from the admirals and their petty gossip. His heart lightens with every step they take. 
Dancing doctor she may be, he finds himself falling comfortably into the rhythm of the steps and the music, one of his hands clasped in hers and the other hand resting on her hip. 
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“I’m very grateful for your rescue,” Jean-Luc begins, “though, do I take it you’re just as bored by this as I am?” he inquires, eyebrow raised and a teasing smile playing across his features.
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wcrpbubble · 2 months
" I thought you might like some company "
for Deanna!
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deanna stabs a fork through the chocolate cake in front of her, a bit more aggressively than intended. her mood is . . . not quite sour, but unhappy - hence her current place in ten forward with a large slice of guinan's finest chocolate cake and a cup of coffee. she isn't even really hungry, but it's her comfort food and deanna has never let a good chocolate dessert go to waste. she spears a bit more icing from the top and licks it off the fork, washing the whole bite down with more coffee.
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at beverly's voice, she looks up, nudging the chair across from her away from the table so beverly can join her.
"i can't promise i am very good company at the moment." she says with a soft sigh, grabbing another forkful of just icing and eating it. she's certain she could spend most of the night like this - but beverly's company is welcome. in truth, she'd been about to call beverly to see if she were free; perhaps the doctor has gathered telepathic abilities of her own to known that deanna needed company. the empath sighs, resting her chin in her hand (and trying not to think how much her mother would admonish her for having her elbow on the table).
"why are men always such infernal annoyances? i think they do it deliberately. feign their idiocy so that women might take care of them and their fragile little egos."
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dimensionalspades · 2 months
alias / name : Col birthday : March 28 zodiac sign : Aries height : 5'6 hobbies : Gaming, writing, gardening, reading favourite colour : Burgundy favourite book : Legit almost everything by Tess Gerritsen last film / show : It's always Star Trek DS9 inspiration : Uhhh? Music, usually? story behind url : It was initially facetedspades because facets are sides and I've been 'spades' for like a decade now, so 'sides of spades' being all these characters but unfortunately tumblr fucking blows sometimes and nuked my entire blog, so I just chose a different thing for 'parts of' that worked with spades and slapped it on. Continuing my trend of overly long urls ever since 'feralqueendancer' my valka fun fact about me : I have EDS and sometimes if I sit in the right chair I fold my legs up to use my ankle as an armrest.
tagged by : @lunawish (sorry I'm so late thank you!) tagging : @dreamsofalife @dannsa-dotair @my-timing-is-digital @regaledtales @juramentum @fiendrites @galefcrce @ownward and YOU! Do it and tag me!
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ganymakes · 1 year
thank you for the massive support and turnout for my first give away here — it sure will NOT be the last, that’s for sure! now without any further ados... drumroll please.
first place: a blog makeover package (mobile / dash header, post graphics, customized icon block quotes, 150 icons, basic carrd page, promo graphics etc etc) OR a fully rendered drawing of anything your choice
> @brawlqueen
second place: a blog starter pack — dash header, custom blockquotes psd, promo & post graphics OR a drawing of something your choice in flat colours only
> @afraidofchange
third place: any two of: dash header, custom blockquotes psd, 150 icons, basic carrd page, promo graphics, post graphics, dash icon OR an uncoloured sketch
> @transforms 
Oh! and a nice new years surprise — I picked three EXTRA names for a prize. 
the prize is : any ONE of: dash header, custom blockquotes psd, 150 icons, basic carrd page, promo graphics, post graphics, dash icon OR an uncoloured sketch
these folks are: @dannsa-dotair , @inkantation, @heartwilled​
please contact me within the next 24 hours to claim your prize or else it’ll go to someone on my secret runners up list! anyways, thank you for the support and happy new year everyone!
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empathicstars · 2 years
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Favourite Colour: Peachy pink!
Currently Reading: I’m reading Kaguya-sama: Love is War, Spy x Family, Akame ga Kill, and a few others, right now! 
Last Song: This is the song that’s stuck in my head right now, but I think the last song I actually listened to was “Little Love” by James Smith. 
Last Series: Uhhhhhhh... Star Wars, maybe? Unless Love is Blind counts as a series. 
Last Movie: Love, Simon.
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: Sweet!
Currently working on: Doing replies, figuring out packing for my move, dyeing my hair, working on a little tiny book! 
tagged by: @shinebrightsweetdove
tagging: @sybck @vuulpecula @dannsa-dotair @constable @moonshadowed @vulcnlogic @fathertofatality @siennabook @fyrewalks 
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alyafae-a · 2 years
What I like most about your writing is the absolute fullness to it always. Each character is unique, has their own story, their own background, and is so fully immersed in whatever universe they fit that it's impossible not to think of your characters as permanent fixtures in that universe. They're canon through and through and the individualism you give each of them is absolutely incredible. ❤️❤️❤️
what do you like most about my writing style?
i hope you know how much it means to me that you say that ! thank you so much for this, i am so glad you feel that way about my writing! i find your writing to be very inspiring bc you're so great at the things i still struggle to write so i let myself be inspired by that <3 so once again, thank you <3
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fatalelity · 2 years
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there’s been this virus that’s affecting all the humans on the ship — the amount of people she had to relieve from duty in itself would be a lethal drinking game ... not that dr. montgomery partake in games like that —— at least, not anymore.   it seems that her & other human hybrids had a genetic safeguard.  still a mystery nonetheless,  a vaccine still seemingly lightyears away from production — addison can only be grateful that the symptoms only mirrored the flu  (  of course, she’s already attempted the old fashioned treatments — no effect, obviously  ).   
standing in beverly’s quarters, addison’s pulling out an assortment of items from her bag —— anything ranging from medical equipment to her personal skin care masks & balms & a strange assortment of nail-polishes.  evidently, she hasn’t been spending much time in her own quarters as indicated by her external hobbies mixing with her medical supplies. 
❛  i  …  really  don’t  feel  so  hot  .  no  ,  not  like  that   —  shut  up  .  ❜    @dannsa-dotair​  protests. 
addison only offers a raised brow before a sly smirk before finally grabbing a hold of her tricorder after rummaging through her uncharacteristically unruly pile of stuff. checking beverly’s temperature, she could help but to press the back of her hand against the warm forehead. 
“  you’re right ...  ”   addison almost murmurs as she stops, her palm cupping her face.   “   you’re burning.   ”
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@dannsa-dotair asked: [ CLING ]:     having finally been reunited, the sender pulls the receiver into a tight, overwhelmingly relieved embrace, clinging to them and burying their face in their shoulder. the whole deal. make it EMOTIONAL–
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The last memory he could recall, prior to his arrival in this village, was his arduous trek down the mountains; he had been clad in a shredded, mustard-coloured attire and carried a portable container with shards of silver. He suspected he had been attacked by one of the mountain creatures, as described to him by the denizens of the village. Perhaps he had lost his footing in an attempt to defend himself, and collided with his head to the hard, icy surface the mountains were chiefly comprised of? It remained a mystery to him as to why he was not suffering from severe headaches, but according to the local doctor, Talur, “ice men” had to endure harsh environments, and therefore his skull had probably evolved to withstand firm blows to the head. However, if that were correct, how could he have lost his memory? In his opinion, there were a lot of facets regarding these events that did not add up.
    Regardless of his amnesia, he served Garvin, the man who had provided him accommodation, and assisted his daughter, Gia, in the garden after he had fallen ill. Today promised to be yet another ordinary day, in which he would attempt to remember who he was. As they occupied themselves with the cultivation of the garden, Jayden was discussing a different subject matter with Gia, until he ran out of fertiliser. Gia informed him that he could refill his bucket with fertiliser that was stored in the shed behind the cottage, and obediently, Jayden followed the winding path through the lush garden until he arrived at his destination. However, he had barely replenished the bucket and exited the shed when a perfect stranger exclaimed “Data!” and firmly wrapped her arms around his neck. Perplexed by this unanticipated turn of events, Jayden glanced down at the woman, canting his head quizzically to the right. He could just make out the distinctive markings on her forehead while she half-obscured her face in his shoulder. The markings were similar to the ones of the other inhabitants, but he did not recognise her — he was unfamiliar with her, but she did not appear to be unfamiliar with him.
    ‘Greetings,’ he saluted, a smidge of confusion audible in his calm, euphonious voice. ‘Do I know you?’
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colnerys · 2 years
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romance/friendship arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
tagged by: @jurati​ ( hi i love u)
tagging: @zeveth​ / @constablegoo​ , @elencr​, @ltcmdrdax​ / @trustschaos​, @dannsa-dotair​, @fakesmade​, @qknows​ / @veryeighties​, @misereternal​ honestly steal it and say i tagged u 
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cptnseven · 2 years
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PROMPT,   from   @dannsa-dotair​.​​
message contents:   "Press that against the wound, I'm going to get the med kit."
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“i don’t require medical attention,”   a statement uttered with a tense jaw,  breathing heavy as she does,  at least,  comply in holding the makeshift bandage to the wound.  perhaps she believes that it’ll sell the lie if she’s confident...  and stubborn as ever,   “i’m fine.  it’s a scratch,”
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iamselfmade · 2 years
NAME: Cy NICKNAME/S: Menace? HEIGHT: 5′0″ NATIONALITY: American SEXUALITY: ace af PRONOUNS: he/him GUYS OR GIRLS: no thanks LAST TIME I CRIED: last time I really cried was the last time I was in the hospital HAIR COLOR: brown WHAT I SHOULD BE DOING: work but I’m confused about something so I’m Processing FAVOURITE FRUIT: Blueberries right now FAVOURITE SEASON: Spring! FAVOURITE SCENTS: Rain, baking bread, when a ton of houses in the area are all grilling at the same time FAVOURITE COLOUR/S: Green FAVOURITE ANIMALS: Cats! FAVOURITE FOOD: Cheese in general lol FAVOURITE TV SHOWS: Schitt’s Creek, Bob’s Burgers FAVOURITE MOVIE: Twister FAVOURITE TIKTOK:  FAVOURITE VIDEOGAMES/S: I like Pokemon. I also really like STO, the Romulan storyline is really interesting. FAVOURITE SUBJECT: If I say meteorology is that cheating? TEA, COFFEE, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: It’s super varied right now WHEN MY BLOG WAS CREATED: Late 2020 or early 2021 I think? NUMBER OF FOLLOWERS: 107 RANDOM FACT: I can point my eyes in different directions and touch my nose with my tongue FAVOURITE FANDOMS:
TAGGED BY: stolen from @alyafae TAGGING:  @starstrekked @dannsa-dotair
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soughtreasure · 2 years
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“   doctor   crusher,   if   i   had   fallen   asleep   with   you   in   my   room,   i’d   remember   it.   “   it’s   the   first   thing   the   commander   says   as   he   regains   consciousness.   his   head   is   pounding,   but   he   begins   to   sit   up   anyways.   that’s   not   the   master   plan   he   thinks   it   is,   because   it   increases   the   pressure.   this   isn’t   his   quarters.   “   what   the   hell   happened   ?   “   he   remembered   beaming   down   with   the   away   team,   getting   lost   in   the   local   flora.   the   place   was   practically   a   rain   forest.   “   is   the   captain   alright   ?   “   
@dannsa-dotair​   ♡    for    a    starter
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