#I grabbed newer people to bug!
dimensionalspades · 2 months
alias / name : Col birthday : March 28 zodiac sign : Aries height : 5'6 hobbies : Gaming, writing, gardening, reading favourite colour : Burgundy favourite book : Legit almost everything by Tess Gerritsen last film / show : It's always Star Trek DS9 inspiration : Uhhh? Music, usually? story behind url : It was initially facetedspades because facets are sides and I've been 'spades' for like a decade now, so 'sides of spades' being all these characters but unfortunately tumblr fucking blows sometimes and nuked my entire blog, so I just chose a different thing for 'parts of' that worked with spades and slapped it on. Continuing my trend of overly long urls ever since 'feralqueendancer' my valka fun fact about me : I have EDS and sometimes if I sit in the right chair I fold my legs up to use my ankle as an armrest.
tagged by : @lunawish (sorry I'm so late thank you!) tagging : @dreamsofalife @dannsa-dotair @my-timing-is-digital @regaledtales @juramentum @fiendrites @galefcrce @ownward and YOU! Do it and tag me!
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whatsurnameblog · 2 months
We Have an Update on Nanami.
After days of no contact, someone finally texts you with an update on Nanami’s whereabouts.
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"We have an update on Nanami."
As soon as the message popped up on your phone, you were out of the door.
You thanked the heavens for the fact that your home was in such an isolated part of Kyoto but you undoubtedly missed the sounds of the city that accompanied much of your childhood. Kento was always on the fence about that topic, though he preferred a bit of quiet. The man was almost more fond of silence than jujutsu, that’s where you two were similar.
Your inattentive and hurried steps slipped your keys out of your hand and onto the ground by the car door allowing you a glimpse of your frantic state in the side-view mirror. With your right hand, you combed through some of the flyaways and knots in your hair that you neglected to notice and gathered yourself together. The bags beneath your eyes taunted your youth and the lack of moisturizer on your face was shamefully obvious.
And you couldn’t afford to worry Kento. Only one of you could be worried and you certainly reserved the right.
While standing up straight, you opened the car door with a newfound facade of calm and slid into the driver’s side. Placing your bag in the passenger seat, you jumped as the door slammed shut without you having grabbed it yet. This car was one of the newer models Kento bought with money from some freelance job he did for the government, so without needing to insert an actual key, you took in a breath as you pressed the button to start the engine. As you gathered your seatbelt and clicked it in, you pulled off towards Jujutsu Tech.
You hummed a made-up song as you rolled the windows down a bit, November has never been this beautiful. The weather felt hopeful. A small smile graced your lips as you spotted little landmarks that told you, you were going the right way. You were a bit excited to see the school again and hoped to run into Shoko to slide her your late birthday gift.
But you also couldn’t help focusing on that little feeling bugging you.
The government has called for a national emergency after the city failed to bring back power and service to all the residents. People have evacuated their homes to avoid what the public deemed “mysterious deaths.” No one truly knows what killed all those people in Shibuya.
And Kento is missing. Was missing.
You had reached the final turn of your journey, Jujutsu Tech was just up ahead. The school didn’t really have parking due to an incident that happened decades ago, so you pulled up on the grass right in front of the first entrance.
With an impatient quickness, you made sure the car was turned off, you pressed some face moisturizer and chapstick to your face and lips, grabbed your bag and flung the door open. Your winter boots were fast on the pavement as you walked towards the main building of the school.
Today was a special day, one you waited days for.
That’s when you see it, the short head of hair with thick black glasses and a woman in a lab coat speaking passionately about things you could only theorize.
“Masamichi, Ieiri!” you shouted but when neither moved you began to pick up the pace in your walk.”HEY SHOKO, YAGA, I’m here!”
Both sets of eyes turned to you in shock, it was obvious neither expected your arrival, especially because it seemed that both were leaving.
You relaxed as you joined them, the sweat on your body drying up with the cold air and just like a little girl, your inner game of i-spy got the best of you.
“What’s with all the boxes?” you questioned with a quirk of your brow. “And the handwriting I’m guessing is Masamichi’s?”
He looked between you and Ieiri with a knowing look and sighed, “Yes, it’s mine, I’m just boxing some stuff up to put in storage before heading off to Tokyo for a while.”
“Ah ok,” you smiled. “It has been a hard few weeks– months even, hasn’t it?”
“It truly has,” he placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it an affectionate squeeze. “Oh man, how about a hug before I’m off, huh?”
“It’s just Tokyo!” you comment.
“Oh just humor me, I’m getting old!” Yaga laughed and held his arms out expectantly.
“That you are.” Shoko sassed before dragging you into a brief group hug.
How unusual. You thought.
“Alright, you girls take care yeah? See you when I see you!” And with that, he and his boxes were off with a whistle.
The air was gentle in its movement and the silence the two of you stood in was antagonizing. Your fist was sweaty as you clenched it and your lips dried quickly in the late Autumn air. Your gaze wandered to Shoko as she looked out at Jujutsu Tech. So many memories and so few people to share them with.
“Let’s go inside, we can order something for everyone, what do you think?”
“Why are you here?” Shoko questioned you flatly.
“W-what?” You turned to her, confusion on your face. “You texted, said you had an update on Nanami so…”
“So I was going to come to the house.” She explained. Her face held some of its usual calmness but her eyes turned up with distress.
“Your attitude is unnerving at the moment, Ieiri.”
“Mine?” Her eyes widened. “Did you think logically at all while coming here?”
Her face was balled up in disbelief. She stepped back to take a look at you before composing herself. You on the other hand could not be more offended and frustrated.
“Think logically?! Shoko, what's your problem? I just came to see Kento.”
This is the first time you’ve seen the woman so distraught. Her eyes were teary and her hair stuck to her face as she clenched the strap of her bag, “I know you’re not dumb per se, you knew that when you walked up to me I wasn’t expecting you to come and even in the time we’ve stood here, I have not taken you to Nanami,” she took in a breath as she says your name. “I was on my way to yours.”
Her annoyance with you wasn’t pure, that much you could tell but you found yourself clueless as to why she was taking this tone with you. Instead of jumping on your friend and possibly having a huge argument when it’s evident that you both have been going through such a tough time, you opt for silence as you think about the past couple of days up to now.
“Did you even look at the rest of your texts?” she sighed. “Where’s your phone?”
Your hands were sloppy in going to grab it from your bag and five minutes into your search, you realized it wasn’t there. And while checking your pockets the image of you leaving it on your coffee table flashed strongly in your mind.
“I don’t… have it…”
“Figures…” Shoko tutted. “I texted that I’d meet you at your place because well… you know why.”
Her eyes were sharp and stern, like that of a mother reminding a child of the rules. And after wracking your brain for any possible answer, you concluded that you do. You know exactly why Shoko didn’t rush to take you to Kento. You know why he hasn’t at least texted or called, why he hasn’t tried to contact you at all. You know he went to Shibuya that night to watch out for Yuji, you know. You know why he isn’t in front of you right now. You just refused to admit it.
“Shoko…” you shook your head with wide eyes as your hand laid on the place between your chest and the base of your neck.
He couldn’t be. No not when you feel so much hope, it’s impossible. You and Kento are connected, your souls so intertwined you’d both joked about being lovers in past lives. You two are so close that you can decipher his emotions by reading the lines on his face, the slight movement of his lips, the change in his posture… you can even feel him when he’s not there. And you felt him, all these days you’ve felt him, at least you think you did.
“Everyone… they’re all… Satoru isn’t but he’s- I don’t,” she trails off as tears silently cascade down her face. “And they said Suguru was there but he- he wasn’t him.”
“Shoko, please tell the truth…”
There was a whiplash of emotion. You felt way too hot and way too cold. Everything around you moved all too fast and all too slow. A pint of nausea crept into your gut, the only reason it results in nothing is due to the lack of food and energy you failed to have while Kento was away. You were in agony, the feeling of horror and disbelief crawling into a hole so deep inside you it already began to rot.
“I’ve never even felt this way before, I usually feel so calm, not empty just a bit unbothered but this time, this time I feel so much, too much.”
“Oh, Shoko.” You joined her in her emotions, your knees weak, melting under distress, you fumbled to the stairs beside her. Your cough was girthy and your mouth furrowed with your eyebrows, you pleaded with her. “Oh, I- I… I’m sorry I just-, please say the truth.”
She slightly bends forward at your misstep to make sure that you’re okay and once she gets that overcompensating nod, she straightens up with despair almost permanently etched into her face. “He’s gone… Kento is gone, dead…and I’m so sorry,” she choked.
“Oh, w-what am I going to do? I can’t-… how am I supposed to live Shoko? Tell me, tell me Shoko how?!.” You retch, chest erratic as you struggle for air. You clutch your stomach as thick tears roll down your chin.”This hurts…so much.”
For the third time today, you were reminded of your childhood as you cried and hugged your legs on the steps of Jujutsu Tech. Shoko watched as you broke down and she couldn’t contain her composure as her bag fell from her arm and her hands searched to embrace you. Your sorrow was too great to suppress, so you gave up on fighting it.
Nanami, the man whom you named the love of all your lives, was gone, really gone in every sense of the word and there was nothing anyone could do to bring him back. You were sure you still felt him, and now you see that it was only your heart deceiving your mind.
Everything switched at the realization, causing pain and grief to strike your body in constant waves, and every sound, every figure, even the gushing of the wind, was blurred and muffled. You looked to Shoko, watching as her mouth trembled and stumbled on the words detailing all she tried to do to save him, but life was already too far gone. To try and save Kento Nanami would be like grabbing for air.
You were inconsolable, so much so that your emotions had spilled you from Shoko’s arms and placed you on the ground, bowing before your heartache at her feet.
Your home was no longer ours.
Your love was no longer shared.
You were empty, the only thing in you left was nothing at all. You might as well be dead too
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© whatsurnameblog 2024, do not copy or repost anywhere
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ratbastarddotfuck · 11 months
Tumblrinas, it's time for some of y'all to grab an account on Cohost. I know nobody wants new social media. I don't either. But tumblr is becoming increasingly hostile towards its trans users and its sex workers and in general is just becoming shittier.
Cohost is a web platform developed by trans people where transphobia is a bannable offence. Heavily inspired by classic tumblr, but much much better.
HTML/CSS editing in posts is possible, meaning you can make all kinds of cool shit - I've seen users posting games, I've posted funky text, there's few limits. And if you don't know how to do that, it's okay! Users have created tools to do it easily without any sort of coding knowledge.
They have an extremely good content warning system & a great content blocking system built in to every post.
Porn is allowed. Go nuts, show nuts. Sex worker friendly.
You can have multiple pinned posts!
You can make sideblogs with totally seperate following lists. It doesn't have to show any connection to your main.
The devs post weekly updates showcasing what their new improvements are, and they have bug/request forums where everything can be seen by everyone. Very transparent.
It's not perfect - obviously it's a lot smaller than tumblr, and a lot newer. But it's the best alternative I've found, and it's not banning trans people for fuckin existing.
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Here's an example of some CSS crimes and the content warning system!
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Accidentally overriding reality: untrustworthy and accidentally faked photos
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I've been thinking and writing a lot about instant photography as paranormal evidence over the last week or so, and over this period of time, I've come across a number of articles talking about how digital photography, in particular smartphone photography, is beginning to feel less and less reliable. In particular, two news stories have broken that talk about how in some circumstances, you can't trust the pictures that you take on your phone.
The first story is about Samsung's photo "enhancements" (much more on that down below). The second is about how people thought that they were cropping out or redacting sensitive information on screen grabs on their Google Pixel phones because it looked like the images were cropped or redacted. But years later, it's been revealed that the "redacted" data was still available in the file, and it can be retrieved, meaning that credit card numbers, names, addresses, and other sensitive information has been compromised.  (By the way, a second "acropalypse" bug has now been found on Window devices, as well—another strike against feeling like you can trust the images that you see on your devices.  Images aren't quite what they seem.)
Before I get into the Samsung controversy, I want to elaborate a bit more on some reasons why instant photography feels so trustworthy, particularly in contrast to the mysterious ways in which are phones can twist reality in the photographs that we take.
Instant photos feel real
Like I mentioned when I wrote about instant photos as paranormal evidence, Polaroid photos are extremely physical. They take a moment and immediately allow you to have a keepsake of it, a physical reminder of where you just were, who you're with, or what just occurred. I love bringing my Polaroid or Fujifilm camera on trips, because it's nice to have that physical souvenir of a place, rather than just a bunch of smartphone photos.
So when trying to create a record of something as insubstantial as a ghost, of course it makes sense to want to do that through a physical means. Because, again, instant photographs allow you to take a particular moment in time—something that can only be experienced by being there physically—and turn it into an artifact immediately.
I think there's something in the desire to try to capture a non-corporeal entity like a ghost in an incredibly physical and immediate form of media. It almost feels like a way to "prove" the existence of ghost.
In addition to being harder to fake than digital photography, a Polaroid of a ghost or paranormal phenomena translates an insubstantial thing into a very real feeling photograph. It literally takes the image of the ghost from the theoretical, invisible, untouchable realm of the unknown and turns it into a physical photograph that you can hold. The desire to want to catalog your paranormal experiences using Polaroids makes complete sense. If you see a potentially paranormal anomaly in your instant photo, it feels like the phenomena is more real because it was captured in the picture.
Fakery in smartphone photography
On the other end of the spectrum, there's the computational photography , which can modify the images we photograph with smartphone cameras in various ways. An article in The Verge sums up the recent Samsung controversy well:
This week, Samsung drew criticism for the technology its newer phones use to “enhance” photos of the Moon. A user on Reddit, ibreakphotos, conducted an experiment by creating a blurred photo of the Moon and then taking a picture of it using their Galaxy S23 Ultra. Even though the photo was completely blurry, their Samsung device appeared to add details to the image that weren’t there before, like craters and other marks, calling into question whether the highly detailed Moon photos people have been taking with their Galaxy devices really are photos of the Moon.
The Verge article is a fascinating read; not only does it document the Samsung moon-augmentation scandal, but it also talks about how many, many images of the moon that we see have been modified. Part of that is because it's so easy to do these days:
And while faking the night sky once involved “sandwiching negatives, doing things in the darkroom,” as Nordgren says, it’s become far easier and more prevalent in the age of Photoshop. “One of the biggest things people do is sky replacements,” Lynsey Schroeder, a professional astrophotographer tells The Verge. “They’ll take the Milky Way from a different photo and Photoshop it in so that it looks like it was there.” An expert would immediately know that it’s fake. “But to the general public, they don’t know.”
As someone who's reworked plenty of photos in Photoshop, I can say that this sort of photo manipulation is trivially easy. Like I've mentioned before, as popular apps like Facetune allow people to modify photos on their mobile devices, people have learned to trust digital photography less and less.
But Samsung's wholesale replacement of the moon in photos—using a "deep-learning-based AI detail enhancement engine"—strikes me as a step beyond that.   (Samsung has apparently been using AI in their cameras since the Galaxy S10, and their "Scene Optimizer" technology since the Galaxy S21 series. Though I can tell you that pictures of the moon on my Galaxy S22+ still look like garbage. So they've clearly made some major changes for their latest devices.  Either that, or I guess I gotta try using my phone's 100x zoom, which I had no idea existed. )
It's one thing for someone to decide to modify their own photographs; it's another for apps themselves to rework images in the process of capturing them.
In the case of someone photographing the moon and getting a completely different image, there was never a "real," unedited version of the image. You can't revert between the edited and original versions; the edit is the only one that exists.
Samsung isn't the only company that has introduced "computational photography" into its cameras. Apple's live photos and portrait mode could be considered computational photography, but as AppleInsider points out, "users are beginning to ask where to draw the line between these algorithms and something more intrusive, like post-capture pixel alteration."
There are so many questions that this raises, but the question of memory resonates the most to me. Many people (myself included) use smartphone photos as an aide-mémoire. I'll often take pictures not because something is beautiful or because I'm expressing myself artistically, but because I want to remember something. I'm not going to post that image to Instagram, but I will scroll back in my phone, see the timestamped, unaesthetic mirror selfie in a venue bathroom, and think "oh, right, that's the day that I went to that concert."
For me, the visual information that I collect in the form of photos is more for constructing and preserving my memories than anything else. So my question is: If our everyday smartphone photos help us remember reality and our pasts, what happens when, unbeknownst to us, our cameras are modifying the images? In that case, it becomes a form of memory modification. At that point, you aren't the arbiter of your memories; the images on your phone can override your recollections. As AppleInsider eloquently puts it, "the final image doesn't represent what the sensor detected and the algorithm processed. It represents an idealized version of what might be possible but isn't because the camera sensor and lens are too small."
There's something truly chilling about that.
The AppleInsider article goes on:
By changing how the moon appears using advanced algorithms without alerting the user, that image is forever altered to fit what Samsung thinks is ideal. Sure, if users know to turn the feature off, they could, but they likely won't.
So here we are, in a place where large tech corporations have the power to override reality—and perhaps even our very memories. No wonder instant photography, despite its limitations, can feel like a more reliable way to access paranormal realities.
If smartphone cameras are increasingly depicting "idealized" images of the world, smoothing out anomalies and removing variations from what an computer might consider "normal," what does that mean for paranormal photography? Is it possible that phone cameras might capture paranormal phenomena, but the AI in the phone's camera wipes that out, replacing it with "expected" reality? Or could strangeness seep in anyway, through synchronicity and glitches?
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lacefuneral · 10 months
hi hope u dont mind me asking but how do u put a gif icon? :o tysm
sure! no prob!
i've seen a lot of people from the cicada post wondering about this.
tumblr allows users to upload various image file formats as icons. one of those is the newer format "webp"
webp is that awful thing that you often encounter when you try to save something from google images while you're on a computer, but it saves a blank white image instead.
now, like the GIF file format, there are static versions of webp AND animated versions.
if you take a GIF and convert it to the animated webp format, you can upload it on tumblr and it will actually play the animation.
the current theory among tumblr users is that this is a bug, not a feature. that is, tumblr staff did not realize that in allowing the webp format, they were also allowing animated icons. this is considered an exploit.
so ya! just grab the gif you want, go to EZGIF dot com. convert the gif to webp format. and, wala! gif icon.
i do want to ask, though, to keep in mind photosensitive users on this website. because there is no way for them to disable animated pfps. i've gone for this rabbit because i feel it is visually unobtrusive (and because i love bunnies)
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Why is there such a focus on graphics in video games?
I’ve made a couple of posts recently complaining about an update to The Witcher 3 made it impossible to play on my computer because my machine just wasn’t high spec enough to handle the graphics requirements. I’ve seen a bunch of posts and articles and forum discussions about how it’s terrible and broken and unplayable, giving people instructions on how to go back to the previous version. But among those, there are discussions on places like the Steam forums where people who have got super high end machines talk about the new update and the general theme seems to be, “It looks great.”
Now, in fairness, it could be that I was just looking at the posts too soon after the release for there to be in depth discussion of new storylines or bug fixes or gameplay improvements, and people were just reacting to what was most readily apparent. But still, it felt like the people who were speaking the praises of the new update were focused purely on the aesthetics.
And I don’t particularly care about graphics.
I guess it’s nice if a game is pretty or has nice scenery, but it’s not what makes the game FUN.
A while ago, I was talking about Factorio and someone suggested that if I liked that, I should try Satisfactory, which is a game with a similar concept of building machines to do stuff. As a game, Factorio is amazing and managed to completely suck me in to the point that I could play for hours and not notice time passing. Satisfactory just didn’t grab be in the same way. It wasn’t as fun or engaging. But you know what it was? Really, really pretty. The graphics were beautiful. Stunning. The alien worlds looked gorgeous.
But I went back to playing Factorio because something being prettier doesn’t make it a better game.
A short while ago, I replayed Stonekeep, which is a game from the nineties that was released on a CD. The graphics in that are terrible. All the monsters of a particular type are the same sprite endlessly repeated. The walls are made up of identical, repeated panels that make it very easy to get lost because every corridor in a level looks the same. The resolution is awful. But it’s a really engaging game with a lot of humour.
Undertale became a massive hit with pixel art.
Stardew Valley got big with its simplistic art style a million miles away from realism.
Amazing, hyper-realistic graphics don’t make something a good game. They just make it take more computing power and newer graphics cards to run. It’s perfectly possible for games to be created that do commercially well by being fun and without pixel-perfect rendering of every hair and blade of grass, yet people still hype up graphics in games reviews as though it’s a vital aspect to the game. I know the answer is probably because it’s an easy thing to wow people with in trailers and it’s something that early reviewers can talk about quickly, so it helps sell more copies, while having an intricate and well-thought out story or engrossing gameplay is something that takes longer to get the message out there about.
It’s still annoying.
Is it fun? And can I get it to run on my computer? That’s what matters to me in a game. The first one is largely disconnected to the graphics, and the second one is actively at odds with hyper-realism.
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snapdrake · 1 year
General Art Tips :)
I kinda went off on twitter about this but figured I’d put all my thoughts into one post, and on a site OFF twitter lmao. I know some people ain’t there anymore.
Anyways! Some thoughts from a long time artist, aimed at newer artists or anyone struggling with motivation. A lot of this has to do with brushes, which I don’t?? See touched on too much I guess????
Obviously this is aimed at digital artists. That’s all I know, I’m afraid! 
I am most familiar with CSP but really, all of this is true for other programs too!
-Find a brush you vibe with. Find MANY brushes you vibe with! 
When your brushes feel better, and by extension, drawing feels better, you’re more likely to do it.
I know it sounds a bit silly to say that brushes feel different from one another when they’re all controlled by the same pen on the same screen, but trust me.
Play with every brush in the program you’re using. Draw out some scribbles. Increase the brush size, scribble a bit, decrease the size, scribble some more. if it has blending properties, grab another color and scribble on that scribble and see how they blend. If you’re still liking it, doodle out a cat or a leaf or a little bug with a knife or.. you get it. You’ll get a feel for a brush as you use it, and you can tell if you like it. If you don’t like it? Move on to the next one!
This is true for every stage of drawing! You found a brush you like to sketch with? Great! Sketch something so you can play around with lining brushes! The worst that can happen is you get half way in and don’t like how the lines look or feel. You can delete the layer and start over with a brush you like better. You’re getting practice with lining! 
As you’re just playing around with brushes, you’re ALSO practicing drawing. Cool, huh? :3
-Ask other artists for their brushes/brush settings.
This one is obviously on a case by case basis, and you should be respectful of what an artist has said beforehand, and their response after you ask. Some artists aren’t comfortable sharing for one reason or another, and those boundaries should be respected.
There are just as many of us that are more than happy to help, though! Some make their own brushes are are happy to share, or sell their brushes publicly already. Some of us (like myself) have bought our brushes off personal sites or sites like gumroad and would be happy to point you in that direction towards what we personally use and can recommend. 
-Grab cheap, or even better, FREE brushes when they show up!
Occasionally, people will reblog/retweet brushes they’ve found on the clip asset store or have put up themselves on aforementioned sites. They’re usually only a few bucks at most, and very often free with the original creator leaving it open to what the person wants to pay. It’s a very risk free way to pick up brushes to play with! At worst, you don’t click with it and you can delete the brush.
You can obviously also go browsing through these resources yourself for brushes and brush packs that look interesting to you!
-Just because something is labeled a sketch/lining/painting brush, doesn’t mean you have to use it that way.
This one is a bit sneaky, so don’t tell anyone, but you can use any brush however it feels best to you. No one will get mad. No one will get mad at you if you use the same one brush for every single stage of a drawing, even.
If that hard edged lining brush feels great to sketch with? Do it! If the soft edge on your lines that that shading brush offers makes you happy? That’s what art is about.
-Have multiple brushes of any one kind.
This one is a very loose suggestion, and just one that works for me, so don’t worry about it too much, but I figured I’d include it anyways! 
Sometimes, a brush just... Feels Off some days and nothing you draw comes out well. Sometimes, a solution is switching to another brush. That can be hard if you haven’t taken the time beforehand to find a couple extra brushes, and you’ll just... lose motivation to draw entirely, and that sucks.
I currently have three sketching brushes and swap between them freely depending on how I’m feeling, and how they feel to me!
*The exception to this is if you’re a commission artist, doing commissions. Your customers are expecting a quality and style from you, so do your best to give them what they’re paying for. If you can’t work with brushes you have before, talk to them! Most people won’t really notice much of a change and are there for your overall style anyways, but it’s most polite to be transparent that something will be different than assume it will be fine. It really is better to ask permission than forgiveness, turns out.
-Use the tools at your disposal!
This is referring to both in-program tools and art tools in general! CSP has a built in 3D model program that you can use to help with posing. It exists to help you. Stabilizers on brushes aren’t cheating, symmetry rulers aren’t cheating. If it exists in the program, use it.
Out of program? Use references. Use pictures of real people, of real animals, of real cities and plants and water and clothes and crystals and and and
If you don’t know how to draw it, look it up. 
There are tutorials on how to paint digitally, and how to do 3D modeling.
You can teach yourself... just about anything. The tools are there, and they’re there to help you. Don’t be afraid to use them.
-Practice, and have fun!
I know this one is kinda hard sometimes, but art really is supposed to be fun. 
Draw the things you love. Draw your ocs, and your favorite cartoon characters, and things for your friends. Watch them light up. Draw the things kid you never could. Draw things to make them happy. Draw things to make you happy. 
If you’re unhappy with something in your style, it means: A) You’re good enough to see that something’s wrong, and B) You do have the ability to fix it. You have resources at your disposal to improve. You have time to improve. You just have to let yourself, you know? 
Don’t give up on this. It’s so worth it, I promise.
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homesweetgoodneighbor · 8 months
I am very late on the October anything. Like I wanted to give y'all a Spooky Season Movie thing. I wanted to also have a Spooky Season Writing thing. I wanted a lot of things.
But, my life made it a little less important.
I just decided FUCK THAT.
So, I already suggested "Poltergeist" 1982 as a Spooky Thing.
I will suggest more.
I need y'all to help keep me honest. I need y'all to bug me.
Please, do send me that.
Anyway, "Poltergeist" (1982)...previous post gave indication why. If you want a deeper understanding why the newer version sucks - and no it isn't because it's "new" it's because it's got soul. The remake you can feel the cash grab.
"They're here!"
Mom: "Baby, when you said 'they're here,' who's here?"
Daughter: "The TV people."
One spouse to the other: "okay, now be calm, and reach back to when you had an open mind..."
Shit goes sideways...
"Okay, then we don't have much time Doctor, because my daughter is alive somewhere inside this house."
A racist moment from a land developer: "It's not ancient tribal burial ground. It's just people."
Insert the sequel where you fucking learn tribes are people, too. (Okay there is still 80s bullshit, but it's way more respect than the 80s ever gave our people.) Which the movie had a whole lot of fuck you over.
Also, Tangina? BEST "I NOW OWN THIS MOVIE" EVER moments!
Spielberg is awesome.
James Wan WISHES.
P.S. Zelda Rubinstein (Tangina) put her entire career on the line in defense of AIDS awareness and support of the queer community at a time when you struggled to find people doing so. YOU WILL RESPECT THE ZELDA.
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oh-boy-me · 3 years
I just read both the australia and museum post and the chaos levels are top tier, but like imagine the chaos that ensues if lord diavolo discovers about amusment parks and immediately just buys tickets to disneyland. Lucifer is basically the dad trying not to loose his children(lord diavolo included). Lord diavolo wanting to ride a loopy rollercoaster and just having the time of his life! (Also I highkey see diavolo ordering lucifer to make a disneyland in devildom tbh) Also mouse ear headbands!
This..... this took forever
Hey there anon!  Sorry it took literally a year to answer this!  If you’re still into Obey Me, I hope this was a pleasant surprise.
Also for the first time ever a scenario post is being put under the cut for length purposes.  This scenario is 2.6k words Jesus
Please note that the last time I went to Disney was in 2015, so anything that’s newer than that is taken from the extensive reading of Disney advice blogs I read in preparation for this post.  Anything older than that is likely from experience.
Also, I tried my best to keep this spoiler free for the attractions that can be affected by it.
So the Devildom DOES have the concept of amusement parks.  I slept on this ask for so long that we’ve learned about Devil’s Coast.  It seems to be more akin to a smaller-scale theme park, though.  Small-ish.  I’m used to NYC idk what constitutes as small.
Something like Disney World is on such a larger scale!!  When Diavolo heard about that, he knew they had to go.
They are going to Disney World in Orlando because it’s the only one I’ve been to.
Lucifer is REALLY getting tired of these field trips, but there would be no weird animals, and there would be no sobering lessons on global extinction events at a family-friendly amusement park.  He.  He can handle this.
Solomon has actually been banned from all Walt Disney theme parks.  We’re talking blacklist-level banned.  He’s barred from ever entering any Disney park ever again.  However, this was back in 1976, so this must be, like, his son or something, right?  There’s no way this is the same guy.  Thought the security guard who let him in.
What did Solomon do to get banned?  When asked, he only gave a curious hum.  “Yeah, I wonder.”
The place is split into four parks, so they’ll spend one day in each.
Barbatos continued to flex his power as the only one in the group with a brain cell, being sure to get them all fast passes.  He even set time back just for the passes while they were booking the rides they wanted to cut the lines for, so if they don’t get used he’s going to be very snippy.
Also for convenience sake this is taking place in an AU where everything is the same but COVID doesn’t exist to shut down some rides and attractions.
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
MC and Simeon basically have to coerce Lucifer into letting everyone run free instead of making them all line up with a walking rope all day.  He relents on the condition that everyone checks in periodically so he can at least know they haven’t killed anyone.
Nobody will check in except for maybe Beelzebub and those at Purgatory Hall.
Levi immediately gathered his fellow Star Wars fans (which basically meant calling over Mammon Belphie and Asmo and then pulling in two unsuspecting people suddenly given the title of “Star Wars fan”), and made a beeline for Galaxy’s Edge.  There’s a LOT to do there and damn it if he wasn’t going to hit all of it.
First up for their group is the interactive Millennium Falcon Smuggler’s Run.  They fail the mission.  Levi’s pretty pissed, but everyone agrees that it was fun nonetheless.  They really felt like they were doing a mission in the Falcon!  Plus, the gameplay element was totally up the alley of most of this group.  Simeon does feel a little nauseous from Luke’s jerky steering, though.
Did you know that Diavolo loves Toy Story?  He does.  He’s very much enjoying the Slinky roller coaster with Barbatos.
Barbatos would rather be spending time at the shows and performances, but oh no god forbid we don’t get an autograph from Doc McStuffins.  Lucifer please come find him and save him.
Lucifer somehow wandered into the Frozen Sing-Along Celebration.  He wants out.  Barbatos please come find him and save him.
In general, Lucifer isn’t a fan of these sorts of places, so honestly he’s just hiding from the others and waiting for today to be over.  Barbatos told him that there are parks that don’t revolve around rides and characters, and he’s holding out for those.
Luckily for them Diavolo wants to do LITERALLY everything, and that does include the shows, so Barbatos and Lucifer can have at least some fun today
Levi, Asmo, and Beel are about to start their relay for getting character autographs when Satan shows up out of nowhere and starts dragging everyone over to the Tower of Terror.  Solomon bars all attempts to flee on a certain Avatar of Greed’s side.
The line to the Tower is so long, and honestly?  Satan feels like the ride didn’t live up to the literal hour they waited to get on.  Like yeah it was fun, but way too short.
He voices those thoughts, and Levi, who Satan knows is afraid of heights, is pretty fucking livid and drags him to Rock n Rollercoaster as revenge.  Satan hates roller coasters.
As for the others, Asmo and Luke have a lot of fun on the thrill rides.  Mammon and Simeon do not.  Beel is a little spooked by them but still manages to have fun, while Belphie and Solomon think they’re alright.
Eventually, Simeon gets too sick to move, and they assign him to Luke.  They say it’s because he’s too short to ride some of the rides (even though he’s literally not, screw you guys.)
Barbatos messes with time a lil bit so they can enjoy the Fantasmic Show and Fireworks to wrap the day up.
Levi is very jealous of Diavolo’s Doc McStuffins autograph.  Somehow Asmo has Buzz Lightyear’s number.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Satan is vibrating
He literally instantly sprints to the Kilimanjaro Safari.  And good for him; that’s something best done while the sun isn’t high up.  The whole gang actually agrees to check that one out, and while Satan isn’t thrilled to be within 50 feet of Lucifer, he’s glad Simeon is there because he remembers how his presence lured animals out in Australia.
Simeon also finds himself pulled along the trails by Satan and parents watch in horror as a gorilla gives him a friendly pat on the back.
If you didn’t know, Animal Kingdom is divided into the two continents of Asia and Africa, as well as the secret eighth continent Avatar (2009).  Diavolo heard great things about the Flight of Passage ride, but he totally forgot to tell Barbatos about it, so they’re stuck on a three hour wait line now.
Levi takes Luke on the Everest roller coaster because Simeon saw it in the distance and looked like he was about to cry.  Levi wouldn’t shut up about how the yeti effect needs to be fixed and Solomon had to explain that the effect literally couldn’t support itself.
Simeon, having escaped a roller coaster for the first and only time on this trip, grabs lunch with Lucifer and Solomon and they enjoy the Lion King performance together.  Solomon’s the only one of them who’s seen the movie, but the others still found it fun.  Solomon keeps making up random plot points that don’t exist, though.  Remember when Simba was captured by pirates?
Mammon found the Bugs Life show very scary.  Normally Asmo would laugh at him, but he’s afraid of any bug he’s never seen before and at least Mammon was afraid of the things that were supposed to get you.  They agree that bugs are still not their friends.
Satan has many things to say about the Dinosaur ride and most of them aren’t good.  Belphie thought it was pretty ok, though.  Lucifer can’t believe there was a sobering lesson on a global extinction event at this family-friendly amusement park.
Diavolo is still in line.  Barbatos abandons him.  He accompanies Luke to the kiddie fossil thing and actually finds it more tolerable.  Oh yeah that’s the other secret ninth continent, Dinoland.
Beel and Belphie spend most of the day together at the various petting zoos.  Belphie comes back knowing more than he ever wanted to about conservation.  He thought Rafiki’s Planet Watch was going to be about watching other planets, not this one!
Asmo gets very interested in the costumes of the performers, as well as the parrots in the bird show.  He could probably make some really colorful designs with those as inspiration.
Nearby, Mammon runs into Kevin and squawks in surprise.  The zoo staff spend the next two hours trying to find the bird that escaped.
Diavolo says the ride was worth it, don’t worry.
Honestly this park has a lot of stuff that wouldn’t translate well to a funny scenario post so this part might be a little short compared to the others.  I can only talk about a zoo for so long.
Anyone remember the Honey I Shrunk the Kids 4D show?  Apparently it closed in 2016 to make room for more Star Wars stuff.
Anyway, at the center of it all there’s the Tree of Life, which is really pretty all day.  Lucifer is thrilled to have a decently obvious meet-up place, too.  They get to catch the brief awakening show at night.
They’re very bummed to learn the Rivers of Light show isn’t happening anymore, so Levi pulls it up on his phone so they can watch it in spirit.
Then Satan learns about the Wilderness Explorers badges and the others spend the rest of the time preventing too much collateral damage over the fact that nobody told him.
Day 3: Epcot
Finally, Lucifer thinks.  Boo, Luke thinks.
Beel didn’t expect this park to be that interesting to him (he’s much more into the wonder and immersion of Hollywood Studios and Magic Kingdom), but then he learned about the restaurants.  China, Norway, France, Mexico, Germany, Morocco, Italy, Japan, Canada--Canada?  Huh.  Canada.  There’s so many different restaurants from so many cuisines to try, and yeah he knows that it’s definitely not the same as going to the place and it’s overpriced (sorry Lucifer), but it’s all right there.  He makes certain to take MC on a deluxe Epcot restaurant tour.
Oh yeah MC.  That’s the first time we’ve heard from them in a while.  They’re doing whatever you want them to I guess.
Levi buys so much from the Japanese gift shops that he has to go back to the hotel for a bit to drop his bags off.
Satan and Diavolo aren’t much better, but their stashes are more varied.
Also, Diavolo found Mouse Gear, and bought everyone a pair of ears.  Lucifer says that everyone has to keep them on because it’s what Lord Diavolo wants, but he is by far the most upset about them.  Mammon snaps a picture and Lucifer throws his DDD into the lake.
Asmo and Belphie decide they’re gonna take it easy this day, and they nab Solomon and Barbatos for some exhibition hopping.
Luke finds Mission Space and please father no Simeon thought he was safe he thought he was safe here no please
Aside from that, though, Luke honestly finds this part of the park boring.  He’d have been more interested in these attractions elsewhere, but as a kid he’s in Disney for roller coasters and Mickey Mouse.
Simeon is very grateful that Luke doesn’t have much that he wants to do, because it means that he can enjoy the Gran Fiesta and Living with the Land boat rides and have a single moment where he doesn’t feel like he’s about to be sick.  He’s not even afraid of the rides; he just gets motion sick easily.
Asmo makes sure to see the Chinese acrobat show, and Mammon catches that with the show-hopping gang since there isn’t much he wants to do here either.
Epcot has alcohol and Solomon hasn’t been able to drink in ages so he really wants to spend some time doing that with MC.  No demons allowed, thank you very much.  He doesn’t hold his liquor as well as he’d like you to believe, but he just gets really talkative when drunk so it’s ok.
Epcot is a nice day to take a breather and Lucifer and Barbatos definitely needed a breather before tomorrow.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
This is the day Diavolo has been waiting for.  The crème de la crop, the best park for kids and kids in a future king of the Devildom’s body.
Also I feel like now is a good time to mention that this probably isn’t a reasonable order of events because I don’t remember the map layout of these places idk Disney city planning
This time.  This time, Levi, Asmo and Beel are gonna get those autographs, dammit.  Levi doesn’t even know who half of these characters are but hell if he’s not getting their autograph.
Mammon actually really loves the mascots too, but he’s embarrassed about it so he’ll only try to get one if he can use the guise of MC wanting one.  MC, please help him out
Belphie isn’t big on rides, but he does have a soft spot for the more retro ones like Dumbo and Seven Dwarves.  And like I said before, Beel loves Magic Kingdom for its wonder.  So Belphie is perfectly happy being led (read: piggybacked) around by Beel today, because their favorite attractions match up pretty well here.
Actually, Beel’s favorite Disney movie is Lilo and Stitch, but.  RIP Stitch’s Great Escape ride 2004-2018
Diavolo and Lucifer take a moment to enjoy the Carousel of Progress, and they reflect on how much the Human World is always changing and how much about it they still don’t know.  It really does make them think, like.  Grandma found the VR games at Christmas!  The Devildom doesn’t have grandmas!
Mammon is terrified of the Haunted Mansion ride, and Satan has literally never felt so much schadenfreude in his life.
Mammon’s afraid of most rides to be fair, but he likes water rides, so Levi eventually takes pity on him and they go on Splash Mountain together more than once.
The Peter Pan ride broke down
Luke wanted to go on Space Mountain and Simeon was the only one around, so.  RIP Simeon ????-2021
Diavolo was That Guy.  If you know, you know.
Beel accidentally spun the teacups way too fast.  Not even Solomon got out of that one unscathed.
Following that, Solomon manages to drag Barbatos onto the Jungle Cruise while Lucifer is busy.  What is Lucifer busy with?  Riding the Buzz Lightyear shooting ride over and over until he hits every single target and gets a perfect score at a Disney ride, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve.  Anyway, Barbatos finds it really charming and Solomon finds it a nice break that he didn’t know he needed.
While looking for a food place that sells water for a reasonable price, a kid runs up to Asmo asking for a picture and autograph.  He’s kind of confused, but goes along with it to make the kid happy.
Turns out, Asmo’s so naturally charming that they mistook him for a prince.  Other groups see that family and follow suit.  Mammon eventually catches wind of it and shows up to charge a fee.  The parents are pretty sure Disney doesn’t charge fees like that, but their kids really want a pic with Asmo so they hand over the two bucks.  (“Oh it’s so low” come on Mammon’s not a dick to children.)
And that’s the story of how Mammon and Asmo ended up in Disney Jail.  You’re very much not allowed to pretend to be a cast member and then charge money for it.  Lucifer has to bail them out as their “guardian,” and as punishment they aren’t allowed to opt out of It’s a Small World.
Small World isn’t that bad imho, and those like Diavolo, Satan, Simeon, and Levi would like it a lot.  But Lucifer has been playing parent all day, Belphie does not like the noise, and Solomon has literally been on this ride at least fifty times.  Very mixed feelings on this one, but it feels fitting to end with that and a fireworks show.
All in all though this wasn’t the worst trip Lucifer’s been on (cue everyone applauding for some reason).
Barbatos by far had the least fun of them all because for four days he was stuck in a park where the mascot is a fucking rodent and he wasn’t allowed to annihilate Mickey Mouse where he stood
“Disneyland Devildom when” “Lord Diavolo, no”
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summershouto · 2 years
Okay! Hi! I wanted to say a couple things!
First of all, you're an amazing writer and I love your works oh my gosh, they're so well-written.
Two, what are some songs that you like? It sounds random, but I like it when people ask me this, so I'm doing it to you!
And three, what are some tddk headcannons that you have? If you don't mind sharing.
I hope you have a great day! :D
thank you so much!!! That really means a lot to me :) Im always so happy to hear that people enjoy my writing, thank you! <3
I agree, that's an interesting question!! Hmmm I’m really not too picky about music but some songs I always enjoy are:
-working for the knife by mitski
-the lakes by taylor swift
-slide tackle by japanese breakfast
-cloud 9 by beach bunny
and Oooo yes I'm happy to share tddk headcanons! Im just gonna ramble a bunch of them
Izuku loses control of OFA when he’s super flustered, especially with his newer quirk developments. He once used black whip to grab Shouto’s hand by mistake because he was so nervous
after they date for awhile Izuku learns to decipher all of Shouto’s tiny facial expressions. Shouto just has to twitch his eyebrow and Izuku already knows what he’s trying to say
Inko adores Shouto. She loves all of Izuku's friends of course, but she especially likes taking care of Shouto
Izuku refuses to kill bugs because he feels bad for them. He insists on catching bugs in a cup and carrying them outside…even in the middle of the night or when it’s pouring rain. Shouto finds it strangely endearing and starts to do the same even when Izuku isn’t there
They like to give each other flowers—just whenever. It’s always a fun surprise :)
They both like watching documentaries. They often spend their evenings laying together on the couch, tucked under a blanket and watching random documentaries that interest them. Their friends tease them about being boring, although Iida is always a firm supporter of their educational shows
Okay I’ll stop rambling but I hope you enjoyed :) I am always happy to share headcanons! 
Anyway thank you for all the questions :D you too! <3 <3 :)
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trashyswitch · 3 years
The Repair Man's Reward
Chris is a full time repair man who works with the Animatronics. But a regular night of routine housekeeping for the next morning, would turn into so much more than he expected. And frankly, he's not complaining!
This prompt was suggested by a close friend of mine, who has been having dreams of being tickled by Chica (a FNAF representation of me as a ler, basically). So Chris, buddy, I hope this fanfic lives up to your expectations and puts you into a lee mood for a while!
Chris walked himself into the newer-looking pizzeria and looked around the place. The custodian must’ve just finished cleaning and re-setting up the party room, because it wasn’t dirty or cluttered with kids stuff. It was completely put together with table covers, banners, party hats and napkins on the tables, and little party bags to go with it. Chris smiled as he walked past the dining hall/game room, and looked up at the stage with Toy Freddy Fazbear and the bright-looking band members.
He walked up the stage’s stairs, and walked up to the new animatronics. “Good morning guys. Are you ready for another day of entertainment?” He asked rhetorically. He knew that the animatronics wouldn’t reply, so he got started on Toy Bonnie first. He took a moment to make sure the animatronics were properly shut down, and started removing the eyes. “Let’s get that guitar of yours tuned, shall we?” He said to himself.
Chris placed the eyes into the box to be cleaned, and moved onto the two bottom buttons. He clicked both of them one at a time, and smiled as Bonnie’s faceplate opened. “Perfect.” he declared. Next, Chris touched the flashing light button on the throat pipe to make the guitar play. Quickly, the guitar started playing each string individually from up to down. He listened carefully for any strings out of place and to Chris’s surprise, the strings were fine!
“Huh...looks like you’re learning how to carry a tune without breaking a string! Good job, Bon.” He reacted.
Then, he carried the eyes to the cleaning boxes, and dropped them in. It took only a couple seconds for the eyes to be cleaned and spat out. Chris grabbed them, walked back to the animatronic and placed the eyes in. Lastly: Chris closed the faceplate. “There ya go! And now onto Chica.”
Chris walked up to Chica with a smile. “Hello Chica! Good to see ya.” He greeted as he looked at her body. “Having fun making pizza for the kids?” He asked, seeing at least 4 separate slices of pizza on her. “Let’s get that removed.” He put some blue gloves on and started removing the pizza from her body. “Eugh...What is up with you and your obsession with pizza? I mean I totally get it, but this is just…wrong.” Chris threw the pizzas away one at a time and threw away the gloves into the same garbage. “And now…”
Chris clicked the two buttons on Chica’s head, and waited to see if there were cockroaches or other bugs. And sure enough, a few cockroaches started climbing around on there. “Oh no. Not again. Seriously! Where do these cockroaches come from? Do we need to call an exterminator?” He asked. “I’m gonna write that down for Mr. Afton to see.” He decided. He grabbed a notebook out of his box of parts and wrote a note to Afton about the cockroach issue. Then, Chris put a dust mask on and goggles, and sprayed some chemi-spray onto the animatronic. Quickly, Chris watched with relief as the cockroaches died and fell onto the ground.
Finally, Chris adjusted Chica’s arm, and placed the cupcake onto her hand. “There! Now onto Freddy.”
Chris had walked himself up to Freddy and right away, he could see a kid’s toy stuck in the mouth. Carefully, Chris started to open the mouth to remove the kid’s toy. He managed to successfully remove it and placed it into the lost and found bin. Giving his bowtie a light tug, Freddy’s chestplate opened and revealed no other toys or anything else worthy of the lost and found bin. So, Chris booped Freddy’s snoot and kept Freddy the way he was.
“Alright. And Foxy is still out of commission and-” Chris paused what he was saying when he saw that Chica was looking at him. “Heeeeee’s…” Chris walked closer to Chica and slowly started walking backwards. He watched as Chica’s head moved with his body, while his big green eyes stayed staring right back at his own dark brown eyes.
“W-What are you looking at?” He asked.
Suddenly, the yellow toy animatronic’s eyes went black. Chris didn’t even have a chance to think another coherent thought before the animatronic had dropped the cupcake and leaped right off the stage! Chris had immediately dropped his box of spare parts and had taken off in a terrified sprint down the main hall. He could hear stomps and clanging sounds of the yellow toy robot following right behind him.
While he ran for his life, Chris tried looking behind him to see just how much space was between-
The robot was literally neck and neck with the tiny human that had repaired her. It was like a human trying to outrun a raging lion! So impossible you shouldn’t even TRY to attempt it! Even though it would’ve been easier to just give up, Chris didn’t. But that determination only lasted another second before he was quickly captured by the speedy robot. Chris shouted and kicked, and wiggled as much as he could to get out of her grip. But it was impossible. Now that he was captured, there was no getting out.
“Help! HELP! HELP! AAAA-” All of Chris’s breath was squeezed right out of him as Chica tried to give him a big hug. Though it didn’t hurt him per say, it did render him unable to breath for a couple seconds. When the robot had stopped tightening her arms, Chris managed to adjust himself slightly so he could still breath. He took in a big breath, and exhaled in relief. Though he was able to breathe okay, he was still stuck in Chica’s grip.
Chica had wrapped her arms around Chris’s upper arms, rendering his shoulders immobile for a while. He was still able to bend his elbows and reach his lower arms out, but he couldn’t extend them like he would with free shoulders. “Ch-Chica! Please!” Chris begged.
Chica ignored his begs to be let go, and rested her head against Chris’s shoulder and neck, like a touch-starved mother. Chris blinked in surprise and still worried for his safety thanks to the fear that still lingered in his system.
But then, Chris felt one of Chica’s arms loosen and watched as the big hand rose above his head. Chris gasped and braced himself for skull-crushing impact…
But the only thing he felt was a light pat. A light pat from a big palm, and a ruffle of his big head of hair from the robot’s fingers. Chris opened his eyes and...didn’t know how to react. Were the animatronics supposed to hug people like this? If not, then why was Chica hugging him? Chris looked up at the hand and attempted to shake her hand off his head. But Chica removed her hand herself and resumed her tight hug.
Chris blinked in more surprise, but slowly seemed to calm down. It seemed like Chica was not planning on killing him and instead, was only planning to give hugs and cuddles to the guy. If that was true, then he’ll take them. Anything’s better than being killed.
But the comfy hug soon grew loose as Chica lifted Chris back up in front of her. Chris looked at her with genuine confusion and slight curiosity. Chica’s eyes were no longer dark black and had reverted back to the light green color. The toy version of Chica looked so much more friendly and approachable compared to the first Chica. It was somewhat deceiving. Chris watched as Chica wrapped one full hand under his armpits and around the man’s upper chest. The left hand was now securely but gently holding onto Chris, while the right hand started reaching down to his belly.
Noticing the shirt had risen up, Chica lifted the shirt up more and gazed at the skin underneath. Chica’s head tilted to the side while her jaw dropped a little in surprise. Chris looked at her eyes and quickly widened his own when he saw something adrenaline-inducing in Chica’s pupils:
A white feather had appeared in both eyes.
“Oooooh no. Ch-Chica...Let’s not do that-”
Chris was quickly interrupted by a single thick yellow finger, scratching at his belly. Chris immediately went silent and tensed, almost nervous to let his laugh out. Maybe if he held his breath and waited it out, Chica would assume he’s not ticklish and move on. But unfortunately, it was a lot easier said than actually done.
Chica was moving the single finger around the different spots on his belly and adding little extra scratches here and there. The extra scratches were already almost breaking him. What made matters worse was that his belly was one of his absolute worst spots! It didn’t take much for anyone to break him just from some scratches on his belly.
Chris let out a strained grunting sound as he tried to keep his giggles from escaping his lungs. But then: Chica pulled an EVIL move by adding another finger to the scratching! And if that wasn’t enough, Chica had started ‘walking’ her fingers around his belly! OH NO! Chris accidentally let out a strained titter as his lips quivered into a wobbly, silly-looking smile.
Much to Chris’s dismay, Chica heard the tittering sound and quickly took it as a sign that the guy was ticklish! So Chica added her third finger and her thumb to the mix. The moment she started clawing and scratching, Chris threw his head back and broke out in laughter. “AAAAHAHAAAhahahahaha! EEEeehehehehehehe!” Chris laughed, wiggling around and kicking his feet.
Chica’s eyes appeared to dilate, making the pair feather images appear bigger in her eyes as she moved her hand to squeeze his bottom ribs. Chris took the few seconds to breath a little and quickly started giggling more high-pitched the moment she started squeezing. “Hahahahahahahaha! Chihihihicahahahahaha! Cuhuhuhut ihihihit ohohohouhuhut!” Chris reacted, squeezing Chica’s fingers as he giggled.
Chica removed her right hand and put her three fingers into a fist. Staring at her thumb, Chica lowered it towards the side of Chris’s chest and started digging and worming her thumb into the middle ribs and the spaces between. “HeheheheHEHEHEEEEEE! NOHOHOHOHOHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” Chris tried desperately to reach down and grab the hand or thumb, but couldn’t even reach high enough thanks to Chica’s thick arms. And even if he could, he wouldn’t have been able to pull her off anyway.
Then, Chica stretched out her hands, and moved her hand curiously to his belly again. “IHIhihi...Whahahat ahahare…” He struggled to properly see where she was gonna go next thanks to her fingers taking up so much of his view. But Chris quickly figured it out thanks to one poke to the bell button.
Chris widened his eyes in horror. She’d better not be!
Chica poked his belly button again, causing Chris to jump and squeak like a loud mouse.
It was at this moment that Chris had realized: he was toast.
Chica immediately started poking and scratching her finger into his belly button, leaving him in hysterics. “AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP! STAHAHAP IHIHIHIT! IHIHIHIT’S TOOHOHOHOHO MUHUHUHUHUCH!” Chris begged.
Chica didn’t have any of those words in her code. But truth be told, none of the words in her code included laughter in between. That was a command flaw that had been around for a while, sadly. Usually, there would be a parent there to give the command. But this time, it was just one person! Chris was all alone; so Chris would have to work super hard to properly plead for her to actually stop.
Chris had sadly realized this and mentally cursed the complicated technology. If they had just come up with suits instead of robots...it would’ve been so much easier. But nope! He’s stuck with a robot chicken that was currently tickling him to bits.
Just as one would figure, Chica didn’t understand this as a proper command. So, she continue to tickle the belly button for a little longer before resuming to the generally belly area. “HAHAHahahahahaha! Ohohohokahahahay, thahahahank yohohou. Thahahahank yohohohou Chihihicaha.” Chris told her.
Chica didn’t really understand that command. but she did notice that Chris’s laughter was more giggly and happy, than high-pitched and hysterical. So, Chica seemed to be able to learn the type of attention that Chris liked. Chica’s whole hand scratching soon moved back to 1 finger scratching again. When that happened, Chris started to calm down more and more. “Hehehehehehe! Yohohou...Yohohou’re ahamahahazing. Wooohohow.” Chris muttered.
Chica tilted her head as she gently lifted up Chris’s chin. Chris had a cute little dopey smile on his face. Under his longer hair, hid his sparkling dark eyes. Chica tilted her head as the feather image in both her eyes, switched to white hearts. Chris looked at the hearts in her eyes and dropped his smile. Not because he was sad, but because he was curious. Why were there hearts in her eyes? Was...Was Chica in love with her? Or was this more like a motherly kind of love?
Chica moved her finger around under his chin, and started gently scratching under his chin. Chris’s smile seemed to grow right back onto his face but this time, it was followed up by...almost a loving reaction to the scratching. He was closing his eyes and tilting his head to the side while sporting a soft, comfortable smile on his face. Whatever kind of loving reaction this was, Chica was loving it! Her eyes dilated in wonder and excitement as she scratched under his chin with two fingers this time.
Chris appeared to be loving the chin scratches. Whenever Chica would move towards the upper chin, Chris would follow her and lift his chin up like a touch-starved cat. It was like he had just learned about the wonders of being touched. He didn’t want it to stop!
Next, Chica moved her ears towards his ears and started lightly scratching there. To Chica’s surprise, Chris started leaning into that touch as well! His face showed signs of enjoyment, and he even started...vibrating?
Wait...there was a sound to this vibration! It sounded strange. In fact, it sounded similar to a finger fluttering through all the pages of a book. It sounded...pleasurable? Was it a sound of enjoyment to go along with his face? Chica wasn’t entirely sure. But she could understand that whatever the sound was...it was connected to the ear scratching.
Whenever Chica would stop scratching his ears, Chris would stop doing the flutter sound and would look at him with sadness and hurt. Silent pleas for more? It seemed so. Chica would continue the ear scratches, and the pleasurable face, along with the flutter sound, would return.
Chica kept up this interesting sound-making action for a little longer. And the moment she finally stopped, Chris looked at her with a smile. “Thank you Chica. That felt amazing.” Chris opened his arms out, reaching for a hug. Chica, surprised but happy to agree, gently brought Chris into a hug. Chris wrapped his arms around her neck and snuggled his face into her shoulder.
While Chris snuggled into the chick, Chica started to draw little scribbles on his back with her loving finger. Chris, much to her surprise, started giggling and wiggling a little. “Hehehehehehehe! Thahahat tihihihicklehehes!” He giggled. Happy to hear his laughter more up close, Chica kept it up. “Hehehehehehehe! Hehehehehahahahahahaha!” He kept on giggling.
Chris wasn’t even trying to protest at this point! He was just happy to be in her arms! Chris’s viewpoint on Chica had changed drastically from when he got there, to at this moment. Toy Chica was programmed to be a little like a mother hen to the little children she likely saw as baby chicks. It was an underappreciated code idea that deserved a lot more positive reviews.
Chris stayed in Chica’s hug for a long while and enjoyed every ticking second of his cuddle session with her. It had been years since he had been cuddled like this. He never, ever expected to get such a warm cuddle session from a metallic, chicken-looking robot! But, gifts can come at the strangest of times.
Chris would later go back to the Pizzeria with more than just a daily repair job to do. He would come back, fix up the animatronics, and cuddle Chica for a while. Everytime he had a shift, Chris would happily cuddle with Chica. And amazingly, Chica’s faulty facial scanning seemed to work just enough so that she recognized who he was! It was the fixing man who loves to cuddle!
Now despite Chris’s attempts to hide this secret, he did manage to get caught. But Chris was actually surprised with who, out of all the staff, had caught him during a cuddle session. It was Henry Emily himself.
Henry had originally come into the restaurant to reminisce over the robots he had created and sadly, handed over to Afton once he left the team. But he ended up finding a lot more than just a repair man and the animatronics.
While the sight of a grown man cuddling a robot was super confusing and almost worrying at first, Mr. Emily seemed to understand just what was actually happening. Not only that, but Emily even had some answers for Chris’s questions such as: What did the hearts mean?
As it would turn out, the hearts meant that Chica had grown a special connection to someone, similar to a mother with their child! He had originally set it up with white hearts to represent purity in the love rather than the traditional red heart, which would represent a more intimate love.
So Chris smiled in delight when he realized his personal guess was almost spot on!
But then, more and more things started to finally click when Chica’s feathers appeared in her eyes again while looking at Henry. And of course; before the engineer could think to run, Chica had grabbed him and started tickling him! And even when Emily begged and pleaded for Chris to stop her, Chris just crossed his arms and enjoyed the strangely endearing scene.
Looks like Chris isn’t the only one who likes getting tickles from the pizza-loving chicken...
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pinguinosentado · 2 years
Love confession starters whichever one you feel would be most fitting for Olivia and Nightshade. Thankyou.
Thank you for the ask and for being so patient! Nightshade wasn't supposed to be in this story for more than a chapter or two but it seems like a lot of people really enjoy her, myself included.
Because she's so pushy, I picked "I don't want us to be apart. Ever." Enjoy!
Being friends with important people gave Olivia a unique perspective on the most recent world-ending catastrophe. The fall of the Institute should have brought about celebration and moonshine for man and machine alike, with the synths now free to choose their own path and Diamond City citizens with one less worry in their lives. No longer would the common man fear replacement and a quick death, he was now free to fear giant bugs that would slowly drain him of his life while infecting him with diseases and eggs that would soon hatch and eat him alive.
On further reflection, the common man may have started missing his old fears, and therein lay the problem, the difference between Publick Occurrences and the rest of the city. Piper was in a mood to shoot off fireworks but contented herself by drafting articles about a newer, safer world. She had enough good sense to know things were a little tense right now.
For the average, noodle-munching citizen like the ones currently seated beside Olivia, things were still tense. The Institute was gone, or so claimed Diamond City’s most annoying journalist, but there was no proof beyond her latest rantings. They were safe from synths, unless she had been replaced by one.
“Let’s say she’s right,” said one. “The Institute is gone. What about all those raiders, the ones that came down from Nuka World? They’re a nasty lot. Supposedly they’ve got a new queen, too.”
“You saw that explosion,” said another. “Like one of the old nukes going off. I’m telling you, it’s the end of days - again! The world’s ending again and we’re just sitting here.”
In Olivia’s experience, there wasn’t much to do when the world ended beyond sit around and hope you got lucky, but she declined to provide her input.
“And now there’s crazy robots on the roads!”
“You mean the synths?”
“No, the other ones, the ones making the Commonwealth a safer place. Safer place - they’re killing everyone they come across.”
Someone took the vacant seat to Olivia’s other side, prompting her to grab her noodle bowl and drink the last of its contents before someone recognized her. All things considered, she should have left Piper tied to that post when they first met. Ever since, she had been forced to develop a sixth sense for when people were going to start talking to her about her unfortunate friendship, and right now that sense told her to go back home as fast as she could.
She wasn’t fast enough. “Am I interrupting?”
Broth flooded her lungs as Olivia tried to gasp at the familiar voice. The bowl clattered to the countertop as she hacked and coughed and sputtered in an annoyingly typical display. She would have thought being so reliably unattractive would have spared her the attentions of any perspective love interests, but it seemed this one was determined not to be put off.
Maybe it was a synth thing. Olivia continued to hack into the bowl as a hand patted her roughly on the back, unable to respond as the woman continued to monolog. “I would have thought you’d be busy celebrating with our mutual friend. She finally slew her dragon, after all, or at least stood by and watched while a real hero took a swing at it. I do hope she’s appropriately recording my exploits.”
Olivia hadn’t actually been there, but from the way Piper was emphasizing the role of the Minutemen and Railroad, she assumed one particular raider had done most of the work.
“What are you doing here?” Olivia managed to whisper as her throat cleared and she turned to face the most infamous character in the Commonwealth.
Nightshade was all but unrecognizable beneath her traveler’s clothes, her face hidden by dust-caked scarves, her body swathed in the flowing rags that looked so bland she might have been here looking for handouts. But there was not disguising that voice, and Olivia had been pierced by those eyes too many times to not recognize them. They ingrained a particular feeling each time, like that of a rare butterfly being tacked to a specimen board.
At least she was rare, she thought as Nightshade grinned. “Can’t a girl stop in on an old friend to say hello? I suppose dealing with Piper every day has a way of engendering certain assumptions. Don’t worry, I’m not here to drag you away on some new adventure; in fact, I’m here for quite the opposite.”
She would have liked to defend Piper from this latest slander but, as always, she had a point. It was just lucky she hadn’t been dragged off to the Institute to make sure it blew up just right. The opposite of adventure sounded amazing right now, but that was assuming they both had done the logical inversion and ended up in the same place.
Olivia, curious to a fault, watched Nightshade slide a few caps, surprisingly not covered in blood, across the bar to the protectron. “The opposite?”
“I’ve been doing some thinking,” Nightshade continued, pausing as she was presented with a cherry cola and a bowl of noodles. “I hadn’t thought much beyond the end of our little war. I certainly didn’t think I’d be alive, much less with so many raiders eager to start another one with the Minutemen. Your friend Nora is already picking fights with them, you know. She’s nothing if not predictable.”
The cap came off without the aid of a bottle opener and Nightshade paused to take a leisurely drink. A quick glance toward the Publick revealed no red-coated reporters and no angry suits of power armor, so that was something. “So what are you going to do?”
The word hit Olivia like a truck, knocking whatever eloquence she possessed into the next state. “What?”
“I know, it’s a concept I was unfamiliar with until very recently and I found the whole idea a little ridiculous. When your whole life is about work, you tend to forget what else is out there. The world existed for my business, pet, and when that business was done I thought the whole of it would be turned to ash.” The bottle clinked against the counter and those eyes of hers flicked to Olivia, shining cheerfully between stray strands of hair. “But it’s still here, and you’re still here, and I think I like how that’s turned out. Don’t you?”
Olivia made a noise like a choking animal that was supposed to be a suave chuckle. “I’ve been alive a lot longer than I expected, honestly.”
Always a smooth talker when presented with attractive women, she was unsurprised when Nightshade smiled and leaned closer. “Which is why we both deserve a bit of a break, don’t you think? A time where both of us just watch the world go by, let someone else take the reins and make a mess of things.”
Olivia was going to say something clever but stopped when Nightshade’s hand came to rest on her own and the feeling of cold metal pressed against her skin.
“I’m a selfish woman, Olivia. I’ll admit, I get jealous seeing you spend so much time around our dear Piper, spending all that luck of yours getting her home safe when I could think of so much better uses for it. I want all that luck for me, all that time for me. You see, I’ve spent a very long time knowing I’m less than human in many different eyes and nearly as long trying to hurt the ones who put those thoughts in me. What I never considered was the sense of satisfaction I could gain by proving them wrong, by living next to them and being just like them - well, better than them, but you understand the point. That’s why I’m here, my four-leaf clover. You know my secrets, had every chance to let me leave this world, but you kept me here. I want to return the favor, be your lucky charm for a time, and give you the quiet joy the world has tried to hide away from both of us.”
Nightshade’s fingers closed around her hand with the firmness that implied this was happening whether she liked it or not, so it was a good thing she liked it very much.
“I don’t want us to be apart anymore. Ever.”
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bitchin-beskar · 4 years
I have to do it, 29. "Sharing a bed" for the fanfic trope prompts. With whichever of Pedro's characters you would like and whichever other tropes you'd like
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Unavoidable Consequences
Rating: M (sexual situations, cursing)
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: This is a Javi x Reader fic, with what is probably my favorite trope of all time. I don’t care how cheesy/cliche it is, the sharing a bed trope always leads to god-tier fics, and I’m so excited to finally get to write Javi!!! (Sorry this took so long @din-damn-djarin, but it’s finally here!!!!!) I may end up doing a part two, eventually, if people are interested in that! Let me know!
Tagging: @theocatkov, @cosmicbug379, @marydjarin, @mxndoscyarika, and @perropascal 
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in any of my future works, or if you’d like to be put on a permanent tag list!
There is now a Part 2!!! Read it here!!!
Well shit.
You stared at the lone bed in the middle of the hotel room, feeling a pit form in your stomach. You knew before going on the mission that you’d have to share a bed with your partner–after all, the two of you were going undercover as a married couple–for the duration of the assignment, but actually seeing the bed the two of you were supposed to be sharing really put things into perspective. 
Javi made a soft, questioning noise behind you, and you moved out of his way, your eyes never leaving the bed. You’d tried your best to mentally prepare for this mission, but preparing and then actually doing were two completely separate things. 
You’d been partnered with Javier Peña ever since Murphy had gone home to the states and the bosses had brought Javi back from the states to help deal with the Cali Cartel. The two of you had butted heads at first, but you quickly realized that the reason Javi had an issue with you wasn’t because he didn’t think you were capable, but because he’d seen what sicarios did to women, and he didn’t want that to happen to you.
It had taken the two of you time to trust each other as partners, but just when you were sure the two of you were finally getting a good routine down, your bosses had to throw this assignment at you.
It wasn’t overly complex, but it was dangerous. You and Javi were posing as a couple, tourists coming to visit beautiful Colombia, all while trying to get close enough to the cartel to identify some of the newer players in the cartel. The more people the two of you identified, the easier it would be to take them down later. 
Tonight had been the first night the two of you had actually had to act like a couple. It had been awkward to say the least. You were attracted to Javi, sure, but you had a thing against sleeping with co-workers. You hadn’t noticed if Javi felt similar feelings for you before, but tonight, it had become painfully clear how bad the two of you were at acting. 
You’d jumped every time he touched you, and he could barely look you in the eye. Somehow, the two of you had managed to fool people that you were a couple, but you knew it wouldn’t last if the two of you couldn’t get your acts together.
“Let me shower, compañera, and then I’ll take the floor.”
Despite your inner pep-talk, you still jumped at Javi’s voice. Once you absorbed his words however, you turned and frowned. “Javier, if you think I’m going to let you sleep on the floor when there is a perfectly good bed right there then you don’t know me very well.”
He opened his mouth to protest, but you raised your hand, cutting him off. “No, Peña, you’re not sleeping on the floor. We’re both adults, plus it’ll be a bitch for your back to sleep on the carpet all week.” 
Javi looked like he was going to protest, but decided not to, instead grabbing a change of clothes from his suitcase and striding into the bathroom. It was only once the door shut that you slumped on the bed, burying your face in your hands. What the hell had you just signed up for? 
Having showered earlier in the day, you just changed into your sleep clothes. They were actually some of your more modest pajamas, some leggings and an old, baggy, t-shirt, but it was still a lot more casual than anything Javi had ever seen you in before. 
When Javi stepped out of the bathroom, you tried really hard not to ogle. You’d never seen your partner in anything other than a suit, so to see him in a pair of boxers and a ratty t-shirt was striking, to say the least. 
You were pretty sure you managed to hide your embarrassment at seeing him, but you still rushed into the bathroom to brush your teeth, suddenly anxious about being in the same room as him for any length of time. 
You stalled as much as you could, but there wasn’t much for you to do, so you finally exited your safe space, stepping back into the darkened bedroom. Javi had turned a lamp on and was reading the case file, but other than that, it was dark. Setting your stuff down, you awkwardly shuffled into the bed, on the left side, closest to the wall. It didn’t escape your notice that your partner had placed himself very deliberately between where you’d be sleeping and the door–the only entrance into the room. 
Laying down with your back to Javi, you pulled the covers up, almost cringing at the awkward silence that settled like a thick fog over the room. You listened as Javi flipped through a few more pages before sighing deeply, flipping the folder shut and dropping it on the nightstand. The room went dark, and you could feel Javi shuffling behind you trying to get comfortable. 
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, but one thing was bugging you. “Javi?” You whispered. “You still awake?”
There was a pause.
“Yeah, I’m awake.”
“Do you have your gun with you?”
There was another, longer pause.
“Yeah. Does that bother you?”
“No. It makes me feel better, actually.”
There’s a quiet snort. 
“Get some sleep, compañera.”
Something woke you up. 
It was pitch black in the room, so you knew it was still night, but you couldn’t figure out what had woken you up. You were usually a pretty heavy sleeper, so for something to have woken you up, it had to be more than just a little noise outside. 
You lay there, silently, still groggy, trying to figure out what was wrong. Just as you were about to give up and try to go back to sleep, you were startled as what you thought was just the blanket around youe waist tightened, and you were pulled across the bed until your back hit a hard chest behind you.
Your eyes flew back open, and you held your breath. Suddenly, you were wide awake. You quickly figured out that it wasn’t the blanket around your waist, but instead Javi’s arm, slung across your body, his warm palm resting on your stomach–thankfully, over your shirt. 
He was pressed against your back, clearly still asleep based on his breathing. His face was buried in your neck, his lips pressed against your bare skin. You could feel his breath against your skin, and goosebumps erupted down your arms. 
Still holding as still as possible, your mind raced, trying to figure out what exactly you should do. You didn’t want Javi to think you were taking advantage of him or anything while he was sleeping, but you also didn’t want to wake him up by squirming around. 
You had to admit, it was kind of nice being held by Javi. Peaceful, comforting even. You thought the two of you might have even entered into a relationship, if you hadn’t been partners and co-workers. But you’d been determined to keep your interactions professional. Your current position certainly wasn’t helping matters.
Resigned, you closed your eyes. If you couldn’t get out of Javi’s grip, then you’d have to just try and sleep. You needed to be well rested for tomorrow.
“Psssst. Compañera, wake up.”
“Wake. Up.”
Your eyes flew open, frantically searching the pitch black for what woke you.
“It’s okay, it’s just me.” 
You finally saw the silhouette of Javi leaning above you. You couldn’t make out all of the details of his face, but you could tell it was him. You were on your back, and Javi was next to you, propped up on one arm, his body looming over yours. 
Opening your mouth, you went to ask him what was wrong, but suddenly, Javi’s warm hand was over your mouth, stopping you from speaking. 
“Shhh. Just listen to me.”
Javi waited for you to nod before he removed his hand. You unconsciously licked your lips, your mouth suddenly very dry.
“I got a message from our contact inside the cartel. They said there are some sicarios staying in the rooms near ours.” 
Your eyes widened. That really, really wasn’t good. 
“According to our contact, there’s been some chatter between the men. They were, um...” Javi paused, and your brows furrowed. He sounded almost nervous, which certainly wasn’t a good sign. “They were making comments about how strange it was they hadn’t... heard anything from our room.” 
You shook your head. “I don’t get it. What were they expecting to hear, Javi?” It was dark, so it was kind of hard to see, but your eyes had adjusted enough that you could almost see a blush spread across his cheeks.
“They were expecting to hear us having sex, compañera.” 
Your mouth dropped open. Shit. You certainly weren’t expecting this. You’d never expected that you’d have to pretend to be a relationship at night as well as during the day, and you had no idea what to do. 
“I told them that we’re done. We’re leaving tomorrow. I can’t ask you to–” 
It was your turn place your hand over Javi’s mouth. “Javier. Listen to me. This assignment is too important. We can’t just leave. Is there any way we can, I don’t know, fake it?” Already Javi is shaking his head, dislodging your hand.
“No, no way. These guys are too good, they’d know if we were faking it. Our only options are to leave, or–” 
He cuts off, but you know what he was going to say. Your only options were to leave, blowing the operation completely, or to have sex, just to maintain your cover. 
Well, there was really only one thing you could do.
You use the hand that had covered Javi’s mouth less than a minute ago to tangle in his hair, pulling Javi’s lips to yours. 
He doesn’t react right away, and you feel a bit of pride at being able to catch him off guard. But when he does react, he takes control immediately.
He presses his lips harshly against yours, his fingers wrapping around your wrists, yanking your arms up and pinning them above your head. Holding your arms with one hand, his other hand cradles your face, tilting your head so that he can deepen the kiss.
You let out a quiet whimper, trying to keep up with Javi’s near-frantic pace. He manages to tear away for a brief moment, whispering “Are you sure?” against your lips. You’re barely able to nod before he kisses you again.
His hand trails down the front of your shirt, creeping under the fabric and brushing over your bare skin. You arch your back, encouraging his wandering touches.
He keeps distracting you with kisses, but when his warm palm cups your breast, you pull away from his lips, a soft gasp escaping your lips. You bite your lip, trying to stifle the noise, but Javi pinches your nipple, leaning down to mutter in your ear.
“Don’t. I want to hear you.”
Another gasp escapes you, slightly louder than before as Javi toys with you.
He continues to murmur in your ear, his voice dripping with arousal, his tone dark as he explains what he wants to do to you.
“God you have no idea what you do to me, do you? Fuck, I’ve wanted you for so long, compañera. I’m not letting you leave this bed till your legs are shaking and the only word you can say is my fucking name.”
You’re already gasping for breath and he’s barely touched you. “Fuck, fuck, Javi, please–”
You can’t even finish your plea before his lips are on your neck, sucking at your pulse point. You’re writhing in his grasp, but his hand around your wrists is unmoving, and his lips are relentless.
“‘M gonna mark you up, make sure everyone knows you’re mine, baby.”
Your hips are twitching, searching for something, any kind of friction to bring you relief. You cry out when Javi drops his own hips, pining you down to the bed, but also providing pressure where you need it most.
“Javi, Javi please, I can’t–!” You gasp, hooking one leg over the back of Javi’s thigh, keeping him pressed against you. “I need more, Javi I need–”
His hand leaves your breast and instead works it’s way down the front of your leggings, fingers immediately giving you the friction you so desperately desire. As you moan his name, loudly, you find yourself grateful that your bosses didn’t see fit to give the two of you different first names for your undercover work.
“More, pleasepleaseplease–”
You’re almost sobbing, but Javi’s fingers are relentless, bringing you closer to your climax. He presses his lips against yours right as you peak, swallowing your cries as you reach your release.
Slumping down on the bed, your entire body tingling, you blink up at Javi, his dark eyes roving hungrily over your face as he watches you come down from the high.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful, compañera.”
You feel your cheeks heat at the praise, and his heavy gaze. You watch as he brings his fingers to his lips, sucking your release from his skin. It’s one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen, and you know right then and there that you’re completely and utterly fucked.
“Javi, that was–” you trail off, words escaping you when you try to describe the feelings you just experienced. You’re surprised, however, when he chuckles.
“Baby,” he chuckles, ducking his head and kissing you, letting you taste yourself on his lips. “You didn’t think we were done, did you?”
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x fem!Reader
Warnings: SMUT. THIS IS SMUT. 18+. 
Author’s Note: Welp, I stayed up until 4:11 just to finish this. It’s the longest piece I have ever written, so, if you think my pieces are always too short and not sweet enough, hopefully this can make up for it. Also, this has been in my drafts for weeks and up until 3:59 this morning, it was titled Delicate. Glory literally wasn’t in here once until this morning.
Tags: @thotyana-in-this-hoe @neeadinghugs 
*     *     *     *     *
Poe can’t help it as his eyes shift to you every few minutes as you talk with Finn. Everyone is out getting drinks after a smooth mission and you treat everyone out with you to a free round. You and Finn laugh your way through two shots before he has to rush to the refresher to vomit all he’s drank.
“Is he alright?” Rey chuckles, leaning against you, slight concern making its way into her voice. You can’t stop the laugh that pushes from your lips as you take another small sip from the large cup you ordered before Finn suggested something stronger, “He will be.” Rey huffs with a smile before leaning in closer to you so she can talk without being heard and completely throwing off Poe’s groove.
“Poe... Poe! Are you even listening?” Rose asks, her brow furrowed as she shakes the pilot out of his stupor. “Yeah, yeah, of course I’m listening. The story is hilarious. I just got worried about Finn, you’ve got my full attention.” Poe wants so badly to give all of his attention to the group surrounding him, but you’re laughing with Rey and swaying to the music playing and he can’t stop his eyes from looking to you. Shift. You and Rey are leaning on each other laughing. Shift. You give Rey a nod, shrugging a shoulder as you feign indifference. Shift. You’re both downing the last of your drinks. Shift. You’re not there any more. Shit, you aren’t there anymore. Poe’s head whips around as he tries to see where you and Rey could have disappeared to so quickly.
Realizing that you and Rey have left before he could make his big move, which he is definitely going to do tonight, Poe flashes his audience a charming smile, “I apologize, you’re right, Rose, my mind is a little flighty, there’s a mission issue I need to discuss and I just know it’s gonna bug me all night if I don’t just go take care of it. Save the good stories til I get back?” He asks, backing away from the group. Rose purses her lips like she knows that Poe is up to something, but instead of calling him out, she waves him off, “Yeah yeah, we’ll save the good ones til you get back.” Raising his drink to her, Poe turns around and sets the bottle on the counter before finally making his way outside.
There are a few people talking and laughing right outside the cantina and Poe almost wishes he didn’t leave BB-8 to charge so the little droid could do it’s thing and find you. The more reasonable part of him knows that BB would probably embarrass him incredibly. Either way, he’s on his own, so Poe just turns right and begins walking. It isn’t long before he steps into an expanse of trees, and Poe is almost ready to turn around and try going left when he hears your shriek. His heart starts racing in panic and Poe sets off in a run, quickly slowing himself down when he hears that the shriek is followed by a laugh. The slower pace gives Poe just small enough steps to trip over something. He catches himself on a nearby tree, and when he looks down, Poe realizes that he’s tripped over a jacket.
More specifically, he’s tripped over your jacket.
The discovery piques Poe’s interest just a little more than he’d care to admit. Grabbing the jacket, Poe follows the sound of your voice and Rey’s laughter. The ground begins to get a little softer beneath his feet and Poe’s pants tighten when his mind concludes there’s a body of water nearby. You and Rey could just be relaxing with your feet in the water. That isn’t the thought that excites Poe though, what excites Poe is the idea of you and Rey being in the water. What all did you keep on in the water? Oh, Maker, what all did you take off?
His questions are answered when he approaches and sees Rey’s bare shoulders and back sticking out of the water. “That’s definitely unfair! I am not Force sensitive, so I think that because you got to both cheat and catch me off guard, I should get to dunk your head under water.” Rey snorts and wraps her arms around herself, “Are you sure that you’re the best negotiator we have?” Your laugh rings through the air again and Poe realizes that he’s peeking at you from behind a tree like a child. He also realizes that he can’t quite move so he isn’t. You’re ducked into the water up to your chin, also refusing to move, but when Rey groans and lifts her arms, admitting defeat, you approach her, the water revealing more and more of you the closer you get until all of you is out down to your belly button. Out and definitely naked. Poe closes his eyes for a while, able now to take complete cover behind the tree nearest him.
First things first, Stars, you’re gorgeous and Poe has no idea if there’s any way he’ll be able to look at you ever again without thinking of you, completely naked and soaking wet. And now thinking about it, he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to do that without getting almost painfully hard. Maker, how is he gonna make his move? Does he wait for you to get out? That would be the gentlemanly thing to do. He could step out with a dashing smile and ask Rey to give the two of you a moment of privacy. This doesn’t have to be weird.
Yeah, yeah, it doesn’t have to be weird at all. Not at all. Not weird or anything like it. Poe is a grown man! He’s seen naked women before. And you are a grown woman, and surely people have seen your naked body before. And then he’s hit with an awful realization. Rey. Shit, you’re both just frolicking around naked, together. Maker, what if he’s just being a pretentious asshole and you aren’t attracted to -
“Fuck! I um - General Dameron.” Poe jumps, turning around, he realizes that he has been pacing in his thinking and has moved from behind the tree. “Poe? Are you alright?” Rey asks, seeing Poe’s shocked face. Both of you have dipped beneath the water so that all can be seen is your heads. And now, all of Poe’s ideas are completely shot. He’s right in front of you and he has not gotten his shit together yet. “You don’t have to call me General, Y/N, I’m not used to it myself. But uh, if you get a second, can I speak with you about a mission I’ve been thinkin bout sending you on? With security detail, of course.”
You start to get up to scramble around for your clothes, but you remember that you’re naked and settle back down in the water. “Of course, I have a minute now. Could I have a second to get dressed?” Poe isn’t sure if he should be excited or dreading the moment as he begins stepping away with his raging hard-on still jutting out of his pants. “I will just be a few feet out, take your time.” Poe answers, your jacket clutched before him. Not until he’s out of ear shot does Poe lose it a little, clenching his fist and biting softly at his knuckles, groaning around them. It occurs to him the time he saw you kissing that newer pilot a while back, he was a man, so maybe he does have chance? And don’t Rey and Finn have that whole ‘will they, won’t they’ thing going on purpose? So that makes his chances a bit better, well, at least with the kid gone - he was lost on a mission not too long after you were seen locking lips. The thought makes Poe feel awful, but his erection is softening, so he can’t be too upset with himself.
Rey, on the other hand, is entirely delighted by the situation, no holds barred at all. As soon as she’s sure Poe is out of ear shot, Rey barks a laugh so loud it startles you as you make your way out of the water. “He’s almost forgotten he’s General now? Poe reminds me at least once every other day that I’m lucky he doesn’t have me call him General Dameron.” She teases, splashing water at your back. You suck your teeth and pull your pants on over your damp legs, foregoing your underwear for the sake of your comfort. “Well, the two of you are friends, Rey, that’s friendly teasing. This was just professional prattle.”
“Or...” Rey drawls, following you out of the water and dressing before speaking again, “Maybe, General Dameron has a crush. I reckon he wanted your little secret meeting to be as private as possible,” Rey teases, head tilted suggestively, “So, I’ll buy you a drink and keep it warm, yeah?” You want to tell Rey that you’re sure that the talk will only take as long as the walk back to the cantina, but she’s already started walking off and you aren’t sure how close Poe is, and, the idea of Poe having crush on you is a little exciting, so you just leave the idea as it is and hold your shoes and underwear in hand as you search for Poe.
It isn’t too long before you catch up to Poe. Rey passed him just a minute ago, giving him a once over before smirking and leaving him with a, “Have fun, General Dameron.” When you arrive, you’re holding some of your clothes, and Poe has to remind himself to not spend too much time admiring how your wet skin makes your clothes stick to you, especially not now that he’s finally got himself just half hard.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t end up taking too long. Is walking and talking fine?” You greet Poe, almost sheepishly, your smile conveying any apologies on your part. “Yeah, yeah, we can walk and talk. Are your uh, feet gonna be okay without the shoes?” Poe asks, slipping into his natural charm as he points at your shoes. Laughing, you begin walking first, “Oh, they’ll be fine. I walked in plenty worse places barefoot as a child.” You reassure Poe before rubbing a bead of water on your forearm into your skin, “But, this mission. Are we looking to settle on another planet and use an old Rebel base? Need to negotiate for cheaper prices on our repair parts?”
Poe lets go of your jacket with one of his hands, wiping it against his pants, “I uh, I actually lied. I came looking for you to ask you out, and then I saw you in all your naked glory and panicked.” Poe is nervous about what your response might be, but a soft chuckle is not one of the things he expected to hear, “I don’t know if my nakedness has ever been referred to as ‘glory’ before.” Poe’s relief almost rolls off of him in a wave. He shoots you a quick smile and shrugs his shoulder, the cantina coming into view, “Really? Surely that was only due to the inability to articulate. Glory does that some times. Especially naked glory.”
Much to Poe’s surprise, you don’t go straight for the entrance, instead leading him to walk around the building at your leisurely pace. “You know, Rey said you might have a crush on me.” You say nonchalantly, not even looking at Poe. He would step a little more cautiously if this was how the conversation started, but the banter makes him a little more confident in his chances, so Poe moves so he’s standing in front of you, stopping completely. “Would that be a bad thing? If I liked you?” Now at a standstill, you look Poe right in his eyes before smiling, “It’d actually be a bit of a relief. It’s a little awkward to pretend unrequited adoration isn’t there.”
Another wave of relief from Poe. He uses his free hand to rub his curls back into place, their order disappearing as soon as Poe lowers his hand, “Adoration? Oh, I don’t think that was the word I used.” His response makes you laugh and before you can calm down, Poe leans in, “Can I kiss you?” You don’t answer, instead shifting your belongings in your arms and using your now free hand to bury into Poe’s curls and pull his mouth to you. That is answer enough for Poe though as he drops your now almost unrecognizably dirty jacket and wraps both of his arms around you to pull you closer. Your lips are just as soft as he always imagined and your nipples rub at his chest through his shirt, completely undoing the work he put in to getting rid of his erection.
Poe pulls away, one hand now cradling your face and a wide smile on his face matching yours, “Can I kiss you again?” You laugh again, dropping your shoes and underwear so you can embrace him properly, both arms wrapping around Poe in a strong embrace. The lack of barrier between your bottom halves makes Poe’s erection evident to you now and your moan into his mouth quickly changes the energy of the kiss. Where you were once giggling into each other’s mouths, now you’re grinding against each other and drowning your whimpers and groans in the mouth of the other.
Shifting your arms so they’re both over Poe’s shoulders, you jump up and wrap your legs around Poe’s waist, fingernails scratching at his scalp as you tug at his hair, “Is this okay with you?” You ask Poe between kisses as you map your way to the extra sensitive part of his neck. Wanting to use his arms for more than holding you up, Poe walks until your back is against the cantina, the back door cool against his fingers, “Sweetheart, I don’t think anything has been okay until now.” The end of the statement is choked out when you finally find Poe’s soft spot and drag the tip of your tongue along the skin right at the lobe of his ear.
Feeling the need to return the favor, Poe pushes his hips closer to you to help you and the wall in keeping you up before letting his hands roam. His hands find the hem of your shirt first, the warm wet fabric leaving the same feeling on your skin. You sigh out loud as Poe’s fingers inch up and brush softly against your nipples. “Maker, that feels good.” You whimper as you take Poe’s lobe between your teeth and scratch your nails across the nape of his neck just hard enough to make him hiss. Poe pinches your nipple in his fingers and uses his other hand to squeeze at your thigh as he begins to thrust his hips into yours.
You rest your head on the door behind you and roll your hips in needy circles, “Later Poe, we can do it later, but I really just wanna have your dick in me right now.” The declaration makes Poe’s cock jump in his pants and he decides that, yes, he can explore your body later. “You’re gonna have to be a little quieter if we’re gonna fuck right here right now, sweetheart.” Poe warns as he sets you down. You’d believe he was chastising you if he didn’t have a cocky smile slapped across his mouth. “And that goes for both of us?” You ask with a giggle as you work Poe’s pants and briefs down just enough to release his red, leaking cock from its harsh confines. “Fuck,” You groan. Poe gives you a quick look, his hands stilling on your pants to make sure everything is still alright. When your eyes lock, you pull his face closer to yous and speak just against his lips, “Glory.” You whisper before pressing your lips to his softly.
Poe giggles softly against your mouth as he finally works your pants down to your knees, the wetness of the material making the short trek a little harder than usual. Hands cupping the underside of your thighs, Poe helps you to your tiptoes, lips disconnecting from yours in anticipation. Poe’s hot breath fans against your lips as he lets you slip a little, feeling just the tip of his dick slide into you. In an attempt to keep quiet, you clench your teeth, but the sound is determined and a soft growl rumbles in your chest and the entire situation makes Poe shudder, his dick swelling even more just at the thought of finally having you, here, even if not in the most comfortable - or convenient - of spots.
“Y/N, I’m gonna let some more in, but sweetheart, I need you to try a little harder to keep those pretty little noises to yourself, alright?” You don’t have to say it out loud, Poe feels you nod against him, and he has to remember to practice what he’s preaching as he lowers you all the way. Feeling your chest rumble with sounds unmade, Poe buries his face into the crook of your neck. The heat of your skin and the heat wrapped around him feeling too good to be true.
“I need, Poe, please - please, I need you to move.” You whine, squeezing your walls around him just to feel some kind of friction. Poe knows he needs to move. He can feel what should be the best orgasm he’s had in a long time stirring within him, and he doesn’t know how quiet, how sane, how strong he can stay while fucking into you. But he’s got to do something, so focusing his mouth on licking at the salted stretches of your neck and his arms on wrapping tightly around you, Poe pulls his hips back as far as he can, as slow as he can. “General Dameron, fuck me please.” The end of your whispered plea is cut off by a grunt when Poe shoots his hips forward with as much speed and ferocity and he can manage with you both so close together.
Removing one of his arms from around you, Poe moves it to the back of your head, pressing your face into his shoulder to muffle the sigh that leaves your mouth. Once again, Poe pulls out slowly, only to punch back in again. One of your hands has found its way to the curls at the nape of Poe’s neck and holds them in a tight grip, making Poe whimper into your neck. “Maker, sweetheart, your pussy feels better than anything I’ve ever had.” His words have you moaning into the warmth of his shirt, the material dampening from the heat of your panting.
You want to say something clever. To pull away from Poe and tell him to wait until you’re actually doing something as you smirk smugly when the words make him groan at the thought of you doing this again. Of you pushing him onto a bed and riding him so hard his pelvis is bruised and he can’t make any more noise his throat is so sore. But you feel quite the same, so instead of making yourself the protagonist in a cheesy sex scene, you lift one of your legs up and clench around Poe again. To both of your surprise, Poe’s knees get weak at the feeling, and he knows that if there wasn’t the door supporting you, that he’d have fallen to the ground and taken you with him.
“Oh, fuck, fuck, please do that again.” Poe begs, his hand going from your head to gripping at your elevated thigh. “Ah, yeah, come on sweetheart, you feel so good. Wanna feel what your pussy does around me when I shoot into you. Can we do that?” Poe whines into your skin as he peppers it with wet kisses, hot licks of his tongue gracing your skin at every peck and driving you insane. “Maker, yes. Whatever you want.” Poe exhales a laugh, his breath quickening as he feels his orgasm approaching, “Fuck me, sweetheart, You know what I’m gonna do?” Poe grunts, his short fingernails leaving crescent indents in your skin as his thrusts become haphazard and a whine begins to make its way into each of his breaths. Giving a single breath chuckle, you push a stray curl from Poe’s forehead, “Cum?”
The remark sobers Poe a little and he lifts his head from your chest and rests his forehead on yours so you can look right in his eyes, “That’s right, sweetheart. I’m gonna cum in you. And then I’m gonna keep thrusting into you until your throat is sore from keeping quiet. And before you can cum, I’m gonna get down on my knees and lick all evidence of this out of you. I’m gonna suck on that clit of yours until your legs are shaking and you’re afraid you’re gonna rip all my hair out at the root.” The way Poe’s grunts and whimpers cut him off makes it evident that his filthy words are helping him get off too.
Now you don’t care much at all about being clever or witty, the throbbing of Poe’s cock inside you is intoxicating and all you can think about is the warmth of his cum as it shoots inside you, coating your insides and pulling your own orgasm from it’s concentrated place. “Poe,” You whisper, your body so tense as it clenches around Poe that your voice won’t get any louder, “General Dameron, I’m only gonna ask once that you fuck that cum into me right now before I push you down and take it.” As much as Poe wants to hold on for that, and he wants to so badly that his eyes well up with tears, Poe Dameron has never been able to hold his orgasm when it came to dirty talk, and especially not when referred to by his title.
A whimper falls from Poe’s mouth, and he makes sure to shove his mouth onto yours to quiet his grunts and enamored wails of your name. Poe pulls your pelvis as close to his as he can, opting for pushing you down onto his dick as far as he can get you rather than thrusting up into you as he releases. As your tongue easily beats Poe’s for dominance, you feel a tear slip into the crevice of your faces and soak into your skin. It takes one blink from you to realize that the tear is not from you, but from Poe, and if his mouth wasn’t muffling you, you probably would have audibly gasped. Yeah, you’ve been fucked to the point of crying orgasmic tears, but you’ve never brought a man to that point. And if he’s being honest, it hasn’t ever happened to Poe before so he’s rather surprised as well. But as his hips stutter and you take his bottom lip between your teeth, Poe is even more surprised he isn’t full on bawling.
Poe doesn’t remove his mouth from yours until all of his cum has been shot into you and when he does, he looks like he’s been drinking all night. Eyes blown and watery, lips swollen, and a lazy, but ecstatic grin on his face, Poe takes one of his hands from your thighs to rub your clit at a leisurely pace. “I think I made you a promise, sweetheart.” Poe rasps, coming back to himself a bit. With a pinched groan, Poe pulls his half hard cock from inside of you and drops to his knees. As much as he would have loved to keep his cock sheathed in you until you refused to hold him there any more, he couldn’t wait to taste you and have your cum smeared around his cheeks and chin while he devoured you.
“Maker, sweetheart, you’re gorgeous.” Poe admires softly, so soft, you’re pretty sure he wasn’t even really talking to you. Pushing your legs open more, Poe licks a stripe of dripping cum from your thigh up to your slit, humming in satisfaction at the taste of your skin, of the two of you combined. Poe takes a deep breath and you think he’s going to say something, but instead, he pulls one of your legs over his shoulder and wraps his lips around your clit, moving his thumb to your entrance and teasing you with it as he pushes the thick digit barely into you. Poe sucks on your clit like he needs it and nuzzles his nose against your pelvis, wanting to be as close to you as he can.
Your hands fumble, from your hair, to your breasts, and to Poe’s hair as you struggle to not grind on his face. Noticing your struggle, Poe removes his thumb from your opening and his mouth from your clit, “Cover your mouth.” You grumble at the loss of his mouth on you and give his hair a quick tug in question. Poe licks another stream of cum from your quivering inner thigh, “I’m not up there to muffle you, I need you to do it yourself.” Poe explains, his eyes lighting up like he’s just received a present as he pulls your other leg up to rest on his free shoulder. The change makes you gasp, and you flatten your back to the door, “Poe, we just fucked, you shouldn’t be holding me up, I don’t -” Poe cuts you off, looking up into your eyes for the first time since falling to his knees, “Y/N, I don’t care if my back is broken. I want you where you can grind your pussy all over my face, and I like where we are now. Is that okay with you?” He gets his answer when you tug at your bottom lip with your teeth and push his face as close as you can to your dripping cunt, now more your juices than his.
Poe gives your inner thigh a quick bite before covering your heat with his mouth. Maker, had he known you’d taste this good, that you’d get this wet for him, Poe would have asked to kiss you much earlier. Poe sticks his tongue in your entrance and licks around as if he were exploring your mouth. You’re delicious and your squirms intensify as Poe rubs firm circles onto your clit with his thumb. You mumble something from behind your hands and if this had been a few hours earlier, Poe would probably think you were crying, and you probably were now, but he gets the gist of what you said; I’m close.
For a moment, Poe is sad that he’ll have to stop eating you out so soon, but then a disgusting thought runs through his mind and circles for a few more laps. Pulling back from your dripping cunt to deliver kitten licks to your clit, Poe caresses the top of your thigh, “Y/N, sweetheart, do you trust me?” He can’t hear your response, so Poe looks up to see you have indeed shed a few tears. When his eyes meet yours, you nod again, pumping your hips impatiently. The wicked smile Poe gives you is almost enough to still you, “Can I try something? Just to get you off?” Your mind sparks, but with lustful curiosity rather than fear. When you whimper and nod again, Poe looks like he wants to pump his fist victoriously, but instead, he delves right back into your folds, resuming his teasing of your clit with his thumb. Poe’s mouth isn’t back on you right away and you’re curious until he takes his hand from your leg and pulls his thumb into his mouth, covering it with saliva until it was dripping down his wrist.
Poe’s mouth is back on you then and your neck hurts from craning it to watch him. Poe lets the fingers of his free hand graze over your ass, and just before you can ask him to speed up, Poe rubs his thumb against your tight puckered hole. Moving your hands from your mouth to Poe’s sweat dampened curls, you grip them tightly in warning. Poe nods against you and just barely pushes his thumb in before your hips jut against his face and your thighs squeeze his head tightly. A sharp cry of Poe’s name starts to make its way out of your mouth, but you slap one of your hands over your mouth and bite the skin there instead.
Your orgasm feels like you’re back in the water: as soon as a wave makes its way to your feet, another one starts at your head again and rocks you to your core. Your orgasm hits you so hard that you barely notice Poe setting your feet back on the ground and kissing at your hips as he keeps his thumb rubbing over your clit to help you ride out your high. Once you’ve recovered yourself, you’re on the ground across from Poe and his shit eating grin.”Was that okay?” He asks you, finishing closing his pants. You go to do yours, but realize Poe has already done it for you. Giving a breathless laugh, you shake your head at Poe, “I don’t think anything has been okay until now.”
Poe laughs and shuffles so he’s sitting beside you, “You wanna go in and get a drink or stay out here for a little bit longer?” Snuggling into Poe’s side, you rest your head on him, “I uh, I don’t think I can mingle or walk right now.” Poe huffs, amused and wraps his arm around you, “Great because I don’t think I can either.” Completely content in your situation, you almost doze off, but before sleep can take you, Poe gives you a squeeze, “So... glory, huh?” He asks, making you snort and give him a soft kiss. “What’s better than glory? Cause you got it.”
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aspenflower17 · 4 years
Finding You (Part Three of ??)
Hey, hey, hey everyone! I’m back with part three! This update is shorter than the other ones, but I wanted to publish this part for you guys :) If you wanna check out the other parts, their links are down below.
Part One Link Part Two Link
@simpingforsatan and @naimena
F! Mc/Satan
Word count: 1,460
Warnings: none this time!
“Your brother?”
“Yeah. I… I think there was a… a… stampede… Of demons, and I accidentally let go of his hand, and I don’t know where he is now,” the small angel looked up at the demon, and winced, her neck hurting her.
“A stampede huh?” Satan chuckled at the word, and crouched down. The feeling that he’d met her before was even stronger seeing her close up.
“Well, what else would it have been?”
“There are other words you could have used, but I suppose stampede works just as well. Just don’t let other demons here you say that; they’ll think you were trying to insult them.”
“Oh, I definitely wasn’t trying to do that,” Mc explained, her words tumbling out much too quickly.
Satan just put up his hand with a smile, halting her words, “I know you didn’t.” He found the young angel intriguing. Most angels wouldn’t have asked him, a demon, for help, much less apologized for using a word that was commonly thought of for animals for demons. Especially one that called Luke of all people a big brother.
“... Did you see it? The… ?”
“Stampede? I did actually. I was part of the cause actually. I apologize for that.”
“It’s okay, as long as you help me find my brother.”
“That is more than fair,” Satan agreed, offering a hand to help pull the small angel up. Once she was up, she started dusting off her small dress.
Satan chuckled, “Do you want me to help get them out of your hair?”
Mc smiled up at him, “Yes, thank you!”
Her hair was in a braid, so some small bits were stuck in there, but he got most of the large bits, “You had a whole leaf up there,” he said, showing her a large leaf.
She took the leaf from him, staring at it, “Is it supposed to be black like that?”
“Yes. It’s from that tree over there.”
“Is it because you guys don’t have a sun?”
“That’s really cool!”
“Heh. I’m glad you think so.”
They started walking, and Mc grabbed his hand by instinct. Satan was impressed that he didn’t pull away, not having had someone hold his hand since…
“So, where am I taking you?”
“Pur.. Pu.. Purag... “
“Purgatory Hall?”
“Yes,” she smiled.
“Off to Purgatory Hall then.”
The angel was full of questions, the demon more than willing to answer all of them. Her curiosity was refreshing, and he found himself completely at ease. Most children made him a bit irritated but she seemed to be more mature than a lot of other children he’d met her age. He still couldn’t place why she seemed so familiar. Even small actions had his brain screaming he knew her.
For her part, she was quickly growing to enjoy the demon's company. He was extremely knowledgeable, and answered all her questions completely and without annoyance. She was generally aware of when someone was talking down to her, and there was no guise with him. He was probably tailoring his responses down a bit, but it wasn’t demeaning.
“So, can I ask you a question?” Satan asked.
“If you want.”
“This may sound strange, but have we met before?”
Mc blinked a bit, that definitely not being the question she was expecting, “Ummm… I don’t think so. Unless you’ve been to the Celestial Realm.”
“Nope. I haven’t had the pleasure.”
“Oh… Well, I’ve never been here before…”
“Also, your older brother. What’s his name?”
“I knew it,” Satan muttered, pleased he’d been right.
“... Knew it?”
“Oh. I saw you guys walking in the park before the stampede happened.”
Mc narrowed her eyes, “Are you making fun of me?”
“Maybe a little bit,” Satan laughed.
Mc shook her head, a smile creeping onto her face at seeing him laugh, “That’s not very nice you know. But, did you say you know Big Brother?”
“I do, though I didn’t know he had a little sister.”
“With Sim.”
“I’m a newer addition to the family.”
“... Do You mean Simeon?”
“Oh yeah. Luke and Sim were really nice to me when I got up to the Celestial Realm, so when I was able to become an angel they decided I needed to be in their family,” the young angel smiled softly.
“I thought all angels were supposed to be nice.”
“Oh, they… We are. It’s just… I was lonely when I got there, and they listened to me instead of just telling me I’d be alright after a while.”
“You were lonely?”
“Did they say why?” Satan had a strange feeling about the whole thing, but he couldn’t put his finger on what was bugging him.
“Well, the other angels said it’s cuz’ I’m missing someone I knew during my life as a human. They promised after being there awhile I’d find them and I’d feel better.”
“... Did it ever happen?” Satan asked, pretty sure he already knew the answer.
“... No.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Well, it’s not like it’s your fault. And Sim and Big Brother help me feel okay most of the time,” as Mc fell quiet, she realized… She wasn’t feeling very lonely right then. In fact, she wasn’t feeling lonely at all. She blinked a couple times, something tugging at her mind. She turned to look up at the blonde demon next to her who seemed caught up for the moment in his own thoughts. The small furrow between his brows. His other hand on his chin. Green eyes trying to turn a problem around in his mind. This feeling of safety and contentment with a demon she’d never met?... Wait. He knew Luke?
“Were you one of the demons who called him chihuahua during the exchange program?”
“Huh? Oh, that. Kind of. It was mostly my brothers, but I may have called him chihuahua a couple times. He really did carry on like a dog sometimes.”
“He said he didn’t like the exchange program because of that.”
“I think there was more at play then just us calling him that, but I’m sure that was something that didn’t help. He seemed to be… okay with us last time I saw him. That was quite a while ago.”
“He did warn me about demons, but I think what Sim said is more true.”
“What’d he say?” Satan asked.
“He told me demon’s can be scary, like what happened earlier, but they’re really not that bad like you. Besides corrupting humans of course.”
Satan chuckled at the statement, the compliment not going unnoticed. She was matter of fact with the statement, not accusing demonkind of anything, but simply stating a fact he couldn’t argue with in any meaningful way. While he personally didn’t see anything wrong with corrupting a human he knew all angels and a lot of humans found it morally wrong. While the child was precocious, she was just that, a child, and an angel to boot. He doubted he’d be able to debate the subtle nuances of morality with her. He also didn’t want to tell her about how terrible demons could be, finding himself wanting her good opinion. Interesting.
The rest of the walk to Purgatory Hall went like this, the two enjoying each other’s company. Satan was more than impressed with the angel’s maturity despite how young she was, and Mc was content with the demon, Luke’s earlier warning’s about demon’s seeming very silly. Soon, the dorm was in view.
“Well, here we are,” Satan said, finding he was disappointed the small angel was leaving so soon.
“You could come in,” Mc said a bit shyly, “You could say hi to big brother and Sim.”
“As great as that sounds, I should be getting back. I was supposed to be cleaning the park up. Maybe I’ll come by tomorrow,” he said seeing her crestfallen face.
“You should!”
Satan smiled again, “I’ll see what I can do. I should be getting back now though.”
“Okay… Well, thank you again for helping me.”
“It was my pleasure. Thank you for keeping me company. It was nice to have an intelligent conversation for once.”
Mc beamed at the compliment, and then started walking towards the door. She had knocked when Satan realized he’d never asked her name, “Wait, what’s your name?”
She turned to answer when the door opened to reveal a frantic looking Simeon, “There you are! Where have you been? Luke and I have been worried sick! Luke! She’s here! I found her. You nearly gave me a heart attack! Do you know how-” his voice cut off as he shut the door.
Oh well. I’ll just drop by tomorrow and ask then.
Unfortunately for Satan and Mc, when Satan got back to the park, Lucifer was waiting.
Next Part (which is a continuation of this part)
Thanks for reading! If you’d like to be tagged when I update this, just comment down below! There’s a lot more story than this :) Likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 
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kaekiro · 4 years
Pairing: Eren/Mikasa II Rating: T II Words: 2,465 II [AO3] Warnings: A bit of swearing, mentions of injuries/blood/death A/N: Prompt: Immediately after one of the many expeditions to clear titans from Wall Maria, Eren tends to Mikasa's wounds. I want to dedicate this one specifically to Ayna ( @aynashi) and Karsyn ( @spoilerarlert)!! Both of you really motivated me to write this fic :') ♥️ thank you for all you do, and I hope you two like this!!   
Of all the things that come with being a Scout, he’s sure that this is the worst. No matter how many times he’s done this, he knows he’ll never get used to it. There’s a sense of guilt as he helps cover the lifeless faces of his comrades with white sheets, and the cries of those who knew the deceased only make the task harder than it needs to be. He doesn’t say anything though. He knows all too well the grief of losing friends in such a cruel way. So he always makes sure to lift them onto the cart with great care, trying his best to keep his thoughts minimal lest they consume him.
“Are you alright?”
He looks up at Mikasa as they set down another body swathed in a blood-soaked sheet, wiping at his nose with the back of his wrist before nodding. 
“Yeah… I’m alright.” 
She watches him for another moment and he gives her his ‘I’m telling the truth’ look, holding her gaze until she breaks it away. They silently continue their work, preparing to lift another body with a makeshift stretcher. 
They begin to lift at the same time, and just as he mentally sighs over the fact that they are only a little over halfway done, Mikasa suddenly gasps and lets go of her end before she can fully pick up the person. This shocks him out of his state of mind, and he worries at the way her face is contorted with pain. 
“Mikasa?! What’s wrong? What happened?” She puts her hands up before he gets close to her, waving her hand dismissively. Within seconds her face becomes neutral again, as if nothing happened just now. 
“It’s nothing. It was just… a large bug. It crawled really fast and surprised me…” 
‘The hell…?’ Before he can comment on how weird it is for her to get scared of a bug when she takes down man-eating beasts without batting an eye, it suddenly dawns on him that she’s lying. He sighs out loud this time, resisting the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“You’re such a terrible liar. Let me see your arm.” Her eyes widen a fraction, cracking her calm composure and before she tries to play it off, he speaks up again. “I saw the way you were holding it. You’re clearly hurt.” Mikasa knows she’s caught because this time, her eyes downcast guiltily. She concedes, and after he finds others to temporarily cover their job for them, she allows him to take her where other Scouts are being tended. They walk up to the nearest “medic” (in essence someone who gives temporary treatment before a real doctor can take over), and they are almost immediately turned away. 
He grits his teeth. “What do you mean you can’t give her treatment? Isn’t that your job?” 
The man doesn’t look up at them, hastily patching up another soldier’s injury. “There’s only three of us and we’re overwhelmed with how many people need medical attention. I’m sorry, but I have to prioritize injuries more critical than an arm ache.” 
He steps forward, feeling more agitated than he has the right to be but he didn’t even look at her goddamn arm, and he’s already downplaying what could be a serious injury- 
“Eren” she pleads, tugging at his sleeve and moving them aside. “It's okay, I’ll take care of this when we get back. Let’s just focus on our job.” 
He looks at her, feeling his anger wither at her expression. ‘How does she do that?’ he wonders passively, glancing aside with a smidge of guilt. She’s literally the only one who can quickly bring him back down to a (relatively) calm state, and she doesn’t even have to say anything. 
“Let’s go,” she grabs his hand with her good arm, encouraging him to follow her but he resists her pull. “Eren?” 
He gently detaches her hand from his, looking down at her injury. “It’s fine if they can’t see you. I’ll just treat it myself.” 
He looks over her shoulder and spots a crate a small distance behind her, near additional supplies. “There,” he points, “wait there for me there, I’m going to grab what I need.” Without waiting for a response, he turns away and takes full advantage of how busy the medics are, managing to snag some spare materials. He approaches her from the side, settling into a kneel directly in front of her to place the items on the ground. 
“I can make room for you,” she suggests, getting ready to move over on the crate but he shakes his head. “There isn’t enough space, I’m okay like this.” Once again, she’s giving him that look and he insists on the decision with one of his own. She undoes the fastening on her cape and he stands to help carefully remove the sleeve of her jacket from her bad arm. Returning to a kneel, he takes her wrist in his hands and undoes the buttons at the cuff of her sleeve, being slow and mindful as he rolls up the loosened fabric until it’s bunched at her bicep. He feels dismayed at the bruises that surround the slightly swollen joint of her elbow, and then angry again at that medic because this definitely isn’t a simple arm ache. He shoots a glare at that man’s back until her voice draws his attention back. 
“It looks worse than it is.” 
He closes his eyes and sighs, suppressing his emotions so he can focus. “You don’t know that for sure. It could be more serious than you think.” He begins to put his basic “medical training” (which he’s sure is only a step up from knowing how to apply a bandaid) to practice, using a roll of bandages to wrap the entirety of the joint. He instructs her to bend her arm so he can wrap the binding appropriately, knowing that it’s going to have to be bent anyway for the sling. He apologizes every time Mikasa becomes tense or flinches, and in return, she reassures him that she’s okay. 
“You know,” he quietly starts, trying to tear the strip of cloth evenly, “there’s no need to lie about these things. I know you’re strong… but even you need to learn when to stop pushing yourself so hard. You tell me that all the time, don’t you?” In his periphery, he only sees her nod. After setting aside the roll, he finishes securing the bindings in place, keeping his hand and eyes on the taut cotton for a moment. 
“How did this even happen?” he asks, looking up at her. 
Mikasa shifts her eyes in the direction of the town her squad returned from, but she is void of emotion as she tells him the story. “There was an abnormal… and one of the newer recruits got too confident. I made it there just in time to save them, but when I grappled onto a nearby house, I didn’t realize that I was attached to a weak point. It crumbled and I had a rough landing.”
She looks down to where his hand still rests on her arm and he suddenly remembers himself, moving it away to grab a wider strip of cloth for a sling. Both of them silently work together to comfortably set her arm within the make-shift sling, and though he tries to put all his focus on this, he finds himself stuck on what happened to her, bothered by the things that could’ve happened. What if there had been a horde of titans when she fell? If she was with those new recruits, who would have come to save her life? Without his mind’s true consent, he imagines her face amongst the corpses they were carrying and it makes his stomach pit. The image crosses his mind the moment he brings the two ends of the sling together and ties the first knot, her quiet noise of pain signaling that he pulled it too tight. He curses and quickly undoes the tie as he apologizes, horrified by the direction of his thoughts. Desperate to forget, he forces himself to concentrate on the task at hand, thinking about each of his movements and the necessary steps that follow. Mikasa reaches behind to pull away the hair behind her neck, ensuring that the strands don’t get caught in the double knot he’s making. She let’s go when he tells her he’s finished, her dark hair covering the tie as it falls back into place.
“Is that okay?” 
She turns to face him, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. “Yes. Thank you, Eren, I’ll repay you as soon as I can.”
He rubs the back of his neck, unable to hold her gaze. “It was nothing… don’t worry about it.” 
“Hey,” an unfamiliar voice calls. They both turn their heads to find an older soldier standing there, pointing at the crate she’s sitting on. “I need to open that.” 
They promptly remove themselves from the area, and within minutes of walking back, Hanji signals for everyone to begin preparing their return to Wall Rose. Neither of them say much as they walk towards the wagons, but this isn’t out of the ordinary. Things were always this way when they walked back home from collecting firewood, or when they headed back to their respective barracks as soldiers. Though… it’s been a long time since it’s been just him and Mikasa outside of their day-to-day responsibilities. When was the last time they spent time together for the sake of spending time? 
A man startles everyone nearby when he begins yelling, grabbing one of the men who replaced him and Mikasa by the collar and shaking him. He cries, accusing the man of lying about someone losing their life. The confrontation nearly takes a violent turn but two more people manage to tear him away. Unable to hold himself up, he crumbles entirely to the ground, sobbing a feminine name that doesn’t sound familiar. When she moves closer to his side, he glances over at Mikasa, who watches the scene unfold with pitying eyes. The thought that unwillingly occurred to him earlier returns, but now all he sees is himself in the stead of that broken soldier. 
“…Mikasa?” he calls when things quiet down, looking off to the side.
“Do you want to go with me tomorrow to the marketplace?” She looks up at him with an odd expression, and he begins to feel awkward. He didn’t think it was a strange thing to ask. “It doesn’t matter which one,” he starts to explain, “I just… the other day I was thinking about home, and I’ve been wanting to have some of my mom’s soup. You know… the one she showed you how to make…?” At that moment, he wants to do nothing more than facepalm. It sounds like he’s using his mom’s cooking as an excuse, why couldn’t he just be straightforward about simply spending time together? Was it because of the weird way she looked at him? 
Before he can further chastise himself, Mikasa stops walking and looks down at her arm regrettably. “But… I don’t know if I’ll be able to make it.”
He stares at her for a moment, then holds back a snort as he pokes at her forehead. “I’m not asking if you can make it! I can do these things on my own just fine. I only need help with finding all the ingredients… and…” he refuses to look at her, realizing he’s contradicting himself. “I need some instruction on how to prepare it.” 
She gives a small smile at the admission. “I thought you just said you could do those things on your own though?” 
She’s clearly teasing him, and this causes a little lighthearted bickering to ensue. He’s grown out of arguing over petty things but somehow, it still amuses him to get such a rare reaction from her. They go back and forth for a bit before he finally clicks his tongue, letting her win this one time since he can’t think of any more remarks. It falls quiet between them again for a few moments, until he remembers that she didn’t answer his question. 
“So…? Are you going with me or not?” he grumbles. 
Mikasa smiles again but this time there’s an unadulterated fondness in her eyes, and he can physically feel himself relent at the sight. Just as she opens her mouth to respond, Mikasa is nearly tackled by Sasha’s embrace from behind.  
“Mikasa! Why do you have that thing around your neck?! You’re hurt? Seriously? What happened?!” 
She fires off question after question as Mikasa tells her story again, and her nearly overdramatic reaction draws the attention of their other friends. They all circle Mikasa worriedly, and the conversation branches off into close calls they experienced during the expedition today. 
“Eren?” Armin asks while Connie and Sasha reenact their story, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” 
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine, why do you ask?”
“It’s nothing, you just looked... annoyed.”
“Please, Armin,” Jean says, crossing his arms, “he always looks like that.” 
 “Oh! I interrupted your conversation with Mikasa, didn’t I? I’m sorry! What were you two talking about?” 
Everyone’s eyes are on him and he feels a twinge of irritation, wondering why they are so nosy all of a sudden. What’s wrong with me, he thinks as he flounders for words, they’re just asking a simple question, it’s not a big deal. 
“Eren and I were just making plans to go to the marketplace tomorrow,” Mikasa answers for him, “there’s no need to apologize Sasha.” 
“The marketplace?” Sasha enthusiastically repeats, grabbing Mikasa’s free hand. “We should all go! Let’s head for Trost, Jean can show us some hidden shops since he grew up there!”
“Who said I even wanted to go?”
“It’s not like you have anything better to do,” Sasha shrugs, turning away at Hanji’s final call for everyone to prepare to head out. Connie laughs and Jean is hot on her tail, arguing that he indeed has a life outside of their friend group and the military. Armin, like the mediator he is, reasons with Sasha but also encourages Jean to join them, insisting that it will be a good time. 
“Eren?” Mikasa looks over her shoulder, calling when she sees him trailing a little behind the group. He walks faster to catch up for her sake, but he can’t help his frown. It was just supposed to be him and Mikasa… but now everyone is coming with. He shakes his head, chiding himself once again. So what if everyone comes along, it doesn’t make a difference either way, right?
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