mars-colony · 3 years
9 for Dollie/Danse and 49 for Atti/Dorian? 💕
Answering number 9 here, will share number 49 separately so keep posted 👀
9. There’s only one bed and we sleep as far away as possible from each other but wake up cuddling. (Dollanse)
Danse could hear Dollie’s teeth chattering from the harsh cold, even though she was fighting to hide the severity of her shivering. She’d let her hair down over her shoulders to keep her ears warm. He’d been surprised by the number of bobby pins she retrieved as she did so.
He exhaled and could see his own breath in the blue moonlight as it turned to steam, floating upward toward the cracked ceiling. He frowned, crossing his arms over his chest, trying hard to ignore his own shivering.
They’d been traveling for hours. The temperature had dropped unexpectedly, and the cold steel of their power armor rigs had cut straight through their uniforms. They’d agreed to stop for the night.
The recent rain had left everything they could burn sopping, but at least the power armor had kept them dry. They’d camped out inside one of the military bunkers that lay hidden throughout the Commonwealth.
Dollie had managed to hack into the terminal on one of the desks, and gotten the turrets running. They could both rest. But it didn’t do anything for the cold.
Danse had a suggestion, but he didn’t think she’d be receptive to the idea. She’d declined such in the past in the winter when that flash blizzard had hit. He’d found himself in close quarters quite often as a soldier, and the prospect didn’t phase him. He understood her modesty, what with her pre-war life, but she wouldn’t always have that luxury in the Wasteland.
They had to be practical and he cleared his throat, tired of not having a solution to the problem at hand. “We can zip our sleeping bags together, huddle to keep warm.”
He ignored the flush in her face, the way it showed pink through the scars that creeped across her left cheek, but showed a rosey red through the unblemished skin of the right where the scars didn’t reach as far. It was the cold, it had been there before he spoke... even if he hadn’t noticed it.
“It isn’t that cold—“ she started to protest, but a harsh wind pitched through the bunker and she shuddered. She nodded, hugging herself tightly against the chill. “You’re right.”
Brotherhood standard issue sleeping bags were designed to zip together in case of the cold. Danse put himself to work, unrolling his sleeping bag and then Dollie’s when she handed it to him. He laid them out side-by-side, coaxing the cold metal of the zippers to cooperate through his leather gloves.
Once the sleeping bags were connected Danse maneuvered himself inside. He considered the broad width of his own shoulders and thought he understood Dollie’s concern. But being close was the point of huddling for warmth. It was the best option to avoid frost bite. She wouldn’t be the first soldier he’d had to share a sleeping bag with.
She hesitated on the other side of the sleeping bag and he felt a moment of discomfort, recalling involuntarily the scent of her hair the last time he’d been near enough to notice it- the smoothness of her hands when she’d last touched his skin. Inappropriate thoughts to consider, and likely the reason she was apprehensive.
He made a quick decision to roll onto his side, hopefully giving her more room. He had a clear view of the bunker door. If anything got past the turrets without them hearing, he’d know about it.
After another moment of hesitation he felt the sleeping bag move as she slid down into it. He felt her arm press into his back through his bomber jacket, and felt one of her boots as it bumped against the heel of his. The sleeping bags shifted as she wriggled herself into place.
For a long time they said nothing. For once he didn’t know what he should say. Asking after her comfort could be misconstrued as inappropriate, and he wanted to avoid that. Staying warm was a necessity, and he didn’t mean to take advantage of the situation in any way, regardless of how he’d found himself feeling for her. He hoped she knew that.
The polyester of the sleeping bags was still cold, not yet warmed from their body heat. Skin-on-skin contact would have warmed them sooner. He knew this, but it was completely out of the question. He felt himself flushing at the thought. It lingered in his ears unlike the flush that persisted in his nose from the cold.
Danse risked a glance over his shoulder, noting her back to him, her black hair filling some of the space between them. If her K9 companion had been along, the mutt could have fit between them, could have provided extra warmth.
He returned his gaze to the doorway, trying to allow himself to sleep. And sleep he did, the way he always slept in the field. It was more like he’d closed his eyes in a meditative state, hesitating on the edge of consciousness. He contemplated their journey and whether it’d be warm enough for them to continue when the sun rose. The ideas were vague, almost dreamlike.
Despite his light sleep he awoke some time later feeling well rested. There was a tickling feeling against his ear that drew him back to consciousness and he blinked his eyes open. The sweet smell of melon blossom filled his nose.
He still faced the door. He wasn’t one to shift in his sleep. The pre-glow of daylight had begun to lighten the sky beyond the bunker.
He felt the tickling against his ear again and it drew his eyes tiredly from the doorway toward his shoulder. The tickling was accompanied by a movement against his back.
The frizzy waves of Wallace’s hair met his eye, and she shifted where she’d moved closer in her sleep. He was too tired to restrain the amused smile that tugged at his lips.
She murmured something he couldn’t decipher and he felt the vibration of it in his back. Something shifted beneath his hand and it took him a moment to understand the sensation.
Her fingers were threaded through his, her arms curled around his middle, and one of her legs tangled through his own. He was surprised how incredibly comfortable he felt wrapped in her arms.
His mouth went dry and his chest ached. He was blindsided with an overwhelming wave of fondness for the woman holding him. He’d never been held, not to his memory. If she woke, he knew she’d be mortified, and his smile turned sad.
Carefully, the Paladin disentangled himself from her arms, rising from the sleeping bags. He gave himself one last moment of leniency, brushing the hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear.
As he left the bunker to check the perimeter in the cold, the warmth of her embrace lingered.
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mars-colony · 3 years
1, 9 and 10 for Dollie and Danse? :3c
1. Who said ‘I love you’ first?
Fumbling forward through her words in a brief little fit of anger at Danse’s audacity to believe she wouldn’t like him, Dollie very clearly declares her love and how nothing could change it. And then upon realizing what she said feels completely and totally mortified that she said it out loud so plainly. It ends well for the both of them though:
“I don’t expect you to reciprocate these feelings.” He rushed to stop her. “After everything the Brotherhood has taught you, I taught you, I wouldn’t expect you to love a machine. I just need to be honest with you about how I feel and-“
She shifted, gripping his hand. He was surprised, thought she’d have swatted him away...
“I don’t care what I was taught.” She told him firmly, tightening her grip. “It doesn’t matter that you’re a synth, because you’re still you. You’re more human than most people could ever hope to be.”
“You don’t have to-“ He didn’t want her to pity him, to ignore her own feelings for his.
“I love you, Danse. Nothing will change that.” She cut him off, eyes fiercely alive and adamant.
9. What about PDA (public displays of affection)? Do they only ever hold hands or stand close, at ease in each other's personal space or do they make out in full view of everyone?
Danse more so than Dollie is very uncomfortable with PDA. At first he gets incredibly blushy when she even holds his hand in front of people. They stay pretty reserved with the PDA for the most part but eventually can manage a kiss on the cheek, and he’ll even walk with his hand in her back pocket when they’re safe in a settlement. They definitely stand close, and keep within each other’s personal space 👏🏼
10. Do either of them get jealous? (Of close friends/amicable exes/anyone who is nice?)
Both of these idiots in love would claim to never have gotten jealous and they’d definitely be lying. Once, before he’d been introduced to MacReady, Danse definitely got testy when Dollie gave the merc a big hug in the middle of the market place in Goodneighbor. Didn’t help Mac was jokingly flirting with her. Also there was the whole thing at the Dugout where she was dancing with Deacon and they were jokingly flirting. But noooo Danse doesn’t get jealous... he’s just... concerned for his friends uhhh safety that’s all... and expects her to be professional when they’re on brotherhood business... yeah that’s it. Not to mention the self diagnosed irrational jealousy he feels toward Nate. He explains this away as a general longing for a companion, jealous that Dollie had that relationship at all and not jealous of the man she loved specifically. Gets a bit self conscious comparing his appearance with Nate’s when Dollie finds an old picture. But nothing he can’t desperately explain away.
And oh boy the flare of jealousy Dollie felt during the conversation when Danse mentions holding Haylen while she cried and she kissed his cheek and all that? Wow she felt foolishly envious and betrayed by her friend— but she realized she was being ridiculous pretty quickly. Especially when she realized that wasn’t what he was getting at with the whole conversation. Danse doesn’t give her a whole lot of reason to feel jealous, not that she means to do so to him.
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mars-colony · 4 years
WIP Wednesday!
Thank you @electriicfleur and @midnightprelude for the tags!
Here’s a different WIP than my nano project lol:
When they’d had their fill of noodles they took the long grueling walk fifteen feet to the front door of Homeplate, looking forward to an evening of rest without having to rotate shifts on guard duty. The city bustled loudly around them. Dollie longed for the quiet the walls of her home would offer.
It offered more than just quiet, she knew. More than just an easier night of sleep. Most importantly, it offered privacy. It offered the chance for intimacy, and for guards to be lowered.
Danse’s hands found her hips where he stood close behind her, her coat blocking the warmth of his chest pressed to her back. She shuffled for her keys.
“Think it might rain?” He asked near her ear, his breath warm in spite of the chilled misty air. She shivered. His voice was low, and his tone was definitely not about the weather.
“Probably just a cold front off the bay.” She dislodged her keys from the array of junk in her coat pocket, unlocking the door and eagerly leading the way inside.
Homeplate was dark save for the light that was mounted near the door in the kitchen. She’d need to switch the circuit on to see anything. But it would wait.
The moment the door was closed and locked behind them, blocking the outside world from earshot and from view, Danse pulled her around to face him. She couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden motion, offering him a bright smile when they came face to face.
The white blue light over the kitchen counter cast shadows across his face handsomely. His smile was tender as he cupped her head in one hand, pulling her close for a kiss.
She eagerly returned it, leaning into his embrace. His other hand rested on her hip. She snaked her arms around his neck.
He kissed her like he was starving, like he was ravenous and her lips were the only things that could sate him. He moved his lips against hers purposefully, savoring.
His hand slipped beneath her coat, inching upward over her back. She could feel the warmth of his touch through her green dress and sighed. She melted into him.
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mars-colony · 4 years
Filling out nsft questionnaires instead of writing for NaNo? Me? Absolutely.
Completely unabashedly explicit relationship questions and answers for danse and dollie under the cut. I got this from @tarberrymentats like a trillion years ago and have finally finished filling it out.
1. Do they like to top or bottom their s/o?
Dollie prefers to bottom for the most part.
2. What is their favorite part of their s/o’s body?
Does she really have to choose? His arms, his shoulders, his chest, his full lips… Danse would have to call himself a leg man, and he’s quite a fan of her lips, especially with her orange lipstick.
3. Are they a couple that likes to cuddle?
Yes, absolutely.
4. Are they adventurous in bed?
At first their sex life is very vanilla. Danse is less experienced, and Dollie urges him to figure out what he likes before suggesting anything less so. He is very exploratory though, and doesn’t mind trying new things. Dollie is happy to play along.
5. Do their sex drives match?
6. What is their favorite intimately sexual thing to do to their partner?
Oh definitely oral. She loves feeling him react to every little movement and adjustment that she makes, loves hearing him moan, loves being in control of his pleasure. For Danse it’d be the same; he loves the way she tangles her fingers in his hair, the way she curls around him and writhes underneath him, and the way he can get her to really unwind after a few orgasms.
7. What is their favorite intimately non-sexual thing to do with their partner?
Washing his hair. It’s very relaxing for Danse and she loves being able to do that for him. Just, lovingly massaging shampoo into his hair and washing it out. It may or may not have made him cry from just being… handled tenderly? So she goes out of her way to do it. Danse really enjoys helping Dollie button the back of her dress or fasten her necklace clasp, or help with a stubborn bobby pin that won’t stay in place. He loves sleeping in the same bed- loves being the little spoon as well as the big spoon, knowing that she’s going to be there holding him when he wakes up just warms him to his core.
8. What is the one thing their partner can do that will automatically turn them on?
It drives Dollie absolutely crazy when Danse whispers in her ear, the hot breath and the rumble of his voice, his lips grazing the ticklish skin. Also, seeing him work out in the mornings, or peel his shirt off when he’s been sweaty. And Danse is a sucker for when Dollie bites her lip, or does that thing where she goes out of her way to expose her neck to him-  or when she drags her nails over his chest or arms. (picked more than one, my bad lol)
9. Do they keep it in the bedroom or just do wherever they happen to be?
Unless they’re alone at Home Plate they keep it specifically in the bedroom. They’re both very private people and don’t want to get caught in the middle of things (Aside from a time or two when they’ve gotten caught up in the moment in the workshop).
10. What is their favorite position with their s/o?
They’re both pretty partial to positions that allow them to look into the other’s eyes.
11. Are they into dirty talk?
They’re into the opposite. Praise all the way in the bedroom, encouragement, pleases and thank yous, nothing too dirty. Danse likes to be ordered around, doesn’t mind doing the ordering himself. Overall he wants a vocal partner. This was a learning experience for Dollie at first, and made her super flustered and embarrassed, but with lots of assurance she got more comfortable being open with what she likes.
12. Clothes on or off?
Either. Sometimes their needs are more urgent than the amount of time it takes to remove clothing. Sometimes you’ve just got to push your partner onto the work bench and get after it.
13. Are they into bondage at all?
A little bit of restraint isn’t unheard of, but nothing too extreme.
14. Are they comfortable talking to each other about their fantasies and desires?
Dollie was not comfortable with this at first, but with some practice and assurance she got more comfortable. She was more used to being told what she wanted instead of asking for what she wanted. Danse is more than comfortable doing so. He feels no shame for discussing his desires and encourages Dolls to do the same.
15. Have they ever been caught having sex?
They haven’t been caught during, but have been caught not long after, before they had time to “readjust.” I feel like Danse would be very good at keeping them from getting caught, with that high perception of his.
16. About how many times a week do they have sex?
Probably 3-5 times a week when they’re out of the field. Sometimes less, sometimes more just depending on regular life stuff.
17. Do they sext/send naughty pictures/write each other steamy love notes?
I think Danse would be incredibly appreciative of a steamy love note, so long as he can appreciate it privately. So absolutely, and they are kept under lock and key. I don’t think Danse would write any himself, but he is very appreciative of the ones he receives.
18. Any bedroom specific nicknames for each other?
There is that fantasy where they take turns playing Paladin and ordering the other around. He called her General once and she wound up teasing him for it for like, forever. I also feel like the bedroom would be where Danse could get away with teasingly calling her Princess without her smacking him in the shoulder so there’s that...
19. Are they loud or quiet?
Quiet, for the most part, but loud when they have the privacy to do so. Danse likes for Dollie to be vocal.
20. Do they like to play games or tease each other before sex or even foreplay?
Teasing is definitely not uncommon. Also a game or two of strip poker would probably be pretty fun. They’re pretty open to new experiences.
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mars-colony · 3 years
5 OTP songs
Nabbing this from @commandershepardshtole for Danse and Dolls, just cause it’s fun!
1. You You You You You - The 6ths, Katharine Whalen
“Even though I met you only recently, I find myself falling in love with you. And I don’t know quite how to put this decently, but what’s the chance that you could love me too?”
This one just radiates immense Dollie vibes. Being scared but hopeful, full of kindness and silver linings.
2. Stay - Cat Power
“Not really sure how to feel about it. Something in the way you move makes me feel like I can’t live without you. It takes me all the way, and I want you to stay.”
Admitting feelings, asking for things you’re not sure you deserve- but you want them nonetheless. It’s love babey
3. Trust - Thrice
“Will I trust you? Will I trust you to carry me through? I will trust you, ‘cause I know what a promise can do.”
Blind Betrayal vibes, chapter 21 vibes. Just. Vibes.
4. Two Slow Dancers - Mitski
“It would be a hundred times easier if we were young again. But as it is, and it is, we’re just two slow dancers, last ones out...”
Something about the bitter sweetness of this song just resonates with Danse and Dollie’s mutual pining/unrequieted relationship so succinctly.
5. Sweet Avenue - Jets to Brazil
“Thank you for taking me from my monastery. I was dying to get out. With tears of gratitude, I like my latitude, cross town train to you... like they handed me my life, for the first time it felt worth it. Like I deserved it.”
This one is all Danse, post BB, feeling loved and worthy for the first time in his life in spite of all of the pain and loss he endured. 💕
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