#dororo stage play
rin-the-shadow · 3 years
One of these days, I’m going to write an angsty AU for the stage version of Dororo in which Nui manages to crawl under the pillar before Jukai collapses. Especially because Hyakkimaru doesn’t respond to her when she meets him in the play (though that could be at least partially because he was overloaded from losing his brother and growing his eyes) and because Tahomaru is definitely already dead by the time she arrives (indicated by Hyakkimaru suddenly being unable to figure out where he is and flipping out over it).
But it could potentially be interesting to explore that shifting of roles, what that would look like or if there would even be one. Would she still want to act as a mother figure to Hyakkimaru? Would he want her to? How is she dealing with acting too late to save Tahomaru? How is Hyakkimaru dealing with having lost his mom and his brother in the same day? And where does Dororo stand in all that? Does he want them to reconcile? Where does he fit in that picture? Do they go back to Sukeroku’s village or do they travel somewhere else?
Though, at the same time, I have no idea when or if I would ever write this, given my less than fabulous track record with post-canon fics.
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deprofundisad · 5 years
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Dororo’s ending - Stage play & Anime (spoilers)
A rapid little comparison with gifs of some critical moments from Dororo’s ending... (under the cut)
1st line: brotherly understanding. After fighting almost to the death (oh my, their fight on stage was just... wow!), the brothers finally share a moment of understanding, acknowledging how tragic their fate is when they’re both missing something crucial to be complete humans. The way the dynamic is reversed is quite interesting: in the anime, Hyakkimaru kneels down to his little brother’s level and gently calls his name before the last demon awoke; whereas in the stage play Tahomaru collapses into his nemesis’ embrace after he shook off the demon’s influence by gouging his eye out and Hyakkimaru, still blind, grabs at the empty air trying to catch him.
2nd line: the eyes. When his eyes are forfeited back to him, Hyakkimaru staggers and collapses into a convulsive fit on stage. It is somewhat similar in the anime with the difference that his hair is undone and he’s flailing on the floor - a detail relevant since it will later allow Lady Nui and Jukai to rise him up, from the posture of a wailing little creature lying on the floor into a calm adult walking towards the exit (symbolic much? ;)). On stage, he will mostly remain on his knees, even on all four at some point, before half-heartedly allowing himself to be dragged away by Dororo.
3rd line: the mother’s embrace. Although the lines are quite similar in this scene, the stage play and the anime treat it quite differently. While in the anime Hyakkimaru leans into the warmth of his mother’s embrace (with subtle undertones of a nativity scene added by Jukai’s presence) and drinks in her regrets; on stage however he remains shell shock in lady Nui’s arms, almost completely unresponsive to her sorrowful confessions of remorse and love.
4th line: mom’s farewell. Another big difference between the stage play and the anime is Hyakkimaru’s parting from his “mom” Jukai. In the anime, Jukai gently leads him towards the exit before returning to Lady Nui’s side while Hyakkimaru opens his eyes for the first time and catches a glimpse of his two motherly figures together for the first and last time, mentally acknowledging them both. In the stage play, however, after staying unresponsive into Lady Nui’s embrace, Hyakkimaru slips into hysterical sobs when Jukai sacrifices himself to keep the exit open and orders Hyakkimaru to leave and live. He tries to grab at the one he sees as his “mom” (and succeeded in actually grabbing his sash in the performance I went to see in Fukuoka) like a lost child, and both Dororo and Nui have to conjugate their efforts to literally tear him away from Jukai. When finally Dororo drags him away towards safety, his grieving wails can still be heard from backstage.
5th line: a father’s heart. One key moment from Dororo’s conclusion is of course Hyakkimaru’s confrontation with Daigo Kagemitsu. Both the anime and the stage play adopt the same lay out: Hyakkimaru is standing tall behind a fallen Daigo who, even in absolute defeat, still preaches his lack of remorse. However, on stage, Hyakkimaru seems slightly more affected by Daigo’s speech, like a last wound his father is imparting him with (maybe this dimension is absent from the anime because it mostly focusses on Daigo). Another big difference is that while in the anime in the end Daigo admits to himself that had he refrained from striking a deal with the demons and raised Hyakkimaru as his heir instead, maybe his land would have prospered (a form of belated acknowledgement of his discarded son), Karahashi’s Daigo stays true to his words and seems utterly unable to question his decisions, even in the face of complete destruction - which, somehow, transpires into an even more complete despair as he breaks down on stage, undone into silent cries. Hyakkimaru walking off on him without striking him down looks almost like an act of cruelty.
Even if the stage play and the anime play on different symbolic patterns who are well constructed (Anime Hyakkimaru’s first sight being Lady Nui and Jukai in the surrounding flames over the though of “Mother” was very nice) and all valid... 
I must confess that, while I did enjoy the anime’s ending (that heart-breaking reminder that not only Dororo but Hyakkimaru too were still children who had been denied the chance to have a childhood all that time, by showing them both grown up at the end... ㅜㅜ), the stage play’s still stole it all by a wide berth (despite the general sound treatment problems). Mostly thanks to Karahashi Mitsuru’s interpretation of Daigo. In the anime, the character sometimes feels more like a convenient plot device, an archetypical evil force against/around which the other characters will have to work, than anything else. And yet on stage the character is well fleshed up, with a wider range of nuances (oh his reactions to Tahomaru confronting Hyakkimaru at Banmon! - sadly they weren’t much caught on camera during the live broadcast) and the actor’s work on the part is really brilliant. Even if the parting words of Hyakkimaru to Daigo (“Live and don’t become a demon”) in the anime are a well-thought addition, their final confrontation on that empty dark stage resonates deeper and more tragic, precisely because Daigo’s character feels more real.
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See how the mighty has fallen...
PS: If you want a taste of what the stage play is like, have a look at the opening sequence ( where you’ll also find more informations about the stage play, the DVD/BD release and the English subtitles)
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animetheaterpodcast · 4 years
To be or not to be… in 2.5D
Episode 15 - Dororo Stage Play
This week we discuss the 2.5D play for Dororo!
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If you’d like to purchase it for yourself, I’ve provided links below to both CDJapan and Amazon Japan to help you begin your journey. Please keep in mind that DVDs are likely to be region-locked and that none of them will come with subtitles.  Blu-rays are region-free. 
CDJapan Amazon Japan
Actor Highlights
Arisawa Shoutarou     Twitter | Fanclub | Ameblo Daigo Seshiru (Cecile)     Twitter | Instagram Kageyama Tatsuya    Twitter 
Theater Complex crowdfund page (x) Theater Complex official Twitter (x) Translation of the Theater Complex announcement and mission statement (x) #舞台を救え   #SavetheStage
Ko-fi: (x)
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neriad13 · 5 years
The Dororo Stage Play, as advertised:
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Immaculate hair, perfect makeup, very clean
Actual product:
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InsANiTy PErsOnIFiEd
...but seriously, the physicality of this show is absolutely something that sets it apart. By the end of it all the major actors are sweaty messes with smeared makeup and tangled hair. They’re allowed to look like they’ve taken a beating, like they haven’t seen a comb since Asakura declared war. It’s freaking intense. 
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Dororo Special Event 🎉🍉
Anime x Stage Cast
July 27, 2019
Rio and Shoya looking sharp in their Yukatas
Hiroki looks so cute holding that Hyakkimaru nendoroid 😍
I love Dororo so much!
It has a great story, solid characters, amazing actors, great animation and beautiful soundtrack. And I know you will enjoy it once you watch it 😉
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uminohotaru · 5 years
Sharing: Dororo stage play
Guys, I'm sharing my rip of the Dororo stage play, so drop me a message for the link! It is a recording of the TV broadcast on March, and the quality isn't great, but enough to get the idea.
Please don't upload on streaming sites etc.
The DVD will be out soon, so please buy it if you can! It must be even more beautiful + the backstage!!
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otakushishu · 5 years
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Some pictures during the rehearsal of "舞台どろろ" - Dororo stage play.
I can't wait to watch it on the 17th of March..
Hiroki-kun is soo kakkoii😁
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olliya · 5 years
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Seshiru Daigo who plays Nui no Kata in Dororo stage play, also played Tsunade in Naruto Live Spectacle!!
Wow, she looked so different as Tsunade on those photos that I saw. In the Nui no Kata version she is probably the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
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aoihono96 · 5 years
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More pictures from stage play “Dororo“.
If I manage to keep my excitment under control so far, now with all the pictures I no loner can.
Source: x
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darkfalcon-z · 5 years
there are fragments of Dororo stage play on youtube. Half of it it’s artistically choreographed sword fighting but there’s also some heart melting goodness; see this (I put it under the cut for the possible spoilers for the anime):
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I’m crying and so are you. 
Just look at Jukai’s gentle smile. 
it’s from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkAyArVSJ60&list=RDTkAyArVSJ60&start_radio=1
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akarui-sakura · 5 years
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My Dororo Stage merchandise came in! Special thank you to @deprofundisad for this! The money was totally worth it. ❤️💰
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rin-the-shadow · 3 years
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[ID: A digital watercolor of Dororo, Hyakkimaru, Saburota, and Tahomaru from the 2019 stage adaptation of Dororo. Everyone in the group is asleep except for Saburota. Dororo leans against Hyakkimaru, who has one arm crossed over him. Hyakkimaru leans against Saburota’s left shoulder, and Tahomaru leans against his right. Saburota has his eyes partway open and looks uncertain, but has a hand resting on Hyakkimaru and Tahomaru’s shoulders. End ID]
I did most of this back when I was still using my old tablet, so I was primarily using the line tool to outline, and didn’t have as much control over the pressure on the colors. But overall, and especially since I was partway in a block at the time, I’m pretty satisfied with it.
Basically, I’m still not over the stage play making me think Saburota was going to be their ally/friend/friendly rival, and I refuse to be parted from this AU. I don’t know what else happened that led up to Tahomaru joining their group in this particular version, but I’m sure there was some kind of argument between Saburota and Taho at some point about “what the frick are you doing allying yourself to a fricking demon do you not know how this is going to end???” And who is saying which part depends entirely on if this is taking place in my main fanfic AU or in a stage AU. 
But I’d like to draw more in this AU someday.
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deprofundisad · 5 years
The opening of the stage play Dororo (”The child wants to live!”)
Since the anime ended a couple of days ago, I received quite a few messages asking for more details about the stage play.  And what could be best to give an idea of what to expect from this stage play than the opening? ^^
More informations under the cut
The stage play and Mappa Dororo anime are actually co-productions, and they even share the same actor (Suzuki Hiroki) playing Hyakkimaru’s part in both the anime and on stage (his Hyakkimaru is still a bit different in both works). They also share part of their musics and writers, even if for obvious reasons the stage plays covers less arcs and characters than the anime (the performance is already almost 3 hours long as it is!). That means they go hand in hand, influenced each other during their genesis and share quite a lot of lines. However, they also play on different symbolic patterns, interpretations and narrative strategies, which makes them both, despite many similarities, whole and independent from each other.  [A few example of these differences can be found here with (gifs ;)): deprofundisad.tumblr.com/post/185834989149]
The stage play is also a typical 2.5D production and, as such, bears the characteristics of the genre (like a special acting style) - just like the anime contains typical anime tropes, features, etc.  One of these characteristics is the presence, usually 10 to 20 minutes in, of an opening sequence over a title song (with a lot of foreshadowing but in a very symbolic way). In this case, it’s also the theme song from the anime opening. Maybe that very sequence can help the anime fans to get a taste of the stage play, as well as how similar and how different it is from it.^^ 
Personal note: for having seen it both on TV and on stage, I can testify that the stage play is indeed very good and clever - beautiful even at times - despite 2 little sobering points: the sound guy they hired was clearly not very competent or half-mad (Twitter was vibrating with indignation cries on the matter during the show’s run, so I’m not the only one who feels grumpy about that), and they should definitely have cast a kid as Dororo, instead of asking a full-grown woman to behave like a typical anime cute little girl, vaguely hysterical at time (this may take a few long minutes to get used to, enough to overlook that annoyance).
Also, to quickly answer a few other recurring questions:
No, the stage play is not available online. -> Update: YES, the stage play is now available online! You will need to create an account and subscribe a membership (500Y/month, but there is a free month trial, so don’t forget to unsubscribe it before the end of that period) to get access to it there: pc.video.dmkt-sp.jp/ti/10024116 (and it’s also possible a VPN may be required)
It was live broadcast on Japanese TV in March (that’s where the gifs came from ;)).
The DVD/Bluray will be released on July 10, on amazon(.jp), CDjapan, etc., with some nice backstage footage (and hopefully the audio quacks fixed). (see notes)
Yes, you can watch Japanese DVD in Europe (it’s the same zone). And as far as I know, 2.5D productions’ Blurays are usually zone-free.
Yes, there will be fanmade English subtitles (the stage play’s transcript has already been translated and the only long task left is to synch it with the DVD/Bluray version after the official release). They will however only be handed to people who have purchased the DVD/Bluray. (see this link)
Yes, the subtitles will be free and there won’t be any time limit (you can ask for them in 5 or 10 years and it will still be fine as long as you can offer proof that you have the DVD or Bluray).
Yes, the DVD/Bluray is a bit pricey, but that’s just very normal for these Japanese productions, since the cast and staff’s pay rely in part on the DVD/Bluray sales (usually they’re not even paid for the 1~2months they spend in rehearsals... but good DVD/BD sales means they have more chance to get paid a bit more the next time). For people with modest allowances/incomes, there is still the solution of buying it together with other people. (see notes)
No, sadly I can’t help you buy the pamphlet or any other stage mersh anymore. The sales were only open in March, at the venues where the stage play was performed.
Hoping this was helpful ^^
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Dororo Stage Play Tokyo Performance Opens 
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neriad13 · 5 years
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Tahomaru: “...the fuck?”
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kurozero · 5 years
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"You... Your face... What's going on? What are you? Are you human?"
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