The Adventures of Ace
     The heels of her shoes clack and echo against the stone floor of the long-abandoned castle. Ace made her way through the castle, wandering in and out of rooms to take everything in. The building was crumbling down and it was Ace's job to erase any trace of dragon history from the building before the humans of the normal world could get in and find their history. It was a shame really. Dragons had gone almost extinct because of humans and now they don't even know that dragons really do exist. In one room, she finds a sword, forged from dragon fire and chainmail made of dragon scales that she picks up and puts in her bag to take to the counsel of dragons later. It was obviously the room of a prized knight.     In another room, she finds piles of drawings and paintings. Ace riffles through and pulls out the ones that have dragons in them and then pulls out a few more to give to Elliot for her coffee shop walls, certain that they won't be missed.  She goes into another room and starts to dig into a chest at the foot of the bed. 
    At the bottom of the crate, there is a pair of purple and white dragon scale bracers, similar in color to the scales of her mother. Those, she decides, she will keep. She slips them on and walks over to the mirror by the fireplace. They add an extra touch of power to her high priestess apparel. With them on, she feels as if the flames of her ancestors are licking at her skin and begging her to burn down this godforsaken castle that belongs to the people that betrayed them. She snaps her fingers and a violet flame appears in her palm, glowing brighter than ever before with the power of the ancestor. 
    Before she can decide to burn the place to ash, she flicks her hand and the flame disappears. The bracers definitely came from her family. A wave of homesickness washes over her and brings her back to reality. With that, she goes back to searching the castle. This time, a little quicker than before so that she can get back home to the people that matter to her now.
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