gothwizardmagic · 8 months
we all really enjoyed the video of posie parker getting tomato juice to the face when she tried to visit aotearoa, but let's do our best to avoid a repeat performance. anyone from anywhere in the world can sign - please add your name & share this link around.
EDIT: apparently the share link actionstation gave me wasnt working, hopefully it should work now!
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nsewell · 4 months
the unspoken dialogue of borrowed books
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ava du mortain/female detective ; 3.1k words ; rated G (on ao3)
The Detective finds a crafty way to send a message and Ava lies rather expertly to herself about what it does to her. 
i had the absolute pleasure of writing for @dottiechan's detective persephone schulz as part of the @wayhavensecretsanta exchange! thank you so much for lending her to me ^^ i was super taken with your headcanon that posy pays attention to books that ava mentions so she can sneak them out of the library to read, and what that does to ava when she notices. where there are books involved, nate had to rear his head of course so i got to play with posy's romance option and bestie dynamics all in one. this was really such a joy to write, and i hope you enjoy reading it!!
The first time it happens, it’s the familiar, resonant scent that gives her away. Ava pauses a few steps into the inviting warmth of the Warehouse library with its crackling fire and array of antiques: polished rosewood and old ink and brocade rugs, and suspended above it all—a remnant of Persephone. Long brown hair and clear grey eyes; still Midwinter, imbued in the air after her leaving just like the mythos of her name. The smell of her blood is so pungent and enticing. Ava’s intention of asking Nate to cross reference a text on Gorgons by Agency request is lost to the furtive racing of her own pulse, the unneeded breath she expels from her lungs as it all washes over her; it’s entirely too human a reaction.
She folds her broad arms in front of her chest as though obscuring some unsavory part of herself from the light, and wets her lips, attempting to school her composure cool and impassive as she asks, though really more interrogates, “What did the Detective want? She was not on schedule to be here today.”  
She can hear Nate stooped somewhere behind the towering shelves, singing to himself in Farsi. He emerges at her question with a stack of worn leather tomes propped carefully on one arm, and a warm smile all too knowing for Ava’s liking. She feels slightly unmade under a benign scrutiny that’s known her every tell for hundreds of years, and privately laments, not for the first time, the doing away with armor a few centuries back - chiefly helmets with visors. Her complexion is too pale for this, every flush of color smeared across her cheeks like a rowan berry, blooming and ripened. It is testament to the accord of their longstanding friendship that it goes unremarked upon. Or maybe just a testament to Nate’s infinite resource of kindness. 
“She came to borrow a selection from the library,” he tells her, sounding very pleasant and good-natured as if to counter Ava’s stiff, broiling tension. Ever the contrast, ever the foil. “You’ve only just missed her, I’m afraid.” 
It is a strange thing to feel all at once so mournful and triumphant, and to keep either expression from crossing her features. 
“I’m surprised you let her walk out with it, unscathed. You can be rather territorial with your collection,” Ava says, and presses on glibly, before Nate can rise to the teasing glint in her eye, and not because of her urgent desire to know the purpose of Detective Schulz’s visit–-of course. She moves to take a faltering step forward. “Was it research related?”
“No, it was one of your books, actually. A, hm—curious choice really,” Nate says thoughtfully, teeth gliding over the bow of his full bottom lip. “That first edition of Dracula you picked up in Edinburgh years ago.” 
Ava absorbs this information in like a vapor, nostrils flaring, chest expanding, her own lips pursed into a thin line. She is no avid reader in the way Nate is, scouring shelves in pursuit of knowledge and fictitious escapism, but she will indulge every now and again with the great adventure tales throughout time; stories of heroes overcoming trials in the face of impossible odds. Swords and action and expedition and the like—for strategic purposes and not the fanciful cling to human interest that Nate ascribes to. Dracula had fallen outside of this boundary, and had only been purchased out of vigilance for a novel that had brought their kind under public scrutiny. If the humans were writing fabrications about them, even on a fictitious pretense, it paid to know what was being spread. It had been full of the expected drivel, Stoker polluting the minds of impressionable Victorian age readers, enough to make Ava pause and recite passages scornfully aloud to Nate, who had long finished it all in one sitting. She’d shelved the copy to be lost amidst his ever expanding collection. Over a century later, when it had come up in conversation with Persephone (a throw away line, really) she had never expected…never could have anticipated-– 
“Ava?” Concern twists a notch between Nate’s dark brows, and he shifts the slipping stack in his hands to sit upon his hip before closing the distance and wrapping a hand about her arm. “Forgive me, I really should have asked you first--only I didn’t think you would miss it. I’ve never known you to read a book more than once, and you’ve never looked on that one favorably. It does make sense, her interest, given what we are…” he trails off looking distracted, then clears his throat. “However embellished the telling. She did promise to take good care of it, and return it when she’s finished.”
“It’s alright,” Ava lies quickly before she comes across as too affected, squaring her shoulders and ordering her thoughts into strict line. “She is free to borrow whatever she likes. As a member of our team, this facility is for her use also.” 
Nate pierces her with one of his russet looks of open sincerity. “Home, Ava. This is our home now. And one I hope Posy feels comfortable sharing.” 
“You were always too prone to sentiment, my friend,” Ava chides, though it is said with an undercurrent of fondness and a returning smile. 
“I suppose that’s why the Agency paired us together. One of us has to be.” Nate’s soft, resonant chuckle fills the room, and despite the unease welling in her throat, Ava joins him, uncrossing her arms to aid in his failing feat of book juggling.
And so Ava pretends she doesn’t know. She goes about her usual routine, scheduled down to the minute, and the genius of its design is that it gives her little chance to dwell on the connotations of the borrowed book too keenly. Of course, it could mean nothing. Or anything, or everything. It disturbs her, if she’s being entirely honest. 
When duty parses them together again, there isn’t more than the expected consequences of being in the same room, a rehearsed script by now–“Ava.” “Detective.”--followed by averted eyes and skittish movements and silent, glorious reveling when a touch is orchestrated between them just so. Persephone, collected and brazen as ever. Ava guarded, but sparing fleeting looks to the Detective’s bag like a wounded, arrow pierced hare, once, twice, more than a few times for a book shaped indentation or perhaps some vital organ carved from her belly because it feels like she’s taken a piece of her to study under a microscope. There is always the chastisement of herself afterwards for letting her eyes and hands and thoughts stray, this cycle as infinite as humanity’s death and rebirth. And that is all. 
The one true lapse in judgment she will admit to, in a clinical sort of way, like a disease of the blood—and even then only to the dark of her Spartan quarters—is when she makes the rounds on guard rotation one evening and lingers below Persephone’s window, wrapped up in her coat to watch the glow of lamp light snuff out after a long interim of waiting, and wonders with an unquenchable ache, what words did your eyes linger upon and did they make you think of me. 
Other than that, it has little effect on her. Ava considers the whole endeavor a great success.  
Until Dracula manifests on the shelf again in a week’s time, without notice or fanfare, as though placed by some invisible spectral hand. She has not been looking for it, she tells herself, had made frequent returns to the library to maintain security--check locks, monitor layouts; as she keeps vigil over all the rooms in their residence. And then for another week after the book’s reappearance, Ava will avoid the room as though the entire wing had been roped off and placed under strict quarantine. She will glare down anyone who brings up the fallacy in this behavior (and has already pinned Farah with her most taciturn scowl over supper). 
Ultimately, she is weak; at her age-it is foolish. She is old, far too old for such nonsense and repeats that notion to herself like a mantra when, during the guise of night while the three other vampires sleep in a rare feat of synchronization, muscle memory takes her through the Warehouse like she’s headed for the gallows, and all too soon, the book is clutched beneath her white-knuckled fingers. The library feels suddenly occupied by old ghosts. The Grandfather clock Nate had acquired in Bavaria cuts the air with accusatory ticks as she smooths a hand over the leather. If it chimes, she’ll smash it, and supplicate herself before Nate later. 
The years have been kinder to the novel than she’d anticipated. The gold cover is faded, the binding tattered slightly with age, but the red embossed letters declare the title boldly. She is only checking for damages. Yes, it makes sense to assess the state of so old an object after someone else has had their hands on it. She splays the book open in her palm. The flyleaf still bears Ava’s initials in Nate’s neat, narrow scrawl. He had insisted on the distinction–no one would ever guess him so possessive of his belongings. Had Persephone noticed? Did she think it had been Ava’s hand that penned it? And why did it, unfathomably, matter to her at all? Her thumb skims the pages, biting down something coiling in her gut that feels like the mounting anticipation before blood's warm ichor coats her tongue, while a part of her also knows that she is fated for disappointment.
She considers abandoning this ridiculous inspection alltogether when her finger catches a crease in the corner of an off-white page, dog-eared, nearly imperceptible. Flipping it open, she finds only the expected script. But when she runs her finger over the paper, sensitive skin traces the raised line of graphite beneath a single line. 
I am longing to be with you, and by the sea, where we can talk together freely and build our castles in the air.
Ava’s stomach drops out from under her, a rug pulled beneath her feet.
It is something that’s easily dismissable. A stray marking, an absent-minded pencil strike that can be explained away. Surely nothing deliberate, nothing meant to convey a message, and even if, she will not entertain such a game.
The book is shut and hastily reshelved.
She makes it as far as her hand gripping the doorknob before the antique clock pierces the masoleum-like silence with a tolling note. The sound cuts the rigid crest of Ava's shoulders and sends her reeling back to the shelf, and then hastening to her room with preternatural speed, where she leaves the offending page open on the bed and paces an indentation into her floorboards. In this brief, fleeting lapse of sanity, she allows excitement to tingle the sensitive nerve endings in her hands. I am longing to be with you. And then embarassment overcomes it when the golden threads of dawn encroach across the white duvet of her bed to shine light on this absurd, irrational thing that she's done.
She should set fire to it. She should put a stop to all of this. Instead, she spirits the book into her ancient lockbox and tucks the words away to nestle inside her ancient ribcage.   
She will not ask Persephone what she thought of Stoker’s unflattering characterization of their kind. She will not bring this up ever again, any utterance or acknowledgement can only mean total defeat. 
But Ava has always been a woman of stringent results. And so no one can hold it against her when she puts this dialogue of theirs to the test. It is merely a matter of deduction, she tells herself, curiosity at play, a possibility to eliminate and not to evoke any more ridiculous and certainly non-existent stirrings.
There is no easy way to broach the subject of books into a conversation without sounding obvious, or otherwise doing a crude impersonation of Nate, who recites literary quotes like a clergyman with scripture--she had debated roping him into this, but, true to form, had almost immediately decided against that display of weakness.
And so Ava doesn't speak of it. Instead, she texts--and it takes her a long period of concentrated effort bent over her phone to compose a vague enough message that satisfies her, and even longer still, to muster up the courage to press send. 
'Detective.The Epic of Gilgamesh has insights into Sumerian mythology that might useful in your research of the supernatural.'
She immediately, of course, panics. Felled is her valor, not by ogres or demons or any manner of formidable creature, but by the simple technology that humans have developed to forgo the awkwardness of face-to-face communication. Thankfully, this dread is quickly put to rest by Persephone's almost instant reply. 
How anticlimatic.
And thus, the pattern repeats. After a day, the mentioned book undergoes a period of truancy from the library and Ava sets her jaw tight as the passing time peels her raw. In due course, it reappears and when there is the assurance of no one in site, she decends upon it hungrily, soft with age and stooping at the spine. In all honesty, she can recall little of the plot, had only remembered Nate gifting it to her one innumerable anniversary or birthday or celebration, and drawing similarities between herself and the titular warrior-king.
After a brief inspection, Ava finds the dog-earred page. A single line in the whole expanse of the epic poem is emphasized with the same faint pencil trace as before. 
Hold my hands in yours, and we will not fear what hands like ours can do.
Something strange, and frightening shifts deep within Ava. She slams the book closed and with it under her arm, retreats.
“There are less complicated ways of going about this, you know.” 
“Where’s the fun in that?”
Posy blowing steam off her frothing mug and Nate with his long fingers circled around a cup of tea as they indulge in their routine of early morning caffeine and commiseration at Haley’s. It’s all for her benefit, of course; this outpouring of longing and frustration with Ava at its contradictory core. Nate and his even-tempered assurances and three hundred year insight into the enigma of a vampire, interpreting her without insinuating, or otherwise offering a sympathetic ear to Posy's venting. He is a master of consolation, and always seems to know exactly what she needs to hear after an encounter with those shadowed green eyes hunting the set line of her collar or her spine or her neck. 
And he has been an accomplice, these past few weeks, to Posy’s great interpersonal experiment. 
She hadn’t entered into this with any more intention than what it’d originally began as—taking a cursory interest in a book that Ava had mentioned off-handedly. And while Wayhaven’s Public Library system was sure to carry the typical selection of classic literature, the thrumming of her heart in her ears had drawn Posy to the Warehouse and to the library carefully maintained by Nate, and to the shelf he’d more than amenably directed her to housing Ava’s century old copy of Dracula. To the pages touched by Ava's fingers and the binding that had spread upon Ava's lap and the same words that Ava's eyes had glazed over dispassionately, words that had resonated, words that Posy had singled out--perhaps a bit precociously--and maybe with an expectation that the thorough inspection Ava passes over everything that crosses in and out of her peripheral would be rewarded. 
“I don’t think this is fun for her, but rather mildly tortuous,” Nate sighs like the weight of his three hundred years is finally catching up to him. “I’m worried you’ll underline a sentence that makes her break something in there. Or throw the book all together and do it damage.” The mere thought of that appears to cause him genuine distress, wrought all over his normally tempered features. 
“I’m surprised you let me scribble in them at all,” Posy says, hiding the amused press of her lips behind the rim of her drink.
“Yes, well, annotating is an age-old literary practice. And I’ll always encourage reading. And affections of the heart. And–they’re not my books.” His mouth twitches, then curves, as though falling victim to his own train of persuasion. “Really, this is good for her.”
“I thought you said it was torture.” 
The vampire pauses to take an indulgent sip of his tea, eyes fluttering shut briefly. “Sometimes the two pair rather nicely. Like gouda cheese and a Pinot noir.” 
“Flavor analogies too? You’re in rare form today, Nate. So she has been finding them?”
“Oh, yes. The other day, I pretended not to notice her stakeout of the Mesopotamian section. Ava has many, many wonderful gifts, and subtlety is not one of them. That text she sent is evidence enough. Though I do worry you’re running out of usable material. Her tastes are…limited and narrowing.” From a leather messenger bag hanging on his seat-back, Nate procures a thick hardcover book and slides the text on castle rampart sieging across the table. “While I’m of the mind that all literature has merit, I doubt there’s any poetry in this one--I think she may be challenging you.” 
Posy takes the book under palm, casting a scrutinizing gaze over it. In place of the medieval architechture that the cover depicts, she can see only Ava's wry hint of a pursed mouth smile, the shallow press of a dimple not quite formed. Your move, Detective. “There she goes underestimating me again," Posy says with resolve. "You'd think she would’ve learned better by now.”
“There is a saying about old habits. And Ava’s are as ancient and as difficult to kill as she is.” 
“Yes. But my blood is very mysteriously and magically undoing, or haven’t you heard? Even on an ancient, unbreakable spell like Ava Du Mortain.”
Nate laughs richly like the brush of a low bell, and reaches across the table to offer her forearm an obliging pat, hands warmed from the Earl Grey. “Of that, there has never been any doubt. You truly are something special, Posy. To our little family, and that includes Ava. However long and…arduous that confession might come to be."
“Thank you, Nate," she responds with affectionate sincerity flitting about her throat, and then intontes, all business, "Now then. I have impenetrable fortresses to compare to Commanding Agents--which isn’t sounding all that difficult right about now.”  
With that, Posy opens the book and delicately, fondly, traces the crisp signature of Ava’s initials with the wayward pad of her finger.
Nate doesn't have the heart to break the illusion and tell her he'd been the one to put them there--and really, he decides, no one is hurt by this omission. 
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electric-hydrangea · 1 month
Arlecchino's Past & Her Being the Grim Reaper
Spoilers/leaks for 4.6 ahead
Made by Rosie Posie and Daniel :3
reposted from my twitter, leak-censored version on the genshin lore subreddit
The Fall of the Faded Castle
The Fall of the Faded Castle is where Arlecchino’s lore can be found. “The Mask of the Red Death” by Poe is the inspiration for this book. I’d recommend reading it, it’s very similar!
It’s referenced in Arlecchino’s kit (her infused normal attack), its name being “Mask of the Red Death”
The book has numerous references to the blood moon and debts owed, something also found in Arlecchino’s kit, as well as the use of the word “baleful”. 
In her Character Introduction, she hallucinates her past in a way very similar to TFotFC. The lines are meant to parallel each other; the scene being the same but the setting is now different.
The final paragraph of her Character Introduction references the ending of TFotFC, and the moonlight that flows into the hearth through the window symbolizes her past. 
TFotFC mentions the clock striking midnight and the castle master becoming panicked for the reaper that would come to collect his blood debt, and then Arlecchino’s introduction mentions her taking control over the room when the clock chimes. 
To move onto Arlecchino’s connections with Remuria, it requires extra context about Remus, the leader of Remuria.
Remus had his own sin, different from Egeria, where he altered life by dissolving his people into Golems. He meant for them to live for eternity, but the souls instead shattered.
While Egeria was punished by Celestia, Remus was punished by Arlecchino. The Fall of The Fated Castle is about Arlecchino punishing Remus. She’s responsible for Remuria falling. I know there are some really passionate Remuria fans, I hope I am not massacring the story haha. I’m more into the Ordo #sandronenation
Edit: it’s been brought to my attention that the guy in the story probably isn’t Remus, and I’m also on board with that. The guy who the Grim Reaper is hunting isn’t entirely relevant, but I suggest instead: Boethius
Unsorted Chapter
She’s still dead though; she’s glitching. She’s otherworldly. TFotFC describes the Grim Reaper as having two cold eyes that can pierce your soul with a glance. It questions if they are a lord returning from an ancient world, or the nightmare itself. 
In the origins of her name, Arlecchino, in commedia del’arte, it’s said to trace back to Dante’s Inferno; a devil going by the name Alichino. Her character type is the “devil” stock character, but that character can also be molded into whatever, like being a lighthearted prankster.
She also has a scythe.. Grim Reaper much? She also marks enemies with her blood debt, something in her kit. The scythe effect that the polearm has is one that only Arlecchino can use. Her whole kit uses wording that can be attributed to TFotFC and the hearth. 
The boss Arlecchino can be found at a grave. The writing says “Crucabena”, who is also “Ceridwen”. Crucabena is the Gallic equivalent. Ceridwen is the Welsh goddess of rebirth, which is a part of Arlecchino’s whole thing. Her grave’s subtitle could be referencing how the hearth is of two worlds.
Arlecchino’s constellation “Ignis Purgatorius” is based off of the poem “Purgatorius Ignis” by Christopher Okemwa. I don’t really know what’s going on in this poem, but I’d be more than happy to hear what others think.
Her character introduction shows us that she is in control of the hearth (in the Orphanage), and Perinheri shows more of her themes in the hearth; this could symbolize her being reborn as Arlecchino from being the Grim Reaper.
In book “Perinheri”, Perinheri is locked in a hearth and has to crawl through it. Then, he is asked if he has seen “it” yet, and if he is dead. When he turned around, he saw the Crimson Moon and a titanic horrified eye. After Perinheri was released from the hearth, he was told that he traversed through the fire of two worlds within the hearth and he is now reborn.
The Crimson Moon is Arlecchino, and the eyeball Perinheri saw is on her head in her boss fight. 
TLDR Arlecchino was the Grim Reaper and punished Remus for his crimes and then was reborn as Arlecchino but something is still wrong with her because she’s glitching. It could be because she’s caught between the two worlds within the hearth. 
We also don’t have voice lines, character stories, or artifact lore leaks though so a lot of information is probably missing.
There are more connections to be made with Arlecchino, Caterpillar, the grave, Perinheri, and the experiments done on Caterpillar, but I don’t think I have enough to try and cover that.
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charlicpace · 3 months
name inspo: unique but controversial edition ! i'm not saying i like these, i'm not saying i hate 'em, but these are all names that i've seen people have incredibly strong opinions on, and i feel like they're good shouts if you're looking for a character with a name that starts conversations. or arguments.
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rottedbrainz · 11 months
Ok so originally I was just gonna do this with the four main fellas, but I found myself adding in more character dynamics so...forgive me?
Tibbs belongs to me. Caled, Terri, and Mick belong to @palettepainter. And Gabe belongs to @posies-and-bundles
Bonus characters under the cut!! :D
Some of the quotes were edited to fit the characters or dynamic. Sorry if some of them are out of character.
*Tibbs helping Mick out after they get injured, while the others are watching*
Gerald: How does Mick look?
Gabe: A little better than you, actually.
Gerald, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today!
Mick: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Tibbs: Whaddya call a fish with no eye?
Gabe, not looking up: Myxine Circifrons
Tibbs: fsh
Gerald: Dammit, Tibbs!
Tibbs: What?! It wasn’t me!
Gerald: Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Mick!
Mick: Not me either.
Gerald: Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Gabe: *whistles*
Tibbs: There is no future. there is no past. do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.
Everyone Else At Person A’s Surprise Birthday Party:
Mick: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Gabe: Okay, help me please!
Gerald: Got two words for you.
Mick: I bet they won't be helpful.
Gerald: Your problem.
Mick: I was right
Gabe, talking to Zoot on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Baby Zoot: You bet!
Gabe: At what temperature?
Baby Zoot: 535.
Gabe: That's the clock.
Baby Zoot:
Baby Zoot: 536.
Tibbs: You love me, right, Caleb?
Caleb: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Terri: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Tibbs: You and me!!!
Terri, tearing up: Okay.
Janice: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Tibbs: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Caleb: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
Mick: How's the sexiest person here~?
Terri: I don't know, how are they~?
Mick, flustered: I-
Tibbs, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Terri: I was arrested for being too cool.
Tina: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Terri: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Mick: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Terri: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Gerald: Tina, keep an eye on Floyd today. They're going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Tina: Sure, I’d love to see Floyd get punched.
Gerald: Try again.
Tina, sighing: I will stop Floyd from getting punched.
Mick: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
Gabe: You were flirting with Terri.
Mick: So what? She's my wife.
Gabe: You asked her if she was single.
Gabe: And then you cried when she said she wasn't.
Janice: Dad, I'm sad.
Tibbs: *Holds out arms for a hug* It’s going to be okay.
Floyd: Pop, I'm sad.
Mick, nodding: mood.
Terri: We need more help. Maybe I should call my friends.
Mick: ... Your what?
Terri: My friends.
Gabe: Are they saying “friends”?
Tibbs: I think they're being sarcastic.
Tina: No, no, no, this is delirium, they've cracked from being awake all night. Hey, Terri! All of your friends are in this room.
Terri: I have other friends! You asked me to make new friends, I made new friends! It was a task. I complete tasks.
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yourelessfast · 6 months
Sonic OC Showdown Q&A! Rocket the Lab Rat Edition!
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I can finally sit down and actually do some of these! Yippee!!!
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?/🍀- What originally inspired the OC? Rocket and the rest of her friends are all very recent! I got the idea to make some 'knock-off' sonic cast members from the RTVS sonic sub marathon, which was only a couple weeks ago! Everything about Rocket and her friends are still very in development and subject to change, but everything as follows is as best I got so far!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name? How do any of us do anything? I thought it sounded cool!
🌼- How old are they? (Or approximate age range) General young adult age range? Old enough to join the military, not old enough to rent a car. May change as I develop the world more, but I tend to prefer having adult characters when developing them.
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)? Rocket has a few crushes, mainly on Frost the Chinchilla, but nothing she's ever acted on anything. The real scoop is that her rivalry with Powder the Rabbit tends to be very flirtatious at Rocket without really being reciprocated. She gets really flustered about it and then fires her lasers haphazardly, which makes her easy to dodge to beat in a fight, which was always Powder's plan. Syrup the Fox, the only member of the team that is younger than Rocket, might also have a small crush on the rat and tries to get her attention from time to time.
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🍕 - What is their favorite food? Mint chocolate chip ice cream.
💼- What do they do for a living? Professional sidekick. She makes anything Zip needs to save the world, and also whatever is fun to have around. She builds obstacle courses into Peacelily so he has something to speed-bust and bounce off of without damaging the environment.
🎹- Do they have any hobbies? She finds any excuse she can to get into her mk2 battle mech and stomp around a little bit. Zip busted up the first one when they first met, but the 2nd one is made for hero purposes instead of villainy, so it's totally fine to have death lasers and missiles and stuff built into this one haha.
🎯 -What do they do best? Most of the time she helps with adventures, she's flying around with her rocket jetpack. She can help Zip over large pits by carrying him across, or reach the cookies on the very top shelf.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do? She's way more in her element when helping Zip than when she, you know, crosses over with the main cast at all. Zip and Sonic are always butting heads over who's the fastest, Posie and Amy are gossiping, Boomer and Knuckles can go head to head in a yelling match, but as far as the parallels go, Zip and Tails are the most obviously different of the counterparts, and any time she needs to work together with him to solve some sort of problem (because they're both the smartest ones in any room), she always feels out of her element. He's a baby, why is he so smart? This is horseshit.
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❤️- What is one of your OC’s best memories? After her very first fight with Zip, she really thought he'd have just finished her off and been off on his day, but he let her go and promised to be friends if she ever stopped being evil and junk. She really assumed she'd never amount to much more than a henchman, but Zip showed her she was capable of so much more than that.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories? Being a henchman. Feeling like a cog in the bio-machine that is the Deville empire. She's glad she got out of that.
🧊- Is their current design the first one? For now! Maybe she'll get fuzzier. Still working everything out with that!
🌂- What genre do they belong in? 3D Platformer with speedrunning and collectathon elements, with light forays into arena fighting games and analog horror. Don't ask about that last one, long story.
💚- What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality? For now, Rocket goes by She/Her and is a fem-leaning bisexual. It might change as she develops more! No idea if trans or cis, impossible to tell at this stage.
🙌- How many sibling does your OC have? Two! Rumble and Riot the Lab Rats, two more of Dr. Egg Head's experiments. Rumble fought Zip in Stage 2 and Riot fought Zip in Stage 3, both of them in special vehicles that did a poor job of stopping him in his tracks. The three of them also fused in Stage 5, Freaky Franken Labs, where Zip had to fight them as the Ratmalgam King. After Zip's first adventure, when Rocket became his sidekick, those two kind of faded into side character obscurity, but they were seen in the audience of the Grey Airzone stage of Zip the Fighters, cheering with a few Devil Eggs and Impiz.
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🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like? Biological parents? No idea. Dr. Egg Head is kind of an adoptive mom, though, and Rocket hates her! They fight all the time and try to shoot each other with lasers.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC? She's very funny XD. Sometimes she acts as the straight man (ironic) to Zip's antics, but other times she can break down into a little neurotic mess over her own self image. I like imagining her in scenarios and seeing if she's the cool head who solves the problem or the only one in the room screaming her head off.
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC? She started off as a one-off joke doodle and I have not shut up about her and her setting since. So.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC? No, this group of OCs is supposed to be fun and silly and I don't see any of them dying for real. Zap might die for one panel of a comic and then come back on the next page as a send-up of SA2 -> Sonic Heroes, but other than that no one dies.
💀- Does your OC have any phobias? Thunder.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival? Her enemy is Dr. Egg Head and her various goons and schemes. She's also sometimes enemies with characters like Zap and the Spooky Squad and the Retro Bandits, but her Rival is Miles Tails Prower. She is constantly compared to him, by both the framing device of the story and herself, and he's not even fully grown yet, so he could only ever get smarter from here. She is determined to outpace and overcome his influence, even if it involves some… underhanded methods.
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I hope everyone enjoys her and her little funny guy routine! I also hope she makes some friends that are a little more normal than Zip and Boomer. Please. She needs them so badly. @sonic-oc-showdown
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no-one-picked-maris · 8 months
yesterday I saw a post that mentioned Felicity Merman (AG) probably has ADHD.
reading happy birthday, felicity (or the rest), she definitely reminds of me when I was that age.
(edit ii):
and grandfather was so lovely to bring dinner
[insert posies photo here]
(edit thought):
the parallel between mother being deathly ill in felicity's surprise and and recovering vs grandfather not in changes for felicity...
(edit thoughts):
she left her grandmother's precious guitar in her bff's garden after 1) being distracted by flowers; 2) being distracted by the drums; and 3) realizing people are willing to die for independence.
she realizes she left her guitar in the garden after she mentions her grandfather while speaking with ben (free association or w/e).
(she ultimately never played the guitar with her grandfather.)
hbf, chapter 5: I'm wondering, do they write out Issac's character in the beforever version?
like, there are so many reasons they aren't going to re-release felicity's series in a meaningful way, I think.
she's always concerned about pleasing people - especially her grandfather and avoiding feeling shame! .
I honestly like the formality of address in the era...probably because it's a script that helps me mask my adhd. easier to remember last names/lack of instant communication meaning longer contact times between friends was expected! it's gross, but I would have a socially acceptable excuse not to be places that make me anxious (neurotypical working situations) because I'm "~~lady~~".
her series is also the most overtly white protestant in the series. tons of mentions of god...
ughhhh her father rides penny during the revolutionary war as a commissary agent (not even sure if that's a real thing).
oh ~
this is her apple butter dress:
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which was sold as her work gown:
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caesarflickermans · 1 year
The Hunger Games characters have some unique names based on many cultures we've lived in today.
What's your favourite character names from THG world? What's their names meaning?
Bonus questions :
If you're a fanfic writer writing about characters who lives in Panem, what's their name gonna be?
If you're a reader, what's a name you read in a THG fanfic that stuck with you?
Thank you, @curiousnonny
I so thoroughly enjoy the effort that Collins has done which both writes those character names as something known and yet foreign. It's nothing she needed to do and yet she did.
A brief list of the names I like and as to why/their meaning--if I know the meaning tbh.
Hazelle and Posy Hawthorne. Hazelle derives from Hazel, that's about all I know from those names, but they both sound so home-y. Like, going back to the small rural town and knowing you are always welcome for a hot cup of tea at Hazelle's (and Posy's).
Maysilee Donner. The modern equivalent, Maisie, is such a great name. I really love it and have used it prior. IIRC, I even, unconscious of Maysilee, shortened the name of Caesar's mum that way. Both versions read and sound so pretty.
Rue. It's a beautiful name, simple as that. I only know it means street in French, but I doubt that matters lol.
Castor and Pollux. They are twin half-brothers, Pollux being the immortal one and Castor the mortal one. In the myth, they end up sharing their immortality by becoming stars, but it quite hits because in THG Pollux survives and Castor dies. Maybe it has always been inevitable.
Plutarch Heavensbee. We all know Plutarch as the historian of ancient times, but I also quite like his surname. It's such a comforting name, and the "bee" part in it just makes me think of a cute buzzing bumblebee. It's adorable (mandatory link to plvtarch's art).
Caesar Flickerman. Same as the above. We all know Julius Caesar, and tbh I always expected Brutus to murder Caesar in the THG series as well, but then that never happened. I really like his surname, because flicks being synonymous with movies (and especially with older movies).
As for my own creations, I will pick the one you all know best:
Virgilia Snow. In Shakespeare's play, Coriolanus' wife is called Virgilia (the play itself being based on Ancient Rome). With that name, there is an inevitability of her becoming his wife, that the story always had to play out that way and that nothing could have prevented this. Her maiden name, Pictor, is a reference to an Ancient Roman military person. I wanted her name to carry the meaning as to why her family had such a steady place in the Capitol's Elite: Military/Peacekeepers.
Bonus edition is that Minister Kupros in chapter 13 of the fanfiction is a reference to a similar word for Copper in Sumer (ancient language). I wanted to give an honourable shoutout to Cooper Hoffman in a very lowkey, around five corners, kind of way.
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mrscorpio · 1 year
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[Electronica/Beats] MrScorpio's HOUSE FIRE Podcast #294 - 12 Year Anniversary Edition 03 Mar 2023 Mixcloud: http://bit.ly/Mixcloud294 D/L: http://bit.ly/DL-HF294 Shows: http://bit.ly/ScorpioPodcasts Feat: Name/Artist/Album Anais (Radio-Edit)/Carlo/Dewax Let's Make Music/Terrence Parker/Love Forever (Songs for My Beloved Sheryl) Old School (Original Mix)/ŠTRACE/Tech House Rumours, Vol. 29 Eclipse/Sabrina Bellaouel/Al Hadr Ultramagic/Abdul Raeva/Slumped, Vol. 1 Meet Chu In My Dreams/Katerina/Acid Sampler What If/Kerri Chandler/Lost & Found EP, Vol. 2 Regulate (Extended Mix)/Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, Redlight/Regulate Heavy Water (D. Tiff's Floating To The Top Mix)/Anoesis/Heavy Water Dynamics (Original Mix)/Joe Scimò/Vaults 03 Lost in Nowhere (Original Mix)/MAAND/Melodies & Harmonies, Vol. 34 Swivel (From The Album Mirrorland)/Dreamville & J. Cole/Revenge Of The Dreamers III: Director's Cut I'm Done/Grieves & Mouse Powell/WHY NOT Suicide feat. Lukey Cage & Conway the Machine/Rome Streetz & Big Ghost Ltd/Wasn't Built in a Day Last Joint Of The Night/ChasBeats/Empty City Lights Check Point/Young Roddy/Days Ones Fairy Tales (Blend) feat. Rome Streetz & Daniel Son/Benny the Butcher & Apollo Brown/Plugs at the Apollo Acrid Futures/Son of Saturn/A Pocket Full Of Posies St. Jerome In His Study/Hell Razah and RoadsArt/Renaissance Art Heart Full Of Sorrow feat. Bloo Azul/UFO Fev & Spanish Ran/Painting Houses Queens Get $$$ feat. Meyhem Lauren/Flee Lord & Abat But Lbag/RammellFlee Old Man Strength ft DJ Robert Smith/Supastition/Every Last Word Notts Mindstate Feat. Jah Digga/ J Littles & Stan/SHORTEE BLITZ/Unafraid To Fall Let's Make a Deal feat. Mach-Hommy & Your Old Droog/Tha God Fahim/Iron Bull Blue Elephants feat. Murs/Sunspot Jonz & A-Plus/Stoney Hawk 2 Die For You/The Weeknd/Die For You Energy/Sly5thAve & JSWISS/Somebody's Gotta Do It Send me your tracks at Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/mr_scorpio Check out all your tracks on my show THE HOUSE FIRE/ every other Friday @6-8 PM GMT on InvaderFM: http://invader.fm Stream the podcasts at my Mixcloud: bit.ly/MrScorpiosShows Friend me up on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrscorpio247 Look me up on Tumblr: http://mrscorpio.tumblr.com Shoot me your videos on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrScorpio Peace, Scorp
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arecomicsevengood · 2 years
Moving? Fortresses
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I recently tracked down a copy of the Enrique Alcatena graphic novel Moving Fortress, published along with its sequel, Subterra, in the late eighties by 4Winds, a publishing company run by Tim Truman and Chuck Dixon. While Alcatena didn’t make a big name for himself in American comics, most of his work for DC was in collaboration with these two men, inking Truman on Hawkworld and drawing some Batman annuals Dixon wrote. I don’t know if that work really flatters his skill-set, reading these translated books, written by Ricardo Barreiro, it struck me that the work Alcatena is doing is that of a concept artist, taking pretty standard pulp plots (where a wanderer is forced to be a slave, than proves himself adept in battle to earn his freedom) and creating weird visuals so that the world becomes deeply fantastical. A lot of the story is carried by narration, while pages are built around strong weird images. These comics are cool, definitely, they are worth looking at if you are a fan of comic art. I’ve previously compared Alcatena’s art to Mat Brinkman’s, it’s easy to imagine an eighties D&D player looking over these pages, being influenced, but what Brinkman brings of himself to the table makes Multi-Force far superior work. Alcatena’s comics don’t evince much in the way of emotion from the reader, though they do stimulate the imagination such that they might envision a better comic.
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Even though there are human figures running around the world of monsters, there is none of the attention paid to people and their body language that constitutes the subtle work of comics that’s considered the truly hard stuff to do. There’s a lot of attention paid to the ‘boring’ stuff of human gestures in alternative comics like Love And Rockets, as well as in the nineties Vertigo stuff that for a time set a standard of what was considered ‘good.’ In the eighties, the question of how to make good comics wasn’t yet a settled question. Catalan Communications was a going concern. Both DC and Marvel had their own series of “graphic novels” which were meant to be, in some way, more sophisticated than their monthly fare, a cut above, by working in a space aspiring to the European comics model. In recent months I’ve also ordered off Ebay the Pat Mills/Kevin O’Neill graphic novel Metalzoic and the the Alex Niño-drawn Space Clusters. Space Clusters, in particular, is a gorgeous science-fiction comic that’s pretty unsatisfying as a narrative, though every page is interesting in its use of color and layout. (Long-time Comics Journal writer Kenneth Smith put Space Clusters on a list of top ten comics contributed to a Hooded Utilitarian poll a few years back.) These are comics whose idea of a sophisticated comics reader is someone that reads Heavy Metal, whose idea of good comic art is Philippe Druillet.
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In Eddie Campbell’s How To Be An Artist, he calls Druillet’s work “monstrosities,” citing more subtle work (I don’t remember what — Clare Briggs? Posy Simmonds?) as what people eventually realized was more worth looking at. At roughly around the same time, the early 2000’s, Tom Devlin edited a Highwater Books issue of The Comics Journal where he attacked the EC Comics tradition as inferior to early twentieth century comic strips like The Gumps. They were gesturing towards a literary sensibility beyond genre that still has populist appeal on the basis of its broad relatability. When (incoming TCJ print magazine editor) Austin English made a post arguing that a comics tradition going back to George Herriman has lost out to a a comics tradition going back to Milton Caniff, (former TCJ website editor) Dan Nadel was in the comments going “WTF are you talking about?” because if you see a line of influence from Herriman to Charles Schulz, that seeds all of alt-comics or anything attempting a poetic sensibility, whereas if you see Caniff’s influence going to Hal Foster, and then to EC Comics and Druillet — you can see the latter camp as having faded out, losing pretty decisively. (Even the people that make genre comics have learned you need to have quiet moments of people interacting if you want people to care at all about your characters.) And if you’re going to take a historical dialectical view of things, that’s probably the way to to go, because it makes sense as a narrative.
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Still, it’s a frustrating argument to watch occur, because it’s two different people sorting large numbers of artists into different camps according to individual criteria of professed or perceived influence. I could argue these eighties graphic novels fall into the same camp as Lyonel Feininger: They’re real weird, and while they look great, my brain needs to do a great deal of work to make sense of them. While it’s visually engaging, part of my enjoyment stems from the thrill of the arcane, like I am doing archival work simply by possessing these comics, that immediate predate chronologically a paradigm shift that would make them obsolete. Dave Gibbons and David Mazzucchelli would teach DC an important lesson in how to tell a story visually that’s readable enough to be capable of literary affect. Manga would’ve been slowly trickling into the market at this point, largely being dismissed, and that presents a completely different way of making comics than what these comics are up to such that I imagine anyone who grew up on it would be lost looking at these things. These comics are fossils, dinosaur shit from right before the comet hit. They are playing a European comics game that’s post-Druillet, who’s arguably following in the footsteps of Hal Foster — creating comics I have never been able to read, and whose subject matter doesn’t seem like it would reward me if I could. But once you accept that the stories are nonsense, and just confront the art, they again begin to function as fantasy or science fiction, because they conjure a dream of what could be if things were completely different, if evolution had happened differently.
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[image credits - Alcatena from Moving Fortess, Alcatena from Subterra, Alex Niño from Space Clusters, Kevin O’Neill from Metalzoic, Alex Niño from Space Clusters]
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qnewslgbtiqa · 4 months
2023: The Australian queer year in review
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/2023-the-australian-queer-year-in-revew/
2023: The Australian queer year in review
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As the year comes to an end, we look back at some of the Australian LGBTQIA+ news, events and queer moments that made up 2023.
Midsumma: Melbourne held its annual multi-week Midsumma Festival where former premier Daniel Andrews marched with pride goers. 
Sam Stosur retires: Sam, who won the US Open singles titles plus seven Grand Slam doubles titles, retired at the Australian Open. Sam publicly came out later in her career in 2020. 
WorldPride: Sydney became the epicentre of the queer universe when hosting WorldPride. The two-week extravaganza featured an opening night concert, the traditional Mardi Gras parade, a Human Rights Conference, a Bondi Beach party, a pride march over the Bridge and a closing party. 
Big names like Kylie Minogue, Dannii Minogue, Sugababes, Agnes, Nicole Scherzinger, Kim Petras, Ava Max, Jessica Mauboy, Courtney Act and Casey Donovan featured throughout WorldPride. However, there was only one true icon of the event: Progress Shark. 
Queerstralia: ABC broadcasts the series Queerstralia. Hosted by Zoe Coombs Marr, it took a deep dive into the queer history of Australia. 
Australian Idol: Queer First Nations singer Royston Sagigi-Baira won Australian Idol. Royston is a Thanakwith (Aboriginal) and Wagadagam (Torres Strait Islander) man from Mapoon in Far North Queensland. 
Posie Parker rejected: Anti-trans activist Posie Parker was drowned out by counter-protesters during her tour of Australia. During her visit to Brisbane, hundreds rallied against her hateful views. While in Melbourne she was joined by neo-Nazis which saw widespread condemnation. 
In Our Blood: The musical drama inspired by Australia’s radical response to HIV/AIDS in the 1980s was broadcast on ABC with many scenes shot at Brisbane’s Sportsman Hotel. 
The Wickham reopens: After many months closed for renovations, Brisbane’s iconic LGBTQIA+ venue The Wickham reopened. 
Censorship rejected: The Australian Classification Board rejected a call to ban or restrict a gender and sexuality memoir after a conservative activist complained to Queensland Police.
Archibald Prize: Artist Julia Gutman wins the Archibald Prize with a portrait of queer performer Montaigne. While queer musician and artist Zaachariaha Fielding (from Electric Fields) won the Wynne Prize for best landscape. 
Kylie’s back: Long-time queer ally Kylie Minogue released Padam Padam. The song charted in the Top 10 in the UK and the Top 20 in Australia. The first time the singer had achieved this in more than a decade. 
Queens Ball: The 62nd edition of the Queens Ball in Brisbane was held at City Hall. More than a dozen Queensland queer community advocates, performers and organisations were honoured in a ceremony hosted by Paul Wheeler and Chocolate Boxx. 
Trans legal win: The Queensland government passed a new law allowing trans and gender-diverse people to change their gender on their birth certificates without having to undergo surgery.
Logies: Out actor Tim Draxl was nominated for the Silver Logie as most outstanding actor while RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under received two nominations for Best Entertainment Program and Best New Talent for Kween Kong. 
Patricia Karvelas: Proudly out presenter Patricia Karvelas was named as the new host of one of ABC’s flagship programs Q&A.
Gymnast: Out Australian gymnast Heath Thorpe was controversially not selected for the World Championships despite winning the Australian All-Around title. 
Women’s World Cup: Australia and New Zealand hosted the Women’s World Cup with a record 96 publicly out players competing. The Matildas, who had 10 out players including superstar Sam Kerr, reached the semi-finals after a thrilling penalty shoot-out win against France. The Matildas broke attendance and ratings records, becoming the most-watched event in Australia since Cathy Freeman at the Sydney Olympics. 
Honour Awards: NSW’s largest annual LGBTIQA+ community awards were held and presented by ACON. 
Brisbane Pride: Brisbane hosted its annual pride event including fair day, rally and march, and other community events across the month. 
Drag Race: The third season of RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under crowned the first-ever Australian winner. Isis Avis Loren from Melbourne took the crown with Ballarat’s Gabriella Labucci runner-up. The show was co-hosted by Rhys Nicholson and included queer Aussie guest judges Keiynan Lonsdale and Josh Cavallo. 
Big Gay Day: The Wickham held its annual Big Gay Day with Peter Andre and Rogue Traders headlining. 
Troye Sivan: The Australian queer artist released his album Something to Give Each Other featuring hit singles Rush, Got Me Started and One of Your Girls. It went straight to the top of the charts giving Troye his first Australian No.1 album.
Pride Adelaide: The annual event took place with a march and a celebration featuring artists Ricki-Lee, Crystal Waters, Natalie Bassingthwaighte and Samantha Jade.
Gay Games: The 11th edition of the event was co-hosted by Hong Kong and Guadalajara in Mexico. This was the first co-hosting of the games and the first time it took place in Asia. Australian LGBTQIA+ athletes competed in both cities. 
ARIAs: Troye Sivan and G Flip dominated the ARIA Music Awards with four and two award wins respectively. Troye took out Song of the Year for Rush. 
Natalie Bassingthwaighte: The Rogue Traders lead singer and actress known for her work on Neighbours revealed she was in a relationship with a woman.
PrideFest: Perth held its annual pride events with events across the month celebrating the city’s LGBTQIA+ community.
BayPride: Despite protests the inaugural pride event in Wynnum, Queensland took place with a large family-friendly march.
Hate Crime Inquiry: The long-awaited Special Commission of Inquiry into LGBTIQ hate crimes in NSW saw 19 recommendations made. Advocates welcomed the findings and called on the NSW Police Force to action the report’s recommendations.
JOY Media: The Melbourne-based LGBTQIA+ community radio station JOY 94.9 celebrated their 30th anniversary.
NT politics: The openly gay MP Chansey Paech made history as the first Aboriginal man to be appointed Deputy Chief Minister in the Northern Territory.
Olympics: Australian climber Campbell Harrison qualified for the Paris Olympics and shared a kiss with his boyfriend to celebrate.
For the latest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) news in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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awkward-at-parties · 8 months
Scrapbook Staccato Proposal
Animation Software
Character Animation (Storyboard thru Color): Toon Boom
Asset Preparation: Photoshop
Effects Animation: DragonFrame and After Effects
Compositing: After Effects
Final Editing: Premiere Pro
Character Animation: digital 2D animation
Special Effects: mix of stop-motion and traditional 2D Animation
The style should feel very hand-crafted, like you are reading through an actual scrapbook. 
Dark coming-of-age
Target Audience
Young Adult.
A teenager dives into her scrapbook to indulge in her childhood memories, but soon discovers the memories do not intend to let her go.
Written Proposal
Scrapbook Staccato is the story of a 17-year-old girl named Alice. She has found herself at the crossroads between childhood and adulthood, but she is not ready to let go of her childhood. In the film, she opens a scrapbook that documents many of her precious childhood memories and then physically appears inside it as a smaller version of herself. She goes around interacting with the photos and momentos in there. Some of them are able to come to life and interact back with her, such as a drawing of her childhood dog Posie who follows her around. However, there are also memories in the scrapbook that don’t fit into Alice’s idealized view of her childhood like her parent’s divorce, her first boyfriend breaking up with her, and the death of Posie. Alice would rather not even think about those memories, so she begins ripping them out of the scrapbook. As she does, the smaller version of herself in the scrapbook gets taped down into the scrapbook by some mysterious force. This continues until she is unable to do anything but re-watch all the happy memories re-play in front of her while mountains of scrapped bad memories pile up around her. In the real world, Alice’s face is buried in the scrapbook. A door appears behind her with someone knocking on the other side. The film ends on Alice blankly staring at her happy memories, all the while ignoring the bad ones piling up around her, as the knocking persists. 
The film is meant to depict both the enjoyable and dangerous aspects of nostalgia. Alice is an example of a person who has indulged so much in her childhood nostalgia that she sees her childhood as the peak of her life, so everything that has come next in her life pales in comparison. She would rather continue to relive her childhood than actually deal with the pain of growing up. 
I will be taking a multi-disciplinary approach to this film. Alice will be a 2D character and animated in Toon Boom Harmony. Everything else in the scrapbook world will be a choppy, collage style of animation. Think Madoka Magica. Assets for the scrapbook world will be collected from real photos I either take or acquire online, edited in Photoshop, and animated in After Effects. All final animations will be edited together in Premiere Pro. I would also like to possibly use a variety of animation techniques like traditional 2D and rotoscoping for certain shots to give a chaotic mix of styles that almost seemed modge-podged together like a real collage/scrapbook. My goal with this film is to experiment with a variety of animation tools to create a very unique yet cohesive alternate world coated with nostalgia for a feminine childhood. 
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cosmicoceans-fr · 1 year
Personal Lore Stuff
General Edition
First a disclaimer: A lot of my lore is just gonna be tweaking things about Flight Rising/Sornieth that I just don't like/vibe with, so if that'll bother you I advise not reading further.
Disclaimer part two: Some of the stuff mentioned here may already be canonical and I either A. haven't read about it yet (in which case feel free to shoot me the relevant readings ^^), B. I'm incorporating and expanding on it, or C. Incorporating and altering it.
Punctuation usage note:
Parenthesis () are used to signify a related but seperate thought to what they're grouped with.
Brackets [] are used as a form of authors note.
Now to begin: This is largely just going to be one chaotic info dump of all the stuff living in my head rn so I can come back and organise/edit it later but also so I can link it in my pinned cause I use verbiage that relates to my personal lore and figured this'd help anyone who might be confused.
Auction House is now:
Travel Listings
Name is a work in progress but the basic idea isn't.
The current system of dragons being put up for auction didn't really sit well with me [I understand it's function as the FR game itself goes don't at me please] so after some mulling it over I settled on Travel Listings!
The general idea is that dragons who are looking to relocate either to a new Clan within their own flight (flight AH) or just anywhere on Sorienth (Site-wide AH) can post the travel costs for them to do so with their stuff. When a Clan who's willing to sponsor the fees for the dragon posts them the dragon is then able to move in with the Clan!
This helps maintain the autonomy that dragons have as established in canon lore as well as giving the world a fun "new" mechanic [in my opinion at least]. In addition is use this as a basis for my pricings. If I consider the cost listed alongside each dragon as travel costs it let's me make some base costs guides based on things like breed, gene rarity, eye rarity, and in the event of a one-on-one arranged travel fees the cost for "luggage" (ie familiars, outfits, etc. which, btw, if you arrange for a dragons travel with me directly they'll almost always come with luggage).
The above is why I might seem to price travel fees a little weirdly and while I'm ok with the prices being a little funky I do want to be fair so if I unintentionally price something outrageously please let me know! ^^
Familiars being listed as and treated as items within the game canon bugs me a bit as many of if not most/all of the familiars are canonically described as having sentience (sentience in this case meaning being living) them being treated as items isn't great for me.
Similar to Travel Listings I'll price/talk ahout/treat familiars with the same/similar verbiage. Familiars get travel fees as well albeit less involved than dragons might.
Familiars will also be treated as thinking beings who've choosen to come stay with our Clan for xyz reasons within lore contexts.
This leads me into my next bit:
The Coliseum
I'm not 100% posi on the canon lore surrounding Coli stuffs but the stuff I've developed whilest grinding in it as follows:
The Coliseum was started by [unestablished] as a way for dragons and beast clans to, hopefully, find some common ground.
Each coli arena/area is a neutral sparing ring/arena set up in each of the diff regions.
All who come to them agree to leave past issues/agressions/conceptions at home and have acknowledged that they are there to learn from eachother, as well as to have a good time. Each person who enters the Coli area agrees to do their part to ensure a friendly and (relatively) peaceful enviroment for all participants.
To be chosen to represent your Clan in the coli is considered a high honour by most involved and the importance of its neutrality is widely established/acknowledged. In the spirit of this many participants, dragon and beastclan alike, will bring gifts/offerings for their opponents [the coli drops]. Some participants might even find that they vibe/work really well with a clan/it's members and as such will choose to return with those dragons to their clans [familiar drops].
Due to the nature of the Coli its generally frowned upon for participants fo significantly higher levels to enter a match against participants of much lower levels [lack of exp gain], the exception to this are for teams who have come specifically to share their knowledge with those at lower levels [this parts honestly just so I can grind lower levels with my lvl 25s and not feel so bad about it 🤣].
Aaaaand that's about all I've got at the moment, there's other stuff that's dragon/breed line specific that'll be its own post(?).
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codehunter · 2 years
Google Maps & JavaFX: Display marker on the map after clicking JavaFX button
I have been trying to display a marker on the map when I click on a Button of my JavaFX application. So what happens is when I click on that button, I write the position in a JSON file, this file will be loaded in the html file that contains the map. The problem is that it works perfectly when I open the html page in the browser, but nothing happens in the JavaFX's web view, and I don't know why !
This is the html file:
<!DOCTYPE html><html> <head> <title>Simple Map</title> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0"> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style> /* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that contains the map. */ /*#map { height: 100%; }*/ #map{width:100%;height:100%;margin:auto;} /* Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. */ html, body { height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; }</style></head><body><div id="map"></div><script> var map; var marker; // Multiple Markers var markers = []; var pos = {lat: 46.662388, lng: 0.3599617}; var itinerary_markers = []; function initMap() { var currentLat, currentLng;//Latitude et longtitude courante $.ajax({ url: 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=My+ADDRESS&key=MY_KEY', async: false, dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { currentLat = data.results[0].geometry.location.lat; currentLng = data.results[0].geometry.location.lng; } }); map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: currentLat, lng: currentLng}, zoom: 15, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); /*MARQUEUR*/ $.ajax({ async: false, url: 'test.json', data: "", accepts:'application/json', dataType: 'json', success: function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.hydrants.length; i++) { markers.push( data.hydrants[i]); } } }); var posi = new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].Lat, markers[0].Lng); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: posi, map: map, //title: markers[i][0] title: markers[0].Name }); }</script><script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.min.js" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script><script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=MY_KEY&callback=initMap&language=fr"async defer></script></body></html>
When I click the button, I fill the JSON file (which works perfectly) and then I execute this to refresh the webview:
As I said before, when I open the file on the browser I see the expected result, but I don't know what is the problem with the JavaFX.If there is a better way to do this please tell me.
I found a solution to the problem by sending directly the data (the GPS coordinates) from JavaFX to Javascript using the executeScript() method, so I don't need a json file as bridge between the two platforms.So this is an example of how the code looks like:
eng.executeScript("updateMarker(" + lat + ", " + lng + ")");//eng is a WebEngine instance
And here is the Javascript:
/*The initial latitude and longtitude*/var currentLat = the latitude;var currentLng = the longtitude;function initMap() { map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: currentLat, lng: currentLng}, zoom: 15, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP }); var posi = new google.maps.LatLng(currentLat, currentLng); marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: posi, map: map, visible: false }); }/*The method that is I call from JavaFX*/function updateMarker(_lat, _lng){ marker.setPosition({lat: _lat, lng: _lng}); map.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(_lat, _lng)); marker.setVisible(true); }
Thank you for your comments and answers, and a special shootout to reddit.
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ottogatto · 3 years
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The wildest glitch I have ever seen.
@primalmonkey I’m you now......or are you me?
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barbie-verse · 5 years
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social media/youtubers au
(posie manip)
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