#elizabeth adawolf x kallista
unreadpoppy · 1 year
Blackbird (Elizabeth x Kallista)
A/N: Elizabeth is my DnD character and Kallista is her NPC girlfriend who has yet to appear in the main game. I decided to write this because since it´s before the game, it won´t affect the plotline and I feel like at least it deepens the backstory of my character. This was inspired by the song ´´Blackbird`` by Norma John (it´s really good by the way give it a listen). Also, Kallista is a red tiefling and she´s a trans woman and I felt like pointing that out so that some parts of the story didn´t feel confusing. But yeah that´s it. Enjoy, I guess.
Warning: misgendering, death of an animal, violence
Word count: 2.8 k
You sang when she was in my bed
You sang when my heart sang
It was all so quiet. 
As the first rays of the sun touched her naked shoulder, the quietness of the morning was the first thing Elizabeth noticed. As she slowly opened her eyes, flashes of last night's activities came back. She and Kallista had been intimate for the first time, which is why instead of her usual chambers, Elizabeth found herself cuddled into the tiefling woman. 
A strong red arm was laid across her back, while one of her hands and her head rested on Kallista´s broad chest. She could hear the small snores coming out of her lover´s mouth, which Elizabeth thought were quite cute. She left out a soft sigh, closing her eyes and relishing in the peacefulness of the moment. 
It didn't last long, however, as a blackbird sat on the windowsill and began to sing. And although it did sing a beautiful tune, it reminded them that soon they'd have to leave the bed. 
Kallista opened her eyes, looking down at Elizabeth. A small smile graced her lips and she bent down her head to kiss the crown of black hair on her chest. 
"Good morning, beautiful´´ Kallista said, while Elizabeth let out a groan. The tiefling chuckled at that, kissing her again. She made a motion to get up, and felt arms tighten around her midsection. ``C´mon, we have to leave``
``Don´t want to`` 
``Gods, Liz, you sound like a child!`` she replied, laughing lightly. 
Elizabeth eventually sat on the bed, letting out a humpft, while using the bed sheet as a cover of her naked form. While she crossed her arms and pouted, Kallista smiled once again, and booped her on the nose, making Elizabeth smile as well. The tiefling cupped her lover´s face, and leaned forward until their foreheads touched. 
The bird, that had momentarily stopped singing, began again. 
Elizabeth rolled her eyes and huffed, getting off the bed, bringing the bed sheet along with her. She walked towards the window. 
``Leave the bird be, my love`` said Kallista 
" I'm just annoyed that it ruined my morning with it´s singing," Elizabeth replied, shooing off the bird and closing the window. 
``Well, I quite like it´s song…however`` before she finished, Kallista got off the bed and walked towards Elizabeth. She enveloped her arms around the human´s midsection, while her tail wrapped itself around one of her legs. Putting her head on Elizabeth´s shoulder, she whispered in her ear ``the sounds you made last night were much sweeter´´. 
As Elizabeth blushed and turned around to kiss Kallista, the blackbird flew away. 
Somewhere else, go make your home
Don't nestle here, go find lovers of your own
``Lizzie, look! The bird nestled here!`` Kallista called over, looking down at her windowsill. Elizabeth walked over and saw the little nest, with three eggs inside and no sight of either parents. She made no comments, only hummed. ``Please, don't you think it's beautiful?`` her lover asked. 
She turned her back to the window, putting her elbows on it and leaning. She closed her eyes before answering. ``I mean, it's just a bird and its nest, nothing more`` she shrugged. Kallista had noticed she had been in a foul mood the whole day, but she couldn't figure out why.  
``Well, I think there's a certain beauty to it.´´ Still looking at the nest, Kallista continued ``It means this little guy found someone he loves so much, he's willing to settle down and make a home with.`` She turned to look at Elizabeth ´´To find someone who completes wholeheartedly, someone who is…your home.`` As she finished talking, looking back at the nest and then she heard a sob. 
When the tiefling looked up, Elizabeth was looking at her, eyes red, and tears running down her face. Elizabeth hid her face in her hands. Kallista walked in front of her, face filled with worry, not knowing what to do.
``Did I upset you?`` When she got no answers, she continued ``Please, Liz, tell me what ails you``
Elizabeth drew in a deep breath and said with a shaky voice ``Today is the day…`` She sobbed again. For a moment Kallista´s brows furrowed until she remembered. 
Today was the anniversary of the Adawolf´s family deaths. 
``Liz, I´m so sor-`` before she could finish, Elizabeth´s knees buckled, and she would have fallen if Kallista had not caught her. She held her lover closer, as her cries got louder and heavier. They eventually both sat on the floor. Kallista rocked her back and forth, like a mother would to her child, humming a simple tune. Elizabeth, at some point, gathered her breath and started to speak. 
´´I loved them all so much. I will never beat Ed or Gus in a sword match again. No more staying up late gossiping with Henrietta, or listening to father talk about his work and mother show me the dances she loved most´´ she sobbed and then continued ´´and Genevieve, my Genevieve, she was just ten! She was just a child! I loved her so much, Kallista, she had so much life inside of her, and now it's all gone!´´ Again she hugged Kallista. ``Their deaths left a hole in my heart that will never be filled again. I am forever lost and incomplete without my family``.
Kallista felt her own heart breaking at that. The tiefling didn't have a family growing up, but seeing the one she loved most hurt was a hard thing to watch. As the two embraced, the blackbird came to its nest and began to sing. 
One day, the ladies had gone to a bar. There was a piano on the back of the place, which remained untouched for most of the night. After a few drinks, Kallista took Elizabeth´s hand and led her to the piano. Once she sat, the tiefling began to play. 
It was a tune unfamiliar to Elizabeth. It was beautiful, however. Something about it moved her deeply, she couldn't explain. She just closed her eyes, and rest her head on Kallista´s shoulder, allowing the song to take her in. She felt…calm. 
The song soon ended, which made her question where it was from. 
`´ It's actually my composition.`` Kallista said. Elizabeth looked at her. 
``It´s beautiful. How long have you worked on it?`` she now sat with her back straight, one hand intertwining with Kallista´s. 
``Years. I came up with it when I was young and when there used to be a piano in the headquarters. It's long been removed, but the song always stayed with me.`` 
``And what do you call it?``
``Blackbird. After my favorite animal`` Kallista smiled when revealing the title. 
Elizabeth rolled her eyes playfully ``You really do love that bird, don´t you?``
``Can you blame me? I´ve always loved birds. They are free to come and go as they please. They sing beautiful songs that we are blessed enough to be able to hear. And..`` she stopped, and took a strand of Elizabeth´s hair into her fingers ``it's dark feathers remind me of your hair. The most beautiful shade of black I have ever seen`` 
At that, Elizabeth blushed heavily. ``Play it again.`` she requested, and once again put her head on Kallista´s shoulder, and the song resumed. 
They had had a day off and Elizabeth had gone to the market alone, leaving Kallista by herself most of the day. She had helped a few new recruits with their training, talked with her mentor Baldur, and wrote in her journal.
 It was late into the night when Liz had come back. When she walked in and saw her lover, Kallista smiled brightly. She got up from the chair she sat on and went to greet her. They kissed briefly and Kallista said ``What took you so long, my love? I missed you the entire day´´ as she talked, she put a few stray hairs of Elizabeth back in place. 
Elizabeth, who had her arms behind her back, brought them to her front, showing a small wooden box. She smiled shyly while she handed it to Kallista, who after looking at it briefly, opened. 
Inside the box was a steel necklace, with a blackbird as a pendant. It was simple, but Kallista thought it the most beautiful thing in the world. Elizabeth mentioned for her to turn around so she could place it on her, which she did, while also putting her long light brown hair to the side. 
``Remember that day when you talked about nests and families and I began to cry?`` Elizabeth asked. Kallista nodded, still with her back turned. ``Well, I will be honest with you. The pain I carry never goes away. But, when I'm with you, it becomes bearable. Without you, I feel like I'm drowning in a cold lake, but when you come around, I can put my head out of the water and breathe again.´´ Kallista turned around, and they held hands. ``It is true that the hole my family left will never be filled again…however, when I'm by your side, I feel whole again. Kallista, you are my life, my light, the very air that I breathe. If I stand here today, it is because of you.``
At this point, the tiefling had tears in her eyes. She asked ``My love, what do you mean by all that?``
``I just… I wanted to give you something to show my gratitude for you. And I was thinking…```she stopped, unsure if she could continue. Kallista urged her to finish. ``I am tired of living like this. In this place, of not being able to be with the one I love all time, and I am tired of what the others say about us when they think we aren't looking`` She looked down a moment and continued ``Let's run away. Far from this place, where we can be free to be who we are. I know your whole life was here, but I promise, there is a beautiful world outside of here.``
Kallista took a deep breath and looked at the floor. What Elizabeth was asking her was huge. Having been abandoned at birth, Kallista only survived due to the blood hunters finding her and taking her in. She had never even been outside of Alcaria. But she couldn't lie, things were becoming tiring. This life of hunting monsters, of being called a freak by her peers for her looks,  of not having a moment to rest or not being able to live as she would like, she was done with it. 
Breaking the long silence, Elizabeth said ``Of course, if you wish to stay, I won´t oppose you.``
`´No. I want to go.´´ Kallista finally said, raising her head. ``I have never been free a day of my life. I do not want to die like this. I want to smell the ocean, I want to see the rest of the world. And mostly, I want to wake up beside the woman I love while birds sing, and do nothing but stay in bed all day. `` She smiled and they kissed softly. 
´´ We have one mission coming up next week. We do it, and once we are done, we leave. It will give us time to prepare for the journey ahead`` Elizabeth said.
``My, you really thought this through, didn't you?`` Kallista replied, smirking. Liz rolled her eyes and smiled, kissing her again. 
As they went to bed, they did not see the blackbird outside their window, looking at them, before flying away. When Elizabeth closed her eyes to sleep that night, she thought once they were out of risk, she would finally ask the big question. 
She would ask Kallista to be her wife. She just needed to wait. 
You sang when she was in my bed
You sang when my heart sang
Now you remind me of something I'll never have
It was not supposed to be like this. 
At this time, they were supposed to be far away, reaching the next village. However, they did not anticipate that Baldur would discover everything. 
Kallista, having always seen the older half-orc as somewhat of a father figure, tried talking to him. About how they were unhappy, about how she wanted a new life, and that even if it broke her heart to be away from him, she would send him letters. He smiled for a moment, and when the two embraced, Elizabeth hoped everything would be alright. 
That is, until Kallista let out a gasp and let go, with a blade inserted in her chest. She fell to the floor, and before Elizabeth could reach her, Baldur had drawn his sword. 
``You corrupted my child, you made him think he was a girl and meant to take him away from me. I will not allow it.`` He began attacking, all of which Elizabeth was able to block. 
``If you claim to love Kallista so much, why would you do that?!?!`` Elizabeth screamed, pushing him away. 
``DO NOT CALL HIM THAT! You may have put him into the path of sin, but I have released his soul before you could condemn him to damnation`` He once again rushed forward. He was much stronger and skilled than her, and Elizabeth feared she wouldn´t be able to do it. 
And then she looked at Kallista on the floor, barely breathing, the blade buried deep in her chest. 
She would not allow someone to take her love again. 
And so she started attacking restlessly, as she would do with her brothers when young, not giving him a chance to stop her, until his blade fell from his hand. Before she could deal the final blow, however, other members showed up, and Baldur quickly shouted orders ``She attacked my son, and now she's trying to kill me! Kill the bitch!``
The men drew their swords and rushed forward. Elizabeth looked at Kallista, who was being tended by other members, and shouted ''FORGIVE ME`` before running as fast as she could to her horse, who was nearby and ready with all of her stuff. She was able to reach it and leave. Although they kept on shouting, they weren't able to keep up. 
Elizabeth couldn't hold her tears as she got farther and farther away from her love. 
´I´m sorry I failed you Kallista´ she thought. ´Please, live.´
After hours, when the sun had already gone down and the moon was high in the sky, Elizabeth stopped her horse and made camp. The nearest town was still a day's ride away. She needed to rest, and she needed to figure out what to do. She didn´t know if Kallista had made it out alive, or if they would let her live. She didn't know how they would be able to reunite, if ever. She once again felt like a lost child. 
Elizabeth had built a small fire, looking intensely at the flames. The events of the day kept replaying in her head, so many questions arriving. How had Baldur known? Would Kallista live? If so, would she forgive Elizabeth for leaving her behind? Could Elizabeth survive another heartache? 
It was when she heard the sound of a twig breaking that she remembered her surroundings. Quickly, she got her crossbow, ready to shoot, in case any of the men had tracked her down. When she sensed another movement, coming from a bush, she didn't think twice before shooting. Immediately, she ran towards what she had hit and the sight made her blood run cold. 
It was a blackbird. Kallista´s animal, and she had killed it. 
``No, no, no, no, no`` she repeated frantically as she cradled the small animal in her hands, after removing the arrow. Even though she knew it was dead, she hoped it would somehow draw breath once again. She put the animal close to her chest, and rocked back and forth, crying. ``I´m so sorry, I didn't mean it. I´m sorry, I´m sorry. I didn't want to hurt you.´´ 
Elizabeth let out a cry and shouted at the sky. 
``Why?! Why me?! What have I done to warrant all this suffering? Why must death fly so close to home? Haven't I given enough? Haven't I?`` 
The wind blew and no sound was heard. The night animals were silent. Only Elizabeth´s cries could be heard, until she blacked out from exhaustion, still clutching the bird. 
It was all so quiet. 
Blackbird, blackbird I am now alone
Somewhere else, go make your home
Don't nestle here, go find lovers of your own
I am now alone
You sang when she was in my bed
You sang when my heart sang
Now you remind me of something I'll never have
So blackbird, don't sing
Blackbird, don't sing
Blackbird, don't sing
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unreadpoppy · 6 months
Two Moons
Elizabeth Adawolf x Kallista
Read on AO3
A/N: It's thinking of Elizabeth and Kallista hours so have this. (Also, these two are dnd characters of mine, so this is original work).
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Kallista sat on the sand, her knees close to her chest. She was relatively away from the ocean, but a few waves would still reach her toes. She did not care. 
The night breeze made her wince, the scars on her chest still fresh. But physical pain was nothing compared to the ache in her heart. 
Five years. 
Five years since the one she considered her father almost killed her. 
Five years since Elizabeth had proposed. 
Five years without Elizabeth. 
They had been forcibly separated that night. Kallista didn’t blame her for running away. Had Elizabeth stayed, she would have been killed. 
But in doing so, she had left a hole in Kallista’s heart. One she had been tyring to mend for five long years. 
Once the tiefling had recovered, she first searched Elizabeth’s old family home, finding nothing but ashes. She spent the next years traveling the continent, with no clue of where Elizabeth could be. 
In a way, she felt as if she was chasing a ghost. There were no traces of the woman, no people who had seen her, nothing. In her dreams, Kallista would be haunted by her face, her smile, her scars. On the nights were it hurt most, she would clutch the necklaces Elizabeth had once gifted her. One was a simple copper chain, with a raven pendant. The other was an oval locket. When opened, you could see a small sketch of Elizabeth and Kallista on each side.  
All Kallista had left of her were that and her memories and dreams. It wasn’t enough. 
She longed to have her once again in her arms, to hold her, kiss her, love her and most importantly, talk to her. She missed their early morning conversations during breakfast, the witty remarks made during a hunt and the late night talks that went on until the sun shined in the horizon. 
When she figured Elizabeth was no longer in the empire, Kallista decided it was time to travel overseas. Now, she was stranded on an island, having been captured and branded, her precious items hidden away from her, Kallista felt more lost than before.
Sometimes, she wondered if Elizabeth was still alive. If she had died or if she had moved on. If she even remembered who Kallista was. 
Kallista embraced her knees, looking at the two moons in the sky. If the gods had allowed her to still live, after everything that had happened, it had to be for a reason. She whispered to herself
I’ll find you, Elizabeth, in death or in life, I won’t stop until I have you again. 
The others had helped Elizabeth lay on the hammock. Her injuries were fresh and she felt weak. It was not easy getting stabbed in the chest twice within a week. It was also not easy seeing your allies be murdered because of your mistakes. 
That’s all she was able to do now. Commit mistake after mistake. 
She closed her eyes and shook her head. With some effort, she was able to reach into the pocket of her clothes and grab her drawings, the ones that had been saved by the fire. On them, there were various sketches of her family, her companions and most importantly, of Kallista. 
Kallista, who had given Elizabeth a second chance at life.
Kallista, who had shown Elizabeth what it felt like to be loved. To think of a future together.
Kallista, whom Elizabeth had left behind all those years ago. 
Elizabeth had spent five years not knowing what had happened. She wanted to believe Kallista was alive, but it felt like clinging to a false hope. 
Until it wasn’t. Until the goddess revealed that her lover still held breath. Despite destiny’s wicked attempts, Elizabeth now had hope she and Kallista would grow old together. All she had to do was find her. 
She wondered if Kallista remembered her, if she had been looking for her or if she had moved on. On her darkest nights, when her dreams would replay the pain of the past, Elizabeth questioned if Kallista still loved her. 
After all, it had been five years. 
Elizabeth traced her hands on the drawing she had made. Her biggest fear was forgetting what Kallista had looked like. Had she acquired new scars over these years or had she stayed the same, just like on the paper? 
Kallista was her muse, her fire, the reason Elizabeth had to keep going. 
She did not know where this journey would take her, but she would do everything that was necessary to guarantee that it would end with her and Kallista reunited once again. 
Elizabeth brought the piece of paper to her lips, giving it a gentle kiss as to not smudge the charcoal. She held it close to her heart and looked at the sky, the two moons shining brightly. 
She made a silent promise. 
If she had to go to the ends of the world, so be it. She would find Kallista again. 
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unreadpoppy · 9 months
Letting go of what might have been and letting something new in (previously titled Goodbye)
Author's Note: So, this is what I imagine would be an epilogue for Elizabeth, after the campaign is done. Also i'm not a 100% satisfied with this but it was the best i could do.
Pairing: Elizabeth Adawolf x Kallista
Word Count: 1393
TW: none besides talk of grief and a slight suicide attempt mention (it is implied that the character tried it but it's not really said).
I'm gonna tag @littlemoondarling to show you I finisehd the thing and @desenhosdebolso because they are part of the campaign, so it only seems fair.
It was the first time that week that it hadn't rained. It was not a particularly sunny day, but it was better than nothing. Willie, the groundskeeper of the cemetery, was working overtime, cleaning the tombstones, removing the fallen leaves from the ground and trying his best to keep the place clean. It was what the dead deserved. 
As he swept the sweat from his brow, he noticed a figure in the horizon. They were mounted alone on a horse. He couldn’t make out the person’s features, even as they got closer, for their face was hidden in a scarf that ran over their nose, and they had a hood drawn over their head. 
Although Willie was suspicious, he decided to go back to his work. He heard when the mysterious figure got off their horse and tied its reins on a nearby tree. He kept his eyes trained on them as they walked in the cemetery, not even looking at him, and heading towards one of the least visited mausoleums in the cemetery.
The Adawolfs. 
Elizabeth barely remembered the last time she’d been there. She might’ve been nine or ten years old, when her last living grandmother passed away. She could barely understand what was going on at that time, only seeing everyone crying a lot and having to wear black for a week.
Before she entered, Elizabeth took a good look at the outside. Her family’s name was written above the entrance, and on both sides of it there were statues of wolves - the Adawolf’s sigil. Still with her hood and scarf up, she breathed and entered the mausoleum. 
In the middle of the mausoleum was the tomb of the first Adawolf and his wife. On the walls, the other generations of the family had had their coffins placed there, with inscriptions on the front signaling who they were. 
Elizabeth passed her hand over the many names of her ancestors. The many mothers, fathers and children who had been buried there centuries ago. Many had been separated in life, but here, they had been reunited once again. 
Eventually, she found what she had looked for. 
Between two shelves, there was space with a somewhat large blue urn. Underneath it was written:
Here lies the last members of the Adawolf family all lost in the great fire 2532. Due to the circumstances of their deaths, their ashes have been stored together. May their souls find rest.
Henry August Richard Adawolf ⭐01/10/ 2475 - ✝️25/12/2532
Anne-Marie Adawolf ⭐20/06/2494 - ✝️25/12/2532
Edward Herbert Stephen Adawolf ⭐03/07/2512 - ✝️25/12/2532
Elizabeth Louise Victoria Adawolf ⭐20/12/2516 - ✝️25/12/2532
Henrietta Augusta Thereza  Adawolf ⭐01/09/2517 - ✝️25/12/2532
Gustav Albert Gaston Adawolf ⭐27/11/2518 - ✝️25/12/2532
Genevieve Maria Antonia Adawolf ⭐01/01/2522 - ✝️25/12/2532
Elizabeth kept tracing her fingers on where her name was written, to the point where she was getting dirty underneath her nails. Although the inscription was incorrect to include her, Elizabeth thought it a bit poetic. 
Yes, she stood there, living and breathing, but a part of her had died that day. A part of her that had been forgotten, forever resting with her family. With shaky hands, she took the urn and held it close to her chest. She stayed like that for sometime.
Eventually, she opened the urn, and put the ashes on a small wooden box she had brought with her, inside her bag. Putting the urn back in its place, she left the mausoleum. 
Outside, Willie saw the figure walking towards him.   
“Are you the groundskeeper?”
“Yes.” he said dryly. 
The person opened her bag, retrieving two items, one in each hand. They threw a small leather bag at him.
“The gold is yours if you plant and take care of these flowers for me” they then opened their other hand, showing a few seeds. 
The groundskeeper looked inside the bag, counting the gold. It was good money and so he took the seeds. 
“Where do you want them to be planted?”
“In front of the Adawolf mausoleum.” 
He nodded. “And what type of flowers are these?”
“Forget-me-nots” they replied, and then started to walk away. Before they could get very far, however, Willie caught up.
“Wait. Who are you?”
“Why do you care?” They replied. 
“No one has visited the Adawolfs in years. How do I know you’re not trying to do something bad?” Willie had a great memory. He knew the name of every single person buried in the cemetery and knew who had come to visit them. 
The person sighed, their back turned to him. “I would never dream of harming their final resting place.” 
“Hum… I still don’t know if I can trust what you’re saying”
They lowered their hood, and a mass of black hair, with a few white ones, was at display. They also removed their scarf and finally turned around. 
At first, Willie had no idea who this was. But when he looked better at the scars the woman had, noticing how they were all from fire, and the ring pendant in her necklace, one that had a wolf sigil in it, he made a connection.
“It can’t be,” he said, exasperated. “All the Adawolfs are dead”
“Not all of them’’ Was all the woman said before finally leaving. He tried to shout after her but it was useless. The ghost of the Adawolf was long gone now. 
It took Elizabeth a few days to arrive at the hill top close to where her home had been but finally she was there. It was raining, which had complicated her journey, but she was determined to complete her task. 
She opened her bag, retrieving the small wooden box. 
“I should have done this a long time ago.” She said to the box. “But I couldn’t bring myself to let go. To say goodbye. I had held on to this absurd hope that someday, I’d have all of you again. That this was all some terrible dream I would soon wake up from and everything would be as it was. I even tried to find you in death” 
She smiled sadly to herself. “But then I saw father again, and all that my life could have been and…I didn’t want that.” The tears that had formed in her eye were now falling down her cheek. “Saying goodbye was the hardest thing to do and it still is. I wish I could stay with all of you. But I can’t. I have no future living in the past.”  
When the rain stopped, Elizabeth opened the box, taking a bit of the ashes in her. “And so, I free all of you. And in doing so, I free myself as well.” She called their names as she poured more of the ashes away, and saw the wind scattering them. 
Once she was done, she closed the box and she collapsed. Elizabeth knelt on the ground, holding the box close. 
After a few minutes, she heard footsteps running towards her. 
“Elizabeth!” she heard Kallista shout. 
The tiefling had accompanied her, but stayed behind, to allow her a moment alone. When she saw her lover go down, she ran. 
Elizabeth felt her hands on her face. “Are you alright?” Kallista asked, worried. 
She sniffled before replying “I will be.” 
Elizabeth put the box on the ground, and with Kallista’s help, she stood up. They embraced each other. 
A moment passed and she said “Let us go. I am done here”
Kallista nodded. “Alright, but if you feel like you need more time, we can stay.”
“No. All that I need is already holding me” She said, looking at their intertwined hands. “My family is gone. I’ll never have them back.” Elizabeth paused. “It’s time for me to make my own family. With you.” 
Kallista smiled and they touched their foreheads. 
“The journey to where we are now was long,” Kallista said. 
“Yes. And the next part will be just as long.” Elizabeth replied, putting a hand on her belly. 
“Indeed.” The tiefling agreed, covering her lover’s hand. “But I’m glad I’ll be doing it with you.” 
The women smiled and then kissed, and as the clouds cleared and the sun shone above them, Elizabeth knew she had a lot to look forward to.
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
Elizabeth (OC) Masterlist
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All of her fics can be found on AO3. The ones without a pairing are fics more focused on character work instead of the relationship.
Blackbird (Elizabeth x Kallista)
Letting go of what might have been
Two Moons (Elizabeth x Kallista)
Reunion (Elizabeth x Kallista)
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unreadpoppy · 4 months
(Elizabeth x Kallista)
Summary: The long awaited reunion between the lovers Kallista and Elizabeth.
A/N: In the wake of their campaigns both being cancelled due to higher forces, I needed to write their reunion since it's not actually happening in canon (and i'll probably write their epilogue as well).
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They were losing the fight. 
Kallista had already spent most of her strength, all of her allies were down and she was surrounded. 
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. They were supposed to win, and get back home and she would find Elizabeth and all would be well. But as she looked around, at the bloody bodies of the companions, Kallista took in a deep breath. If this was her end, she would go out fighting. 
She screamed as she battled the remaining foes, swinging her sword around, filled with a new found rage.  Tears filled her eyes as she managed to down most of them, but one remained. 
The held a large and strong battle axe, and he was clearly not as spent as the tiefling. One attack after the other, too fast for Kallista to process, made her lose her sword, allowing him to kick her onto the ground. 
She tried getting up, but he kicked her again. Kallista put a hand on her side, coughing up blood. She looked up, seeing as he raised the axe, and closed her eyes, preparing herself for the final blow. Her last thoughts were of her lover, and how sad it was that their time was cut so short. 
‘Maybe in another life’ was Kallista’s last thought. 
… Except that the blow never came. 
Instead, Kallista opened her eyes just as the man’s head dropped from his body, alongside his axe. As the rest of his body soon followed, the tiefling looked down, breathing heavily. 
“It can’t be.” She heard a familiar voice. Soon, a hand covered the one in her side, while another touched her cheek, lifting her gaze to the scarred face that consumed her thoughts. 
“Please, tell me that you’re real.” She heard Elizabeth whisper. “Tell me that this isn’t an illusion made to torment me.”
“Elizabeth…” Kallista breathed out, reaching a hand to touch the woman’s cheek. “You found me?” 
“I would always find you.” Elizabeth said, tears streaming down her face. “Even if you were not you and I was not I, I’d still find you.” She kissed Kallista’s palmm and looked down, looking at her wound. She then turned around to scream “Brutus, come help me.” 
A tortle stepped into Kallista’s sight, and both him and Elizabeth helped her up. “Come.” her lover said. “We’ll get you somewhere safe.” 
“Anywhere is safe if you're around.” Kallista whispered, making her blush.
After arriving in their settlement, Elizabeth helped Kallista clean herself and treat her wounds. Both of them had been silent as she dragged the wet cloth carefully around her body, washing away the grime, dirt and blood of the day. Later, the tiefling took a few healing potions, removing the hurt and only leaving a few cuts and bruises behind. 
They stayed silent as Elizabeth wound the bandages around Kallista’s middle, and the tiefling noticed how her brows furrowed at the scars on her chest. 
Now, Kallista was sitting on the nearby beach, looking at the moons. She heard footsteps behind her, and then, Elizabeth sat next to her. Both stayed like that, until the human placed her head on the tiefling’s shoulder, sighing. 
“What’s wrong?” Kallista asked. 
“I keep thinking that this is some…awfully good dream that I’ll wake up from.” Elizabeth said. “That at any moment I’ll wake up and you’ll be gone again.” She turned her head to look into the other’s eye.
“I promise you, I’m real.” She held one of her hands and brought it to her lips, kissing it. 
Elizabeth smiled shyly. Her free hand went towards the tiefling’s chest, fingers brushing over strange markings. “These are new.” She murmured. 
Kallista sighed. “It’s a complicated story.” She pointed towards the scars on Elizabeth’s neck and the ones on her chest, right where her heart lay. “Those are also new.” 
Elizabeth raised a brow and smirked. “It’s a complicated story.” The two women chuckled. 
A moment passed where they just looked at each other. Kallista suddenly looked down. “I can’t help but think of all that has happened.” She whispered. “Seven years, Elizabeth, that I was looking for you. I almost believed you had died.” She sighed, looking up again. “I’m not the same woman that I was then.” Kallista shook her head before finishing. “What I mean is…if your feelings for me have changed, if you found another, I’m…I’ll be okay.”
Elizabeth frowned. “I’ve changed as well, Kallista.” She cupped both of her cheeks with her hands. “But my love for you has been the one constant in this chaos I’ve been thrown into.” She smiled as tears gathered in her eyes. “A life without you in it is senseless. I want you by my side, forever.” 
Kallista smiled, inching forward and pressing a delicate kiss on Elizabeth’s lips. Although it had been long since they had last done so, this sort of intimacy, of affection towards the other, came as naturally to them as breathing. 
The kiss was short and afterwards, Elizabeth reached into the pocket of her pants, retrieving some pieces of folded parchment. “I thought of you, everyday.” She said while handling them to Kallista. 
The tiefling raised a brow as she opened them up and was met with various different drawings but all with the same subject - her. 
There was Kallista laughing and smiling, her just standing, one of her with an angry expression, and a few in more…explicit poses. 
“You…Elizabeth, I…I have no words.” She hugged her, as strong as she could. Then, she let go, to touch their foreheads to the other. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Elizabeth smirked and got up. “Now, I think it would be interesting if we made some of these-” she pointed towards the drawings “a reality.” 
“Now we’re talking.” Kallista quickly pocketed the drawings, getting on her feet and with easy, throwing Elizabeth over her shoulder, practically sprinting back to where they were residing, while the other laughed. 
They had waited seven years for this reunion and they would make up for all the lost time. 
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