#eludysia lavellan
thebookworm0001 · 2 years
Self-Rec Meme
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to a couple of other writers. Let’s spread the self-love!
thank you to @rosella-writes for the tag! I did do it recently, but I've put out more fics since then so I'm doing it again!
1 - Last Chance
The first smut fic I ever wrote and the one that will make you cry. Very, very proud of this. It also has a companion fic and a follow-up fic if you feel compelled to read them.
Rating: E
Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: After years of work fighting against Fen'harel and his agents, the final battle between former Inquisitor Lavellan and the man she loves is only one night away.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
2 - Stolen Moments
It. Has. ARt. The art is my desktop background. Read this and then stare at the art.
Rating: G
Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: Ellana and Solas steal a moment alone. Alt. solavellan did not get a repeatable kiss scene and I'm fixing that.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
3 - so wretched, so precious
A bunch of tiny scenes that I update when the mood strikes me. Chapter 5 - titled 'Training' - is my favorite right now. If you like it when a character holds a knife to their love interest's throat you will like that chapter.
Rating: G
Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: A collection of one-shots exploring moments both big and small during Ellana Lavellan's tenure as Inquisitor.
Links: AO3
4 - Banter
Banter! Want silly conversations? Angst that will hurt your heart? General shenanigans? Here you go! The only one of my ongoing works with any sort of frequent updates.
Rating: G
Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas; General
General Summary: Character banter between Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan and her companions.
Links: AO3
5- Modeling Expectations
Some smut that I wrote for @roseategales for our (unrelated) lavellans. It's gay. I love it and you should too.
Rating: E
Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Eludysia Lavellan
Summary: Since taking a body, Ellana has come to rely on Eludysia to help her navigate the waking world and its new experiences, but one inquiry leads to a more hands-on demonstration than she expected. Ancient Elvhenan AU.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
Tagging: @roseategales @shift-shaping @oxygenforthewicked and @redinkofshame - no pressure!
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bluewren · 2 years
Welcome to DADWC!! I’m so intrigued by your Lex Lavellan/Dalish, so I’m here with the prompt: “Get on my shoulders, you’ll see better”
Thanks for the prompt and curiosity. 🥰️This is something from when the two of them visit Wycome.
Word Count: 1018
There has been many cities and towns that Eludysia has visited. Alienage have been a common sight in them, a Vhenadahl is always a cultural symbol in them. It is something that elves here turn to as a droplet of their Elven heritage.
Other times, the Dalish mage would have taken one look and moved on. The intricate lives of the Alienage elves were never of interest to her, it was never wise for a mage to stay at one location for too long nor would she be conspicuous amongst city elves. This time was different, the first time which both facts are untrue. So she rests her legs at the base of the tree, letting herself be at rest with her legs folded together.
The bark had their roots painted to touch the branches. There are children playing tag around the Vhenadahl. The prays of elves wishing for the Creator’s blessings, something that she considers a bit peculiar to her ears as the elvish tones and sounds were a bit too unfamiliar for her ears to follow.
“Tag! You’re it.”
“No fair! You’re not allowed to tag a hero.”
The cheery endearment that the two kids have brings a smile to Eludysia’s lips. She has a smirk puffs up her cheeks for the bright eyed.
“And what makes me worthy of being called a hero.”
“I dunno.” The boy twiddles with his thumbs. “You work for the Inquisitor. That means you saved everyone at our Alienage!”
“Oh? Is that how you see Lady Taliesen coming to rescue everyone?”
“Yesss!!” The girl with him throws up her hands. “I saw her riding on a golem!! She was so cool.”
“We tried to play Golems and Viscounts once.” The boy sighs. “But rocks are really heavy.”
“Perhaps there are funner things to play than pretend golems.” Elu snorts. She reaches for a little toy from her satchel, something that Taliesen crafted for the Alienage kids.
A metal small pulley controlled fox, lifeless with it’s many levers running through it. Until the mage pressed the touch of mana onto the toy, tiny eyes gain a shimmering blue glow and the legs straighten themselves. Readying into a pounce to travel elsewhere.
“Tag.” She declares, letting the contraption free for the kids to follow, giggling in the chase for their shining new toy.
“I never quite imagine you being so good with kids.”
Eludysia simply raises a brow at the familiar comfort of the mellowed voice.
“I didn’t start my life working for the Iron Bull.”
“I just never saw it in you." Lex takes a seat next to his partner. "Or atleast you've never told me about wanting them."
"I never gave it much thought." Eludysia grins at Lex. "I don’t run into many Dalish folk after I left my clan."
“You still feel the same way?” Lex raises an attentive brow.
“Not so much anymore.” Eludysia pulls back strands of hair with a finger. “I got someone who I might consider kids with.”
Lex softly snorts, her sentiment was mutually felt even if their lives wasn’t an ideal one to have a family.
“What do think of the Vhenadahl?” Eludysia points at the tree they’re seated in front of.
Lex looks up, empty of any feeling for the tree except for being like minded with Sera and wanting more apples on it.
“What of it?”
“The elves here see it as an important piece of their culture.” Elu’s finger traces over fingers over the markings on the tree, the ongoing story of the elves here now. “The hahren tells her stories her stories here in front of it. Every elf born here has stared up at this tree.”
“Well. Sera’s right, it needs more apples.” Lex responds, irreverent with a lopsided smirk.
“You can’t be so vapid about this…” Eludysia furrows her brows. “The Vhenadahl means as much to the culture of Alienage Elves as vallaslin mean to our clan. We were lore keepers for our People.”
Emphasis on their people.
“The elves here are their own people. Why should I have an opinion on them?” Lex shrugs his shoulders, and letting his head rest on his palm.
“We came from the same nation, our lives weren’t always so separated. What their customs are, were once our own too.” Eludysia has slow blinks for Lex, still studying her partner’s reactions.
Sighing, the warrior mage admits there is a small bit of defeat in him. Letting more of a life that he couldn’t cling onto, slip away from him.
“It hasn’t been something I’ve thought about, it’s been years since I apprenticed for Deshanna.” He tells, letting his shoulders slump further down.
The Chargers mage turns away her eyes, even without words for the sentiment, she did search for the same path home as Lex did.
“I… can see your reasoning there.”
“What do you see in the Vhenadahl?” Lex gathers back strength within himself, directing wide eyed curiosity to Elu.
“I suppose there’s beauty to having a home for their selves, that I’ve only now considered. Even with how much the city elves worry about the impermanence in an Alienage.” Her fingers trace the lines of the branches, wondering what the tree has seen from up high.
“I think I’m understanding what you see in the tree.” Nodding, Lex brings Eludysia’s legs over his shoulders.
“What are you doing?” Elu is shaken for a moment when she gets grabbed.
“Come one. Get on my shoulders.” Lex chuckles as he pulls Elu upright above himself. “You’ll be able to see more of the Alienage.”
It takes a moment for Eludysia to balance herself. Then from up there she can look over the many elves who now call Wycome, home. Dalish elves, still strangers to her, helping the city elves improve their homes. Mages training and using their abilities to close leaking roofs of the many ill maintained house. There is no division amongst the elves here, everyone too focused on making their new home.
Eludysia smiles at a sight that she seldom thought would happen. “This is worth us traveling here.”
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felassan · 4 years
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What, then, of the lauded Herald of Andraste? Her origins are as steeped in folktale as the deeds she wrought during the war. In the wake of the Elder One’s defeat, a thousand and one nobles from all corners of Thedas streamed to the fortress of Skyhold in hope of begging her favor. In the art world, ever a mirror image of our waking reality, the accompanying explosion was predictable; her image took it by storm, and to have such a piece in your collection became the vogue for well-to-do households across Orlais. The three I have arranged herein for the student’s consideration are some of the most sought-after examples.
The first is something of an outlier. Reportedly created by the dreaded Wolf himself, it was unearthed by Inquisition agents upon ransacking the scant possessions he had left behind, concealed in a sheaf of papers in his study. Though the medium is not plaster, the style itself is undeniably reminiscent of the now-famed elven frescoes adorning the walls in Skyhold’s rotunda. See how fondly he has captured the sharp angles of her face, the attention paid in every line. A romantic might fancy it a glimpse or window into another world to which most are not privy - contemplative, lonely, wistful - with spirits whispering in the paint. The background is indistinct - it is her features that the artist sees with utmost certainty and clarity, above all else. Curious that he chose to depict his subject prior to the mysterious vanishment of her elven markings, is it not? The meaning behind this decision is currently debated more hotly in scholarly circles than the exact year of Andraste’s birth.
Of the second, it must be noted that this is a classical masterwork that will withstand ages. Commissioned by an anonymous patron of the arts, it is currently on loan from the University of Orlais to Empress Celene, displayed in the gallery at the Winter Palace. That the painstakingly rendered likeness of an elf is now displayed so in Halamshiral, the ancestral home of their people, is a bittersweet irony lamented by none other than Divine Victoria herself in the days after she ascended the Sunburst Throne. The gilt frame compliments the Herald’s flaxen hair, particularly against the backdrop of the healed sky, but more than that, in her expression can be seen her talent for careful diplomacy. Ines Arancia identified the featured blooms as a rare variant of embrium, which counts itself a member of the orchid family. One would posit that here the artist was drawing a parallel between both the exceptional beauty and healing properties of embrium and those attributes of the Inquisitor herself. Their inclusion is also said to be an allusion to “the nobility of flowers”, a line heard in no less than three of the bard songs that have been composed about the Herald thus far.
The final piece is a portrait that was ordered in the fluid style popular among Antivan nobility. Here, the Herald’s countenance is such that she is both curious and wilful in equal measure. The dominant tones are red and green, hues which hark to her preferred manner of dress. A skilled observer shall doubtless notice a certain hurried quality in the brushstrokes; of the painting’s specifications, I am reliably informed that Lady Josephine Montilyet changed her mind on no less than three occasions during the dialogue process with the artist, wishing as she did to oversee the creation of a work which suitably paid tribute to the Inquisitor. Purportedly the Lady was so pleased with the final result that she parted with an additional full fifth of its worth on top of the price originally agreed (along with an eloquently-penned apology and enclosed box of choice Orlesian frilly cakes). The student might look upon this portrait and be critical of its subsequent feel, which has been described as incomplete. However, in private parlors and drawing rooms across the south, this aspect is held up as reflecting the fact that for the elven woman who shook Thedas, and saved all among us from the sky’s anger, hers is a tale yet unfinished.
-- An excerpt from The Dragon Age: Commentaries on Contemporary Art, Volume III by Arnaude-Pierre de Verley
SURPRISE!! @roseategales ✨
We worked together in secret to make and put this together for you of your OC, the lovely Eludysia Adhlea Lavellan.  🎨 📖  We hope you like it and that it does ‘dysia justice :)
[credits: art piece 1 @honeypeabrain, art piece 2 @resjade, art piece 3 @incaensor, codex entry @felassan]
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iimmcrtalis-archive · 7 years
DA verse
a summary post of all my active muses verse(s) in dragon age because i’m f EELING IT BOYS. except terry for rn bc it’ll be Hard. one day. gonna try and go in a from least knowledge bout their verse to extensive knowledge of ‘em so. ayy
this is a pretty long post i apologize to those on mobile!!
Nova; mage(???), human ( ? ), possibly a distant noble
probably a mage? because blue space magic is her jam. though she’s actually more of a combat & tech. she was like well rounded in that regard so i’m considering iunno??? battlemage maybe w/ lockpicking who knows. she’s a sneaky mage that can stab u real good.
would probably also assume she’s pretty good as inquisitor because she would treat it as her role and thing she still has to bare and takes it seriously. like nova is no nonsense as inquisitor but absolute nonsense when she’s not playing that role lmao. 
Morgan; mage?? human af ye. defo a noble blood t BH. 
i unno man. iunno. is he a mage? yeah probably. would he be a legit battlemage + arcane warrior? probably. Would i say he uses a real sword? pro b ab ly. like listen he’s a beefy mage who wears normal armor and probably looks like a fckn non mage but bOOM SUDDENLY LIGHTNING FROM HIS HAND W H AT 
iunno he’s a mage and he’s aggressive as FUCKKKK. aggro as fuck. probably sides withhh iunno both he’d want both and think it’s wasted potential to only have one lmao. iunno he’s hard to figure out man. he’d ultimately probably be like templars because actual ppl who know how to fight. but also wouldn’t wanna condemn the mageS??? so who knows who knows. 
anyways he probably likes blackwall and the iron bull and viv and cass?? and just ye. chills w/ them a lot probably. probably would flirt w/ cass tho god. butw/e no he’s uhhhh real aggressive as a fckn inquisitor like every body getting beheaded. except a few probably.. he would probably make uh... whats his name... tranquil tbh. worse fate than death that yes he would wish on his enemies bc otherwise they get what they want & too risky otherwise. 
Igne; old af elf, probably an assassin combo w/ magic??
like listen if you tell me that they can’t be both ima fckn punt u bc really that’s dumb. defeats the point of multiclassing in the fantasy genre of g am es. anyways really tho they’re old. old as balls. probably? iunno. probably served like... andruil for a while or somethin! got a lil lil corrupted but didn’t want it and wanted freedom so they were like FUCK THIS SHIT IM OUTTIE 
how’d they live? no idea. not a single clue bc i just don’t know jackshit bout ancient elf shit anymore (when did i ever) but honestly. it’s probably a thing right? old af elves everywhere. but no no they’d probably even annoy sera bc like they’re literally?? nonsense. violent af nonsense. hanging off a roof with a fckn potato in their mouth & lookin ready to murder. 
it’s a look™  but nah thinkin that u hhh corruption shit is probably what gave them a red eye ayyy
inquisitor igne is like dagger eyes at solas but doesn’t snitch on him ever not even once. she’s got his back man. she’d be like cool i’ll plaY BOTH SIDES SUre. sure. no mercy run on ppl tho god 
EVELYN / ISENE; old af elf. got that fckn combo again
it’s a theme really, combo classes. all my muses? multiclassed fuckers.  for a detailed everything, please refer to her old blog bc this is gonna be a stupid summary of it so ayyy.
old as dicks dude. lost her arm in the rebellion, against the rebellion. served elgar’nan because he fits her the most tbh. still sort of serves him i guess. like if he showed up she wouldn’t hesitate to follow his orders is what i mean here. otherwise she keeps up the facade of being a former dalish elf mercenary. and definitely doesn’t shy away from admitting she’s got magic. never calls herself a mage because  like lmao 
she has a fckn big ol sword she carries around one handed? and if ur like UR JUST A MAGE she’s gonna use said big ol sword to chop ur head off. not a fan of modern mages tho lmao. at all. like not a lot of sympathy for them. but she would also just kick a circles door in and be like cool leave gtfo you weaklin lil fucks jfc go learn somethin. 
would fight solas in a denny’s parking lot at 2am if she knew jack shit. but she really doesn’t so she’s like ur weird and i dont trust you  butyeah lm ao
Eludysia; ngl i unno if she’s old old but she’s Old. Old seer lady. 
honestly i think she’s not gonna have much of a da verse in general but it exists enough that i feel like i should cover it here. but essentially she’s an old elf seer in rivain. leader of a port side town. No chantry or qunari around its a lot of elves tho. refugees and what not from kirkwall and stuff. 
i unno if she’s an ancient elf but i know she’s old. like real old. so who knows
if she is ancient she probably woulda been like a priestess to ?? falon’din or dirthamen??? because seer shit but like even in a current state she’s fairly devoted to on e o f them or both? probably both lmao. so it’s w/e. 
she’s the former keeper of the clan revas got sent to, which is where revas’ mom is also from and how she gets to that clan. but she was keeper of the clan for like.. a long time like a long time. like that bald fuck from da:o  but without plaguing people with a curse. iunno how she did it but magic and better than that shit. 
more important if revas is inquisitor because lmao she’d probably be like.. welp im gonna come guide you?? probably.   shit she’s probably like emerald knights old tho shit but no fuckin!!! probably comes to be an advisor. 
i think if u go revas as commander/advisor or inquisitor in a thread eludysia’s probs gonna show up and be like sup  but otherwise she’s mainly just a contact in rivain for info and resources!! no special quest or anything u can just contact her for stuff. 
Warren; half-elf, half-qunari. big man w/ a bow.
&& a thick af accent let’s be real here. 
i haven’t made a post about his shit yet so! this one might be a lil longer!! 
grew up in/around starkhaven. in an alienage somewhere really! but he’s got that starkhaven accent. probably just fumbled his way there because honestly he got fucking ditched by his people and has no idea who his parents are lmao. just knows his mom died during child birth and he was fuckin cursed essentially via his?? clan or something. that qunari bit of him is real obvious as his horns grew out and probably had a harsh life in an alienage. 
because he’s not an elf. but he’s not human. and he’s not a qunari. so he’s just. him. 
eventually falls in with some ppl who teach him to steal. so he does a lot and then gets busted and they fckn break his horns off and chop his ears!!! and throw him the fuck out. as you do. but they taught him to use a bow so he’s good with that. and knives. good at close quarters and a long range.
gets better with a bow. real top knotch stuff. ends up in a mercenary crew (same one as qunari inquisitor? probably.) enjoys his merc lifestyle ya know has a good time killin shit 
anyways. companion warren is p much like ‘Strength & force.’ because he has no tact and doesn’t care about politics. like one day i’ll have his approval / disapproval shit. but today is not that day.
but the same applies to his inquisitor shit. he’s fucking brutal as an inquisitor. cares about the little people but FUCK the rich. takes the well for himself ( tho if i would also say revas is there bc i can and she’d take it) but generally just!! give him power and let him kill shit!! that’s all he cares about. tho he wouldn’t kill samson or calpernia bc he doesn’t see them as enemies or villains truly? just pawns in a big scheme and he’d probably stare corypheus in the face and be like get fucked you saggy fuck 
he’s great, great guy. 
Revas: Keeper. Dreamer. Dalish elf. 
literally like most people know Revas’ Dragon Age basics!! but if you don’t i’ll just direct you to her old blog, so you know what’s up.  i’ll put it into a summary the best i can tho! 
Backstory: short and simple? #fucked.  expanded? she was born to the lavellan clan to one of the head hunters & warriors. ended up having magic so she was sort of training to become second, or first, till her moms old clan was like hey we need a new first so uhhhh help us out. and they traded some goods and revas went on her way. ended up being a fucked up situation where the previous first was murdered by two clanmates who eventually tried ( and did) murder revas but she came back bc lmao spirit help & ended up killing them and leaving for her actions.
Dragon Age: Awakening:  full page about it Takes place shortly after this event happened. she lived on her own for awhile, protecting people as much as she could from darkspawn during the blight. ends up going to the wardens because someone doesn’t appreciate her help since she’s a Mage.     The choices made by the warden in regards to her effect how she becomes a warden and the rest of the timeline. Sort of a branch off feel. highly recommend taking a look at the page and also this post. 
DA 2:  If not in the Awakening verse, Revas travels around to the clans. becoming a traveling keeper & helping the clans the best she can. As well as finding ruins and exploring man memories from lost objects. Eventually finds her way to Kirkwall to actually speak with Merrill. But some other shenanigans play out and some stuff goes down. Ends up helping in the fight at the end and leaving with Zevran ( @allurfavesrqueer‘s zevran only lmao. )
DA:I     Companion: Shows up in fereldan with some tree peeps. gets some elvhen shit. offers her services to the inquisition bc that’s what her spirit told her to do. and ya know real fucky. shares some approvals as solas but usually has some pretty contrasting opinions on things! Will defo take on the role of like older sibling or sibling figure with the inquisitor if they’re close enough. Be kind to elves & mages and you’re good.  ( also she’s an option to take the well if the inquisitor doesn’t want it) 
   Advisor: Takes up an offer by the inquistor to become an advisor which is more or less her using her network with the elves around the countries to do certain objectives and what not. acts a bit like an ambassador for the elves & mages in the meetings to give them a voice and remind the human board of trusteeeess that they’re fucking not the only ones around :)) 
  Commander: Mainly with @desiderrium‘s Cullen. Basically Revas takes over for Cullen? at his request kinda because she’s like what the fuck you’re whAT. and gets pissed at everyone else for keeping him on when he’s Not Okay even if she’d rather kick his teeth in 99% of the time. why revas take over? because she’s actually p fuckin qualified, gestures vaguely towards being a first and the advisor au. like she knows how to lead ppl so ayy. 
  Inquisitor: Same ish backstory happens except her parents died to the blight and she left the clan for the other and ye same shit happens. but the clans ask her to go check shit out for them and shes like of course and gets caught up in the mess so. 
so that got long but yea!! hopefully this is a more condensed version of stuff and good for reference later. 
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findsarahh · 7 years
Beyond the Veil
Summary: AU. The Gods are said to exist above, but she has never seen them. Her mother is a high priest of Mythal, her twin brother a loyal hunter of Andruil, but they have never seen them. The Gods don’t come to the beds of the tired, the hungry, and the sick. She does. If Isera were to meet a God that came to the bedside of the sick and dying, then she would bend the knee. Until then, she stands tall and in defiance.
But…who is the man trying to heal the sick? And doing a poor job at it.
F!Lavellan x Fen’harel (Solas)
AKA: An AU fic about Isera and Fen’harel, where the Gods exist, but live on the other side of the Veil and only come to help or to damn the People. And Fen’harel falls in love with Isera, but she rarely prays to the Gods, so he has to disguise himself to interact with her.
AO3: Ch1 | Ch2
Isera walks into her home after a long day of wandering the villages. She is covered in dirt and in no way dressed as someone of her title should. One of the servants approaches her in absolute horror. “My lady!” She gasps as she grabs Isera’ hand and pulls her away. “You mustn’t wear just clothing—they would think you a commoner!”
Isera stares at the servant but doesn’t say anything as she is lead into the bathing area. The servant is quick to strip Isera of the dirty cotton and helps her into the large tub full of hot soapy water. Isera duns her head under the water and stays under for a few moments. Silence.
She finally resurfaces where the servant is quick to gather the strains of Isera’s hair for cleaning. The smell of chocolate, coconut and lavender fill her senses as the servant massages the oil into her hair. She hums a tune that Isera is familiar with.
“Laisa,” Isera murmurs as Laisa’s fingers press into her neck.
“Yes, my lady?” Laisa answers as she continues to hum the tune.
“Who is here?” Isera asks. It is rare that Laisa would immediately take her for a bath on arrival. In fact, it was as if Laisa was waiting for her to return.
“My lady, why would you suggest such a thing?” Laisa tuts as she pats Isera on her head. Isera dunks her head under the water. When she resurfaces Isera looks at Laisa with a frown.
“Laisa.” Isera whines. “Who is it?”
Laisa scowls and looks away. “It is a noble from the east seeking your hand in marriage.” She tells her. “Your mother did not want you to know.” Laisa admits. “She didn’t want you running off like last time.”
Isera snickers. “I won’t run, Laisa.” She tells her. If her mother discovered that Laisa told her, they both would be punished. Laisa helps her dry off before she begins putting on Isera’s makeup. She darkens Isera’s eyebrows, lines her eyes with kohl, and paints her lips a dark red that compliments her deep copper skin tone.
Laisa pulls out a white gown that will drag against the floor once on Isera. It is a beautiful gown with decorative golden flowers at the bottom of the dress and a golden metal corset herring bow design. The dress bares her shoulders but covers her chest and back. It is elegant and a show of elitism.
“Mother picked this, didn’t she?” Isera asks as Laisa puts large golden braces over Isera’s wrists.
“Yes, my lady.”
Isera sighs as she mentally prepares for the meeting of the potential suitor. She wonders if her mother hopes that marriage will calm her wild spirit. But she has no interest in marriage with a man loyal to a God who never bothers to walk the parishioner’s path and chooses not to question the world around him.
But she puts a smile on her face as she is lead to the tearoom where she will meet her potential love interest.
Isera pulls her shoulders back as the door to the tea room opens and she steps through the opening, her eyes cast down in obedience. She is lead to her seat. Across from her is a young man who skin is dull, almost sickly, as though it has never been touched by the sun. His hair is long, buzzed one side, and braided.
She can see his smirk through her lashes, but keeps her face flat.
Eludysia, her mother, stands as she introduces Isera to the men in front of her. “Lords, please meet my daughter, Isera.” She announces. “Isera, this is Lord Miraen and his son, Sileal.”
Isera curtsies before she takes her seat. There is a painful silence as the servants begin filling the table with tea, sandwiches, petite cakes, and scones. Her mother coughs as she pours cups of tea for the guests.
“Lord Miraen, I hear your business has been successful?” Eludysia asks as she hands the men their tea.
Miraen grin spreads across his face as he delves into the details of his business. He is clearly proud of his investments. Isera focuses on her cup of tea trying to drown out the droning of his voice.
Suddenly, she feels the presence of the spirit that follows her around. It had been gone most of the day. Isera turns her head slightly to see the orb floating behind Sileal. She attempts to suppress her smile but is unsuccessful. Sileal thinks she’s smiling at him.
She takes a sharp breath as she looks down. ‘Shit.’ She thinks as she balls her hands into the lap.
Her ears perk up when she hears Lord Miraen say something slaves. Isera turns her head to that conversation.
The topic of slaves varies widely between nobles. Some are in support of them, and others are not. It is still illegal to free slaves without paying a high penalty for doing so, particularity if the slave has chosen indentured servitude.
Despite the high cost, Eludysia has built her life on purchasing slaves only to free them and offer them jobs if they so choose.  Being a high priestess of Mythal has its benefits.
“Our newest business venture has been quite successful in the transferring of the bondservant.” He states proudly with a grin on his face. He must’ve forgotten the important fact that House Lavellan frowns upon slavery.
Isera turns her head sharply to her mother with a tight smile on her face. Eludysia’s face is unmoving as she stares at Lord Miraen.
“Bondservant?” Isera mimics as she takes a long gulp of her tea. “You mean slavery?”
Miraen blinks, turning his gaze to Isera. “Well…I wouldn’t go that far. We are only transferring—“
“Oh!” Isera gasps with force, bringing her hand to her mouth. “It couldn’t be slavery because you are just the middle man?” Isera presses with a grin. She discovered long ago that if you are speaking about something uncomfortable to always smile—it makes people uncomfortable. She can feel herself pulling away from the body, as though she is dissociating from reality.
Lord Miraen is a large man, with a flushed face as he glares down at her. “Now, I understand that you struggle with the comprehension—“
Isera cackles. “Oh, I quite comprehend that slavery is a blight on our glorious civilization, as is the indentured servitude, which is why the legislative process is encouraging the abolishment of such acts.” Isera continues to smile as she takes another large gulp of tea, wishing greatly that it was spiked with alcohol.
“Those slaves of the righteous task of honoring our Gods!” He shouts, slamming his hands against the mahogany table.
Isera throws her hands in the air. “By the Creators!” She turns dramatically to her mother. “I have been born in the House!” She shouts. “I have riches beyond belief, the freedom to walk without fear of death, freedom to own businesses and purchases stocks, but I fail at honoring the Gods because I was not born into the righteous task of being a slave!”
Eludysia snorts at her daughter’s antics. She would have stopped her daughter’s outburst ages ago, but she is one of the high priestesses in support of ending slavery. She is enjoying the performance.
Isera jerks her by back to Lord Miraen. “You are right, my Lord. It is such a righteous task to be a slave! You should become one yourself!” Isera barks with glee, gesturing to the noble. The smile on her face is large as she watches the lord recoil in anger, face glowing red and teeth bared.
“Lady Eludysia, control your daughter!” He demands as he leans farther back from the table as though he smelled something foul.
Eludysia shrugs, pulling out a flask of alcohol. “My good sir,” She sighs as she unscrews the lid of the flask, “if I could control her, I would have done it years ago.” She answers as she takes long drink.
Lord Miraen snarls, jumping out of his chair and throwing his hands in the air. “I have never!” He bellows, grabbing his son by the shoulders and forcing him out of the chair.
Isera cackles as she watches Lord Miraen storm out of the tearoom, amused with her own antics. Isera looks at her mother with an amused sneer before leaving the room herself. Her blood is running hot with amusement, and she does not want to ruin the amusement by arguing with her mother over her choice in men.
Isera snatches an aged bottle of wine as she wanders into the forest and towards the lagoon a few miles from her home. By the time she arrives she has drunk almost half the bottle and feeling quite warm and fuzzy.
She wades into the water humming to herself as she dances. She continuously takes drinks with every turn and giggles with every memory of her outburst.
“You should be careful,” a voice calls to her. Isera jumps and splashes around, looking at the man on the shore dressed in black with dreadlocks down his back. He has an aged skull that rests against his forehead, and his hands are pulled behind his back as he stares at her.
Isera gazes at the man, her mouth slightly open as she shamelessly looks upon him with a drunken desire. “I am very careful,” she responded. Her body feels hot, and it feels like she is vibrating with excitement. The sound of magic is singing softly in her mind as she smiles flirtatiously at the stranger.
The stranger grins at her from the shore.
The bottom of her white dress is saturated with water from the loch that is slowly traveling up her body. Isera giggles as she presses the bottle of, win against her lips once more. With her free hand, she motions for the stranger to join her in the water.
The stranger agrees to her request as he steps into the water. The bottom of his dark pants are tight against his calves and billow out before the knee as he slowly unbuttons his shirt, throwing it onto the store as he wades deeper into the water.
Isera bites her lip as she passes the bottle of wine to the stranger for him to drink the rest. He does so obediently. Their fingers touch briefly as she can feel the zap of energy tingling up her arm as she watches him drink the liquor.
He seems familiar to her, but she can’t place where. Not that she cares at the moment. She is flowing with warmth and desire. She breathes a giggle as he finishes off the bottle, dropping it into the water without a care.
Suddenly his arms are around her waist, pulling her against him with force. She moans as presses her hands into his abdomen, dragging her nails against him. His arms travel down, caressing her ass before lifting her onto his hips.
Isera wraps her arms around his neck, gently tugging on his locks as her lips meet his. There is a hunger in her. She nips at his lips with heated desire, her tongue darting out for encouragement. His chest thrums with excitement and craving as he grips her thighs tighter. He smells of moss and cedar.
He opens his mouth to her, her tongue is quick, darting in with the access granted. Her forehead brushes against the animal skull on his head and she pulls back staring at it in confusion.
Even though she is not looking at his face, she can see the confusion and desire to continue marked across his face. She brings her finger to the skull and taps it.
Isera shakes her head. “Why?” She asks as she continues to tap it.
He looks up at her and grins. “Why not?” He responds.
Isera stares into his eyes, they are blue-gray and swirling with magic. It appears as they are almost glowing. She finds herself enraptured by him.
He slides her off his body, painfully aware of the present erection throbbing as continues to press herself against him. He takes her hand and guides her out of the water. It feels like she is floating as she steps foot on the sandy shore.
She tries to pull him closer, pleading to kiss him again. Her finger dance across his arm as his arms wrap around her face. His forehead touches hers, but he does not kiss her. “I’m afraid it’s time for you to wake up.” He whispers.
Isera feels a rush of darkness as she shoots up from...her bed? She is still in the gown from the night before. She stares down in confusion, the bottom of her dress is stained an off-white as though she was…walking in a lake.
It is the early morning and her head is throbbing with the invasion of light from the sun. She crawls out from her bed and makes her way into her private bath with a private spring. Isera slowly undresses and slides into the warm water.
She allows herself to float spring allowing the minerals to absorb in her body. The memories of the man from her dreams come flooding back. His taste, his smell, the feeling him against her.
After a while, Isera stretches her body as she begins to climb out of the spring. She looks down and sees a few dark marks on the side of the thigh. Isera frowns and rushes towards a mirror, turning to look the back of her legs. There are ten dark, oval marks across the back of her thighs.
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
DA-Day Self-Promo
Come get your dragon age fics here! It's primarily solavellan - come get your heart broken or read something so sweet it rots your teeth. take your pick! descriptions and links below the cut.
small moments. chapter-based one-shot type things with varying moods:
so wretched, so precious Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: A collection of one-shots exploring moments both big and small during Ellana Lavellan's tenure as Inquisitor.
Links: AO3
Banter Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
General Summary: Character banter between Inquisitor Ellana Lavellan and her companions.
Links: AO3
small moments, now with art:
Stolen Moments Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: Ellana and Solas steal a moment alone. Alt. solavellan did not get a repeatable kiss scene and I'm fixing that.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
would you like to break your hearty? do you want to sob while reading smut? here you go:
Last Chance Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: After years of work fighting against Fen'harel and his agents, the final battle between former Inquisitor Lavellan and the man she loves is only one night away.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
In the Morning Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: When Solas wakes, it is to the sound of her breath. Alt. pov of the end of Last Chance.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
Would you like to get your heart fixed while reading smut? this one's for you:
Laundry Day Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas
Summary: After the Dread Wolf's defeat at the hands of the former Inquisitor, his punishment is far more lenient than many were anticipating. House arrest, under the supervision of the Herald of Andraste herself. As Ellana and Solas settle into their new lives, neither has forgotten the events just before their final confrontation, and, caught in close quarters, old feelings begin to resurface. Follow-up to Last Chance
Links: Tumblr | AO3
they're gay. it's a gift. enjoy:
Modeling Expectations Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Eludysia Lavellan
Summary: Since taking a body, Ellana has come to rely on Eludysia to help her navigate the waking world and its new experiences, but one inquiry leads to a more hands-on demonstration than she expected. Ancient Elvhenan AU.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
this section is called 'i technically write for other pairings beside solavellan':
A Brief Pause Rating: G Pairing: Solona Amell x Alistair
Summary: A quiet moment between Solona and Alistair after the events of Awakening.
Links: Tumblr | AO3
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bluewren · 2 years
Lex Lavellan
Full name: Lex Lavellan Height: 5'10" Age (as of 9:41 Dragon): 28 Birthday: 25th Justinian, 9:13 (Cancer) Pronouns: He/Him Class: Knight Enchanter Mage Titles: Inquisitor Sexuality: Bisexual Love interests: Dorian Pets: Mithra & Mithris, two halla he cares for along with his sister. Favorite Pastimes: Sparring in the training pits with his sister. Occasionally board games with Dorian. Family: His older sister & younger sister, Evelyn & Taliesen. Clan Lavellan.
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Art created by WhatAboutBugs
Anything else we should know?:
He wields the Sulevin Blade which was forged by his sister and Dagna for him.
Tali wants to kick his ass for drinking from the Well of Sorrows.
Lex just wants to kick Tali’s ass, period. They’re the type of siblings to fight over a cornchip.
Makes Dorian very worried for him for being a hothead in battle.
Loves hunting dragons with Bull and his sister.
I should redo his sliders after I redid Tali’s, to make them look similar again
If he’s not Inquisitor in the Worldstate then he’s part of the Chargers Title: Grumpy Mage of the Bull's Chargers Love interest: Dalish, who is totally not a mage. Best Friends: Iron Bull, Krem
Anything else we should know?:
My hc for Dalish’s real name is: Eludysia- she who is lucky with a secret
Neither of them have any regrets about having to leave their clan and their responsibilities as mages.
Lex doesn’t have a complicated theme thrown into him. I wrote him out of my love for martial arts movies and anime. He balances out his sister’s complicated relationship with her identity by being grumpy to everything and irreverent. And by being the supportive older brother that he is, while he’s out doing his own thing with the Chargers or with Dorian.
My Dear Creator Letter
Chargers Dumbassery
Dorian Fluff and Angst
Lex's Wycome story
More Screenshots of Him:
(Portrait of him will be updated at a later time, not representative of him rn)
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
Please tell me more about Ellana Lavellan x Eludysia Lavellan in your Arlathan AU. I’ve read one fic of them (I believe… with Solas and Felassan, yes?) and loved their dynamic. Gimme DEETS
Friend I would love to give you the deets. Eludysia belongs to the lovely @roseategales - who wrote the foursome you read - and this au is only one of many we have for our girls.
In this particular au, Eludysia is in Ghilan’nain’s service as an ambassador and Ellana is an archivist for Dirthamen. Ellana is also a recently embodied spirit of curiosity- she wanted the knowledge in Dirthamen’s libraries badly enough that she took on a physical form to get to it. She develops a friendship with both Solas and ‘Dysia, and ‘Dysia and Solas have a sort of… well. They’re at odds because of their patrons and tend to butt heads, but they also sleep together. It’s a complicated relationship, which gets more complication after ‘Dysia and Ellana start sleeping together (I have a fic for their first night together, actually - it’s called Modeling Expectations) and Solas is Very Concerned that ‘Dysia is taking advantage of Ellana’s newness to the embodied world. She’s not, it’s fine. He’s also definitely a little jealous. Figuring out all their conflicting feelings leads to them deciding to see if the three of them could make a relationship work - a first night which involves much wine-ing and dining and a very fancy rented room - and turns out they’re all quite compatible as a throuple. Felassan gets involved later as a friends with benefits after the girls find out about his past with Solas and get a bit curious. He’s not a part of the romantic dynamic, but they’re all very good friends.
Solas and ‘Dysia are very alike in their pride and stubbornness, but also in the depth of how much they care. Ellana has that same deep caring for others but, despite being the youngest, is generally more level-headed and willing to find compromises. She helps them keep their heads on straight. It balances them out. Not that she isn’t also prideful and stubborn, she’s just more likely to ply them with smiles and sweetness than to get bratty. Which is a theme in all aspects of their relationship lmao.
The au actually ends up bleeding into the inquisitor timeline since they help him with the whole veil thing. ‘Dysia and Ellana manage to stick together, but they get separated from Solas (he assumes they died)- they manage to track him back to skyhold eventually where they tearfully reunite and the whole of the inquisition is shocked to find out their local apostate hobo has two gorgeous girlfriends.
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
Modeling Expectations
Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Eludysia Lavellan Summary: Since taking a body, Ellana has come to rely on Eludysia to help her navigate the waking world and its new experiences, but one inquiry leads to a more hands-on demonstration than she expected. Ancient Elvhenan AU.
The lovely Eludysia belongs to @roseategales
AO3 link: here
Ellana had not expected things to go this far. Though perhaps that was the defining sentiment of her embodied life. Curiosity had always defined her, always taken her to interesting and new places as the world shifted and bent to deliver her the answers she coveted. In this body, things did not come nearly as easily to her. And she had to rely on others to help her sate her desire for knowledge both new and forgotten. She had begun to learn just how much her fellows would do in pursuit of their own ends, how much their choices changed this less malleable plane. How much effort it took to bring about their desired results. And just how pleasurable those results could be.
When she had stumbled upon texts deep in Dirthamen’s library detailing the various deviations of position and practice that could be brought to bear in bedroom dealings, she’d found herself confused. As Curiosity her interest had never been sparked by the pantings and moanings of of couples and groups as they found their way to an experience exclusive to the physical form. In this body, however, spirit and flesh had found themselves of two different minds. The latter found the drawings and descriptions uniquely intriguing, responding with warmth and sensation which were distracting at best. The former was not so easily swayed. She had approached Eludysia with questions, as she so often had since she’d made the ambassador’s acquaintance and friendship, and had anticipated a verbal explanation. Or a recommendation for further study. The offer of a personal demonstration was not something she had considered.
But as ‘Dysia led her through the network of eluvians under the guise of a shared meal, an excuse which brought an amused glint to her friend’s eyes, she found she quite preferred this outcome. That her friend was willing and even eager to provide such intimate knowledge was a gift she would not squander. Ellana had learned enough of sex to know that one’s first experience could vary greatly. Many people hardly knew their partners, chasing after the physical sensations that required another body but little else. It was something she couldn’t quite comprehend. To say she was not nervous would be a lie, but she knew she was safe with ‘Dysia. If at any point she found she did not want to continue or did not even wish to begin, she would respect that. There was no concern of things going past a point she was comfortable with, or that this encounter could be used against her. In the Game, everything was a piece to be manipulated and turned to your advantage. ‘Dysia played it well, but it would not touch this.
When the door was safely closed behind them, the tension melted from Eludysia’s body. Whatever lingering concerns she had about their privacy being compromised assuaged by the magical locks and wards she set on the apartment. The main living space looked out onto the rest of the city, hidden somewhere on the outskirts where none would pay any mind to the comings and goings of familiar or unfamiliar faces. The furnishings were similar to the sitting room in Eludysia’s main residence and seemed to be well-used. The idea that ‘Dysia brought others here seemed likely, but it struck some odd chord in Ellana. Skepticism, perhaps, that she would be willing to share a place she had taken such pains to obscure with someone she did not trust fully. That Eludysia might count her among those few was not something Ellana would take lightly. ‘Dysia, though, had not stopped in the entrance to overthink their presence or the implications of the wear of her sofa - she had disappeared into what Ellana assumed was her bedroom, returning having dressed herself in a thin robe and lace-trimmed chemise that brushed the tops of her thighs and carrying a pile of fabric over her arms.
“I thought you might like to change into something more comfortable.” She handed the pile over, giving Ellana a chemise made almost entirely of lace and a robe of similar style but made of more substantial fabric. The robe would likely drag on the floor, given their difference in height, though she suspected she would not be wearing it long. “The lavatory is just there.” ‘Dysia smiled. “I’ll see you in a moment.”
It took little time for Ellana to change into the negligee Eludysia had provided. What small amount of the gown was not lace was a fine silk, matching the delicate underthings that had been hidden between it and the robe. All of which fit nearly perfectly without the aid of any magic that she could sense. Apparently Eludysia had done more to prepare for this than she’d anticipated. That she could be surprised was something new - the Fade might find you novel experiences and knowledge, but it moved in accordance with your desires and expectations. True surprise was rare. As was finding oneself unsure how to proceed. Ellana tied the soft belt of her robe shut, then untied and retied it again several times before settling on leaving it open. Then changing her mind once more and settling on discarding the robe entirely. Which then prompted her to adjust her hair to reincorporate the strands which had fallen from her braid as they’d traveled after glimpsing herself in the mirror. When she was finally content with her appearance, she joined ‘Dysia in her bedroom. She stopped just short of the threshold. Eludysia had also relieved herself of the robe and pinned up her hair, leaving delicate wisps framing her face and curling against her neck. There was a casual intimacy to her appearance that made her struggle to keep her gaze on her.
“I don’t,” Ellana paused, searching for the right words. She’d had many examples of the middles of these encounters, more of the ends. The beginnings were, at best, vague, their authors’ memories often glossing over them in favor of the more heated moments before and after. Had any of the texts she had access to been created by someone who had chosen to engage in a situation like her own, she had yet to read it. “I am unsure how to begin.” Eludysia closed the distance between them, standing close enough to force Ellana to tilt her head upwards to keep her gaze.
“Like this.” ‘Dysia cupped the back of her neck, weaving her fingers into her hair, and lifted Ellana’s lips to hers. Their first kiss was simple, nearly chaste. aLittle more than a meeting of lips to gauge her understanding and continued interest. It was an odd thing, certainly, but not an action she disliked. Ellana slipped a hand around the back of ‘Dysia’s neck and kissed her again. It took her a moment to find the rhythm of the movements, how closed lips could part and return, how they could open to allow for more access and the careful dance of tongues. But soon enough she was able to let her mind slip into the movement. Only to have it pulled sharply into focus as ‘Dysia moved her other hand to hold the side of her arm, pulling her gently into her. The feel of her soft flesh against her own sent a thrill down her spine and a flash of another’s memory surfaced, how that thrill would partner with heat and nerves to build until her body snapped. She hummed into their next kiss, bidding her thoughts to return to the present and the woman warming her down to her toes.
A small moan passed her lips, and she felt ‘Dysia smile into their kiss. Then her nails dragged lightly against her scalp as her fingers tightened around her hair and pulled, earning her something between a hiss and a gasp.
She held them there for a while, making small movements to bring her awareness to the responsiveness of her own body. How the sharp pain of pulled hair or a bit lip could steal her breath, how the briefest press of ‘Dysia’s chest against hers made her skin tighten and pebble. Only moments from beginning and Ellana’s every nerve seemed to be on end. A fact which ‘Dysia seemed well aware of, and eager to take advantage of. Ellana breathed ‘Dysia in, the familiar scent of embrium, pine, and rain somehow as intoxicating as the way her friend’s other had had run down the length of her back, nails dragging ever so slightly, to cup the underside of her ass atop her negligee. She pulled in a sharp breath at the sensation of wetness that spread between her legs and the sudden desire for pressure.
“Am I doing alright?” Ellana could hear the smirk in her voice.
“Does it always feel like this?” The words came out more breathless than she expected, and nearly pleading. It was not a sound she would have anticipated she could make, though that was true of most of the sounds she had made to this point.
“Only if your partner knows what they’re doing.”
“Then I’m glad to have such a knowledgeable teacher.” Eludysia gave a small laugh.
“As your instructor, then, I should tell you the next part is easier lying down,” ‘Dysia whispered into her ear. Her friend pulled away, and Ellana mourned the loss of heat and contact before Eludysia had gently taken her hand in her own and begun leading them to the bed. She threw some of the pillows to the ground, while others she arranged at the head of the mattress and others still she brought to the middle of the bed. When Eludysia was content with her decorating, she bade Ellana lay on her back. Ellana let ‘Dysia guide her back onto the mattress, sliding pillows below her head and hips to support them before covering her body with her own. Their lips met again and Ellana wasted no time losing herself in the sensation of warmth and pressure and closeness that made her nerves buzz. Kissing, she decided, she understood. Thinking about it had been the problem. One did not rationalize the act, did not categorize the movements or catalog the sensations. Knowledge in this physical world could not be understood merely through the sharing of minds and consciousnesses, it had to be experienced. And this was knowledge she was very glad to have.
‘Dysia shifted atop her, then laid a hand at the base of Ellana’s throat with their next kiss. It slid across her chest and down her arm, dragging the thin strap of her gown along her shoulder as it went. Her fingers traced along her side, gliding over her waist and hip before traveling lower still. Then they were on her bare thigh. Slowly, they slid up her side until her fingers hooked under the delicate lace of her smalls and pulled. The cool of air against her suddenly bare skin sent a jolt through her as she realized just how warm, and just how wet, she’d become. This was… she would never again wonder how so many seemed driven to madness by the mere thought of these acts. Not with how she seemed aware of every inch of her body. Not with how all her thoughts had centered around the Eludysia’s touch and how to find more of it. Not with how the simple existence of her lithe fingers near the place she knew would be most sensitive made her insides molten.
“Are you ready?” It took a moment for Ellana to register the words and she found ‘Dysia looking at her with the beginnings of concern when she did not voice her consent. The concern quickly faded as Ellana caught her eye and nodded, a quiet but pressing yes following soon after.
‘Dysia smiled, then nipped Ellana’s bottom lip before traveling down. She kissed along her jaw and down her throat, pausing to suck a bruise over her pulse and again at the gentle curve where her neck met her shoulder.
Then ‘Dysia brushed a thumb over her clit. Ellana’s breath caught at the sudden wave of pleasure, and at the next pass of her finger over the sensitive bundle of nerves, Ellana was grasping at the sheets. Her texts, even impressed with the memories and sensations of those who had penned the words, did not compare to this. It felt like electricity and fire pooling in her abdomen and whatever thoughts she might have had abandoned her for the simple need for more.
“Please.” ‘Dysia looked up at her from the neckline of her negligee, then pressed a kiss to the swell of her breast.
“Please, what?” She could hear a slight edge to the question, a game hidden beneath the words she didn’t quite understand but that stoked the fire in her belly. An intelligent answer escaped her, though, swallowed up by the fog in her mind and need for whatever it is she was asking for. But words found their way to her lips.
“More. Please.”
“Ma nuvenin.” ‘Dysia again swiped her finger over Ellana’s clit, and her whole body seemed to shudder. Then there was warmth and heat over her breast as ‘Dysia took a nipple into her mouth, dragging her tongue over the lace and flesh in a dizzying movement. Then there was nothing between her mouth and her body as ‘Dysia pulled the top of the gown aside for better access, sucking her nipple into her mouth before lavishing her attention on her other breast. ‘Dysia’s free hand rested on her thigh, lithe fingers stroking the soft skin there, before slipping under the silk and dragging it up her body to pool along her ribs. She moved down , then, lips and tongue tracing the planes of her stomach while her fingers deftly circled the sensitive bundle of nerves, winding her body slowly tighter and tighter as her mouth wandered to her hips and thighs. Kisses covered the inside of her thighs, which would be decorated with bruises by the morning, ‘Dysia stopping her lips only to bite and suck at the tender flesh. Then, finally, she delved into her core. Ellana’s legs pulled up of their own accord, ankles locking behind ‘Dysia’s head as her tongue traced patterns as intricate as glyphs against her and dove between her folds. The tension that had been slowly building grew stronger, wound tighter and tighter with every pass of her lips and punished to a point between pleasure and pain when ‘Dysia slipped her fingers inside her and curled them against a spot that made her writhe. She pushed her towards a cliff, then retreated. Then she did so again. And again. And again. Until all Ellana could think of was the delicious torture. And when she finally let her tumble over the edge, she saw stars. Her vision went white, her back arching off the bed, and gave a soundless cry as her climax took her. ‘
Dysia slowed, her pace more leisurely than before, but did not stop as Ellana tugged at her, trying to find purchase to ground herself. And once Ellana had stilled, the peak over but the pleasure still lingering, she renewed her attentions. It did not take as long for her the tension to reach a breaking point again and for her to snap once more, body held to the bed only by ‘Dysia’s hand on her stomach as she pressed down to make the sensation of the fingers inside her that much more. When she brought her to orgasm for the third time, she hardly had the strength to react past the pulsing of her body. By the fourth time, she would have thought she’d left her body and returned to the Fade, save for the raw edges of her overstimulated nerves begging for relief. And when she managed to voice a quiet request to stop as ‘Dysia prepared to bring her to a fifth, she mournfully, blessedly, did so.
Ellana did not know how long she lay, only that she could do little more than slowly catalog which parts of herself had returned to minimal function, and which would take some time to return to her. Nothing, it seemed, was particularly prepared to do much besides recover. Eventually, the cool touch of magic washed over her body, removing the evidence of their activities from her body without the need for either of them to move. She suspected she would not be able to if she tried. ‘Dysia pulled her languid frame closer, settling her head against her shoulder and drawing a blanket over the two of them.
“Was my demonstration satisfactory then?” ‘Dysia asked, full of amusement and self-satisfaction. Ellana let out a laugh.
“I’m quite certain you know the answer to that.”
“Perhaps. Or perhaps I would like to hear you say it, anyway.”
“Mhm.” Ellana rolled her eyes, but could not help a small smile. “For your ego’s sake then, yes. I am quite satisfied.”
“Good.” She pressed a kiss to her forehead and settled into the sheets.
“Give me a moment to return to my senses,” Ellana said, “and I’ll be glad to return the favor. A student really ought to show mastery of what they’ve learned, don’t you think?” It was a more forward proposition than she might have given were she not slightly delirious from the pleasure still draining from her body, but she meant it all the same. The idea of bringing Eludysia even a sliver of what she had experienced tonight made her toes curl.
“Mmm, not tonight. I’ll let you rest.” Eludysia paused, then drew out her next words into the shadow of a question. “Perhaps next time.” Thoughts of a next time flooded her mind, what they might try - what sounds she might wring from Eludysia as she replicated the mirror of this evening.
“I’ll hold you to that, then.” She felt ‘Dysia smile against her head and tucked her own further beneath her chin. Yes, she had not expected this. But lying contentedly in her friend’s arms, she could not help but think she was rather lucky that it had happened all the same.
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thebookworm0001 · 3 years
"you do not have to hold it quite so tightly." for any pairing you want. <3
I think this was a 3 sentence fic prompt so… here ya go
“You don’t have to hold her quite so tightly.”
Solas stared, wide eyed and opened mouthed, at the bundle in his arms and shifted his grip. Ellana reached up, ‘Dysia sliding a hand down her back to support her, and tugged at the blanket. She would remember the smile on his face as their daughter wrapped her hand around his finger for the rest of her life.
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thebookworm0001 · 3 years
The tiniest of rushed fics for Ellana, Solas, and @roseategales’ ‘Dysia
Ellana had always been an early riser. First, it had been to tend to the halla with her father as the animals stirred with the rising sun, then to nurture her growing magic before the rest of the clan roused to attend their duties. The quiet in the mornings had given her a chance to prepare for the day, to order her thoughts and take stock of what she needed to accomplish. Or to simply admire the way the sky turned pink and purple as it rose over the horizon. Some days, when she'd fallen into bed mere hours before she knew she'd wake, sore and exhausted, she'd wished she hadn't trained herself so well. Mornings like these, though? She was so thankful she had.
Nestled between her lovers, she couldn't imagine a sight better than Eludysia's face being warmed by the soft dawn light as it rose over their balcony. Her lips were parted ever so slightly and Ellana felt compelled to reach out and trace them. To marvel at their softness. To wonder at the way they curved and dipped and how the lines of her vallaslin seemed to push them up into a perfect pout. But Solas‘s arm was draped across her waist, fingers tangled with hers in an unconscious claim, and her other was caught between her and ‘Dysia’s chests and moving either would risk waking them. And though waking meant being greeted by the endless green of ‘Dysia’s eyes and the gentle poetry of Solas’s half-conscious musings, it would also mean the loss of Solas’s breath against her neck and the fluttering of ‘Dysia’s lashes against her cheeks.
So Ellana would be content to simply wake early, and let herself rise with the rest of her clan.
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thebookworm0001 · 4 years
eludysia to ellana: “mercy can be a means to an end.”
“I agree. I don’t think people often realize how much it can accomplish. Or how much more it can sting than any traditional justice.”
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thebookworm0001 · 2 years
fic author self rec
Thank you for the tag, @rosella-writes !!!!
When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.
So I have about a million wips and small things that I have put on the inter-webs, but only a handful of actually finished, published fics which makes this almost more of a 'here's my entire catalogue' post but I sure aint complaining about that lol
without further ado:
Last Chance
Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas Summary: After years of work fighting against Fen'harel and his agents, the final battle between former Inquisitor Lavellan and the man she loves is only one night away. Links: Tumblr | AO3 Length: 6k, 1 chapter, complete; part of the 'post-trespasser' collection This was the first ever smut fic I wrote and I am wildly proud of it. Do you want to be in pain? Well, this is the angst-filled smut fic for you. I have it on good authority that this will make you cry. This is also meant to be near the very end of a long-fic that I have started but have yet to post anything finished for, so there's a lot of build-up to this that does not yet exist but you can imagine as being very angsty.
2. Stolen Moments
Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas Summary: Ellana and Solas steal a moment alone. Alt. solavellan did not get a repeatable kiss scene and I’m fixing that. Links: Tumblr | AO3 Length: 1.2k, 2 chapters, complete; part of the 'in-between' collection This is just a sweet solavellan moment. No pain here! It also comes with some incredible, amazing, absolutely stunning artwork courtesy of @rosenrotxiii which you can see in the second chapter on ao3 or linked in the tumblr post
3. In the Morning
Rating: G Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas Summary: When Solas wakes, it is to the sound of her breath. Alt. pov of the end of Last Chance. Links: Tumblr | AO3 Length: 670, 1 chapter, complete; part of the 'post-trespasser' collection Did you want to have your heart wrecked just a bit more? Was Last Chance simply not painful enough for you? Congratulations I wrote the end of that one from Solas' POV so you could relish in the solavellan hell just a little longer.
4. Laundry Day
Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Solas Summary: After the Dread Wolf’s defeat at the hands of the former Inquisitor, his punishment is far more lenient than many were anticipating. House arrest, under the supervision of the Herald of Andraste herself. As Ellana and Solas settle into their new lives, neither has forgotten the events just before their final confrontation, and, caught in close quarters, old feelings begin to resurface. Follow-up to Last Chance Links: Tumblr | AO3 Length: 4.4k, 1 chapter, complete; part of the 'post-trespasser' collection So, this is also meant to be part of a long-fic that I have yet to write. In the ending where solas and ellana both survive his attempt to reshape the world and her killing him to stop that from happening, Solas's punishment is house arrest under the watchful eye of the very woman who defeated him. There is much tension. This is a sweet smut fic - need to soothe your soul after Last Chance but still want smut? This is your thing.
5. Modeling Expectations
Rating: E Pairing: Ellana Lavellan x Eludysia Lavellan Summary: Since taking a body, Ellana has come to rely on Eludysia to help her navigate the waking world and its new experiences, but one inquiry leads to a more hands-on demonstration than she expected. Ancient Elvhenan AU. Links: Tumblr | AO3 Length: 3k, 1 chapter, complete My dear friend @roseategales and I share many an au where our (unrelated!) Lavellans fall in love with each other and with Solas. This particular throuple au is an elvhenan au in which Ellana is a recently embodied spirit of Curiosity. In this fic, she's a bit curious about sex and 'Dysia is very happy to give her some instruction.
Firstly, apologies if I'm not the first to tag you, but I would like to tag: @roseategales (go check out her throuple smut fic if she doesn't rec it herself) @bdafic @redinkofshame @noire-pandora @shift-shaping
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roseategales · 3 years
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“me softly, blue glow 2 match solas, blUE GLOW 2 MA” — @tzedekart
up until now, eludysia’s da4 look has been a nebulous, ever-difficult to imagine concept. the only things i knew for sure were that she’d have an ironbark-lyrium prosthetic, her colour palette, and that she’d look freer and more discrete while retaining her heritage and experiences post-inquisition. commissioning and working with dorian / tzedekart to help me find a concrete design was the best decision i could've made. thanks for the artwork, and for the new hc that ‘dysia’s eyes show her use of magic years after she drinks from the well, love.
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roseategales · 3 years
obsessed with the idea that if solas ends up working with the inquisitor in da4, he goes to see how ‘dysia is. then after she screams and cries, he quietly takes her into his arms and she says she ‘won’t ask (him to stay)’ bc she’s tired and he says ‘you have no need to.’
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roseategales · 3 years
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@thebookworm0001‘s ellana, solas, and ‘dysia being together as a throuple is probably my new favourite obsession. i had to commission a piece for them. thank you, @mespyria-illustrations, for making it happen. <3
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