#especially with alator and finna
gwenpendrcgon · 1 year
BBC Merlin is just Merlin trying to live peacefully and failing and all the magic folks are like omg our lord and savior Emrys
like this is Merlin
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merlinpetpeeves · 3 years
Breaking for the holidays!
Hey all! So, now that Christmas Eve has brought me to a nicely rounded multiple of five, I just wanted to let you know that I’ll be taking a few days off for Christmas (possibly extending through to the new year).
There are a few more submissions sitting in my inbox, so those will be posted once I return. If you have more in the meantime, however, feel free to keep ‘em coming!
Also, I’ve had an awful lot of Anon messages in the past week or so, so responses to those are under the cut:
Re: Peeve 432:
It's been established that magic is something you're born with but is seen as something you choose. That's one of the reasons why the Purge is so bad and why most of the fandom considers magic as an allegory for homosexuality. Morgana's whole introduction to her magic literally tackled this. I believe what Gaius said to Merlin in the first episode was either Gaius being ignorant about the nature of magic and believing it to be a choice (unlikely, but still possible I'd argue), or he was talking about Merlin's innate control over his magic being impossible, especially when Merlin was a baby. I think Merlin's usage of instinctive nonverbal magic from infancy/childhood is what distinguishes him from other magic users (aside from his sheer raw power, of course). both Morgana and Mordred, when we first see them use magic, had explosive magic that was triggered by their emotions. Morgana, particularly, had to learn from Morgause to control and use it, while Merlin said he always knew how to move objects with his magic.
This was actually in response to a submission, not to my own personal Peeve, so I wasn’t sure what to do with your comments, but this post gave me a good chance so: I don’t agree that Gaius was showing ignorance or a lack of knowledge in the first episode. It’s my understanding that different people come to magic in different ways. Gilli, for example, couldn’t really use magic without the external aid of his ring. Some seem to learn purely through study. Others, like Morgana and Mordred, develop magic over time (I don’t count this as being ‘Born with Magic’ in the sense that the show uses that phrase, but more as eventually developing a latent ability, in a similar (albeit more extreme) way to how one might develop freckles, for example), but can’t do complex things with it without training. Other than that, for those people, it seems to emerge (an a limited manner) in times of extreme stress or great concentration. Merlin, however, is the only one to be described as being ‘Born with Magic,’ and is the only person for whom it is seen to function as essentially an extension of himself- which is what Gaius appears to be commenting on in 1.01. No other magic-user would have been able to pause that water without even so much as thinking about it. So I think, with this, it just comes down to a difference in what we term as fitting under the phrase “Born with Magic.” And this, I think, is why people in fics often make the distinction between ‘sorcerer’ and ‘warlock,’ while saying that Merlin is essentially a ‘warlock plus.’ Warlock being the closest word to describe him, but him being on a distinct tier as the only person ever to have literally been born with his abilities. (Hopefully my rambles make some sort of sense. Lol.)
Praise: "And you, Uther, you will go to hell." >> See Praise 332
Is there a specific reason you have Arthur, Merlin, Gwen, Elyan, and Leon?? Or am I just reading too much into it?
Yes and no? I originally made this super long banner with loads of characters. Arthur and Merlin were near the centre because they’re the main characters. Gwen, Merlin and Elyan were the centre because I love them so much, and everyone else was in kind of a random order around them based on whose pics I searched for first. It looked dumb when uploaded, so I cut it down to just the central five. Then, when I made MerlinPetPraises, I just liked the idea of having the same people on both (and I’m super fond of Leon’s giddy little geek-out over the crossbows, so no regrets. Lol).
Why didn't Alator throw away the note from Finna? Just left it in his chambers? Where it could and was found?  >> See Peeve 175
Do you ignore asks that aren't peeves/praises?
Again, yes and no? In a way? Like, I’ll read them, of course, but if it’s just a simple comment (especially on a submission), then I prefer not to disrupt the flow of the blog, if that makes sense? I much prefer to reply to people in person, which is part of the reason (along with it making it muuuuch easier for me to ask for clarifications re:submissions) that I prefer people message off of anon. I know that at least one person (not sure if it’s you) sends thing via anon because they don’t have an account, though, which is the main reason I haven’t blocked anon submissions entirely. If it’s a comment about a mistake in a post, then I’ll post a retraction, but other than that I kind of have to play it by ear based on the content of the ask. After all, I’m really not sure how people would feel about me constantly breaking up a simple blog format with long and rambly posts like this one. Lol. (Honestly, I don’t receive many non-submission asks, though. If I did, I might have just made a third side blog just for that to avoid breaking the flow.)
I know there was a pet praise about how clever Gwen was and I agree. I just wish we got to see more of that in the early seasons.
Faaaairly sure this is just a comment and not a submission? In which case, I genuinely don’t know how to respond except to say that I think Gwen had lots of moments in the earlier series where she showed how clever she is. The main difference that I can see is that, by S5, she’s much more self-assured and willing to share those opinions without fear of judgement. (But yes. More Gwen is always of the good. Lol.)
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queerofthedagger · 3 years
For the Merlin ask: 2 and 12
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
2. Favorite episode?
God that’s impossible to choose 😭😂 I absolutely adore A Servant of Two Masters of course, but I also really, really love The Coming of Arthur, The Sword in the Stone, and Arthur’s Bane. And as much as it breaks my heart, I also can’t not say Diamond of the Day.... Uh yeah. I’m bad at choosing as you can tell. 😂
12. Which character deserved a longer arc?
Oh that’s also really hard to say because there are a lot of side-characters I would’ve loved to see more of. If I have to choose, I think I’m going with Lancelot--like, he felt very “present” considering that he was only in idk, 5 or 6 episodes, but I wish we had seen more of him.
Aside from him, I also would’ve loved to see more of Finna or Iseldir or Alator, it would’ve been cool if Merlin had someone to go to who was a bit less paranoid than Gaius, especially in the later seasons.
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