#evalin ashryver galathynious
light-the-stars · 7 years
“The Visit” (Pt.1)
“The Lesson” (Pt. 2) / “The Quest” (Pt. 3) / “The Confrontation” (Pt.4)
Ao3 Link
Author’s Note: What would happen if Evelyn and Rhoe took a young Aelin to see Meave when they were supposed to. And while they were there, she met the brooding warrior, Rowan. 
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius stood before the gates of Dorenelle with her parents beside her and with her hand in theirs.
Her mother knelt in front of her and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Aelin’s ear. “Now, Aelin. You remember what I told you about Aunt Maeve?” She nodded and swallowed loudly. “That’s a good girl.” Her mother stood up, took Aelin’s hand, and the three of them, with their selected guards, walked through the gate and into Dorenelle.
Aelin’s hands were like dripping faucets they were so sweaty. She was very nervous and had been for the past weeks of travel from Orynth to Wendlyn. Her mother would pace around the ship’s decks and her father would train with their selected guards. But Aelin, she had her books to keep her company. All the different stories and adventures the far off characters would have. She wished that her cousin Aedion had traveled with them. He put up a fight to go with them. He had argued that he should protect Aelin since he’s to take the blood oath one day. But, her father told Aedion to train with Quinn, the Captain of the Guard, and they would be back before he knew it. Aedion huffed, but did as he was told and hugged his cousin goodbye.
Maeve was sitting on her throne of stone when Aelin and her parents greeted her, her long dark hair cascading down one of her shoulders.
“Hello, Evalin, Rhoe,” the Fae Queen purred. “And this must be little Princess Aelin. Oh, how I have heard so much about you from my spies.” Evalin and Rhoe were stiff as a board, but Aelin did small curtsey. “Come here, let me take a closer look at you.”
Rhoe’s grasp tightened around Aelin’s hand, but Evalin gave him a sharp head shake and gently pushed Aelin forward. Aelin slowly walked forward and tried to hide her shaking hands in the folds of her skits.
“Come, now, little Aelin, don’t be shy,” Maeve coaxed. Meave walked toward her when she stood in front of the dais. She circled Aelin like a cat on the hunt. Aelin threw a glance at her parents from over her shoulder. Their hands were clasped together and white knuckled, her mother had a contemplative look while her father had a stormy one. She could practically feel the ire coming off of him.
“You’re a tiny thing aren’t you. How old are you, little Princess?” Maeve asked.
“Seven,” Aelin said, her voice sounding small than she expected.
“Seven? Yes it has been seven years. And do you have any powers, Aelin? Can you shift?”
Aelin heard a growl come from her father but Maeve shot him a pointed look. But he could care less and  held her eye contact for longer than a person should bear.
Aelin opened her mouth to say something when the throne room doors burst open and three very large men walked through the doors. Aelin jumped back in fright and her mother and father rushed to her side, but Meave raised her hand in warning
The three males; one dark, one golden and one silver, stalked toward the dais where Meave and Aelin where standing.
“You summoned, Majesty,” the dark one said. All three of them were horrifyingly beautiful. The dark one was all hard lines and edges. The golden one had a softer expression when he noticed her, even with the harsh tattoo on his neck. But, the silver one, his expression was blank and with the wicked tattoo down the side of his face and on the arm and fingers, it made his features a little scary. Aelin backed up a couple steps until she right up against Meave.
“Ah, yes. I did. But, I didn’t think you’d get here so quickly,” Meave said. “Lorcan, Gavriel, and Rowan. My blood sworn.” She pointed to the dark, golden and silver male. “Rhoe, Crown Prince of Terrasen, his wife Evalin, and this,” she placed a hand on Aelin’s shoulder, “is Aelin, the little Princess.”
Aelin was wide eyed at the males standing before he. She was terrified of what they would do, the only thing she could do was stand stick straight. The golden one, Gavriel, looked at her mother with such sadness, but stepped closer to Aelin and crouched before her.
“Hello, princess. It is very nice to meet you,” he said holding out his hand. She stepped closer to him and placed her small hand in his and shook. It wasn’t the proper way to greet a Princess of the Realm, but a greeting nonetheless.
“We could come back if you are busy, Majesty,” Rowan said. With his arms were crossed over his chest, he looked bored. Like, he wanted to be anywhere but here. Aelin though he looked very sad.
“No need. Aelin was just about the show us her gift.” She motioned for her to start, but was interrupted by her mother.
“Aunt Maeve, if it’s no trouble, could we begin tomorrow. We have had a long journey and would like some rest.” Evalin looked Meave straight in the eye.
Meave cocked her head. “I suppose, that the little princess will be at better strengths tomorrow,” she pondered. She waved them away. “Tomorrow, then. Rowan will show you to your rooms.”
“Come, Fireheart,” her mother crooned and Aelin ran to her.
The warrior perked up at the nickname, but only nodded toward them and said, “this way,” and lead them down the hall to their chambers.
“Rowan, you are to train the little Princess,” Maeve said. After showing the Galathynius family and their guards to their chambers, Prince Rowan Whitethorn returned to Maeve’s chambers, where the rest of his cadre were already gathered.
“Majesty, with all due respect, I have better things to do than train a child,” Rowan grumbled.
“If Rowan won’t, I’ll do it,” piped up Fenrys. Fenrys, the one who only swore the blood oath because of the love he has for his brother.
“Of course you want to. She’s a pretty young thing that can be molded for your doings,” snapped Lorcan. He didn’t care who he pissed off, just that he did. Fenrys bared his teeth at Lorcan, getting ready to pounce on the male. Connell grabbed his brother’s arm in silent warning.
“You see,” Rowan interjected before things got more out of hand. He gestured to Fenrys, “He’ll be happy to train the Princess.”
“I see that he wants to train her. But, I want you to train her.” She threw the last words at him like they were on fire. Rowan was pretty sure he would be on fire if he had to train the spoiled little Princess.
Rhoe, Evalin, and Aelin had just sit down for breakfast when a very loud, insistent banging on the door started up.
“Who in the world could that be?” Evalin looked at Rhoe quizzically.
“Wait here,” Rhoe said. He tentatively got up from the table and walked to the door. Aelin’s parents have been on edge ever since they got to their rooms the previous night. This whole journey has everyone on edge.
There were hushed growling from the corridor and then the silver haired male, Rowan, stalked into the room.
“Get dressed, we’re training today.”
Aelin only gaped at him. She had barely started lessons back in Terrasen and now she was going to “train” with this male?
“No,” Rhoe growled at him. “She is only a child. She can’t stand the grueling training you put each other through.”
Rowan so close to her father their noses were almost touching. “Do you think I want to be doing this? Do you think I don’t have better things to do with my time than ‘train’ a spoiled little princess? My queen ordered this of me and what my queen says, I do.”
The two of them stared at each other for what felt like a lifetime, neither one of them backing down.
“Alright. But I’m coming with you. You will not take advantage of my daughter.”
“Rhoe,” Evalin chastised.
“Ev, these males will do anytime to get what they think is theirs.”
“Rhoe, we are Maeve’s guests. We are to treat her and her warriors with respect. I know you don’t like her or trust her, but we have to follow her rules. And, if she is telling this warrior that she wants him to train Aelin, to give her lessons, then we must obey in order for this visit to be a peaceful one.”
Aelin was still seated at the breakfast table, unsure of what to do. She looked from her parents, to the warrior with his arms crossed over his broad chest. This seems to be his favorite position.
“Fireheart, why don’t you go get dressed,” her mother suggested. “We’ll be waiting for you when you are ready.” She nodded and hurried out the door the her room, ready to get away from the tension.
Aelin walked back into their rooms that night, with her father trailing behind her, bone tired and ready for bed. Her mother stood from the couch she was sitting on and walked her family.
“How was training?” she asked. Aelin gave her a look that constituted to say, if that is what is to be expected, I’m not going back, no matter WHAT Aunt Maeve says. Rhoe gave a fairly similar look.
“That bad?” Evalin said sheepishly. The both of them grunted. Aelin stalked into the bathing room to get all the dirt and leaves and grass from all over her body.
Rowan had put her through hell. Trying to get her to shift into her fae form had been brutal. The only times she has ever been able to shift is when she has been scared or angry, which neither had happened today. Most the time, Rowan and her father had been yelling at each other. Rowan would do or saying something that Rhoe wouldn’t like. Then he’d yell or get in the warrior’s face and Rowan would yell back. She wouldn’t have minded the golden warrior that shook her hand yesterday to train her. He kind of reminded her of her cousin, Aedion. She really did miss her cousin. She loved her parents very much, but she wished for someone her own age to be around with.
When she was bathed and dressed, she walked back into the common area. Gavriel was standing talking to her parents. She quickly hid behind a pillar so none of them could see her.
“I am sorry for your loss. You see, I did love her so and wanted to express my sorrow.”
Her mother gave him a small smile. “Thank you. It’s been years I miss her so.”
He nodded. “Yes. I also want to apologize for my companion’s behavior.” Rhoe snorted. “You see,” Gavriel continued, “Rowan’s mate died two hundred years ago and he has never been the same. He has been cold and standoffish and won’t let anyone get close to him. I think - ”
Aelin walked away before she could hear the rest of what he was saying. She was wondering who the woman he was talking about. And Rowan, his mate died. He was cold and heartless because he had no love in his life. When she walked into her room, she began to plan on how to make this warrior prince happy again.
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