#even if you're a troll i thought i'd explain it in case you aren't
senoleaf · 1 year
hey agent 24 is kinda white savior, heard from a friend so yeah stop and get some help
...uhm okay, so:
1. there's no set skin color. go nuts! give Agent Three darker skin and make Eight pale as all hell! i've seen art of that. it's cute. all the agents are basically OCs anyways
2. all Agent Three does—in the entirety of the Octo Expansion—is destroy a mixer that Eight and Cap'n Cuttlefish both were stuck in.
Eight is the one that's fighting the enemies and bosses. Eight is the one going through all the tests to get out from underground. Eight is the one that saves Three by basically beating them out of mind control.
in conclusion, expect more Agent 24 stuff soon-ish
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pinkandpurple360 · 4 months
You asked to send u asks about striker so i will. Umm sorry for writing them all in one ask and being kinda messy, feel free to answer them in any order or dismiss. Honestly your points on viv shows were very interesting so i want to discuss things.
1. How you would write striker, if you were led scriptwriter with full power over plot choices?
2. I totally agree that it's pretty BIG LOSS there is no characters who can back him up and he is so lonely (he even bothered by imps who sing flattering songs about him and swears at them, despite being shown as being a bit Self-glorifying. Statue moment. Can he be an narcissist character in canon story?..).... While somehow other characters magically got all the good royal lads, but he got no friends from his own class, but annoying fans (that aren't even creeps like fans of Fizz)?.. Uhhh??.. And he is totally alone and self-isolating?
Would be ironic if striker would be cured from his worldview with having relationships with good™ royal later. Honestly if he was swapped with blitz in stolitz there would be much less drama from his side and more of traumatized Stolas i believe. I think striker wouldn't be avoidant unloved guy to run away like blitz, i think Striker wouldn't avoid the possibility of destroying him morally and physically, from the first ep he appeared in, it seems like he is perfectly capable of manipulation and pretending.
But honestly, i look on all HB plot from "can barely analyze canon because memory conditions", and i look too much into explaining plot from characters and world perspective, than from "why creators represent characters certain way", because... Honestly im never interested in creator, but canon? Gotta somehow live with it and other fans who would eat me for not going with popular fanon and canon. Never checked Viv's socials.
3. The supremacist thing. Honestly, when i first saw that moment, uhh... I thought they were (i forgot who said this sorry 😭😭) just trying to insult him, not that it's treated as something bad?.. Can you explain more how narrative treats him badly for it?
I don't think "character insulting other" = "author tells their true opinion about character and world real issue". because all the characters swear at each other constantly and using all kind of slurs, and isn't it a thing for characters (and real people) to try to troll and annoy each other when they're angry and annoyed? It's telling more about characters for me, than about the author, idk.
But maybe it would be much more interesting plot if (i think crimson can be considered somehow high class lol) they had a talk about how they are sorta in a same boat, serving higher up demons for survival. Or just striker starting this talk, that he wouldn't kill them, pls don't run away or fight back we just need money from Asmodeus i can share it if you play scared victim and just chill here for some time. :D wink wink we are in one shitty situations and all in need. Tho it would be harder since he got all this beef with moxxie and blitz (as i remember. I remember badly, and don't remember does blitz even know that striker tried to kill Mo.) and for fizz who don't need them at all since he got ozzie, but probably that would be a great moment for striker to debunk Ozzie's good behaviour and just all the Royal sins (who are MUCH older, in fizzozzie case)/peasant relationships (i believe there are enough famous examples in hell history when they didn't end well at all) and probably brag some personal reasons why striker need to do so much money from killing, like "oh cool im glad you're okay, and got it all, fame, money, cute dogs, relationships with someone much more powerful than you. I'd never reach same, congratulations! You know what people in my area have to do to survive?". But that would be terrible moral depreciation of Striker's bad qualitues, since he. Like. Isn't shown as good person (lonely maybe due to anger issues, serves rich maniacs who need a good killer, still have the statue, snap at sincere fans who do cool songs for free, he litterally said he is capable of killing any innocent person, kittens, babies, i believe low-class is in here too. yeah, it could be that he said it just to appeal for customer, and wouldn't really do it, but it wasn't shown in canon that he isn't sincere about it. So it's more like his personal beef with royalty, and not a willing to help others and form community when it doesn't have monetary Benefits. He seems rather unpolitical, just trying his best to survive, since we don't see him... Yea, very social. Not even a leader, but a part of some political community. By the way it seems like in hell revolutions really never depend on mass opinions of sinners, imps, etc, and mass protests, but supernatural POWER, like holy weapons, god, angels, true forms, or alastor kind of power, even Striker couldn't harm Stolas without holy weapons and ropes.)
It would show how striker is capable of manipulation and being cold-blooded diplomat, rather than... Snaping out at them shdhdxhdjdj for trolling tho it seems like he is just stressed and got anger issues, short temper, and anything i described would be wildly ooc for him.
Sorry for long asks lmao hope you don't mind
Hiii anon sometimes long asks are a ton of fun if I have the energy
1. So first of all I think his characterisation in Harvest Moon festival was pretty good, but, they shouldn’t have revealed who his client was at the end of the episode. It keeps the mystery. I’d also change around his hatred of moxxie to show how striker sees him as a weak point, not as “inferior” or whatever. When he is going to wrangle the hog, Millie and Blitzø volunteer happily to do it, and Moxxie just cowers a little. Striker asks Mox if he always lets the two of them pick up the slack on his behalf. Mills parents side eye him and smirk. Then that’s what gives moxxie the motive to try it. Of course, he fails and striker has to swoop in. Afterwards, he laughs and Mox holds out his hand to get striker to pull him up. Striker looks irritated by this and tells him to stand on his own two feet, and that if this were the wild, he’d be both starved and dead. Mox is about to struggle up until Millie comes in to help pick him up and she glares at striker. This is what makes her not want to compete in the pain games, and in turn causes Mox to insist on it instead to prove to Millie that he can do it. — here we’ve established a reason for MnM to not like striker, and show how the tiniest things he does or says causes turbulence in their group and makes moxxie feel like he’s the problem. I’d also adapt it a little to say Striker replaced Millie as the farm hand since she in everyone’s eyes “abandoned” the hard life for a comfy job in imp city. Striker sortve implies her family doesn’t need her anymore cause they have someone stronger and more loyal now. She says if she competes in the pain games she’ll only go back to her violent temper she’s worked hard to get away from, and will just kill striker if he gets too close. This disappoints her parents further. While Mox tries to appeal to them, Millie doesn’t care, the two bicker about it all. Blitzø just acts as a quiet spectator here, until he tries to talk MnM into communicating about it more, that “you two saps can bounce back from anything” and they come to a deal to let Mox compete, and he won’t let him get too hurt—-he drops this within seconds as his competitive streak takes over.
Also—-he’s gotta stop being used entirely for shipping commentary. “I don’t support this peasant x royalty ship” is his entire character now and I’m tired of it. In the caged Oops scene for example. He should make a lot more references to survival, oppression, having to work hard, how you can never really quit in this life without stepping on others to get there. How expendable people like them really are in the grand scheme of things, and do they even realise that? How royals destroy friendships and bonds with their selfish greed. It would hit a lot harder if striker talked about how stolas strings MnM and Loona into his shit, ask blitz if he’s ever once thanked the four of them for anything. Ask him if he’s really used his skills as a leader effectively or if he’s just another royal imp slave. And for Fizz, ask him where he gets off acting like some kind of inspiration to the common man when he’s left his whole race in the dust, he has little touch with any of them anymore (as we’ve seen from his behaviour on the streets of greed) and now hes resorted to commanding power over succubi, over sexualising himself, teaming up with a sin to shame and intimidate an imp like Moxxie, and how he shacks up with a royal who’s no better than mammon in his eyes. Does he even have any real friends and allies left? Or just a bed partner. Seriously romance isn’t the extent of relationships and striker probably values friends, allies, colleagues, and family a lot more than who has sex with whom.
2. Exactly. Characterisation of him as a “narcissist” falls flat because he isn’t one, ego is what helps others trust him to take out the targets, it’s what keeps him alive. It makes up for the inferiority constantly forced on him. He has a right to feel some pride. I’d love to see him and fizz interact again because they could learn so much about what it really means to have connections, that ego is so fragile and performance of a persona can make you lose who you truly are. How do disabled people like fizz fit into strikers obsession with survival of the fittest, can he really judge fizz for his limb enhancements if they’re what help him survive? And how can fizz teach him that gentleness and kindness is it’s own type of strength? That teaming up with the “littler” people is much more powerful than standing on top of them, is something they could learn together. These two could become the most unlikely of friends, even brotherly, they both need someone like that. Blitzø just doesn’t really fit that platonic role for fizz, the underlying, yet deeply repressed, mutual feelings of love and lust between them are just too complicated for him to deal with.
I always thought someone who could change his perception is Octavia. Of all the royals she is by far the most unique and down to earth. I get the feeling she’s not proud to be a royal, she detests the way her parents treat the servants, the idea of monarchy in itself, of corporate shame, the duty put onto her and her parents. But also hates how they try to play house despite it. The fact she only exists as a spare to her father and resents that fact. Not to mention that she is a child of force, but can’t fully point the finger at her mother or father, it’s essentially mutual SA. Imagine how that scars a persons mind. Striker wouldn’t feel sorry for an asshole like stolas, that guy is the real supremacist here.
3. It’s essentially a message that if you hate racists, that’s reverse racism and you’re just as bad as them just for using violence. It’s sortve an “all lives matter” incredibly privileged point of view. Which I find disgusting. The real racists never get an ounce of this. Striker is just a stolitz blockade who must be crushed.
Really interested in your rewrite there. I pictured fizz showing some unexpected grace by saying “I wasn’t going to rat you guys out, whatever, you just gotta make that money right? but since you were stupid enough to show your faces on camera I guess I won’t have to. If I were you I’d skip town fast and don’t take a step in the lust ring or it’ll be your last”
Yeah I’m not sure what else to add maybe I’ll respond some more in a bit.
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leadendeath · 4 months
i don't want to reblog the post because my commentary is not relevant to the subject, so i didn't want to put this in said post's tags. also as i type it turned into a long...? something. vent maybe? i don't even know what to refer to it as. but i've seen a couple of posts recently that have really got me thinking.
as i'm writing this, they both just appeared on my dash. they are this one and this one. i'm definitely going to post this now (i have to) and not just save it in my drafts forever.
Having sex with friends sounds nice! I am pro-that! (pro meaning not anti) for me it would alleviate my fears of hooking up with those I just met or haven't known for years because friends are less likely to murder/kidnap you or give you a disease! (I do not want to die from sex lmao) the con: now they know what i look like and what bodily/physical problems i have that aren't visible to the general public. no. i can't have sex with my friends. my god. it all boils down to my body dysmorphia. literally the mortifying ordeal of it being known
So I think again, like I often do, about my place on the ace spectrum. I usually do not care for labels, don't find them necessary to apply to myself, but it's totally cool if other people have tons of different labels that they use. I am pro-that too! I myself am definitely grey-ace or demi-something. I landed on aegosexual- a disconnect between yourself and your sexual attraction- for a long time. I am never sexually or romantically attracted to somebody I don't know. Not even people on the screen. What if that hot (definition for this context: visually appealing) actor is a dick? Good looks garbage personality? At least you can do research on him. Not the case with "irl contacts" (definition: non-famous and real people who you might actually meet or know in person).
I know that I definitely experience sexual attraction, and want to have sex. Based on that I don't feel quite right calling myself asexual.
I don't LIKE that I feel too bad about experiencing sexual attraction to act on it. There's this weird feeling that's hard to place, but closest to "guilt", I'd say. Disgust with myself.
That time I was propositioned to go back to a con hotel (i turned him down and he listened and respected me and was nice, it's just i stopped myself), or that other time when making out and groping (different guy different occasion; we could've gone further but i stopped myself), or even just flirting and talking about our turn-ons and things we Like with my long-distance online sort-of bf that I had. I'm even hesitating to follow the "after dark" art accounts that I want to follow on bird site because of the guilt and almost embarassment I feel at myself (I'm fully aware that the only reason most people have locked accounts which you have to request to follow is to keep out minors and trolls btw, and i'm certainly neither of those!).
All of this is stuff I want and that's enjoyable to me, but this nagging "don't do that. you're gross. why would you say/do that? you're being weird. stop. stop. stop. you're not allowed to do these things." is always there in my mind. I don't want it to be there, and it's always there.
Now, this doesn't come from religious trauma, like "sex before marriage = wrong and bad"? "gay sex = ultimate evil"? Nah, I was never told those things. I didn't even have a very religious upbringing. These thoughts can't be explained away by any of that. Even my mom has always been like "you can have a girlfriend or a boyfriend! i don't mind as long as you're happy! :)" yknow having that nice accepting approach to that time when I was like 15 and settled on bi for "what i was" at the time. No judgement, no condemnation there either.
It's not real.
When I learned that I have ocd, suddenly I started to maybe have an explanation for these thoughts. Some people's obsessions focus on repetition or contamination. A good part of my obsessions focus on condemnation. I'm scared of it. I take "beating yourself up over something" to the next level. Just like any other person who's familiar with delusions, intrusive thoughts, etc will tell you: knowing it's not real doesn't make it any better. Doesn't make it stop. Doesn't make it go away.
When I could explain this detrimental thought process away by finding this horrible disorder to pin the blame on, I felt freer. I've thought many times throughout my mentally ill life about bringing up my (questioning)asexuality to a therapist one day, and I still will, even more so now. i felt before like I'd bring it up to them and not be able to back it up with any evidence, and just be brushed off? That's a stupid way to think, I know. And a therapist who would really do that is one you'd leave immediately. You don't need evidence to talk about how you feel, that's so silly... but that thought itself comes back around, in a vicious cycle, to my needing to justify myself because otherwise I am Wrong And Bad. jeez. what a way to think. i hate that. will be so glad when i get it under control after 25+ years.
edit: oh ya there's also this. my tags on one of the above posts i never reblogged, sat in my drafts.
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my disability is inseparable from my sexuality, whatever it is.
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