#fanta grape review
luckystorein22 · 1 year
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kura-reviews · 11 months
Welch's Sparkling Grape Soda Review
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At long last, Welch's Soda resurfaces. (It may have been around this whole time, but I haven't seen it in at least a decade.) This is a surprise pickup for me. I happened to notice this in a bargain display at Cub, 10 for $10, so I picked up a grape and a strawberry to try later.
Once upon a time, in the years of my youth, I collected codes from bottle caps of Welch's Grape Soda and got enough to get a free T-Shirt with the Welch's Grape Soda logo on it. I loved that shirt, but given the fact that it was about 15 years ago, it's long gone.
I did a brief search for photographic evidence that this existed, but I can only find a photo of myself wearing it in which it is almost entirely cropped out.
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Since I can't let anything go, I spent about 15 minutes trawling old emails and the Wayback machine, and... I found the email confirming that I had collected the 6 necessary caps for a free T-shirt, but there's no archive of the active sweepstakes on either the Dr. Pepper site or the domain originally registered for the giveaway. Oh well.
Anyway, this is about the drink, not an old T-shirt.
I must say I'm not terribly impressed by the flavor. I think it's a different formulation than it was before, evidenced by the fact that it is no longer produced as a brand of the Dr. Pepper - 7uP group. The flavor can be likened to the children's Benadryl tablets I remember taking as a kid, or to a low quality Kool-Aid knockoff, but carbonated. The grape flavor is very flat and one-dimensional. It's not robust like a Fanta or a Sunkist. There's also an aftertaste that lingers, though I'm willing to attribute that to the HFCS. I would honestly reach for a store brand grape soda sooner than this.
Disappointingly, my rating is a 5/10. It's... fine? It's not disgusting, but it's not really worth drinking.
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bluepoodle7 · 1 year
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#KoolAid #KoolAidJammersRock-A-DileRedMixedBerryJuicePouch #RealSugarJuiceReview
I tried the Kool-Aid Retro Jammers Rock-A-Dile Red Mixed Berry Juice Pouch and it was pretty good.
This had a light mixed berry taste and this had a watery texture to this drink.
This juice was sweet but not overly sweet to me.
I do like the mascot on this jammer pouch and I wish the octopus could return too.
I would drink this again.
I mixed all three jammers flavors together I reviewed and it was pretty good.
This tasted like a mixed berry and grape lemonade and had a watery texture to it. This tasted lightly sweet to me.
I would drink it again.
I mixed all three jammers together with Coca-Cola Zero Sugar Caffine Free cola and it was pretty good.
I tasted like mixed berry and grape lemonade with a cola kick but I wish it had fizz to it. This was sweet but not overly sweet to me.
I would drink it again.
I mixed all three jammers together with Fanta zero and it was pretty good.
This drink tasted like eating a orange tootsie roll pop but without the chocolate taste just the orange part and the Fanta orange zero sugar taste over powered the jammers taste.
I mixed all three jammers together with Mountain Dew Code Red Zero Sugar and it was pretty good but the cherry flavor of the mountain dew over powered the jammer but the lemon did shine through to make a cherry lemonade drink.
I would drink this again.
I mixed this with all three jammers with Diet Mountain dew and it was pretty good.
It tasted like a mixed berry lemonade with a light grape flavor and the original diet mountain dew taste. This had a little fizz to it and had a little chalky aftertaste.
I would drink this again.
I would drink this again and mix it with other zero sugar sodas.
Got at Walmart.
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boeing747 · 5 years
juice’s bad cocktails, episode 3: (this is technically a mixed drink bc cocktails need 3 ingredients im p sure)  Spiced Rum, grape fanta.  Review: Tastes like childrens cough syrup :( 
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otakween · 5 years
Japanese Drink Review
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Lemon Fanta (From Japan Crate July 2019)
🍋 Flavor:
You know what? Lemon Fanta is fantastic. I’m almost mad that’s it’s so hard to find in America because I think it’s better than orange or grape. It has this light, natural taste to it that the others don’t. I’m not sure if it has a lower sugar content, but it tastes like it does. The flavor reminds me a lot of Fresca without the diet aftertaste. If I was a soda drinker, I’d probably have this as a go-to. 
🍋 Packaging:
I really like how this bottle feels in my hand, it’s a lot curvier than I’m used to. The bottle cap is also unusually wide which makes it a lot easier to open without getting that “rope burn” that some lids give you. It’s funny how Japanese products have a lot more concerns for your health than American ones. This one brags of “multivitamins,” “vitamin B” and “niacin.” I’m pretty sure ours just say “Fanta” on the front lol. 
This bottle has not one, not two, but THREE gimmicks on it. The first one, is that one side of the bottle has a funny face on it that you can hold over your eyes like a mask. This is what mine came with:
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(Pride glasses?) I guess there are 46 designs in all! Most of them are anime-based. 
The second gimmick is that Fanta is apparently collaborating with AKB48. Mine has Ozono Momoko on it who can be seen in this clip:
I like idol anime but I find the real life idol-phenomenon kinda creepy. I just don’t like manufactured personalities...
🍋 Website
Anyway, gimmick number 3 is that this bottle has a QR code that takes you to a site where you can win free Fanta goods by connecting to Line/Twitter. This campaign goes on until 8/31/2019. You can win a quo card (a prepaid credit card), a clear file with AKB48 girls on it, a mini notebook, a smartphone case, a cushion, a pen case, a signed t-shirt or stickers for Line. I made an attempt to win one of these fabulous prizes but, no dice:
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They probably don’t ship to America anyway lol . The website invited me to try another QR code tomorrow which might be difficult...
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thelittlestspider · 6 years
get to know the writer tag
tagged by @the-color-of-roseblood, @ghost-possum, and @thevajunglebook. thank you for tagging me and i’m sorry it took this long.
i’m bad at coming up with questions so i’m not going to do the 10 questions. but i am going to answer the questions that were listed. also this is an open tag, so anyone who wants to do it can do it.
rules: answer 10 questions, create 10 new questions, and then tag 10 people
from the-color-of-roseblood:
1) We always talk about favorites. What’s your least favorite book?
hmmm. one book i’ve always hated is the scarlett letter. we read it in school and it was awful.
2) Do you have a favorite place to write? What’s it like there?
i didn’t really have a favorite place to write until recently. a few months ago i finally got a desk and i’ve been in love with it ever since. 
very, very cluttered. there’s all kinds of stuff piled on it. on one side i’ve got soda cans, plastic bottles, my phone; the other side is junk food, my glasses case, a couple of necklaces. i have an old sugar plum fairie barbie on the top shelf that i tried to sell, that nobody wanted even though i had it for like $5 (i might post a picture of it later bc it’s super pretty).
3) Do you have any artistic endeavors other than writing? If not, what else would you most like to learn to do?
back before the writing bug really bit me, i used to draw all the time. now i barely ever draw unless i get really inspired. 
hmmm, i don’t know. maybe sign up for duolingo and learn other languages?? other than that i don’t know.
4) What’s your favorite holiday? Why? Have you ever written a story involving that holiday?
halloween is my favorite, followed closely by christmas just bc i love the tacky decorations and the music and the movies and pretty much everything about it. 
looool i have tried to write fics involving these holidays, but they never come out how i want them to and i’ve kind of given up on it. 
5) How do you fight writer’s block?
silly answer: drink so much caffeine i ascend to the astral plane to get advice from the writing gods.
actual answer: there’s not really an easy way to answer this. sometimes i see writing posts that are like, “you have to write every day!!” and i’m thinking y’know that’s not always possible. whether i’m out of inspiration/ideas, or i’m in a depression spiral, or i’m tired from work, or maybe i’m just not feeling that particular project. it’s not a sin to need a break from your wips, bc even though it’s happy work it’s still work. and there’s no shame in needing to take a breather to get yourself sorted out. 
on days when i’m ready to write, i do different things to get myself pumped up for my wips. i’ll make playlists, make aesthetic boards, sometimes i torture my mutuals with rambles about my ocs or tag them with little excerpts from the project. i really like making an aesthetic tag so i can go and look at all the pretty stuff that makes me think of the wip, so i can remind myself why i want to write it in the first place.
6) At what point in a WIP do you decide to send it to your first beta readers/reviewers?
probably not until i’m at least done with a second draft. the first draft needs to have all those plot holes filled, all those loose threads woven back together, characters need developing. showing a beta reader my first draft would be like taking a person to a room filled with beginning sketches of people where they’re still just shapes instead of having any defining features. 
7) What’s your greatest inspiration?
i don’t think i have one lol.
8) A lot of writers have certain things they like to describe - food, clothes, fights, party scenes. What’s your favorite thing to describe?
emotional scenes where characters talk about their problems and they hug and maybe even cry. i’m a terrible person.
9) What’s your approximate ratio of reading to writing? How do you find time for both? Do you do both on the same day, or split it up?
you’re going to judge me for this, but i haven’t been reading actual books lol. the last few months i’ve just been reading fanfic oneshots with like the occasional multichapter fic thrown in. my attention span has been terrible.
10) What books would you recommend to someone to get them into reading?
i think it depends on the person. what i might find compelling, someone else might find super boring. 
from ghost-possum:
1. What is your favorite book in a genre that you don’t tend to write? If you do fantasy/sci-fi, what’s your favorite romance? If you write literary, what’s your favorite paranormal YA?
i don’t really like writing stuff that doesn’t have some kind of paranormal element. so i guess i’d say my writing enemy that i like reading is real world drama. 
my favorite books that are like idk period pieces i guess?? are Anne of Green Gables and Pride and Prejudice. 
as for stuff that’s based in more recent times, there’s a ya series i really like called tiny pretty things that’s about a group of ballerinas competing against each other for spots for prima ballerina?? and there’s a lot of drama and backstabbing. it’s kind of a dark series. 
2. What book would you love to see turned into a movie or tv show? Any particular reasons why?
i can’t think of anything right now. maybe green angel by alice hoffman?
3. Have you ever written a character with a certain real-life person in mind. Was it someone you know in real life or someone famous?
some of my ocs were originally based off acquaintances, but as i kept writing them the characters changed so much that they became pretty much unrecognizable. 
4. If your latest WIP had a color scheme, what would it be?
paper heart would be red, orange, pink, and purple. the colors of a sunset with the threat of darkness falling over everything. 
5. What do you eat or drink while writing (if anything)?
s’mores poptarts if i’m too lazy to get up and fix myself something. chips. different sodas: cherry coke, sunkist, grape fanta. 
6. What do you do to restore your inspiration when you’re not writing?
watch movies/tv shows. listen to podcasts or music. look at cool pictures. 
7. Coffee, Tea, Booze, or ALL THREE?
coffee and booze. i’m not a big fan of tea. 
8. Who is your favorite visual artist?
uhhhh, does studio ghibli count? their artwork is so appealing to look at.
9. Do you have any other creative pursuits outside of writing? What are they?
maybe learning other languages??
10. What is your favorite trope, the one you will always fall for and never get enough of?
from thevajunglebook: 
1. Describe your WIP as a cross between two movies.
i’m trying to think of what paper heart would be, but i’m drawing a blank. this needs to be its own game where someone else guesses what movies your wip is the lovechild of.
2. What’s your favorite part of writing communities?
cheering on and also being cheered on during the writing process. getting to read all these wonderful stories written by wonderful people. knowing other people are suffering just as much as i am lol. 
3. If you could collaborate with any writer (whether friend or idol), who would it be and what would you work on together?
i am terrible at collaborating with other people lol. 
4. Do you prefer reading/writing standalones or series? 
i love reading series, but i’m not good at writing them lol. yet somehow i always end up writing series.
5. Who is your ultimate OC otp(+)?
canon: for the next three days verse it’s between leana/yvonne and jason/bella for otp status. my ot5 is carter/matteo/violet/tiffany/nina. 
for defect i’d say my otp is joe/alec. also ethan/noah later on down the line.
ot3: ned/alec/sage 
ot4: ned/alec/joe/ray.
au: joe/ned/carter
for the graveyard of the forgotten it’s definitely orrinaz/eliya/amnayel. 
6. If your OC(s) joined tumblr, what type of blog would they run?
i wish i could answer this question with the dedication it deserves. i feel like their blogs would have a lot of memes and shitposts with some aesthetic stuff thrown in. 
7. If you could write an adaptation of any story, which would it be?   
while i have zero desire to write an adaptation for a story, i’ve always liked the idea of a movie version of Green Angel by Alice Hoffman. mostly bc it’s surreal, a little weird, post apocalyptic, and it would just look really cool.
8. What common writing tips never work for you? And/or what uncommon advice do you swear by? 
anything that’s like, “if you don’t write everyday, you’re not a real writer!!” like chill dude. just bc i’m not cranking out 1,000 words a day like some lean, mean, writing machine doesn’t mean i’m not dedicated to what i’m doing. 
9. Do you research before, during, or after writing sessions? 
it depends. sometimes i get to a point in a fic where i’m like, “uh oh” and i go into a research spiral trying to find this one specific thing. thinking ah yes, this is the specific thing i need at this very moment that i probably could do without.
10. Have you had a writing epiphany that totally revamped your WIP?
if only. there were a few game changers in the next three days series that changed things for the better:
- the way carter and matteo first met lmao. 
- violet’s existence. 
- sage rescuing and then leaving violet and carter. 
- carter and nina’s bromance. 
- alec and carter, and also joe and matteo being siblings.
- tiffany seeing ghosts.
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anachef · 5 years
Spirit Jerseys, Loungefly Bags, Cake Pops, and More Are Popping Up in Potion Purple
Disney World Annual Passholders are the first to see the new Potion Purple merchandise hitting the Disney Parks shelves at this evening’s Passholder Premiere Pop-Up event.
Potion Purple Display
And they’re the first to taste the new purple snacks in Magic Kingdom, all in honor of the new color trend started by the latest Potion Purple Minnie Mouse Ears!
Purple Potion Ears
But don’t worry if you’re not Passholder privy to all the purple! Because all of this is just a sneak preview, and guests will be able to purchase these items starting tomorrow… including the new Potion Purple Spirit Jersey!
Potion Purple Spirit Jersey
But let’s start with the snacks!
Purple Treats
Starting tomorrow, guests can find the Purple Minnie Cake on a Stick ($5.99) at the Castle Hub Cart.
Purple Minnie Cake on a Stick
It’s a Minnie-shaped blackberry cake pop topped with a chocolate bow , coated in purple chocolate… all on a purple stick!
Purple Minnie Cake on a Stick
And, though it’s not new, this IS the perfect time to pick up some Purple Wall Cotton Candy ($4.69) at the Cart right by — where else? — the Purple Wall in Tomorrowland!
Purple Wall Cotton Candy
And (for one night only, I’m afraid) even the Churro’s gone Potion Purple with purple sugar!
Potion Purple Churro
The aptly — and simply — named Purple Drink was available just for tonight’s Passholder event.
Purple Drink
It’s jet-chilled with Fanta Grape and green apple popping pearls with Hawaiian Island syrup.
Purple Drink
It’s reminiscent of the other jet-chilled drinks at Cool Ship, so if you weren’t at this evening’s event, you can still check out this unique style of beverage.
Potion Purple Merchandise
And now for the merchandise! Well, of course, there are the Potion Purple Minnie Mouse Ears ($27.99) still up for grabs…
Purple Potion Ears
But the Potion Purple Spirit Jersey just made its debut!
Potion Purple Spirit Jersey
It comes in both youth ($44.99) and adult sizes ($64.99).
Potion Purple Spirit Jersey
Potion Purple Spirit Jersey
Loungfly Backpacks ($90) and wallets ($50) also sport the purple hue.
Loungefly Backpacks
Loungefly Wallet
Loungefly Wallet
A Vacation Mode water bottle ($29.99) not only boasts the color trend, but also the Castle.
Vacation Mode Water Bottle
And Mickey strikes his classic pose in the trendy color on this women’s t-shirt ($39.99).
Mickey t-shirt
Mickey t-shirt
Now, this final item is just for Passholders, and that’s the Annual Passholder Exclusive 2019 Pandora Charm ($75.00).
2019 Annual Passholder Pandora Charm
Yep! Everything’s popping up purple! Are you into the latest color trend?
Don’t Miss Out on Any Disney Fun!
The 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining, is now available for Pre-Order!
With more than 750 pages, the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full of tips and planning tools developed by Disney World experts over 20+ years of visits. We’ve done the research for you, so you’ll know just which spots will uniquely suit your family’s needs!
With mini-reviews of every single restaurant, bar, lounge, kiosk and more; an entire chapter on the best snacks in Disney World; full Disney Dining Plan analysis (and how to get FREE dining); and a full chapter on discounts and deals; you’ll have everything you need to plan your best vacation yet. Click here to pre-order your copy of the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining E-book with code WDW2019 to save 25% today!
But there’s MORE! Just like all DFB pre-order deals — when you pre-order your DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining, 2019 Edition today for 25% off the cover price, you’ll also get our fully updated 2018 Edition for FREE immediately, so you can start planning TODAY!
Use code WDW2019 at check-out for a 25% off the cover price, AND get the 2018 edition for free!
Our guides are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.
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Are you a fan of Potion Purple? Please let us know with a comment!
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from the disney food blog http://bit.ly/2D3P2EF via http://bit.ly/LNvO3e
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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beejuboxes · 6 years
$25 – $35 per month
Free worldwide shipping from Tokyo
TokyoTreat is a monthly Japanese snack subscription box shipped straight from Tokyo. They recently revamped their subscription service, and they now offer two sizes. There’s the Classic for $22.50-$25 and the Premium for $31.50-$35. (The cheaper prices are for prepaid plans.) TokyoTreat curates a box of fun, seasonal snacks with the aim to share their love of Japanese treats.
The Classic Box includes 12 full sized items: 4 popular Japanese snacks, 4 sharable packs, 2 dagashi, 1 DIY kit, and 1 kinosei (health-benefit) snack. The Premium box includes 17 full sized items: 5 popular snacks, 1 party pack, 4 sharable packs, 3 dagashi, 1 Anime snack, 1 DIY kit, 1 kinosei snack, and 1 Japanese drink. It’s rare to get seasonal Japanese drinks outside of Japan, so that’s always one of my favorite items.
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This theme for May is “Anime Snack Attack!” Apparently May is TokyoTreat’s anniversary month—congrats! In honor of their anniversary they created a box of Anime-themed treats (one of their most requested themes). They include a paper booklet and there is also a similar digital zine on their website. The booklet includes all the information on the snacks and how to do the DIY kit. They also include fan photos, cultural info, contests, giveaways, etc. Lately they’ve been including bite-sized Japanese lessons, which I love.
I’m reviewing the Premium box, and items marked with an asterisk* are only in the Premium.
Minute Maid Craftz Cherry & Peach*
This month’s drink is from Minute Maid. It’s a fruit drink flavored with cherry, peach, and sakura extract. The flavors are great for the spring season. The cherry flavor is the strongest with a little hint of peach.
Shin-Chan Gummy*
Crayon Shin-Chan is a long running anime in Japan, and this gummy is shaped like the main character’s face. You receive a cola or a ramune flavored gummy. I got the ramune flavored one, which has a nice sweetness and a firm texture.
Chocopie Party Pack*
Every month TokyoTreat includes a party pack so you can share your treats, although there’s no judgement if you finish them all yourself! This month’s pack is a mini version of the popular cake snack “Chocopies.” It’s a sandwich of chocolate cake with cream in the middle and then coated in chocolate. They’re a little dry but have a satisfying chocolate flavor. I liked dunking them in my coffee!
Dragon Ball Cheese Puffs*
This licensed Dragon Ball snack comes with an official Dragon Ball Heroes trading card. The cheese puffs are crunchy and pleasantly cheesy. Sometimes cheese-flavored Japanese snacks can be a little tame, but these satisfy my cheese cravings.
Boruto Hand Gummy
This gummy is flavored like Japanese energy drinks, which to me always taste like a mix of the American candy “Smarties” and pineapple. I’m not a big energy drink person, but I really enjoy the taste of Japanese energy drinks! The gummy itself is shaped like a hand, and you can even use it to play “Rock Paper Scissors!”
Boruto Pineapple Jellies
Another snack from the Baruto anime, these bite-sized jellies are pineapple flavored. There’s even some real pineapple juice use. Each jelly has a different character on the lid, and there are plenty to share with your family and friends if you’re feeling generous. These taste even better if you stick them in the fridge! It’s already getting warm here in Japan, so these are a refreshing treat.
Splatoon Gummies
Splatoon is a very popular Nintendo game, and these gummies are shaped like the squid characters in the game. You might get an octopus shaped gummy if you’re lucky! The gummies come in orange and melon flavors. I didn’t care for the taste that much, but I like that they included a Nintendo item.
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One Piece Bubble Jelly DIY
The One Piece anime characters decorate this bubble jelly DIY kit. It’s a simple kit, and the information booklet gives you all the necessary instructions. If you can stir and you have a refrigerator, you can do it! It makes a foamy melon drink similar in taste to the popular Fanta melon soda.
Sriracha Rice Chips
I’ve seen this brand of rice chips in the supermarket, so I was excited to see it in the May box! I passed these along to my husband since he enjoys spicy food more. He really liked the spice level—not too spicy, but with a definite kick.  These chips are also gluten-free and have protein from soy beans. I’m definitely going to buy these again for him, and maybe try the other flavors for myself.
Umaibo Mentaiko
This puffed corn stick is mentaiko flavored, which is “creamy salted pollock roe.” (Sometimes it has a little spice to it too.) It’s a savory snack, with more of a salty taste rather than a fishy taste. This is considered “dagashi,” which are cheap childhood/nostalgic snacks. The next two items are dagashi as well.
Don Taro Udon Snack
This cute little package contains dried udon flavored like a real bowl of udon soup.  It’s crunchy and savory—the saltiness would pair well with a beer or a bubbly drink.
Thomas the Train Engine Chewy Candy
It makes sense that Thomas the Train Engine is popular in Japan—trains are a big deal here. This chewy grape candy is similar in texture to a Hi-Chew.
Senzu Bean Edamame Share Pack
This month’s Share Pack is a cracker made from edamame beans. They’re baked, not fried, and are shaped like little pale green pea pods. The crackers are crunchy with a subtle edamame flavor. They’re a great snack to munch on, and I like that they aren’t greasy at all.
Shin-Chan Chocobi Almond  Tofu Corn Puffs
The last item in the May box are these Shin-Chan themed Chocobi snacks. There’s also a Shin-Chan sticker inside! This puffed corn snack comes in many different flavors. This seasonal flavor is a popular Chinese dessert in Japan—sweet almond tofu. We live near Chinatown in Japan, and we always see this dessert on menus. The snack itself is awesome, since the flavor is so unique and not overly-sweet. It tastes like an almond cookie, and I hope I can find this in stores to buy more.
Overall, I really enjoyed the May box. I’m not the biggest anime fan, but it was still fun to see all the different characters. Plus, they managed to keep a balance of sweet and savory snacks while sticking to the anime theme are springtime limited edition flavors. My favorites were the Shin-Chan Chocobi Almond Tofu Corn Puffs, Sriracha Rice Chips, Boruto Pineapple Jellies, and the Senzu Bean Edamame Share Pack. Make sure to check out their social media for contests, coupons, and sneak peaks of upcoming boxes.
If you want to get your own Classic or Premium box, you can do so here. Prices range from $25 – $35 per month and boxes are shipped from Tokyo through Japan Post. Shipping is free worldwide! If you want the May box, be sure to subscribe by April 30th.
  PR sample. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received for this review. Affiliate links are used.
TokyoTreat – May 2018 Review TokyoTreat $25 – $35 per month Free worldwide shipping from Tokyo
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luckystorein22 · 1 year
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anachef · 6 years
NEW! Wonderland Slush Debuts at Magic Kingdom’s Cheshire Cafe
The Cheshire Cafe in the Magic Kingdom is home to one of our favorite treats – the Cheshire Cat Tail.
Cheshire Cafe
And now it’s also home to a new Treat with Character, the Wonderland Slush!
Wonderland Slush at the Cheshire Cafe
This new frozen drink debuted today at the Magic Kingdom and we had to stop by to check it out!
The Wonderland Slush is made with Minute Maid Raspberry Lemonade and Fanta Grape (both frozen, of course), and it’s served with a hard strawberry candy straw.
Check out the candy-coated straw!
The drink itself is sweet but not too sweet — if you’re a fan of grape soda you’re going to enjoy it!
The straw is also delicious. But, a word of warning: it’s a paper straw coated with candy that you’re gonna want to eat — and the straw does get soggy! We suggest eating the candy last if you want to use the straw!
You can get the Wonderland Slush at the Cheshire Cafe for $5.99 or a snack credit on the Disney Dining Plan.
Don’t Miss Out on Any Disney Fun!
The 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining, is now available for Pre-Order!
With more than 750 pages, the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining is full of tips and planning tools developed by Disney World experts over 20+ years of visits. We’ve done the research for you, so you’ll know just which spots will uniquely suit your family’s needs!
With mini-reviews of every single restaurant, bar, lounge, kiosk and more; an entire chapter on the best snacks in Disney World; full Disney Dining Plan analysis (and how to get FREE dining); and a full chapter on discounts and deals; you’ll have everything you need to plan your best vacation yet. Click here to pre-order your copy of the 2019 DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining E-book with code WDW2019 to save 25% today!
But there’s MORE! Just like all DFB pre-order deals — when you pre-order your DFB Guide to Walt Disney World Dining, 2019 Edition today for 25% off the cover price, you’ll also get our fully updated 2018 Edition for FREE immediately, so you can start planning TODAY!
Use code WDW2019 at check-out for a 25% off the cover price, AND get the 2018 edition for free!
Our guides are backed by a 100% money-back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.
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Are you going to stop by the Cheshire Cafe and try the new Wonderland Slush? Let us know with a comment.
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What’s New in Disney World’s Magic Kingdom?: April 10, 2018
Review: NEW Gourmet Cake Cups at Magic Kingdom’s Cheshire Cafe
News and Review: Goofy’s Powdered Candy is Back in Disney World
from the disney food blog https://ift.tt/2SViNgw via https://ift.tt/LNvO3e
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cutiecrates · 3 years
Cutie Reviews: TokyoTreat June 20
Alright, so I mentioned in the previous post that I had been doing some more thinking. I know I sound like a broken record, but I was hoping this may fix things. But for anyone new, lately I haven’t been extremely happy with this box. The new booklet art is cute, the items aren’t bad- but besides some changes/decisions I really don’t approve of, a lot of items I get are repeats. Now, they’re usually not bad, and this box doesn’t guarantee new items all the time either. But considering the price raise, sometimes the items don’t exactly feel worth it to me...
Anyway, to save time I plan on cutting out anything old in these reviews. I won’t even be including pictures, like I used to. I’d rather my reviews be interesting, and fun, or at least try to be, so they will only be focusing on the items new to me and what I think about them.
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“Thanks to our family’s awesome support and love we’ve made it this far, and we’re not stopping now! We’re inviting you to enjoy some Japanese birthday party treats with us at TokytoTreat’s 5th Birthday Party!“
For this month the Lucky Treat featured all sorts of fun, colorful Nintendo character products! While the prize for the month was based around Rilakkuma. The special page in back of the booklet talks about Japanese birthday parties.
Fanta Premium Grape
Our drink this month was a premium grape fanta, by premium they mean its made with fresh grapes turned into a puree within 24 hours of harvest to ensure its freshness. So it’s more like grape juice, rather then soda.
Okay, so... either this is supposed to be wine-like (is that why it’s premium??) or because I had it for nearly a year, it fermented into wine. I’m not really sure which. I was pretty confused, and the book doesn’t mention anything on it.
Mike Popcorn & Sakura Oreos
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(Ignore the Black Thunder, I’ve already reviewed it. My decision above was made ages after I took these pics.)
What was fun this month was that rather then everyone get the same popcorn mix, there was 3 different ones we could get; caramel, milk tea, and banana smoothie. I’m so thankful I got caramel, and if you know me then you’ll know why ;P besides the fact that I obsessively love caramel.
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It was super yummy, and I love how the bag was resealable. They remained fresh for about a week, I was surprised I had them last that long. They made me really crave more caramel corn, so I went out and bought some (and unicorn popcorn, it’s fruity and delicious!).
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These sakura Oreo’s came in a cute little box, in three cute little packs. I usually don’t see things like that around here. What we call “Oreo Thins“ around here, they call Crispy it looks like. I have to admit, I never wanted a thin oreo because to me, without all that cream they can’t be that good right?
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I was wrong big time. These were amazing~ Even with less cream, it was still flavorful. The sakura itself actually tasted like cherries, which I didn’t mind at all, in fact I wish it tasted like that more often. They made me want to actually try the thin Oreo’s some time.
Lemon Squid Snack & Matcha Cookie
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I feel a little confused by these snacks, because they feel familiar to me but I don’t believe we’ve had them before. Our first is a crunchy, dried squid snack, which is popular among adults in Japan. You get one bag-length piece, or if you’re like me it’s broke up into multiple pieces. That just happens now and then.
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This will probably sound very strange, because I mean, squid is sort of acquired I think. Like sushi, and seaweed. I actually don’t like eating squid, nor have I ever actually done it before outside of a few snacks like this, or jerky. But this was actually pretty tasty, I can see why adults like it :D it had a lemon, slightly peppery taste, and it reminded me a lot of a taste from the restraunt Long John Silvers. 
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Meanwhile... this cookie was less-than impressive. You can tell in the package it was pretty demolished. Everything else was fine so I’m not really sure what happened to these two.
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The heart shape its supposed to be in is really cute, but the flavor was pretty unremarkable to me. It had a Japanese-ish flavor as they described, but it didn’t really do anything for me.
Marshmallow Dice, Chibi Maru Chocolate, & Pudding Marshmallow
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Okay so... we’ve had the chibi maru before, but I don’t believe we’ve had it in this format before. I love their fun, vibrant packaging and colors. Essentially they’re just M&Ms.
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I also think we’ve had this pudding marshmallow before, but I couldn’t exactly remember, so we’ll cover it again. It reminds me of a baby daifuku, and features a fluffy custard/pudding cream filling.
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It was so fluffy and soft, and the filling was really yummy~
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Our last item is this... basically, a marshmallow cube in a dice package. That’s it. But I love marshmallows, so I really didn’t mind! It was old and pretty hard by the time I got to it, but it was still edible.
Long Sakeru Gummy & Long Gum Mini Soda
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I believe we’ve had this gum before so let’s just focus on the more impressive item, the one that was so hard to open that it took me forever to tear the packaging apart and eat it >3> This special gummy was available in orange or grape flavor (which we did have before in a smaller package, like a year or so back), and it is 50cm long!
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I prefer the grape flavor, but the orange is also really good. It’s soft and chewy, and it’s kind of fun to play with too. Not only is it really bendy and a bit stretchy, but you can even peel it apart and make it look like spaghetti, or hair strands.
Grape Ball & Marukawa Grape Gum
Okay, so... I don’t know what happened to the picture. But basically the grape ball is a super-cute, small half-jello. We’ve gotten a green one before, and this one is grape.
The other item are grape spherical gum balls that come in a cute little box, which we’ve also seen before I’m pretty sure. They’re popular in Japan with kids and adults.
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They were both delicious bite-size grape sweets. The gum flavor lasts about 4 minutes per-gumball, and I loved its soft and smooth texture.
♥ Cutie Ranking ♥
This review feels super small to me, compared to the massive walls of text I used to have to write for it.
Content - 3.5 out of 5. Everything was super-yummy overall, and I liked the items. Two of them were a bit broken up but it didn’t have any lasting effects on my opinion or anything. If anything, it’s the drink that was kind of meh, but that’s most-likely my own fault for keeping it as long as I did.
Theme - 3 out of 5. I love the birthday theme (I also love birthday cake as a flavor), however, while I get the concept of them including items you can like... sorta get from a birthday, I wish they had used more birthday-ish flavors. You know, like ice cream, vanilla/chocolate, strawberries, include some actual snack cakes or more cream-filled things, etc.
Total Rank: 6.5 out of 10. They picked good items and I really liked them (I was also happy to see something else besides kit kats)! I wish they had focused more on birthday flavors -namely the cake itself- though, and a handful of the items were smaller scale/tiny/single portioned, which sort of felt like a waste when you take into consideration the cost of the box.
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beejuboxes · 7 years
Tokyo Treat
$25 – $35 per month
Free worldwide shipping from Tokyo
TokyoTreat is a monthly Japanese snack subscription box shipped straight from Tokyo. They recently revamped their subscription service, and they now offer two sizes. There’s the Classic for $22.50-$25 and the Premium for $31.50-$35. The cheaper prices are for prepaid plans. TokyoTreat aims to bring fun, seasonal snacks curated with the goal to share their love of Japanese treats.
The boxes now contain new items and item amounts, increased variety, and a digital zine instead of a printed copy. If you want to read about all the changes to their boxes and website please click here. There is also information for those who currently have a Small monthly or prepaid plan.
This month’s box, December, is the first to include all the changes! The Classic box includes 12 full sized items: 4 popular Japanese snacks, 4 sharable packs, 2 dagashi, 1 DIY kit, and 1 kinosei snack. The Premium box includes 17 full sized items: 5 popular snacks, 1 party pack, 4 sharable packs, 3 dagashi, 1 Anime snack, 1 DIY kit, 1 kinosei snack, and 1 Japanese drink.
I am reviewing the Premium box. Items marked with an asterisk* are only in the Premium box.
Mini Strawberry Flavored Corn Crisps
These little corn stars are coating in a strawberry chocolate. The strawberry flavor and crunchy texture make these an addicting snack.
Koikeya Savory Salt Potato Chips
Koikeya chips have been super popular lately, as they’re made from potatoes grown in Japan! This flavor is savory salt, which includes a bit of a seaweed taste. These are very savory indeed and would be a great drinking snack!
Wild Strawberry Path Hard Candies
These little hard candies are strawberry flavored and come in a resealable pouch. It’s a very simple and sweet strawberry taste.
Grape Chocobi
This popular snack is in a seasonal grape flavor, and includes a Crayon Shin-Chan sticker. I’m not usually a fan of grape flavored snacks, but these are great! The grape taste is clear, but not overpowering.
Corn Potage Umaibo
This is the popular corn potage flavored Umaibo (puffed corn stick). I always like the savory corn potage flavor, and this particular one has seasonal Christmas packaging.
Dondonyaki Kimchi Rice Cake
Rice crackers are a favorite of my husband, and he really enjoys these kimchi flavored ones. We’ve had them before, so it was nice to enjoy their slightly spicy flavor again!
Kameda Seika Happy Turn Rice Crackers
This is one of the new items where they include a few packs to share! There’s 4 packs of these oval rice crackers. They’re a little simple for my liking, but the strong salt flavor is tasty.
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Puchi Puchi Art or Sherbet DIY Kit
There’s two possible DIY kits for this box, and I received the Puchi Puchi Art kit. It’s fairly complicated, but they explain all the directions in the online zine. For my DIY kit, you are making gummy designs out of dropping different colored dots into a special patterned tray. I haven’t made this yet, but it looks fun!
Lotte Memory-Enhancing Gum
TokyoTreat now includes an item with a health benefit. This gum claims to help your memory! It was all over social media when it came out, and it’s an interesting idea. No word on if it’s effective or not, but it couldn’t hurt to chew it during your next exam!
Pokémon Gummy and Moonlight Series Card*
This pack includes two Pokeball grape-flavored gummies and a trading card from the Pokemon Moonlight TCG! I got a Wailmer card. The Pokeball gummies are cute and have a thick texture.
Koikeya Scone Japanese BBQ*
These crunchy corn puffs have a sweet barbeque taste. I have to confess that I’ve tried these before and they aren’t my favorite, but that’s just because I prefer a more American, tangy BBQ taste. This snack has a great texture and is very popular!
Sour Cider Paper Candy*
A very long candy, this chewy treat is slightly sour soda flavored. It was a little too tough for me, but my husband really loved it! I did like the tart soda flavor.
Rich Matcha Kit Kat Party Pack*
Another new item, TokyoTreat now includes large party pack bags for sharing! This month’s is a bag of Rich Matcha Kit Kats. These Kit Kats include twice the amount of matcha from Uji prefecture, which is famous for this tea. The dark green color is beautiful, and the aftertaste is richer than your typical matcha Kit Kat. I think this will be a favorite item with many subscribers!
Premium Pear Fanta*
Lastly, we have this month’s drink: a pear Fanta. It’s marketed as an “adult’s Fanta,” which just means it’s catering to a more grown-up palate. It’s made with 10% pear juice. It’s a great soda—very bubbly with a strong, fresh pear taste. It’s very refreshing and not overly sweet. New Fanta flavors are always popular, and this is a great choice for the December box!  For some reason, pears remind me of Christmas?
Overall, this month’s box was great! I’m really enjoying the recent changes to their subscription boxes. I think the party packs are going to be a particularly great addition! My favorites for the December box are the Pear Fanta, Grape Chocobi, and the Puchi Puchi Art DIY kit. I have no complaints with this month’s box, and I continue to highly recommend Tokyo Treat.
If you want to get your own Classic or Premium box from TokyoTreat, you can do so here. Prices range from $25 – $25 per month, shipped from Tokyo through Japan Post. Shipping is free worldwide. Make sure to order before the end of November if you’d like to get the December box!
PR sample. All opinions are my own, and no compensation was received for this review. Affiliate links are used.
TokyoTreat – December 2017 Review Tokyo Treat $25 - $35 per month Free worldwide shipping from Tokyo
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boozedancing · 7 years
Earlier this week, Sku of Sku’s Recent Eats accounced that after 10 years of blogging, he was calling it quits.
Unfortunately, Sku is NOT the Dread Pirate Roberts, and there is no farmboy named Westley waiting in the wings to take over his blog…
Unlike Sku’s Recent Eats, “It’s just the booze dancing…” is a going concern that has been developing its succession plan over many years by occasionally involving Our Urchins and Our Benevolents in “The Business”. Sadly, since most of what we write about is for the 21+ crowd, we’ve never been able to REALLY put Our Urchins to work. Until now…
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What you see in the above photo are the latest and greatest cola creations in Pepsi-Cola’s 1893 product line. We reviewed Pepsi’s 1893 Ginger Cola last year and even made a Cuba Libre with it. Since we really enjoyed that soda and how it behaved in a cocktail, when we were approached by Pepsi-Cola’s PR firm to see if we wanted to give it a go, we of course said yes.
Before we get to our review, let me begin by introducing our tasting panel…
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On the left is CharChar Binks, and on the right is Coco Lopez. In order to give you, our loyal readers, a better feel for our tasting panel, CharChar and Coco were kind enough to answer a few questions about all of the things that they enjoy. Here’s what they had to say…
#1 – Favorite Food and Favorite Drink
CharChar Binks: Cheeseburgers and Cream Soda.
Coco Lopez: Sushi and Snapple Peach Iced Tea
#2 – Favorite Movie (For Now)
CharChar: Despicable Me 2
Coco: The Martian
#3 – Favorite Vacation Destination
CharChar: Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Coco: The Great State of Maine
#4 – Favorite TV Show
CharChar: Teen Titans Go
Coco: Futurama
#5 – Favorite Leisure Activities
CharChar: Eating and Reading. Not necessarily in that order.
Coco: Bicycling and Playing Video Games
Now that you know a little bit about My Urchins, let’s get on with the tasting…
G-LO: Good evening, Gentlemen!
Coco: Good evening, Papa G-LO.
CharChar: Hi Papa!
G-LO: Welcome to the tasting lab, Boys! Tonight we’re going to try the latest products from Pepsi-Cola, the 1893 Citrus Cola and the 1893 Black Currant Cola. Are you up for the Pepsi 1893 Challenge?
Coco: I am up for the challenge!
CharChar: Sure.
G-LO: Sure? Is that all you got?
CharChar: Yep.
G-LO: Alright, Gentlemen, I’m gonna ask you a bunch of questions and you’re gonna answer them. Let’s start with the 1893 Citrus Cola. What do we think of the color, i.e. what does it look like?
CharChar: It kind of looks like a root beer or a Coke.
Coco: It looks like just a plain Pepsi.
G-LO: That makes perfect sense to me and it’s pretty much what I was expecting it to look like too. Let’s do a little nosing.
Coco: It smells like orange.
CharChar: Yeah. It smells like a little bit like Orange Fanta, but not EXACTLY like it.
G-LO: Would you say it’s sweet, or perhaps a little bitter, or maybe tart?
CharChar: I’d say it’s a little bit sweet and a little bit tart.
G-LO: Kind of like when you peel an orange and you get that zesty smell?
Coco and CharChar in Unison: Yeah!
G-LO: I would definitely agree. There’s a lot of citrus. There’s a lot of citrus. Shall we go in for a taste, Gentlemen?
CharChar: Sure.
G-LO: Sure?
Coco: Yes.
G-LO: Yes?
CharChar: Yep.
G-LO: Affirmative?
CharChar: Affirmative. Whatever that means.
G-LO: Ok!
Sipping and lip smacking sounds ensue as the 1893 Citrus Cola is being evaluated…
G-LO: So what do we think? Is it very fizzy?
CharChar: It’s pretty fizzy.
Coco: Yeah. It’s fizzy, but not too fizzy.
CharChar: To me, it kind of tastes like fizzy water or something.
G-LO: Fizzy water or something??? Interesting. What do you think of the actual flavors?
Coco: I can taste some Orange Fanta and some Pepsi Cola which is as expected since it’s basically a Pepsi product with a citrus kind of flavor to it.
G-LO: Ok. So how about on the sweetness side? Is it sweet? Is it a little tangy? What are your thoughts?
Coco: I’d say it’s sweet and tangy.
CharChar: Yeah. I agree. Sweet and tangy.
G-LO: How about the sugar? What does it taste like to you?
More lip smacking sounds as our panel goes in for another taste…
Coco: I can definitely taste pure sugar.
G-LO: Pure cane sugar, as opposed to corn syrup?
Coco: Yeah…
G-LO: I would have to agree with you, Boys. I’m getting a little bit of orange, followed by a regular old Pepsi, but more like a Mexican Pepsi as opposed to an American Pepsi thanks to the cane sugar sweetness which is almost like the powdered sugar on a donut in the aftertaste.
Coco: Yeah.
G-LO: So do we like this?
CharChar: Yeah. Let’s move on to the other one.
G-LO: Ok, but first, answer this question: Would you buy this again?
CharChar: Yes. Definitely.
Coco: Yes.
G-LO: Great. I would too. Let’s take a short break and then move on to the Pepsi 1893 Black Current Cola.
After a very brief intermission, the Boys came back for more…
G-LO: Welcome back, Gentlemen. We are ready for Round Two. This is the 1893 Black Currant Cola from the Pepsi-Cola Corporation. This one is a “premium cola infused  with a bold berry finish”. So what do we think? What does it look like?
CharChar: This one looks blackish brown with a little bit of light orange. Like almost tan.
G-LO: What about you, Coco Lopez?
Coco: I would like to think that it looks like the other cola, i.e. a regular cola type product.
G-LO: Ok, let’s go in for the smell, Boys.
Lots of sniffing and hmms…
CharChar: It kind of tastes…
G-LO: Hold on there, CharChar! You’re jumping ahead. It kind of smells like…
CharChar: It kind of smells a little bit grapefruity…
G-LO: Grapefruity??? Ya think?
CharChar: Uhhhh. I don’t know what grapefruit smells like.
G-LO: It’s ok! It’s whatever you think. What do you think, Coco?
Sniffing sounds followed by some giggling from Coco Lopez…
G-LO: Hang on. Did you get it up your nose? Oh dear lord! I thought you were a professional! I THOUGHT you were a professional! You silly Boy!
CharChar: Could you really smell it, Coco?
G-LO: Are you ok? Are you back?
CharChar: It kind of tastes a little…
G-LO: Hang on, CharChar! Let Coco Lopez chime in. What do you think of the smell, Coco?
Coco: I’d say it’s not as berryesque-like as they say it is. It just smells like a traditional Pepsi Cola.
G-LO takes a sniff…
G-LO: I don’t get much either. I get sugar, I get a cola, and mayyyyybe a little bit of berry. Maybe like a raspberry or a blackberry. Ok. Let’s go in for a taste, Boys. Since the youngest goes first, what say you, CharChar?
Sipping, lipsmacking, tasting, and some hmmmms…
CharChar: Hmmmm. It’s not that fizzy.
G-LO: And how about the actual taste?
CharChar: As far as the actual taste, it’s pretty berry…
G-LO: Berry? Like what?
CharChar: I don’t know exactly. Maybe a hint of blackberry and blueberry.
G-LO: Hmm. Maybe. It’s possible. How about a grape? Like a grape jelly?
CharChar: Ohhh! Maybe a little bit of grape jelly.
G-LO: Do you think I was leading you a bit? What do you think, Mr. Lopez?
Coco: I’m going to have to disagree with CharChar Binks…
Coco: Respectfully disagree. Sorry. I think it takes like a traditional Pepsi Cola product except that it has a little bit of a mild berry taste at the end.
G-LO goes in for a taste…
G-LO: I think I preferred the 1893 Citrus Cola because it had a little bit more of a different taste. This one tasted more like a traditional Pepsi but not quite as sweet, although you still get that sugary sweetness, and maybe there’s a bit of berry at the end. I don’t know what a black current tastes like, so maybe it’s more of a grape jelly flavor at the very end. It was ok. If you had to pick a winner, would you go with the orange canned Citrus Cola, or the purple canned Black Currant Cola?
Coco: Citrus Cola.
CharChar: Citrus Cola. What about you?
G-LO: I agree. I’m going with the Citrus. I think it was pretty good and a nice change of pace.
CharChar: I judged them by the color of the cans and I thought the blackish-blueish can would be better, but it turns out that the orange one was better.
G-LO: AHA! So you were taken in by the pretty shiny packaging. BUT! In reality. The less desirable orange can housed the better soda!
CharChar whispers: I hate orange…
G-LO: You hate orange?
CharChar: Yep! It’s my least favorite color.
G-LO: You know, your soccer team’s color is orange. So would we buy this again?
Coco: I would maybe buy the Black Currant Cola, but would definitely buy the Citrus Cola.
CharChar: I don’t think I’m going to finish my glass. And yes, I would definitely buy the Citrus again.
G-LO: Thank you, Gentlemen! It was a pleasure. As always!
Coco: Pleasure to see you too.
G-LO: Pleasure to see you too??? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN!
The Boys snicker as they leave the room…
Many thanks to Josh Dickinson of PMK BNC for sending us these very generous samples!
The Urchins Take the #1893PepsiCola Challenge! @pepsi @PMK_BNC #SoftDrinks #Review Earlier this week, Sku of Sku's Recent Eats accounced that after 10 years of blogging, he was calling it quits…
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