#feat. dusknoir going through it
cozybells · 11 months
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newmooncrater · 2 years
PMD post explorers of Sky Fanfic and AU brainstorming
Feat, Darkrai primarily but the Future Trio also
Because I want to write a pmd fic about Darkrai and I can’t make up my mind how I want to go about it :/
Premise 1. Five to fifteen years post-game, Darkrai wakens in the future he tried to destroy with no memory of his past intentions. He is found by the Player and their Partner, who, once they realize he has amnesia, decide to give him a chance. As Darkrai slowly recovers who is and who he was, he must find redemption in a time and place where the consequences of his actions are still felt and the Pokémon he hurt are alive to remember it.
Premise 2. The classic; Darkrai gets sent into the past, and either takes the place of the player, the partner pokemon, or joins the duo on their quest to join the explorers guild. Eventually redeeming himself by thwarting his own plan to paralyze the planet. Usually has amnesia but not always.
Premise 3. Instead of the past, Darkrai ends up exactly where no one wants him to be; the dark future he created. Here, the story could have a couple of variants each with their own branching possibilities:
3A. Darkrai meets Grovyle and the Player. At this point in time neither Grovyle or the Player know he is responsible for the planet’s paralysis. No one is aware of this.
- If Darkrai has Amnesia, he is persuaded to help them on their quest.
- If he doesn’t have Amnesia, he stays with them in the hope of sabotaging their efforts.
3B. Darkrai is found by Dusknoir and the sableyes. Depending on your headcanon, Dusknoir may or may recognize him.
- If Darkrai hired Dusknoir through Dialga via manipulation to stop Grovyle and the player, Dusknoir will only view him as a potential ally or recruit for Primal Dialga.
- If Darkrai and Dusknoir have spoken directly to each other in the past, Dusknoir will recognize him, and depending on their past interactions, will either take him under his wing in the hopes that Darkrai will prove as useful an ally as he was when they first met, or take him before Primal Dialga directly. How will Primal Dialga react to the Pokémon who directly caused his insanity? Will some part of him recognize Darkrai? It’s an interesting scenario.
3C. Trapped in the dark future with no memory of how he got there, or that this had been his intention for the world to begin with, Darkrai finds a lost Duskull and begrudgingly adopts him.
Optionally, 3C may also take place in Premise 1 and 2; through a journey of redemption of some sort, Darkrai ends up adopting a member of the future trio, who is a child in the present he finds himself in
Additional notes:
I want to explore the time gears in greater detail. Why were they hidden in caves throughout the continent instead of kept at the summit of Temporal Tower? Did Dialga deliberately hide them, aware that someone was threatening the stability of the tower? Or where they placed in those places to circumvent a different disaster in the distant past, one not caused by Darkrai? Or did Darkrai himself scatter the time gears, and tricked their respective guardians into keeping their locations a secret?
I also want to explore Darkrai’s motivation. His plan in greater depth. It was a bit lacking post game and that’s one of the biggest reason I want to write about him rn
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Erastus@Tapferkeit: Clearly stunned by the performance on the golurk’s part, he stared up at him with awe and a slight hint of envy. “How- How are you able to do that?” Perspiration gathered on his forehead, as if he was fearful that asking such a question would be deemed offensive. “Did you go through a special kind of training of sorts? I-I’m very curious, to be honest.”
The Golurk relishes in the loud cheers of the crowd, standing triumphantly with one hand on his hip while the other wields his weapon. If encouraged he’ll eagerly display his skills to others, to show what kind of crusader he is. Of course he did just that, since he’s never above showing off after all.
A question pierces through the cheers, drawing his attention. He looks down to see an awe-struck Dusknoir, a bit of a surprise to Tapferkeit since he haven’t seen such a Pokemon for a long time. Although said ghosts are very large in size, the metal giant still towers above him by a good two feet.
To show that he’s not an individual to be feared he lets out a loud, joyous laugh. “Aha! You enjoyed my display of prowess, eh?” The Golurk takes his hammer and rests the head onto the dirt before resting the tip of his foot on the back of said weapon. “If you desire to know my secret, I shall gladly give it to you!”
He rests the underside of his arm on handle’s spike, normally such a sharp protrusion would harm an individual of flesh…but the giant’s metal exterior would never be penetrated by such a thing. “Although training is indeed one of the reasons, it also greatly helps that I am a construct!” Tapferkeit taps his furnace with a knuckled fist. “I am not a lad of flesh and blood, but of fire and metal! With the power burning inside me, it grants me strength above any man!” Another rumbling laugh reverberates from him. “Being a construct has many advantages my friend! Such as never feeling the sting of pain and the swallowing tendrils of exhaustion! I can work and fight for as long as my will can hold, and I can say that my will is like that of steel! Ha!’
“However,” He continues, his bravado decreasing substantially. ”My control did not initially come along with my proud strength” Tapferkeit rubs the back of his head. “I admit that I have broken many things due to me being unfamiliar with my power, it took many years of constant training for me to fully understand my capabilities and to limit myself in order to not harm others accidentally. But I must say, as of now…I can carry the most delicate of flowers between my fingers and the most fragile of pottery without crushing it!”
At this moment the Golurk realizes that he’s probably talking about the fact that he could keep those barrel aloft without them tipping instead of him possibly crushing said barrels. Because of this realization he lets out another laugh. “Ahh, please forgive me dear lad! It appears that I’ve misunderstood your question!” He lifts his arm off his weapon before picking it up and placing back on his shoulder. “As for how I can remain so still, it is another trait of being a construct! I am capable of standing as still as a statue, never wavering and moving! Many a times I’ve gotten others to mistake me for some sort of decoration. However…” He leans closer. “…I can proudly say I have startled these individuals numerous times.”
“Now enough talk of my jests!” He exclaims. “I am rather curious of you!” The Golurk’s single eye briefly looks over the Dusknoir’s form, particularly taking interest in his rather bulky arms and the stone they possess. “Seeing their girth, I assume that you quite the strong lad yes? I have heard many tales of Dusknoir’s being the strongest of ghosts, their strength rivaling that of strongman!” Tapferkeit flexes his free arm for emphasis. “I must admit, I have great respect for your kind! What great feats have you accomplished my friend?”
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