chaotic-orphan · 2 months
Febuwhump: Day Twenty-Four
“I’m doing this because I care about you” @febuwhump prompt
TW: imprisonment, non-consensual restraints, non-con inhibition of powers, stripped of powers, destructive love, toxic relationship, doing wrong for the right reasons, emotional Whump
Hero woke up in bed with a groan. Their mind was foggy, something niggling in the back of their mind seemed too far away to be urgent so Hero ignored it promptly and opened their eyes.
They frowned at the ceiling.
That wasn’t their ceiling.
This wasn’t their bed, or their pillow.
Oh god, Hero thought. I have no idea how I got here, please say they were hot— how much did I drink last night? Did I go out last night? Maybe to cool off? But no—
Hero couldn’t recall anything from last night which was only slightly concerning.
They rolled their lips into their mouth, ready to face the music, or the morning.
“Ah, you’re awake.”
Hero froze, eyes slamming close on instinct. Was it too late to pretend to be asleep?
“Hero. I know you’re awake.”
Wait… Hero knew that voice. Hero frowned and sat up in the bed to a melody of rattling chains. Hero ignored Villain who sat at the end of the bed in a cosy looking armchair and immediately threw the covers off of them.
They followed the length of chain from their wrist that disappeared over the edge of the bed with fear slamming their heart faster in their chest. When they tried to move to see under the bed to where the chain went, the chain holding their other wrist in a metal cuff pulled taut.
Hero’s wide, panicked eyes went to Villain. “What is this?”
Villain raised their hands, showing Hero their palms a placating gesture. “Hero—”
“Villain. What is this?!” Hero asked, pulling at the chains harder. Hero kicked the duvet off their legs to find their ankles chain in the same heavy duty cuffs their wrists were encased in. “This is a little kinky, even for me.”
“Hero, I’m doing this because I care about you.”
Hero’s nostrils flared. “Let me out, Villain.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t or won’t?!”
Villain raised their head a little higher in the air. “I won’t. Supervillain is making his move today and I refuse to let you get caught up in it.”
Hero blanched. “What?”
Villain stepped around the bed closer to Hero but Hero shook their head, pushing themselves back as much as they could. Until the cuffs around the ankles protested.
“Don’t come near me Villain! Not unless you’re going to release me this instant!”
“I can’t let you die, Hero,” Villain said, their voice quiet and soft.
Hero swallowed the lump in their throat, then schooled their features into a neutral expression and said very matter of factly: “this is the last time I will ask you nicely, Villain. Release me. Now. I don’t want to have to hurt you.”
Villain ran a hand down their face, cupping their cheeks in one hand as they blew out a breath. Then they shook their head, half turning their body away from Hero and shoving their hands into their trouser pockets.
“You can’t,” said Villain with the same soft quietness.
Hero frowned. They didn’t have time for this. “Then I’m sorry, Villain.”
Hero clicked their fingers and nothing happened. Villain tipped their head down to stare at the floor in front of them. Hero clicked their fingers again, picturing the chains snapping and setting them free.
Nothing happened.
Something looked large in their gut like panic, threatening to overwhelm Hero because why couldn’t they summon their magic to them at that time?
They clicked their fingers again. And again. And again.
Then they cast their burning eyes to Villain in question.
Villain held up a small bottle with a cork stopped in its neck. “Villain… what did you do?”
“What I had to,” said Villain. They shook the bottle gently, then looked over at Hero, their face the picture of heartbreak. “I knew you’d try to leave anyway.”
“What did you do, Villain?!” Hero demanded, their emotions threatening to run away with them. “Supervillain commissioned a promising young chemist, a graduate who needed a job if you can believe it, to make a chemical compound that would inhibit your powers for a while.”
It felt as if Villain had just stabbed Hero in the chest. “How long is a while?” Hero demanded, tears prickling the back of their eyes and threatening to fall. “Villain! Look at me!”
Villain’s eyes flicked to Hero’s, their shoulders hunched and resigned. “A little under a week.”
Hero’s heart dropped into their stomach. “What?”
Villain approached quickly, climbing onto the bed and reaching for Hero but Hero backed away until the chains pulled taut and they couldn’t go any further.
Villain’s eyes were glazed over, their chest moving far too quickly to be okay, blubbering excuses at Hero.
“I had to, Hero. Supervillain said that if I didn’t get you out of the picture that he would kill you!”
“I’d rather die trying to stop him than—”
“I know you would!” Villain yelled over Hero, stunning them into silence. Hero was trembling on the bed, seeing the helpless, desperate fury in Villain’s eyes… Villain had never raised their voice at Hero. Not once. “I know you would give your life to save someone else’s but who is looking out to give their life for yours, hmm?! Tell me! Tell me and I’ll let you go!”
The tears fell silently down Hero’s cheeks, not a single name coming to mind that would sacrifice themselves to protect Hero.
Not one except— “you.”
Villain’s shoulders wound tight, setting their jaw as they looked away from Hero.
Hero blinked and a new wave of tears fell. “Villain what did you do?” Hero whispered in a voice that wasn’t their own. It was too frail, too helpless and scared. Too childlike. “Villain.”
“I made a deal with Supervillain,” Villain choked out, tears falling freely down their cheeks and onto the bed as well. “I can’t—” Villain met Hero’s eyes with such conviction, such loyalty that it curled a hand around Hero’s lungs and they let out a soft breath. “I won’t let you die. I won’t. Don’t ask me to. I don’t care if you never forgive me, just as long as you’re still breathing… that’s all that matters to me.”
Hero shook their head, but when Villain placed their hand on Hero’s cheek they didn’t flinch, or wince , or pull away.
“I would let the world burn rather than sacrifice you to save it. They don’t deserve you. You don’t deserve to die for them.”
Hero’s hand reached up to cup Villain’s. “They never asked me to, Villain. I wanted to protect those who can’t protect themselves.”
“I don’t care,” said Villain. “I’ll be the bad guy. I’ll keep you here forever if I have to. That way you won’t hate yourself when Supervillain makes their move. You can hate me instead, I’ll take the burden from you.”
Hero stared at Villain, completely at a loss for words. Isn’t this the love everyone would die for? An all consuming, unwavering loyalty? Unconditional and destructive? Heart wrenching and all too much, overwhelming and sickening?
Hero hated the twisted feeling in their gut that craved that love; the love so hot it threatened to burn both Hero and Villain, but in that moment… there were no words that Hero could say. Nothing they could do because they know if the roles were reversed Hero would have done the same for Villain.
“I hate you,” Hero whispered, their shoulders shaking as they leaned into Villain’s hand.
“I know,” Villain said.
“I hate you so much,” said Hero. Villain crept closer, their other arm wrapping around Hero.
“I know.”
“How dare you take that choice from me,” Hero blubbered, sobs wracking their chest, eyes burning. “How dare you!”
“I know. I know. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.”
Hero leaned forward into Villain’s arms and sobbed into their shoulder. Villain wrapped their arms tighter around Hero, sniffing back sobs as well. They didn’t deserve to cry, they needed to be strong.
Hero and Villain fell asleep in each other’s arms, salt stained tear trails stuck to their cheeks. It took Supervillain four days to topple the Hero agency and assume control of the city. For now though, the lovers held each other close in their sleep, the guilt would be waiting for them when they awoke.
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badluck990 · 3 months
Febuwhump24 - Helpless
TW: Angels and Devils(Devil Whumpee/Angel Whumper), collar and chains, alludes to past & future torture
Let me know if I forgot to add anything
“Hi, welcome to the RMRA. How can I help you?” Cedric was working the front desk that day as he didn't have any clients at the moment.
Andre started to explain their predicament only to instantly begin fumbling with their words. “Uh- Hello. My doctor recommended this place to me. I- I’m having some control issues…um, with my horns.” 
He nodded along whilst pulling out paperwork, “Can you tell me more?”
“Well um. I had to have my horns…amputated but my magic didn’t…reset for lack of a better word, with the small horn size.”
“And now without enough horn for the magic to go into, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to cast without causing harm to yourself or the area.”
“I wouldn’t say ‘increasingly’, but yeah.” Do they really see cases like this that often?
“Alright well I think pairing you up with Lynn Woodfeild would be a good idea.” He typed some stuff out before continuing, “she’s our resident angel and control specialist.”
“Th-that’s a thing?” He asked trying to focus on ‘control specialist' and not start internally panicking over hearing they were an angel. It was irrational, he knew that. Yet his chest insisted on being tight and his brain playing the memories of the serial killer's torture on loop.
“Are you alright sir?” 
Andre forced himself to nod, not wanting to spill his trauma to the poor desk clerk, plus the anxiety kicked in and decided that he’d look like an ass for denying help at this point.
The paperwork was drawn up and the first appointment was scheduled for the following week.
Time flew as nightmares made him dread the appointment
“You know you can request another person, right?” Aloka his younger sister asked, “you've dealt with some serious shit in that theater, having an anxiety attack based on hearing something that reminds you of that doesn’t make you a bad person. Just- if they are professionals then they won’t have a problem with you requesting…Someone else.”
“I can’t avoid an entire species, Aloka.”
“Still. I’m worried about you. And so it Atlas I don’t want you to have just woken up from a coma just to end up dying from stress!” She sighed, “Anyway, what time are you gonna be home after the appointment?”
“Not sure, they gave me a start time, not so much how long I’d be spreading with her each appointment.”
“That’s an important thing to forget to ask,” she grumbled.
“I was still trying to stop thinking about her.” 
“Mom’s gonna worry.”
“I should be back before too long.”
But he wasn’t. Cause he’d be gone for much longer than he bargained for.
~ Lynn Woodfield: Control Specialist~
It’s fine, I can do this.
“You must be Andre, right on time!” Lynn’s small wings fluttered as she finished braiding her hair.
“Uh, yes Miss Woodfeild.”
“Well aren’t you cute sweet. You’re very lucky you know.”
“What do you mean,”
“Well I typical only take one client at a time. I just got finished with a last one.”
“Oh, uh why? Do you only take one at a time I mean,” He added, after a pause.
“Simple.” She flipped the lights off and tackled him he should have been able to see and yet everything was pitch dark, “so there’s no one to warn the next.” As the lights turned on and his vision returned, he found chains binding his wrists to the floor. 
“What in the light's heaven?!” 
“Shh, my sweet. It’s temporary, just until I have the chance to get the rest of my supplies.”
Shadows harm, what’s she’s gonna do
His magic sparked in his hand, only one way out.
“You sure that’s a good idea? Shadow spike me and it could go through the ceiling and hurt someone upstairs. Or a create a shadow ball, with the issues you described you’d probably engulf the room and kill us both.”
He hated that she was right, magic wouldn’t them out of this. At least not safely. 
A dark curtain they hadn’t noticed fell and revealed blades, tools, whips, more chains, all complete with a drain in the center of the floor. The cuffs were switches for a heavy metal collar, no hinge, no lock and key, no way of getting it off.
How did she even get it on in the first place?
He was stuck against the wall, gagged and hidden anytime she left. 
What had she told his family to keep them away?
She had fun with him, similar to how his last captor had, only Lynn made sure not to kill him. Plus the last mess had been a day. Here? If he was keeping count correctly, a week and a half and counting.
The only good part was she was careful with his horns, but it was a small mercy compared to the knives in his leg and nails in his arm. Plus that stupid name she called him.
“Cotton Candy, or C.C. for short.” She’d giggled while patting his poofy pink hair.
It had been for Aloka, the first thing they did together when got out of the hospital. She loved dying her hair fun colors and he had promised her when graduated med-school he’d join her. But after nearly dying they agreed it was best not to wait. She’d gotten her done all white contract her own horns.
Andre got pink. It had always been his favorite.
Now it was another reminder of how trapped he was.
@wolfeyedwitch @kim-poce @cupcakes-and-pain
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