#flip Zimmerman smut
strangunddurm · 4 months
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Pairing: Flip Zimmerman x fem!reader
Summary: Flip Zimmerman was a man that liked to eat his cake and have it, too.
Word count: 4.4k
Warnings: PinV sex, unprotected sex, fingering, masturbation, swearing, dirty talk, oral (fem receiving). 
A/N: It's been ages since I wrote something so I'm so proud of myself for finally finishing something.
It was common knowledge that Flip Zimmerman was utterly and completely infatuated with you. You were it for him. The one he would marry, build a house for, have kids with. You would be his end, but you were not his beginning.
It was also common knowledge that Flip Zimmerman was on an apparent path to sleep with everyone he could that wasn’t you. Fuck, finger, and fondle like he wasn’t an officer of the law and he wasn’t in a very public bar at that very moment. You could see his hand run along her leg, caressing it with the pads of his fingers before it disappeared beneath the fabric of her skirt.
She threw her head back, laughing like nobody was watching, but, of course, you were. Your eyes were always lingering on his figure, just as his were yours. He watched you as he traced the lace of her panties, as he dipped them under the fabric; he watched you as he guided her lips to his; he watched you as he shattered your heart, always knowing that the comfort of your arms would always be there to sooth him in the end.
You often found yourself wondering: why? Why weren’t you enough for him at this point? Flip had this ability where he could string you along enough so that you, yourself, would feel guilty thinking of another man. Your possible unwillingness weren’t the reason for Flip’s hesitancy to commit, it was his. The unwilling fool in love with the same person he had always loved. Or perhaps you were the fool? Two fools in love that could never let the other one go.
Your friends often wondered why you subjected yourself to the torture of witnessing his lips upon another’s. You didn’t know how to explain to them that you only existed because of him. However demeaning and desperate it sounded, it was true. Whilst others existed for bettering the world or something other, you were made just to be his.
You thought for a while that you could live without him. That you could break free from his hold and flee from the place where everything reminded you of him but it was impossible. It didn’t make sense, how a man could possess you so entirely with just a whisper of attention. You thought it to be your own fault; a bleeding consequence of hope that wrecked your heart beyond anyone else’s repair. All you could do was wait for him. For you would forever be missing him otherwise, regretting not taking the possibility of even the tiniest something.
So, you found yourself there, putting on a front of indifference as you tried not to watch every stupid move Flip made in the arms of another. She was smug. It was so obvious from the way her eyes would flicker over to you every now and then as his lips caressed her shoulder or her neck.
She knew of Flip’s fondness for you, having seen the way he had given you a sliver of attention by the bar, letting his hand ghost over your hip before she had successfully lured him away from you and into her arms.
You were zoned out, barely hearing your friends’ voices as you stared hard at them. Your lip was near bloody from your nervous chewing as you, almost ritualistically, dragged your teeth over it again and again.
“How long are you going to keep doing this to yourself?” The words were spoken in your ear, your best friends arm coming to wrap around you, pulling you into her embrace.
“I…” She didn’t allow you to continue on the miserable spiel that she had heard so many times before.
“I don’t want to hear it. Not again. You need to realise that you’re worth more than whatever the hell this whole thing is,” She pleaded, pressing a kiss against your temple. “You have to stop doing this to yourself.”
“I don’t know if I can,” you sounded so fragile at that moment. Your voice wavered at the end, fading out as everything you felt became almost too much.
“Yes, you can. You just need to realise that you don’t owe him anything. Sitting here completely miserable isn’t going to make him change or do anything different.”
“How do you know that?”
“Because I’ve been here with you! Every night we go out to have fun, he comes along and ruins it.”
“No, he doesn’t.” You turned to look at her as you forced the words out harshly. But the look in her eyes made the feigned anger falter.
“I love you. You deserve more. Try to enjoy your life before you realise it’s too late,” She said, squeezing your shoulder.
Did you really deserve more? You had been caught up in the web of Flip for so long that you truly did believe that staying completely devoted to him was the only way forward. You knew he would eventually tire and stop indulging himself in others. It was an unconventional relationship, unfavourable to you in every sense.
But who was to say that you weren’t allowed to enjoy others? Just the way he were? An innocent tryst with another that would scratch that itch not even your fingers could ease late at night.
You let your eyes trail over the inhabitants of the local watering hole. There were the usuals there, sitting at the bar, nursing their beers. A group of frat boys were in the corner, cheering over shots. It wasn’t until a pair of dark brown eyes met your own that your interested was piqued.
You probably wouldn’t have dared made a move if he hadn’t come sauntering over. He didn’t walk like Flip. Flip’s walk was self-assured, dominating in a subtle way. This guy walked in a cocky way, shoulders swaying with every step as he though himself holier than thou. It was off-putting, but you thought you owed it to yourself to at least try.
“Saw you watching me over there.” His attempt at flirting was just as cocky as his walk.
“Oh, hahah..” Your laugh was awkward as you fumble for a reply. “Do you come here often?”
“First time actually, I’m here visiting my brother.” He motioned toward some guy in the back that you couldn’t see.
“That’s nice,” You said awkwardly.
He introduced himself as he took perch on the barstool next to you, shaking your hand weakly.
“So, what do you do for fun around here?” He asked, motioning for the bartender to refill both of your glasses at the same time.
“Ehm… Come here, I guess.” You waved your hand in the air, uncommittedly. Anxiety was flooding your nerves, practically inhibiting your ability to speak. You let your eyes trail over the room again quickly. Flip was still hands-deep in that woman’s skirt, your friends had slipped off somewhere else, getting lost in others.
The man, Chris, held a one-sided conversation without seeming to notice your less than keen interest. The thought of letting go and trying to flirt with somebody else was always easier in theory rather than practice.
It wasn’t his fault, if you were somebody else you might’ve enjoyed it. But all you could think about was the way his eyes were too dark, his hair too light, and his voice to high to remind you of Flip.
“Listen,” He placed his hand on your thigh. High up, bold, wanting. “I really like you, what do you say about getting out of here?”
You didn’t have a chance to respond before a chest pressed against your back.
“She’s not going anywhere with you.”
You felt faint hearing Flip’s voice rumble through his chest as he pulled himself closer to you. His hand wrapped around Chris’s wrist, forcing it away from your leg.
“Hey, man, we were having a conversation here.” Chris was foolish. It wasn’t his fault, he wasn’t from here, after all. He didn’t know the perfectly concealed rage that could simmer under Flip’s skin when he felt like he was being disrespected.
“I’m going to offer you a piece of advice.”
“Flip, don’t-” Interjecting was pointless. Flip did whatever Flip wanted.
“You should take your drink, go back to whatever lowly corner you came from, and stay there. Get it through your thick skull that you’re not wanted here.” Flip roughly pushed the glas of beer Chris had been nursing on the bar, it’s content sloshing over the sides as it almost toppled over.
The silence that followed hung in the air, permeating it, polluting it. It didn’t take long for Chris to visibly crumble under Flip’s stare but it was almost as if he didn’t want to admit it to himself. He didn’t want to give in to the menacing man that had appeared out of nowhere. Reasonable, perhaps, but entirely futile. Flip would always get what he wanted in the end, no matter what.
Chris left without a word, sparing you a pitiful glance before he was gone and all that was Flip took over your senses as he rounded you, coming to a stop so you were chest to chest.
You refused to look at him, staring straight ahead, focusing on the way his chest would calmly breath in and out as he waited.
“Look at me,” His voice was low, steady. You wanted to, of course, but you were stubborn. Just when you were putting yourself first, there he was again. A forever keg in your wheels, keeping you in the same place.
His fingers were soft against your chin as he urged it upwards, making you look at him.
He was smiling. Not a full on grin, but that sweet, cheeky little smile that held so much mirth that you wanted to hit him. It’s like he’d been waiting for this, waiting for you to act out and finally do something for yourself.
“Wipe that smile of your face,” you hissed out. “What could you possible have to smile about?”
“Oh, yeah, because it is so funny ruining my fucking life.”
“Ruining it?”
“Yeah, ruining it.”
“You should’ve just said something if you felt that way.” You almost laughed at that. It wasn’t like you hadn’t said something. It felt like all you did was talk, and all he did was not care.
“Cut me a fucking break, Flip. Don’t act like you don’t know what you’ve been doing to me. This- this game you’ve been playing, toying with my heart. One minute it feels like you might actually want me but then the next you go and fucksomebody else and I’m just suppose to pretend that it’s all fine?”
“It’s not?” He said, playfully.
“Fuck you.”
“Stop swearing, and keep your voice down.”
“What? So that your whore won’t hear us?”
“She means nothing,” He said
“So why do you keep doing this? Why keep stringing me along?” You were defeated. Your relationship with Flip was strange. Peculiar. Unexplainable in certain aspects as you yourself did not entirely know exactly what you two were.
You looked up at him, tears brimming in your eyes as all the hurt you had felt over the past however-long caught up to you. He was looking down at you, as if in wonder. Was it possible that Flip Zimmerman was naive to the way he had treated you? To the way he had made you suffer? Had you been imagining it all in your head?
He didn’t look sorry, he didn’t sound sorry, but when the apology tumbled out of his mouth, you accepted it. Perhaps it was you who were naive but you wanted a moment of happiness with him. Even if it was a moment entirely clouded by delusion.
You nodded your head, a small movement of acceptance that made Flip light up.
Flip would always shine brighter than any star you had ever seen. He took your breath away and filled you with a rush of serotonin every time you gazed into his eyes for even a brief second. His eyes were like molten gold, blinding you as they tinkled. Devotion to him and only him was inevitable.
“Will you come home with me?” The answer was obvious. The question had been what you had waited for. Taking his hand and slipping out through the door before any of your friends still caught in reason could stop you.
His hand dipped between your legs, fingers mapping out a path to your most sacred place the second he pushed you through the door of his home.
"Look at you, already so wet for me." Flip chuckled darkly. He knew you couldn't resist him. Your need for him was as deep as his need was for you.
His lips met yours in a searing kiss that took your breath away. His tongue caressed yours as teeth clashed.
His fingers toyed with your panties, teasing you. He knew how desperate you were for anything he would give you.
He took his time, teasing your more and more before he finally was gracious enough to slide a finger inside of you. Just a single finger to test you. You walls clamped down around him tightly, gripping him, coaxing him to give you more. He pumped it in and out of you slowly, so slowly that you thought you might lose your mind if he didn't give you something more, and you voiced so much.
"Please, Flip." What you needed was clear. But that didn’t mean Flip would be so easy to give in.
"You’ll get more, sweetheart. Don’t you worry.” He said sweetly before withdrawing from you completely.
"You're so impatient." He chided you, tutting teasingly with a lazy smile on his lips. “Go to the bedroom.” He commanded whilst motioning his head in its direction. You were quick to obey, of course, feet moving swiftly as you stumbled your way on shaky legs through the halls and onto his bed.
You flipped onto it in excitement, eager for his touch once again.
“Is this what you wanted? To be one of my whores?” He asked as he undressed slowly, unbuttoning his flannel and letting his jeans fall to the floor before he took a stand by the foot of the bed. He trailed his hands up your legs equally as slow before grabbing a hold of your panties and pulling them off you. You couldn’t get any words out to respond, whining with need.
The evidence of your excitement was clear to him, almost dripping and shining in the low light. A sane man wouldn’t be able to hold back having a women presented so willingly to him with her legs spread wide and skirt bunched up around her hip, chest heaving with excitement. And of course, Flip was a sane man, in some sense at least, for he was quick to crawl in between your legs and mouth attached to your clit.
Digging his fingers into your thighs, he hauled one of them onto his shoulder and connected his mouth to your sweet cunt.
The sounds of your breathless moans were intoxicating as he suckled your clit into his mouth, flicking his tongue over the stiff nubb.
Your knees fought against his shoulders as your hand came to cover your mouth, willing any sounds to stay inside of you as you bit down softly as you were overwhelmed by the pleasure rushing through you.
“You taste so fucking good, sweetheart.” Flip praised in a panted breath before diving back in.
You fought to keep your eyes open as your hips moved up and down in a desperate attempt to grind your aching clit against his mouth and nose in search for that perfect sensation that would drive you over the edge.
Your hand slid into Flip’s hair, gliding through it before grasping a firm hold of it as a wave after wave of moans finally made their way out of you.
Flip had already made you come once when he slid his fingers into you, continuing his ministrations on your clit with his mouth. His movement were much rougher than what they had been before, thrusting them into you expertely, hitting that sweet spot of yours over and over again.
Your back arched into the air and mouth fell open at the overstimulation. It was exquisite.
“Oh, oh, Flip. I’m gonna cum.” You whined desperately. “Oh, God.”
You clung to his arm in an attempt to hold on to any sort of sanity but it was all for nought. Your legs spasmed as you came with a cry.
Flip tried to hold you down as he never let up despite your half hearted please, flicking the tip of his tongue over your clit again and again and again. He worked you through your orgasm, never relenting as your silent whimpers spured him on. You had such a tight hold on his hair that it made him groan, sending a wave of vibrations through you that caused you to gasp. He only stopped once your whimpers had grown in volume to a steady whine of pleas.
“You’re such a good girl.” Flip praised as he came up, hovering over you. “You gonna let me fuck you, sweetheart?”
“Yes! Please, Flip.”
He tugged at his hard and weeping cock a few times as he admired you. You were breath taking like this, legs parted, eyes hazy from your orgasm, cunt dripping, ready for him.
"You’re gonna look so gorgeous, covered with my cum." Flip's voice was husky as he leaned down and pulled you closer to him by your face before planting a sloppy, wet kiss on your lips as he came to rest between your hips, a single arm keeping him up.
He dragged his thick and cum weeping cock through your folds a few times, thoroughly coating it in your slickness. The anticipation was killing you. His fingers and tongue weren't enough, you wanted more, needed it.
You grabbed a hold of his shoulders, pulling him closer even to you in desperation.
"Please, Flip." You whispered, ready for him.
The sigh the both of you let out when he finally slipped all the way into your cunt was one of relief. You had missed this, had missed him.
Flip didn't give you time to adjust to him before he started pounding into you at a pace that was brutal in nature, just the way he knew you liked it.
“You’re such a dirty fucking whore.” He spat at you and you clenched around him in response. "Look at you, so desperate for my dick you could almost cry." Being his whore and whatever he wanted was everything you had ever wanted since the moment you had laid eyes on him.
He was so deep inside of you that you barely knew what to do with yourself. Flip's loud groans were bouncing around the walls of his room, blended in with your own gasps from every thrust into you.
Your walls were clenched so tightly around him, drawing him deeper and deeper inside.
"Fuck" You groaned. "Feels so- fucking good." You shakily breath out.
"This is what you wanted right? My cock so deep within you you’ll feel me for days" He cooed, slowing down just slightly, but each thrust was still as sharp, still as precise, and hard, and calculated.
A wailing yes! left your lips. You were sure you would be able to feel Flip's hands on your hips as you would nurse your hangover tomorrow, and most likely the day after that as well. You would feel him in every step you took. Forever.
"Harder." You pleaded.
He pulled out so just his tip was left in you, waiting there for just a second before slamming back into you again, buried to the hilt. The groan Flip let out sent tingles down your spine and caused you to clench even tighter around him, triggering another moan from him.
"I love it when you do that." He praised, followed by another rut into you.
He continued pumping into yours sweet cunt, drawing moans from you that were filthy. The sound of skin slapping and noises of pleasure mixed together as they bounced on the walls and around the room.
His thrusts had picked up in pace one again, ruthless and reckless as he fucked deeper and deeper into you. You were trembling against him, breath hitching, getting caught in your chest as you almost forgot how to breathe. You could feel your release mounting quickly once again, shockwaves gripping your body and rolling through you with every buck into you.
"Fuck, I'm gonna come,"
"No, you're not." Flip withdrew from you completely, flipping down on the bed beside you. You were drunk on the feeling of him, needy and desperate, ready to take everything he would give to you.
His legs were spread, cock standing on full attention, bobbing against his stomach, it's tip coloured an angry red, ready to be inside of you again.
"Come on then." He pulled you out of the short-lived trance you had been in over the sight of him. You though again of how there was something so ethereal about him, something other than just his looks, something that would always draw you back in and keep you on his hook.
You were quick in your movements, throwing a leg around his hips and hoisting yourself upright, causing him to chuckle over your desperation.
"Eager, are we?" He welcomed you with open arms, hands coming up to rest on your hips once again, as he gazed up at you with a smile on his face.
He helped you pull your wrinkled dress over your head, placing open mouthed kisses on every inch of your skin he could reach. His lips attached themselves to your perked nipple, sucking it into his mouth and releasing it with a pop.
"You're so fucking gorgeous." He sounded as if he was in awe simply over the sight of you.
You sank down swiftly, engulfing him with your tight walls, stopping only when you were at the base, stuffed full of him.
"Oh, fuck, Flip!" The change in angle had you convinced that he was deeper in you than ever before, the tip of him nestling against your cervix.
"You feel so good like this." Flip moaned. He tapped two fingers against the side of your thigh, signalling you to move and you were more than happy to oblige. Your feet were securely rooted on the floor and you placed your hands on the walls to give yourself the leverage and support you needed to begin riding him.
He let you control every movement; let you set the pace as you slid up and down on his throbbing cock. Flip's hands were exploring every inch of you that they could reach, massaging your breasts, caressing your thighs, sliding across your back, and then, finally, they found their way to the apex of your thighs and started firmly circling your clit.
Flip let out a loud grunt every time you slammed yourself down onto him. It was a sound you wanted to hear every day, every waking moment and in every vivid dream.
The steady pace that you had managed to keep was slowly becoming nothing as you felt yourself loosing control over your limbs the closer you climbed to that high you were chasing. The muscles in your stomach were tightening rapidly over the coiling tension and your walls gripped him even tighter.
"Say my name."
"What?" You weren't lucid enough to possibly begin to understand what he meant at that moment.
"Say. My. Name." He repeated, making sure to punctuate every single word with a small thrust upward to meet you as you came down on him.
His name spilled out of your mouth just a few seconds later in the form of a moan.
"Who’s making you feel this good?" You weren't as quick to heed his words this time, the building pressure between your legs taking up all of your attention.
His hands were back on your hips, forcing you up, slipping out of you, and then guiding you dominantly into the position he wanted with your face pressed into the sheets and your ass high up in the ar. He was swift to enter you again, you had barely even had time to complain over the loss of him before he was drilling into you.
"Flip!" You shouted his name as you finally came, tumbling over the edge as stars were painted behind your eyelids. Your legs were shaking, spasming, through the waves, words of gibberish leaving your mouth as he made you babble like a brook. He hadn't even faltered in his movements, continuing to pump into you as he chased his own climax. He was panting loudly in between groans and the sound of skin slapping against each other.
"Who owns this pussy?"
"You." Another sharp thrust into you.
"Who owns this pussy?"
"You, Flip. Oh, god, you, Flip!" Small droplets of tears were leaking from the corner of your eyes as Flip was steadily driving you to cum again as he fucked into you.
You hadn't felt this way before, you didn't even know you could feel this way; the overwhelming stimulation that was rushing through your blood, lighting your nerves on fire, making you want to stay right here, right now, forever.
"That's fucking right." Flip came with a deep jerk into you, pulling out to come all over your back before entering you again to give you a few last thrilling pumps.
You laid there on his bed in a heap, totally out of it as he calmly came to rest beside you. He coaxed you onto your back so that he could plant a sweet kiss on your lips. Uttering words that made your erratic heart pump even faster.
“All mine.”
Thank you for reading! Please check out my Masterlist if you want to read more.
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mrs-gucci · 8 months
For the Hunt
{ werewolf!flip zimmerman x female reader }
Werewolf Flip wanting to knock you up (or role play at it) and scenting when you’re ripe for him and chasing you down and pounding you
thank you for submitting this!!
warnings. SMUT (18+), werewolf in rut, primal kink (hunter/prey), breeding kink w/no intention of actually getting pregnant, dirty talk, outdoor sex, creampie, minimal aftercare.
word count: 995
🐺 written for werewolf wednesday 🐺
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Your breathing is soft, exhilarated, creating little puffs of steam in the cold night air. A shiver runs down your spine, out of excitement or nerves, you’re not really sure.
You two have an agreement that on rut nights, he has full consent to use you however he wants or needs to. He tells you what he needs from you on a particular night and you give it to him willingly, whether it's being tied up on the bed down in the basement or up at his remote mountain cabin.
His absolute favorite thing, however, is when he gets to hunt you. Which is why you’re currently standing behind a big pine tree, trying to steady your breathing.
By now you’ve nearly perfected the art of giving Flip a good chase, having been with him for almost six years. And tonight is an extra special full moon because you’re ovulating, which gives Flip the ultimate prize in his werewolf brain: the chance to breed you.
He looks up at the full moon with his golden eyes, knowing it’s time to hunt, he lifts his snout eagerly.
Almost instantly, he picks up traces of your scent and his paws thud against the earth as he runs into the thick Colorado wilderness. He can already feel that this is one of his more mild ruts, but he's still just as desperate and tuned-in regardless.
Flip slows down and sniffs the air again, knowing that he's close. You can feel him nearby, sticks snapping and leaves crunching under his large paws.
You sneak a look around the tree and he doesn't seem to notice, so you quickly attempt to sneak to another tree. But of course, his head whips over and you freeze, then take off running.
He feels the familiar tingle of his primal hunting instinct creeping up through his body, but he still gives you a head start before taking off in your direction, eyes beginning to turn black with desire.
Your breathing is heavy as you sprint away from Flip, trying to give him a good chase. He growls softly out of sheer thrill and quickly dips to the side to run around you, then stands proudly. You come to a screeching halt.
Strands of drool hang from his jowls as he takes a step forward, then another, piercing you with his lustful stare. You let out a shaky breath and step back, not actually afraid but acting so anyway.
"Please don't hurt me," you say softly, eyes flickering down to his hard member for just a moment.
He grunts when he notices your quick downward look and stands a bit taller, eager to present himself to you.
"I have something else in mind," he says in his deep, gruff voice. "If you do your job correctly, then it should be pleasurable for both of us."
You bite your lip as he steps forward again, sniffing the air.
"You smell especially good tonight, little girl. I could smell your ripe, fertile pussy from back at the house. You're so ready to be bred."
"I don't--"
"Run," he says, interrupting you. "If I catch you, you're mine."
Immediately, you take off again and he gives you a moment before taking three long strides, catching you and causing you to fall over. He quickly catches you with a clawed paw, though.
He brings his mouth down to your ear as he lowers you to the ground.
"I got you," he says. "And now, I get to pound you until you're swollen with my seed."
You whimper softly as he holds your wrists down and takes a sharpened claw to your pants, tearing the crotch open to make room for his thick, pulsing cock. He lets out a shaky breath as he pushes your legs apart and lines himself up with your wet entrance.
Flip groans when he finally gets the wet, hot relief he's been desiring all night within your walls. He gives you a moment to adjust before beginning to move, his hips delivering sharp thrusts.
You moan unashamedly as Flip growls and fucks you from behind. Hearing his noises of pleasure only arouses you more and you clench, earning a surprised, breathy grunt from your husband.
His noises get louder and he leans down again, beginning to lick at your neck and jaw, occasionally scraping his teeth lightly against your skin as an alternative.
“I need you,” he grunts, hips speeding up slightly. “I need you to h-hold all my cum inside, keep it a-all…give me pups…”
You gasp softly, eyebrows knitting in pleasure.
“I will,” you breathe. “I-I’ll keep it all f-for you, my love.”
His cock throbs and he knows he can't hold on much longer. He always feels guilty that more often than not, you don't get to cum like this. But he definitely makes sure to return the favor the first opportunity he gets.
"Sweetheart, I'm gonna--" He cuts off as the intense orgasmic sensations suddenly rush through him. His eyes flutter shut and he rocks his hips desperately, spilling every drop he has deep inside of you. "O-Ohhhh god..."
You sigh softly as he lets go of your wrists and sits up a bit, still staying buried deep in your pussy. He helps you get up on your hands and knees, then licks your neck again.
"Are you alright? I wasn't too harsh?"
"I'm fine, honey," you reassure, looking back at him with a small smile. "I promise I'm okay. I would've used the safe word if I wasn't."
Flip nods and pulls out slowly, letting out a shaky huff as he does so. When you stand up, he gently picks you up and you rest in his large arms. You smile up at him.
"I love you, Flip."
His eyes soften and wishes he could return your smile. "I love you too."
You sigh softly and look up at the night sky as Flip carries you back to the house.
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gardenfullofsage · 1 year
Flip Zimmerman x Fem!Reader
Reader's sibling can't seem to stay out of trouble with the authorities. Good thing they have a doting willing sister, who's able to catch the Detective's attention.
word count: 3,089 words
Warning(s) Smut, semi-public, Exhibition, Flip being a little mean,
I don't own this Gif
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Your sleep was abruptly disturbed by your mother smacking a pillow against your head.
“Y/N!’’ She yells in whispered shouts.
You moan in protest as your covers are ripped off of you. ‘’Get up. Get up. Get up’’ Her pitiful attempts at waking you up irritating. 
“WHAT!’’ You yell Finally acknowledging your presence. Her eyes widen as she shushes you. ‘’Your brother was arrested.’’ Is all she says. You roll your eyes and groan flopping back on your pillow. ‘’I need you to get him before your dad finds out.’’ You stare at her in disbelief. 
‘2 A.M’ Is printed in bold letters at your bedside table. ‘’Are you crazy?!!’’You whisper shout. She shushes you again peeking out in the hallway, your guess making sure your dad isn’t awake.
‘’Yes, now go your dad will kill us if he finds out.’’ At this you snap your head. ‘’US? No he’ll kill you.’’ You try pulling the covers back over your body, your mother resorts to dragging you off the bed. ‘’I’m serious Y/N, he’s your brother the least you can do is bail him out.’’
You pull your jacket over your pajama clad body, the heater in your dads truck no longer worked. No wonder he gave the damn thing to you. 
Your mother frantically knocking on your window scares the last bit of sleep out of you.
‘’Jesus Christ woman.’’ She scoffs rolling her eyes, as she shoves a few bills into your lap. ‘’Stop by the convenience store and get me some creamer, it’s for your father.’’ ‘’Thank you so much my sweets, what would I ever do without you.’’You mock. She scowls as she rushes back into the house.
You wince as the truck rumbles loudly, cursing yourself as you peel off into the night.
The police station eerily quiet as you make your way to the front office. The secretary barely acknowledges you as you give her your reasoning for the visit. Going to the hallway she directed you too, your brother speaking to what you presume is a detective. ‘’Y/n, what took you so long, this place really freaks me out.’’ He says in exasperation. You roll your eyes in response. Turning your attention to the detective.
‘’Good afternoon ma’am, I’m detective Stallworth sorry to have to make you come in so late.’’ You shake his hand nodding in understanding. ‘’ Mr. B/l/n has been suspected of a hit and run.’’ At that you raise your brows, your brother didn’t have a car. You didn’t even know if he knew how to drive. 
‘’It wasn’t me I swear-’’ You cut your brothers pleading off with a sigh. ‘’I know.’’ You put a comforting hand on his shoulder giving him a reassuring smile. 
‘’He is guilty until proven innocent.’’ A rough voice enters the conversation. You look down the hallway seeing the silhouette of a tall broad man in the hallway.
His steps loud as he makes his way towards you.
‘’Your, brothers in a lot of trouble, he’s even lucky he’s being released on bail.’’ He says taking a drag of his cigarette. You narrow your eyes as he blows the smoke in your direction. ‘’Rookie why don’t you get the pretty lady a seat, it’s going to be a long night.’’ Is all he says before walking away.
You don’t recall falling asleep, a tap on your shoulder awakens you for the second time tonight. It’s your brother. He smiles at you widely as he offers you a cup of coffee. You smile as you take the paper cup out of his hands.
‘’It’s the least I can do, thank you for you know.’’
You groan as you stretch, the harsh surface of the bench finally taking a toll on your ass.
‘’Can we leave.’’ You say between your yawns.
Making your way out of the police station, you thank detective Stallworth for his time. 
By the time you made it back home it was 7 AM. Your mother had told your dad you took a morning stroll with your brother. His eyebrows raising in surprise. You gave his cheek a kiss as you bid him goodbye, you practically ran to your bed.
Sleep came to you easy. 
Unfortunately for you, this was certainly not the last time your brother found himself incarcerated. This time for something he actually participated in. 
A fucking brawl fight over some chick he met a week ago.
You weren’t the slightest bit surprised as Ron’ who formerly introduced himself, gave your mother the details. You fought a laugh as your mother ripped into your brother. Your mother was more embarrassed than mad at the situation. The victim in question is her colleague's daughter.
Your laugh escaped you in loud cackles, as your mother assigned your brother lawn mowing duties. The most unwanted chore in your house. 
His begs and pleads falling on deaf ears as your mother shoves him away and out of her room.
It’s a Thursday and you honestly don’t know what bit your mothers ass this morning. Her best Sunday dress swaying, her heels clicking as she makes her way inside the police station. A big bowl of homemade sugar cookies in your hands, as you’re forced to take part in her visit.
‘’Officers, what a pleasure seeing you again.’’ Her red manicured nails reach over and take the bowls out of your hands. You watch as the officers crowd around your mother. Some for cookies and others…. For another type of cookie.
You wince as you take in your mothers obliviousness. 
Your mother makes you walk around the station offering cookies to whomever. Your guess she’s trying to ass kiss her way into favors. You’re pretty sure your brother learned his lesson though, but you digress. 
‘’Hey Ron, want some cookies?’’ You say pressing the bowl into his hands. He smiles as he grabs three shoves one into his mouth, voice muffled as he makes small talk. As you pass around some more cookies. You catch a glimpse of the detective from the nights before, he stands near the wall adjacent to yours. 
A halo of smoke hangs over his head, as he smokes his cigarette. Ironic because you catch a ‘no smoking’ sign above his head. Your eyes follow him, as he makes his way out of the room. Your mom grabbing a hold of your shoulder, shoving another batch of cookies into your hands before pushing you into his direction. At this point you wonder if she’s pulling these cookies out of her ass. 
Your steps are quiet as you follow behind him. You know he knows, you’re behind him. You can tell by the way he purposefully halts his steps, forcing you to bump into his back. 
He now stands facing you with an eyebrow raised in question. You hold up the batch of cookies as an offering. He hums as he wiggles his fingers over the cookies, he settles for a chocolate sugar cookie. He stares deeply into your eyes as he chews on the cookie.
You clear your throat before speaking. ‘’Thank you, for dumping my brother's case it really means alot to my family.’’ You say eyes dancing between both his eyes. ‘’It means a lot to your family, not you?’’ Is all he responds. You furrow your brows in confusion, mouth opening to speak before he shushes you. ‘’Don’t thank me, thank rookie. If I’d have it my way your brother would still be in jail.’’ Your hands clench the bowl of cookies this time, eliciting a silent crack.
‘’ I’m sure Y/b/n would’ve spent a minimum of 2 weeks max here, you're just being a dick.’’ The detective's face hardens as he grabs hold of your mothers bowl, and throws it against the wall. You stare at the bowl that now laid on the floor in shock. Your brain failing to register his retreating form.
“Hey.’’ You shout. ‘’You need to pay for that.’’ At this point you're running after him. He makes his way into a room secluded from the other offices. 
Your eyes fail to adjust to the dark room, lit only by a single lightbulb. As you try to catch your breath. You flinch as the door slams shut behind you, you see the detectives form from between the aisles stacked high with boxes. Your steps are quiet as you make your way over to him. 
He’s rummaging through a box, head coming up after retrieving a folder. He shoves the folder into your hands as he leans his back on the shelf behind him. You toy with the manila folder he shoved into your hands. ‘’Read it and tell me what it says.’’ His gruff voice spat out. You open the folder furrowing your brows in confusion as you read over its contents.
‘’It says my brothers been arrested more than 4 times.’’ You mutter. ‘’Yeah, and according to Colorado state laws, after the fourth time it’s straight to federal prison.’’ Your eyes widen as you shake your head in horror. ‘’You can’t do that, this has to be a mistake.’’ He laughs in return.
‘’This isn’t the first time your mother visits the station with cookies, and it sure isn’t her last.’’ Your head hurts from all the information you’re taking in.
‘’We couldn’t afford to bail him out the first time, how would she do it 4 times.’’ You think out loud. ‘’Frankly sweetheart I don’t know and I don’t care, If i’m being honest we suspect your mother of laundry.’’ You snap your head up just as he lights another cigarette.
He takes a drag and lets out a big cloud of smoke. You stand in silence for a while, before marching towards the door ready to leave with your mother. You don’t make it far as you’re tugged harshly into a chest.
You feel his heavy breathing on your back. The feeling sends shivers down your spine. The detective brings his hands in front of you and lights out his cigarette with his fingers. He lets out a heavy sigh, before spinning you around and forcing you to face him.
 ‘’And where do you think you’re going. ’You purse your lips at his question. ‘’It’s obvious you're lying; you call yourself a detective? What's stopping me from reporting you and having you fired-how dare you-’’ Your rant is cut short as he covers your mouth with his hand. ‘’If you know what’s best for you, you keep your mouth shut, understood?’’ He whispers low and, in your face, you nod your head in understanding. 
The detective tuts as he shakes his head. ‘’Use your words.’’ He whispers letting go of your mouth. ‘’Yes.’’ Is all you reply, his hand remains on your face caressing your chin as stares into you. The single light casting a glow on his face. You take all his freckles into count, as you feel his eyes on your lips. 
‘’What’s your name.’’ He mutters close to your lips. Your reply comes out stuttered due to close proximity. ‘’Y/n’’ He says your name as if testing it. You hate to admit the way your legs clench. Heat stirring in your lower areas. 
You lick your dry lips, the movement causing his eyes to flicker and focus on your lips.
‘’What's your name?’’ You don’t know why you’re whispering. ‘’Flip.’’Is all he answers with his eyes still on your lips.
Flip knew the problems having you back here would cause. He knew the office was full of gossipers.He didn't find it in himself to care. He laughs internally, he’s not a masochist but how he wishes your delicate hand would come up and redden his face. The thought alone almost made his eyes roll to the back of his head.
Flip hasn’t had a night where he does not think of you. Since the faithful night you came into the station he himself found himself mesmerized by your presence. He practically begged Ron to keep your brother locked up, just for the chance to see you again. When suspicions about your mother arose, he felt like he struck  gold. You had to come, it was just a moment of when. He can’t fight the grin that comes across his face as your breaths come out heavier. He has you right where he wants you. You had to feel the same way right? 
With the way you’re looking at him right now, he’d do anything to bend you over and smack your ass red.
 Flip ducks his head inhaling your scent, this time releasing a groan.
The sound causes you to release a shaky breath. Flip noticed the way your thighs clench and your breaths come out in short pants. He fought the urge to fist your hair and make you look at him. Your elaborate shyness makes it harder for him to resist you altogether. 
If you were being honest with yourself the only reason you even agreed to come here was to see him. His voice does little in calming the flame you feel growing down there. You’re hyper aware of everything that is Flip, his scent is intoxicating.  Every cell in your body tingles. 
‘’Tell me to stop and I will.’’ He’s practically begging for you to leave, leave before he does something he won’t regret. Flip shuts his eyes, as your hands come up to grip the hair at his nape. His calloused, rough hands making their way to your waist. He toys with the loops of your jean shorts. The shorts you were to see him in.
‘’Kiss me.’’ Your words hold finality as you caress his cheek. Flip stares into your eyes, asking for consent. Your flickering eyes is all the confirmation he needs. You moan as his lips envelop yours. The kiss wasn’t gentle. You both fought for dominance. Your back arched as he tugged on your bottom lip.
Flip gripped your hair, the sharp tug on your scalp forcing you to release a loud whimper. He kissed his way down your neck, you turned to the side giving him access as he marked you his. You took notice of the bulge he had in his jeans. Gasping as you placed your hand over it, feeling the thickness and girth. Eyes rolling to the back of your head, when he bit a particular spot on your neck.
Your soft sighs and moans were heaven for Flip. He felt himself harden at your sounds. He hoped someone would pass bye and hear you, he hoped his colleagues would talk. Then they'll know you were only his.
Your mouth desperately looked for Flips, missing the way they felt on yours. Your hand never left his bulge. He released your hair in favor of sliding your shirt up, and toying with your jeans. You protested as he pulled away, forcing you to look at him. ‘’Tell me you want this.’’ Somehow his voice grew deeper, you clenched your thighs as you felt your panties dampen. You nod your head frantically, your mouth too dry to speak.
He unbuttons your jeans, pulling them down your waist and over your legs. He toys with your panties as you try to connect your lips. 
Flip chuckles as he pushes you against the shelf. Holding your gaze as you feel his hand dip into your panties and graze your slit. His mouth parts as he feels how wet you are. Your hips rolling trying to find friction. You’re panting at this point, his shushing doing little to calm your beating heart. Your eyes flutter closed and you release a long mewl as you feel his fingers finally enter you.
Flip tried his best in taking it slow, but your walls were practically squeezing his fingers. Your moaning is the only sound he could process. He wanted to rip your panties off and pound you into oblivion. ‘’Not today’’ He had thoughts of taking you out to a nice diner, show you how much he wanted you in ways his words couldn’t, he wanted to then take you home your taste on his lips as he kissed you goodnight. He wanted your first time with him to be unforgettable.
Flip wanted you to be his inside and out. He wants to mold you, break you, in ways only he can.
Your moans were borderline loud, you couldn't help it. Especially with the way Flip was pounding his fingers into you. Your thighs quivered, as you felt your high approaching.
Your hands scratching his arms as he all but forced you to take his fingers. You begged him to kiss you, touch you, ruin you, you didn’t care in what way you just needed him to. 
He pulls his fingers out of you, your protests falling on deaf ears. Flip licks your juices off his fingers, you swear you almost came just by the sight. He smashes his lips onto yours. The kiss this time has his tongue tasting of you. Flip practically growls, at you eagerness. He finds himself loving the taste of you. He wants more.
‘’Look at you, you dirty girl.’’ ‘’You like it when I use my fingers?’’ Yeah?’’ Yeah’’ His words are borderline mocking you. You whine as he continues to finger fuck you. You beg him to go harder, you were so close. You could feel the band tightening. Your ears taking in the squelch of your pussy.
Flips never felt more alive, he loved the way you submitted to him. 
Your orgasm came like an eruption. You moaned and cried his name like a curse. Flip couldn’t comprehend it at the time but he came at the sound of your voice. Shivers racking his body as he lets you ride out your high.
Heavy panting was the only signal that you were still alive. You gave him a dazed out hazy look, as he pulled out his fingers.
You gripped his hands in yours, sucking your juices off the fingers that were just inside of you.
He moaned before kissing your taste off your mouth.
‘’Be ready tomorrow at 6, I’m taking you to dinner.’’ Is all he says before he makes his way out of the room. You’re so dazed you don’t notice your mom frantically entering the storage room and lecturing you for smashing her favorite bowl. You didn’t have the heart to argue.
As you made your way out of the police station you slipped a note with your house number on Flips desk. He smiles in appreciation. ‘’See you soon, pretty girl.’’
Hope you enjoyed this one, I tried making it a little longer. As always, my requests are open, Also please let me know if you want me to create a taglist lol.
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rynwritesstuff · 11 months
Hi, can you possibly do something with either Flip or Mills being possessive and maybe an exhibitionist with you? Please and thank you 😘
Sure thing!
Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, possessive language, talk of exhibitionism, general dirty talk, oral (reader receiving)
Word count: 480
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You’re being pushed up against the wall before you can even tell Flip to re-lock the door. He presses his lips firmly against yours, humming quietly as he pulls your dress up. He’s whispering in your ear, telling you how badly he wanted to take you right there in the club.
“Just wanted to bend you over,” he breathes in-between kisses. “Wanted to show everyone how well my girl takes cock.”
You’re hot over his words already, cheeks warm and pussy soaked. He's bluffing, of course. There's no way in hell that Flip would share you or your body with anyone, you're his, and he is yours, and that's the way he likes it. But he knows that this kind of talk gets you wet, and he is nothing is not good at pleasing his girl.
“I would have let you,” you sigh as he tugs you towards the couch and pushes you down on it. “I would’ve let you have me right then and there.”
Flip curses softly as he kneels in front of you and pushes your legs apart. 
“That’s my girl,” he says, pulling your panties to the side and leaning forward. Your head falls back against the couch, and your hands find his hair to give it a gentle tug. 
“F-Fuck!” you exclaim as Flip swipes his tongue over your clit. You push your hips forward, giving him easier access to your pussy, and Flip squeezes your thighs tightly. 
“I just know you would have taken it so well,” he mutters, getting lost in the space between your legs. “Letting me fuck you in front of all those people . . . Mmm . . . Such a good girl . . .”
Your grip on his hair tightens, and Flip takes this as a sign to bring his fingers up and press them against your entrance. He pushes two fingers inside of you, and you groan quietly, biting your lip. 
“Be loud for me, honey,” Flip tells you. “Show me the noises you would’ve made in front of them.”
“Shit!” you cry out, orgasm building and building as he fingers you and sucks on your clit. “Flip, F-Flip, honey–!” 
He gives your thigh a gentle smack, then looks up at you. The sight alone sends you hurtling over the edge: Those big, pretty, brown eyes looking up at you. He’s such a tough man, your Flip, but here he is, on his knees for you. God, you love him . . . 
“Cum for me, baby.”
You do. You cum hard, pussy clenching and spasming around his fingers, and Flip continues to take you through the pleasure of it all. When his actions are toeing the line of overstimulating, Flip stops. He pulls his mouth and fingers away from your pussy, and you tug him up so that you can kiss him deeply. 
“I love you,” you breathe. “I love you.”
Flip smiles and puts his hands on your sides. 
“I love you, too, honey.”
171 notes · View notes
strawberry-whorecake · 11 months
Routine | F.Z.
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pairing: Flip Zimmerman x fem!reader
summary: Flip knew better than to feel the way he did about you-- Chief Bridges' daughter-- but he couldn't help himself. When it came down to it, he was nothing more than a man, and you were a gorgeous woman... what the chief didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
word count: 2.6k
warnings: age gap (reader is of age), slight power dynamic, PinV sex, fingering, unprotected sex, public sex (kinda??), almost getting caught, swearing, dirty talk, praise, degrading
A/N: aaaaaaaahhh my first smut on here- god i hope its good... pls let me know your thoughts all feedback is greatly appreciated !! Plot credit goes to direnightshade on AO3 from their "Flip Zimmerman Prompts" collection, i read it and was immediately obsessed and needed to turn it into a fic so full credit goes to them!!
Flip could tell you were around from a mile away. Everybody from the detectives to the officers perked up when you were around, even if it was forced.
"Afternoon Ron, hey! Cool shirt, super fly." you giggled. "Hey Jimmy," your eyes fell on him, "Flip."
He nodded his head, gently clearing his throat as he straightened up, "Afternoon." His gaze drifted down your frame, moving from your eyes, down the fabric of your dress before he found himself looking at the plush of your thighs just beneath the hem of your dress.
He forced his eyes to the case file in his hands, only indulging himself when you turned away to head into the chief's office— watching as your hips would sway with every step you took.
Flip hated when you came into the station, or more specifically, he hated the thoughts he had when you came into the station. He hated the way your perfume lingered in the air even when you were no longer in the room, and that utterly gorgeous smile you were always so keen on flashing him.
But most of all, he hated the way his jeans felt entirely too tight when you were around and the way he couldn't contain his excitement to catch you alone because he knew what would always follow.
He listened intently as your fist rapped on the door, getting the okay from the chief the door creaked open and you greeted yourself as you entered. "Hi Daddy! You forgot your lunch again." The rest of your conversation got muddled over the chatter from the office, and Flip begrudgingly focused his attention back on the case file.
"No problem, I'll see you back at home!" Flip caught your goodbyes and hopped up, file under his arm as he swiftly exited the office accidentally—purposefully— bumping into you as you closed the chief's door behind you, unabashedly pressing his hips to your ass.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" you immediately apologized in a sickly sweet tone as you turned to face him, even though it was completely Flip's fault. "Oh, no, that was my bad." he shook his head softly. His heart pounded against his chest as you bid him one of your award winning smiles, seeing the relief wash over you that it was only him. "So how's detective's work treating you, Flip?"
He eyed you for a moment, he was certain you surely weren't interested in hearing about his job. He knew what you were more interested in, and he was more than willing to indulge you. Just being so close to you he couldn't contain himself. "You ever seen the records' room?" he asked.
Your brows raised as your eyes widened, and you peered over both of your shoulders. "There's no polite greetings with you, is there?" A smirk pulled on Flip's mouth as you scoffed a laugh, "You make a habit of dropping off your dad's lunch once a week, the outcome always ends up being the same."
He reached around you, pushing open the door to the record's room. He didn't speak, but his brows raised, urging you in. To his relief the room was empty. He watched as your hips swayed again, walking in front of him into the room, he could hardly wait to dig his fingers into the skin of your thighs.
You stopped halfway in the room, beckoning him with your finger. He risked a quick glance over his shoulders before stepping in and shutting the door behind him. He tossed the file haphazardly on the desk, grabbing you by the waist and pinning you against the back of the door. You gasped as his lips crashed into yours. This was routine with you two, but his force never not managed to take you by surprise.
He wasted no time running his tongue along your bottom lip, begging for entry into your mouth which you happily granted him. He sloppily explored every area of your mouth with his tongue, pressing his hips into yours as you whined into his mouth.
Your hands clutched at the fabric of his flannel as his fingers ran up and down your sides. He teased at the hem of your dress before running a thick finger over your clothed slit, making you moan against his lips.
“Flip…” you whimpered as he pulled away from your lips to place open mouthed kisses down your neck, his fingers continuing to tease your clothed cunt.
“Shh… you don’t want anyone to know what we’re up to in here, do you?” He hummed against your neck as he pulled away enough to look up at you, watching as your teeth clamped down on your lip to conceal the sounds of your pleasure— much to his annoyance as he wanted nothing more than to hear make those beautiful little noises and listen to you scream his name as he made you feel so good. When you shook your head he hummed again, “Good girl.”
His lips found their way to that spot in the crook of your neck that made you purr like a kitten when he caressed it with his tongue. Your fingers grazed upward and tangled around his neck, clutching at the raven waves of his hair. When you tugged gently on his strands he let out a low groan, pressing his hips into yours again, and allowed himself to sneak his fingers into the waistband of your underwear.
“Fuuuck…” he groaned, pulling away from your neck. “Am I the one who makes you this wet?” he teased, running his index and middle finger between your folks and gathered your slick. He looked up to your eyes, intimidating you as he watched you bite harder on your lip and timidly nod your head.
He leaned in, pressing his face close to yours as he whispered in your ear, his voice gruff that he nearly growled his words, “What would the chief think knowing his perfect little girl is such a little slut?”
As he spoke he sheathed his index finger inside you, making you mewl, which he quickly covered up by smashing his lips to yours and swallowing down your moans. 
He pumped his finger in and out of you, stretching you out on his thick digit, “Always so tight…” he groaned, pressing his lips against your neck again, finding that spot once again. "We're gonna have to work you up to fitting me... you know that."
Your fingers gently scratched at his scalp and he groaned against your skin. He couldn't wait to get you on his cock but he knew he'd split you in two if he let his fervor get the best of him. He pulled away from your neck, studying your face as he inserted another finger.
He watched in awe at the way your eyes pinched shut, brows knitting together as he felt your walls clamp around him. He curled his fingers, hitting that sweet spot that made your thighs tremble and you whined out for him again, making him press his lips to yours to stifle your noises.
His tongue sloppily prodded against yours, groaning softly as you whimpered into his mouth, using his fingers to beckon your orgasm closer— his dick fighting with the tightness of his jeans as he bucked his hips into yours again, desperate for friction.
"Flip- please... n-need you..." you whined. Flip huffed, "Needy little thing, aren't you?" He mumbled against your jaw. "Tell me what you want."
"You-" you squeaked, suddenly shy. His fingers dragged slowly out of your cunt drawing a moan out of your throat as he smirked. "No, use your words." He plunged his fingers back inside of you, making you gasp and speak hurriedly, "Your dick! I need your dick inside me!"
His smirk broadened. "Good girl."
Flip loved knowing how he drove you to this state. Your father of course would have Flip's head if he knew the truth— knew that once a week he found every excuse to bury himself deep inside your cunt, that he was whoring out the chief's daughter, but god, could Flip only look forward to your weekly meetings.
He withdrew his fingers, making you whine at the loss of contact. Flip couldn't stop himself from chuckling at your desperation as he pulled you by the waist deeper into the records' room. The clack of his belt buckle coming undone between the aisles of boxes made your need for him grow incredibly.
You watched as he pulled out his cock, his tip angry and red, leaking precum, just as desperate for you as you were for him. You moaned at the sight of him taking himself in his hand and spreading his precum along his length— and much louder than Flip's comfort level. He clamped his free hand over your mouth, "You've got to be quiet, you want the whole station to know you're such a little whore for me?" he studied your expression as you shook your head.
He withdrew his hand and hiked up your dress, grabbing hold of your thigh, and pinning it to his waist as he slid your panties to the side. You pinched your eyes shut preparing for the bittersweet sting as he aligned himself with your entrance. "No- eyes on me." he ordered.
You obeyed, opening your eyes and looking into his as he sheathed just the tip of his dick inside you. It took all of his self restraint to not plunge completely into you, split you open, and god knows the way your walls squeezed and drew him in he wanted to more than anything, but he offered you the decency of allowing you to adjust to his thick size.
"Fuck-" he groaned, "even your sweet little cunt is so needy for me." You whimpered at his words, trying to grind yourself deeper onto him.
With your okay he finally thrust himself in fully, he watched again as your brows knit and your perfect lips fell open into the most adorable 'o' shape. He fought every urge to pull out and slam back into you, and he occupied his time with your neck again, trailing more sloppy kisses on your skin.
He growled lowly as he withdrew from you, slowly sliding his way back inside of you. He thrust inside you a few times, your eyes fluttering shut at his movements. He didn't mind, he was too preoccupied watching his cock slide in and out of your perfect pussy. He loved the way you swallowed him up— took all of him flawlessly. He often indulged himself with the thought that your cunt was made just for him.
"Flip-" you whimpered. His eyes flickered up to meet yours, looking over your expression once again. His fingers dug into the plush of your thigh, leaving small crescent-shaped indents in your flesh as he hiked your leg up.
"Jump." he instructed. You furrowed your brows in confusion, but his expression didn't let you linger on the feeling as you wrapped your arms around his neck and he hoisted you up, wrapping his elbows under your knees— pinning you against the shelf behind you.
At this angle, Flip was able to bury himself impossibly deeper inside you, prodding the firm, silky surface of your cervix with his tip. He groaned, burying his head in the crook of your neck as he rocked into you. You were barely legible, descended into nothing but gasps for breaths and moans as he slammed his hips into yours.
He pulled away from your neck, looking into your eyes, "I want you to look at me when you cum, do you understand?" He searched your gaze hungrily, he needed to watch you as you came undone, needed to watch the way your chin would tremble and your brows would knit so tightly together. You nodded, unable to speak with the way he filled you so full.
His size alone was sending you reeling toward bliss, that tight knot in your stomach growing incredulously tighter with every thrust. The only sounds were the obscene noises of skin slapping together and the moans spilling from your throat until the door creaked open.
You gasped as Flip's head flew in the direction of the door, holding you up astonishingly with one of his strong arms as the other flew to clamp over your mouth. He leaned in closer, hissing a silent warning to you.
The footsteps grew nearer and he knew he should've immediately stopped— but he couldn't find the restraint to. He balanced you between his arm and the shelf as he withdrew his hips before thrusting in again, clamping his hand down tighter over your lips as you breathed hotly against his palm. You wanted to make him stop, the fear of being caught too overwhelming, but fuck, was the threat only turning you on more.
His eyes looked into yours warningly as he withdrew his hand, lowering it to your clit where he began to draw tight, quick circles. You bit down on his shoulder, not trusting yourself enough to not moan out as he continued pounding inside you, his pace growing frantic.
He kept his face close to yours, his own breaths growing ragged as he tried his damnedest to breathe out of his nose to stifle his own groans that bubbled in his throat.
Flip couldn't decide if he was relieved or disappointed when the footsteps descended and the door opened before shutting again— leaving the two of you alone.
"Fuck-!" He groaned into your shoulder, his fingers drawing sloppier circles around your clit as his hips began to stutter. "F-Flip-" you panted out, "I-I’m-"
He nudged your cheek with his angular nose, making you look at him. "Remember the rules- look at me while you cum on my cock." he huffed. You bit down on your lip as you nodded, his eyes glued to your expression behind his own furrowed and focused brows. Your mouth fell into that perfect 'o' once more, and you could barely keep your eyes on him as your back arched and he watched you fall apart before him.
He watched as your perfect eyes rolled back, his hips and fingers never stilling as they worked you through your orgasm. Your walls stroked him, pulling him closer to his own ecstasy. "F-Fuck-!"
He buried his face in your shoulder, erupting in expletives and groans as your cunt throbbed around him, milking him, your fingers digging into his shoulder blades. "Fuuuck..." he huffed once more as he buried himself as deeply inside you as he could, spilling his release.
He felt your thighs tremble and he quickly brought his arm to steady you once again as he pumped his hips a few more times, finishing off his high despite your small whimpers of protest in overstimulation.
He pulled away from your shoulder, unsheathing himself from you as he carefully lowered you to the ground, supporting your wobbling legs with a strong grip as you both fought to regain your breaths.
He created a little bit of distance from you as he tucked himself back into his pants, watching as you straightened your own clothing out. When your eyes met his he swept back in, colliding his lips to yours.
You pulled away from the kiss first, much to Flip's disgruntlement. "We should go... that was already a close enough call." You spoke breathlessly, still working on steadying your breath. He sighed, running a hand through his hair before nodding. "Yeah, I'll make sure it's all clear."
He turned out of the aisles knowing you were following close behind him. He peered through the hazy glass looking for a sign of anyone— which thankfully the hall seemed to be deserted. With a gulp of a breath he pulled open the door.
With no one around he beckoned his hand, watching as you slipped past him out the door. He watched once more as your hips swayed with every step, a smirk curling on his lips again.
"Same time next week?" He called, making you spin around on your heel to shoot him a warning glare. His smirk broadened as he bit down on his tongue. "See you then, Bridges."
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ladyinwriting18 · 7 months
Traditions (Flip Zimmerman x Reader)
Summary: It might be your first Hanukkah with your boyfriend Flip Zimmerman, but you're determined to make it one you both remember.
Words: 4794 Warnings: PIV, Oral sex (female receiving), Sex on Hanukkah. Sex on the kitchen floor.
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When you awaken that winter morning, you find that Flip has already left for work. If you're being honest, you’re glad he’s on the early shift, it gives you more time to prepare. You smile to yourself, excited for the surprises you have planned for tonight… The first night of Hanukkah. You’re sure that Flip doesn’t even realize the date, but it doesn’t matter cause you’re doing all of this for him.
After going undercover to infiltrate the KKK, he’s been more drawn to his heritage, though he hasn’t allowed himself to fully dive in. You know it’s because he feels unworthy… After a lifetime of feeling indifferent about being Jewish, he feels like he’s intruding on something that should have been close to his heart from the start. What right did he have to his Jewish roots when others had sacrificed, bled, and stood proudly for them? But to you, there’s no right or wrong way for one to experience their religion. Just because Flip hadn’t grown up going to temple or having a bar mitzvah didn’t mean he didn’t have a right to the Jewish religion now. That’s why you’d done research at the library and the local temple, reading up and asking a rabbi for advice on properly celebrating Hanukkah. You wanted to give Flip this, wanted him to feel comfortable to explore this part of himself. Especially with you. And perhaps, if tonight went well, it would lead to the two of you celebrating Hanukkah again next year. You had done everything in your power to ensure that nothing would get in the way of that. Starting off with ensuring that Flip wouldn’t get stuck working late. A quick call to the chief informing him that not allowing one of his detectives to observe a religious holiday would probably sound really bad to a union representative had sealed that deal. The chief had claimed to enjoy your “spunk” in calling him behind Flip’s back, but either way, he promised to send “your lover boy” home at a decent time. Now came the fun part…decorating and cooking. You hop out of bed and quickly wash up to prepare for the day before heading downstairs. There’s a lot to get done and you’re a mix of nervous and excited. Excited to see his reaction, but nervous to screw things up. You’ve never cooked these recipes before. What if they turn out horrible? You try to shake off your nerves. They won’t stop you now. You would do your best for him and that was it. The first thing you work on is making the dough for the challah bread since it has to rise multiple times before it can be braided and then baked. At least…that’s what the recipe book said. You say a silent prayer before setting the dough to the side to rise, and then you get to work on a less nerve-wracking task—decorating the house. You hang long white fairy lights along some of the walls, drape blue tinsel over the fireplace mantel, and lay out Hanukkah-themed table runners along the coffee and kitchen tables. But you don’t stop there. Multiple candy bowls filled with chocolate gelt and dreidels are placed around the living room, knowing that Flip has a secret sweet tooth. You still aren’t fully clear on the rules of spinning dreidels but you’re certain the both of you could figure it out. That or just enjoy munching on chocolate. Either way, that isn’t the most important part of tonight. After your conversation with the rabbi, you learned that menorahs are usually passed down through families and generations. Knowing that wasn’t an option, you had searched every antique shop in town until you found something perfect—a beautiful brass menorah with the Star of David under the middle candle. You polish it until it shined and place it in the center of the coffee table with white candles. With the rabbi’s help, you had written out the prayer that is traditionally read while lighting a candle each night. Alongside the prayer is a yarmulke, in case Flip wants to wear it. 
With the decorating done, you head back into the kitchen to start on dinner. Following along with the cookbook you borrowed from the library, you fry potato pancakes, otherwise known as latkes, roast potatoes, prep the brisket for the oven, and braid the challah dough. It isn’t long until the entire downstairs is filled with the most wondrous smells. You’re more excited now, certain that the smells are a good sign that the food will be equally delicious. Knowing you don’t have much longer before Flip gets home, you head upstairs to change. You want to look good but not overly fancy, so you decide on a simple black knee-length skirt with a soft, white cashmere sweater, and black, heeled boots. Pleased with how you look, you head back downstairs to finish everything up. You end up cooking until the very last minute, barely having time to plate all of the food before the sound of Flip’s car turning into the driveway. “Shit!” you curse and hurry to put everything out on the kitchen table along with the good china plates and a bottle of wine. The front door opens and you freeze in your spot, wanting him to find the surprise on his own. You listen to the sounds of him making his way inside, taking off his boots and jacket before setting them aside in the hallway closet. He calls your name… Tells you he’s home… Comments on how amazing dinner smells… Then his breath catches in his throat and all goes silent. Flip stands in the entryway of the living room, taking in the scene before him. The room is basked in a romantic, and yet inviting, glow, from the lights to the menorah and the other decorations. He stands there, jaw slack and too stunned to speak. What a lucky bastard he is. “Sweetheart? Get in ‘ere!” You do as you're told without hesitation, but the minute he sees you, he wraps you in his arms. “Babygirl, did you really do this all for me?” You smile up at him and nod. “Happy Hanukkah!” If you wanted to say more, it’s cut off by his kiss. It’s passionate, fiery, and all the things you love about him. “Wait, Flip! Wait!” you protest against his mouth in between giggles. “I have more to show you!” He chuckles in amusement and releases you from his hold but instead takes your hand. “Alright, alright. I’ll behave.” “Good! Now, come on.” You take him into the kitchen and show him all the food you’ve made. “I followed the Jewish cookbook I got from the library exactly, so hopefully everything tastes good!” Flip cocks a brow in surprise. “They actually make Jewish cookbooks?”
“Uh-huh.” You blush, biting your bottom lip to try and stop the word vomit that’s building in your throat. Maybe you had misread the situation or done something offensive. “When…I spoke to the rabbi, he told me that menorahs are usually passed down from generation to generation, but…I know you didn’t have one.” You swallow hard, trying to gauge his reaction but still, you can’t seem to shut the hell up. “The one on the coffee table is an antique. Now you’ll have one forever, to pass on to your children.” You realize what you said a second too late and internally die a little. “That is…if um…you want to.” But Flip isn’t listening, because suddenly, he’s picturing the future. One where a four-year-old sits on his lap to help him light the next candle on the menorah while you watch with your belly filled with a second child. You squeeze his hand, he still seems to be in shock but you can’t be sure. “Is…Is this all okay? Did I…do alright?” 
It’s the uneasiness in your tone that snaps him from his daydreams. He turns to you, cupping your cheeks in his hands. 
He wants to reassure you, but he finds himself overcome with emotion. “I…don’t even know what to say. How did I get so damn lucky?” He tries to laugh to stop the tears that threaten to prickle his eyes. “Thank you…for doing all of this. Thank you for loving me enough to do all of this.” Your lips find one another again, but this time softer than before. His hands hold your face steady as you lovingly kiss. Your arms wrap around his middle, feeling more and more like melted butter by the second. “I love you, Flip Zimmerman. I just wanted you to feel accepted and safe to start your own traditions here with me.” “I do, Babygirl, I do.” He talks in between kisses as if it’s too painful to stop, “God I love you.” The kisses continue until the sound of his stomach growling pulls you apart. “Uh, Darlin’? Can we eat now? All I had was black coffee and cigarettes for lunch.” “Flip!” you scold and lightly smack his upper arm. He shrinks back, pretending to be wounded and holding his hands up in surrender, but all the while, he laughs. You glare at him with your hands on your hips. As wonderful of a boyfriend as he is, he’s still crap at taking care of himself. “Can you wait a few more minutes? We’re supposed to light the candles before we eat.” His laughter dies down, “Wow…you really weren’t kidding about researching this stuff.” His bewilderment and sincerity touch you, causing your hands to drop from your hips. “I had to make sure everything was perfect for your first Hanukkah.” 
“You’re the one that’s perfect,” he states firmly before interlocking your fingers together. “Let’s go light our very first menorah.” Your heart swells at his words and the two of you walk back into the living room. The two of you sit in front of the coffee table where the menorah is set up. You hand him a yarmulke and a piece of paper with a prayer written on it. “The rabbi said this is the prayer to read while you light the candle.” Flip hesitates, not sure if he feels deserving of the honor. He hadn’t been the one who did all this work, you had. As if you can read his mind, you speak up. “If you aren’t comfortable, then we don’t have to. I know there’s a lot of new information here, but we can take it slow and make our own traditions. Don’t let the fact that I became a little overzealous with my research intimidate you. If you want to try this, then I’m right here with you.” Hearing you mention creating traditions together warms him. He leans forward and places a hand on your cheek. “You did more than I could possibly ask for. And yes…I want to try this. Just…don’t make too much fun of me mispronouncing the words in this prayer.” “I wouldn’t be able to tell if you did.” You chuckle and leave a kiss along the inside of his wrist.  Taking a breath, he places the yarmulke on his head and does his best to recite the prayers. He stumbles over a handful of Hebrew words. It makes him feel self-conscious but you just smile reassuringly, nodding at him to encourage him to continue. With the prayer read and the candle lit, Flip takes your hand in his. You sit in silence together, watching the way the flame dances, causing the light to bounce along the walls. His gaze falls on you, his eyes sparkle with happiness at how peaceful you look basked in the candlelight. “I’m guessing tomorrow night, we light the second candle?” You nod before looking back at him. “Should we go eat now?” His back straightens fully at the mention of food. “I thought you’d never ask. My stomach’s been aching for a taste since I walked through the door.” 
You playfully roll your eyes and stand. “Well then, we better go and get you some food. I can’t let my man go hungry.” You take him into the kitchen and tell him to make himself comfortable while you make him a plate filled with latkes, roasted potatoes, and brisket before making your own plate and sitting down. ‘Now, before we eat, you have to–” You hand him another piece of paper with two other prayers. “Read these. The first prayer is meant to be said before we cut the challah and the second before drinking the wine.” Flip reads both, doing so with a bit more confidence than before. A sense of pride fills him at repeating these words that have been said by countless generations of Jews. “That was wonderful,” you praise and then you both begin to eat. You watch him carefully, wanting to gauge his reaction to tasting the food. “Please be honest if something doesn’t taste good and I’ll practice to get better at it.” But the man sitting across from you is too busy moaning blissfully at the flavors filling his mouth. “Shit, babygirl, you’ve really outdone yourself.” You nearly dance in your seat from happiness. “I’m so glad! I was worried it wouldn’t taste good enough.” Flip extends his hand across the table and squeezes yours. “I’m not sure how I got so lucky in finding you, but I’m going to spend the rest of our lives showing you just how much you mean to me.” Tears prickle at the corners of your eyes, beyond the point of euphoria. “Shhh, come on now, no tears. This is meant to be a happy occasion. Hanukkah is about keeping faith and miracles.” You raise a curious brow and he sheepishly chuckles. “You’re not the only one who’s been secretly reading up on the holiday.” The rest of the meal flows effortlessly, the both of you enjoying the food and one another’s company until he sits back in his chair with a contented sigh. It pleases you that you’ve made him so happy, but you have one more surprise for him. From your skirt pocket, you pull out a small black box and slide it over to his side of the table. “Flip?” The sound of his name catches his attention and he looks back to find the gift box. “Little One? What’s this?” “Open it and find out,” you reply in a sing-song voice that has him chuckling. He opens the box and finds a simple gold chain with the Star of David hanging from it. A small gasp of surprise leaves his full lips. He gapes at you, unsure of what to say. “I know you mentioned that you misplaced your old one while you were undercover because you had to take it on and off so much. I hope you like it.” He doesn’t have the words to express his gratitude as a swell of emotion starts to overcome him, so instead, he kisses you—hard. The kiss steals your breath away. So much so that you’re left dizzy. “Thank you, my love,” he whispers hotly against your mouth before sitting back down. Still dazed, you giggle slightly. “You’re welcome. Let me start cleaning up so we can spend the rest of our night relaxing.” Not waiting for a reply, you stand and carry a stack of dirty dishes to the sink.
Flip watches, slipping the yarmulke from his head and putting his gift around his neck before following you over to the kitchen sink. “Can I do anything to help you clean?” 
You brighten at his offer, thankful for the help. “That would be great!” You hand him a dish towel with a cock of your hip. “I wash, you dry?” He agrees and the two of you get to work. Every once in a while, Flip playfully splashes you with sudsy water, laughing every time you huff in irritation. You’re adorable and he just can’t help himself. With the dishes done, you move on to wrapping up the leftovers and even pack some for his lunch tomorrow. “I’m going to be the envy of every guy in the squad room. They're all going to be wishing they had the chance to taste your cooking.” “I can pack you extra to share!” His hands find your hips, lovingly gripping them in his large hands before pulling you forcefully against him so your ass is pressed to his crotch. “Not a chance, Little One. It’s all mine…and so are you.” Without warning, he spins you around and crashes his mouth onto yours. You aren’t sure what’s got him so worked up, but truthfully? You don’t care. Your arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him in for more. Which he gladly gives by slipping his tongue into your mouth. A tiny moan leaves you from the sensation. Flip grins at the sound. You want more but he breaks the kiss. “Does my girl want more?” You nod, your pupils blown wide as you search his. “Please, Flip.” Your plea is enough for him, so he drops down to his knees before you. Grabbing your skirt, he bunches it up at your waist, pleased to see the damp spot that’s already started to form at the front of your panties. He runs the tip of his finger over it but avoids your clit. “Seems like you have something else for me to eat.” You whimper, now realizing what he means to do. “Hold your skirt up for me. I need my hands free.” You do as you're told but it feels so taboo to be standing here in the middle of the kitchen, exposing yourself to him. But you don’t have much time to think about it because he starts ripping off your shoes and panties. He looks up at you, looking incredibly smug, which only makes your cunt drip more. The moment you're bare, he pushes his nose to the cleft of your cunt, breathing in deep. His groans, eyelids fluttering as his cock jumps within the confines of his jeans. When he speaks again, his voice is quiet but rough, “You’ve done so much for me today. Now, you deserve to be worshiped.” He brings his hands to your ass, gripping it tight and pulling you close so he can drag his tongue through the folds of your cunt. The flat of his tongue makes you whine, your hand reaches for the counter ledge that’s just behind his head while the other keeps ahold of your skirt. “D-Don’t stop. Feels good. Y-Your tongue feels so good!” You're grinding into his mouth now, chasing more pleasure for yourself. Watching you sends shockwaves down his body. His cock throbs in his dark denim, aching for release. He reaches down to unzip his pants, moaning into your cunt as he frees himself. Precum drips from the tip of his cock down onto the floor. His fingers find their way to your slit, slowly pushing one…and then two fingers inside. You cry out, head tilting back as you moan into the ceiling at being stretched out by his thick digits. The legs holding you up begin to shake, but luckily, his other hand holds you at the base of your spine. You look down at him and catch sight of his hard cock, jutting up from the front of his jeans. “Oh. Oh fuck, Let me take care of you, Flip. Let me take care of your cock.”
But he only growls and picks up the pace of his fingers. He doesn’t want to hear your words, he only wants you to cum. The mixture of his tongue flicking at your clit and his fingers filling you up has you forgetting everything else. Your peak steadily starts to roll through you. “Right there! S-So close! I’m so close!” You can barely finish speaking before you’re cumming. The hand that had been holding your skirt shoots out to take hold of the counter, needing it for balance as your orgasm rocks through you. Your skirt falls over Flip’s head, but he doesn’t stop the movements of his tongue and fingers until your body starts to relax. He moans low in his belly at the taste of you, only removing his fingers and sitting back on his heels so he can check on you. Pushing your skirt off his head, he holds your gaze while fucking his fingers clean. Your cheeks burn with color and Flip chuckles with a grin. You just came all over his face while standing in the kitchen and you still have the decency to blush. You’re just too adorable and perfect. He pushes himself off the floor and grabs your face to claim your mouth again. You cling to his shoulders, body molding against his so you can feel his cock pushing against you. You start unbuttoning his plaid shirt, tugging at it aggressively to get him naked. “Take me? Right now. Right here.” “Naughty girl wants to be fucked on our kitchen floor that badly, huh?” You whine at his teasing but go quiet when you realize he’s guiding you both to the floor. He settles between the apex of your thighs, aligning his cock with your sopping hole. You wiggle against him in anticipation. “So needy for it. Here then—take it.” And with that, he plunges inside, groaning at the way your walls hug him tight. He gives you a moment to adjust, your toes curling at how deep even his first thrust is, but that moment doesn’t last forever, and soon he’s picking up his pace. You cry out and Flip revels in the sound. Gripping your hips, he slams into you until he’s certain he’s hitting your g-spot. Your back arches off the tile floor and you screw your eyes shut against the overwhelming pleasure. Usually Flip took his time to work you up to the point of total abandon. Sometimes even edging you so you’d beg, but not tonight. Tonight, he fucks you hard and fast like it’s the last time he’ll ever have the privilege of watching you cum. Your moans are drowned out by wet skin slapping together. Your cunt is so wet that you’ve managed to drip onto his balls and inner thighs. “Look at me,” he commands, using his authoritative ‘cop voice’. You do so and find his eyes blown black with lust and his face flushed with sweat. The sight takes your breath away. He looks positively feral. “I want to watch you fall apart. Want to see your soul leave your body just so it can come crashing back while you scream my fucking name.” 
Your cunt clenches around him at his words. You love it when he talks like this. Filthy and possessive. His nostrils flare as he huffs hot breath across your skin. How he’s able to keep his stamina up is a mystery, but still, his thrusts are unrelenting. You can’t deny how much you love him laying claim to your body. “Yes! Fuck, Flip, yes!” you continue to moan a string of curses and pleas as you wrap your legs around his waist so you grind into his thrusts. With the change in the position of your legs, he too rearranges himself. He places his palms flat on the floor on either side of your head, completely leaning over you and driving his cock even deeper into your aching cunt. You didn’t think he could fill you up any more, but leave it to Flip Zimmerman to find a way. A pressure builds in your lower belly, tightening and threatening to crack open. However, your gift dangling from around his neck comes very close to hitting you in the face. He immediately notices and makes a move to pull back but you’re faster. Your hand reaches and presses the Star of David to Flip’s chest…directly over his heart. “I love you,” you breathe out, holding eye contact with him. “I want this forever. With you.” You swear he whimpers, emotion softening his features but all the while bucking harder into you.
“I want this too. Every Hanukkah. Every year together with you.”
A smile breaks out across your face and you use the chain around his neck to tug him to your mouth.
You both moan into the kiss, movements becoming sloppy.
He stumbles over your name before telling you how close he is. You echo his words back to him, knowing you’re moments away from being driven over the edge.
But that’s not good enough for Flip when he wants you to crash and burn beneath him. He brings one of his arms between your bodies to find your clit and strokes it just right.
Your body starts to shake.
You leave rational thought behind and all that is left is the primal need flowing through your limbs.
“That’s it. Come on baby, cum for me!”
You wouldn’t have been able to stop yourself even if you had wanted to. Your inner walls close in around him as you cum, holding him in place and hugging him tight.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” he grunts repeatedly until he’s tossing his head back in a howl and filling you with his cum.
You both rock against one another as you come down from your highs. Eventually, Flip slumps down to rest in the crook of your neck. The kitchen falls quiet except for the panting you’re both doing in an attempt to catch your breath.
He recovers before you and lifts his head to kiss your forehead before meeting your gaze. “You alright, sweetheart?”
You respond with a dreamy ‘uh-huh’, earning you a chuckle from the man still on top of you.
Carefully, he detangles himself from your legs and the heat of your cunt so he can lay beside you on the cool tile floor.
“Mind if we lay here for a bit? You wore me the hell out.” He chuckles and extends his arm so you can rest your head on his bicep.
“Wore YOU out? I’m the one who’s lying on the kitchen floor feeling like jelly.” You only mean to tease but his other arm finds its way around your middle.
With a playful growl, he hauls you to him, smashing your back into his chest. His large hand sprawls across your stomach, tickling you. You squirm, giggling, and look over your shoulder to kiss him.
The kiss halts his movements and instead has him humming against your lips. When the kiss is broken, he turns his attention to the junction of your neck. Pleased that he seems too preoccupied to continue tickling you, you finally rest your head on his bicep and close your eyes.
You relax within his embrace, enjoying the feel of his lips and facial hair as he leaves soft kisses along your flesh.
He whispers your name, causing your eyes to flutter open. You look over your shoulder at him again.
“I want to say thank you for everything you did for me tonight. You could have simply said ‘Happy Hanukkah’ to me and I would have been over the moon…but the fact that you did all this just for me blows me away.”
You can feel tears watering up behind your eyes but you hold them in so you can continue listening to what he has to say.
“And I…meant what I said before about wanting to spend every Hanukkah with you. Well…any holiday really. I want to spend them all together and make our own traditions, like you said.”
You can’t hold back for a moment longer. Twisting in his grasp, you turn over so you’re facing him and throw your arms around his shoulders.
“Oh, Flip, nothing would make me happier!”
He wraps his arms around you, hugging you tightly to him, and whispers that he loves you.
Another calm silence falls between you. To an onlooker, the scene would look peaceful if it wasn’t for the fact you were both half naked, lying on the hard kitchen floor.
But the two of you are too content to care about anything other than snuggling.
Time passes, and within the quiet, a devilish question comes to your mind.
“Hm?” he responds.
“If we’re going to create our own traditions, does this mean you’ll fuck me on the kitchen floor at the end of every Hanukah meal?”
His back straightens as he looks at you in alarm until laughter emanates through his entire frame. “Naughty little slut,” he teases, giving your ass a swift smack.
You squeal and try to wriggle away, but he easily pins you down and tickles you until you’re breathlessly begging for mercy.
Eventually, he relents, but still keeps you pinned down to kiss you one last time. “Happy Hanukkah, babygirl.”
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eddiesfaerie · 2 years
ADCU Masterlist
(Adam Driver Character Universe)
most works are NSFW and contain 18+ content, minors do not interact!
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Softer | Part 2 *
Kylo Ren whisks you away to a remote planet to be sweeter with you. He finds it much more difficult than initially planned.
Fructus Tenebris (series) 1. Eripio
You have a bit of a run-in with a hunter in the garden. Gladly, Kylo is around to mediate. 
Pet *
You accompany the Supreme Leader to one of his meetings. Unsurprisingly, you become desperate for attention.
Kylo and Sleep
So Pretty Like This *
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Mirrorball * | Part 2 *
Your first time meeting detective Flip Zimmerman is out on the dance floor.
Going Under
You struggle to figure out why Flip Zimmerman wants to help you out.
Losing You
Flip and Sleep
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Long Sleeves * | Part 2 *
A two part, chaotic summary of the trials and tribulations of you and Charlie’s blossoming relationship as it’s pushed to its absolute limits.
On Our Way Home
On a late Friday night, you take the subway home with Charlie after spending the day with him at his rehearsals. 
Date Night
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August *
On a humid, late summer afternoon, Clyde makes you a couple of promises. 
Shooting Stars *
Clyde takes you on a drive up the mountain to admire the stars, you see more than you were expecting.
Look At You *
sub!Clyde needs help voicing his needs.
In The Morning *
More Than Friends
In The Rain
Being a Brat *
Horny and Annoyed *
Soft!Dom Clyde *
Tippy Toes
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Midnight Snack
You get hungry at 4am. Sackler makes you something to eat.
I See You (nsfw-ish)
Double Date
Kiss It Better
Sackler and Sleep
Types of Kisses
Morning Sex *
Caught *
Nasty But Sweet *
Confessions *
Sleepy (nsfw-ish)
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Bent *
Blowing Bubbles *
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At Gas Stations
Brat *
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wildgirllz · 2 years
Adam Driver P-Links
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Anal With Flip (sounds like him too 😩 )
Pretty tummy bulge with Kylo
Another bonus tummy bulge
Adam using you
Sackler gets needy
Clyde can’t get enough
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meadow-anderson · 9 months
can someone PLEASE help me im desperate lmao, i remember reading some flip zimmerman smut and it was flip (and the whole department) having to do like a nearly nude photoshoot/calander for charity and then the reader walks in on them shooting it and it turns into smut. IT WAS SO MOTHERFUCKIN HOT AND I CANNOT FIND IT FOR THE LIFE OF ME PLS Y'ALL
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thetorturerwrites · 1 year
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Summary: "You cannot trap this man. You come with more baggage than a Coach outlet store." You paused, exasperated as was often the case with Lottie. "You can’t keep doing this to people. To us."
"I’m sure I don’t know what you mean." She shooed you away with an airy wave of her too-thin hand. "Now, go. Flip will be here any minute."
“Colorado it is, I guess…” you muttered as Lottie shut the door in your face. “Fucking hell…”
C/N: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT; rape/non-con; extremely dubious consent; age difference; Flip is a bad bad man; seriously: beware
A/N: You should not read this, but if you do, remember where you are and what we do here.
December 26
"Mom, you can’t do this."
The hotel dinette was dim, lit only by the handful of candles Lottie strategically placed atop the counters and the micro-sized table. There were two place settings, two tapered candles, two Dollar-store napkins folded into perfect hearts. Two, two, two because that was the goal. Lottie did not invite you to tonight’s festivities, and you watched with sad eyes as she flitted about, fussing with making this dingy hotel room 'romantic.'
There wasn't much in the way of belongings to show that people stayed here. Between the two of you, your things consisted only of three suitcases, your backpack, and a laptop case housing your six-year-old machine with a fan so loud it sounded like snoring. It was almost comical, but Lottie ridiculously ensured she made the bed and closed the bathroom door to hide away the evidence of, you know, existing as a human. She also ensured there was nothing to be seen of you or your shared past.
Lottie was 15 when you were born, a baby with a baby. She didn't like to be called mom because, with you 20, she was barely 35. 'That makes us more like sisters, anyway,' she often said. Having a child so young meant she never learned how to make adult decisions, and you both had been running from the consequences of her childish decisions for years now. 
She’d ignored you the first time because you called her mom. Playing her game, you raised your voice and smacked the table until she looked at you, exasperation and anxiety at war in her eyes. 
"You cannot trap this man. You come with more baggage than a Coach outlet store." You paused, exasperated as was often the case with Lottie. "You can’t keep doing this to people. To us."
To me.
She sniffed, pretending to be offended. Pausing in front of the black glass oven door, she touched up her lipstick before straightening her back, arrogant and far too assured of her plan.
"I’m sure I don’t know what you mean." She shooed you away with an airy wave of her too-thin hand. "Now, go. Flip will be here any minute."
Flip Zimmerman. Ten years Lottie's senior, extraordinarily handsome, and, God knows how, enamored with the creature your mother pretended to be. 
At the door, you stopped again, turning to implore her with a last look that she not do what she was planning, but she only gave you her brightest fake smile. A heavy sigh weighed your shoulders down because there was no talking her out of it.
“Colorado it is, I guess…” you muttered as Lottie shut the door in your face. “Fucking hell…”
December 28
He said yes.
There was no earthly reason for him to say yes. You and your mom had no money, no future. Nothing but a black-and-blue history and a chemo-trail of heartbreak stretching back as far as you could remember.
But he did, and you believed the only reason he did is because Lottie lied about everything. She lied about the number of husbands she’d had. Lied about why - and HOW - you ended up here in Colorado. Lied about her health. About fucking all of it. And no matter how much you wanted your mom to be alright, you simply couldn’t let the man fucking marry her under false pretenses, which is why you stood outside the building fidgeting, fighting yourself over whether you should go in and talk to him.
Honesty won out over fidelity, and you trudged inside. At the counter, you felt the first prick of tears because this was the sort of betrayal for which Lottie may never forgive you.
"Detective Zimmerman, please."
Your voice was deflated, hollow to match your spirit. You were about to sign away any chance your mother had to make a fresh start here in Colorado. You sunk down onto the rickety bench to wait, picking at your cuticles anxiously and kicking at the linoleum with your scruffy combat boots. Each moment you waited felt interminably long, and you grew more and more nauseated with each tick of the too-loud clock. Your brain screamed that you should run, leave here and let everything happen the way Lottie wanted, but your limbs were leaden. All but soldered to the damn floor.
“Hey, kid.” 
So lost in your thoughts, his smooth voice made you jump. You swiveled your head to meet his gaze and hugged yourself, feeling smaller already. You expected this to end badly, but just how badly you didn't know yet.
Flip stood to one side, holding open the small gate that pretended to keep people out here from going in there. He cocked his head slightly, showing that you should follow him through. You stood on wobbly legs and expelled a dubious breath. There was no turning back now. He led you through the maze of desks and into one of the interrogation rooms, pausing at the threshold to unplug the video camera affixed to the ceiling corner.
“For privacy,” he offered with an amiable smile before sliding onto the corner of the steel desk. “What’s up?”
A thousand words jumbled around inside your head. You struggled to pick one way to start even though you knew you stood there staring at the man your mother tricked into an engagement as though you were the perpetrator instead of she.
Was it hot in here? Your hands retreated into the over-sized sleeves of your hoodie as though hiding as much of yourself as possible would smooth things over.
It all came out in one breath, words smashed together nonsensically. Wincing, you closed your eyes and leaned away from Flip, your body physically ready for him to explode. You knew from experience that angry men did bad things. You expected shouting, cursing, maybe some shoot the messenger. You weren’t expecting him to chuckle.
He fucking chuckled.
Round-eyed, you gasped as he stood, gaze trailing up, up, up. Flip Zimmerman wasn’t small. He was the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome in a way that made your insides tumble. If you were honest with yourself, jealousy colored some of your reluctance at letting Lottie trap him, though you'd die before admitting it. He was spectacular and beautiful, and he smoldered in that perfect way that would make a rational person forget their morals. He was whip smart, saw too much, and seemed to understand everything without hardly any effort at all.
And on top of all of it, he was a fucking cop. The same goddamn sort you’d spent years avoiding. And now, Lottie wanted to hitch her wagon - and yours - to one? No, thank you.
He wasn’t just dangerously good looking. He was dangerous, period.
"I know," he said.
When he inched closer, you thought he would reach out to touch your shoulder, to offer some sort of comfort. Instead, he kept moving forward at you, crowding you backwards until you bumped into the wall. 
"What?!" Shock crept over your face, furrowing your brow in confusion. You blinked rapidly to make your brain work better.
“Let's see if you're as stupid as she is, hm?"
The moment his voice dropped into deadly, your stomach followed it off the cliff and fell to your ankles. You didn’t realize you shook your head nonono until his gigantic hand snatched your chin to a halt.
“I don't understand,” you whispered, tongue thick and lips dry. “I knew she was planning to ask you, and I tried to stop her. I wanted you to kn–”
The hand gripping your chin slid up over your mouth, forcing your head against the concrete with a thump. Suddenly, you weren’t baring your soul to a caring individual. No, the reality was an angry bear trapped you, and there was no escape. His knee slid between yours, pinning you in place and sending your heart rate skyrocketing. 
"If I already know about Lottie, and I agreed to marry her anyway, it suggests that I want something. Doesn't it?"
You whimpered against his hand because none of this was right. Lottie thought she'd tricked him into being her salvation, but the truth was Flip understood the game all along. Twisting in his grip, you struggled to swing your head out from under his hand. You wanted to say you’d leave. You’d drag Lottie out of this town by the hair if it came to it.
"S'this how you always dress?"
Flip tilted his head to further take in your attire. You wished you'd worn anything in your suitcase other than this. Well-worn black combat boots, bare legs, black denim shorts, and a threadbare navy blue hoodie with peeling white letters made you feel too young, too much like a delinquent looking for a handout. His thick index finger trailed up the outside of your thigh, from knee to shorts hem, and he smirked as the muscles in your leg tensed.
“I’ll marry Lottie. I’ll take care of her, make sure she gets all the treatment she needs. I’ll even handle that pesky mafia ex-husband. I’ll handle all of it. Isn’t that what you want?” 
Using his hand on your mouth as a control, he forced you to nod. Your eyes watered over, making him blurry. Your guts twisted, sending acid shrapnel into your throat and making you heave beneath Flip's sweaty palm. You knew what he was going to say. It was obvious by the way he pinned you to the wall with his hips, trapping you with his broad body.
“You know what I want, don't you?” 
He paused for dramatic effect, and you hated him for it. He dangled everything you wanted in front of you like a goddamn golden carrot, and you felt like the biggest fool in all of Colorado for believing he was a good man about to be duped. Your face must have telegraphed it because he brushed his thumb across your cheekbone. 
"Hm. Not as dumb as you look."
He ate up the last bit of space between your face and his until you felt his coffee breath on the bridge of your nose. 
"Anywhere, anytime, every time I want." 
He punctuated the words by squeezing your mouth so hard a sharp cry erupted only to be properly muzzled by his oppressive mitt. Dread morphed into outright terror. No part of you believed Flip felt anything toward you besides lust and greed. You doubted he even liked you. Fuck, you’d settle for some sort of obsession, but this wasn't so simple as obsession. Flip wanted to own you. It was sadistic dominance through and through. Whore yourself out for him and maybe Lottie would live a little longer.
What choice did you have?
January 1
Flip married Lottie at the sparse courthouse downtown at three o'clock on New Year's Day. While the Justice of the Peace said a few words about how lucky they were to find love so swiftly, he placed a plain gold band on Lottie’s finger. Then, paperwork. You acted as the goddamn witness, signing right there next to his and hers in recognition of both this sham marriage and your own very real entrapment. All while you felt his glittering hazel eyes on you. 
Saying yes to him wasn't a choice. It was a foregone conclusion, and he'd known it from the minute you walked into the station house. He held all the cards from the first day. Resentment had roiled in your belly as you pieced it together in that grungy interrogation room, but you agreed. He was unlikely to be kind to you. Men with power liked to wield it, and he had all the power here. Every time he spoke to you, it flexed like a muscle.
After the ‘wedding,’ Flip treated you and Lottie to dinner at the nicest restaurant in town, followed by ice cream and a walk through downtown. He even held her hand, pausing from time to time to brush his knuckles along her jawline. He played the part of a considerate, doting partner so well it made you angry - angry because Lottie had just won the fucking lottery. 
At your expense.
Lottie's plan worked, though not the way she intended, and all she had to do now was live out her golden years on the porch while this handsome, compassionate husband doted on her but harassed you in the same house. Wallowing in your misery in the middle of dinner, you chewed on the ugly fat that, regardless of what you knew about Flip, she would do exactly that. You snorted aloud, drawing their attention - fucking hell, your parents. Flip’s mouth pursed into displeasure. His thick brow cocked over a decidedly displeased gaze.
“Shit. Sorry.” You frowned, more at the situation than yourself.
"Y’ok, Puddin'?"
Of course, she used that goddamn name. In front of him. In public. The nickname you hated since you were a kid and asked her a million times to stop using. Lottie was svelte, though less so these days, but you were soft. It was something she never made peace with - that you were her child and looked nothing like her, that your body type wasn't one she could be proud of. Biting back an argument you'd never win, you told yourself it was not that she was a terrible parent; rather, she simply wasn’t a particularly good one. 
You had no ready answer, though.
I’m ok, but I’m scared that your new husband is going to fuck me into pieces. Yeah, Lottie, I’m peachy-keen; I’m a little anxious because I don’t know when my hooking contract begins. Is it tonight? Tomorrow? Maybe you could get your fella to give me the details on that, m’kay?
Instead, you swallowed down bile and chased it with ice water.
“Yeah, I’m ok. Sorry.”
Following the lovers’ stroll, Flip drove you and Lottie back to the hotel to collect your things, even pitching in to carry the suitcases back to his Bronco as though he were the knight in shining armor and not the goddamn villain. 
At his place, Flip pointed you to your room at the end of the hall, next door to a puny, pea green bathroom. Hoping to be inconspicuous, you checked the doorknob for a lock, but you had less than no luck because though there was a lock, Flip caught you testing it and shook his head imperceptibly. A warning. Chattering obliviously, Lottie confirmed they would share the master bedroom on the second floor. Eyes trailing to the stairs, you realized you never asked Lottie if she’d slept with Flip, and now, you never wanted to know.
Mashing your lips together, you stood stone silent in the hallway. Maybe if they kept talking, this nightmare wouldn’t truly begin. But your body, tight from nerves, was exhausted, and you yawned loud enough to crack your jaw. For the second time tonight, all eyes were on you. It was an incredibly uncomfortable place to be. Tutting about how sleepy you must be after such a big day, Lottie rushed over and folded you into a weak embrace. She never was one for hugs, but this was part of the package she had to keep selling.
"Everything is fine." She murmured it as quietly as she could before turning and letting Flip lead her towards the stairs. She was three up before you realized Flip wasn’t following her.
“Go on up,” he said with a warmth you wouldn’t assume him capable. “I’ll be right there. Gotta show the kid where the car's parked.”
Too soon, she was gone, and he was right there, heating the cooler air with nothing more than his proximity. The further he leaned in, the further you leaned away until your back pressed against the wall, too similar to your last meeting for comfort. Front to front, there wasn't enough room in this microscopic hallway for you to not touch him. Panic took over, and your eyes scanned the same two feet of ceiling and floor again and again, looking for an escape.
“The car is in the garage next to mine. Be at the station at noon tomorrow.”
He pushed keys into your hand, but you weren’t paying attention - not even a bit. The stress of the last few days, the agitation from the way his broad shoulders kept you penned, crept into your bones, making room for a fatigue unlike any you’d known. And you'd known your fair share of dead ass tired. Your glassy eyes drifted, missing the way his hand shot out lightning fast. Cutting through your delirium, thick fingers tightened around your neck. Adrenaline surged as he lifted you onto the tips of your toes. The keys clattered to the ground when you wrapped both hands around his wrist in an absurd effort to stop him from choking you out.
“You are fucking stupid, aren't you?” It wasn't only his tone that changed. Now, he talked to you like you were a simpleton, which you might truly be. “Tomorrow, you’ll drive the car to the station for lunch, yes? Lunch is at noon. That’s what time human beings eat lunch. Yes? You will be there at noon. Say it.”
His fingers eased slightly, allowing you an unsteady breath before wheezing out the words he wanted.
“Lunch. Noon.”
Finally, sweet Jesus, finally, he let you go. You fell back into the room, hitting your ass on the floor and rubbing at your affronted neck. He kicked the car keys at you before pulling the door closed. Dazed and drained, you sat right there, right where you fell, until you heard his footsteps retreat. He stomp, stomp, stomped upstairs in his loud boots and closed the door to the master bedroom.
God, if you had to hear them fucking, you didn’t know what you’d do. Throw yourself off a bridge tomorrow, perhaps.
January 2
The last time you looked at the clock, it was 3:47 a.m.
Despite your weariness, nerves kept you awake far into the night. The effects of Flip’s manhandling didn’t wear off until close to midnight, and after that, you sat vigil, staring at the door and expecting him to burst through it. You listened for movement upstairs, footsteps in the hall. You watched the doorknob in your room, the one you locked even though he might murder you for it, until you couldn’t see it clearly anymore. As long as he didn't test the knob, you told yourself it would be fine. He'd be gone to work before they could reasonably expect you to face the day, but rationalizing it and believing it were two very different things.
No, it wasn’t so much that you fell asleep; your body simply shut down on its own. You didn’t decide to rest. Your brain said watch; your body said sleep. You didn’t even dream.
You woke to the crashing sound of a kicked in door. You shouted and tried to leap from the bed, but your assailant was too quick, too nimble for such a goddamn giant. Flip grabbed you by the neck and threw you onto the bed. His giant hands dug bruises into your arm and leg as he flipped you onto your stomach. A knee in the center of your back kept you in place as he ripped your flimsy tank top and panties away as though they were tissue paper. You flailed, trying to find some kind of balance to get your head out of the cotton blanket so you could breathe.
When you finally managed a gulp of air, it was only because he switched from pinning you down to crowding behind you. He caged your legs in place with his jean-clad knees on either side of your thighs. Shoving a pillow beneath your pelvis, he planted his palm between your shoulder blades to hold you in place again. You didn’t scream until you heard the buckle of his belt come loose.
"Flip! No, no! I'm sorry! Lottie! Help!"
Within 30 seconds, two things happened that would change your life forever. The first was that the meaty paw on your back moved upwards, palm curving along your scalp, fingers threading into the hair. He used that new leverage to press your face further down into the mattress, cutting off both your screams and your air supply. The second was that Flip’s cock, hard and unforgiving, forced its way into your body, gouging and stabbing at you with no regard for your readiness.
You howled as the tender flesh gave way to his violence. No part of your body was a match to his sheer size. Hysteria took over. You yelled yourself hoarse. Spasms rocked your lungs. You couldn't tell the difference between a lurching cough and a breath anymore until your body nearly inhaled the fabric you lay upon. 
“Tried to be nice to you.” He grunted, shoving more of his iron dick into your tightness, having to work to make room for himself there. “Was gonna ease you into it a little at a time.” Your screams and sobs seemed to excite him further because his hum broke through your fugue and launched you into thrashing again. “But you’re too fucking stupid to do things the right way; so, here we are.”
At last, his pelvis pushed flush against your ass. His fingers dug into your hip so roughly you could feel his nails gouging dirty trenches. They, and the already blooming bruises, would be the first of many marks you’d wear for Flip, no doubt. You gave up flailing backwards at him and clawed at the bed as though you could get away through it, a wounded and frightened animal under the thumb of a malicious predator.
Your only saving grace was oxygen deprivation. You started to not notice how he withdrew nearly completely only to slam his way back home, through a wetness that was certainly blood. You started to not notice the way he slapped your jiggling ass hard enough to raise a print in seconds. You were gone to the encroaching blackness, light-headed enough to think that maybe you actually  were the stupidest person on the planet. More so than even Lottie. 
Unconsciousness wasn’t a respite he allowed you for long, however. You snapped back into yourself, still caught beneath the monster, still stuffed to the very brim by his missile cock, still practically scalped by the ruthless grip he had of your hair. He controlled whether you got to breathe by which way he turned that handle. The only difference was that he now hovered over you. His free palm lay above your head, bracing himself on the mattress - the mattress that shook from the force of his thrusts as he fucked into you relentlessly.
His hips rammed forward, punching what scant oxygen you got right back out of your chest. When you tried to look up at him, to plead for your life or some other such nonsense, your eyes crossed, making you dizzy. You squeezed them shut tight, matching the way you pressed your lips together to keep from screaming some more.
"When I say come, you come. And you are never late. Say you understand."
His words were smooth - like he wasn’t currently sawing your cunt in two. Your throat felt as though you’d swallowed the whole Sahara desert, but you forced it to work, raspy and broken.
"I un-der-stand."
He hummed again, and for a good, long moment, his pace kicked up into a frenzy.  Your pussy had finally caught up to his invasion, lengthening fully to allow him all the way in, and he took full advantage. You bounced off the bed only to be plowed back down into it.
"Never lock this door again."
Sweat dampened your skin from crown to toes, the muscles overworked and the chemicals overtaxed from horror and assault. You could hear your blood rushing through your veins, your brain pounding in time to your pulse. Could a person go into shock slowly? Your fingertips and toes tingled, and your jaws ached from how valiantly you tried to keep your shit together.
"Flip," you croaked, unable to stop yourself from crying again. "Please." It was idiotic to tell him he was hurting you. Hurting you was the point, but survival instincts are strong, and your mouth carried right on blabbering. "Too much. Please stop."
You didn’t think it was possible for his cock to get larger or more adept at plundering your wounded pussy for everything it had, but somehow, it was. He growled at your begging, licking up a bead of sweat from your temple. Pedal to the floor, his piston hips never slowed. His cock never wavered. 
“This is your life now.” His malevolent words tickled the shell of your ear. “If you don't want to be raped every day, I suggest you learn the rules. Am I understood, Puddin'?" He drew the last word out, and you knew Lottie told him you hated it.
You crumbled. There was nothing for it. He put words to what this was, and it crushed you. Assault. Rape. Punishment. 
You’d either behave for him, give him what he wanted, or this would be the consequence. This and the fact he’d leave Lottie to her own devices. Ignoring your latest round of sobs and hiccups, Flip released his hold of your hair to slither that arm beneath you. Rigid fingers wrapped around your throat, constricting your air in a much more intimate fashion. He tilted your head to the left, baring the column of your throat for him to lick a fat stripe up, enjoying the way it trembled as you broke down. 
“That’s it.” He huffed in your ear, hips losing their rhythm and becoming erratic. “Keep crying for me."
A car door slammed out in front of the house, and you froze. Both your salvation and your humiliation lie right on the other side of the front door. Your fingers curled into fists, and you unconsciously wiggled beneath your tormentor. Flip wasn't phased in the least. The only sign he gave that he cared Lottie was right out there was that he switched from ramming himself into you roughshod to pushing in as far as he could and rocking against your ass. Deep, deep inside you, the head of his cock brushed against your bruised cervix, eliciting an unwelcome shiver. Keys jangled in the lock, and you were certain Lottie would walk in on her brand-new husband sunk to the hilt inside of his brand-new step-daughter.
At the last conceivable second, Flip mashed his mouth against your bare shoulder, teeth finding purchase in the skin, and groaned with satisfaction as his weaponized cock emptied into your battered cunt.
By the time Lottie’s voice floated through the house - Helloooo? Anybody home? - Flip was off you, clothes righted. He darted out of your room, pulling the door shut behind him with a near silent click. You listened as he called out that he was in the living room before you pulled the pillow he’d nearly suffocated you with over your head to muffle their conversation.
You curled into a ball, willing sleep to come take you again. You deserved it after all that, didn’t you? Your fingers searched for the clock, setting an alarm so that maybe tomorrow would be better than today.
Before you passed out, you spied a scrap of paper on the nightstand where you'd left Flip's keys last night. The words made you want to vomit, cementing the fact that you were well and truly up shit creek no matter what you did. 
Took the car to do some shopping. Will be back by the time Flip's home. (Hopefully. Ha!) -Lottie
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ladyzimmerman · 2 years
Midnight thoughts... ✨🔞
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I would like to suck his cock while he smokes his fucking cigarette and rubs my hair with his huge hand saying: "You're my good girl. Show me how much you love sucking my cock"
137 notes · View notes
strangunddurm · 2 years
Marlboro Red
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Pairing: Flip Zimmerman x fem!reader
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: PinV sex, unprotected sex, self pleasure, fingering, masturbation, age gap, degradation, swearing, dirty talk, voyerism.
Hola! Missed me? I made the mistake of getting a summer job whilst also studying full time. Let's just say, it was painful. Also, I forgot how much I love AD (Flip) and then Venice happened and now I'm back in the trenches.
Flip knew that it was wrong. He knew that he shouldn’t let his eyes linger as he happened to glance over at you, but he couldn’t help it. The way you looked was always mesmerising, forever hypnotising. He was completely enamoured by the way the wind would dance around you and the sun would kiss your skin as you were kind enough to share that beautiful smile you had with the rest of the world. He couldn’t help but grow hard in his jeans over the sight of you. His cock would weep with precum until he could get a moment alone so that he could wrap his hand around his thick length and give a tug at it as he thought of you and the way your sundress would graze your glorious thighs.
The fact that you were always so kind and gracious did not help his ailing thoughts. It made it worse. You deserved so much better than an old, lust-driven man thinking about the way you would look as he spread your legs wide opened and slotted himself between them before taking a long swipe at your soaking cunt. Older man was perhaps a more appropriate title to give himself. Flip knew that he wasn’t old but he was older than you. Old enough to know better. Old enough to know that he shouldn’t be trying to look up the skirt of such a young thing like you. But every time you said ‘hi’ to him, he couldn’t help but fantasise about the way you would look on your knees before him as you took his thick cock down your throat and gagged. He imagined tears leaking from your eyes over the sheer excursion; tears that he would wipe away with a loving swipe of his thumb before you took even more of him.
It’s why he kept away in the beginning. He would force himself to turn on his heel and walk away if he saw even a glimpse of you. It worked for a while, but then you seemed to notice Flip’s attempts at avoiding you. It was a small town after all. Everybody knew everybody and avoiding people just wasn’t possible. Plus, he didn’t want to hurt you; make you feel as if you’d done something wrong. It was hard trying to make his feelings go away when you were you. You were always so keen and eager to hear what was on his mind, to help him with anything and everything. Falling in love with you was easy.
Or, was it really love? It was lust at the very least. Merely the smell of you was enough to trigger the filthiest of thoughts in his mind, made them race until they drove him into madness. But would it be so wrong if he were to taint you with his seed? You wanted him. It was obvious. You had to think about him just as much as he thought about you, if not more.
Flip would notice it every time he would enter the small convenience store that you worked in. The way you would shift, rubbing your thighs together to provide some sort of brief relief to your throbbing and aching clit as his heavy footsteps hit your ears. The way your eyes would shift down to take all of him in, eyes always widening slightly as you pretended not to notice the hard bulge in his jeans. It was clear as day, you yearned for his hard dick to slot itself between your thighs rutting forward to rub against your stiff clit before he fucked you like you’d dreamed about being fucked. The sweetest combination of rough and loving, letting you cry out into the air as he pounded against your soft spot and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Lingering kisses would dance across your skin until you went to bed and woke up the next morning in peaceful bliss.
You would turn around with that bright smile, eagerly gliding to the cashier’s stand to take his money as he paid for the fresh packet of cigarettes he bought every day just so that he could see you. You knew that he was there just for you. The station had a small vending machine that was always stocked with everything a cop could need. The logical thing would be for him to buy them there but his little pit-stop came to be a ritual that he just couldn’t bring himself to break.
He would give you a ride sometimes, when he started work early enough for him to spot you as you were walking down the highway, on your way to your early morning shift. Seeing the way your hips would swing made him groan before pulling up beside you to ask if you needed a ride. You would always say yes, happily sliding into the passenger seat with a chipper ‘thank you!’. Flip’s truck was a three-seater, making it easy for you to slide up close to him as he took his time, slowly driving through town. It was unnecessary, you didn’t need to sit so close to him, but you would always blame a nonexistent bump for jolting you, forcing you closer and closer to him. Both of you knew that it was a lie but neither of you cared to acknowledge it. It was a lie that benefitted you both. It eased Flip’s conscience and it gave you what you wanted: his closeness.
Did you wear those dresses on purpose? You had to know what your thighs did to him, especially when you would so purposefully press them against him at the smallest turn. Even though he couldn’t feel it through his jeans, your skin burned as hot as hellfire as you seared your mark into his thigh, through his jeans, making sure that he couldn’t think much about anything else for the rest of the day. Flip always had to stop himself from letting his hand slide up your skirt to feel just how wet you were for him as he stroked a finger through your puffy lips. He wanted to rub his calloused fingers against your nub as you mewled for him, watching you come undone and giving you that hazy look in your eyes before he dropped you off with a quick kiss and a tap on your bum.
Your parents had bought that small convenience store before you were born. You had told him about how you had worked there every summer since you were 12, helping as much as you could, and it continued even after you went to college. This summer was no different. You took your place behind the checkout, ringing up orders all day, and Flip was the happiest of all to see your face.
“How are you today, Mr Zimmerman?” Mr Zimmerman. Flip had told you numerous times not to call him that. It wasn’t that the formality made him uncomfortable, hearing you call him Mr Zimmerman had him imagining how it would sound if you panted it into his ear as you begged him to fuck deeper into you.
The convenience store was the scene of his crime. Not that any crime was actually committed, but the social piranhas were bound to zero in on it as the place where it all happened. Gossip was inevitable. You were still in college, a year into grad school, and it didn’t matter that you had been an adult more years than he could count on one hand, Flip was still so much older than you that people just had to talk about it. It didn’t matter if you were the one that pursued him or not. Gossip was gossip and it was bound to travel from ear to ear as mouths moved, dripping with the saliva that lubricated their words.
“I’m good, a bit tired, how are you?” He asked, fixing his eyes upon yours as he sent a crooked smile your way. You smiled back eagerly, leaning forward on the counter as if you were drawn to him, needing to be as close to him as you could. Flip did all that he could to keep his eyes trained on yours, to stop himself from thinking those sinful thoughts. He could almost see your nipples poking through the thin cotton of your dress and it stirred something deep inside of him.
“Good, good, rough day at work?” The two of you made simple small talk for a few minutes before you ran out of the usual things normal people would talk about. Flip made it obvious then that he was reluctant to go, lingering by you, staring down into your eyes for far longer than what anybody would deem acceptable.
You bit your lip as you stared back at him, eyes flickering to the clock on your right to check the time. Five past eight. It was early enough for the store to be empty, waiting for the small rush of workers getting ready for their 9-5 jobs. Colorado being a big-small town ran on routine. It was predictable, everyone had a specific routine that they rarely deviated from Monday-Friday. It made it easy for you to predict when you would have a small break and the next customer was Joyce Hill, arrival time: 8:20.
A lot could happen in 15 minutes.
“Actually, before you go, I was wondering if you could help me with a problem I have in the back?”
It was a small room, obese stacks of old, unfinished paperwork crowded the walls and every surface. Small particles of dust lingered in the air, waves rippling through them as the door opened and closed in quick succession.
It was your father’s designated place in the shop, the place where he liked to be left undisturbed. You had barely been in there after your seventh birthday but it was the only place where the two of you could be alone for a little while.
“So, what did you need help with?” Flip played along, hands resting on his hips as he watched you lean against the closed door.
“I have this pain,” You started, twirling the bottom of your shirt and then twisting the hem of your skirt as you bit your lip.
“Mhmm, this deep ache.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” Flip played along as he became hypnotised by the way your fingers traced your skin softly and he couldn’t help but feel a deep yearning for his own to follow the same path across your thighs and beyond the valley of your breasts.
“It keeps me up at night.” You took a small step closer to him. “Gets me so wet.” You couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face as you heard him groan over your words and whisper out a small “goddamn it.”
You were so close to him now that you could smell his cologne. It was woodsy, filled with smoke and something that was entirely and purely Flip. You couldn’t help the deep inhale that you took, craving the smell of him as you stalked even closer. Your hand came out to graze against his flannel shirt, fingertips following an invisible trail until they came to a stop at his top button.
“I have this urge.”
“Urge?” Flip’s voice almost quivered as he clung to every word you said, wondering if he was lost in a daydream once again or if this was actually happening.
“I can’t stop fantasising about what your cock would taste like.” You said it so casually, as if it was a normal conversation you’d have with anyone.
“Jesus.” Flip tripped over the word, almost choking on it as he heard the words slip past your lips so easily.
Your hand fell back down so that you could press it against him, against the thick, throbbing bulge that was weeping for attention in his jeans. You cupped him, revelling in the heaviness of him as your hand struggled to encompass all of it. It made you press your thighs together, searching for relief for the aforementioned ache.
“I think I could help you with that problem.” Flip tried to keep his voice steady but it was hard, especially with the way you were palming him so deliciously.
“That would be so kind of you,” Kind of you. Flip could almost laugh. Was this luck? Was it lucky of him that the woman he wanted the most was practically begging for him? Most definitely.
You thumbed at the button of his jeans before eagerly popping it and pulling the zipper down painfully slow.
Your hand was just about to slip into his pants when Flip kissed you, catching you off guard at first but you were quick to reciprocate. His beard tickled against your skin as he claimed you, drawing you in closer to him with his hands on your waist. Perhaps it was cliche to say that the two of your fit perfectly but that’s what it felt like at the moment. Flip had been craving the feeling of you against his skin for so long that everything felt cliche and bigger - more meaningful - than it was.
Your arms came up to wrap around his neck, pulling him even closer. Your fingers ran through his hair as you stood on your tippy toes. You still had to pull him down, into you, needing him as close as he could come without intertwining your souls.
Your teeth grazed against his lips, pulling a hiss out of him. His hands pawed at your hips, urging your hips to press into his thigh. He could feel the heat of you, even through his jeans he could feel your wet heat that had seeped through your panties begin to form a dark patch on his Levi’s.
You knew that time was running away from you, threatening the one thing you had craved all summer. You didn’t let him kiss you for too long because of it. You were in a hurry.
You were wicked. Flip hadn’t even noticed the way you had spun the two of you around. Only detaching your lips to push him against the door behind him with a thud. Flip let out a huff of air as you caught him by surprise.
You had a smile on your face that was anything but innocent as you leered at him, eyeing him up with one of the filthiest looks Flip had ever seen that made him want to take you over his knee and deliver onto you a punishment that would make you squirm.
“Did I do that?” It was obvious what you were looking at but Flip followed your eyes down to the hard bulge in his pants. He almost twitched as he saw you bite your lip as he looked back at you.
“You like how hard I get for you?” Flip smirked as he asked.
“I love it.” You stalked closer to him. Your fingers grazed over that little peak of skin that peaked through between his shirt and jeans. The muscles under his skin flexed beneath your fingertip at your touch. A shiver ran down his spine before travelling through his legs, all the way down to his toes.
“You gonna do something about it?” Flip asked lowly, almost challenging you, daring you to do something.
The sight of you dropping to your knees before him was a sight he would never forget. It would play over and over in his mind until he lost himself to oblivion, driven mad by his desire for you. Flip felt eager, like a pre-pubescent teen catching a glimpse of his first boob through a bedroom window as he rode past on his bike. Of course, this was much better, much more. This would change him and steer him down a path of life that was so different from the one he had previously been on. Like a child crossing the threshold into adulthood from a simple, quick glimpse, Flip would soon take the step from being a man to being something so much more.
Flip was giddy beyond belief as your fingers finally wrapped themselves around his thick cock, your fingertips attempting to reach around to one another but being kept apart by the girth of him. You gripped the base of his cock, making Flip’s knees feel weak as you dragged your tender palm up and down his hard, velvety cock. You were steady in your movements, swiping the pad of your thumb gently over his angry red and sensitive head every time you came to the top.
“Fuck yeah, stroke my dick, baby.” His words made you tighten your hold on him - encouraged you to quicken your pace just a little. And just when Flip thought he would need to plead with you to feel your lips wrap around the head of him, you did just that. Your hot and wet lips stretched around his throbbing head as you finally tasted him.
Your lips encased his tip softly, swirling your tongue around him before letting it wander over every inch of him. He was your favourite flavour, a taste you would always search for throughout life. You pulled back, licking your lips as you gazed up at him with eyelids heavy from lust.
“Oh, you like that, sweetheart? You like the taste of my cock?”
“Love it so much,” You were a greedy little thing, going back for more after less than a second of being without.
Your tongue flattened, caressing the underside of Flip’s dick as you took as much of him in your mouth as you could. He was big, bigger than any college boy’s dick that you had ever sucked before and it was almost impossible for you to take all of him. But you tried your hardest, letting your lips stretch as far as they could around him.
Flip’s hand caressed your neck softly before grabbing a hold of the back of your neck and urging you forward. It was everything and not enough, a yearning seated deep within him grew with each swipe of your tongue.
Your hand wrapped around the base of him, pumping his shaft as you sucked on the head of him. Flip could feel the muscles in his stomach and his abs tighten. You dragged your mouth back teasing his slit before engulfing more of him again.
“Christ,” Flip hissed out your name, eyes having trouble focusing as you rendered him as close to speechless as he had ever been. Flip’s hips jutted forward, slipping more of him inside of your mouth. He loved fucking your mouth, loved the sounds of you gagging around him that filled the room.
Your feeling of your tongue caressing his cock almost made him miss the way your hand had moved under your dress, fingers pressing against your clit as you tried to give yourself relief. Almost was the keyword. The sight of you on your knees with his cock down your throat and hand rubbing your most private place was enough to send him over the edge.
“Holy fucking shit.” Flip groaned loudly as his cum shot into your mouth. His hips rutted into you, making you gag around him as he hit the back of your throat. His legs shook, stomach tightening as you pumped him clean of every single drop of cum. “Goddamn it,” Flip finally whispered before taking half a step back, withdrawing his wet, half-hard dick from your mouth when he was completely spent and empty.
“Such a dirty girl.” Flip cooed in praise, completely in awe of you, caressing your cheek softly. He bent down and delivered a sloppy kiss on your lips but just as he was about to let his own fingers reach down to circle your clit, he was interrupted.
Perhaps it was lucky that your father had installed that bell above the door to the convenience store, but it didn’t feel awfully lucky at that moment. The bell rang out, piercing the air with a shrill ring. You felt as if a bucket of ice-cold water had been poured onto you and you stood up with a gasp, barely sparing a glance at Flip before you had made your way out of the door to the office to greet the customer. 15 minutes and 34 seconds.
If you had given him a chance, Flip would’ve told you about the obviously frazzled state that you were in with ruffled clothes, swollen lips, and cum in the corner of your mouth. It wouldn’t take much for whoever was out there to connect the dots. And perhaps it didn’t help the way Flip came walking out of the back room with a certain swagger in his step that hadn’t been there before.
Two pairs of wide eyes took in his form as he rapped his knuckles against the counter, letting you know that he would ‘see you tomorrow’ before making his exit.
It pained Flip leaving you there. He wanted to give you so much more, see how you would squirm for him as his fingers trailed through your wet lips. He wanted to feel your hot mouth wrapped around him again and see the way your eyes leaked as you took him further and further.
Flip couldn’t help it when his hand disappeared past the waistband of his jeans the second he closed the front door of his home behind him. His own hand did not feel as good around him as yours had but it was enough to satisfy him for the moment. He jerked the garments to his knees, letting his heavy cock spring free and bob slightly in the air.
Cum was leaking from the tip of him as he stroked himself. Flip kept a steady pace, imagining you in front of him with every thrust into his own hand. He remembered how wet and swollen your lips had been as you wrapped them around the tip of him; how it had felt when your finger had graced his shaft so gently.
Flip’s fist jerked him faster and faster as he came closer to the end, having been so tightly wound up from earlier that it didn't take much before his hips stuttered, his muscles tightened, and he came with a loud, vibrating groan.
It wasn’t enough. Nothing would ever be enough, not now that he knew what your lips felt like around the head of him. He craved more. Craved to take everything you would give him.
The high-pitched ding of the bell rang out through the air, signalling Flip’s arrival to all that were in the store. Frank, the town’s local mechanic and the only other customer, greeted him with a low, muttered “Good to see you, Flip” before quickly departing, leaving you two alone.
Flip moved slowly toward the checkout after having plucked a packet of M&M’s from the small carousel by the door. There was a low hum in the air from refrigerators in the back, the low luminescent lights flickering every once in a while. It felt eerie, like everything, every inanimate object, was waiting for something to happen.
“Hi, Mr Zimmerman” You were doing it on purpose, but your tone gave Flip the vague impression that you weren’t as excited to see him as he were you.
“Something wrong, sweetheart?” Flip leaned his hip against the counter, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Packet of Marlboro?” Ignoring his question wouldn’t do you any good, you should know that. But Flip indulged you, nodding his head wordlessly as he watched your every move.
You did everything in your power to avoid his eyes, knowing the hold he had over you if you caught so much as a glimpse of his gaze filled with molten gold.
You slammed the packet of cigarettes down on the counter before clenching your fists by your sides as you waited for his money. Flip didn’t make a move to get his wallet out of his back pocket though. Instead, he stayed there, quietly watching you as he took in everything about you. Flip was a detective for a reason. He wasn’t stupid, he knew you were upset but he liked toying with you.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“No.” You muttered bitterly.
“You sad I didn’t get to eat that pretty pussy of yours yesterday?” You became flustered over his words, the confidence you’d had yesterday completely evaporated.
Flip was teasing you, seeing how far he could push you before you came out and said whatever was on your mind.
“Want me to swirl my tongue over your clit before I drag you down over my cock?” He continued to prod, keeping the expression on his face completely neutral.
“Mr Zimmerman!” You hissed out his name in a warning. “I don’t think this is appropriate.” Had you come to your senses? Surely not. Flip deeply hoped that you hadn’t. He could still see the shift in your hips as he came closer, leaning over the counter to analyse your face. You didn’t take a step back, didn’t shy away or lower your heated gaze. To you, it felt like the first time anyone had truly seen you. Not just looked upon you but actually saw you, and it made you bristle.
The feeling that coursed through you was unknown to you. It was more profound than any feeling Flip had created within you previously, and Flip was the master of your emotions. Despite never indulging in deeper conversations than ones you would have with others, he had a hold on you that you doubted would ever truly go away, no matter if you would part ways for years to come.
“You don’t want my cock between your thighs anymore, sweetheart?” Flip straightened up slightly. If you would ask him to leave he would do so. He would look over his shoulder as he walked out, but he would do whatever you wanted him to, even if he didn’t like it.
But you couldn’t say no. Of course, you wanted that. You wanted to feel him stretch you out like no one before. You craved it. Dreamt about it night after night. Thought about it as your own inadequate fingers would run through your folds and caress your walls.
“How could you do that?” He knew what you were referring to. How he had waltzed out, still zipping up his fly as you were ringing up the customer yesterday. “People are gonna talk, they’re gonna tell my parents!”
It wasn’t that you were ashamed of the fact. A large part of you was happy — proud — that people would know. Your only concern was that the trust your parents showed in you by letting you run the store by yourself was betrayed.
“I’m sorry, honey, I couldn’t help it. Want everybody to know you’re mine,” Flip smirked as he saw the physical response you had to him as he charmed you with his words. His? You would do anything, go along with anything, to be his.
“Let me make it up to you?”
The room felt bigger than the day before, widened by the knowledge of what could possibly occur once you closed that door behind you. You should’ve learned something from your mistakes but you couldn’t control yourself when it came to Flip. You needed to feel him between your legs or you felt like you would die if you were to go without it. Here lies the body of you, whose desire drove you to your early demise; death by lust, forever cursed to feel the pulsing ache between your legs and crave the touch of another, never to be satisfied again by your own.
But you weren’t there yet. Salvation would be delivered unto you this day. Flip was frantic in his movement as he pushed up your shirt so that your breasts became bare for him. He didn’t wait, not even taking a second to admire them, before he let his lips attach themselves to your nipple. He sucked it into his mouth, running his tongue over your stiff peak, earning himself a moan from your mouth.
Flip felt as if he had earned this. He deserved this. He’d had a craving for you for so long that he couldn’t hold back as his hands explored everything that they could.
Flip’s hand had travelled up along your legs to the apex of your thigh. He made contact with the delicate string of your thong and you gasped into his mouth as he tugged it down your legs so that he could run his fingers over your pussy. You were so wet for him, completely having drenched his fingers in all that was you.
He worked you open slowly, slipping one finger inside of you gently. You clenched around him, becoming even tighter than what you already were.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good.” Flip groaned out into your ear as his lips travelled up and down your neck.
It didn’t take him long before he slipped another finger into you and you couldn’t help the moan that slipped out. He stretched you out slowly, making sure you would be ready to take him. All of him.
“Shh…” Flip hushed you, placing his free hand over your mouth in an attempt to quiet you. Your breath came out in short pants against his palm as you tried to control yourself.
Flip curled his two fingers in a come hither motion, stroking your silky walls to bring you closer to the pleasure you craved so much.
“Let me taste you.”
Flip dropped to his knees before you, urging you to take a seat on top of the desk behind you, causing some paperwork to fall to the floor, before parting your legs even more so that his shoulders could fit between them. He held your dress up, bunching it around your hips with his eager hands before digging his fingers into your thighs, hauling one of them onto his shoulder, and connecting his mouth to your sweet cunt.
The quiet sounds of your breathless moans were intoxicating as he suckled your clit into his mouth before flicking his tongue over the stiff nub.
Your knees fought against his shoulders as your hand came to cover your mouth, willing any sounds to stay inside of you as you bit down softly in an attempt to control yourself.
You fought to keep your eyes open as your hips moved up and down in a desperate attempt to grind your aching clit against his mouth and nose in search of that perfect sensation that would drive you over the edge.
Your hand slid into Flip’s hair, gliding through it before grasping a firm hold of it as a wave of pleasure ran its course through your body.
Flip had already made you come once when he slid his fingers into you, continuing his ministrations on your clit with his mouth. His movements were much rougher than what they had been before, thrusting them into you expertly, hitting that sweet spot of yours over and over again.
Your back arched into the air and your mouth fell open at the overstimulation. It was exquisite.
“Oh, oh, Flip. I’m gonna cum.” You whispered desperately. “Oh, God.”
You clung to his arm in an attempt to hold on to any sort of sanity but it was all for nought. Both of your hands flew to your mouth as your whole body started to shake.
Flip tried to hold you as still as he could but never let up as he flicked the tip of his tongue over your clit again and again and again. He worked you through your orgasm, never relenting as your silent whimpers spurred him on. You had such a tight hold on his hair that it made him groan, sending a wave of vibrations through you that caused you to gasp. He only stopped once your whimpers had grown in volume to a steady whine of pleas.
“You’re such a good girl.” Flip praised as he came up, pressing a bruising kiss to your lips. “You gonna let me fuck you, sweetheart?”
“Yes! Please, Flip.”
Flip took a step back so that he could unbuckle his pants, popping the button open before pushing them down his hips, letting his stiff cock slap up against his taught stomach, balls hanging heavily. He spread the wetness of you that still coated his fingers over the head of his cock, giving himself a couple of pumps in preparation.
“How badly do you want me to fuck you?” It might as well have been a rhetorical question for Flip knew the answer to that question very well. But he wanted to hear your answer. He wanted to hear your pleas as you begged him to fuck you full of himself. He wanted you to whine for his cum, to drive you so insane that you would begin to speak in tongues as the tip of him would repeatedly rub against that sweet spot inside of you.
“So badly,” You were practically breathless; completely lost just from the sight of him. Flip loved to see you like this, so dishevelled, so fuckable.
“Tell me how badly you want it.” He breathed out the command.
“I need you to fuck me, Flip, I need you to fill me up, please…” Your tongue ran over your lips at the sight of precum leaking from his tip, remembering how he tasted.
Flip stepped closer, caressing your jaw as he continued pumping his dick. Flip pressed a sloppy kiss to your mouth before the head of his cock teased your entrance, gliding through it to coat itself in your wetness before slowly beginning to stretch you inch by inch. His dick was so thick and long that you wondered if you could even take it all. The slow drive of his hips into you was driving you wild until, finally, Flip’s hips met yours as he bottomed out and the tip of him was nestled snugly against your cervix.
Flip stopped for a moment to let you acclimate, but only for a moment as he could not bear any more. He drew himself out all the way until only his tip was inside of you. You were desperate to feel all of him inside of you again so you wrapped your leg around his waist, urging him to push forward back into you and fill the emptiness that his dick left behind. Flip grinned and sank into her again.
“Shit!” You cried as Flip drove the air from your lungs as he pounded into you. He never stopped or slowed down, continuously pulling almost all the way out and driving back into you again and again in a steady rhythm. Flip admired you as your eyes fluttered close, tits bouncing with every thrust. Your pussy pulsed and trembled around his thick girth, pulling him in deeper and deeper.
He grabbed your hips tightly, sure to be felt the next day, before starting to pound into you in earnest. The desk rustled with every rut of Flip’s hips, hitting the wall behind it over and over again. Your moans were building to a crescendo and Flip attempted to silence them by kissing you. You let him swipe his tongue along the inside of your lips, swallowing your moans before they rang through the air.
Flip drove into you harder and faster, unable to control himself from plunging deeper into you. You felt too good, too hard to resist.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck fuck,” The words tumbled out of your mouth and Flip could feel you coming closer and closer to your end as your walls tightened around him. And just when you thought that you were about to cum, Flip pulled out of you, leaving you whining for him.
Flip guided you up from the desk, turning you around and forcing your front against the desk. He let his hands slide over your ass, spreading you open for him so that he could admire you. You were glistening, folds completely soaked and puffy.
“Please, Flip.” You pleaded, needing him.
“So greedy, honey.” Flip tutted before sliding back into your pussy so effortlessly.
Flip fucked you with slow, deep strokes to begin with, relishing every little squeak and whimper that made their way past your lips as he made you feel so good. He put his hand around your neck, forcing your head up so that he could tilt your head up. He wanted to see you as he pounded into you. He wanted to watch as your face twisted in those throes of passion.
“You like that, sweetheart?” Flip chuckled as he saw your eyes almost roll into the back of your head as he hit that soft, spongy part inside of you.
“You fuck me so good.” You babbled.
His hips picked up the pace, cock beginning to hammer into you, his balls swinging, slapping your clit. Your fingers dug into the desk below you, relishing in the pain as your hips were driven into the wood repeatedly.
“I’m gonna fuck you so full, fill you up until your dripping with me.” Dirty words tumbled through Flip’s lips, praising you and the way you felt.
“You gonna cum for me?” It was so quiet that you barely heard it. “You gonna gush all around my dick, honey?” One of Flip’s hands came forward to rub quick, tiny circles at your bundle of nerves.
Your legs tremble as you cum, back arching and toes curling in pleasure. The way you grew tighter around him made him hiss as he forced himself in, again and again, chasing his own release. White, hot, searing pleasure runs through him as he finally cums, emptying himself deep inside of you, his jaw clenching and neck straining as he bucked into you. Flip groaned, making sure to pump himself completely empty.
Neither of you had heard the chime of the doorbell, but both of you would notice the one-dollar bill and change that lay waiting on the counter, left there by a fleeing patron that fell victim to hearing your combined rapture.
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mrs-gucci · 9 months
{ flip zimmerman x female reader }
Can I please request going to a horror movie drive in with Flip where he hopes the movie will be louder than the noises you both make lol :)
warnings. SMUT (18+ ONLY), high risk sex (car sex around other people), reverse cowgirl, barebacking, creampie.
word count: 525
★ written for sextember 2023 ★
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collage by me :)
Creepy music plays loudly through the drive-in speakers as the spectators in surrounding cars stare up at the large movie screen, eating their popcorn and drinking their sodas hesitantly, waiting for the impending jump scare.
You and Flip, however, had lost interest in the movie about ten minutes ago. Well, you didn't lose interest, per se. More like you two became much more interested in one another than in the movie.
Lets just say that the gasps and cries from the scared on-screen protagonists aren't the only ones happening at the theater this evening.
Flip grunts as you sink down onto his stiff length repeatedly, hips thrusting up instinctively against you. The truck's windows are starting to really steam up, the air between you two incredibly thick while you ride him.
You're holding tightly onto the grab handle with one hand while the other rests on his hand, the one currently gripping your hip tightly. Your eyes are on the movie and maybe somewhere in your mind you're paying attention to the horrors occurring, but really, it's just pictures on a screen. Your mind is in a whole different place right now.
"S-Shit," you breathe, biting your lip to try and keep the noise down. "Oh god, baby..."
As much as Flip loves this, well, pretty much public sex, he does try to be extra careful since he's law enforcement. He's really hoping the movie's louder than the noises you two are making and the gentle squeaking of his truck's shocks.
He groans softly, cigarette pinched between his teeth, ashes starting to fall off the tip. "Goddamnit, princess...a little faster for me...mhm, that's it..."
You speed up as he requested, resulting in a spike in both your pleasures. Matching noises of pure lust and passion escape from both of your lips.
Flip starts thrusting up into you, chasing his rapidly approaching orgasm. The cars around you seem none the wiser and luckily for you two, the windows are not completely steamed over, so all that can really be seen are your silhouettes.
As he fucks you, you take the opportunity to reach down and rub your clit, moaning softly as the pleasure pulses through you. You're close, very close, and getting closer by the second--
"O-Oh fuck," Flip groans as he cums, pushing his cum up into you with rapid thrusts. "Mmm, good girl...shit..."
Feeling him cum is what sends you over the edge, and you continue rubbing yourself through it as the familiar waves of pleasure roll over your body.
Eventually you both come to a stop and Flip pulls out, tucking himself away while you pull your underwear back into place. As soon as you turn around in his lap, Flip has put out his cigarette and pulls you in for a kiss, his arms wrapping around you to hold you close.
A thought come to you and you smile against his lips, chuckling softly. He pulls away, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
"What is it?"
Your laughter grows a bit. "I told you this was a good movie."
He laughs, shaking his head and giving your ass a nice firm smack.
"You're cute."
sextember taglist: @rynwritesstuff @safarigirlsp @babbushka
if you'd like to be tagged in future sextember works, please let me know via comment on this post or the original sextember post!
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gardenfullofsage · 1 year
Flip Zimmerman x Fem!Reader
Reader has a hard time, getting over her attraction towards Flip. A date gone South, however would finally aid her into getting what she wants.
word count: 2,357 words
Warning(s) Smut smut smut, a bit of misogyny, Mentions of a black eye. I don't own this Gif
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‘’He’s 13 years your senior.’’ ‘’ Wouldn’t you like someone older?’’ ‘’You’ll grow out if this phase.’’
‘’He’s not into young girls.’’ Blah blah blah
Your friend tries so hard to drill her words into your head.
No matter how hard you try you can’t fight the attraction you have for him. He’s so much older, handsome, broad, rough, and experienced. Not like the other lanky town boys, who can’t wait to rub one out.
This is your third time calling his desk today. Call it desperation maybe, you’re hoping he’s there this time. Your previous calls went straight to voicemail.
‘’ Flip, speaking.’’ Is all you hear from the other line. You jolt your heart beating in two different parts. ‘’H-hey yes I’d like to report a theft.’’ You shakily speak, kicking yourself for stuttering. You feel him shift on the other side of the phone. ‘’Ma’am this is the division of intelligence, I think you got the wrong desk. Hold on while I transfer your call to the, main desk.’’ You don’t get to say anything else before you’re put on hold.
You slam your phone on the counter harshly. Gritting your teeth.
‘’I hate him’’ You mutter.
This is starting to get pathetic really. Maybe Sophie is right. Maybe this is just a phase.
Sophie planned yet another date for you, this time a boy she met in the mall. If you didn’t know better you’d think she was planning your murder.
You were only 3 weeks into the summer. The Colorado heat beating down your neck. Your short flowy dress does zero justice. You made your way around town finally reaching the dinner.
The dinner however was empty. Fleetwood Mac playing softly in the background as you looked for your ‘date.’ Your eyes settled on a red head. His eyes never leaving your legs, you cursed yourself for even listening to Sophie.
‘’I hate her’’ you muttered for the tenth time today.
‘’Hey, Y/N right?’’ said the red head as he made his way over to you. You plastered on a fake smile as you nodded. He came in for a hug though, his hand stayed on your waist.
‘’The names Jack, Sophie’s says a lot about you.’’ He says his hand inching close to your bum. You squirm uncomfortably. You move around him and make your way to the booth he was sitting at.
Jack wasn’t too far behind. Instead of sitting at the booth directly across from you, he sits next to you. You keep as close to the wall as you can, but you feel him inch closer.
‘’Good afternoon, welcome to Sally's, what can I get for ya’.’’ The waitress finally made her appearance. You take this opportunity and shove the arm he placed on your shoulder previously, off of you. You feign innocence as you look over the menu.
‘’I’ll get the cheeseburger with curly fries on the side, oh and a Vanilla milkshake.’’ You say handing her the menu.
‘’Actually, she’ll take the ranch salad, and a water. Get me a beer and a steak with the anchovies on the side.’’ Jake says, handing her the menu.
You scoff, but before you can speak up the waitress is already gone.
‘’Sorry, I don’t like my girls… what’s the word fat.’’ He says, a stupid smile plastered on his face.
You stare at his face blankly clenching your fist, fighting the urge to smack the stupid smirk off his raunchy face.
‘’I don’t like my boys smelly.’’ You say forcing your way out of the booth.
He angrily gripped your wrist and forced you back into your seat.
His grip bruising as you grimace.
‘’I like my women obedient.’’ He remarks his breath fanning across your face. You try to fight his grip off of you, the booth granting you a disadvantage. ‘’I should teach you a lesson, hm?’’ He says as you continue to fight your way out of his grip.
You don’t know if anyone cares to help, or they're simply too scared.
‘’Get. Off. Of. Me. You piece of shit.’’ At this point you just resort to kicking.
His grip loosens a bit as he grunts in pain. You use this to your advantage and run out of the dinner. He’s hot on your tail.
You run across the street flailing your arms around like a mad woman.
‘’Get back over here, you’re only making it worse for yourself.’’ You hear him yell.
Your hearts pounding in your ears, you’re panting heavily. You run into a nearby gas station slamming the door closed.
The customers in the shop, staring at you wide eyed.
You duck behind an aisle as you hear the door slam open. You’re too focused on the footsteps coming in the shop, you fail to notice the heavy ones coming from behind you.
A rough tap on your shoulder has you nearly entering into cardiac arrest.
Your eyes widen as you make eye contact with Flip.
You don’t know if your heart is beating out of fear or arousal. You can’t tell anymore.
You stare at each other for a bit, before you feel Jack come up from behind.
‘’Hey man, sorry my woman, she's just out of control.’’ Jack says cackling softly.
He goes to reach for your arm, you pull back bumping into Flips chest.
‘’I’m not your woman, back up you fucking weirdo.’’ Jacks friendly smile quickly turned evil.
‘’Honey, you’re making this really difficult, Come here now!’’ You flinch at his tone, you remain still; feet digging onto the tiled floor.
The once full gas station soon became empty. Just You, Flip, and this crazy redneck.
Flip clears his throat from behind you, you keep your eyes on Jack, as his gaze goes over your head staring at Flip.
‘’I’m not much of a woman reader, but I’m pretty sure she means back off.’’ You can’t see him but, you imagine the cold look he must have on his face.
‘’What the fuck do you know, back off and mind your business shit face.’’ At this point you believe Jack’s just digging his grave.
You feel Flip move around you, roughly putting you behind him.
You get lost in your head while you stare at Flips back remembering and reminiscing, the time you first met.
He had arrested you for ruining your next-door neighbor's garden.
She had it coming, she was a racist.
He was forcing you, well trying to force you into his truck.
You threatened to claw his eyes out. Your denim skirt rising with every kick you gave.
He was rough, as picked you up and pinned you on the hood of his car.
‘’You can try sweetheart, let's see how fast I’ll have you on the ground.’’ You felt his hard on pressing into your backside. You whimpered at the threat. Squirming at the hold he had on your wrists.
You prayed and hoped they would bruise.
He chuckled darkly, as his large hand moved your hair to the side. You could smell black coffee and cigarette on his breath.
That was the first encounter, and God were you hooked.
Maybe you were Insane. No one has ever talked to you in that way, not that you’d allow it.
You feel your panties dampen at the memory of Flips roughness.
You were too into your head you didn’t notice Flips fingers snapping in front of your face.
‘’You really like trouble huh?’’ He muttered out.
You don’t reply as you look behind him, noticing Jacks absence.
‘’Did you kill him?’’ Stupid question, still didn’t hurt to ask.
Flip laughed, ‘’Are you insane?’’ You huff out in annoyance before answering.
‘’Yes, move, you're in my way.’’ You don’t know what caused the switch in your attitude. You were horny, frustrated, and humiliated.
You make your way pass Flip, before being pulled into his chest.
His grip on your wrist tight as he made his way to the back of the gas station.
You try to get out of his grip. Before he slams you against a wall, the impact dizzying.
You lose focus and barely register where you are.
All you can see is Flip, all you can smell is Flip. You close you eyes, and let out a shudder. The buzzing of the store fridges the only sound in the vicinity.
‘’You know, you’re trouble right?’’ You feel him whisper. You keep your eyes closed.
His hand grips your face roughly, squeezing your cheeks together your mouth forms into a pout.
He shakes your face side to side.
You let out a whimper involuntarily.
‘’So responsive.’’He chuckles out
‘’You think I don’t know its you calling my desk, at 1 in the morning?’’ At that your face hardens you shove him back.
‘’Yeah, then how come you never answered asshole.’’ You spit out
Flip chuckles dryly.
What’s up with this man and chuckling. Is something funny?
You don’t finish that thought before his hands gripping your hair forcing your head back.
You moan out, as you feel his thigh come up between your legs.
‘’Please.’’ You don’t know what you’re begging for as you close your eyes.
The hold on your hair tightens as you mewl. ‘’Eyes on me pretty girl.’’ He slaps your cheek softly, your eyes open as you stare at him through your lashes.
‘’Good girl.’’ He mutters softly.
‘’Will you be good?’’ He whispers.
You nod your head.
Flip pulls away entirely. You whimper, missing his touch. You feel pathetic.
‘’Please, please I’ll be good I promise.’’You say gripping onto his flannel.
‘’That’s what I like to hear’’ He pulls you into his chest as he smashes his lips onto yours.
You feel him groan against your lips, his kiss rough, and hot.
Everything you wanted and more.
You feel his hands lift up the skirt of your dress. You hold your breath as his fingers prod at your heat.
‘’God, you're wet.’’ Is all he says before he pulls your panties to the side wasting no time in finger fucking you with his fingers.
You can’t control the loud moans leaving your mouth. His fingers felt too good. You were so touch deprived you felt close to your orgasm already.
‘’Such a dirty girl, Hm.’’ ‘’What happened to the tough girl from a few days ago.’’ ‘’ You’re so desperate for me huh? So pathetic.’’ ‘’That’s it, that’s my good girl.’’ His words dizzying as you grip his flannel.
He rips his fingers out of you as he forces you against the wall. You’re to anxious and desperate you start to wail and plead for him.
The sound of a belt clanking and a zipper going down has you biting your lip in anticipation.
Flip Grips your waist roughly as he kicks your legs apart. You feel his tip make contact with your needy hole, and you clench around nothing.
‘’Beg for it. Tell me how bad you want it.’’ He growls out his hand gripping your hair making you look back at him.
‘’Please I want it so bad, I’ve been good please-.’’ Your words were cut off by the loud moan you released.
His pace was merciless. His thrusts rough and fast.
He pulled your hair, tugging your face back as he roughly kissed your mouth.
He pants and groans into your mouth.
Your eyes roll into the back of your head as his pace quickens somehow.
‘’You taste like fucking cherries.’’ He groans into your mouth. You smile as you open your eyes staring darkly at him. Flip spanks you roughly, making you moan.
‘’You like that? You like when I'm rough with you.’’ He says spanking you twice, thrice.
‘’Yes.’’ Is all you moan out. You feel yourself clenching as you reach your peek.
You gush all over him as you cum. Stars spotting your vision, your mouth wide open as he forces his fingers into your mouth. ‘’Give me one more. ’' He mutters into your ear tugging your dress down as your breasts spill out.
He slaps them as you mewl.
His pace quickens somehow his thrusts desperate, as tears cloud your vision. You suck and roll your tongue over his fingers.
‘’Shit, yeah just like that.’’ ‘’such a good fucking girl.’’ ‘’My good fucking girl.’’ ‘’only, I get to fuck you like this, you hear me. This pussy belongs to me.’’ You Nod your head as your moans increase in volume.
‘’I can’t please, it’s too much.’’ You curl your toes into your shoes.
‘’Yes, you can, give me one more, be a good girl.’’ Flips fingers reach forward and harshly spank your clit. You cry out as you come for the second time. This time your legs quiver.
You feel his thrust get desperate. You reach behind you and grip on his long, ebony hair. ‘’Please come inside of me, I want it, give it to me.’’ You say breathlessly.
He groans out as he stills completely. He fills you up as you maintain eye contact.
He pulls out softly, his seed already spilling down your legs.
‘’Go outside and wait for me in the truck, I got to clean up your mess.’’ He says before planting a kiss onto your lips.
You walk out of the room, receiving a slap on your ass.
The gas station remained empty.
As you made your way outside. You could see Jack across the street sporting a shiner on his eye.
You smile widely as you climb into the big red truck.
Flip walks out, a pep in his step.
As he climbs in he reaches into his flannel, pulling out a cigarette.
He stares into the rearview mirror. Noticing the stare Jack was giving the car.
Flip roughly grabs your chin, before pulling you into a sloppy kiss.
His hands start the ignition as he pulls out of the parking lot.
‘’I like my girls insane.’’ Is all he says, a wide smile taking over his features as he drives off.
Hope you enjoyed this lol. As always, my requests are always open.
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rynwritesstuff · 10 months
Let It Snow!
Flip Zimmerman x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, PIV sex, cumming inside, gendered nicknames (beautiful girl, pretty girl), praise, lots of ‘I love you’s’
Word Count: 920
Summary: You and Flip have sex in a cozy cabin in the middle of winter.
Author’s Note: I promise I didn’t forget about the request sitting in my inbox! Thank you for your patience! I just keep getting ideas, and I have to get them out before they leave me. This one is heavily inspired by the fact that I miss winter so badly. I’m getting tired of warm weather, and I’m very much looking forward to snow and the holidays. Anyway, my requests are indeed still open if you’d like to send one in :)) <3
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“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!” - Let it Snow, Dean Martin
The record player crackles as it switches from one song to another. It’s an older album, one from the fifties that used to belong to Flip’s dad. There are lots of records here at his family cabin, but you and Flip chose one randomly. It’s mostly instrumentals – Smooth jazz and piano music, but you most certainly aren’t complaining. 
It’s relaxing. 
The fire roars in the fireplace, and you sigh as you cuddle up against Flip’s side. It’s snowing outside, and it’s freezing here in the mountains, but you wouldn’t want it any other way. The privacy is excellent, of course, but so are the little moments. 
Like you fixing some Jiffy Pop and him coming up behind you to put his hands on your hips, or him crouched in front of the fireplace, cursing as he tries to light it up. It’s small things like that which remind you of just how lucky and in-love you are. 
You look up at Flip happily, then press your lips against his. He tastes like buttery popcorn, coffee, and cigarettes. It comforts you in a way that nothing else ever could. 
“This is so nice,” you say softly. Flip nods in agreement. “I think so, too,” he says. “I’m glad that Ma gave me the keys this weekend.” 
You smile as you kiss him again, fingers absent-mindedly fiddling with the buttons on his flannel. 
“She’s the best,” you say. 
“I know.”
Flip presses a kiss to your forehead, then pulls you into his lap. You straddle him lazily, your turtleneck becoming untucked from your jeans as you swing your leg over him and wrap your arms around the back of his neck. 
“You look so pretty,” Flip tells you. “My beautiful girl . . .” 
Your smile only widens as you begin to subtly rock your hips back and forth on top of him. He grips your hips, grunting softly, and leans up to kiss you. Your hands are in his hair, on his cheeks, tugging at the buttons of his shirt. You love quick, rough, aggressive sex with your man, but you also love this: Slow, sensual, erotic sex. 
Flip tugs your turtleneck up and over your head, tossing it to the side before reaching around to unclasp your bra. Your breasts sit naturally, and he immediately begins to touch them, running his hands over you while you push his flannel off. 
“Mm. How do you want me, Flip?”
Flip reaches down to unbuckle his belt and pull his cock free, then says: “Lie down for me.” 
You nod, then stand to remove your jeans and panties before getting back on the couch and lying down like he told you to. Flip gets on top of you, cock in hand, and presses his lips firmly against yours. The wind howls and bites at the windows of the cabin, but it can’t get to the two of you. Not now. Not while all the doors and windows are locked, the curtains are closed, and you’re here with your man. 
He sighs as he presses into you, pleasure etched across his face as he begins to rock his hips. The song changes again, and your sighs and moans fill the air in-between tracks. 
“Oh . . . Fuck, Flip . . . Mmm . . .” 
Flip presses his forehead against yours, then fucks you a bit faster. Your body – bare breasts and all – begins to bounce. You groan, gripping his biceps tightly. 
“Fuck, s-shit, honey . . .” you sigh before he kisses you. 
“Mm. Love you. Love this pretty pussy . . .” Flip says softly. You tug and pull at his hair as the sound of skin-on-skin fills the living room of the cabin. “Fuck, fuck, baby.”
“I love you, too,” you sigh. “Love you s-so much . . .”
The couch begins to creak as Flip pounds you, and you let out a breathy chuckle. He looks at you funny. 
“D-Don’t . . . mm . . . Don’t break the couch, honey . . .” 
Flip huffs out a quiet laugh. 
“I won’t. And if I do, it’ll be for a good cause.”
“Your mom w-would kill you,” you breathe, nails scratching down his back. “Shhh,” Flip hums softly. “I-I’m close, don’t talk about my mother.”
You laugh again but say nothing else as he fucks you. He cums within another minute or so, and when he fills you up, you groan quietly. 
“Shit, fuck . . . Loveyousomuch . . .”
Flip nods, then kisses you again. 
“Love you more.”
He pulls out once both of you have caught your breath, and he hands you his flannel. You tug it on and wrap it around yourself, suddenly feeling a bit chilly. 
“We should bundle up when we go to bed,” Flip says, tucking his cock away. “The cabin gets cold in the mornings.”
You nod, then kiss his cheek. 
“Alright, honey.” 
Flip pulls you back into his lap as the smooth, jazzy music continues to play. You play with his hair, which is still slightly wet from when he went outside to gather wood earlier, and you scratch at his scalp until he’s practically putty in your hands. You kiss him once more. 
“I love you,” you whisper. 
He’s already asleep.
Tagging a few friends who I think might enjoy this (Let me know if anyone would like to be added to a permanent tag list!): @babbushka​ @safarigirlsp​ @lumberjack00fantasies​
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artemisthewh0re · 1 year
Adam Sackler smut or Flip Zimmerman smut??
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