nando161mando · 9 months
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TANC Mobilizes 100 Tenants to Disrupt Berkeley Landlords’ Obscene Eviction Celebration
On Tuesday, September 12th, TANC mobilized more than 100 tenants to disrupt Berkeley landlords’ obscene celebration of eviction.
With less than a day’s notice, our members rallied with banners and signs outside Freehouse Pub, where the Berkeley Property Owners Association hoped to celebrate the end of local pandemic-era eviction restrictions. We later carried into the party a cake decorated with the words, “Hey landlords! Get a real job!” and chanted, among other things, “Eat the cake.”
As widely reported, BPOA members were quick to anger, attacking tenants unprovoked. We stand with our members who were assaulted by landlords, just as we stand with any tenant facing eviction.
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aggelos965 · 2 years
Atch -- Right Here (ft Michael Shynes)
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parvulous-writings · 10 months
About the Night before // Vander x reader
Request:    Hi! What about a reaction of Vander x reader where vander goes to benzo and he sees some scratches on vanders shoulder or back from the night before with the reader? :D don’t rush things it was just a thought! :3
Requested by: ​Anonymous
Summary: Benzo visits his friend Vander one morning, and finds out what the old Hound of the Underground has been up to. 
Warnings: Mild  language
Words: 2K
Notes:  So, it’s not scratches, per se, but a very similar situation! And it turns into a very long convo 0-0 My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!    
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Not my gif
A thick, green fog clouded the upper skies of the Lanes, letting nought but a little ray of light through here and there; a particularly nice morning for the Undercity. Business, of all kinds, was starting up as per the norm, one of these being the Last Drop - a frequent place for all dwellers of the Lanes. As the freehouse opened it’s doors to the general public, the first to stroll in was a very close friend of the owner - another local merchant, by the name of Benzo. Trailing behind, and nearly getting hit by the door as it started to swing shut behind Benzo, was the older man’s young ward, who had insisted he accompany him to the establishment, so that he could see the few other children around his age. Benzo, of course, complied - anything to keep the young boy out of trouble, and somewhere he knew. Well, for a little while, at least. Whilst the more youthful of the pair scuttered off to find his peers, Benzo made his way over to the bar. “Mornin’.” He grumbled, resting his arms on the cool wooden surface as he shuffled himself onto a stool. The tall man behind the bar - by the name of Vander - gave Benzo a small huff in greeting as he ran a damp cloth over the surface of the bar, trying in vain to remove some of the years old sticky patches where beverages had been spilt. "And what do you want?" The man asked, though not in any way malicious. His tone carried the amusement that most of their conversations held at one point or another. Benzo pretended to think for a moment. "How about a mate who's less of an arse than you?" the pair chuckled lightly, and Vander shook his head slowly, he knew it was all in good fun. “Just thought I’d drop by, check in, and whatnot...” Benzo continued, “Been a while since I’ve seen you... something wrong?” Vander glanced at the man across  from him, as he  moved to pour him a pint. “No, nothing’s wrong...” Vander replied honestly.  “Just been busy...”  “Kids getting into scuffles again?”  “No, not more than usual...” Vander shrugged. Benzo hummed at this.  “Right...” It was unclear whether  or not he actually believed Vander. He tapped the fingers of one hand rhythmically against the scratched surface of the bar, somewhat deep in thought. 
Vander watched him, his grey eyes flitting between his friend’s face, and his never-resting fingers. He quirked one, bushy brow, waiting patiently for Benzo to do or say something  more. But, he didn’t. Not for a few minutes at least. It was then that something caught Benzo’s eye; something only just visible over his friend’s shirt collar. A small mark, possibly even a shadow - Benzo wasn’t sure. “You got a little bit of uh... dirt, there...” Benzo scratched the area that was affected on Vander on his own skin. Vander’s brow furrowed slightly,  and he replied simply; “I han’t been anywhere that bad... And the better half ran me a bath last nigh’...” He grumbled, starting to rub his neck, initially thinking that perhaps he had missed a patch whilst washing the night before. It seemed to click for both of them at the same time. Vander’s cheeks started to turn an interesting shade of red, though thankfully this was mostly hidden by his beard. Benzo couldn’t help the chuckle that started to bubble past his lips, hanging his head and shaking it slowly. “Good night then, I take it?” The man asked, finally bringing his face up to lock eyes with Vander again, before falling into a new lapse of giggles. Vander just sighed, giving his friend a moment to get it out of his system. “Yeah, actually. Had some alone time with the other half, and-”  “I can see that.” Benzo blurted, laughing again. Vander, once more, looked unimpressed.  “... And had some conversations.” Vander tried  to continue, not that Benzo was listening this time around. It took another minute or so for his friend to settle again. “I’m glad you’re finding it so amusing.”  “How can I not?” Benzo continued to chuckle. “I’d have thought that a man, at your age, would know how to hide a bloody hickey!” Vander just sighed in response to his friend’s guffaws. He knew better than to try and speak over his friends instances of giggles - firstly because it would only anger himself and Benzo, and secondly  because he knew that moments like this could be few and far between in the Undercity. “Right...” Benzo sighed happily, “Sorry, I’m done, I’m done...”  He wiped under his eye with the back of his hand. Vander looked quite  bemused.  “I’ll take your word for it...” Vander shook his head, a light smile on his lips, only just hidden by his beard. “But yes... had some conversations, after the fact, I mean.”  “So we’re just skippin’ to the end of it all, you’re not tellin’ me any details?” Benzo asked, only half joking. Vander gave him a mildly unimpressed look.  “No, you’re not getting details.” He paused, and then continued. “So, me and the better half had a conversation...”  “Yeah, you said that.”  “... About maybe having some more kids.” 
Silence fell between the two men. Benzo was the first to speak. “More kids?” He asked, incredulously, leaning back slightly where he sat, keeping one hand on the table to steady himself. He let out a long breath of disbelief, as if he were the one who was planning to expand the family. “Don’t you think four is enough already? Not to mention the amount of trouble they get into on their own? How  the hell are you going to deal with more kids?”  “We’ll manage.” Vander replied simply; he had faith in both his abilities, and yours. His kids had always taken a shine to you, why or how it had happened was never really clear, but the younger ones certainly seemed to listen to you more than they did most adults. Benzo just looked at him in more disbelief. He could hardly believe what he was hearing, now. “Stop gawking at me.” Vander scolded, but the man’s expression did not change.  “I’m not helping if they get into trouble...” Benzo warned.  “I wouldn’t expect you to. They’re not your problem, are they?” Vander chuckled, slinging the rag he used to clean glasses over his shoulder to keep it  out of his way. "I s'pose not... But they'll be around little man, won't they? That'll eventually make them my problem." Benzo laughed  - it was quite a common thing for Vander's kids and Benzo's ward to get into trouble together. Vander hummed in agreement. "Yeah... But I think Vi might help them... As much as she can, at least." "Aye, she's a good role model, besides all the scuffles and back alley fights... Takes after you. I remember when we were that age and you were just the same." Benzo recalled with a sly smile. "Yeah, I remember... And I also remember the reason I got into those fights." Vander looked knowingly at his old friend. ”Certain someone I knew kept getting himself into trouble... And it’s not like me to just leave someone to  fend for themselves in a situation they can’t handle, is it?” Benzo sighed quietly - he knew Vander had a point. He couldn’t remember a time where he had been in over his head, and Vander hadn’t come to give him a hand. It was certainly unlike the burly man - or his pink haired daughter, who certainly took after him when it came to fist fights - to leave someone unable to defend themselves. “Vi will take care of them, if me or the other half can’t... I know it ain’t... ideal, in a place like this, and I know it’s another mouth to feed, before you even say anything.” Vander cut Benzo off just as he was about to speak. “But, I don’t know how to explain it to you without you thinking I’m a complete and utter sap.”  “I thought that anyway. You’re just confirming my theory.” Benzo joked with a deep rumbling laugh. “To be fair on you, though... Could take your mind off of other things, eh?” Vander nodded quietly in response - he agreed entirely that whilst an addition to the family could cause certain stresses, they  could also be an absolute joy to have. “An’ on top of that,” Benzo continued, “Could help some of them calm down a bit... I think that could also help with all the scuffles...” Benzo was referencing one child in particular; and Vander knew it. Young Mylo had been bristly ever since he turned twelve. Vander was sure that it wasn’t something the young boy always meant for, but it certainly happened often, especially with the youngest of the bunch, Powder. Perhaps Benzo had a point - a new addition to the family could in fact help Mylo regulate his emotions with a little more success, or it could go in the exact opposite direction and lead to a total fallout. 
“So how you goin’ to tell ‘em?” Benzo quizzed - a valid query. “Well, I think Vi already knows... or at least has a feelin’ that that’s we’ve been discussing, behind closed doors an’ the like...” Vander moved around the bar to actually sit next to his friend, rather than remaining standing on the other side of the bar. It made him feel closer to his friend, and more at ease than before. This was a close conversation between the two of them, so why not physically be closer? “Y’know, she ain’t brainless... But I still don’t know how she feels about it all... I think she thinks the same way you did... It’s dangerous - and neither of you are wrong... It just... Might be a kind of light in the darkness, for us...” Vander’s voice was quieter now, more gentle.  “You have never sounded sappier than you do right now. And that’s saying something.”  “I know.” Then silence fell between them both once more. There was something... Odd, permeating this silence. A sense of... Almost comfort, or as comforting as the pair dared to get with one another. The two were extremely close, but they rarely would divulge into their emotions with one another, it wasn’t the done thing. There were touching moments like this, though they were very few and far between, as neither of the men really felt comfortable in doing so, it wasn’t something that they had done with most people - or in the case of Benzo, any people. It was new to them, and naturally they shied away from the feeling, and the discomfort of bearing their souls to one another. “What about the other kids?” Benzo broke the silence, unable to bear it any longer.  “Well they’ve got no idea... I don’t think Powder will be worried, she’ll probably be more excited than anything else... Claggor will be a little wary, but the same... It’s Mylo I’m worried about - ‘specially when the kid gets older. Y’know what he’s like.” Benzo nodded sagely as Vander went on, humming quietly in agreement.  “If he don’t mellow out enough for you, send him over to mine sometime, I’ll keep him busy... He can help little man, they’ll keep each other occupied, I’m sure.”  Vander gave Benzo a smile, “I owe you one,” He told the man, as both got to their feet. They knew from the dim light streaming through the window in the door it was time for them both to go their separate ways for the day, and reconvene at a later time. “You owe me more than just one, Vander.” Benzo jested, and both laughed, shaking the hand of the other, before Benzo gave a wave, going back to his shop on the other side of the Lanes. Vander moved back behind the bar, and  the day went on as normal, operating practically like clockwork, as it had done  for so many years now.
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louisupdates · 11 months
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ladreamcenter Before his Hollywood Bowl concert, @louist91 is helping us serve over 120 families with free food today AND is covering the cost of 475 beds in our residential housing tonight!🙌
We want to say a huge THANK YOU for his generous donation, which is helping us serve individuals and families in need!
Today we are here at #LeimertPark serving individuals and families in need with FREE groceries! With 1 in 5 in Los Angeles struggling with food insecurity, donations like these are more important than ever!🥦🥫🙏
Thank you @greatergoodmusiccharity for partnering us with Louis and helping us make a difference!
#givegenerously #serveLA #foodinsecurity #freefood #freehousing #freeshelter #hollywoodbowl #louistomlinson
[Instagram 30.6.2023]
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singingkestrel · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
Thanks @robo-dino-puppies! An excellent exercise for a workday lunchtime, I think.
Hmmm. Things that make me happy. Let's think. I'm very lucky in that I have lots of things in my life that make me happy, but to avoid getting too heavy or too schmaltzy about this, I'm just gonna list some things that made me happy in the last couple of days.
The days getting longer in spring. I live at a latitude where we have very clear seasonal changes without things being too extreme (I've worked up in the Arctic during both summer and winter and I can positively say that I would not want to live there). I love the rhythm of the year, the way seasons slide from one into another and bring different paletes of emotion (ick, that sounded douchey) with them. Spring gives me a feeling that falls somewhere between hope and nostalgia. And the extra daylight is good for everyone's mood, obviously.
Games and gaming. No surprises there, then. I like figuring out puzzles, coming up with strategies, beating the bad guys - all of that - but more than anything what I really love about video games is getting swept up in - actually being - part of the story. In the very best games, anyway.
A really good pint of beer. A proper, well crafted draft ale served in a proper pub/freehouse at the proper temperature is one of life's simplest but most enjoyable experiences. During the first Covid lockdown, which lasted months, we all had to content ourselves with bottled stuff. Which is, y'know, fine. But then, a couple of months in, one of my local breweries started making their beer again, specifically for delivery. Draft beer to your door! I drank it in my back garden in the sunshine on a bank holiday weekend and I swear to god it was the sweetest thing I'd ever tasted. I didn't even realise how much I'd missed it. Would've been even better had I been able to share it with friends, mind.
Learning. I love learning stuff. A day without learning feels like a day wasted to me. It doesn't really matter too much what it is, so long as it keeps building up my knowledge base. Trying new foods, hearing new words, finding out about what plants I could grow in a particular part of my garden, it all counts. It's probably why I picked marine science as my career - I'm constantly having to learn stuff as part of my job (today it's all about the taxonomy - and parataxonomy - of deep-water crinoids), and I love it. Science, they say, is never finished. Thank goodness.
Hugging my partner. Okay, I got schmaltzy on this one. I'm not the touchy-feeliest of people, but nothing - nothing - releases that good ol' oxytocin faster than a really good hug with my bf. It really is the fucking best.
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dudewhoabides · 2 years
Monolithe Noir - Live At The Freehouse
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heartfledged · 2 years
New Verse: The Falconeer
Planet: Ursee | Takes place before the game’s plot Born in Madoin, Avyra's town and family have always had close ties to the Mancer Order despite being a civilian freehouse. Both her parents were miners in the Maw, a huge, gaping scar cutting through Ursee’s ocean, and when she was five, her father died in a mining accident. Instead of offering a proper burial, the Mancer Order did not permit retrieving the bodies of him and the other miners that perished in the accident in an attempt to keep the mysteries of the Maw’s origins under wraps.
Avyra grew bitter at the Order for their righteous attitude, and to the Imperium for continuing to encroach on the people of Madoin. At the age of 18, she left the civilian freehouses, and sought justice in the form of knowledge at Oberon's Reach, the stronghold of the Mancer Order.
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She studied at Stargazer, a Mancer institution, for a few years, uncovering small truths that the Mancer kept secret, and eventually became a Seeker, the highest rank one of her upbringing could achieve (which, admittedly, is not a high one). Although her initial intentions were to expose the Mancer Order, her discoveries led her to keep quiet. While she could not accomplish her initial goal, one of revenge, she did receive closure, growing to respect the decision made over two decades ago to let her father rest in the Maw.
She currently resides at Port Remit, the Southernmost civilian port before the vast Mongres Expanse. As a Seeker, she patrols the expanse, looking for relics of times long past to deliver back to the Mancer at Oberon's Reach.
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In this verse, Nimbus is a silver and blue colored warbird. Crossed with a northern sark spotter for heartiness and color and a golden fenix for agility and form, Nimbus takes on the characteristics of both breeds. She even received the fenix’s tendril tail, with blue spots on the end.
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weedrams · 21 days
It had been a long drive up north to the cabin for the ski trip. Tom and I had gotten off to a much later start than we had planned. We had expected Todd to join us. but he went in for urgent care that morning. Hoping it was a minor issue, we stuck around. Around 3 o'clock, we heard from Todd that it was serious, but luckily not life-threatening, and that he was bummed he wouldn't be able to join us. Off to an inauspicious start, we bundled into the car and hoped traffic wasn't too bad.
When we arrived, the vacation-rental cabin turned out to be just a floor of a house accessible from the exterior staircase. I was a bit annoyed to find out that we didn't have the entire house, as there was already another car in the lot. In my haste to book, I had easily overlooked the photo captions. After the trip, these only stated second floor access was from the staircase outside, with no specific mention that this was a second floor unit. Truthful but misleading, it's buyer beware on websites for vacation rentals. Lesson learned: always read the listing thoroughly.
Flustered by the situation, I had only read seen the door access code in the app. The only exterior door with a keypad was on the third floor, but the code didn't work on it. After multiple attempts, it locked out any further entries. Digging into the details on the app, a line further down said the entry door was behind an unlocked exterior door. Cold from puttering around outside in single digit temperatures, it was a rude surprise to find the cabin likewise uncomfortably cold. The heat was either turned off or turned down. Not willing to stay there, we dropped off our stuff, cranked up the heat and went to look for a place to grab dinner.
A quick internet search showed a gastropub in the nearby town that seemed to be right up our alley. We bundled back into the still warm car and headed that direction. Arriving there somewhat late for dinner, the parking lot was still full and plenty of people waiting to be seated. Clearly this was the place to eat and drink in town. It was a 40 minute wait. Tom and I debated on whether we should wait it out and decided it was best to hang around for good food and drink and boy was I glad we did.
There were two young gals who were helping with check-in desk. Being a super busy night, they were reporting back with which tables were ordering dessert, getting boxes for leftovers, requesting their check etc. The host could then plan their next steps for got seated next. From their faces alone, one was a bit prettier, with it maybe even down to personal preference. Her posture was not appealing however, looking like a tall girl taught to not to stand proudly so as to be less intimidating. Her backside was where her figure really fell flat, not quite androgynous, but with no real curves to highlight, even while wearing tight jeans. In contrast, the other was ethnically ambiguous, her complexion darker, maybe Latina. She was rocking a pair of camo yoga pants, ones that enhance the 'cleavage'. The bottom of her shirt ended above her hips, not getting in the way of flaunting her best ASSets. With her pants highlighting full round prominent cheeks that had not a hint of sag, she was definitely the hostess with the mostest.
After seating a group of young guys, the prettier gal came back looking a bit bothered. The host had stepped away during the lull, so the two could talk freely. Eager to share, she was talking loudly, so it wasn't hard to overhear their conversation. "You know that guy who just came in wearing an Eagles cap?", she asked.
"Isiah?", asked the other girl.
"Yeah. He said, 'Wow, you're like really hot.", she said seemingly in an exasperated manner. They quieted as they continued to chat, so I could no longer follow the their conversation. However, the body language of the second girl was interesting. There was definitely sympathy for her coworker not wanting to be hit on. There was something else, maybe a tinge of jealousy from not getting that sort of attention.
Just a short time later, the guy Isiah walked past to get to the washroom. They gave each other a look as to say "yeah, that guy". They did the same as he returned to his seat.
Soon after, we were seated. The food and beer were great and Tom and I caught up with each other. As we dining, the two of them continued to wander through the dining room, surveying the status of the tables. My eyes couln't help but be drawn to her each time she walked past, especially as she walked away from our table. This completed the four cornerstones for a complete dinner: good food, drink, and conversation and a great view.
We were back there for dinner the following night. The hostess was working again. Her tights were a little less showy as there wasn't as much cleavage showing. She checked us in and told us the approximate wait time. Unexpectedly, it took longer than that for a table to open up, but as long as she was at the greeter's stand, I didn't mind. It wasn't as scenic, but that's like saying the view isn't as nice with a few clouds. She apologized for the wait, to which I replied "No biggie.", as she led us to our table.
There wasn't much else to contend with this pub in town. We had checked out other places, but they were in some way lacking. So like as not, a few days later, we were there again. As we walked up, she was at the front desk without her friend wearing skin tight jeans. She greeted me as I walked up. "Table for 2? Mike right?", she asked.
"Wow! Good memory. I'm impressed.", I replied back.
She smiled at the compliment. "I remember you from Sunday."
I returned the smile. "All good things, I hope."
"You were fine. Just took a little long getting you seated. That's all."
"Oh good. It's not because I made a huge scene.", I jokingly said as we made our way to our table.
"Oh nothing like that. Enjoy your dinner.", she said as we sat down. As she walked away, I couldn't help but steal another view of her shapely bottom. This reminds me of the line John Travolta had: 'I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave.'
Reviewing what to have for dinner, the danger with the menu was in ordering way too much, as everything sounded good. The appetizers were sized to be shared by a table of 4 to 6, so if you ordered one, it was unwise to also order an entree. The menu had cups of soups and chili to supplement an appetizer, which were definitely welcome after a cold ski day.
After Tom and I put in our order with the cute waitress, I excused myself to go wash up before our food arrived. She was at the hostest stand and looked my way as I approached. As I continued walking her way, she turned to face away from me, reached around with both her hands to cup her butt cheeks. With her hands, she lifted those gorgeous globes and bounced them twice. Her flaunting was clearly for me to see as I knew there wasn't anyone else behind me. The waiting area in that direction was empty, as the pub wasn't particularly busy.
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I was instantly hard. I walked up behind her and quietly said, "That was incredibly sexy. Would you like to show me more?" I walked past and continued on toward the washrooms and waited just outside the door. A minute or two passed before she turned the corner and saw me waiting. I had peeked inside the men's room and saw that it was empty and gestured for her to follow me inside.
There was a large stall and as soon as we were in and the door was closed, we were on each other. As we made out, I pushed her shirt and bra up, unbuttoned her jeans and pushed them and her underwear down, exposing her small tits and that fabulous ass. Sucking on her hard nipples while massaging her phat ass, reaching around to finger her pussy, got her hornier and hornier. When she was ready, I had bend over with her hands on the wall, ready for me to enter her from behind.
I pulled my 7" hard cock out and applied spit to the head and shaft. Guiding myself to her entrance. I probed her to see if she was tight. As the head went in, I could tell I would need to ease into her just a little bit.. She groaned in pleasure as I grasped her ass and eased my cock fully into her tight pussy. I slow stroked her until she loosened up. Once I was slick with her juices, I began to fuck her hard, hands on her hips, thrusting deep into her, watching her butt ripple as I smacked into her. I could feel my heavy balls swing forward and slap against her clit. She was moaning quietly in time with my thrusts. Each moan I could tell she was getting closer. She went stiff as she came, her spasming vagina milking my cock. Feeling this, I couldn't help myself and I came hard too, my cum flooding her cunt.
I remained inside her as we both caught our breath. After I pulled out, a trickle of our fuck juices ran down her thigh. She gathered it on the fingers of her hand and with a saucy look at me, proceeded to lick them clean. Once done, she took my cock into her mouth to clean me too. "Mmmm, I love the taste of cum.", she said. I had begun to soften, but was fully erect again. She laughed. "No time for seconds. I have to get back to work."
She got her clothes back into place and then asked me for my phone. I unlocked it and handed it to her. She pulled out her phone and sent something from hers to mine. "I get off at 9. I want you and that wonderful cock to get me off soon after that."
She opened the door, checked that no one was in sight and left the men's room. I gathered myself back together. I looked at my phone. 'Liza', it read with her phone number. I smiled. I'd have to make some excuse to ditch Tom then. As I headed back to the table, I saw Tom. He looked like that cat that got the canary. "What’s up?", I asked.
"You know the waitress? The cute one? Her name’s Stacy. I got her digits.", he replied.
"You wanna hit her up tonight?" I asked. He shot me a look that said, 'Are you fucking kidding?'
What he did say was, “She’s got a roommate. The hostess? The one you can keep your eyes off of? Turns out, she thinks you’re sexy. I agreed we’d meet up and hang out after they close. I figured you’d be down with that.”
“Sounds good.. I wouldn’t mind getting better acquainted with that fine ass of hers.”, I said as nonchalantly as I could. Tod clearly was not buying my act at all.
We got a few extra drinks to pass the time until closing. We let Stacy and Liza know we’d be chilling in the parking lot waiting for them to come out. It took a while for the crew to close up so we had the engine running keeping the car warm. They rounded the corner of the restaurant toward the parking lot, the street light illuminating their warm breath in the cold night air and silhouetting their figures. Attracting their attention, they walked over to our car. Figuring out our plans was to go back to the girls place for drinks, Tom went off with Stacy in her car, while Linda climbed in with me to guide me there.
As we got underway and I pulled in behind Stacy’s hatchback on the side road, Liza slipped out from under her seatbelt. She pointed at Stacy’s car and said “just follow her, and keep up. She drives fast.“ She reached over and unzipped my pants. “Oh and don’t crash.” I was hardening rapidly as she undid the button to my pants. As she pulled out my cock and took me into her warm mouth, Stacy peeled out, with me belatedly noting the WRX badge on the car. “Shit!”, I exclaimed. I floored the gas to keep up.
Liza popped up long enough, with a smirk on her face, to say “Told you.” She then took me in as far as she could into the back of her throat, gagging herself. I groaned loudly. She repeated this until my cock was thickly coated with her spit, then she really began sucking me off; her hand stroking my shaft and mouth bobbing up and down on the tip vigorously. As I was struggling to follow the speed demon in front of me, I struggled not to cum with this succubus hellbent on drawing my soul out through my cock. Stacy and Tom were far off in the distance now and I would occasionally catch sight them when the road was straight enough. Even though I had just nutted hard in her hot pussy before dinner, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold out for much longer. I slowed to a reasonable speed and tried to postpone the inevitable.
It wasn't long. I pulled over. I could barely think. My last conscious action: put the car in park. I pushed her head down. My soul left my body.
I don't know how long I sat there afterwards. I looked over as I regained my senses. Liza had a bemused look on her face. "Good thing I didn't do that to you in the restaurant. I think the people who live here heard you cumming!", she giggled. I looked up. Sure enough, there was a house right there and the front porch light turned on. "We'd better get moving!", she laughed.
I didn't even put my dick away. I started the car and backed out of the driveway and took off down the road. As I drove, her hand had never left my cock and she began slow stroking me, keeping me partially erect. Pretending as if nothing was happening, she provided directions to their place. Only a little bit further, we arrived at their small cabin in the woods, the hatchback parked in the driveway. Once parked, Liza got out and looked at my erection. "Good to see you're not done for the night. Let's go in", she said.
I gathered myself back into my pants before leaving the car and following her up to the cabin. As I got inside, Stacy and Tom were already making out on the couch. Tom had already pushed up her shirt and bra exposing her perky tits. He was seemingly unaware of our entrance and sporting a massive hard on. Stacy, however, looked up at me, gave me a once over then smiled. She then turned her head to face Liza and gave her a wink.
"Let's make you drink in the kitchen. Let's give them a little privacy," Liza said, as she took my hand and guided me past the living area. Once there, I saw there were two tumbler glasses already on the island, one with some leftover liquid in them. Liza pulled some bottles from the cabinet and began to mix a drink.
"What's that you're making?", I asked curiously.
"Oh it's just my own special thing," she replied. She grabbed two clean glasses and poured the mixed drink into them. "Here. I'm sure you'll like it," she said, handing me one of the glasses. I took a sip. It was indescribably good.
"Wow! Holy shit!", I exclaimed. "Why isn't this at the pub?" I drained the rest of the glass, tilting the glass to get all of it. I could feel it trail down my throat and feel a buzz in my belly.
She had tilted her glass up but hadn't yet drunk. "Well you can't get this from your local liquor store, so this is just for special parties," she replied with a smile, clearly pleased. The buzz in my belly became a warm glow and a tingle in my cock. The tingle became a glow, and then a fire consuming all my awareness. She took a little sip, before putting her glass down. She glanced down at the tent in my pants. "It looks like you're ready for round three." She turned to face away from me and bent over the island. Pulling her pants down, and spreading her cheeks, revealing her anal entrance, she looked back at me and said, "How about a trifecta night?"
I couldn't have stopped myself if I tried. I whipped it out and it looked larger than I had ever seen it. My cock was like a guided missile and all the way in her ass in no time. She grunted a bit as I buried myself in her. Grabbing her by the hips, I don't know how long I fucked her ass in a frenzy until I came for the third time that night. I pulled out of her, but my cock was already hungry for more, still hard and throbbing. Liza led me by my erection back into the living room, clearly not caring that Tom and Stacy were there.
They were hard at it, fucking like animals. Stacy had Tom's cum on her chin already. She was on top, in cowboy, bottoming out each time. While not as nice as Liza's, Stacy's bottom was sexy too. Sensing this Liza commanded, "Double team her Mike. Fuck Stacy in the ass!"
Tom and I, we'd never done this before, group sex that is, but I got the strongest feeling that this was the right thing. I stood between Tom's legs and lined Stacy up for backdoor entry. As soon I penetrated, this sense of rightness became even stronger, even though Stacy was super tight back there and yelled "Holy fuck!" as my full lengh went into her. We mercilessly fucked her through several screaming orgasms, and a few of our own, until finally she bucked herself off our cocks, cum oozing out of her holes. While still panting, Stacy waved us away and said, "Now go do Liza. Tom, take her in back."
Liza guided me to a different spot on the couch as she mounted me in cowboy fashion. Again, once my cock was in her pussy, I got that feeling of rightness again, but I felt there was something missing. I saw Tom get in position behind Liza and it looked like something was troubling him. He wasn't as long as I was, but my God was his cock thick and veiny. But once his cock was in Liza's ass, his face took on a contented look and my sense of incompleteness went away. "Damn, Tom, you're stretching my ass out.", Liza said. "Now fuck me hard, both of you!"
I don't know what got into us. We had each already cum several times that night, but yet we still fucked Liza just as hard as we did Stacy, pounding both her holes. Meanwhile, Stacy took a seat opposite us, watching the show, while fingering her pussy. I could feel myself hitting Liza's cervix, but she didn't seem to mind considering the number of orgasms we gave her until she was exhausted and also waved us off. Until her hand gesture, I felt no urge to be elsewhere.
This went on the rest of the night. Tom and I couldn't seem to stop and didn't want to stop. We spit roasted both of them, mouth and our choice of ass or pussy, Tom and I taking turns at each position with them suspended in the air, deepthroating our cocks on one end and buried balls deep at the other. Hanging garden DPs, DAPs, DVPs, inverted 69s, whatever. I lost count of how many times I came in their holes and yet Liza and Stacy unnaturally seemed up for more. The cum that had oozed out from their holes got spread all over. The last thing I remember was Liza giving me a handjob. She seemed to know exactly where my edge was and kept me there for what seemed to be an eternity, and couldn't get her to stop either. I looked over and Stacy was doing the same to Tom. His eyes were half closed and he was moaning unintelligibly. I didn't think I had anything left to cum when she finally let me blast off. Aiming my cock into her mouth, she took it all, spurt after spurt jetting down her throat. It all went hazy after that.
I was partially awakened by some erotic moaning. We were still in the living room, warmed by the fire in the wood stove. Liza and Stacy were in a hot 69, cleaning mine and Tom's cum from their cunts and asses. It might have been a trick of the light from the wood fire, but I thought I saw some blobs of cum just sort of vanish into their skin. After a while, they left the room and I heard the shower going. The white noise lulled me back to sleep.
When I woke up later, it was the middle of the day. I was still fully naked and now extremely sore from the events of the previous night not unsurprisingly. I walked around the cabin and the girls were nowhere to be found. Strange, where did they go? I went to the front door and looked outside. Stacy's hatchback and our car were nowhere to be seen. I found my pants and the keys, phone and wallet were gone. I was getting really nervous. I got dressed and the shook Tom awake. "Tom, get dressed, we should get out of here," I said. "Do you have your phone? Your wallet?" Stumbling around to get dressed, he couldn't find his phone or wallet either. More anxious now, I said "Let's get the fuck out of here." and went to leave.
I tried to get past the threshold of the front door but once there, I could move no further. I backed up and tried again to no avail. To Tom it looked like I was just walking forwards and backwards. Tom, exasperated, said "What the hell are you doing?", pushed me aside and tried to leave and came to dead stop like me.
"You can't move to leave right?", I asked.
"No, can you push me out?", he asked worriedly. I have him a good shove. He didn't move. I pushed him as hard as I could, but it felt like pushing against a brick wall. "Mike, are you even pushing? It doesn't feel like you're pushing at all."
"Yeah I'm pushing as hard as I can. What the hell is going on here?", I said. "Let me try something, I'm going to come at you at a run." I backed up, as far as I could, ran at him, lowered my shoulders targeting his upper back. This was a big mistake. I bounced right off him, again like running into a brick wall, my shoulder now sore. He tried this tactic too, and now both of us had sore shoulders. We could push the front door open with a stick, but we couldn't move a finger past the threshold. Even with the front door open, we were so far from the road or neighbors, there was no chance someone would hear us. We tried the backdoor and all the windows and couldn't get out those ways either.
We continued to try to find a way out, when we heard their hatchback roll up the driveway. Stacy and Liza had returned from wherever they had gone. We pushed the door open and warned them that we were trapped by some sort of magic field. They looked at each other and laughed. "We know. It's our field.", Stacy said, and the two walked right in bringing in a few bags of groceries.
"See," Liza said as she easily stepped back out, "we can come and go, but you two did really well last night, so we're not letting you leave until we're done with you."
"If you're as enthusiastic as you were last night," said Stacy with a smile, her blue eyes glowing red, "you love every minute of it."
"Yes, of us drinking your soul, drop by drop. Now grab something to eat and drink. We have a long night planned." Liza added before both of them shed their full length coats revealing their sexy lingerie outfits. I was aroused again. Maybe this wouldn’t be a bad way to go out.
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sociedadnoticias · 5 months
El rincón donde la magia navideña se une al delicioso aroma del jengibre: Gingerbread House
Durante diciembre y hasta el 13 de enero, en Sofitel Mexico City Reforma podrás disfrutar de 6 deliciosos cocteles creados en colaboración con Chivas Regal 18 y Tequila Avión Por Verónica Estrada | Reportera En el corazón de la vibrante Ciudad de México, la magia de la Navidad ha encontrado su refugio en la exclusiva terraza de Freehouse, el speakeasy de Sofitel Mexico City Reforma. En…
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english-patriot · 7 months
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my3dartblog · 7 months
Some contemporary and comfortable furniture for your DAZ characters.Static props in DAZ3D format with iRay material. A corner where adults can sit down after a tiring day to talk, drink a coffee, and read the latest newspaper. A couch, two armchairs, a coffee table with a decorative ashtray, a bookshelf with a few books and a piece of pottery, a standing arc lamp with morphable cord and a wall decoration You can find the stuff here: My DAZ 3D Library\Props\Aqua3D\Genboeck freehouse\accessories This piece of furniture was designed for the Genboeck house, but can be freely used for any other house.You can get the house and furnish it to your liking from the cgbytes.com, search for Genboeck-House If you have any questions, wishes or concerns about the furniture, please let me know Coming soon: https://3d-stuff.net/ #daz3d #dazstudio #3drender #3dart #daz3dstudio #irayrender #3dartwork #blender #blenderrender #blenderart #noaiart #noaiwriting #noai https://3d-stuff.net/
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Beer Events 8.1
Westmalle Brewery brewed their 1st beer (1836)
First excise tax on U.S. beer enacted (1862)
Conrad Binding bought the Glock Brewery (Frankfurt, Germany; 1870)
Carson City Brewery sold to James Raycraft & Frank Golden (Nevada; 1890)
Schmitt & Schwanenfluegel incorporated (1892)
Imperial Brewing brought English brewers over to brew Ales & Porters (Minnesota; 1901)
Szesztilalom ended (Prohibition, Hungary; 1919)
Michelob Dark introduced on draft (1981)
CAMRA introduced the Cyclops system to classify real ales (2006)
HopUnion merged with Yakima Chief (2006)
Berlin court ordered breweries to stop advertising beer as good for peoples’ looks and health (2011)
Breweries Opened
New Zealand Breweries / Steinlager (New Zealand; 1958)
Burton Bridge Brewery (England; 1982)
Bayern Brewing (Montana; 1987)
North Coast Brewing (California; 1988)
Appleton Brewing (Wisconsin; 1989)
Columbus Brewing (Ohio; 1989)
Durham Brewing (England; 1991)
Babe's (Iowa; 1993)
Jet City Brewing (Washington; 1993)
Rio Bravo Restaurant & Brewery (New Mexico; 1993)
El Dorado Brewing (California; 1994)
M.J. Barleyhoppers Brewery & Sports Pub (Idaho; 1994)
Black Horse Pub & Brewery (Tennessee; 1995)
Garretts Mill Brewing (Ohio; 1995)
Mill Brewery, Bakery & Eatery (Alabama; 1995)
Only the Best Brewing (Colorado; 1995)
Silk's Grill &  Brewing (Texas; 1995)
Chez Gambrinus (Canada; 1996)
Commonwealth Brewing (Massachusetts; 1996)
Du Claw Brewing (Maryland; 1996)
Great Southern Brewing (Tennessee; 1996)
Howe Sound Inn & Brewing (Canada; 1996)
Lavoie Brewing (Wyoming; 1996)
Pints Pub & Brewery & Freehouse (Colorado; 1996)
Top of the Hill Restaurant & Brewery (North Carolina; 1996)
B.C. Brewing (California; 1997)
Brown Cow Brewery (England; 1997)
Cigar Band Brewing (Texas; 1997)
E&O Trading Co. (California; 1997)
Faust Brewing (Texas; 1997)
Harper's Brewing (Michigan; 1997)
O'Hara's Brewpub (Minnesota; 1997)
Rarotonga Brewery (Cook Islands; 1997) 
Speakeasy Ales & Lagers (California; 1997)
Wild Onion Brewing (Illinois; 1997)
Buckwoods Brewing (Canada; 1998)
Cottage Springs Brewery (Wales; 1998)
Dr. Hops Brewery (Idaho; 1998)
Ellis Island Casino (Nevada; 1998)
Fourth Street Brewing (Iowa; 1998)
Morro Bay Brewing (California; 1998)
Old Hat Brewery (Michigan; 1998)
Willow Street Brewery (California; 1998)
Alcazar Brewery (England; 1999)
Minocqua Brewing (Wisconsin; 1999)
Pumphouse Brewery (Canada; 1999)
Saint George Brewing (Virginia; 1999)
Augusta Brewing (Missouri; 2000)
Paradise Brewery (England; 2000)
Rosen Brewery & Restaurant (California; 2000)
English Ales Brewery (California; 2001)
Island Brewing (Canada; 2001)
Spanish Peaks Brewing (California; 2001)
Laughing Dog Brewing (Idaho; 2005)
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phillygrub · 1 year
Lilly's Ferry Replaces The Victoria Freehouse in Old City
Lilly's Ferry Replaces The Victoria Freehouse in @OldCityDistrict - opening this Friday at 6PM!
The Victoria Freehouse announced last month that it would close after 11 years at 10 S. Front Street in Old City. Many fans of the beloved British pub lamented the closing as it had become a staple in the neighborhood. It took no time for the location to change hands and transition to a new concept. Lilly’s Ferry, a Mediterranean-style restaurant, will open this Friday, March 24th, at 6…
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abitmoredetail · 1 year
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"93 'til iinfinity" #toronto #queenstreetwest #parkdale #deathandtaxes #publicart #streetart (at Death & Taxes Freehouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoqPTKxP3WC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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eason660420 · 1 year
在 YouTube 上觀看「Small bedroom design house design ideas house design plan #housedesign #shorts # Interior design」
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wezg · 1 year
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Found a pub for my cousin in Australia (at Brendan the Navigator Freehouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmBpyUgoE3W/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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