#friend in middle school got catcalled starting at fucking 14
genderjester · 1 year
The "not all men we must care abt men's fweelings" type of bitches are so annoying to me. We must care abt the women and trans ppl that suffer under the patriarchy idgaf if some guy feels a little bad bc someone made an "ugh.men." vent post on their tumblr blog bc they once again got catcalled or spoken over or invalidated or physically hurt by one.
Do more to stop ur fellow men from behaving like dickheads
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thedappleddragon · 3 years
happy birthday to my favorite rat girl <3
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Toni is my teenage Were-Rat sorcerer from a semi-modern dnd campaign, and I love her a lot. I have a lot to say about her but no Idea where to start! 
She’s kind but a bit of a punk, big >:) energy. Loud and high energy, with humor that can often come off as rude, but she means well. Very ambitious; she works at her “uncle’s” pizza shop, Papa Pastrolli’s, in New Ork, raising money to try and make ends meet and hopefully go to college someday. 
He’s not a blood related uncle, he's more of an adopted guardian that took Toni under his wing after she left home. While her parents did love her, they were awfully distant, which lead Toni to spend more and more time out on the house and one the streets, spending less and less time at home until she eventually never came back. She made the sewers her new home and the rats her new family. The people of New Ork dont take kindly to were-rats, which only made Toni louder and cockier, sometimes flashing a half-transformed rat face at catcallers and other dickheads on the street. 
Toni was not born a were rat, however. She was a nerdy preppy kid that hung out at anime club in middle school. One of her peers said they knew a guy who could turn them into vampires, which sounded like the coolest shit ever to Toni, so something something oh whoops she got rat, not bat. (EXACTLY how she got turned im still not sure.) Having to hide this mistake from her parents was a factor of her eventually leaving. 
In early high school, when she was part of the punk clique, she and some of her edgier friends went to get piercings (probably from one of their older brothers who recently bought a tattoo gun lmao). Toni chose a helix in her right ear. Unknown to her, the jewelry was silver-plated, and silver is famously one of the most painful and deadly substances for lycanthropes. It instantly started burning her, and out of sheer panic and pain, she ripped the jewelry out, leaving a sizable chunk missing that never grew back. She hid the scar under her hair until it healed enough to look cool instead of gross and painful, and now she thinks it looks cool but probably wouldn’t tell you the story unless you asked. 
She joined an adventuring party as a chance to practice her sorcery, as she’s fallen out of practice aside from basic self defense. (TBH I dont remember why I made her a sorcerer, she has way more potential as a physical fighter with pact tactics and race traits but whatever. she knows shocking grasp as a cantrip and I like to pretend its a little keychain taser lmao) 
I rolled really damn good on her stats (and the way I did it actually may make these illegal but whatever who cares) so currently she’s level 2 with 14 strength, 15 dex, 20 con, 13 intelligence, 12 wisdom, and 20 charisma. I can't fuckin WAIT to play again so we can get into combat and she can release rats from her backpack to utilize pact tactics and kick SO MUCH ASS
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send an ask with questions or comments or even birthday wishes. this is the first time I've been able to celebrate the anniversary of a character’s creation and I love her a lot
more artwork under the cut!! 
(blood warning tho)
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older “bad timeline” Toni with a mullet ^ and with blood v
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an post-adventure Toni design by @painofredemption1​, who DMs the campaign Toni’s from and technically designed her design’s first iteration! So thank you a bunch friend :) I APPRECIATE YOU A LOT
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concept of Toni using the silver chain on her hip as a weapon against fae or other lycanthropes at the cost of burning her hands
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aaaaaaaaaand a big fat compilation of slecthes from my sketchbook when I was still figuring out how the FUCK to draw her lol
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thumper-darling · 7 years
Yo those Q's are cute will u do me a solid and do all of them?
1. what colors are in your room?
Dark orange, cream, and gold
2. who was your favorite school teacher?
Basically every English teacher I’ve ever had. 
3. what are some passions of yours?
Writing, reading, watching films, eating sushi, and being around the people that I love 
4. when you drink coffee, do you like it black or with cream and sugar?
already answered in a separate post
5. are you self-conscious about anything? if so, what?
e v e r y t h i n g 
6. do you have any tips for self-love?
already answered in a separate post
7. do you have any stuffed animals? Do you name them?
I have a stuffed rabbit and a stuffed fox. The rabbit is named Alice and the fox is named Cadence.
8. do you like drawing or painting more?
doodling is where it’s at 
9. how do you sleep?
not well
10. what are some things that always make you smile?
already answered in a previous post
11. living in the city, mountains, small town, or out in the middle of nowhere?
city living is where it’s at 
12. what's your dream house?
A really cozy apartment or a loft? that’d be fun. Or a colonial fashion house with a yellow exterior and cobblestone accents. 
13. how many pets do you wish to have?
3. I have my dog now, but I also want a german shepherd and a calico cat. 
14. have you ever dyed your hair? do you want to? what color?
lol yeah, I’ve had almost every damn shade of red and then got too tired of doing that so now it’s just dark brown. I wouldn’t mind dying it some sort of turquoise or emerald green? That’d be fun 
15. what's your opinion on keeping a diary?
It’s great for looking back on the good times 
16. what's your opinion on keeping an art journal?
HONESTLY they’re beautiful and I encourage everyone to try to have some form of creative outlets
17. any art tips?
You are asking the w r o n g person my dude
18. talk about a moment where time stopped
time is an illusion anyways so why does it matter?
19. do you keep playlists for your music?
HECK YES I’m honestly a whore for sectioning songs off into playlists
20. is there anyone out there that you trust with your life?
Idk, my sister?
21. are you your number one priority?
N O 
22. do you always type correctly or do you make millions of typos?
Not usually unless it’s my annoying sister or somebody that is bothering me 
23. recommend some music!!
Daft Punk Boys by Bad Suns
Growing Up by Phil Good
Helena Beat by Foster The People 
24. are your nails perfectly painted, chipped, or plain?
P L A I N 
25. do you believe in wishing on a shooting star?
For sure, but I’m not sure it actually does any good 
26. did you see the eclipse? describe it!!
no :’) 
27. tell us what you love about nature
It’s spontaneity and damn are trees pretty
28. who are you? describe yourself!
My name is Becca, I’m 17, a hufflepuff & a scorpio. I’m allergic to seafood, and bunnies, but I love both soooo. My favorite childhood movie is All Dogs Go To Heaven and my favorite Superhero is Spider-dude. 
29. what type of music do you like, and why?
Alternative/ Indie pop 
30. what's your favorite clothing store? why do you love it so much?
Charlotte Russe because it has high quality clothes in my sizes 
31. thrift stores or name brand stores?
32. do you like wearing your s.o clothes?
33. when did you start tumblr? why did you decide to?
because I wanted to get to the source of da memes 
34. what's your face care routine?
try not to cry when I look in the mirror :’) , and if I do cry I use my tears as a moisturizer 
35. freckles or dimples?
F R E C K L E S 
36. name something you think should be banned from the universe
Tronald J. Dump 
37. tell us something you did as a kid that you loved
I loved to catch frogs and I read a lot of books homie 
38. mom or dad?
39. do you buy expensive things just for the aesthetic or do you actually use everything you buy?
I literally don’t use any of the things I buy except for clothes damn I have a problem 
40. tell us about something you're strongly opinionated about
I already answered this in a previous post
41. do you take peoples advice or do you have to figure things out yourself?
I ask for advice from multiple people, and then I sort of find a part of all the advice that has common ground and try to apply it to my situation 
42. bra or no bra?
no bra 
43. would you rather be cute or comfy?
44. tell us about a moment in your life where everything went just perfect
I don’t remember 
45. do you believe in anything? aliens? god? bigfoot?
I’m a Sasquatch bitch. Also, aliens are out there soooo 
46. how much water do you drink a day?
Not enough @doctormelapples
47. how do you feel about your natural hair?
I miss it. I used to have some curls in my hair, but I dyed it so much that the texture of my hair changed a bit. 
48. what does the sky look like right now? clear? cloudy? pink? blue? rainy?
It’s a very light blue with some spaced out cloud placement 
49. would you be a prince or a king? princess or a queen?
None of the above, that’s too much pressure 
50. tell us about your favorite outfit!
Off the shoulder gray knit sweater with black ripped jeans
51. name a few things you love about yourself
My eyes, my freckles, my humor, my creativity, and my determination 
52. are you open-minded?
Yeah my dude 
53. do you judge? could someone come to you in any situation they're in and you not judge them?
I really try not to be a judgmental person, but everyone has flaws and it’s definitely one of those things that I’m working on. 
54. do you like planning ahead?
55. tell us how you feel about school
56. talk about your first pet
A small orange cat named Angel. She was satan i swear to god 
57. chocolate or strawberry milk?
58. were you/are you in a fandom? if so, what?
59. spotify, pandora, or itunes?
I’m a spotify kinda bitch 
60. favorite disney princess movie?
The Princess and The Frog 
61. favorite disney movie
62. what's a subject that you think people don't talk about enough?
63. how long does it take you to let your phone update?
Idk, 20 minutes? 
64. describe the fifth picture on your phone!
A blurry tree with string lights hanging from the branches. Taken at 2:04 am, August 16th, 2017 
65. favorite movie and why?
I hate this question because I am a film enthusiast and honestly I love too many movies for such different reasons 
66. do you watch studio ghibli? what's the first one you saw? what's your favorite one?
Not really, I just never got into studio ghibli movies 
67. you're home alone. describe how the setting is. music? what kind of music? tv on? what show?
Music: loud
TV: on
Movies: playing
bra: off
Food: eaten 
68. how often do you say "i love you"?
Too much and not enough 
69. do you have any weird things you obsess over?
p e n c i l s 
70. do you like being single or do you wish you had a partner?
depends on the day idk
71. what's the last drink you had?
a caramel macchiato 
72. talk about the easiest person to talk to
she’s a real ass bitch and all around classy gal 
73. give us some of your favorite blogs!
@doctormelapples, @parkersenses
74. if you could have one wish, what would it be?
Wish for free college and a successful future thx
75. do you sing in the shower?
It’s best for everyone if they never know 
76. how often do you shave? or do you wax? or do you not shave?
I shave according to my outfit choice 
77. tell us about a habit you wish you could stop
I wish I could stop tapping on everything 
78. do you listen to your own advice?
No, I’m not a stable person thx 4 asking 
79. do you love yourself? if not, are you trying to?
It’s a work in progress
80. tell us about your favorite halloween!! what did you dress up as? did you get a lot of candy?
When I was younger I used to have these poppin halloween parties and one year I had a haunted house and dressed up as a haunted doll it was fun tis all 
Also, I was late to my own party 
81. first memory that pops in your head, talk about it.
First day of school in my junior year. I was late and have been late every first day since then.
82. how are you? what are you feeling? how has your week gone?
I think things are going well 
83. rant.
It’s almost impossible for me to rant? So thank you, but no thank you 
84. do you worry about something a lot? if so, what?
Already answered in a previous post 
85. do you think long distance works?
I’m sure it works for the right people 
86. would you date someone younger than you? older than you?
Yeah, I don’t really mind dating a bit out of my age range as long as our mentality matches?
87. name some people you'd love to meet
Tom Holland thx 
88. what were some things you were scared of as a kid?
My older sister’s scream mask and knives 
89. tell us about your favorite birthday
My friends surprised me with a birthday cake and a bunch of presents during my school lunch and the cafeteria sang to me?? I had v good friends. 
90. how is high school?
It was definitely a journey 
91. tell us the worst pick-up line you've ever heard
None of them because I have never had a pick-up line used on me. ehhhhh 
92. every been groped or catcalled? how'd it make you feel? what did you do?
People can be disgusting and they don’t understand that your body isn’t there just for them to touch, so fuck that person who thought it was 
93. opinion of feminism?
94. tell us about a time you got embarrassed
Today in class when I was late :’) 
95. ever had a pregnancy scare? tell us about it!
96. tell us about your best friend
All she talks about water but it’s okay because she’s pure and beautiful
97. what's your opinion on planning your life out?
I mean, it’s nice and extremely helpful to have a timeline or a potential outline for how you want your life to turn out. But don’t expect everything to go according to plan?? Like, just leave a bit of wiggle room in your future for unexpected adventures. :) 
98. describe what you think afterlife is like
energy cannot be created nor destroyed 
99. talking on the phone or texting?
Talking on the phone because I’m lame as heck over text 
100. how do you feel about the way most teachers treat students?
alReADy ANswerEd in a PREviOus PosT 
101. what's a word you use more than others?
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bloganimedevlin · 6 years
Story attempt - maybe if I write it here I’ll have motivation
Just a heads up! This story mentions rape, assault, violence, catcalling and harassment, as well as victim blaming and dismissal. If these things are traumatic for you and will bring up bad memories or trigger any sort of negative reaction, please be warned. I want to discuss these things in a story, but I really really don’t want to harm anyone. There is nothing overly overt in the story (at least, I don’t think so), but I know that even mentions of a certain type of violence can send me into a panic attack, so I don’t want to do that to anyone else. 
October 14th, 2018
Ashura was 5 years old when a little boy in her class at school pulled her hair and called her dumb. He pulled her hair so hard that some of it came out. Ashura screamed, which attracted the playground attendant. Sobbing Ashura explained what had happened while the little boy ran off laughing. The attendant comforted Ashura by giving her a hug and telling her that the little boy was just doing it because he liked her. Ashura found that hard to believe, but since it continued for the next two years till the little boy moved away, and everyone said the same thing as the attendant when she complained, perhaps they were right.
May 5th, 2021
Ashura was 8 years old when she decided she wanted to be a doctor. She had excellent grades in every subject, especially the sciences, and she saw a movie where the (male) doctor was a hero who saved lives. She wanted to save lives. Her parents told her no, being a doctor was something for boys. She could be a nurse though, to provide comfort for sick people. Ashura was confused and upset, but after a year of being told the same thing, she gave up that dream and decided to be a mathematician. Again, she was told no. But she could be a school teacher if she wanted, good to work with kids. There were so many things she wanted to be over the years that her parents crushed out of her. Then they wondered why she had no future plans. Of course, they were happy with their plan that she would just marry a rich... wait for it... doctor. 
June 23rd, 2028
Ashura was 10 years old when her family started complaining about the clothes she wore. She tried to follow what they told her to, but no matter what she wore, they would always find fault. It was like she couldn’t win. If she wore light and breezy clothes fit for summer, her parents freaked out that she was “showing too much skin” and would be considered a slut. If she wore stuffy clothes that made her hot but covered her body “properly” her parents would exclaim that no man would ever want a women who was so boring. Apparently boys would call her names no matter what she did, and her parents and society supported that. 
February 2nd, 2032
Ashura was 14 years old when a group of men on the street yelled at her that she had a “nice ass, perfect for fucking” and “Let me rape you, sweetie.” Ashura had only gone out that evening to fetch groceries for her mother. There were other people around, but none of them said or did anything, so she felt scared and alone. Would the men actually try and rape her? How should she respond? She didn’t know and ran all the way home, even though her lungs burnt all the rest of the night and she only stopped shaking when she fell asleep. It would happen again and again, over the years, and it was always still as terrifying as the first time. Still as confusing. But it also became infuriating. 
April 7th, 2034
Ashura was 16 years old when her classmate tried to rape her at a party. It wasn’t even a party with drinking and drugs, it was a birthday party. He ambushed her and  dragged her into an empty room after she had gone to the washroom (the party was outside so the house was unoccupied) and tried to tear her clothes off. Thankfully for Ashura, she had been taking mixed martial arts since she was 11, and managed to fight him off. Running back to the rest of the party attendees (including adults) she showed them her ripped shirt and frantically explained what had happened. Instead of going after the boy, they told her she shouldn’t have gone to the washroom alone, and perhaps she had misunderstood the boy’s intentions. When she got home, the response from her parents was similar, but they also banned her from any more social events until she turned 18. The boy was still in her class the next school year and Ashura avoided him like the plague. Thankfully, he did the same. Unfortunately, Ashura still got teased by the other students about her “fake rape story.”
 August 27th, 2036
Ashura was 18 when she moved out to go to university. Her mother cried because “you shouldn’t move out until you have a husband to look after you!” Her father disapproved because she might be attacked by “strange men” because she lived alone. Turned out that her father had been right in his estimation of how shitty “strange men” could be, and Ashura’s fighting training came in handy more times that she could count over the next four years. A man tried to break into her apartment after having followed her catcalling her one evening. Another evening a man interrupted her supper at a restaurant to ask for her number, after she said no he stalked her for a while before trying to attack her one early morning a few blocks away from her apartment. She saved a friend from being raped. A drunk man tried to assault her in the middle of a supermarket of all places - no one helped - instead they looked disapprovingly at her after she had beaten him off. The list goes on. 
January 19th, 2040
Ashura was 22 when her work department got a new boss who thought it was okay to grope and demean and otherwise sexually harass his female employees. She nearly got fired twice before she was moved departments for “causing trouble.” This “trouble” was standing up to the boss and telling him to back down when he slapped his assistant’s ass every morning. All the other employees seemed to find fault in her, not him. The assistant halfheartedly laughed it off and told Ashura that she couldn’t afford to lose her job. Upper management sent Ashura to counselling, as if that made any difference. She was told she was “overreacting,” “couldn’t take a joke,” and “made people uncomfortable.” The new department had a nice boss, but some of her co-workers were just as bad as the previous boss, they just were more covert about it because they did own the place. Ashura continued to fight back against them as best she could. Especially Jackson Miller, a project manager who had his own assistant that he often verbally harassed. Ashura couldn’t stand him.
September 1st, 2044
Ashura was 26 when her fiancee of two years got really drunk at a friend’s party. The bar was upscale and nice, the party people were pleasant enough, and before this moment, Ashura found her fiancee to be sweet and decent. She planned to marry him, after all. She hadn’t chosen him, her parents had, but getting to know him had been fine, and he let her do what she wanted most of the time, so she figured he was supportive. But they had never spoken about marriage beyond his proposal. And it was this particular night that Ashura realised she should have checked. Theo, her fiancee, was pretty wasted when he started to call her by other women’s names. Weird, but she supposed that he was out of it and it didn’t matter. Then he started hitting on the waitresses. They were polite and firm, good at dodging his hands, and excellent at that fake light laugh that women give a man who they cannot get away from because of their jobs. Ashura tried to get him to stop. His friends, however, who were also rather drunk at this point, kept encouraging him and talking over her. Frustrated, Ashura left to go to the washroom. She ran into one of the waitresses there and felt that she had to apologise for Theo’s behaviour.
“I’m really sorry about how badly the men are acting this evening.” Ashura ventured, the other woman turning to smile at her, “It must suck, especially Theo - my fiancee - he has been really rude.”
The waitresses’s smile dropped, “Fiancee? He has a fiancee?”
“Err, yes?”
“Oh no..... I thought you were another one of his flings. Honey, he comes here all the time, and trust me, he has been a lot worse some other times. He is also always here with a different girl so I just thought.....”  
“Oh.” Ashura thought about it for a moment, “Well, my apology still stands. Also, thank you for letting me know.”
She waitress looked very guilty (guilty! Why? she had just given Ashura crucial information that was important to her relationship) as Ashura practically ran out of the washroom. Getting back to the table, she sat down quietly next to Theo and waited till there was a lull in the group conversation before catching Theo’s attention. He looked at her with a grin and asked what was wrong, told her to drink more. 
“Actually I think we should leave, I need to talk to you about something.” 
“Nah, babe, it’s not even midnight.”
“Theo, I insist, it’s important.”
“Lighten up, don’t ruin my fun.”
Ashura suppressed a sigh, “We. Need. To. Talk.” she said very calmly and firmly, even though she felt like screaming. Theo finally properly looked at her and, his words slurring together just a little, remarked,
“Women should really just learn to keep their mouths shut and their legs open.”
She should have punched him, she should have. But instead, Ashura gave a little laugh, stood up, took her ring off and dropped it in his glass, and walked away. As soon as she got home she called her parents and told them the engagement was off. 
Her parents were devastated. They asked her if she was sure, they said it was impossible, that Theo was a nice boy. They said he was just drunk. The dismissed the flings and called the waitress names. They told her that she was lucky to have a man would was not violent, she ought to put up with a few verbal jabs, they weren’t that important. Her mother cried, her father shouted. Ashura listened in silence and then ended the call be telling them to reach out to Theo’s family to tell the the engagement was off. That was it.
Theo’s parents were apparently furious, she heard from her mother later. Not at Theo, mind, but at Ashura. Ashura shrugged and said she didn’t care. 
September 3rd 2044
Ashura was called into the director’s office at work. She had been working non-stop for the past six months and had passed so many tests and interviews so that she could finally be a manager. The director very pleasantly told her that while she was an excellent employee, who had been with them for 8 years at this point (she started working at the company when she started her university degree), that they had found a more qualified person to be manager. Apparently, “more qualified” meant male, because the new manager was 23 and had been working at the company for a year and a half, he had only entered the workforce a year and a half ago after graduating. He didn’t have any knowledge of the projects that he was in charge of - projects that Ashura had been working on for ages. Ashura was livid. But she was civil about the rejection because the director was not too bad of a boss in general.  
September 5th 2044
Ashura knew she was probably going to get fired, but Jackson Miller had taken it too far. He had decided that because she hadn’t made manager, that it was a good idea to grope her. So she did the first thing that came to mind and kicked him in the stomach. He was taken to the hospital and she was sent home with harsh words from management on her behaviour. Never mind that he had grabbed her ass, she was clearly the one at fault. Management said they’d call her when a decision about what to do with her was made. So Ashura went home. Angry, but happy that she had finally done something to actually stop Jackson. And thinking that perhaps it was good she was going to be fired, maybe another company would value her more and be less on board with harassment. It would all work out, she had the rest of her life to look forward to, after all.
September 7th 2044
Ashura was 26 when the aliens “invaded.” 
To be continued...................
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gis-is-back · 7 years
I forgot so here’s a Master Post
10/12: Thursday
OK. ummm so according to twitter this was a day i woke up in the middle of the night due to loud people in the street which never makes me happy, then I went on my phone until 3AM and yee. Still not happy about SR and my friends so I felt bad in that regard. I went on a run that morning and then must not have done anything substantial until I FINALLY turned in my OFII form so I can leave the country when I want to. Then on the way back a catcaller said something to me but idk what he said so its fine. Went to the store and got new skincare products and expected them to make me break out but as of Oct 19 we güd :-) 
10/13: Friday
Oo Friday the 13th how spooky. Went on a run and a guy wanted me to take his picture at like 8AM while im literally running past him and I said no and I’m glad i Did because a big part of this journey has been learning how to say no to boys, people, opportunities, etc. Like sure you should be open to shite but no I’m not going to say yes when I know I’m just going to feel stupid. Made a super large finsta post ab how I’m doing with weight loss and fitness and stuff and honestly felt really good about this day. 
10/14: Saturday
Literally no day, feeling, morning, instant has ever felt worse than the one I experienced the MOMENT I woke up on this morning. Was in that twilight zone in between dream and reality and heard a woman speaking in a cooing high pitched voice. Dreaming me interpreted it as my mom talking to my cat. Started thinking about it for a bit and realized that my mom (and cat) is thousands upon thousands of miles away and that I a) wont see her for another two months and b) am out in this foreign ass country all alone. CRIED SO HARD. I’m not kidding that was such an awful feeling the only thing worse that I can imagine is if there was no possibility of seeing my mom again. Yikes how awful. And from then on im pretty sure I was just sad. Stayed inside most of the day aside from my daily run and yee.
10/15: Sunday
Danielle finally came home so i had SOMETHING to do *eyeroll emoji* except im jk cuz i know there’s shit i can do. I went on a run and then met danielle for cwoffee at starbs where we “studied” for our phonetics midterm. There was a 5/10k for breast cancer that morn so in honor of it I ran 5k which was impressive for me cuz i aint ever run that far continuously. Actually ran like 3.5 miles. Went home and went grocery shopping, got some EgGpLaNt like a real fancy mofo and some salad mix but I got spinach, arugula, and a chard looking ass leaf and the arugula SUCKS but I’m making my way through it. Kept on missing home and LA and everything/one but yeet.
10/16: Monday
69 days out. Went to my 8h30, took my exam, was fine, went to my next class, was fine, went home, was gr8 i love going home haha. Then I went on a run and ran quite a lot! another 3+ miles and then decided to look at the botanical garden for once since I run past it like actually literally every day but had never been in. It was okay, really flat and not that like idk diverse like the CV Botanical Garden. Formatted the SHIT out of my calories spreadsheet so it looks awezum now.
10/17: Squad Tuesday
I hate tuesdays aka my long days but we did it boys. First class, w/e, then I had a meeting for my courses in which I got them squared away, then i had to talk to the other UC coordinator ab my time here and ended up fucking crying lmao. So annoying. Anyway, my next class was fine, got complimented af about my speaking which was lowkey very nice to hear and god damn i miss positive affirmation. Then I went for a run on the school’s track since i dont have time in the morning or after class, ran 12 laps and walked 2 but idk if its a regular track and my fitbit was doing the bs thing where it doesnt work unless i restart my phone which is so annoying. Then had my third class which was fine then my fourth which was unbearably long and I was literally watching the minutes go which made them go slower so I’m not gonna do that anymore but I do have a nice collection of drawings from every tuesday. Went home, took shower, made din, bed.
10/18: Wednesday
Woke up feeling depressed which might be the norm now, instead of wallowing I got up and ran tho even tho I was planning on just doing it after class which was good and actually ran quite a lot once again, over three miles. Got ready for school and then went. 1st class was fine, midterm next week, second class was fine, midterm next week, went home woo and binged on banana chips. Got ready for bed and was laying in bed on phone when I started being able to hear a mouse. Freaked me tf out, and basically did what I could to prevent them coming in but ended up actually trapping one inside and every time it moved I would be wide awake so i got like 0 sleep last night which was kinda shitty. MAde me super depressed this morn but I’ll save today’s details for todays post!
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