#frigging TETANUS
wait, let's make a list. what did we learn from supernatural? i'll start us off.
get vaccinated.
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queenofbaws · 4 years
“This was a stupid idea!” + our favorite chaotic foursome :D
Exploring the sanatorium, on paper, had sounded pretty cool, to be fair. There was nothing people loved more than shitty ghost hunting shows devoting entire episodes to huge, sprawling buildings where the promise of ghosts was high (while the risk of tetanus, lead poisoning, and rabies via furious, starving, cannibalistic rats was even higher), so yeah, it had sounded like a fairly decent idea!
Until, that is, they’d found their way into the morgue.
Well...she had to figure it was the morgue, at least, because she couldn’t come up with any other rooms where they might plausibly find an actual goddamn fucking human head in a jar.
“THIS WAS A STUPID IDEA,” Ashley said, somehow managing to look even paler than the preserved head she’d uncovered. Behind her, Josh and Chris were already trying to get their cameras to focus, but she just kept shouting, “THIS WAS SUCH A STUPID FRIGGING IDEA!!!”
six sentence sat(or)sunday!
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alexamericus · 5 years
Things I have said when faced with literally any skin/costume that has Liu Kang barefoot:
-"Dammit Liu Kang put some gotdamn shoes on your frigging footsies."
-"Have you even seen the floors of some of these stages, my dude? And yet here you are with no shoes on your damn tootsies."
-"You want tetanus? Because this is how you get tetanus."
-”You step on a nail or broken glass and you can say goodbye to your good health.”
-"I'll give you a pass on you baring your chest to all manner of deadly blows and weapons this one time if you puT SOME SHOES ON."
And finally...
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drunkdumbfucker · 6 years
What did you do??
I raised the beautiful hypothesis that if I had my finger cut off, I could become a renowned artist and maybe even get assimilated to Van Gogh which, lets be honest, sounds frigging awesome ?! But Nem disagrees with me and raised tetanus and fevers and doctor stuff so yeh… Kinda killed the mood
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intense stupidity moment of the day: a friend of mine sitting next to me in a pretty crowded schoolbus, says, "i'm getting a vaccine tomorrow". me, being me, says, "huh?" she repeats herself.
and my wonderful frigging brain hears "waxing".
my brain beeps, "tmi", but i keep a straight face and say "ouch, gotta hurt" and she doesn't understand what i meant it in regards to and nods along.
a friend in front of us says that it does hurt incredibly bad, and im kinda amused at this point cause we're not close enough to randomly discuss getting waxed and plus we're all still in highschool and im kinda sorta growing me a rainforest anyways
anyhoo, they turn to me, and i promptly go, "I've never gotten one ever" and they just...look at me weird.
I still don't get it.
they go on talking about stuff and somehow it happens to be all generalized stuff how she's gotta dress for it (idek) and how it hurt the last time and how my other friend got one many years ago and like
suddenly one of them mentions candy. like, yk, "at least there's candy after" and I go, really, and she goes yeah, my pediatrician's real cool, and i go, I didn't know they even did stuff like that, and she goes, "nah, whenever I gotta get an injection, I get lollipops" and I go -
and suddenly everything clicks and i facepalm and like the friend who knows me better than the other friend seems to understand too and she facepalms too and i just -
spend the rest of the bus ride trying to explain how im certainly not an antivaxxer, that's just dumb, and like omfg it was so bad
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