#ft. mollie
p-finch · 11 months
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About the Finch Twins: (tw: mentions of addiction & alcoholism)
Although not the first Finch children, Stephanie and Shawn happily complete the mighty and makeshift Finch family. Born two years after their older sister, June, Steph and Shawn were born on a truly lovely day in August. The two leos entered the world exactly one minute and twenty-five seconds apart. Stephanie first and then Shawn. Though Steph likes to joke that the only reason that happened was because Shawn pushed her. The twins were the result of Percy’s first marriage with a woman named Symone, a long time business partner of his from Paris. They were in love at first and eventually they realized that while the love was deep, they weren’t as in love as they could be. But they held off on officially divorcing until the kids were 13 and still very much enjoyed their marriage and their life together. To this day they remain extremely close and Symone has been a huge part in helping to raise not only the twins but June as well. Percy is certain Symone likes Mollie more than she likes him most days anyway. 
Despite growing up with what was basically two mothers and one father (the twins like to refer to Mollie as their bonus mom) they have always felt the deep love that all children deserve. They grew up close, always following their oldest sister around, always living it up at one of their father’s events. They were happy and curious kids. 
Stephanie has always been a go getter. Unlike her twin, if she says she’ll do something then she will. If she says she wants something then she will do anything she can to get it. She’s always been a fairly confident individual and when her own sports career didn’t pan out, she became interested in the business side of things. She wants to be a sports agent one day, helping athletes, primarily women, make good money and get even better deals. She can often be found court side at a Chicago Sky or Bulls game since she’s especially interested in basketball but the Cubs, Bears, Blackhawks and Red Stars still get a lot of her love. Especially since her father still has season tickets for the Cubs. Whenever she’s out and about, she’s likely to have at least one of her siblings with her if not both. She’s currently pursuing her Masters in Sports Management. Though the Finch twins spent a lot of time traveling, they primarily grew up in Rosewood and went to Rosewood Academy. Steph went to Columbia for undergrad and has returned to Ravenwood for her graduate program. She’s also a happily practicing lesbian who has not had a solid relationship since her sophomore year of college! Similar to her father who is now in the process of his third divorce.
Shawn is all about the planning and terrible at the execution. While his sister was busy making her whole life plan, Shawn was busy living in the moment. He’s always been more interested in fun and partying than a career which explains why he’s graduating almost two years later than he was supposed to. Shawn’s addiction began in high school when he was spending a lot of time going to Rosewood parties, New York parties, any fashion show after party he could sneak into. Drugs and alcohol were a constant for him and at first it was manageable, until it wasn’t. His sisters tried to intervene but it just led him to being more secretive until he woke up in the hospital one morning during his senior year of high school, his moms and father and siblings standing around. Since then he’s been to rehab twice and it was through his second rehab program that was out of state where he started to explore carpentry and specifically woodworking and furniture making. It became his outlet and when he finally returned home it started to become a hobby that soon turned into a side gig and small Etsy shop. As of today, Shawn has been sober for 11 months and has been planning to try to find a safe way to celebrate his upcoming year celebration of sobriety. He already knows his sisters are probably planning something. (They are.) It’s the longest stretch of time he’s been sober since high school. He's currently trying to finish up his bachelor's degree after being on leave for almost two years from school. Also still a devoutly practicing bisexual.
Both of the twins currently live at home in their family’s house in Rosewood. 
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halfdeadies · 1 month
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absinthefog · 2 years
some cheebs
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fawnsil · 2 years
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>we're one in the same.🌺 >no, I'm nothing like you.❄️
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the5n00k · 1 year
With season 2 rapidly approaching I think it's appropriate to revisit some short comics I've done to lessen the metaphorical sting of the hiatus on myself and worsen the emotional sting on my friends
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I apologize to the people who know me from Twitter and Discord that have to constantly see me reposting art
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captainmartin20 · 3 months
Iowa 101 vs Illinois 85
Caitlin Clark: 24 pts, 15 reb, and 10 ast. (16th career triple-double)
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Hannah Stuelke: 20 pts, 10 reb, and 1 ast.
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Molly Davis: 17 pts, 1 reb, and 5 ast.
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Honorable mention: Kate Martin: 13 pts, 6 reb, and 4 ast.
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a-f00ls-bl0g · 1 month
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Don't reblog. Take a screenshot and upload it, but tag it with all your OTPs.
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aerismus · 1 month
“ no sé si es la luz o qué, pero hoy me veo más bonite que de costumbre. ”  ⸻   ❪  @im0lly  ❫
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ESTANCIAS NOBLES ⋆ el comentario le tomó por sorpresa, y no pudo evitar soltar unas risitas entretenida. " pero qué humilde... " suelta jocosa, con los ojos brillando de admiración, a ella le gustaría tener la confianza de molly para decir esas cosas en voz alta. " no estás mintiendo la verdad. debe ser porque en tu vida pasada eras un noble y estas en tu hábitat natural. "
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cassiusj · 2 months
#015. molly pisa a cassius accidentalmente mientras ambos participan en las clases de la bailarina Malou Meyenhofer, sobre aprender conceptos básicos de la danza de 1920. @im0lly
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había estado observando la clase desde una esquina, cuando la turba de bailarines se acercó hacia él guiados por la coreografía, sin alcanzar a detenerlo uno con evidentes dos pies izquierdos le dio un pisotón, soltando una maldición y empujándolo para quitarlo. " cuidado por dónde pisas. " gruñó, antes de mirar a la profesora que lo ve con una mirada reprobatoria. sabía que no iba a animarse a bailar por lo cuál se salió de la clase sin decir otra palabra.
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fadinglights · 3 months
continued from here, @lilacwiine
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jules  isn't  sure  if  it's  real  or  if  her  overly  imaginative  mind  is  playing  tricks  on  her,  but  she  swears  she  can  see  a  hint  of  flirtation  in  molly's  eyes.  but  there's  no  way,  right?  why  would  molly  feel  the  same  way  about  her?  "yeah."  jules  nods,  suppressing  a  nervous  laugh  as  she  reaches  for  another  product  for  the  finishing  touch.  "i  kind  of  have  to  be,  or  i'd  be  in  the  wrong  profession."  with  care,  she  applies  the  gloss  to  molly's  lips.  "there  you  go."  she  smiles,  pleased  with  her  own  work  and  mesmerised  by  just  how  kissable  they  look.  "you  look  perfect."
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ldyinthewxll · 4 months
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”well, well, well.” lennox grinned, he looked the girl up and down, given the way he was summoned it felt deliberate, that she not only knew what she was doing but had done this before. “its not everyday a witch summons me.” he smirked while crossing his arms, he didn’t know if he was right, but he could guess, and his guesses were usually right, but so was his comment about witches not usually summoning him, no normally witches were smarter. “what is it you want little witch? the night of your life? power? love?” he questioned looking at the girl. “tell me, and i will make your dreams come true… for a small price.” the price being her soul, or her virginity, if that was still intacted, but lennox never assumed about virginity. not anymore. to many times he got his hopes up and pissed himself off when he had to settle for just a soul./@in-de-cent
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autumnwritcs · 2 years
closed starter for @rosesdieinaweek​
If there was something Molly loved, it was rain, it remainded her a lot of New Orleans and were it not for a possible cold, she’d be out there getting soaked, but being a responsible adult meant taking care of one self. At least, she thought, she was content with being at home; she could have been stucked at the bar, without being able to enjoy the sight or the  smell of rain and the breeze, but thank god she was in the coziness of her place, with some of the windows open and jazz music playing, partly loving it and partly missing her hometown. What made her jump of surprise was the bell ring and wondering who was crazy enough to get out on this pouring rain, Molly walked barefeet to the front door and watching through the peep hole to check who was the visit.  To her surprise, Freddie’s soaked body was on the other side and not looking good. “Freddie, are you okay? Got caught by the rain?” She asked as soon as she started opening the door.
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persephonyed · 8 months
[X] molly/nora
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📸 a peek into nora giuliani's phone ft. molly gunn.
send me a [ X ] to see my muses favorite picture(s) of your muse.
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faiirytalcs · 1 year
muse: molly davis ( @mcllydavis ) location: crown cat café
Usually Whitney at least made it home before she started crying when the stress of her job, her life, making sure everyone around her was pleased with her got to be too much. But today, she only made it to her favorite café, almost forgetting to order a drink before sitting down, wishing one of the cats would pick her. "Oh - oh, I didn't see you, sorry. Is it - can I sit here?" Whitney asked, trying to hide her face as she wiped away the single tear rolling down her cheek.
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elifalvey · 1 year
LOCATION — Aslihan's Guest House.
WHO — Molly ( @mollywilliams ).
After tearing apart the second guest room in the house, Elijah was met with a hurdle that he'd stupidly put to the back of his mind: figuring out where the hell to put all of the furniture that once inhabited the small bedroom. It wouldn't be as much of a problem as it was if the house wasn't already massively decorated, or if the curb was a viable option (though he knew at this point, that'd probably just make Aslihan cry, and she was already crying so much that he didn't want to risk it). With no other place in his mind, he'd gone to the only other option he could think of — Aslihan's guest house. He was hoping that Molly could use some of this stuff, otherwise he'd truly be out of ideas. Making the short trek over, he knocked on the door and grinned when she answered. "Hey, Molly," he greeted, diving immediately into what he'd come here for by saying, "Now, listen . . . totally an option to say no, although I'm really, really, really hoping you'll say yes. Do you or your friend need a bed, by chance? Or a TV stand? Or . . . a giant, pink rug?"
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bejcweled · 10 months
answered prompt (always accepting) - @dismaltouch
❛  are we actually doing the right thing?  ❜ molly @ nate
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"i wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction, molly." nate responded back quickly. he made sure to keep his voice steady and void of any hesitation but not overly sweet either. if he wanted her help, nate would need to act casual about this. hard to make dumping a dead body seem casual though, it wouldn't stop him from making an attempt. "this guy is the same one who is responsible for what happened in the cabins. he was coming after me and i had no choice."
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