#about stephanie
p-finch · 1 year
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About the Finch Twins: (tw: mentions of addiction & alcoholism)
Although not the first Finch children, Stephanie and Shawn happily complete the mighty and makeshift Finch family. Born two years after their older sister, June, Steph and Shawn were born on a truly lovely day in August. The two leos entered the world exactly one minute and twenty-five seconds apart. Stephanie first and then Shawn. Though Steph likes to joke that the only reason that happened was because Shawn pushed her. The twins were the result of Percy’s first marriage with a woman named Symone, a long time business partner of his from Paris. They were in love at first and eventually they realized that while the love was deep, they weren’t as in love as they could be. But they held off on officially divorcing until the kids were 13 and still very much enjoyed their marriage and their life together. To this day they remain extremely close and Symone has been a huge part in helping to raise not only the twins but June as well. Percy is certain Symone likes Mollie more than she likes him most days anyway. 
Despite growing up with what was basically two mothers and one father (the twins like to refer to Mollie as their bonus mom) they have always felt the deep love that all children deserve. They grew up close, always following their oldest sister around, always living it up at one of their father’s events. They were happy and curious kids. 
Stephanie has always been a go getter. Unlike her twin, if she says she’ll do something then she will. If she says she wants something then she will do anything she can to get it. She’s always been a fairly confident individual and when her own sports career didn’t pan out, she became interested in the business side of things. She wants to be a sports agent one day, helping athletes, primarily women, make good money and get even better deals. She can often be found court side at a Chicago Sky or Bulls game since she’s especially interested in basketball but the Cubs, Bears, Blackhawks and Red Stars still get a lot of her love. Especially since her father still has season tickets for the Cubs. Whenever she’s out and about, she’s likely to have at least one of her siblings with her if not both. She’s currently pursuing her Masters in Sports Management. Though the Finch twins spent a lot of time traveling, they primarily grew up in Rosewood and went to Rosewood Academy. Steph went to Columbia for undergrad and has returned to Ravenwood for her graduate program. She’s also a happily practicing lesbian who has not had a solid relationship since her sophomore year of college! Similar to her father who is now in the process of his third divorce.
Shawn is all about the planning and terrible at the execution. While his sister was busy making her whole life plan, Shawn was busy living in the moment. He’s always been more interested in fun and partying than a career which explains why he’s graduating almost two years later than he was supposed to. Shawn’s addiction began in high school when he was spending a lot of time going to Rosewood parties, New York parties, any fashion show after party he could sneak into. Drugs and alcohol were a constant for him and at first it was manageable, until it wasn’t. His sisters tried to intervene but it just led him to being more secretive until he woke up in the hospital one morning during his senior year of high school, his moms and father and siblings standing around. Since then he’s been to rehab twice and it was through his second rehab program that was out of state where he started to explore carpentry and specifically woodworking and furniture making. It became his outlet and when he finally returned home it started to become a hobby that soon turned into a side gig and small Etsy shop. As of today, Shawn has been sober for 11 months and has been planning to try to find a safe way to celebrate his upcoming year celebration of sobriety. He already knows his sisters are probably planning something. (They are.) It’s the longest stretch of time he’s been sober since high school. He's currently trying to finish up his bachelor's degree after being on leave for almost two years from school. Also still a devoutly practicing bisexual.
Both of the twins currently live at home in their family’s house in Rosewood. 
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batbabydamian · 2 months
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reverse robins of my fav trio!
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ashoss · 7 days
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pierced jason: a saga
text under cut bc i feel like my handwriting is messy lol
in the batcave medbay
stephanie: i've only pierced ears before so you can't blame me if i fuck up, jason.
jason: its fine - can't be worse than an exploding building
bruce: jason, remember to take your piercings out before you go on patrol.
jason: fuck you, b! i have a helmet for a reason
bruce: what did i tell you jason?
jason: yeah, yeah. whatever.
arrow pointing to bruce: had the same thing happen to him when he was younger
arrows pointing to jason: had an earring ripped out. angry his dad was right
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swugflower · 8 months
Brucie Wayne gets interviewed and the question who, expect Batman, is his favorite Gotham hero.
After some awkward moments of silence, he blurts out that it’s Spoiler. Since she is the only one from the main active team that isn’t his kid and this way he avoids picking a favorite.
Meanwhile, the group chats explodes into chaos instantly.
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dragonpyre · 2 months
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Secret Robin au
Bruce was on edge for the rest of patrol
Prev / Next / Commission info / ko-fi
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frappegoddess · 3 months
I originally said this in a reblog but, picture this
Bruce Wayne gets invited by BuzzFeed to read thirst tweets. They are all from his Justice League coworkers.
Bruce, in a completely monotonous voice: @Superman says: I wanna suck Bruce Wayne's soul out through his dick and spit it back in his face.
Bruce, with a completely straight face: Poetic
Cue the batkids watching this video after its been uploaded and gone viral on Twitter: Remember when Uncle Supes wrote that tweet about you when he was stoned off his ass??
Said video was further used as blackmail by Tim, Jason and Steph. Duke couldn't look him in the eye for a week straight. Damian is yet to understand why the kids at school keep making jokes about his dad.
The Justice League will never live it down
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inkskinned · 10 months
i got my isbn today for the book. 8 months to go. my mom and i were talking about what the next steps are. i was eating trail mix, standing on one foot, phone tucked into my ear.
"yeah," i said. "the problem is that tumblr as a market is like, not something that can be studied." there's this weird wave of nostalgia and affection for this place that came up over me: how lovely we avoid consumerism. okay, it sucks as a creator. but also? keep stickin' it to 'em.
my mother made the sound at the back of her throat that i also make, the one that means i've got an idea. "you should figure out some kind of reward for presale amounts. maybe you give out poems or a mug or a signed book or something. would your followers like that?" my mother is sweet, and kind, and i have no idea how to explain on this website you can buy someone crabs.
i put more m&ms down the hatch. i had to speak through peanuts and almonds. "if it passes 25 thousand i will print the book out in its entirety and eat it live on camera."
"oh god. no, you don't have to do that." she was anguished. "just tell them that you'd love them to read it, and that they've inspired you to write. you got started on that site, and they helped you keep going. raquel, you love these people. the community? you talk all the time about the other writers and artists and whatever else. tell them that you're hoping for their support, they'll come through."
"no," i assured her. i discovered i had dropped an m&m, but an ant had already found it, so it belonged to him now. i will let his little life have a surprise blue treasure in it, too. "i'm gonna fuckin' eat the book."
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razorsystem · 6 months
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they’re siblings, your honor
(some close ups for their faces)
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alilarxy · 8 months
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Stephanie has got a gun, tra-la-la-la how fun 🎶
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theaceofarrows · 7 months
Family movie night
Jason: The Wicked Witch of the West had EVERY right to light Dorothy's ass up-
Duke: Here we go again
Jason: You think you're going to kill MY sister and steal her heels, you hillbilly bitch? I don't think so
Tim: [throwing his hands up] This is why we don't invite you to movie night!
Jason: Oh, so it's my fault that you're not man enough to hear the truth?!
Dick: Guys, shut up. They're about to start singing Yellow Brick Road
Damian: Todd is correct. The Wicked Witch has every right to avenge her blood
Dick: [groans]
Tim: That's NOT the point-
Steph: Ooh~ Tim doesn't believe in avenging siblings
Duke: That's cold dude
Tim: What?!
Jason: [shaking his head at Tim] You spineless bitch
[Screaming match commences]
Bruce: [turns on subtitles] So nice to have the family all together
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hibiscus02 · 8 months
You just gotta love how Steph flirts with Pete constantly, asks him out more than once, and then has the gall to say "you're obsessed with me" my sister in christ the call is coming from inside the house
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movisual · 1 year
bruce wayne seems like the exact type of dad to hear that his kid likes something and latch on to that info like a leech.
like dick says he likes the color blue and for the next x amount of years, everything bruce gets dick is in blue.
jason mentions liking strawberry flavoring and suddenly candy, drinks, ice cream, cake, doesnt matter, is all strawberry flavored
every holiday or birthday tim gets photography stuff. bruce gets tickets to attend photography gallerys and researches it in order to engage in conversation.
just that whole dad thing where he finds one (1) thing that his kid enjoys and latches onto that fact in order to connect to them (awkward for the kdis when its ten years later and theyre pretty indifferent to that thing now but you know their dad is trying so they’re not gonna say anything)
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batcavescolony · 2 months
Robin&Nightwing: *out on patrol*
Robin: My girlfriends pregnant
Nightwing: *falls off the roof top* WHAT!
Robin: yeah, I hope she does ok, I'm all for whatever she wants.
Nightwing: *crawling up the wall while panicking*
Robin: -it's not my kid.
Robin: it's what she would have wanted.
Robin: and then Nightwing face planted off the building.
Stephanie: oh that's great 💀 do it with Batman next!
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Tim: So, and for what reason was I 17 years old for the last 15 years?
Damian: That's what you're complaining about? They couldn't even bother to give me a proper characterization until much later on. And then it is one that does not align with my upbringing!
Stephanie: At least you weren't killed just because of misogyny
Dick: Yeah, I wonder how anyone let that through. But then again, I shouldn't expect anything else from writers who made me stuck as Ric for two years and all the, you know, Tarantula stuff
Jason: It's honestly like they just spin a wheel every day to figure out if I'm a villain, hero or anti-hero
Duke: Forget about the writers, the fans also have some... wild assumptions
Stephanie: Yeah, like that you're the normal one!
Cass: Or that I'm mute. Just there to give emotional support
Barbara: Or that the most traumatic thing to ever happen to me is framed as something good just because I became Oracle. I barely had one page of dialogue in that entire story!
Tim: At least they get one thing right.
Dick: And that is?
Tim: Bruce.
Jason: Yeah, what is up with that?! It feels like I've become his punching bag! Why is he considered a hero again when he is just plain abusive at this point?
Duke: Patriarchy
Barbara: And male power fantasy
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deadsetobsessions · 5 months
What Do You Have There?
A knife!
Danny plunked the butter knife in its pedestal of importance. The nice thing about having a billionaire vigilante for a... foster is the amount of money Danny was allowed to drop on his hobbies. For example, his extensive collection of souvenirs.
They're not just any old regular souvenirs. No, no, no. That would be so boring! No, these souvenirs, he obtained from the various muggings, knife fights, and various other situations he's been in ever since he was dropped ungraciously into Gotham.
The butter knife? Damian. Precocious, stabby Damian who he had startled into the stab instinct. A point of pride, really. Danny knew Damian was good at fighting! It was practically, in ghost terms, a super enthusiastic hello! Yes, the butter knife would be kept in the well lit part of the wall. Alfred had told him to stay home today to recuperate. He didn't need it, since the wound would heal in an hour or two, but he'd take staying at home any day.
A couple of hours later, well into the afternoon and right before what Danny knew to be their patrol hours, Danny had a visitor.
"Oh, hey, Damian! What's up?" Danny turned around to see Damian hovering awkwardly near the door.
"I am here to... check upon your wound. It is imperative that it gets proper treatment."
Ancients, Damian was exactly like those alley kids. He just ate a thesaurus instead of the drawling accent the alley kids picked up. Which meant Damian endeared himself to Danny pretty quickly. Like a little ghostling.
"Oh, I'm good. See? No blood is leaking out of the wound." Danny held up spotless bandages.
Danny watched Damian step into his haunt- his room- with a pleased hum. Damian inspected the bandages and stepped back with a sharp nod of approval. His eyes flicked to the wall that Danny was rearranging (again) and did a double take at the butter knife in the middle.
"Is that the butter knife I stabbed you with?"
"Why, yes, it is!" Danny beamed.
"Why on earth would you display that?"
"Because you stabbed me with it?"
"That makes absolutely no sense, you simpleton! When someone stabs you, stab them back!"
"That would be mean!"
Damian spluttered. Danny tugged the kid closer to the wall, cheering inwardly as Damian didn't shove him away. It might be because he was exaggeratedly wincing as he moved his "injured arm" but Danny has learned to take a win where he could find them, especially with ghosts. Not that Damian was a ghost, but he sure acted like one.
"Do you want to see my collection?"
"Your collection?"
"Yeah!" Without giving him time to answer, Danny barreled ahead. "So this is the knife you stabbed me with. Which, by the way, was an awesome show of strength and accuracy."
Damian grimaced. Danny continued blithely, secretly memorizing Damian's reactions to laugh at later.
"And this is the knife those guys stabbed me with that one time Cass found me. And this one is a bullet someone shot at me down by the docks. I think I interrupted some kind of meeting?"
Damian's jaw had a slight tick to it that would have been a baffled frown on anyone else.
"And when was this?"
"Oh, like a week ago."
"What? When did you go to the docks?!"
"At night. I couldn't sleep."
"And you went to the docks?! How did you even get there?!"
"Walked," Danny lied, like a lying liar. He floated, obviously, but none of them knew that. "Anyways, this is a law book! Someone threw it at my head!"
"Hey, guys! What're you doing?"
Danny and Damian turned around.
"Richard? Brown? What are you doing here?"
"Oh, Bruce wanted me to come back for the weekend," Dick said. Danny knew it was code for "something's going down and we need back up." Man, he still couldn't believe they didn't know he knew they were crime fighting vigilantes.
"Same!" Stephanie said. Danny was glad to see that her wounds from "cartwheeling in the manor" were healed.
"I see. Danny was showing me his collection of... objects people have used as weapons against him."
"Yeah!" Danny beamed, completely innocent. "Come on! I'll show you!"
With that, Danny continued to ramble. He just knew that the way Dick's and Stephanie's smiles strained would give him a good laugh for weeks to come. "And this is the glass bottle a drunk tried to shank me with in Crime Alley, and this is a knife the Red Hood himself threw at me."
Dick interrupted, face stiff. "Hood threw a knife at you?!"
"Yeah, but that was because my kids broke into his safe house and I was trying to get them to stop looting the place. And he didn't know I was a kid too, so he aimed a gun at my head. He shot at me too, but I couldn't go back to get the bullet, or else it would have joined my collection." Danny grabbed a box and shook it, metal rattling inside.
Dick smiled sweetly, Stephanie and Damian inching away from it.
"Oh, wow, I see!"
In his apartment, Jason shuddered. He grabbed his guns.
"Something's wrong. I just know it," he muttered to himself.
Danny smiled innocently as he described the horrific, near death events he got his souvenirs from.
"This is my bullet box! Man, Gotham has a lot of gun fights. I got shot so many times!" Danny complained, shaking the box like a rattling toy.
"Did you know Danny snuck out to go to the bay?" Damian snitched immediately, like a snitch.
"The Bay?! Danny! You know that's where people dump bodies, right?!" Stephanie poked him in the arm.
"Yeah, but like... I wouldn't die. And besides! I missed my friends!"
"You mean the minions you made in Crime Alley?" Steph asked. Danny pouted, eyeing the way Dick's gaze roved over his souvenirs and paling the more he realized how often Danny "got hurt."
Damian bumped a shoulder against Dick's arm. Danny returned to the conversation.
"If anything, I'm their minion." He said, remembering the times the Alley kids sent him on food runs.
"Fear Danny, the overlord of street rats."
Danny snorted. And- "Oh! Yeah, there was like a weird owl looking guy? And then they stabbed me with a finger and I kept it because woah, cool talon looking thing, right? And then they threw a bunch of those tiny knives at me? And then they just kind of vanished? Gotham is so weird."
And now, with all of them pale and stressed out of their minds, Danny swung a devastating blow called guilt trip.
"And that's the batarangs!" Three heads swung over to the line of batarangs. "Those vigilantes kept throwing them at me! One of them even hit me in the arm. Those things are sharp, man."
"Uh. Which ones?" Stephanie asked.
"Hm?" Danny hummed obliviously.
"Do you know which vigilantes?"
"Oh, it was like... the purple one. And the sword one? And like the one with the yellow insignia in the middle. And... all of them, I think? Except for signal. That guy's cool."
Stephanie and Damian had matching veiled looks of guilt. Dick shot them a sharp look. Danny decided to deal the last bit of damage to Dick.
"I'm glad you guys are way less stabby than the general Gotham public though, butter knife incident aside. At least I don't have to worry about you guys getting into danger, right? If you guys got hurt like my family did... I don't know..."
Danny smiled-squinted at them, channeling Cujo at his cutest and saddest: when he doesn't get to eat off of Danny's plate. So, pretty sad and pathetic.
"Uh, yeah." Dick said, guilt splayed all over his face. "Alfred said dinner was almost ready."
"Yes," Damian cleared his throat, looking away. "We shall partake in Pennyworth's hard work."
"Ahaha!" Stephanie laughed, nervously. "Welp, let's go bother Tim!"
Falling into step behind them, Danny grinned.
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axiliern · 1 month
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the fruits- paris paloma
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