#fuckin appy birthday
thecursedhellblazer · 10 months
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@rapxir sent: "You have the weirdest ways of reminding me of my own birthday."
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At the scolding, John's eyebrows knitted together and he stared at Ruby as if her lack of delight at his action had truly offended him. Of course, it was all an act, because he couldn't exactly judge her for not having been thrilled at the little scene she had been forced to participate in right after the man had literally dragged her out of bed.
On the other hand, however, the magician still thought that his efforts to organise the whole thing should be at least acknowledged, together with the fact that he had, for some miracle, remembered her birthday in the first place. Remembering anniversaries and appointments was one of the things he really sucked at, after all.
...Never mind that said miracle was called Chas Chandler. Those were unimportant details.
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"Woh? Would yeh really 'ave rather 'earin' me jus' tellin' yeh 'appy fuckin' birthday like some borin' normal bloke?" He pointed out with a huff, picking up the still lightly steaming bowl and rubbing the chalk seal with the sole of his shoe to break it. He didn't want to accidentally attract unwanted guests. "Cor, yeh're gettin' oul alrite, lass."
Besides, it wasn't like he had summoned a reaper just to have them telling her that she was one year closer to her eventual demise. He had some business to conclude with the guy too. A favour to cash in.
"So, are yeh goin' to sass me all blood mornin', or do yeh wants breakfast n' yeh present?"
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
to my main beach jane crocker: )(APPY BIRT)(DAY!! i know ya probubbly hate my guts, which is fuckin fine. i get it. wherever you are minnow, i hope you have a great day today ;) -her imperious condescension (homestuck)
“to my main bitch jane crocker: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! i know ya probably hate my guts, which is fucking fine. i get it. wherever you are minnow, i hope you have a great day today ;) -her imperious condescension (homestuck)“
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jargals-quarters · 5 years
Meet the Character:             JARGAL HARAGIN
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► NAME ➔    “The name’s Jargal!”
► ARE YOU SINGLE ➔ “Aye. Fer now.” -chuckles quietly-
► ARE YOU HAPPY ➔   “Been gettin’ paid, been’ travelin’ tae places ‘n havin’ fun with companion o’ mine. So, aye, I’m ‘appy! Ain’ got much tae complain ‘bout.”
► ARE YOU ANGRY ➔  '’What’s tha fuckin’ point o’ askin’ this? I already told ya that I was ‘appy.’’ -he puts on a look of disbelief, shaking his head from side to side.-
► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED ➔   “I’d like tae think so, yeah. Been a few moons since I last seen ‘em. They been together fer thirty-some years, I don’ think they’re gonna be gettin’ a divorce anytime soon.’’
► BIRTH PLACE ➔ “Born ‘n raised on tha Steppes of Azim. Don’ ask me ‘ow I got ‘ere. Tired o’ tellin’ that story.”
► HAIR COLOR ➔ -he pauses briefly, trying to think of a word to describe the color of his hair.-  “Beige...?”
► EYE COLOR ➔ “.. Why don’t ya come closer ‘n see fer yerself?” (Red)
► BIRTHDAY ➔ “18th day of tha First Astral Moon. Not much time left until that! I’ll be twenty six.”
► MOOD ➔ “Excited. ‘bout tae go out ‘n grab a few drinks with tha lads after this, ya know.”
► GENDER ➔ “What’s it look like tae ya?” (Male.)
► SUMMER OR WINTER ➔ “Summer, of course! .. Who tha fuck likes tha cold? If ya like tha cold, then ya have a problem.” -Jargal chuckles enthusiastically.-
► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➔ “Tha afternoon! .. That’s when tha hangover goes away.”
► ARE YOU IN LOVE ➔ “. . .” -he waves a dismissive hand-
► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT ➔ “.. Hmmph. Nay, not really. I think there’s a word fer that — infatuation, yeah? Takes more than just a look tae really fall in love with someone.” 
► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP ➔ “T’was me. Too much trouble.”
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE ELSE’S HEART ➔  “Aye. Don’t ask me ‘bout the amount o’ times I did that.”
► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENT ➔ -he shrugs dismissively- “.. ‘S rare that I commit, but I ain’ afraid of it.”
► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE IN THE LAST WEEK ➔ “.. Aye.’’ -Jargal refuses to continue.-
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER ➔ “Many of ‘em! .. Hard not tae admire such a handsome man, don’t ya think...?’’ -he puts on a wide grin!-
► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR HEART ➔ “Yer smart enough tae figure that one out on yer own!’’ 
► Love or lust ➔ “Each one has its place, though I’d ‘ave tae go with a healthy mix o’ both...”
► Lemonade or iced tea ➔  “Lemonade. Sweeter, more refreshin’. What an odd question.”
► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dogs! Cats are disloyal creatures. I ‘ave enough o’ those in my life... ” -he snickers.-
► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔  “I don’t get why I ‘ave tae choose between those two things...”
► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “What ‘bout a wild night out, ‘n then a romantic night in...?”
► Day or night ➔ “Night! That’s an easy one, mate. Windin’ down after a long, hard day at work is tha best part, don’t ya think?”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “Aye! .. All the time, back when I was a wee lad. Me an’ my lil’ brothers, we would sneak out at night, up tae no good ‘n all that. I’d keep gettin’ caught ‘cause I was so big ‘n tall!  .. And ‘cause o’ that, mah brothers would keep gettin’ caught, too. Over tha years, I got better at it...” -he keeps himself from continuing his story.-
► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “I don’t really remember.’’ -he gives a sidelong glance.-
► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Many, many things..”
► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Nah! Got a ship of mah own, a loyal crew, lots o’ friends ‘n riches. Why in tha hells would I want tae disappear?” -he shakes his head, a look of disbelief spreading across his face.-
► Smile or eyes ➔ “A pair o’ cold eyes ‘n a piercin’ gaze... ”
► Shorter or Taller ➔ “Shorter! .. Not that I could find me someone taller than I am. Hah, hah!”
► Intelligence or Attraction ➔  "Both. If yer pretty as hell, but talkin’ tae ya feels like talkin’ tae a brick wall, then we ain’ gettin’ along. Ya can also be as smart as ya want — if ya don’t look at least decent, we ain’ gettin’ along either!“
► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “I move around a lot.” -There’s a brief pause. A few moments later, he realizes that he has given this question too much thought.-  ‘’Would be nice tae have a stable relationship, but mah line o’ work doesn’t really allow that. Hook-up it is, hah!’’
FAMILY ––– ☼
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “Aye, we get along well. I mean, mah parents raised me well, an’ mah brothers were just like me. I don’t get tae see ‘em as much as I used to, but that don’t mean we don’ get along! I try to visit ‘em fer at least a moon every cycle.”
► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ “Naaah! I kno’ people who ‘ad it much worse than I did.”
► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ -he chuckles, shaking his head from side to side.-
► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Been kicked out of a couple o’ taverns... ” -he pauses to reconsider this question.- ‘’Ya kno’ what? Let’s not get in tae this.’’
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Nah! If I hated ‘em, they’d fuckin’ know so, and they wouldn’t be mah friend!”
► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔  “.. Well, nah, not all of ‘em...  I know a lot o’ people.”
► Who is your best friend ➔ “Hah! That’s an ‘ard one. Swargeiss, mah right hand man, has been to hell ‘n back fer me, so I’d say he’s mah best friend!”
► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Swargeiss. That man knows too much ‘bout me. Ya know, sometimes, I think ‘bout murderin’ ‘im in his sleep.” -he laughs enthusiastically.- ‘‘.. That was a joke. Don’t go tellin ‘im that I wanna kill ‘im.’‘
PHEW!! Thought provoking! Took me a while to come up with answers for everything, but I’d definitely recommend doing this for your character if you haven’t already ^q^
tagged by @clearsundays — thank youu ♥ ♥
Tagging: @theflowerrabbit @claihn​ @voidwife​ @a-nacht-at-sea​ @lightdevoid​ @a-sharlayan-abroad​ @but-first--tea​ @tsukikotanshi​ @starfish-ffxiv​ @veloxaraptor​ @digitaldisaster-xiv​ 
and YOU!! feel free to yoink ^q^7
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The One Where Wade’s Aggres sively Canadian (SWS #62)
This is entirely because I’ve been watching way too much LetterKenny and can’t get it out of my head. Don’t take this too seriously, it’s not mean to be anything but good for a laugh 
Peter bolted out of his last class of the day and made it all of two steps off the college campus before taking to the sky, webbing his way through the skyscrapers and discarding clothes as he went until he was just in his suit, webbing as fast as he could towards he and Wade’s usual meeting spot. 
Wade had been gone three days now, and Peter was so ready to fuck kiss see his boyfriend he was practically gagging for it. 
Sure, Wade had been gone longer than this before, and to much father places-- Canada was not even half a day’s drive away after all-- but he had told Peter I love you before leaving this time and damn it Peter couldn’t wait to hear it again now that Wade was home. 
“Wade!” he shouted as the their regular rooftop came into view and he caught sight of red and black spandex posted up against the big AC unit. “WADE!” 
Wade turned around just in time to catch an armful of Spidey, staggering under the weight and laughing out loud as Peter glommed onto him, tearing off their masks to crush a kiss to Wade’s mouth. 
“I missed you.” Peter threw both arms around Wade’s neck and kissed him again. “I missed you! I’m so glad you’re home!” 
“Pete.” Wade grinned and ran his fingers through Peter’s hair. “How’r’ya now?” 
“How--” Peter scrunched his nose. “How am I? I’m fine. I’m fine babe, how are you?” 
“Oh, not so bad.” Wade kissed him one more time. “City didn’t burn down while I was gone, huh?” 
“Uh, nope.” Peter poked his boyfriend in the ribs. “Why are you talking weird?” 
“I’m talking the same way I always talk.” Wade jabbed him back. “Time to save the city?” 
“Time to save the city, Peter confirmed, and left one last kiss on Wade’s mouth before jamming on his mask. “Lets--” 
“Pitter Patter!” Wade yelled as he vaulted off the roof. “Let’s git at’er!” 
“Pitter patter-- what?!” 
“Hey asshole.” Peter shoved one of the baddies probably a little harder than necessary, but to be fair, the guy had tried to mug a sweet little old lady and left her lying in the mud and that just wasn’t going to be tolerated. “Next time pick on someone your own size. Like me, or maybe your not so friendly neighborhood mercenary over there.” He jerked a thumb towards Wade. “Maybe you’ll think twice about being a dick to old ladies.” 
“Maybe next time you stay home and mix a batch.” Wade pulled a cigarette out and lit up. “Fire a few wristers then crush a nappy, do a degen a lot better than dancin’ around getting your ass beat by our favorite arachnid, eh?”
“...what did he just say?” One baddie whispered to the other, and then to Peter, “What did he say?” 
“I have no fucking idea.” Peter stared at Wade in confusion. “Pool, what did you just say?” 
“You heard me.” Wade blew a cloud of smoke, then eyed the cigarette in appreciation. “You know expensive these things are back home? Thing’s damn near a buck a dart, God bless the USA and cheap cigs, you know?” 
“I literally don’t know.” Peter waved the smoke away. “Come on, let’s leave these boys for the cops and find something else to do.” 
“When you said something else, I thought you meant patrol.” Wade was laughing as Peter pushed him through the door of the apartment and towards the bedroom. “But m’not gonna say no to a toe-curler.” 
“A toe curler.” Peter repeated, pausing with his hand halfway down Wade’s pants. “What the fuck is a toe curler?” 
“If you have to ask then you’ve never had one and I take serious offense to that.” Wade said solemnly. “Have to fix that one up, won’t I?” 
“Okay no no, stop.” Peter planted his feet and refused to move when Wade shoved at him. “You’ve been talking fucking weird all night and I want an explanation.” 
“I haven’t been--” 
“You drop kicked that guy off the dock and then shouted Ferda as you jumped in to save him.” Peter started counting off on his fingers. “Pulled your gun and when the baddie back down, you called him 10-ply and laughed hysterically for like, six minutes.” 
“It wasn’t that--” 
“It was six minutes, Wade. You asked for all dressed chips as an appy at the Mexican place, then loudly announced that their chimi’s give you the scoots? What the fuck are the scoots?” 
“Uh, like the trots?” 
“That didn’t clear it up.” Peter shook his head. “But I don’t want to know. I would like to know why you shouted figure it out at least four times while sounding very annoyed, and why you told that guy who yelled at you to give his balls a tug? That’s just gross. And also--” 
“You got a lotta questions, baby boy.” Wade framed Peter’s face with his hands and bumped their noses together. “But all you need to know is that I’d never give up this big city slam for any of those puck bunnies or small town snipes back home, alright?” 
“...that isn’t anything I need to know.” Peter said flatly. “I have no idea what you just said. What’s a snipe. Whats a puck bunny? Are you calling me a big city slam? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!” 
“Look, I spend a few days back home, I start talking all Canadian again.” Wade shrugged. “It will wear off, it always does.” 
“No, I know a lot of Canadians and none of them talk like this.” Peter pointed out. “I’ve hung out with Logan lots of times and he’s never shouted Bardownski while whipping a rock off a lamp post and beaning someone in the head with it!” 
“But to be fair? Logan sucks.” Wade started pulling Peter down the hall towards the bedroom again. “And also, your accent is way off. You sound like an American pretending to be Canadian and it’s honestly embarrassing.” 
“Oh my god.” Peter flopped down onto the bed and waited for Wade to undress. “So what am I looking at, three days of this nonsense?”  
“Yeah, probably three days and the I’ll start talking like a New Yorker again.” Wade made a face. “Because we all love how Brooklynites talk.” Peter groaned and Wade tickled at his feet. “Aren’t you glad I’m home, pumpkin doodle?” 
“....it varies from minute to minute.” Peter leaned up for a kiss. “But it’s looking better now that we’re naked.” 
“Well then.” The big merc waggled his non existent eyebrows. “Pitter patter!” 
“Oh hush.” Wade threw a shoe at the light to turn it off. “Just wait till I take you home with me, you’ll be talking like a fuckin’ hick by the end of the night.” 
“There’s no way I’m going to Canada with you.” 
“Sure there is.” he said confidently. “Cable has a super soft birthday planned and you are definitely coming to it with me. There’s gonna be a unicorn and everything.” 
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askalt2d · 5 years
Stuart had gotten them dinner reservations for seven o’clock at a quietly refined restaurant in London. He and 2D each dress in jackets, with Parker in a sweet pastel pink dress. They’re in a private room, allowing for a muted level of sound that’s perfect for their daughter’s auditory issues.
After supper– a delicious lobster bisque each for both Stuart and Parker, and oyster mushroom terrine for 2D– the two men exchange birthday gifts.
To Stuart’s surprise, the present that 2D produces isn’t the large box that had arrived at their house the previous day, but instead a considerably smaller box, clumsily yet lovingly wrapped in silver paper. 2D tucks his hands under his chin, watching eagerly as Stuart opens it.
Inside is a silver watch with a slim band and a wide face, simple and elegant. Stuart carefully lifts it from the box, admiring the craftsmanship. “Oh, bluebird, it’s lovely...”
“Turn it over.” 2D grins as Stuart does, gently.
On the other side of the watch face is a line of engraved text. Stuart puts his reading glasses on and reads it aloud. “‘You’re my forever. With love, from your bluebird.’” He looks up, a warm, wondering smile spreading across his face. “Oh, 2D...”
“D’ya like it?”
Stuart leans across the table and kisses him softly, smiling against his lips. “I love it,” he whispers when they part. “It’s beautiful. Thank you so much, bluebird.” He looks back down at the watch, and then pauses. “Er...”
“Wot is it?”
“Nothin’.” He grins. “It’s perfect.”
“No, you’re laughin’, wot is it?” 2D takes the watch and peers closely at it. After a moment, he starts to laugh too. The text reads You’re my forever. With love, from yuor bluebird. “Aw, no...I-I must’ve misspelled it when I was orderin’ it.”
“Like I said, it’s absolutely perfect.” Stuart kisses him again. “Ready for your gifts?”
2D nods eagerly, and Stuart hefts a large gift bag onto the table. “Oh, blimey.” 2D’s eyes widen. “‘Ow much stuff is in there?”
“Why don’t you find out, love?”
With a bubbly laugh, 2D dives in. The first thing he pulls out is an album with gorgeous Japanese-style artwork, depicting a green mountain shrouded in golden clouds. The title at the top reads the name Wendy Carlos, and then Sonic Seasonings: Land of the Midnight Sun. 2D gasps. “Holy shit, Stu!” He claps a hand over his mouth, both in shock and out of instinct at saying a naughty word in front of Parker. To her credit, she’s much too occupied crinkling the wrapping paper from 2D’s gift to Stuart.
Stuart grins. “Good, right?”
2D’s eyes are as big as saucers. “How on earth did ya find this? It’s so rare!”
“I have my ways.” He winks. “Why don’t you take a closer look at the bottom left corner?”
He does, and then lets out sound halfway between a gasp and a small scream. “Is– is th-that–“
“Yup. It’s signed.”
2D leaps up from the table and throws himself into Stuart’s lap, kissing him with a fervor that’s wholly inappropriate for a public setting. “Holy fuckin’ shit, Stu,” he breathes. “Seriously, h-how did ya–“
A bit dazed, Stuart shrugs. “There’s a private collector in Canada who’s gonna be gettin’ a private Gorillaz concert for his wedding in September. It’s all about who you know, and who you know likes your music.”
2D returns to his side of the table and reverently picks up the album again. “Oh my god...th-this...this is...“
“I know.” He grins. “Look in the bag again, there’s another gift.”
“Stu, ya c-can’t–“ 2D rubs at his eye with the palm of his hand, not wanting to cry at his own birthday dinner. “I’m feelin’ real bad about only givin’ ya a watch, now.” He pauses, and then lifts the corner of his mouth in a mischievous little smile. “Well, there’s one more gift at ‘ome, but it’s a bit...” 2D glances at Parker, who’s still fascinated by the wrapping paper. “...well, I can’t give it to ya ‘ere, let’s put it that way.”
Stuart raises his eyebrows, grinning. “Lucky me.”
“Oh, ya will be.” 2D winks, and then goes back to rummaging through his gift bag. He pulls out a book wrapped in tissue paper, and eagerly tears the paper off. The book itself is a light, robin’s egg blue, with the word Journal printed across it. “Aw, Stuart, it’s lovely!”
“Open it.”
He does. On the inside of the cover is a small handprint in blue paint. 2D looks up at Stuart, and then at Parker. “Bluebell, did ya decorate this for me?”
Parker glances up. “Boo.” She lets out a small yawn and turns back to her wrapping paper.
“Our wee little artist...” 2D smiles, and looks back at the journal. On the front page, opposite Parker’s handprint, there’s a block of text in Stuart’s scrawling handwriting. Stuart hands him the reading glasses so he can see what it says.
I love every single day we’ve spent together, even the ones that aren’t as happy. I love how far we’ve come: from identical strangers, to husbands, to fathers of the world’s most incredible little girl. I can’t wait to see what comes next for us in our weird, wonderful life together, and I can’t wait to see who we become, and who Parker becomes. Write in this journal every time something happens to us that you never want to forget. I don’t want you to lose a second.
All of my love, now and forever, Stuart.
He looks up, and now he’s definitely crying. “S-sweet’eart...”
Stuart takes his hand. “I know you have some trouble remembering things,” he says softly. “So I thought this would help.”
“It’s– it’s perfect.” 2D sniffles, and wipes his eyes with the back of his free hand. “Oh, Stu, I-I love ya so much...”
“I love you too, bluebird.” He kisses his husband’s hand. “Happy birthday, love.”
“‘Appy birthday.” 2D gives him a warm smile, and then glances over at Parker, who seems to have dozed off in the silent moments when he was reading the journal’s inscription. “Fink we should head for home?”
“Definitely.” Stuart squeezes his hand. “Especially since I apparently still have one last gift to unwrap...”
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rkjeon · 6 years
.birthday boy
yoongi’s nerves are on fire.
it feels like march was ages ago– and it was. everything was ages ago, it feels like, but the memories are still strong; they’re still there. everyday yoongi is all the more guilty for everything he’s said, done, had made jeongguk endure these past six months. so it’s only fitting that he chooses to do something a little more affectionate, a little more vulnerable for jeongguk on the day of his birth.
he’s nervous. his hands are shaking as they peel back the casing around the simple, quaint little cupcake. he fumbles for the lighter, holding it above the candle and igniting it. the smell hits him after a moment, his nose scrunching up as he waves away the feel plumes of smoke that billow around the candle. exhaling, his eyes falling shut as he calms the beating of his heart– he glances back towards the living room where jeongguk is waiting– tells himself you can do this, you can do this. 
glancing back, he notes the small, simple box next to the plate with the cupcake. he snatches it, shoving it into his hoodie pocket with held breath– and gathers up the cupcake carefully in his hands. the chain around his neck stings with coldness, unfamiliar on his body and hidden under his clothes; a staple piece for the rest of the night. tongue poking against the inside of his cheek, he makes his way carefully out of the kitchen, humming a tune under his breath as walks the steps over to where jeongguk is seated.
“i didn’t make this.” he calls out, an amused quirk to the corner of his mouth. “jus’ so y’know, but it still smells fuckin’ great regardless.” leaning over, he sets it down in front of the male, breathing out a sigh as he wipes his hands together in a dramatic motion. 
“'appy birthday, ‘gguk-ah,” he hums, smile softening on his face. the box in his pocket presses against his side with every breath. his heart beats louder every second. “thanks for spendin’ it with me.”
jeongguk was a little nervous about his birthday, honestly. with the way yoongi’s went, he wasn’t too keen on celebrating birthdays anymore. but maybe– it’s a good idea to not set a precedent. so, he comes to yoongi’s on request, sitting on his worn couch, fists clenched on top of his thighs as he waits for the older male to come back from the kitchen. they’ve made so much progress now that they’re together, the thought bringing a small smile to his lips.
his head snaps up when he hears yoongi humming, looking over to see him coming back out from the kitchen and– oh. the cupcake in his hands makes jeongguk smile. he shifts in his seat on the couch, looking up at yoongi as his smile only grows further. the candle illuminates the older’s face, highlighting his soft features that jeongguk loves so much.
“the effort of buying it is enough, yoongi,” he laughs, amused that yoongi felt the need to explain that he didn’t make the cupcake himself. “it smells nice.” jeongguk watches as yoongi sets it down, staring at it with a fond smile. “thank you, yoongi… thank you for doing this for me,” he says, reaching out to take one of yoongi’s hands in his own. his thumb strokes gently along the back of his hand, squeezing gently. jeongguk almost wants to never let go.
“there’s no where else i’d rather be.”
releasing yoongi’s hand, jeongguk turns back to the cupcake, inhaling before leaning forward to blow out the candle. the residual smoke billows away, and jeongguk can’t keep his smile down even if he tried. he grins up at yoongi, wide and toothy.
“now that i’m 20… does that mean you’ll stop calling me a kid?”
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► Name ➔ Selanarien “Fang” Dawnfang
► Are you single? ➔ “An’ fuckin’ lovin’ it.” ► Are you happy? ➔ “’Ain’t nobody really ‘appy... an’ if they say they is, they’s lyin’.” ► Are you angry? ➔ “More often ‘n’ ‘m’ ‘appy a’ leas’.” ► Are your parents still married? ➔ “Dunno; don’ care.”
► Birth Place ➔ “Ala Mhigo.” ► Hair Color ➔ “Blonde... Unfertuna’ly.” ► Eye Color ➔  “Blue...” ► Birthday ➔ “Sixth Sun’ve th’ Fifth Umbral Moon.” ► Mood ➔  "’Orny ‘n’ drunk, usually.” ► Gender ➔ “’’M’a dude.” ► Summer or winter ➔  “Winter. Summer’s fuckin’ sticky ‘n’ sweaty ‘n’shi’ an’ y’can only remove s’many clothes... If ya’s col’ y’can jus’ keep packin’ ‘em on.” ► Morning or afternoon ➔ “Afternoo’-- mornin’s come with ‘ang overs.”
► Are you in love ➔ “With m’self.” ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Fairy tales is fer suckers ‘n’ lil’ girls lookin’ fer someone t’distract ‘em from th’fact tha’ life sucks.” ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ “Me... Kinda. Does leavin’ withou’ sayin’ anythin’ coun’ ‘s’a break up?” ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “I los’ count.” ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ ”Can’ be afraid’ve somethin’ yer t’smar’ no’ t’get into!” ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Gross.” ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Th’fuck woul’ I know?!” ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ “Only when I ferget t’buy whiskey.”
► Love or lust ➔ “Lust. Love’s fer suckers.” ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Whiskey.” ► Cats or Dogs ➔ “Dog, if I gotta pick one...” ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “Fewer, I guess? I don’ make friends easy. No’ in th’long run none-a-ways.” ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ "Wil’ night, baby.” ► Day or night ➔ “Night time’s when all th’fun ‘appens.”
► Been caught sneaking out ➔ “By who? Y’mean like when I was a runt? A couple times.” ► Fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “Th’fuck does one fall up th’stairs?” ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “It ‘urt someone else.” ► Wanted to disappear ➔ “Literally always.”
► Smile or eyes ➔ “Smiles. People tha’ can’ smile is bad news.” ► Shorter or Taller ➔ "I guess I like m’womens shorter.” ► Intelligence or Attraction ➔ “Attraction-- y’don’ need t’be smar’ t’be a good lay.” ► Hook-up or Relationship ➔ “Hook up, if y’call tha’ a one nigh’ stand.”
► Do you and your family get along ➔ “Nah.” ► Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ (Uncontrollable cackling.) ► Have you ever ran away from home ➔ “Yep.” ► Have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “Yep.”
► Do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “Literally all of ‘em.” ► Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ "I wouldn’ take no bullet for them, why shoul’ I expect th’same?” ► Who is your best friend ➔ “M’self.” ► Who knows everything about you ➔ “Some bartender tha’ can’t even ‘member m’name prolly!”
Tagged by: @whys-and-wayfarers (thank you!!!) Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
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buckyscrystalqueen · 7 years
Seven Times Great: Part 2
Pairings: John Winchester x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff
Word Count: 4,756
Part 1
“Hello there. How are we doing today?” You turned back around to the short, heavy set, older than John sales man as he looked at John and Dean. “My name’s Josh Savage. This is a beautiful car.” You watched the two men beam as you and Sam walked toward the front of the car.
“I’ve had her since ’73.” John said proudly as he ran his hand over the hood. “Gave her to my boy for his 21st birthday.” Josh nodded his head appreciatively as he looked at the car once more.
“Classic. For your sake, I hope you’re not thinking of trading her in… but for my sake I hope you are.” He joked. You noticed Dean’s face dropped into a slight panic and he almost protectively put his hand on the top of the roof.
“I’m actually lookin’ for the car t’day.” You said sweetly as you took a step forward and extended your hand to him. “(Y/N) Macleod. Pleasure ta make yer acquaintance.”
“With an accent like that, you have to be from Scotland.” Josh said as he shook your hand. Both of you missed the look of shock that flashed across the three Winchester’s faces. “What kind of car are you looking for?”
“Jeep capable of ‘andlin’ snow. Preferably an auto so I don’ ‘ave ta learn manual backwards. New or used under sixteen thousand quid… I mean twenty thousand dollars?” You said as you glanced over at Sam to make sure you had the conversion right. He simply nodded as you as Josh stepped to the side and gestured to the lot.
“Well with a price tag like that, you’d be better off looking for something used.” He said carefully as the two of you started walking toward the used section of the lot. “I know we just got one in last month that’s a 2015 Renegade with only eight thousand miles on it. It has a GPS as well…”
“Do you think it’s a set up?” Dean asked once you and Josh were completely out of ear shot and way across the lot.
“I don’t think she knows.” Sam said with a glance over at his brother. John shook his head as fear, confusion and, surprisingly to him, heart break ripped through him.
“She’d have to be a really good actress if she did.”
“One way or another, Crowley can’t find out we have her.” Dean said as the three men watched you look at the various Jeeps in your price range.
“We don’t ‘have' her.” John growled. “We’re going to protect her.”
“I’ll call Cas.” Sam said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and gestured to you. “He’ll be able to tell us if she even knows who she really is and if she’s a threat.” John looked over at you as you called his name, totally at a loss of what you needed to be looking for in a car.
“Keep the angel out of sight. I’ll keep her distracted. Last thing we need right now is having to explain him and his quirks to her after everything she has been through.” The two boys nodded as John pushed off the front panel of the car and headed toward you with a giant smile on his face, praying that he was masking the internal debate raging in his head. The second John had moved both of you behind a car so you couldn’t see the brothers, Sam made the call.
“Cas? Jeep dealership Boulder, Colorado. We need…” Sam started before the angel appeared next to him. He looked at the boys for only a moment, reading their minds for the questions they needed answers for before he looked away toward the used cars where you were.
“Who is she?” Dean asked. Cas shook his head as he stepped to the side to try to see you better.
“Better question is what?” He responded. “She’s a witch but she doesn’t know it. She’s a descendant of Rowena and Crowley but again, doesn’t know it.” His eyes unfocused slightly as  he looked at your past. “Crowley doesn’t know she exists. Her ancestor never told him of the pregnancy.” He shook his head as he looked back over at Sam and Dean. “She’s the first girl born in that family in 7 generations.”
“Is she a threat to us?” Dean asked as he stepped in front of Cas. The angel shook his head very slowly.
“I can’t give you a definitive answer. At this moment, no. If Crowley finds her, possibly. If Rowena finds her…” He looked back in your direction and shook his head. “It could be disastrous. With her losing her husband two weeks ago…” He shook his head again and closed his eyes as your gut-wrenching pain and heartbreak washed over him. He sighed and looked back in your direction. “So much pain. John will be good for her as she will him.”
“Wait, I’m sorry. What?” Dean said as Cas gave your back a small smile.
“I have to go.” Cas said as he disappeared. Dean jumped ever so slightly and looked at Sam.
“What?" Sam shrugged as he looked over at you and his dad.
“Dude, I have no idea. All I know is, we need to keep her the hell away from her ancestors.”
“Do ye need this much food? Feed a bloody village wit’ this.” You teased as you pulled the platter of sweet potatoes out of the oven.
“It’s tradition. You make lots of food and have leftovers for a week.” Dean said as he reached around you and swiped his middle finger through the potatoes.
“Oi! Wait yer turn, ye greedy bastard.” You said with a laugh as you tried to move the hot dish away from him and brought it to the table.
“He does that all the time.” Sam said as he scooped green beans into a bowl. “He’s like a human garbage disposal.”
“Get your hands off my turkey, boy.” John snapped as Dean tried to sneak a piece of the bird the patriarch was cutting. “Next time, I’m cutting your fingers off.”
“Do it, dad.” Sam said as he put the green beans down on the table. You smiled at the boys antics as you poured gravy into a bowl, a little sad that you didn’t have your beautiful, crystal gravy boat you got as a wedding gift.
“I hope I’m not too late.” A voice, you assumed had to be Dean’s friend, Cas, said. “I brought wine as is customary and whisky.” You turned with a smile toward the new voice. Your eyes went wide and the bowl of gravy slipped through your fingers and landed on the floor with a wet clatter.
“Wha’ the bloody fuck are ye?!” You screamed to the man. You couldn’t rip your eyes away from the two, massive, folded, black wings behind his back as you scrambled to get as far away from his as your small kitchen would allow. Cas took a step toward you and you grabbed the nearest ‘weapon’ you could find; a wooden spoon. “No! Stay back!”
“Hey, you’re OK.” John said gently as you scrambled up onto your counter. Your panicked eyes darted to John before looking back at Cas.
“OK?! ’s’not bloody OK! ‘e 'as… wings! ’s’not OK! So far from it. The ‘ell kinda people are ye?” You said as you grabbed the closest Winchester, Dean, and moved him in front of you for protection.
“Shit.” John sighed as he put the carving knife on the counter well out of your reach. “Boys, get him outside.” He said as he stepped over to you and very slowly cupped your jaw in his calloused hands. “Look, I can explain this, OK. I promise you. It’s all going to be OK. Please just trust me, OK?” You burst into tears and shook your head as you watched Sam and Dean lead Cas and his wings out the back door into your back yard.
“’s’not OK.” You gasped as John picked you up off the counter and carefully set you on the ground.
“Come with me.” He said gently as he put his hand on the small of your back and lead you toward your bedroom. He had you sit on the end of the bed so he could wash the splattered gravy off your legs. You curled into yourself as John went into the bedroom and got a wet washcloth. With a heavy sigh, he came back over to you and started from the beginning with the same speech his late wife had given him so many years ago.
“Ye know ‘ow insane this all sounds, yea?” You said as you flipped through John’s leather notebook, filled with descriptions of mythical beasts and his infinite encounters with them in your living room. He nodded and huffed a laugh.
“I said the same thing to Mary.” He told you. You shook your head and closed his notebook as you looked over at Sam, Dean and Cas on the other side of the room, focusing more on Cas’ wings. Now that you were slightly more calm, you could see just how beautiful they were.
“An’ I’m a bloody witch an’ tha’s why I can see yer wings.” You said as your eyes followed the flow of feathers to where they were dragging on the ground. You tilted your head slightly to get a better look and Cas shifted them slightly under your scrutiny. You wondered what their texture would feel like.
“They’re soft.” Cas said carefully. Your eyes flew up to his face as Dean whacked his arm.
“No mind reading.” He scolded as a blush crept across his face. You forced yourself to look back at John and bit your lip.
“Ugh this is not ‘appenin’.” You groaned as you ran your fingers through your hair. “I came ta the states ta start ova. Not ta find out I’m a witch an’ the distant gran’daught’a of a demon.” You sighed and looked up at the ceiling. “Ye ‘appy ye pain in m’ arse? Ye wanted me ta start a new life. Didn’t see this shite comin’ ye fuckin’ arsehole, did ye? I bet yer up there now, laughin’ yer tits off, ye twat! This is utter bollocks. I mean wha’ the fuck were ye thinkin, ye absolute bell-end?! I’ve'a good mind ta send the angel up there ta kick yer scrawny arse! Ye jus’ had ta go an’ die on me ye selfish fuckin’ gobshite. An’ now I'm left on m’own wit’ these gun totin’, monst’a huntin’, Yank fuckwits! An’ ta top it all off, I find out I'm a witch? Fuck ye David, ye monumental cunt!” With a growled shout, you flopped back against the couch and flipped off your late husband in heaven. Cas, who understood you easily, chuckled as the three Winchesters looked at you, stunned.
“Wow…” Sam said a little shocked and you looked over at him with your eyebrow cocked. “She is definitely Crowley’s ancestor.”
“I don’ know if tha’s a compliment or not so cheers, mate.” You said with a shake of your head.
“What did she just say? All I got was ‘fuck’ like 20 times.” Dean asked Cas as John pat your knee.
“Feel better?” He asked with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes at him and shrugged.
“Wee bit. So this demon… m’seven times great gran’ da’… wha’eva? Where’s ‘e at?”
“Well he’s probably in hell where he usually is but we’ll protect you.” Dean said simply. You looked over at him with your eyebrow raised.
“I’m from Glasgow. I can ‘andle m’self wit' family or not.”
“It’s not him we’re worried about.” Sam said as he glanced over at his brother. “It’s his mother.”
“Well no matta, ye said he’s safe. I want ta meet ‘im. ‘e's the only family I’ve left.”
“I don’t think…” Dean started to say. You pointed toward the table at the Thanksgiving meal that was probably cold by now.
“Ye said this ‘oliday is for family. Ye ‘ave yers. I’ve just found out I’ve one, too. ’s'only fair. M‘ouse, m’rules. If ye don' like it, fuck the lot a ye’s. There's the door, don' let it ‘it ye on yer way out.” John sighed, knowing you had made a fair point and flicked his hand at Sam.
“Just call him.” He said as he got up from the couch and pulled you to your feet. “We’ll start heating up plates.” You followed John into the kitchen as Dean told Sam to make the call. With a sigh, John leaned up against the counter and looked at you. “I’m not going to try to tell you what to do here, sweetheart.” He said softly as he pat the counter next to him. You moved to his side and jumped up onto the counter as he turned and leaned on his arms next to you and continued.
“You just met me two nights ago and don’t know me at all. But we know Crowley. He can be helpful but he can be a real dick, too. His mother on the other hand is a manipulative, untrustworthy bitch. I understand that you want a relationship with your family especially after what you just went through. But I’m asking you to trust me, OK? I know Crowley will agree with us when…”
“What am I agreeing to Winchester?” You looked away from John toward the new voice in your house. The sharply dressed man froze as he looked at you. “Bloody hell.”
“You would agree that we need to keep her away from Rowena.” John said. He gestured to you and sighed. “Crowley… (Y/N) Macleod.”
“You look sort of like my mother.” He said with a small smile. “Unreal.”
“So yer tellin’ me the Sassenach is me gran’ da’?” You said as you looked him over once more. His face reddened slightly and he held his hand up to you.
“No. It’s Crowley. None of that gran’ da’ shit. And Fergus Macleod died long ago but I will always be a Scot. The meat suit is British.” You nodded once as he took a step toward you. “You never knew you were a witch? Your powers are almost palatable.” You shook your head as you looked down at your hands as if they were going to light up.
“Not a bloody clue.” He nodded as he extended his hand toward you.
“Think of something you see every day that you don’t have in this house. Don’t tell me, just picture it.” He instructed as you laid your right hand in his. He flipped your hand, palm up and laid it flat on his. “You got it?” You nodded. “Now, close your eyes and concentrate on it. Picture the shape, the weight, the feel of it in your hand.” You felt him shift his hand against the back of your hand so that just his fingertips rested on your skin. You thought of a fifty pence piece, a coin you no longer carried with you since it was worthless in the States.
“Focus hard, dove.” Your palm began to tingle and almost burn as Crowley’s fingers left your hand. After a moment, you could almost feel the coin in your palm before you suddenly could absolutely feel the cool metal on your skin. Your eyes flew open and you laughed.
“No fuckin’ way.” You said as you flipped the coin in your hand. You looked up at Crowley and showed him the coin in your fingers. “Ye did that, didn’t ye?” He shook his head and chuckled.
“That was all you, dove.” He looked over at John as Sam came over to look at the coin. “We need to keep her away from mother. If she finds (Y/N) before she can learn to control her powers.” He shook his head as he looked over at you. “I can help you. But…” He sighed and shook his head as he looked down at his shoes. “I hate that I’m going to even say this to my only family.” He looked back up at you and gave you a tight lipped smile.
“I need you to stay with the Winchesters or the angel at all times. I know you’re from Glasgow and all that entails but this is out of your wheel house at the moment. The boys can protect you. My mother is insane and power hungry. She is evil and manipulative and if she finds you, she will use you for your power. She wasn’t as strong a natural witch as you are. Just… just please trust me, alright dove?” You nodded, trusting the man for his words simply because he was family.
“So, now that we’ve done the family reunion shit, can we eat?” Dean asked as he looked longingly at the food on the table. Everyone in the room looked over at him almost sarcastically. “What? It’s Thanksgiving!”
“So what did you think of your first American holiday?” John asked as he got ready for bed. You popped your eyes open, losing focus on the fifty pence piece you were unsuccessful trying to conjure and looked at him with a smile.
“’t’was quite an interestin’ experience.” You joked as you let your hand fall into your lap. “‘oweva I bet most Thanksgivin’s don’ involve angels an’ the King’a hell breakin’ bread wit' ye, aye?” John smiled as he sat down on the bed next to you. He took a deep breath as he turned to look at you with a hint of concern in his brown eyes.
“(Y/N), I need you to understand something.” You nodded at him as you leaned back against the headboard so you could really look at him. He reached up and rubbed his chin for a moment, trying to figure out how to say what he needed to politely. “Look, I’m glad you found family, I really am. But you have to remember that me and my boys hunt supernatural creatures. Now, from what I have seen of you, you seem like a sweet woman so I don’t think we have to ever worry… But if you do start practicing dark magic, we will unfortunately have to stop you…”
“Oh!” You smarted a bit as you reached out and touched his hand carefully. “No, I completely understand, luv. ’s’yer job.” You bit your lip, unsure of what to say. “I’ve no intention ta go dark if tha’ means ‘nythin’ ta ye.” You reassured with a giggle.
“No, I know.” He responded as he put his hand on top of your hand inn his. “It’s just… this… it’s a little out of my wheel house ya know? I’ve spent the past 25 years stopping supernatural creatures and witches and things like that. I’ve never met a witch that I was OK with encouraging her to learn magic.” You giggled and nodded in understanding.
“I feel like I should be sayin’ thanks for tha’ but I’m not sure.” He laughed as he absentmindedly started rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand.
“I have to admit, I’m actually looking forward to seeing you learn. I mean, I’ve gone after like… a dozen witches in my life, all of them practicing dark magic. I have to assume there are good witches out there but I always wondered how they got into practicing the dark stuff.” You shrugged.
“Power ‘ungry like me gran’ motha’, prob’ly.” He nodded as you both looked down at your hands. It took a moment for both of you to realize you were holding each other hands and you pulled yours back toward you at the same moment he did. “Sorry.” You said as your face turned bright red.
“No, that’s my fault.” He replied as he turned away from you to hide his own embarrassment. Neither of you said a word as John got up and flipped off the bedroom light, leaving only the light of your bed side lamp to illuminate the room. You pulled back the covers and scooted underneath them as John got into bed next to you. You gave him a moment to get settled before turning off the light and rolling to your side with your back toward him.
“Your husband was right.” John said quietly after a few minutes of silence. You turned slightly toward him with your brow furrowed as he looked at you in the soft glow of moonlight through the window. “You have a beautiful smile.”
“Alright, dove. So today we’re going to move on to lesson two.” You nodded as Crowley took a seat on the couch facing the one under the window. “Can you make me a blue, plastic, ball, please? Like the ones you would find in a children’s ball pit.” You nodded and held out your hand, only having to focus a few seconds for the ball to appear in your right palm. He nodded his approval as he created his own ball. “So today, we’re going to try to move the ball… without rearranging the whole damn house.”
“Well tha’s no fun.” You joked.
“Yes, well you’ll not like it when you get smashed in the head by a chair, I promise you that. So, we’ll begin small. Since your dominant hand appears to be your right, place the ball in your left.” You followed his instruction and laid your hand flat the way he had his. “Now, same way you do when you conjure; focus on the feel of the ball and try to lift it straight up off your hand.” Crowley barely moved his finger and lifted the ball off his hand.
“Show off.” You muttered as he set the ball back down in his hand. ���Ye make it look so easy.” He chuckled as he lifted the ball once more.
“’s’not as easy as it looks, dove.” You huffed at him as you held the ball out in front of you in your left hand. It took you a moment to find the ball in your mind but once you did, you moved your finger the way Crowley had. The ball went flying across the room as if you had flicked it hard and Crowley caught it easily before it hit the wall.
“Moving things is a lot simpler than you would first assume.” He said as he sent the ball sailing back into your palm. “Today’s lesson is control. Try again.” You practiced for hours as Crowley gave you any and all pointers he could. By the middle of the afternoon, you had managed to smash about thirty balls against the wall behind your ancestor before you got the thirty-first to hover centimeters away from the wall… which wasn’t even what you were trying to do.
“Better. Now, try to slowly pull it ba…” His words were cut off as the ball smashed into the wall next to you at the same time John walked in from the hunt he had been on for the past two days. “I said slowly, dove.” Crowley sighed as John looked at the smashed ball on the floor by his feet.
“Looks like you two have been having fun.” John teased as he stepped into the living room and dropped his bag by the bedroom door.
“Loads.” You said as you created the thirty-second ball of the day. He leaned against the wall to watch as you tried to simply lift the ball off your hand once more.
“Little movements.” Crowley reminded as you held your right hand parallel to your left. You took a deep breath and moved your finger a fraction of an inch. The ball moved toward the wall again and you scrambled to catch it in your mind. It came to an abrupt stop a full inch away from the wall and Crowley nodded. “Now, slowly.” For some reason, instinct told you to put your palm flat. The subtle motion made the ball wobble in mid air violently and you heard Crowley inhale sharply. “You’ve got it, dove. Follow that instinct.”
Your eyes closed on their own accord as you tried to pull the ball toward you. The two men watched the ball move quickly six inches back toward you before it slowed down. You managed to move the ball at an almost glacial pace a few inches before it’s speed picked up once more and it sailed back into your hand for the first time that day without Crowley’s help.
“Good job… I think.” John said as he clapped a couple times and made his way over to the couch next to you. Crowley nodded in agreement.
“She has so much raw potential.” He told John as you tried to move the ball again. “From here it’s all about getting control of it all.” The two men got quiet for a moment as you sent the ball flying once again, a little slower than you had been doing. You glared at the hovering ball as you bit your lip and tried to pull it back towards you. Once again, it shot half way across the room toward you before you were able to slow it down to float the last few feet into your palm.
“So much ‘arder than it looks.” You sighed as you looked at the ball in your hand. Crowley nodded in agreement as he got up from the other couch to turn his ‘babysitting’ duties, as you called them, over to John.
“Just takes practice, dove.” He walked over and kissed the top of your head with a smile. “I’ll come back over tomorrow to practice again. You’ve done good today, darling.” You nodded up to him as he took a step back.
“‘ave fun in ‘ell.” You told him as you flopped back on the couch next to John and tossed the ball onto the cushion beside you. Crowley nodded and disappeared in the blink of an eye. “‘Ow was yer ‘unt?” You asked as you rolled your head to toward John and put your feet up on the coffee table.
“Boring.” He sighed as he put his feet up next to yours. “Just a ghost causing problems. I’m just glad it’s finally spring so the grave was easier to dig. How’s the witch training going?” You huffed a laugh and shook your head a bit.
“Such weird end’a the day chatta.” You joked as you held out your hand. “Would ye like…” You said as you pictured an ice cold, BrewDog beer bottle. “A beer?” You asked with a smile as the bottle appeared in your hand. He chuckled as he took the bottle from your hand. “’s one of me favorites from back ‘ome..”
“You’re very handy, you know that?” He teased as you conjured one for yourself. “Dean is going to love that trick.”
“Aye, an’ we’re not gun’ tell ‘im so I’m not makin’ beer appears all day long, savvy?” He tilted his bottle slightly and tapped it gently against yours in silent agreement. You both took a long pull before he reached over and gently ran his fingers through your hair; something you noticed he started doing quite often in the past couple weeks when you were watching TV before bed.
“Do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?” You looked over at him as he focused solely on his fingers in your hair. “Like on a date?” You smiled and reached up to turn his chin toward you.
“I’d luv to.” He smiled handsomely as you let your hand fall back into your lap. “Though ’s’been ten years since I went on an actual date so I may be bad at it.”
“I have you beat with 30 years.” You couldn’t help but giggle as you took a swig of your beer.
“Ye know ye’ve not been on a date since I was born?” He rolled his eyes as he took a drink.
“Yea, can you not remind me that you’re younger than Dean right now?”
“I’m old’a than Sam.” You reminded him as you got up from the couch and grabbed his bag off the floor.
“By six months.” He groaned. You looked over your shoulder at him on your way to the laundry room in the kitchen and shrugged.
“I may be young but I’m cute.” He nodded his head in agreement as he tilted his beer towards you.
“You got me there, sweetheart.”
Part 3
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