#gal gadiscourse
phoukanamedpookie · 3 years
On the latest round of Gal Gadiscourse
Normally, I scroll/unfollow/block and move on, but I’m so sick of this bullshit.
Since 2020 continues to be deeply committed to being the absolute worst, I now have to open my mouth about the latest round of Gal Gadiscourse. This is going to be my first and last statement about it. I’m not going to debate this. I’m not going to have a “civil discussion” about it. I’m drawing a boundary, and because of the context, I’m doing you the courtesy of explaining why. Fuck with that boundary by putting that shit in my space, and I'm just unfollowing and/or blocking without even bothering to engage.
So, about the whole “cheering for the deaths of Palestinian children” thing.
Now I’m going to commit one of Vizzini’s classic blunders and get involved in a land war in Asia in order to say...
Yes, I’d heard about that. Then I looked for myself and came to the conclusion that it's a grotesque misrepresentation of what she said. The context of her statement was very clear if you're not wearing Jews Are Bloodthirsty Demons goggles. Her disapproval was clearly directed Hamas for specific acts against Palestinian civilians with a dash of "Support the troops" thrown in. Whoop-dee-fucking doo.
(BTW, did y’all have this same energy for Adam Driver every time a new movie from the Star Wars sequel trilogy came out? Israel mandates service for able-bodied citizens when they turn 18. Driver volunteered to enlist in the Marines because of 9/11. *crickets*)
Honestly, I have a much bigger problem with the role the US military has in bankrolling big-budget films. But that’s a huge issue you just can’t yell at a celebrity on social media about in order to feel morally superior to them.
Regarding Gal Gadot herself, everything she has publicly stated about Israel and Palestine, since way back when she was mostly recognizable from playing Gisele in the Fast And The Furious franchise, has stressed coexistence. Just last year, she pretty much told Netanyahu—y'know, the Israeli Prime Minister, remember him?—to not use her name and image to make it look like she agrees with him about demonizing Palestinians. Some time before that, she posted on IG or FB about some Israelis who'd gathered and made signs saying hateful things about Palestinians, and she criticized them for saying such things about Israel's "neighbors" (her word).
But for some "mysterious" reason, y’all gentiles love to make shit up about this woman making her out to secretly monstrous in all the ways that tick all the boxes for antisemitic canards—I’ll never forget "kill notches on her rifle!"—yet y’all adamantly refuse to consider that mayyyyyyyybe antisemitism has something to do with it, and y'all might have blind spots and prejudices y'all need to work on.
What makes all this worse is that Benjamin Netanyahu (@IsraeliPM) and the IDF (@IDF), the people with actual decision-making power, are right there on Twitter. Blue checkmark and all. They're on that bird app all the time. And you can tell they’re not run by bots because they got jokes. Hating on Gal Gadot as a proxy for the individuals and organizations who are directly responsible for decisions made during the conflict is some Protocols of the Elders of Zion shit, and I’m not having it.
Don’t even get me started on that shitty Medium article that where Gal Gadot develops the superpower of being in Israel and on the other side of the world at the same time. Apparently, in addition to controlling the weather, Jews can teleport too. Not to mention, the description of events is described in a way that mirrors a scene from a movie she was in. I know because I saw the movie. And own the DVD.
This one was particularly insidious because it used “believe victims” as a way to make someone who didn’t do anything look evil. It's really aggravating because the women who came forward about men like Bill Cosby, R. Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, and Brett Kavanaugh got way more scrutiny than that Medium article did. 
It’s particularly disgusting in light of how rampant harassment, abuse, and rape are in the entertainment industry and how many women, including some very famous women, experience such things throughout their careers. In one interview following Brett Ratner getting fired, Gadot mentions that the things the #MeToo movement brings attention to is very common in the film and modeling industries, and she herself was lucky to not have experienced it. It’s really sick to start a rumor like that about someone who’s much more likely to have been a victim or survivor than a perpetrator.
Fortunately for her, she’s rich and famous, so she can fight things like this if she wants or needs to. Others who don’t have such privileges are in prison right now for who knows how long.
Granted, it’s not unusual for people involved with politics or entertainment to be full of shit. It’s not unusual for famous people to be bigots or assholes. But the things people have accused her of that have been uncritically accepted as fact go way above and beyond anything she’s publicly said or done. I can’t chalk it up to basic misogyny because TERFs and Karens have been coming out of the woodwork like termites. It’s as though her real “sin” is existing in public as an Israeli Jew who doesn’t flagellate herself over it.
So, I’m gonna be absolutely, abundantly clear. Portraying Gal Gadot as evil or monstrous is antisemitic as fuck, and motherfuckers need to knock it off. I don’t give a shit if you like her or not. I don’t give a shit if you agree with her or not. But this thing where you do where disagreeing with or disliking a Jewish person means you get to demonize or dehumanize them? Nah, not in my space.
Tip your waitress.
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wetwareproblem · 6 years
Except didn't Gal start modeling in Milan around then? The blatant antisemitism is unacceptable but I'm worried the other accusations are correct
As far as I can tell, she started in Israel, then went to Ecuador, in 2004. I can’t find any solid reference to anything else she did that year.
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cavehags · 3 years
there's a world in which i could use goyimsayingweirdshit to reblog some gal gadiscourse but as a belated chanukah gift I'm not going to do that
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