#gayhawk campaign
nightmaredaisy · 3 years
for the OC ask! What is your OC’s skin like? Are your OC’s arms and legs strong, weak, or average? What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC?
IIIII'm going to cheat and answer this for both Yile and Ezra cause I love them both equally and can't decide which one I wanna do more :p
Are your OC’s arms and legs strong, weak, or average? Why? Do they have any common mannerisms that involve their limbs, such as tapping their foot or fiddling with their fingers? Yile - Because of her muteness her hands are her main form of language, which makes her limbs particularly expressive even when she's not signing. Her body is deceptively skinny for her actual strenght, both the undeath curse and the years spent slugging weights on the road gave her the kind of lean, wiry iron cable muscles that make for some really impressive feats of resistance. Ezra - His skinny appearance is a crystal clear telling of his physical power. This man has nothing going on in the muscle department, his cushy noble upbringing made sure of that. He can't even lift his own love interest smh. He does have the tendency to fiddle or play with anything he has on hand or rub his fingers together while he talks.
What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC? Why? Yile - Her eyes. Large, sunken and with a yellowish iris, they look almost too snake-like for her to be fully human. The long nose and gaunt face don't help with making her look any less serpentine. Ezra - I would like to say his pretty face, but thinking from the outside I would assume the first things to catch someone's eye would be the expensive clothes and accessories and the overly straight spine that make him look like he's looking down on everyone else around him (which in all fairness he is).
What is your OC’s skin like? Is it unblemished, or are they prone to breakouts? Do they have any scars, tattoos, or other skin markings? Does their skin tend to be sensitive to things that get on it (lotions, cleaning products, etc.)? Yile - Her skin is kind of rough, with sunburn spots on her knuckles and the bridge of her nose, calluses on her fingers and palm where she holds her sword, lines on her forehead, eyes and the edge of her mouth, and constantly dry lips. She sports various little scars on her, aside for the Dark Sign on her ribcage : twin lines on the left shoulder blade and one on the back of the head from her first death, smoothed out burns from her first pyromancies, a large patch on her knee from a childhood accident, and all the various cuts and scrapes that come with fighting. Ezra - His face is smooth, delicate and almost wrinkle free, even despite the gauntness that sometimes makes his skin look like too thin paper on too sharp bones. Freckles spread all across his face from the temples to the jaw, and if he wasn't fully covered from neck to toe they would continue down the neck to the rest of the body. His side sports a brand new dragon bite mark, although other scars might be concealed along with the [REDACTED] he so rigorously keeps hidden under all the clothes.
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nightmaredaisy · 3 years
👄 What is your OC’s smile like? Is it bright and wide, or thin and reserved? Does your OC wear any lipgloss or lipstick? Do they chew their lips? for Ezra
Ezra He does chew on his lips, he's always got his bottom lip between his teeth when he's thinking about something, it got to the point he has some permanent but basically imperceptible scars in the center and inner corners of his mouth from biting them too hard too many times. He has a very well practiced social smile, generally sways between classic handsome smouldering and a warmer full teeth smile especially when he's with ladies. His genuine smile tends to pinch in at the corners of his mouth, showing only his front teeth and marking out his dimples more obviously. He's probably a flavored chapstick or vaseline kind of man, likes to keep himself smooth and well groomed when he can, and the occasional gloss or rouge when he's going to a social event.
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nightmaredaisy · 2 years
wait. this is late but. who's your blorbos from the Greyhawk campaign so far
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) I mean Ezra obviously, but really it's just the whole party in rotation, I'm just missing parts for the others that would consume the rest of my life the same as Ezra does
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) I've thought long and hard about this and there's not a single person in the party and npc entourage I don't want to chew the cheeks of
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) Jim hasn't showed up yet, so I'm gonna say Gal cause I haven't had the chance to truly gush about him as much as I've done the others
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) Patron baby, just slip a vision under the tree for meee I've been an awful good boy~
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) am I mean if I say Greyless
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) Ezra, cause it's funny
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) Ezra, cause I think it would be funny
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