#yile of carim
nightmaredaisy · 3 years
for the OC ask! What is your OC’s skin like? Are your OC’s arms and legs strong, weak, or average? What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC?
IIIII'm going to cheat and answer this for both Yile and Ezra cause I love them both equally and can't decide which one I wanna do more :p
Are your OC’s arms and legs strong, weak, or average? Why? Do they have any common mannerisms that involve their limbs, such as tapping their foot or fiddling with their fingers? Yile - Because of her muteness her hands are her main form of language, which makes her limbs particularly expressive even when she's not signing. Her body is deceptively skinny for her actual strenght, both the undeath curse and the years spent slugging weights on the road gave her the kind of lean, wiry iron cable muscles that make for some really impressive feats of resistance. Ezra - His skinny appearance is a crystal clear telling of his physical power. This man has nothing going on in the muscle department, his cushy noble upbringing made sure of that. He can't even lift his own love interest smh. He does have the tendency to fiddle or play with anything he has on hand or rub his fingers together while he talks.
What is the first physical feature people notice when they see your OC? Why? Yile - Her eyes. Large, sunken and with a yellowish iris, they look almost too snake-like for her to be fully human. The long nose and gaunt face don't help with making her look any less serpentine. Ezra - I would like to say his pretty face, but thinking from the outside I would assume the first things to catch someone's eye would be the expensive clothes and accessories and the overly straight spine that make him look like he's looking down on everyone else around him (which in all fairness he is).
What is your OC’s skin like? Is it unblemished, or are they prone to breakouts? Do they have any scars, tattoos, or other skin markings? Does their skin tend to be sensitive to things that get on it (lotions, cleaning products, etc.)? Yile - Her skin is kind of rough, with sunburn spots on her knuckles and the bridge of her nose, calluses on her fingers and palm where she holds her sword, lines on her forehead, eyes and the edge of her mouth, and constantly dry lips. She sports various little scars on her, aside for the Dark Sign on her ribcage : twin lines on the left shoulder blade and one on the back of the head from her first death, smoothed out burns from her first pyromancies, a large patch on her knee from a childhood accident, and all the various cuts and scrapes that come with fighting. Ezra - His face is smooth, delicate and almost wrinkle free, even despite the gauntness that sometimes makes his skin look like too thin paper on too sharp bones. Freckles spread all across his face from the temples to the jaw, and if he wasn't fully covered from neck to toe they would continue down the neck to the rest of the body. His side sports a brand new dragon bite mark, although other scars might be concealed along with the [REDACTED] he so rigorously keeps hidden under all the clothes.
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luffik · 6 years
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Fashionably some 20 days late, here are some silly doodles for @nightmaredaisy​‘s bday <33 It’s his gorgeous Yile of Carim, and some Patches, the slavic squat dark souls man XD I hope you like this, dear and that it cheers you up!
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bellringermal · 7 years
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[Yile of Carim + Unbreakable Patches]
 Commissioned by @nightmaredaisy
)////v////( was a pleasure to draw these cuties!
If you enjoy my art, please consider supporting me on Patreon or follow me on Deviantart!
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nightmaredaisy · 5 years
Character Creation meme
Tagged by @mrslittletall
Doing it for Yile cause she’s my main babe
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? I think the first thing that started it was the idea of making a cleric character, I just remember really wanting a faith build and working around that.
2. Did you design them with any other characters/OCs from their universe in mind? I did base myself a little on the other female clerics like Rhea and Irina because I wanted to capture the spirit of the holy maiden background that Yile was supposed to have, mostly for things like how her upbringing might have been, and what struggles would she face regarding her disability in that context.
3. How did you choose their name? I started out that I was trying to find a sound that I liked for her name. I kinda got stuck on the Y as initial but I couldn’t find existing names that started with it that fit my design, so I ended just making it up.
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? I would guess her clerical upbringing, as it gives her both her empathetic personality and sets up the biggest tragedy in her life (the death of her knight and her awakening as undead). If the Carim church didn’t have such particular rules about the role of their holy maidens, Yile wouldn’t have grown up with her faith and wouldn’t have left her home for pilgrimage.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair colour? I wanted something that was both in meta and in lore considered as a sign of fairness, the long blond hair being pretty much a trope of the beautiful and noble.
6. Is there any significance behind their eye colour? In direct contrast with the hair, I wanted something that was unusual and a bit weird to see. The golden eyes match her hair but their yellowish tone on the pale skin makes her look a little serpentine and uncomfortable to stare at.
7. Is there anything significance behind their height? She’s supposed to be a bit of a nobody, so I prefered an average height that wouldn’t make her stand out.
8. What (if anything) do you relate to within their character/story? It’s hard to find something to really relate to given the very different life experiences. Perhaps her insecurities about fitting in, but it’s a bit of a stretch.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way? Her want to help everyone is probably based on my need to always save the npcs, otherwise I feel bad lol
10. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? I knew she was going to be attracted to a man, but I didn’t 100% know what she was gonna be until much later in the making. To be completely honest, I’m still not 100% sure of what she is.
11.  What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: Writing, drawing, edits etc.)? In art form I guess it would be not making her too pretty because she isn’t meant to be, but also finding the right level of expression for someone that communicates without sound.
13. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? Her inability to speak doesn’t mean she isn’t incredibly expressive, but also remember that she can’t in fact speak at all; she does not hate easily, she wouldn’t kill if she could avoid it.
14. What is something about your OC that can make you laugh? The fact that she had to end with Patches of all people (or more the fact that Patches ended up with a cleric).
15. What is something about your OC that can make you cry? Her friendship with Greirat and her struggle during Lapp’s quest in the Ringed City, just in general anything that has to do with her trying not to lose the people she loves (and sometimes failing).
16. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story? Not really, no. Even the difficult ones have their purpose, she wouldn’t be the same without them.
17. What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? Her alternate self (Londor Ending) starts growing in height after accepting the Dark Sign. It’s not too obvious during the events of the game, but afterwards she grows up to be just as big as the Abyss Watchers.
18.  What is your favourite fact about your OC? She has “lived” through the entirety of the DS/BB extended universe: born in the second age of fire (after Gwyn’s sacrifice), died in the fourth age, reawakened as Ash in the seventh age, lived through the Age of Dark, still alive as Keeper during the events of the Hunt in Yharnam and possibly further.
Tagging: @silver-s-blog @lyxine @samsonstone @heliicon @shewaltzeswithshoggoths
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nightmaredaisy · 6 years
7 And 29 with Yile?
7 - Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?She doesn’t dream much, but when she does have nightmares they tend to feature either warped memories of the first time she died (being chased, helpless, lost and alone) or a strange inability to recognize the faces of the people around her/people she loves.
29 - What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?She was raised in a convent so her personal heroes were always the healers and the storytellers. When she was very young, she hoped one day someone would cure her muteness and she could join the saints who sang the stories of the gods. Later on, once she realized that day would never come, she shifted her interests on healing, believing it to be the highest possible aspiration for a follower of Caitha to reach.
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nightmaredaisy · 6 years
♦️ for Yile and ▼ for Julian.
♦️ - Quirks/HobbiesShe’s very attuned with her sense of touch, and that leads to a sort of stimming where she just likes to turn things over and over in her hands. She likes to collect stuff she finds have a specifically interesting texture (including souls and infusion stones). ▼ - ChildhoodJules was raised as Juliette, and was the youngest of five children, a brother, the eldest, and three sisters. They were the most shy and quiet of the bunch, preferring to stay home with their mom, watching her and their sisters cook and learning how to disassemble and put back old mechanical toys.
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nightmaredaisy · 6 years
☯ Yile of Carim pwease uwu
☯ - Likes/DislikesShe likes watching the sun low on the horizon, the smell of the grass after the rain, the feeling of the pyromancy flame in her hand, and she values honesty, kindness and generosity as the highest virtues in people.She dislikes to stay under the sun for long as it hurts her eyes and skin, getting blood and mud on her face, the taste of ash when she wakes up at the bonfire, and cannot stand smug jerks with a superiority complex.God knows how the hell she ended up with Pat.
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
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When the new set comes equipped with a pushup bra. 
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
Gwyn and Lapp
Gwyn : Seath, Mama Izalith, Havel (before Ledo was a thing)Lapp : Yil- uh I mean the Unkindled, Greirat, possibly one or more Ringed Knight, definitely Patches
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
Character Flaws
Bold all that apply to your character: 
Good Hunter Julian:
easily scared | whiny | repetitive | selfish | arrogant | easily excitable | too silly | stubborn | blank minded | overly cautious | loud | easily bored | untrustworthy | disloyal | manipulative | over-sensitive | possessive | clingy | obnoxious | gullible | annoying | judgmental | tactless | merciless | unlucky | soft-hearted | sarcastic | reckless | paranoid | unsophisticated | pushy | self-critical | smart-ass | solemn | erratic | unsociable | skeptical | egotistical | tongue-tied | temperamental | lazy | sadist | masochist | predictable
Yile of Carim:
easily scared | whiny | repetitive | selfish | arrogant | easily excitable | too silly | stubborn | blank minded | overly cautious | loud | easily bored | untrustworthy | disloyal | manipulative | over-sensitive | possessive | clingy | obnoxious | gullible | annoying | judgmental | tactless | merciless | unlucky | soft-hearted | sarcastic | reckless | paranoid | unsophisticated | pushy | self-critical | smart-ass | solemn | erratic | unsociable | skeptical | egotistical | tongue-tied | temperamental | lazy | sadist | masochist | predictable
Tagged by @bellringerkat
Tag : @asstralclocktower @guided-by-the-blood
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
26 for Yile :P, Durenhall 49, 22 and 23 for ~*Andrea*~ (if you want, I know it's been awhile)
26 - Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact) and why?We all know who the most important person in her life is ;) and that… is obviously Caitha, her goddess. Jokes aside, he faith is the things that shaped her and kept on going even despite her decision to give up her vows, and it is the oe thing she returns to when she ends up pregnant with Wendell and she has to leave Pat to return home. Let’s just say her love is equally divided between her Goddess and her boyfriend.As for least important… perhaps the victims of the Church of the Deep’s rise to power. She met Yorshka, and seen what became of the Old Gods and their followers, and even tho she doesn’t personally care about them the understood implications of the Outrider’s fate has sent a pang of dread and sadness into her every time she has come across them.
49 - Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush? He’s a lover of sour candy but he generally doesn’t like anything sweeter than marmalade, so it’s difficult to give him an actual sugar rush. He’d probably be just restless and nauseous for a while.
22 - What kind of student were they/would they be in high school? He’d be one of those teacher’s pets who’s in the student council and takes every scientific AP course on the list. He’s a born scholar like his father, so he might sound a little too bookish sometimes, but he’s willing to share his notes if you’re in his good graces ;P
23 - What is a random fact about your OC? He loves wild flowers and moss gardens, and thinks that there is some intriguing contradiction in confining and growing things that were meant to take their own free course. 
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
2 | 21 | 31 | 33 for Yile and Durenhall !
2 - Does your OC collect anything? What do they collect?Yile doesn’t collect anything in particular, she only holds on to things that are useful or mean a lot to her, the rest is all weight that she can’t afford to carry. She likes to help others expand their collections tho, especially if it’s her spellcaster friends.As for Durenhall… he collects broken hearts ;)
21 - What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?Duren tends to have a pretty controlling attitude toward every aspect of his life, and that clashes a lot with people who are either just as controlling or not easily fooled, which might elicit some petty revenges from him just to gain the upper hand. He also hates passionately anyone who would talk ill of his religion and takes any allegiance to the Darkmoon Blades or the hollows as a personal offence. Also don’t talk about his sister, he’s super possessive.Yile, like Duren, has a problem with anyone who disrespects her faith, but has a more accepting outlook and only gets truly offended and pissy if someone makes fun of her blind Sisters. She can’t stand liars and people who use violence for fun (look at your boyfriend, child, look at your choices), and being pressed about past personal things or touching her stuff will probably be rewarded with a slap.
31 - What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory? Yile’s childhood wasn’t exactly easy, growing up without a voice in a land where all power went to those who could instruct the populace with their tales was a big set back. She remembers the pain of being told she was no use home and sent on a pilgrimage, but the most traumatic memory is Perceval’s death at the hands of a group of unknown hunters as they crossed the border from Vinheim. She fell not too far from him, but when she came back his soul was already gone. She kept his pendant to remember the good things they had together, the joy she felt when he chose to serve her as her knight and follow her in her journey, and the times he held her close even tho he didn’t know her true feelings. The pendant is still her most precious possession.Durenhall has had a pretty carefree life despite his faith and his career as a knight, but the strenghtening Deep ritual in which his right eye was scarred and remaiden infected with dark magic still secretly haunts his dreams. His most fond memories are either linked to his successes in his covenant and his time spent with his beloved sister Dulcibea, the only person he will ever show his true colors to.
33 - Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? Duren is a hunter for the cult of the Deep, he would probably kill a child if they ordered him to. Murder to him is a sport and an act of faith, and tho what truly happened that time at the ritual is unclear he might have actually already ate a piece of his victims. Yile on the contrary is a nun, and a healer loyal to Caitha at that, so to her the loss of a life is an inevitable tragedy but a tragedy nonetheless. She will only kill in self defense and if totally necessary for the well being of her friends or to protect innocents, but she will always pray for the souls of all who fell under her blade. 
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
Random fact: Soren won't laugh out loud in front of people, because his laugh has just turned into this huge mess of bleats and snorts. It's adorable. He hates it.
Aaaaaaaaah cutie
Yile is unable to let out an actual proper laugh so generally the only way to tell she’s laughing is the movement of her body. But when there’s something that really, really makes her laugh she starts making short whistling intakes of air that sounds like broken hiccups and it’s pretty hilarious.
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nightmaredaisy · 8 years
45, 46, 47, 48 for Yile!
45. Is your character the kind to hide their true emotions or do they wear their heart on their sleeve?Given her lack of voice, she uses her expressions a lot to be properly understood. Yile is not one to hide, often because she has no reason to. She can close down when the topic becomes too personal (like the loss of her old love) but she’s generally pretty open with her emotions.46. What is some random affectionate thing that your character always does to their lover?She likes to take care of any kind of injury Pat might get during his *ahem* business trips. Even if it’s just small cuts and scrapes or bruises, she’s always more than willing to clear it out with a little healing miracle. Someone might suspect she does it on purpose to get her hands on him and maybe that someone isn’t so wrong.47. Is your character outgoing? Would they be the leader of the friend group, or the quiet one that gets dragged along?She’s a nun from Carim, so not exactly what you might call the life of the party :P she’s social enough to be willing to help out others who need it but most of the time she gets dragged into more complicated situations by her friends.48. Is there anything in particular that would ignite your character’s jealousy? Or does your character not get envious?She does get a little touchy about her lovers or crushes, but getting jealous over Patches would mean that there is someone competing for Patches attention and the probabilities of that are limited (his flirting doesn’t count because he’s full of shit and she knows it). She’d be probably sad instead of angry if she thought she could lose him, as she tends to be pretty emotionally dependent over people she loves (again, don’t get her started over Perceval, it’s a sore spot).
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nightmaredaisy · 8 years
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Omg it’s done. And with an actual shitty backgroud too ??? WOAH MAN
I know Pat is missing the metal pauldron on the left, but let’s just pretend Yile took it off to nuzzle him better.They’re probably just joking about other residents in Firelink, anyway.
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