getbackhomeward · 7 years
50, 44, 27, 20, 17, 9, 1
50. Last love?
n/a, ask me again in 70-odd years when I’m on my death bed. 
44. Do you flirt?
Rarely and terribly. 
27. What makes you smile?
Sunny days. When you’re out walking, surrounded by nature, the sun is out, it is a pleasant temperature, you realise you are happy and you smile. 
20. Do you fall in love easily?
Once upon a time, I would have said yes, I fall easily. But then I realised that this wasn’t love I was falling into, so I put up a shell. So I would have said no. And then, like a flower blooming when the time is right, I fell. So I guess, yes?
17. Favorite game as a child?
Video or real life? We used to play ‘mob’ when we were allowed on the field in primary school. Those were happy days. Video games on the other hand… I could go on. 
9. What’s your aesthetic?
My aesthetic is me, I don’t know. I don’t try and cultivate any sort of aesthetic, my outward expression is just naturally me. So my aesthetic would be ‘Jake’. 
1. Have you met your soul mate?
The moment you know, you know, you know. 
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benjohn12237 · 7 years
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oldpaul · 9 years
getbackhomeward replied to your post: “who wants to meet me @ liverpool to see sir paul together tho. im not...”:
I can't decide between London or Liverpool :'(
go with the cheaper one, probably. i'll be at the liverpool show tho ;D
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getbackhomeward · 7 years
3, 5, 12, 17
Man, I haven’t done one of these for YEARS! Alright!
Gonna put a ‘read more’ thing since my answers were longer than expected. (you can tell I haven’t used tumblr much recently since I couldn’t work out how to put a ‘keep reading thing’ and put multiple ‘lines’.)
3. First kiss experience?
Sorry, I ended up pouring my heart out so this is long. 
            Ah, a happy story with a sad ending. Okay, so I spent a month on expedition in Namibia, the summer after I left school and before I went to uni. There was this lovely girl in the group who really liked me. And, being the young, shy, innocent and totally inexperienced 18 year old I was - I feel head over heels after being shown the slightest bit of affection. Now, 18 is quite old for a first kiss! I’d manage to avoid any lip to lip contact thus far in life. But I’d decided that whenever it happened I wanted it to be with the person who would be my first girlfriend and so on, dot dot dot. 
Anyway. We’re on a four-day trek through the mountains of Namibia. Beautiful place. And on the third night, our shelter is basically a stone wall, with a wooden canopy, and a gravel floor. Some of the other girls somehow ensured that our sleeping bags were next to each other. It was a cold yet wondrous African night, you could see the stars so clearly, and see the milky way etched across the night sky. We’d all settled down to sleep. She and I gradually moved closer and closer, my heart pounding as I realised I was finally about to have my first kiss and that I really had no clue as to what I was supposed to do with my lips. But, it happened. I figured it out pretty quickly. And it was really nice, we had a nice little snog, it felt amazing, and then we fell asleep. The next day she told someone else that she wouldn’t have known that was my first kiss. So I can’t have been that bad! Alas, although we chatted a lot when we got home, a few weeks later, before anything got serious, I got hit with the ‘let’s just be friends’ hammer, had my heart utterly broken, and then had to move out for uni and try and put my life back together. But still, as first kisses go I think it was pretty magical. 
5. In your opinion, cutest way to be asked out?
Not much experience here, but I guess for me the cutest way is when, you both kinda want to make that move, so end up blushingly suggesting coffee, and you have that awkward but cute ‘does this qualify as a first date?’ vibe. 
12. Left handed or right handed?
Lefties unite! 
17. Favorite and least favorite subjects in school?
Hard to pick a favourite since, weirdly,  I enjoyed nearly all subjects. Especially History, French and English. Least favourite? Definitely Maths and Welsh. Sbwirel! 
Thank you and sorry for waffling on. 
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getbackhomeward · 7 years
Two Programmes I've Just Started Watching:
Vikings (3 episodes) Mr. Robot. (1 episode) Both very good so far. Usually struggle watching tv shows because I feel like I never have the time. (Although I spend most of my time doing nothing in particular anyway).
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oldpaul · 9 years
getbackhomeward replied to your post: “i cannot fucking believe sir paul rapped on a kanye west song”:
Dat autotune is cray cray
i cannot believe this entire thing
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oldpaul · 10 years
getbackhomeward replied to your post: “I’ll keep you guys updated there’s a ‘fox news alert’ about sir paul...”:
Hopefully Fox are over exaggerating as usual :/
Yeah. I'll let you know what they say
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oldpaul · 10 years
getbackhomeward replied to your post: “when will you seeee meeeee, my salamaaander”:
Been stuck in my head all day
best wings album
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oldpaul · 10 years
Happy Birthday! :D
aah thank you!!! :DD
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